@@hiltun3n let me guess.... ambulance for the guy gonna get hurt (either beaten by the yard owner or hurt himself) and exorcist for exorcising the crazy dancing guy who may held by a spirit. (Or just doing some regular spiritual cleaning for the yard?)
@@highcat7184 ye from beastars. Although it does has humanoid animals it's nothing like zootopia. Is gritty, realistic, harsh with amazing characters and inticing story. One of my favorite Mangas of all time I'd say
All of you are fools. He is leg day. But he is skipping. This means leg day was skipping. But by watching this video, you can tell he in fact did not skip leg day. THEREFORE If leg day was skipping, but clearly did not skip leg day, was he skipping? The answer may surprise you. If he did not skip leg day, But is leg day, AND IS SKIPPING, He is no longer leg day. Thus we can only assume he has ascended into god hood. The best kind of hood Where everyone's dance moves are fucking on point.
5 months later - this video is singularly responsible for introducing me into the youtube world of neoswing dancing, and while i now look to the likes of JSM and theblackcat for videos, this one will always hold a spot in my heart as the one that inspired me to start learning in my kitchen
FatNinjaWalrus I'm quite honoured! I had no idea so many people had seen my video until a few days ago, I'm so happy to see that I've even inspired someone to start dancing this way😋 perhaps one day I will make some more videos.
i've actually found slippery socks to be quite helpful, especially if you're not naturally light of foot right off the bat. after a bit of practice you don't really need them anymore, but they make it easier in the beginning.
Meme Machine learn from this guy and the guy who danced to shooting star on Britain’s got talent if I’m remembering correctly and you’ve got every situation covered.
School: wear something fancy Me: do my dance moves count? School:uhhhh Me: *countless dancing moves and aggressive dabbing* *my mom is going to kill me*
I think what Techer means is that his leg work is really good but it seems to be what he focuses on most so even when he takes his hands out of his pocket the moves he does with them seem a bit sloppy compared to his leg work. Well not sloppy but his arms are much looser and not as sharp
Welcome viewer. While it is advised you watch the entire video for the greatest satisfaction, you are welcomed to skip to 1:20, clap your hands (definitely not a Parov Stelar reference), get down and shake it!
I don’t regret spending those last 3 minutes watching some dapper dude dance. I’ve invested time into something worth it
I watched it for 30mins now lmao
people in horror movies: nobody move
that ONE GUY:
For a moment i though it said "nobody loves me" XD
Wow you got 1.2k likes and 2 replys
that guy is me
Nice job copying a much funnier comment with many more likes lol
I kinda wanted him to come out of the bushes.
we all wanted
@@courier6467 sure
@@courier6467 talk about that with Joshua not here
@@courier6467 no
teacher:if you move I'll call your parents
Teacher: *holds up finger then puts it down cause that's impressive*
More like 1:21
L ol l
More Like 0:32
@Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious metamphetamines sometimes a teacher gets tired of yo shit y'know?
I love how he just has this deadpan expression
as he's performing witchcraft
Poptart The Memelord Kinda is
When you're so flawlessly good at something that you don't even need to think about it...
And chewing gum.
as someone who practices witchcraft, this isn't witchcraft. it's pure fucking sorcery
What sorcery is this
Everybody gangsta' until he takes his hands out of his pockets
Sir, someone said that before.
@@dolarbugunrekorkrdm345 ;-;
I'd like it, but it's at 666. I'm sorry 😔
Like imagine just being stopped in the street and them doing this it’s like some boss battle.
Then there's you just sitting and thinking, "What did I do to deserve this?"
Mad Melanie Dark souls 1930's edition
I saw someone doing this in public lol still can't find their video :(
*aggressive dancing*
*twirling dagger*
*attacking while dancing*
that one NTF that dressed up the wrong way like those fight scenes in musical comedies😂😂
*_god joined the server_*
*The devil himself
*angel joined the server*
angel- God? What are you doing that late on thi... wow. this guy got legs.
*LegBoi64 joined the server*
*Overrated dead mem.*
I would not mind if he was dancing in my yard without permission
To be honest if I saw this guy dancing in my yard without permission i would call both an ambulance and an exorcist
@@brookerd241 for who?
@@hiltun3n let me guess.... ambulance for the guy gonna get hurt (either beaten by the yard owner or hurt himself) and exorcist for exorcising the crazy dancing guy who may held by a spirit. (Or just doing some regular spiritual cleaning for the yard?)
GaiaLyn no an ambulance for the owner who just had a heart attack and an exorcist for the guy mentally dancing in the yard
No one else like, keep it at 911
**collects all Vehicles in LA Noire**
Ogi the sergal may I ask wtf you pic is from?
@@jdogjones6398 It's from Aggretsuko, a Sanrio show on Netflix.
Im literally playing that atm
@@jdogjones6398 i think it's legosi a wolf charcter from a zootopia esk anime
@@highcat7184 ye from beastars. Although it does has humanoid animals it's nothing like zootopia. Is gritty, realistic, harsh with amazing characters and inticing story. One of my favorite Mangas of all time I'd say
Guys, let me tell you this, a sweater vest with a tie and rolled up sleeves always makes you 50% more attractive
That's a waistcoat but close enough
@@moggyjohnny3381 yeah... And you would be better off with some additions, like a Fedora and some decent shoes :)
@@josharko111 what
@@moggyjohnny3381 oh, I was saying that you might need more than just a waistcoat and tie, forgot it was a reply to you. Sorry :)
@@josharko111 ah ok I thought you were lowkey roasting me lol
One word my friend... "AWESOME"
These Caravan Palace dancing videos are so satisfying to watch!
Freak80MC quite pleasing to listen to as well
Someone: Don't move or I'll shoot.
carimelle best xD hahahha
Elvis plesly
Tbh same
**dodges all shots**
- falls on knees -
I can hear my dance teacher screaming “facials” she hated when we danced with out a smile.
It's always great to know if people are dancing with a smile..she didn't have to force it though...
I need holy water after reading that and thinking what I thought
Raven Bloodrose 👁👄👁
Finnian Grace y’all need Jesus.
**Fedora tipping intensifies**
**Legging intensifies**
*Chewing intensify*
Isn't that a trilby?
Magic_Zach *mlady* intensifies
Government issues a mandatory quarantine
Alexander Agcaoili ded ass
As a introvert i can say:
y ê s
Introverts: ya bunch of noobs
i cant tell did i go to heavan ? this is great
you have exactly 420 likes and i dont feel honored enough to mess that number
He didn't skip leg day
You fool he IS leg day
Never skip leg day
All of you are fools.
He is leg day.
But he is skipping.
This means leg day was skipping.
But by watching this video, you can tell he in fact did not skip leg day.
If leg day was skipping, but clearly did not skip leg day, was he skipping?
The answer may surprise you.
If he did not skip leg day,
But is leg day,
He is no longer leg day.
Thus we can only assume he has ascended into god hood.
The best kind of hood
Where everyone's dance moves are fucking on point.
how do i leg like you
step one: leg
step two: leg some more
Step three: Suit with leg
step four: get legged
Step five : show off your leg moves
"Imagine some homie's try'na diss yo flygirl; just give 'em one'o these:
Say some gangstas dissing yo fly girl; ya just give em one o’ these:
Shit I laughed more than I should have
oh no, he's cute
Hollly- Guacamole OH NO, HE'S HOT!
Oh no it’s hot
You're gross.
@@ToastedPup Who?
He's hot and nobody can deny it
5 months later - this video is singularly responsible for introducing me into the youtube world of neoswing dancing, and while i now look to the likes of JSM and theblackcat for videos, this one will always hold a spot in my heart as the one that inspired me to start learning in my kitchen
FatNinjaWalrus I'm quite honoured! I had no idea so many people had seen my video until a few days ago, I'm so happy to see that I've even inspired someone to start dancing this way😋 perhaps one day I will make some more videos.
You totally should. There's so few of this type
He inspired me to start dancing, too! But here's a tip from personal experience, don't wear slippery socks unless you want to break your face xwx
i've actually found slippery socks to be quite helpful, especially if you're not naturally light of foot right off the bat. after a bit of practice you don't really need them anymore, but they make it easier in the beginning.
FatNinjaWalrus You have a point there 😂
Me dancing: Hey I’m Kinda Good At This!
*Sees the video*
Me: I’m A Disgrace To All Dancers.
Nice and elegant.
you mean eLEGant ajshfdhysfysdhg
you know what character your pfp is right
+Ketupii Lovinò Get out of this Christian house.
F0rtissimo thats Jinx from LoL
ya ik
If I could choose one persons dance skills to have...
*y o u r l e g s* are just too good.
Meme Machine learn from this guy and the guy who danced to shooting star on Britain’s got talent if I’m remembering correctly and you’ve got every situation covered.
If I could choose to get dancing skills from someone it would be this guy in the video or fik shun
This guy got his influence from JustSomeMotion I think. Look him up he pioneered the neoswing dance style and is really good
TakeSomeCrime is the youtuber you're looking for. As far as I know, he invented quite a few moves that were danced here.
Its infectious. Just makes you wanna dance.no?
That's it.
I'm taking lessons.
Val Lev good luck
How are the lessons going? :)
Sorry I could not like it's 69 but still hope you enjoying those dance lessons
how far did the lessons take you?
teach me, master.
Love him. Donno' him. Don' understand him. But I love him.
From what page of what book have you come out, young man?
†邪YOKOSHIMA i have no idea, but If you find out, please tell me. I’d love to read it! 😂
the neoswing paradise, and im going there!
Casual Dancer: The Electro Swing Master
Page 82, Chapter 6: Swingin’ It
Or it could be page 92, Chapter 10: *L E G*
†邪YOKOSHIMA probably 423
Parov Stelar is his name.
Pfft! I can do that! Hold my beer.
_takes one step_
*Agh!! The agony!*
_curls up on ground crying_
i can do some of it, if i have socks on and on a slippery surface
@@justpeachy7812 that's what I use when I wanna fall and hurt myself😂
That's not funny, sorry but hurting yourself it's not ok.
@@justpeachy7812 same-
1:37 M' L A D Y
M' L A D Y
M' L A D Y
*casually doing this in the street when a lady walks by
He can call me “M’Lady” anytime though.
I tried to do what he did at 2:06, Long Story Short.i broke my nose
I can do that but it takes alot of training
I apologise
O O F man
Your grandpa when he hears his old tunes:
my ankles are breaking only by watching him
really nice 👍
If I ever take dancing classes this is the kinda dancing I wanna do.
School: wear something fancy
Me: do my dance moves count?
Me: *countless dancing moves and aggressive dabbing* *my mom is going to kill me*
1:56 When it's time to get a watch
How do u know that it is time to get a watch if u do not have a watch to check the time?
when u have to pee rlly bad but the person in the bathroom is taking a long time
1:55 *Looks at his clock*
Me: Something's wrong I can feel it
The fact that he doesn't have a watch or that he looks at his right wrist?
2:08 was that Really necessary like now you're just rubbing it in our faces
Dude you got some leg skills
CasualCrown never skip leg day
The correct way to rock a fedora
Silvonix i could not agree more 😂
Silvonix pretty sure that's a bowler hat
Its a trilby
it could be a goddamn fez and he'd still rock it ok
No this is the right way to rock a fedora 2:54
When you sign into Roblox without your parents permission:
To sign in roblox you need parents permission?! I have 27 alts lol
Hitler more like when you log onto Disney.com without parents permission
@@littlezorkie9311 well maybe but when I posted this Disney Plus wasn't a thing just yet lol
Hitler no I mean like the website. Not Disney plus
@@littlezorkie9311 no no my child, in 1994 there's no such thing as Disney plus
I wouldn't mind if this guy was dancing on my grave
BiteyMcGar I think it would probably resurrect you.
Brainblower 101 it would not only resurrect you, but when you rise you shall have aged back 10 years
I would pay him
BiteyMcGar SAME
and then you would start to dance hehehe
awesome dude! you should made a tutorial about the steps
El Tio Death dude it looks impressive and it is but easy to pull off
yes except when you have no idea on where to start
step 1: leg
DimaNima Red my favorite comment
Just move your feet to the beat. Then add from there. That's how I learned.
Nothing is more satisfying than smooth dancing moves. ❤❤
Awesome new dance for: Just Dance on the Wii!!
they'll be sued after hundreds of untrained casual gamers attempt this dance and break their legs
Does it come with the Wii remote ankle brace holder
Fuck yes
Just dance on the Wii only follows the remote movements so just shake around your hands a bit to prevent ankle breaking :)
Ah not a dab in sight , purity at its best
True, but this was two years ago.
(the whole logen paul fanbass dabbing in the background)
GeneralRagePanda *dabs*
Cop: “put your hands up!”
The criminal’s a dancer.
Criminal: 1:20
@Joshua Beauchamp when did everyone on youtube ask for your opinion
@Joshua Beauchamp when did everyone on youtube ask for your opinion
This guy definately has some class.
0:09 "wow, if only i could dance like that :O"
He looks like the diamond theif from Diamond Jack
Kayli Page
Haha omg I got that reference!
Holy crap he is!
The same guy...
He only needed the wellies to get a perfect cosplay.
Everyone during Quarantine: Freaking out
Me and the boys:
Is it just me, or is dancing insanely attractive?
Poe Karasu I agree levi, I agree
Poe Karasu Yeah, Captain Levi, I agree
Poe Karasu agreedddd
Poe Karasu your not alone
* 1:57 , looks at wrist*
Me: But, there is not watch....
*carries on dancing*
Me: Wtf? ;-;
Haydon Aitchison probably looking at a cut or something
It's half past a freckle.
This was ridiculous.....
-ly AMAZING!!!!!!!!
They had us on the first half, not gonna lie.
The new dance from just dance 2018.
I actually want see this in just dance.
No, seriously.
george nunez Same!! That would be so much fun
Dont we all my friend
george nunez
You would have to put the motion sensor on your foot.
0:00 to 3:00 wow...3:00
SpreadthelulzGirl The Secønd ikr
SpreadthelulzGirl The Secønd she ok
SpreadthelulzGirl The Secønd ok
When you deal with all other mafias in the city
hey, I finally found someone who knows what dancing really is....
Shawn Haire I know right a lot of the people over do that's why I like this guy he simple but awesome
he needs more enthusiasm
"what dancing really is" lmao who are you
Looks like you dont know what dancing is.
I think what Techer means is that his leg work is really good but it seems to be what he focuses on most so even when he takes his hands out of his pocket the moves he does with them seem a bit sloppy compared to his leg work. Well not sloppy but his arms are much looser and not as sharp
I was mostly worried he was gonna choke on his gum
Sir? Sir! It is very possible that your dancing is simply too mesmerizing. Several individuals, including myself, just cannot stop watching.
1:56 wheres ya watch
naoki Hunter lol
"Oh, would you look at the time, it's half past freckle."
*A hair past a freckle*
naoki Hunter he knows it’s time.....
To get a watch
That moment you realized you forgot your watch
Don't talk to me unless you do this dance beforehand
Hannah L *dances for 3 minutes*
"Hey how ya doing?"
Retro Bit Baby RBB I thought your profile pic was hair
Retro Bit Baby RBB Your profile picture trolled me!
Which dance are you referring to? Charlestone or 8 count/6 count Lindy hop?
Congratulations, you have 1 friend.
That's soooo beautiful man! Well done!
absolute legend.
rat absolute madlad
Dude his legs are fine, but his arms look like they were the unwilling sober friend.
By now its a tradition to come back to this video every yeah. 2020 and with hell going on this guys moves are STILL FIRE.
How is this now just in my recommendations, and I love the outfit
What a charming dance! 😍
i find my self coming back to this video more often now i believe
He's THE man.
1:24 is it bad that this is my favorite part and also I kinda sorta want him to fall BUT I don't want him to get hurt.....maybe
WTH is that dance I want to learn it so bad.
It's called the SpongeBob....no clue why
Whoa dude. Just woah. That's cool and I am in awe.
Welcome viewer. While it is advised you watch the entire video for the greatest satisfaction, you are welcomed to skip to 1:20, clap your hands (definitely not a Parov Stelar reference), get down and shake it!
Magic_Zach Hell ya
IT'S... SO... CONTAGIOUS!!! btw; nice dance :P
*machine connor when he completes a mission:*
what are bones?
This is just dope. Wonderful footwork!!
Terrific dancing, and i love those cool suits n hats they wear...just fabulous a joy to watch. Hey young man ! You're ace .💥💕⚘😎
How does one leg
Susan The Fish step 1: Leg.
step 2 leg harder
omg 😂
step 3 : more harder than harder
Apparently my cat really likes your dancing. He hopped up in front of the screen and started pawing at ya!
I tip my fedora to you sir.
Me at a party: Sorry guys I don't know how to dance😅
Me at home:
im so glad i remembered this existed, first saw this in like 2016 or 2017 lmao
He's mind: time to get a watch
Mooom can I take dance dance classes
Mom; why
Shows Mom vid*
Mom: no
The only ways to my heart is to either dance like that, feed me or sing for me. You accomplished one of them.
Teacher: Act up again and your parents will be called!
The orphan:
This is the kid who nobody talks to but shows up at the school dance and kills it
That creak of wood was my brain trying to process this dancing
He got them moves
Great video, keep up the good work.. i love the way you dance . looking for rest of your dancing videos.
doctor: you got 3 minutes to live
Happy 2 years and a day anniversary. nice job
Comic Sans afcourse this would attract the whole Mafiatale undertale trash
This video has been recommended to me for a long time and I’m glad I finally get to watch it
Millennials- Aw yeah I’d totally want to dance like this and live in the 20’s me
Me- *Spanish flu* intensifies