I love all the facts about the cities you travel to ! This city is beautiful! It sure looked warmer than 17! Nice meeting your family too ! Love your videos ! Thank you !
Nice one, y’all. Great content. A nice mixture of your family experience in Russia and history of Abkhazia. Missing the Caucasus region a ton. Agree that borders are incredibly interesting (and maddening sometimes). I taught English with a family from Abkhazia when living in Tbilisi. Such a complex issue.
Thank you, we are so happy that you are enjoying our content ☺️ Borders of the former ussr countries are especially crazy, so fascinating, baffling and infuriating what they purposely did to them. Oh wow so interesting! Were they refugees from the war? I remember reading just how many there were in Georgia and Tbilisi especially. Especially ethnic Georgians that had lived in Abkhazia for generations and now can't return to their homes. Like you say, so complex, and as always, normal people are the ones to suffer!
@@MattandJulia Absolutely agree. Yes, they were displaced peoples, and indeed there is a large community in Tbilisi. The particular family I worked with were able to immigrate to New York. But in conversation there was definitely a pride in Abkhazia as a home. I tread lightly but with great interest as a guest in countries on such subjects, but I can say that even with some of the strains between Georgia and Russia in recent history, 99% of the time Nastya was treated with kindness as a Russian. As an American I more often got the question “why do you live here?”, but I loved it.
First of all russia stole abkhazia from georgia second that abkhazia or apsua stole our culture third thing abkhazia dont have history becouse it is georgian province and only history abkhazia had it was kingdom abkhazia and it was georgian kingdom and it had georgian leader bagrat the second so abkazia of apsua its just autonomous region of georgia and not independence country and we dont care if russia recognise abkhazia or ossetia abkhazia and south ossetia is Georgia 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
Did they change the procedure for entering Abkhasia? I went there in 2012, and my friend went there several times up to 2017, and we always entered directly from Russia, not from Georgia. It was literally a walk across a bridge, plus a fast ID check.
@@MattandJulia As a matter of fact, I did check after your video, and it seems like Russia-Abkhazia border is still open, despite Covid. But yeah, I didn't think of the obvious. It is open for Russian nationals.
@Maria Kapsina Matt is being a stooge for Brit propaganda. Britons can enter anytime via Sochi. There is no British law anyway definitely forbidding anybody from entering Abkhazia or that would indeed be an obvious undemocratic tendency if they were so thick-faced to do that. Not that Western propaganda is still being taken seriously recently anyway
@Maria Kapsina this really makes me take a second look at this vlog. This is a psyop, Julia is turned into a British asset, playing the Russian maiden who acquired a British accent while his husband inject his disinfo in the process. Not a very innocent tandem after all
Really really loving learning about all of these different places in Europe id never heard of before!!! I’ve been binging your vlogs hehe Abso love it Thankyou so much!!!!🥰Xxx
Abkhazia may be poor but the people there are rightfully proud. I spent a day there followed by an evening of traditional feast and entertainment, one of the best days of my long life.
Julia how neat to see your Mum. You look just like her. You both are beautiful. It’s never to late to do what you want. It’s a sad history for the country. Such beautiful scenery. Loved this video. ❤️❤️
This area of The World is so Beautiful & Spectacular ! I wish things were easier, so more Tourists could visit & help the locals, by propping up the Economy. I really hope to visit the entire Coast some day !
Abkhazia is part of Georgia, currently occupied by Russia. It's not a state. It's not a country. It's a region like any other, part of Georgia under hostile, foreign occupation.
@@fieryapple7020 It doesn't work that way pal. First off all, for a country to be independent, they need to be recognized by other countries. Georgians can't enter Abkhazia because it's occupied by Russia. Abkhazia has been part of Georgia for as long as it has exsisted, even before Georgia was called Georgia. Todays Abkhazia was a part of the ancient Georgian Kingdom Colchis,(Along with other historical Georgian Regions, such as Samegrelo And Svaneti). From the East of Colchis, There was a Kingdom of Iberia. in 9th-10th Centuries, those two Kingdoms United. That's when Georgia was named Georgia under the king Bagrat III.
@@fieryapple7020 Georgians and Abkhazians lived Peacefully for a long time, and before the war started, Many Georgians lived in Abkhazia, and vice versa. After the war 200000 Ethnic Georgians were forced to leave Abkhazia and also more than 5000 Georgians got killed. Look at the state of Abkhazia right now, you think Russians care about Abkhazia more than we do? Do some research and think, Before you make such bold statements.
Now it's independent and Abkhazian people want nothing to do with Georgians. They absolutely hate Georgia after what they've done in the war, and they are PROUD to be independent. I've been there a lot and I know what I'm saying.
Some mountains people settled there georgians allowed them to live there now they want independence and they are claiming that colchis never was georgia LOL a## naked people from mointains who never had anything claiming that they are abkhazians yet abhkaz is a mingrelian word LOL they have nothing people of adigea who are claiming that they are abkhazians yet they have zero cluei that there was no nation called abkhazia never evr its just a region of georgia where svans/laz/mingrels lived LOL
@@adavada5394 You`re not much of a historian, hence, your assumption is baseless. I reiterate, Abkhazia as a standalone country has never existed. Prove me wrong if you can.
Penso che il mondo intero dovrebbe conoscere l'Abkhazia. L'Abkhazia è stata per secoli un grande stato nella geografia del Caucaso settentrionale, infatti, per un po', è stata una regione sotto il controllo dell'Abkhazia in tutta la Georgia a est La popolazione dell'Abkhazia fu deportata nella geografia ottomana dall'amministrazione russa zarista nel 1800 dopo le guerre Sebbene l'Abkhazia fosse uno dei paesi fondatori dei sovietici fino al 1931, il suo status fu ridotto all'autonomia da Stalin, un georgiano, dopo Lenin. ed è stato collegato alla Georgia.In seguito, non ha mai fatto parte della Georgia. Dopo che la Russia ha riconosciuto l'Abkhazia, la Turchia dovrebbe riconoscere anche la Repubblica di Abkhazia. In Turchia ci sono molti più Abkhazi-Abazini della popolazione dell'Abkhazia.
That "country" in quotation marks in symptomatic of the Western arrogance. Who are you to tell which nations deserve indepedence and which don't? They have been de facto indepedent and have had a state for thirty years. It is about time to come to terms with reality. Do not go back to Abkhazia, the locals may be offtended
გეთანხმები სოჭი საქართველოს ტერიტორია იყო ასევე სხვა ტერიტორიებიც რომელიც რუსეთს უკავიათ ჩრდილოეთით მაშინ რუსეთი არ არსებობდა როცა საქართველოს მთელი 5000 წელი უარსებია ქართველებს ვგულისხმობ.
how can you make a video with stating facts that are not true since you don’t even know the country’s history?Abkhazia is Abkhazia , and btw Sochi used to be Abkhazian,but after the Russo-Caucasian war it became part of the Russian Empire.The “Krasnaya Polyana” is literally called Krasnaya because of the amount of blood of dead Ahchipsoy/Kbaade-ancient Abkhaz-Adyg tribes, while the supporters of the Russian Empire genocide towards Caucasians were Georgias and Mingrelias
@@Cavalieria Both the river and the city were named by Georgians. Sochi was built on top of an abandoned Greek (Pontus) settlement by King Bagrat IV of Georgia, who ruled Georgia with Sokhumi (Abkhazia btw) as the capital of the kingdom in 11th century, somewhere between 1060-1070. This is a historical fact, check with whatever source you want (just not RTVI, they're lying to you, don't tell anyone). We don't claim Sochi now because it was only a part of Georgia for 100 or so years. So it's not like Abkhazia which is 100% Georgia and has been for thousands of years. I'm not saying that Sochi is or should be in Georgia (much like Tao in Turkey or any other historically Georgian regions too far away from modern borders) but it is a Georgian city, built by Georgians. P.S. it's not So'CH'i, it's So'ჭ'ი, there is not even such letter in Circassian language, that alone is the proof, but please do check whatever sources you want...
Still a great video. No mention of the Circassians. Thr pre-Soviets Russian Christians forced the Circassians to leave. Turks said Yhy you being such bullies. Anyway Circassians got kicked out.
What I'd like to know is who the person behind russian accent elimination is. It's still there but the heavy British influence is undeniable. Someone with a special interest in phonetics has done wonders to this girl's speech production...husband? mother-in-law?
You could just ask me in the first person. I moved to the UK when I was 18 and there was no special accent magician helping me out, I learnt to speak myself ✌🏻
It is not a country, it is Georgia!!! RUssians kicked out 70% of population, Georgians!! Name Abkhazia is a Georgian name, these people are Absua, that's how they call themselves.. read historical books, look at historical buildings, castles, churches, and read what is written there.. it is all Georgian!!
@@MattandJuliaYes, it feels like another country, like Georgia. Check how well-developed Batumi is, and you’ll understand how purely utilized this natural beauty is in Sochi. That’s how Russia shaped the future of and made it look like a post-Soviet abandoned territory.
Abkazia was,is and will be Georgia! We feel sorry that Russia has occupied our country and it is still trying to conquer not only Georgia’s land,but Ukraine too. 💙💛
@@pizdeeec7130 I am not bot. Abkhazia was,is and will be Georgia forever. Russia is an occupant. ugly Putin is killing million innocent people in Ukraine. God sees everything.
@@lindakhimshiashvili7851 you people literally tried to conquer abkhazia when they declined the ultimatum you gave them to submit to you. A similar line of events happened with south ossetia too.
Abkhazia is Georgia. There will be no peace, nor war over until Russia and Russian-backed separatists leave our country. Ask the Karabakh separatists how those deals with Russia end. I recall fellow Abkhaz citizens of Georgia who were misled by these forces of evil to come to their minds because Georgia will restore its territorial unity and sovereignty eventually, one way or another.
The Russian-backed separatists are the entire population of the country. What you want to do is ethnic cleansing and is a crime for which people are comdemned to lengthy prison sentences
So... :/ I'm born in abkhazia and liave with my family koz the war to greece like refugees and till now my life have RUINED for reazons i dont really anderstand and the only thing i know is that i h*** russian and georgia for differend but main reazons, i jast hope one day to go look at my old house and etc.
Why do you hate Georgia? In that case should not you also hate Abkhazia? Cause they started wars while everything was fine. I am Georgian and I love Abkhazians and consider them as us, not separate people, but it is very confusing and sad that the people that used to live together under one country for thousands of years is trying to split from and marge with other country (Russia) that they know for only few centuries and do not even have good relationship with them. Georgians do not hate Abkhazians at all. If you come to Georgia and take a sign that you are Abkhazian, Georgians will most likely hug you
Sochi is not exactly Russia - for example, in Russia, cars stop at pedestrian crossings, but in Sochi there are none, the development does not look like a typical Russian city, the majority of Sochi residents are Armenians.
Georgia should join the Russian Federation so it becomes relevant again, Georgia is just a comedian trying to act like a country now, nobody respects it
@georgia tbilisi trying the sympathy card? are you a moron? People are interested in Abkhazia, the Soviet playground, not in Georgia. And here you are, corny Georgians insisting it is part of Georgia when the Abkhazians have already gained independence when their old retiree volunteers beat the Georgian soldiers out TWICE long ago. What you can't do in real battles, you do with your gossip here
Being democratic, I believe in the power of the people. The Abkhazians fought for their independence from Georgia TWICE & won. Just thick-faced these Georgians changing facts with gossips because they can't change things in the ground
@@milomilo417 "TWICE " - when was the second time? " The Abkhazians fought for their independence from Georgia" - if you call ethnic cleansing fighting, then yeah "Just thick-faced these Georgians changing facts with gossips because they can't change things in the ground" - you don't know english that well do you?
@Giorgi Kvernadze what a lot of nonsense, & you just proved you are a typical thick-faced Georgian. Admit it, Georgia is so insignificant, your delusion is that clinging to the West would give you license for your nonsense, but think again. Georgia has so little to offer that everybody can just burst out laughing anytime HAHAHA
Abkhazia does not act as a completely separate state. It's heavily dependent on russia and russian politics. Abkhazia has never existed as an independent country, ever.
@@meegz149 You are talking about people who killed Georgians. Also Many Georgians became displaced in their own country. You have no chance to be independent. The civilized world is on Georgia's side .
Abkhazia in reality is a Russia sphere of influence zone occupied by mercenaries. Not to say Abkhazian independence is a joke but it never would have happened without Russia support. It will never be independent as it accepted help from Russia, binding it forever.
@@hastywolfauthor4219 abkhazians are georgians wich were forced to leave their homes because of Russian occupation:)! in abkhazia there are now apsua tribes from north caucasus and Armenians and they are calling themselves abkhazians :) and even Abkhazia is Georgian word and have its meaning :). and yes their independence is a big joke ……. do u know that even Sochi is a georgian territory? but now it’s Russian just google it ;). but Abkhazia is of course georgia )
Being democratic, I believe in the power of the people. The Abkhazians fought for their independence from Georgia TWICE & won. Just thick-faced these Georgians changing facts with gossips because they can't change things in the ground Have shame, people
No Geographically the border between Europe and Asia is determined by the European culture therefore Georgia, Cyprus, Armenia, Azerbaijan are fully inside Europe.
No! Geographically Georgia is in the caucasus region and most of its territory is in Asia but some parts of Georgia is in europe 15%.. ….. ( geographically Armenia and Cyprus are fully in Asia) .
@MattandJulia in a way it is. At least they do participate in Eurovision song context. But Georgia is culturally European, including Abkhazia as well since it is old Christian civilization and Europe is mainly Christian hub 😅
It is nice to see the whole family together! I do have a major question! Mom is tall! Brother is tall! Sister is tall! Can't help but wonder what happened to Julia! (Runt of the litter!) 🤣😂😁 I apologize Julia!!!! Just kidding. Although that is not so bad, as compared to the kiwis that kicked Matts nuts!👍🤦♂️
I replied this to one of the comments, but I did not want it to be hiden so I recommented it here Well, listen. I am not here to start a fight, but I just want to tell you a simple thing. Abkhzians and Georgians used to live together under one country for thousands of years, but recently they started to break away from Georgia. - Is this not a brainwashing? Everything was fine and sundenly everything changed. Why is Abkhazaia only one that is trying to split from Georgia and not other regions such as Mingrelia, Adjara, Kakhetia? - Let me tell you, because Abkhazians got brainwashed and others did not. You my say "South Ossetia" is also separatist state - Here we are facing occupation. Ossetia has not been in the Caucasus at all when Caucasians used to dominate the region, and only recently they occupied somewhat middle of the Caucasus, including Georgian teritories. Why do we think that Abkhazians want indepencence? - Because of the Russia's propaganda. Everyday you can her Russia trying to buy or take some of Abkhazia's teritory. Abkhazia alredy lost Sochi and above regions which was always theirs (Georgians if unclear). Abkhazia is so geo-politicaly good placed, has good resources and tourist attractions with it's mountaians and sea mixing, four deepest caves in the world, beutiful nature and so on that state like Russia could not handle and it's no surprise that they are trying to occupy it, which is of course wrong. I love Abkhazians, even though they consider us enemies. Go to Georgia and ask Abkhazians if they want to reunite or if they would like to have Abkhazian as friend, wife, husband or anything. They will accept them as Georgians because they are Georgians. No Georgian hate Abkhazians. Yes, we had war with them, but it was still for them against Russia's aggresion. Even now Georgia is supporting Abkhazia with a lot of things. At the end of the day, what's wrong with uniting and living together? Only enemies would want you to be separated so that they can defeat you easily.
Abkhazians were separate from Georgia until Stalin stole their land and gave it to Georgians. What you mean brainwashed? They speak a completley diffrent language from Georgians and are ethnically different.
@nyny3552 how does language determine their nationality? You know Ireland speaks English while they are not English? Also those African nations speak European languages, should we call them Europeans and occupy them? No. on top of that first evidence of Abkhazian language dates back to 17th century or something and it's only one, meaning anyone could have come to Abkhazia and write something in their language. Same goes for Abkhazia, and about Stalin part it's completely wrong, I think you have never read nor seen maps of Georgia. On top of that when people live united does not matter wether they have same race or not, let's say African and Asian live together for thousands of years and all of a sudden one of them decides to break apart, there is a cause and in this case only cause is that Abkhazians mindset changed, which means they got brainwashed. If you think I am wrong use facts, not your thoughts.
@@Shehuduli "The Abkhazians historically maintained their distinct identity, separate from Georgia, until Stalin redefined borders, effectively transferring Abkhazian territory to Georgia. It's inaccurate to claim that this is simply a matter of indoctrination-Abkhazians speak an entirely different language and are ethnically distinct from Georgians." Moreover, the Abkhazians have a deep-rooted history in the Caucasus region, with evidence suggesting their presence for over 3,000 years. During the medieval period, particularly in the 8th to 10th centuries, Abkhazia was a powerful kingdom that eventually formed a union with Georgia in the 13th century. In this union, Abkhazia was often considered the stronger partner, contributing significantly to the cultural and political landscape of the region. Despite these historical ties, the Abkhazians have always maintained their distinct ethnic and linguistic identity, separate from that of Georgians. It wasn't until the Soviet era, under Stalin’s leadership, that the borders were forcibly redrawn, effectively subsuming Abkhazian territory into Georgia. To dismiss the Abkhazian claim to their land as merely the result of indoctrination overlooks their rich history and cultural independence. Abkhazians speak a completely different language from Georgians and have always identified as a distinct ethnic group. Many online commentators who insist that Abkhazia is rightfully part of Georgia often align with narratives promoted by the Georgian government to garner support for reintegrating Abkhazia into Georgia. These assertions are frequently viewed as part of a propaganda campaign. Additionally, some of these individuals are criticized for holding prejudiced views, as they dismiss the distinct ethnic and cultural identity of the Abkhazian people.
@georgia tbilisi are you a moron? People are interested in Abkhazia, the Soviet playground, not in Georgia. And here you are, corny Georgians insisting it is part of Georgia when the Abkhazians have already gained independence when their old retiree volunteers beat the Georgian soldiers out long ago. What you can't do in real battles, you do with your gossip here
@@milomilo417 yea yea, "independence" only being recognised by random countries who don't even care about them, economy is so bad there that abkhazians are starving and these days not even russians want to visit it anymore because of all the increasing crime rates, you don't even have any idea about anything, I'd recommend you to refrain from talking about such complicated topics as this, or else you will simply show yourself to other how uneducated you are.
Abkhazia doesn't exist as a country. it has never existed. it has always been a part of Georgia. Russia is occupant. Those are facts here, you can cry about that, false-abkhazians living rn on historical Georgian territory.
Desde Paraguay, Abjasia y Osetia del Sur son territorios georgianos 🇵🇾🤝🇬🇪
From Paraguay, Abkhazia and South Ossetia are Georgian territories 🇵🇾🤝🇬🇪
So why I've never seen Georgian flags in Abkhazia?
@@pwzone3132 Because it`s currently occupied by the Russian Federation.
@@eagleeye182 really? So why did I cross the border when I came to Abkhazia from Russia?
@@eagleeye182 and do you know that Georgians attacked Abkhazia, not Russia?
@@pwzone3132 I told you already. It`s currently occupied by the Russian Federation. You wouldn`t be able to cross the border from the Georgian side.
What a great content! My wife is from Sochi and I absolutely luv that city.
Thank you very much 🤗❤️
I love all the facts about the cities you travel to ! This city is beautiful! It sure looked warmer than 17! Nice meeting your family too ! Love your videos ! Thank you !
Nice one, y’all. Great content. A nice mixture of your family experience in Russia and history of Abkhazia. Missing the Caucasus region a ton. Agree that borders are incredibly interesting (and maddening sometimes). I taught English with a family from Abkhazia when living in Tbilisi. Such a complex issue.
Thank you, we are so happy that you are enjoying our content ☺️
Borders of the former ussr countries are especially crazy, so fascinating, baffling and infuriating what they purposely did to them.
Oh wow so interesting! Were they refugees from the war? I remember reading just how many there were in Georgia and Tbilisi especially. Especially ethnic Georgians that had lived in Abkhazia for generations and now can't return to their homes. Like you say, so complex, and as always, normal people are the ones to suffer!
@@MattandJulia Absolutely agree. Yes, they were displaced peoples, and indeed there is a large community in Tbilisi. The particular family I worked with were able to immigrate to New York. But in conversation there was definitely a pride in Abkhazia as a home. I tread lightly but with great interest as a guest in countries on such subjects, but I can say that even with some of the strains between Georgia and Russia in recent history, 99% of the time Nastya was treated with kindness as a Russian. As an American I more often got the question “why do you live here?”, but I loved it.
First of all russia stole abkhazia from georgia second that abkhazia or apsua stole our culture third thing abkhazia dont have history becouse it is georgian province and only history abkhazia had it was kingdom abkhazia and it was georgian kingdom and it had georgian leader bagrat the second so abkazia of apsua its just autonomous region of georgia and not independence country and we dont care if russia recognise abkhazia or ossetia abkhazia and south ossetia is Georgia 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
what do u mean by abkhazia history
Did they change the procedure for entering Abkhasia? I went there in 2012, and my friend went there several times up to 2017, and we always entered directly from Russia, not from Georgia. It was literally a walk across a bridge, plus a fast ID check.
Depends on Nationality Maria, for a Brit it is a lot harder than for a Russian for example. Also, Coronavirus has shut borders anyway x
@@MattandJulia As a matter of fact, I did check after your video, and it seems like Russia-Abkhazia border is still open, despite Covid. But yeah, I didn't think of the obvious. It is open for Russian nationals.
@Maria Kapsina Matt is being a stooge for Brit propaganda. Britons can enter anytime via Sochi. There is no British law anyway definitely forbidding anybody from entering Abkhazia or that would indeed be an obvious undemocratic tendency if they were so thick-faced to do that. Not that Western propaganda is still being taken seriously recently anyway
@Maria Kapsina this really makes me take a second look at this vlog. This is a psyop, Julia is turned into a British asset, playing the Russian maiden who acquired a British accent while his husband inject his disinfo in the process. Not a very innocent tandem after all
Really really loving learning about all of these different places in Europe id never heard of before!!! I’ve been binging your vlogs hehe Abso love it Thankyou so much!!!!🥰Xxx
Thank you so much Izzie!! So glad you are enjoying them!!! 😍🙏 Loads more to come 😃xxx
Abkhazia may be poor but the people there are rightfully proud. I spent a day there followed by an evening of traditional feast and entertainment, one of the best days of my long life.
they are also brainwashed
@@giorgijioshvili9713 No they are not
@@eminescueliade4206 yes they are
@@giorgijioshvili9713 How are they brainwashed?
@@eminescueliade4206 they are bieng taught propaganda thats how
It was so nice seeing your family Julia. Know I have been praying for them and your grandmother.
Амш бзиа шәымазааит! - Have a great day! Greetings from Sweden ☺
I LOVE ABKHASIA ❤ I've been there twice and fell in love into that place
Es lebe abhasien ❤❤
Did you like Georgia?
@@g.k3325 I've never been there so I have neutral feeling
@@romanviktorovi4 You have been there Twice my friend
@@g.k3325 people who live there don't think so
Julia how neat to see your Mum. You look just like her. You both are beautiful. It’s never to late to do what you want. It’s a sad history for the country. Such beautiful scenery. Loved this video. ❤️❤️
This area of The World is so Beautiful & Spectacular ! I wish things were easier, so more Tourists could visit & help the locals, by propping up the Economy. I really hope to visit the entire Coast some day !
When we return, it will be to late to say sorry, Apsuas (this message is also directed at Ossetians)
If you return You will have your asses kicked AGAIN
Do you really think that Russia won't participate in war in case of it?)
Abkhazia, BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAAA🇬🇪🇬🇪 this is not Russian, it's Georgian.
It's not Georgian, it's not Russian. It's independent, and people there HATE Georgia
Love the out takes :D
Haha, thanks Graham, they are our favourite part too! 😄
Abkhazia is part of Georgia, currently occupied by Russia.
It's not a state. It's not a country. It's a region like any other, part of Georgia under hostile, foreign occupation.
Unless you consider Abkhazia's military as an "occupation" force, then you're wrong.
Major cope for the people there not wanting to return.
@@declannewton2556 Abkhazia has no military. It's a ragtag band of insurgents and separatists. All they do is kidnap shepherds.
Грузия оккупант Абхазии , Сталинским режимом СССР.
@@АбазгиосАпсильский это факт
@@caralhoguy Факт у вас грузин перед глазами , Абазгия . Грузин Машеник Самазванец и Факт и по Факту .👑✋😎
Abkhazia is independent country.
That no other Normal County recognizes? 🤔
@@g.k3325 if the people of Abkhazia want independency, the other countries' opinion should not matter. The abkhazians want nothing to do with Georgia
@@fieryapple7020 It doesn't work that way pal. First off all, for a country to be independent, they need to be recognized by other countries. Georgians can't enter Abkhazia because it's occupied by Russia. Abkhazia has been part of Georgia for as long as it has exsisted, even before Georgia was called Georgia. Todays Abkhazia was a part of the ancient Georgian Kingdom Colchis,(Along with other historical Georgian Regions, such as Samegrelo And Svaneti). From the East of Colchis, There was a Kingdom of Iberia. in 9th-10th Centuries, those two Kingdoms United. That's when Georgia was named Georgia under the king Bagrat III.
@@fieryapple7020 Georgians and Abkhazians lived Peacefully for a long time, and before the war started, Many Georgians lived in Abkhazia, and vice versa. After the war 200000 Ethnic Georgians were forced to leave Abkhazia and also more than 5000 Georgians got killed.
Look at the state of Abkhazia right now, you think Russians care about Abkhazia more than we do? Do some research and think, Before you make such bold statements.
Georgia is so beautiful ! ! !
wanna know what that sounds like? sounds like cope
yeah in your dream
@@TruJ7777 and you can keep dreaming about abkhazia being apart of russia💀💀 gtfo and learn geography
@@burningbrightliberty1514 and you know what you sound like right now? delusional
Palm Trees in Russia!.... never knew!
Abkhazia, as a standalone country, has never, ever existed. It has always been part of Georgia.
Now it's independent and Abkhazian people want nothing to do with Georgians. They absolutely hate Georgia after what they've done in the war, and they are PROUD to be independent.
I've been there a lot and I know what I'm saying.
Some mountains people settled there georgians allowed them to live there now they want independence and they are claiming that colchis never was georgia LOL a## naked people from mointains who never had anything claiming that they are abkhazians yet abhkaz is a mingrelian word LOL they have nothing people of adigea who are claiming that they are abkhazians yet they have zero cluei that there was no nation called abkhazia never evr its just a region of georgia where svans/laz/mingrels lived LOL
ha létezik egy Abház nemzet, akkor az ország nem Gruzia, nem Oroszország ..hanem Abházia..márpedig létezik ilyen nemzet.
@@adavada5394 You`re not much of a historian, hence, your assumption is baseless. I reiterate, Abkhazia as a standalone country has never existed. Prove me wrong if you can.
@@eagleeye182Then search the war in abkhazia and tell me what the outcomes were.Did your Georgia ever win,huh?
So beautiful vlog 👌 😍
more videos. Very interesting, more abjasia
thank you very much :)
Yes! Your out takes are the best😂
Hahaha, so glad that you like them 🤗❤️
Penso che il mondo intero dovrebbe conoscere l'Abkhazia. L'Abkhazia è stata per secoli un grande stato nella geografia del Caucaso settentrionale, infatti, per un po', è stata una regione sotto il controllo dell'Abkhazia in tutta la Georgia a est La popolazione dell'Abkhazia fu deportata nella geografia ottomana dall'amministrazione russa zarista nel 1800 dopo le guerre Sebbene l'Abkhazia fosse uno dei paesi fondatori dei sovietici fino al 1931, il suo status fu ridotto all'autonomia da Stalin, un georgiano, dopo Lenin. ed è stato collegato alla Georgia.In seguito, non ha mai fatto parte della Georgia. Dopo che la Russia ha riconosciuto l'Abkhazia, la Turchia dovrebbe riconoscere anche la Repubblica di Abkhazia. In Turchia ci sono molti più Abkhazi-Abazini della popolazione dell'Abkhazia.
Oh my goodness! Palm trees in Russia??? Matt and Julia have totally changed my ideas about your country.
I know right! 😀🌴 So glad we could show people different parts of Russia they didn't know ☺️
This is georgia not russia, russia occupied 20% of georgia
@@gogankoko7411 Learn geography a bit, Sochi never ever were in Georgia
@@RustedCroaker i think you have to learn geography my friend. Sochi was a part of georgian kindgom for 300+ years
@@RustedCroaker You should to learn history, my boy🤣
That "country" in quotation marks in symptomatic of the Western arrogance. Who are you to tell which nations deserve indepedence and which don't? They have been de facto indepedent and have had a state for thirty years. It is about time to come to terms with reality. Do not go back to Abkhazia, the locals may be offtended
Abkhazia is Georgia and always will be our land even Sochi was Georgian land too.
lol no they're not
Go and search
გეთანხმები სოჭი საქართველოს ტერიტორია იყო ასევე სხვა ტერიტორიებიც რომელიც რუსეთს უკავიათ ჩრდილოეთით მაშინ რუსეთი არ არსებობდა როცა საქართველოს მთელი 5000 წელი უარსებია ქართველებს ვგულისხმობ.
@@stronggs1459 კი და რაც დაგვრჩა იმასაც გვართმევენ. ხელი თუ არ გავანძრიეთ რამის დაბრუნება კი არა იმასაც დავკარგავთ რაც გვაქვს
sochi is circassian and abkhazians are brothers to circassians
Do you love Abkhazia and say that Abkhazia is Abkhazia?
Abkhazia is Georgia
Abkhazia is a country of its own and people there want nothing to do with Georgia. They hate Georgia
Wonderful episode but I did not get my Julia kiss. I will have to lodge a bitter complaint.🤣
how can you make a video with stating facts that are not true since you don’t even know the country’s history?Abkhazia is Abkhazia , and btw Sochi used to be Abkhazian,but after the Russo-Caucasian war it became part of the Russian Empire.The “Krasnaya Polyana” is literally called Krasnaya because of the amount of blood of dead Ahchipsoy/Kbaade-ancient Abkhaz-Adyg tribes, while the supporters of the Russian Empire genocide towards Caucasians were Georgias and Mingrelias
what a lovely shop your mom has! i want to visit sochi someday too
Your English is impressive!
sochi was georgian once(not now just fact from history) but ABKHAZIA is Georgia even now. like it always was from roman times and before
F*** off bicu. Go find yourself a better thing to do..
Sochi a CIRCASSIAN land.never was a gerogian..you are a liar
.Abkhzia has never been a georgian.stalin and beriya attaced Abkhazia to georgia
@@s.m4086 Could you care to elaborate how come that a city that never was Georgian carries a very Georgian name?
@@Maleficarum999the name comes from the Sochi river, which came as a loan word from Anywhere, Abaza and Circassian languages.
@@Cavalieria Both the river and the city were named by Georgians. Sochi was built on top of an abandoned Greek (Pontus) settlement by King Bagrat IV of Georgia, who ruled Georgia with Sokhumi (Abkhazia btw) as the capital of the kingdom in 11th century, somewhere between 1060-1070. This is a historical fact, check with whatever source you want (just not RTVI, they're lying to you, don't tell anyone).
We don't claim Sochi now because it was only a part of Georgia for 100 or so years. So it's not like Abkhazia which is 100% Georgia and has been for thousands of years. I'm not saying that Sochi is or should be in Georgia (much like Tao in Turkey or any other historically Georgian regions too far away from modern borders) but it is a Georgian city, built by Georgians.
P.S. it's not So'CH'i, it's So'ჭ'ი, there is not even such letter in Circassian language, that alone is the proof, but please do check whatever sources you want...
Beautiful family!
Thank you very much 🤗❤️
Long live the free independent Abkhazia ✊
It was so fun to see your family and the cafe that your mom owns!
Thank you so much 🤗❤️
Still a great video. No mention of the Circassians. Thr pre-Soviets Russian Christians forced the Circassians to leave. Turks said Yhy you being such bullies. Anyway Circassians got kicked out.
Sincere Station
🤚Republic of ABKHAZIA 🤚independet forever ☝️
No, never cope
Never was, never will be !
Lol thats an ancient kartvelian symbol.
Lol thats an ancient kartvelian symbol.
What I'd like to know is who the person behind russian accent elimination is. It's still there but the heavy British influence is undeniable. Someone with a special interest in phonetics has done wonders to this girl's speech production...husband? mother-in-law?
You could just ask me in the first person. I moved to the UK when I was 18 and there was no special accent magician helping me out, I learnt to speak myself ✌🏻
nice city, country or whatever it is.🍁🍁
It is not a country, it is Georgia!!! RUssians kicked out 70% of population, Georgians!! Name Abkhazia is a Georgian name, these people are Absua, that's how they call themselves.. read historical books, look at historical buildings, castles, churches, and read what is written there.. it is all Georgian!!
Интересное кино. Хочу в Сочу.
Спасибо! Очень красивый город)
Abkazhia is Georgia ❤
Definitely counter stereotype there!
It really feels like another world to the majority of Russia, and it's only a two hour flight from Moscow 😱😊x
@@MattandJuliaYes, it feels like another country, like Georgia. Check how well-developed Batumi is, and you’ll understand how purely utilized this natural beauty is in Sochi. That’s how Russia shaped the future of and made it look like a post-Soviet abandoned territory.
Abkhazia is part of Georgia
Of course, but if you say that in Russia you’d likely get arrested.
No, Georgia is a part of Abkhazia
tell it in Abkhazia😂
Go tell it in Sukhumi. Phahah
@@_fil_1363 go tell it in georgia
Abkazia was,is and will be Georgia! We feel sorry that Russia has occupied our country and it is still trying to conquer not only Georgia’s land,but Ukraine too.
By the way,good luck,nice videos!❤️
uh, bot. Abkhazia is independent🤡 and no one occupied it
@@pizdeeec7130 I am not bot. Abkhazia was,is and will be Georgia forever. Russia is an occupant. ugly Putin is killing million innocent people in Ukraine. God sees everything.
@@pizdeeec7130 Cope lol
@@lindakhimshiashvili7851 you people literally tried to conquer abkhazia when they declined the ultimatum you gave them to submit to you. A similar line of events happened with south ossetia too.
Abkhazia is in Georgia🇬🇪even know it is part of Georgia.
@Nini Apciauri You are dumb, how can Abkhazia be a part of Georgia when even Georgians can't enter it? Abkhazia is independent, I recognize it
@@milomilo417 who cares what you do. Blockhead
@@vasiko9517 crying hahaha
Abkhazia is Georgia. There will be no peace, nor war over until Russia and Russian-backed separatists leave our country. Ask the Karabakh separatists how those deals with Russia end. I recall fellow Abkhaz citizens of Georgia who were misled by these forces of evil to come to their minds because Georgia will restore its territorial unity and sovereignty eventually, one way or another.
The Armenian president left Putin little room to intervene.
The Russian-backed separatists are the entire population of the country. What you want to do is ethnic cleansing and is a crime for which people are comdemned to lengthy prison sentences
Woow beautiful georgian teritory
Abkhazia is Georgia
From Azerbaijan
Long Live South Caucasus
So... :/ I'm born in abkhazia and liave with my family koz the war to greece like refugees and till now my life have RUINED for reazons i dont really anderstand and the only thing i know is that i h*** russian and georgia for differend but main reazons, i jast hope one day to go look at my old house and etc.
So where do you live now? You are not ethnically Georgian, so you can go back to your home. It's Georgian who can't.
Why do you hate Georgia? In that case should not you also hate Abkhazia? Cause they started wars while everything was fine.
I am Georgian and I love Abkhazians and consider them as us, not separate people, but it is very confusing and sad that the people that used to live together under one country for thousands of years is trying to split from and marge with other country (Russia) that they know for only few centuries and do not even have good relationship with them.
Georgians do not hate Abkhazians at all. If you come to Georgia and take a sign that you are Abkhazian, Georgians will most likely hug you
Sochi is not exactly Russia - for example, in Russia, cars stop at pedestrian crossings, but in Sochi there are none, the development does not look like a typical Russian city, the majority of Sochi residents are Armenians.
Yeah, it is pretty unique compared to the rest of Russia for sure.
to be honest Sochi is Georgian territory…. sergo orjonikidze gave it to russia….
Georgia should join the Russian Federation so it becomes relevant again, Georgia is just a comedian trying to act like a country now, nobody respects it
@@milomilo417 why do you hate us so much ?
@georgia tbilisi trying the sympathy card? are you a moron? People are interested in Abkhazia, the Soviet playground, not in Georgia. And here you are, corny Georgians insisting it is part of Georgia when the Abkhazians have already gained independence when their old retiree volunteers beat the Georgian soldiers out TWICE long ago. What you can't do in real battles, you do with your gossip here
welcome to Abkhazia, Georgia.
Thank you Nicoli
Being democratic, I believe in the power of the people. The Abkhazians fought for their independence from Georgia TWICE & won. Just thick-faced these Georgians changing facts with gossips because they can't change things in the ground
@@milomilo417 "TWICE " - when was the second time?
" The Abkhazians fought for their independence from Georgia" - if you call ethnic cleansing fighting, then yeah
"Just thick-faced these Georgians changing facts with gossips because they can't change things in the ground" - you don't know english that well do you?
@Giorgi Kvernadze what a lot of nonsense, & you just proved you are a typical thick-faced Georgian. Admit it, Georgia is so insignificant, your delusion is that clinging to the West would give you license for your nonsense, but think again. Georgia has so little to offer that everybody can just burst out laughing anytime HAHAHA
@@milomilo417 again, you really don't know English that well do you?
Aphxazia is Georgia 🇬🇪
Abkhazia does not act as a completely separate state. It's heavily dependent on russia and russian politics. Abkhazia has never existed as an independent country, ever.
Abkhazia is Georgia, is a good video
georgia is abkhazia, excellent video ☝️
@@caralhoguy Thanks for the comment. Get acquainted with the history of Georgia. Arrive and argue with Georgians will cost you dearly.
Абхазия это Абхазия
Страна . Грузия Самазванцы .
Fisher Passage
It's Georgia not Russia !!!
Republic of Abkhazia !
No matter what anybody says. Abkhazia and Samachablo(south osetia) are georgian lands. End of story.
SeriouS even the people there?
@@meegz149 Georgians living in those lands were... you know "left" for Some reasone
@@meegz149 You are talking about people who killed Georgians. Also Many Georgians became displaced in their own country. You have no chance to be independent. The civilized world is on Georgia's side .
stop telling people that Abkhazia is in Russia, its in Georgia
Абхазия не ГРУЗИЯ.
lol no its not
@@bewatermyfriend7595 Абхазия не ГРУЗИЯ, успокойтесь наконец!!!
@@ОмарДзидзария yes it is
@@gogankoko7411 its my land, kingdom of Caralh0
Abkhazia is Georgia and Saachablo is also Georgia
Abkhazia is Georgia. ;)
Abkhazia is an independent country, get over it
Abkhazia in reality is a Russia sphere of influence zone occupied by mercenaries. Not to say Abkhazian independence is a joke but it never would have happened without Russia support. It will never be independent as it accepted help from Russia, binding it forever.
@@hastywolfauthor4219 abkhazians are georgians wich were forced to leave their homes because of Russian occupation:)! in abkhazia there are now apsua tribes from north caucasus and Armenians and they are calling themselves abkhazians :) and even Abkhazia is Georgian word and have its meaning :). and yes their independence is a big joke ……. do u know that even Sochi is a georgian territory? but now it’s Russian just google it ;). but Abkhazia is of course georgia )
@@milomilo417 189 countries disagree
Abkhazia is Georgia
Being democratic, I believe in the power of the people. The Abkhazians fought for their independence from Georgia TWICE & won. Just thick-faced these Georgians changing facts with gossips because they can't change things in the ground
Have shame, people
@@milomilo417 you call democracy when they kicked out 235000 georgians out of abkhazia after ethnic cleansing? have shame
@@pixistypses5406 ask to the chechens, not to the abkhazians
@@heitor23 I don't get what you're trying to say
@@heitor23 chechens helped abkhazians
Abkhazia is georgia
Abkhazia is not country, Abkhazia is a part of Georgia(GE), occupied by Russia.
ablhazia is georgiaaaaa
Not Russia it's Georgia
Sochi is georgia too
Sochi is also a Georgian land🇬🇪, which was occupied by the Russians.
Sochi was always Circassian (Ubykh) land and was never Georgian. Anatolia, however, historically belonged to Abkhazia and not Samegrelo.
Samegrelo delenda est!
@@sonofalbi9801 I definitely recommend you to see a psychiatrist.🤡
Stallin is grúz volt és a fél európát is akarta..:D
No Geographically the border between Europe and Asia is determined by the European culture therefore Georgia, Cyprus, Armenia, Azerbaijan are fully inside Europe.
Does that mean Australia is Europe? 😉
No! Geographically Georgia is in the caucasus region and most of its territory is in Asia but some parts of Georgia is in europe 15%.. ….. ( geographically Armenia and Cyprus are fully in Asia) .
@@MattandJulia When I lived in Earl's Court some time ago, I would have answered : Maybe :)
@MattandJulia in a way it is. At least they do participate in Eurovision song context. But Georgia is culturally European, including Abkhazia as well since it is old Christian civilization and Europe is mainly Christian hub 😅
It is nice to see the whole family together! I do have a major question! Mom is tall! Brother is tall! Sister is tall! Can't help but wonder what happened to Julia! (Runt of the litter!) 🤣😂😁 I apologize Julia!!!! Just kidding. Although that is not so bad, as compared to the kiwis that kicked Matts nuts!👍🤦♂️
Bad sound
Abkhazia is Georgia 🇬🇪❤️
Abkhazia is Georgia 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
I replied this to one of the comments, but I did not want it to be hiden so I recommented it here
Well, listen. I am not here to start a fight, but I just want to tell you a simple thing.
Abkhzians and Georgians used to live together under one country for thousands of years, but recently they started to break away from Georgia.
- Is this not a brainwashing? Everything was fine and sundenly everything changed.
Why is Abkhazaia only one that is trying to split from Georgia and not other regions such as Mingrelia, Adjara, Kakhetia?
- Let me tell you, because Abkhazians got brainwashed and others did not.
You my say "South Ossetia" is also separatist state
- Here we are facing occupation. Ossetia has not been in the Caucasus at all when Caucasians used to dominate the region, and only recently they occupied somewhat middle of the Caucasus, including Georgian teritories.
Why do we think that Abkhazians want indepencence?
- Because of the Russia's propaganda. Everyday you can her Russia trying to buy or take some of Abkhazia's teritory. Abkhazia alredy lost Sochi and above regions which was always theirs (Georgians if unclear). Abkhazia is so geo-politicaly good placed, has good resources and tourist attractions with it's mountaians and sea mixing, four deepest caves in the world, beutiful nature and so on that state like Russia could not handle and it's no surprise that they are trying to occupy it, which is of course wrong.
I love Abkhazians, even though they consider us enemies. Go to Georgia and ask Abkhazians if they want to reunite or if they would like to have Abkhazian as friend, wife, husband or anything. They will accept them as Georgians because they are Georgians. No Georgian hate Abkhazians. Yes, we had war with them, but it was still for them against Russia's aggresion.
Even now Georgia is supporting Abkhazia with a lot of things.
At the end of the day, what's wrong with uniting and living together? Only enemies would want you to be separated so that they can defeat you easily.
Abkhazians were separate from Georgia until Stalin stole their land and gave it to Georgians. What you mean brainwashed? They speak a completley diffrent language from Georgians and are ethnically different.
@nyny3552 how does language determine their nationality? You know Ireland speaks English while they are not English? Also those African nations speak European languages, should we call them Europeans and occupy them? No. on top of that first evidence of Abkhazian language dates back to 17th century or something and it's only one, meaning anyone could have come to Abkhazia and write something in their language. Same goes for Abkhazia, and about Stalin part it's completely wrong, I think you have never read nor seen maps of Georgia. On top of that when people live united does not matter wether they have same race or not, let's say African and Asian live together for thousands of years and all of a sudden one of them decides to break apart, there is a cause and in this case only cause is that Abkhazians mindset changed, which means they got brainwashed. If you think I am wrong use facts, not your thoughts.
@@Shehuduli "The Abkhazians historically maintained their distinct identity, separate from Georgia, until Stalin redefined borders, effectively transferring Abkhazian territory to Georgia. It's inaccurate to claim that this is simply a matter of indoctrination-Abkhazians speak an entirely different language and are ethnically distinct from Georgians."
Moreover, the Abkhazians have a deep-rooted history in the Caucasus region, with evidence suggesting their presence for over 3,000 years. During the medieval period, particularly in the 8th to 10th centuries, Abkhazia was a powerful kingdom that eventually formed a union with Georgia in the 13th century. In this union, Abkhazia was often considered the stronger partner, contributing significantly to the cultural and political landscape of the region.
Despite these historical ties, the Abkhazians have always maintained their distinct ethnic and linguistic identity, separate from that of Georgians. It wasn't until the Soviet era, under Stalin’s leadership, that the borders were forcibly redrawn, effectively subsuming Abkhazian territory into Georgia. To dismiss the Abkhazian claim to their land as merely the result of indoctrination overlooks their rich history and cultural independence. Abkhazians speak a completely different language from Georgians and have always identified as a distinct ethnic group.
Many online commentators who insist that Abkhazia is rightfully part of Georgia often align with narratives promoted by the Georgian government to garner support for reintegrating Abkhazia into Georgia. These assertions are frequently viewed as part of a propaganda campaign. Additionally, some of these individuals are criticized for holding prejudiced views, as they dismiss the distinct ethnic and cultural identity of the Abkhazian people.
@nyny3552 Where are you from?
@@Shehuduli United States
Abkhazia is a part of Georgia but Abkhazia is occupied by Russia.
abkhazia is part of georgia !
Abkhazia is independent, I recognize it
@@milomilo417 ajajajajajaja
@@milomilo417 what did Georgians ever did to you
@georgia tbilisi are you a moron? People are interested in Abkhazia, the Soviet playground, not in Georgia. And here you are, corny Georgians insisting it is part of Georgia when the Abkhazians have already gained independence when their old retiree volunteers beat the Georgian soldiers out long ago. What you can't do in real battles, you do with your gossip here
@@milomilo417 yea yea, "independence" only being recognised by random countries who don't even care about them, economy is so bad there that abkhazians are starving and these days not even russians want to visit it anymore because of all the increasing crime rates, you don't even have any idea about anything, I'd recommend you to refrain from talking about such complicated topics as this, or else you will simply show yourself to other how uneducated you are.
Sochi is not Abkhazia !
whelcome to georgia
Georgia is a beautiful Russian property
Kosovo is Serbia and Abkhazia is Georgia!!!
Viva Georgia 🇬🇪
Abkhazia is georgia 🇬🇪
it's not sochi russia it's georgia sochi
Sochi a Circassian land
Was not, is not, and will not. Abkhazia was, is and always will be Georgia
dude its not fucking country it is part of georgia
Abkhazia doesn't exist as a country. it has never existed. it has always been a part of Georgia. Russia is occupant. Those are facts here, you can cry about that, false-abkhazians living rn on historical Georgian territory.
Yeah its georgia
It’s Russian 🇷🇺 occupied territory .
No , Abkhazia is independent country
Free ukraine from balkans
It's doesn't exist becouse it's not a country
89121 Stiedemann Drive
Abkhazia is Georgia!🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
Abkhazia is Georgia