The great job messages in this cash register when you answer correctly are "Great job!", "Well done!", "Hooray!", "Keep it up!", "Excellent!", and "Amazing!". And the message of when you answer incorrectly is "No!", "Oops!", and Uh oh!". If you answer incorrectly twice in a row, the cash register will tell you what the correct answer was before moving onto another question.
Also, the usual amount of incorrect answers in a row before moving on would be three because three strikes and you're out, but for this toy, it's two strikes instead, so it's not like baseball.
There are three levels in each game, with level 1 being the easiest and level 3 being the hardest. For example, I'm 17 years old, and I should do this at level 3, the hardest level. Also, since carrying and borrowing is necessary in level 3 and because I'm 17, I shouldn't do this with scratch paper anymore since I mastered the order of operations.
The great job messages in this cash register when you answer correctly are "Great job!", "Well done!", "Hooray!", "Keep it up!", "Excellent!", and "Amazing!". And the message of when you answer incorrectly is "No!", "Oops!", and Uh oh!". If you answer incorrectly twice in a row, the cash register will tell you what the correct answer was before moving onto another question.
Also, the usual amount of incorrect answers in a row before moving on would be three because three strikes and you're out, but for this toy, it's two strikes instead, so it's not like baseball.
There are three levels in each game, with level 1 being the easiest and level 3 being the hardest. For example, I'm 17 years old, and I should do this at level 3, the hardest level. Also, since carrying and borrowing is necessary in level 3 and because I'm 17, I shouldn't do this with scratch paper anymore since I mastered the order of operations.
I’m afraid to buy it because in the reviews a lot of people says that appears an error on the screen … still work perfectly for your kids??
Thank u