The Most Important Facts About Divine Healing


Комментарии • 25

  • @tjmalcangi
    @tjmalcangi  Год назад

    Thanks for watching, if you’d like to give visit us online at Thank you for standing with us!

  • @philomenaonumah5949
    @philomenaonumah5949 Год назад


  • @philomenaonumah5949
    @philomenaonumah5949 Год назад

    Christ lives in me

  • @danelledonahue1274
    @danelledonahue1274 Год назад +2

    ❤ 🕊 ✝️

  • @amansivana5300
    @amansivana5300 Год назад +5

    Devil is defeated

    • @au8363
      @au8363 Год назад +3

      Forever And Ever AMEN.!!!😊

  • @eurekayankee6690
    @eurekayankee6690 Год назад +1

    God is absolutely good

  • @amypoole1055
    @amypoole1055 Год назад

    Yes! We are spiritual beings in suits of flesh! Praise the Lord for HE is good 💜🙌🏼

  • @soldier4christ339
    @soldier4christ339 Год назад


  • @jessejohnabrahammartinez9931
    @jessejohnabrahammartinez9931 Год назад +1


  • @Jo3_Jo3
    @Jo3_Jo3 Год назад

    @12:13 FULL of LOVE and He is Still a Helper 💝

  • @soldier4christ339
    @soldier4christ339 Год назад


  • @ninjazxd
    @ninjazxd Год назад +1

    Man I will say I have the worst of luck when It comes to deliverance. I have watched your videos, attended so many deliverances, went to church Sunday at Embassy City in Atlanta and Got prayed over there for it and I just can't shake the anxiety. I know everyone says its only caused by a demon, but I would say that I am living proof it is not only caused by a demon. I have had some hardcore deliverance warriors try to get this thing off me and none had any success. Today I feel like crap because I just started on Lexapro 10mg and once I get past the loading stage it should be smooth sailing. I had a very high rate of remission from anxiety in the past on Lexapro but it eventually quit working and I went off of it for a year and went back on and it worked great. It quit working almost two years ago and I just started back today so let hope it works as good as it did in the past. He delivered me from dipping tobacco and He delivered me from a really bad toothache and my mom prayed is the name of Jesus over my little boy who is Autistic and couldn't talk and now he talks about everything, so I know He delivers people.

    • @tjmalcangi
      @tjmalcangi  Год назад +2

      You need the word in you. Get in your Bible daily. It’s not enough to just know what’s in the Bible. You have to actually BELIEVE and the way you develop that faith is by hearing & understanding God’s word. There is no shortcut. It’s what got me out of the pit of anxiety 10 years ago.

    • @SalwaSamra
      @SalwaSamra Год назад +1

      I have spoken the word, passages and passages, Old and New Testament, as prayers, out loud for 26 years. Believed, expected, stood in faith, constantly watching testimonies and I’m a strong prayer warrior.
      I’ve NOT been delivered from anxiety, sorrow, horror, terror, nausea, headaches, etc. it all has come through brain inflammation.
      I have casted out, binded, YOU BETTER BELIEVE I KNOW MY AUTHORITY IN CHRIST, I speak it out daily and I tell Satan he has no power, no authority, NOTHING! He’s crushed under my feet. I’ve done it all. GOD IS MY WITNESS.
      I’ve brought God’s word back to him over and over again and for 6 years I’ve still not been DELIVERED and have suffered beyond imagination and I STILL BELIEVE HE CAN AND WILL.
      I challenge Him on His word DAILY - “Today is the day of salvation.” Always say and believe that.
      Therefore, please, tell me why our Loving Father hasn’t delivered?
      It’s in His hand. He did it for you. Why isn’t He doing it for me and the faith, expectancy, belief, knowing I have that he can?
      He needs to remain faithful to His word. You ASK HIM WHY? It’s ENOUGH!!
      This is a mockery to our God that I’m still extremely unwell.
      You ask Him. I’ve obeyed. Stood firm. Prayed for others. Know the Living Word of God. It’s overdue. Enough is enough. It’s time for God to act according to His word NOT MINE.

    • @ninjazxd
      @ninjazxd Год назад +2

      @@SalwaSamra I never believed it to be a faith issue, I've seen Athiest people delivered, I've seen Muslims delivered and I assure you they definitely had zero faith and got set free. It blows my mind, I read my bible some but I listen to the bible more. Reading was never my gift, heck nothing else in school was except welding and automotive, I guess that's why I'm a diesel tech and also a welder/fabricator. Well technically I'm just a lazy ass that sits at home watching church instead of getting a job and waiting on my VA disability to get approved according to my wife. She says it's all in my head and really that's all anxiety is, we just over respond to a situation or a bodily symptom. Lexapro worked so good in the past so here is to it working again, but this time I'm not going to take the backseat and let the medication keep it under control but instead I am going to get all the therapy I can handle since the VA gives it free to veterans, to fix this stuff at the root. I know my testosterone being really low is probably causing most of it but unfortunately the VA doesn't get in a hurry with anything and I can't get that addressed until next year. Just hang in there, maybe it's caused by something else in your body and your anxiety is a symptom of something else and the anxiety can't be dealt with without fixing the source. Whenever the body experiences a lack of a certain nutrient or hormone, or there is something affecting a part of your body it senses it had puts the body in stress mode. Like for example If you go without eating it causes stress, Cortisol is released and you start stressing and getting the tight breathing or the heart palpitations and the first little bit of worry you give towards it confirms what the brain is doing and then the adrenaline flows and BAM panic attack. It's all about response to a given situation. This website I am learning from is very helpful, and here it is
      Check it out, its helping me understand it more. Like today I went to Wal-Mart and got dogfood, but I stopped with my little boy in the lego aisle and my older son in the video game aisle and I got anxious but I handled it the way they website teaches and the anxiousness dissolved, normally going to the back of the store far from the exit has me in fear mode mixed with tactical mode but this time I was fine.

    • @SalwaSamra
      @SalwaSamra Год назад +1

      @@ninjazxd - thank you so much for your caring response. All you’ve shared I’m very privy to and have had therapy, cognitive behavioural tutoring, hormones checked, I’ve exhausted all holistic, natural, integrative, clinical and even had tests sent to the USA, I’m in Australia, to no avail.
      I can’t articulate the ongoing elimination of foods, regimes, protocols and the likes, to no success. However, I continue to pray and believe our God can. I’ve had intercessors pray for 6 years. I’ve had multiple deliverance ministries like you.
      There is so much to my story it’s too long to explain. I’m exhausted. I’ve forgiven anyone who I may have held unforgiveness. I’ve obeyed God in areas and things He’s asked me to give up.
      At the end of the day, Biblically, God requires to adhere to His word. It’s only His Word and promises I’m relying on. I know my father on earth wouldn’t have allowed this this long and this cruel.
      We all go through trials and tribulations but this is above and beyond. It’s Gods mercy I call upon, too. I need God to show up. Show His compassion, love, glory and an encounter with him.
      I’ve served him for 32 years. It’s all very hurtful.

    • @ninjazxd
      @ninjazxd Год назад +2

      @@SalwaSamra I agree with you there, and the answer always is the same, "Read more Pray more" But in your case you do both already. If that truly was an issue then why do these random non believing or believing people get healed in droves? A lot of them weren't praying more and reading more. It really makes a person feel Dammed or Forsaken or to be cloaked from God's sight. Like take for example my 9 year old had a bad toothache this morning about 2am, I prayed for and laying hands on him until I was blue in the face, You know what actually worked the Ibuprofen and the Oragel. Hearing my son saying why isn't he healing it and all I can say is say I have no idea bud, I've been wondering this my whole life. They say healing is for today, but I am starting to wonder for whom is it for? But I will be free when when the trumpet sounds or I go in the ground. Until then I will keep on trying to find a way to get over this, but I will say God gives man the knowledge to fix things, so between medicine and books, the answer can be found. Take for example if I got a migraine, if I asked the Lord for healing there would be a really good chance I would be suffering that migraine until it went away on its own, or I take migraine meds that a doctor came up with and it's immediately addressed.
      Here is a parable I have heard many times and the more I hear it the more it makes sense.:A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.
      Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, “Jump in, I can save you.”
      The stranded fellow shouted back, “No, it’s OK, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me.”
      So the rowboat went on.
      Then a motorboat came by. “The fellow in the motorboat shouted, “Jump in, I can save you.”
      To this the stranded man said, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”
      So the motorboat went on.
      Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, “Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety.”
      To this the stranded man again replied, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”
      So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
      Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, “I had faith in you but you didn’t save me, you let me drown. I don’t understand why!”
      To this God replied, “I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?”
      He gives doctors the knowledge to do surgeries, create medications, to try and fix peoples mental issues, or anything else that ailed them. I don't want to get to heaven one day and say why Lord? Where were you? and then Him ultimately saying, if you did what all the doctors I sent you to said to do, or read the self help books I showed you on google, you were willing to take meds for the other stuff in your life, why wouldn't you take the meds for the anxiety stuff? I sent all this stuff your way and you didn't receive it.