R-77 is terrible Also, what's going on at 3:18? I noticed this too, sometimes R77 just won't wake up... Takes 3 tries and 5 seconds to get it to start locking. Crazy
this is a problem with my ping, the problem exist normaly but my ping is an aggravating factor, its harder for me to get consistent locks, dodge missiles, etc. . .
@@Likeawormare you braindead? the r77-1 is equivalent to the c5 not the regular r77, you posted on a different comment saying the aim120 has a worse range than an aim7m and now you say this, stop embarassing yourself
4:13 There is a trick to avoid losing control of the plane you just have to lightly press W, and the G-forces will cancel out. It's something that, for some reason no one knows about but it's super useful. Seriously, try it
It's hilarious how everyone has to hug the ground now. At least I get to see my favourite jet perform. Favourite until the Su-30SM/MKI that is. Canards+TVC+true multirole is the best flanker, although the last part wouldn't really be used unless you took it out to ground realistic. At which point who knows how it would perform compared to everything else that could be added by then.
Keywords "if you survive holding the lock". Bro can just turn away once his missile is active (Assuming he isn't getting greedy, or actually has situational awareness). Once I got Fox-3's I didn't die to an ER once the first couple days. Powercrept into oblivion
Bruh, it can hardly reach mach 5. Also, su-27 has a dogshit radar. It needs stupidly much time just to find target, lock it and launch. Notching is also too OP against bvr missiles but su-27 cant notch while throwing an ER
I found myself just trade with fox 3 fast movers, I often kill them first but they always launch one back and you guessed I'm dead with a mad dag aim120
Use the IR HMD, it allows you to get a lock further away than the radar HMD. After you get a lock with the IR HMD you can switch to radar with the switch IRST/Radar keybind and fire off radar missiles.
The mica is insane I absolutely love this middle under 5 miles you are dead from that missile if you shoot this missle from any aspect under 1 mile no matter the angle you are dead I got my mirage 2k 5f on patch day and since then I’ve racked up 59 kills and only 12 deaths because that missle will spank everyone because in this game everyone fight from the center they are gonna nerf this missile I know it
Now only to get it from su 27 and then spade it xD Also - why do you still use both chaff and flares at the same time when defending radar missles, you can use them separately now
Thank you so much for make this video, im strugling how to play the SU 27SM , even since they add AIM 120 thats makes harder when im using russian jet (skill issue lol). and im learning a lot use this jet from your video
I have vids with j-11a and the su27sm exploring the current state of the planes, I'll be a bit more critical in showing the harsh reality of these aircraft. The problem isn't with you, the Flankers are indeed weak and in need of adjustments
@@Bad_Karma777 i hope they make adjustment very soon, already watch your video and trying to adapt with how your play, i can make at least 2-3 kill, very nice vids, keep it up
Really good gameplay. Question, why dont you hold the radar lock when using R-77? In like every shot you just use the hmd pd and shoot the missile. Any special reason? Or its just to go defensive insta? Even if the missile get into pitbul does the radar lock increase the chance to hit?
My understanding is that the launching aircraft's radar doesn't provide any assistance once the ARH's missile's internal radar has gone active (people use the term "goes pitbull" to describe the missile activating its radar). IIRC the pitbull range on the R-77 is 16km. Most of the kills made in this video were made within 10km. At these ranges the missile is "hot off the rail" and makes use of its own internal radar for 100% of its flight, so there is no point in maintaining lock with the host plane's radar. If you were attempting longer ranged locks then the host plane would relay course corrections to the missile via datalink until the missile gets close enough to use its own radar. If you don't maintain lock at long range, the missile instead makes use of inertial guidance where it simply maintains a last known intercept course towards the target and prays that the target didn't change its heading by the time that it wakes up its internal radar set.
Maybe the russians should have done better then.. Hopefully it stays at 2, russians had the best radar missile in the game for over a year and a half. It's time for them to cope and seethe.
@@ferrous3262 WE do want balance... That's why we asked for the Aim-7P or Aim-7MH so we could have a missile on par with the r-27ER.. We had a sparrow from the vietnam era while russians had an r-27 ER upgrade from the mid 90's that was specifically added to combat aim-120's before we even had aim-120s in the game... People cry and cry about having only 2 Datalink targets but when they had the best radar missile and best IR missile combo in the game you guys werent asking for balance, or asking to have a missile that was as good as the ER added for other nations to balance the game out at all You probably ran around saying "skill issue" to everyone like all the other Russia mains.. Looks like the skill issue is on your part this time :)
i showed all my graph configs at the end of this video: ruclips.net/video/i8LkyqtxX9c/видео.htmlsi=daK_XHgrSMjBOo0x im using PostFX too, i posted the settings in my community section :)
R-27ER is still longest range missile in the game and very fast It's recommended to mix and still carry atleast 2x R-27ER's and some R-77's and R-73's Idk why but Fox-3's tend to be easily carried on every pylon... F-16C and MiG-29SMT... they can only carry 2x FOX-1's Aim-7's and R-27ER's but can carry an Aim-120 / R-77 on every single pylon lol So on 29SMT you can still carry 2x R-27ER with 4x R-77's or 2x 77's but 2x R-73 aswell
yes, i using the exactly same payload, depend on the map too bcs in mountain maps i like to use the 27ET :) im always posting my payloads on the description!
@@iwyrilja sure... but R-77's are so bad rn that R-27R is just better... not even ER just regular R And out of all Radar missiles... both Fox 1 and 3... R-27ER outranges everything lol
i showed all my graph configs at the end of this video: ruclips.net/video/i8LkyqtxX9c/видео.htmlsi=daK_XHgrSMjBOo0x im using PostFX too, i posted the settings in my community section :)
@@Bad_Karma777 Ehhh the EM is a bit too new. You’d have the Meteor and AIM-260 JTAM around too along with the R-37M. I don’t see it coming for a LONG time.
@@gtmike916 It's not new, the project dates back to the ending of the 1990s, production is recent, it started in the mid-early 2010s and its full production and full operation began just under 5 years ago, so for the game will arrive soon , analyzing the other medium-range missiles that will come is just a matter of logic for guessers like me and those I talk to
No momento não mesmo, a gaijin sempre escolhe um "Bias" para vender o patch, e dessa vez foi a nação mais hypada (US c/ AIM-120s), eles sempre fazem com que uma nação seja muito forte para farmar dinheiro com ela, como por exemplo quando os mísseis IR de quarta geração chegaram (9M/73), o block 50 foi o escolhido para ser a money printer da gaijin, uma grande att dps foi a vez do Mig-29G... na atualização "Air Superiority" o Gripen e o Flanker foram escolhidos para serem os money printer extremamente OPs, mas que o modo de jogo e o veículos foram sendo balanceados com o tempo, inclusive os outros aviões que eram fracos e careciam de certo desempenho também foram contemplados com este, meu palpite é que quando o Caracol achar que já farmou o suficiente os 120 serão balanceados ao nível de performance dos outros fox3, ou vice-e-versa (apesar de que eu acredite que bufar os outros fox3 é extremamente tóxico para a gameplay) e haverão mecanicas para evitar os fox3 de forma mais tranquila...
@@Bad_Karma777 show manoo, tu poderia ensinar a se defender destes mísseis, tu sai numa maior tranquilidade, e quais caças de ponta falta o game??? Jogo de Russo sempre
R-77 is terrible
Also, what's going on at 3:18? I noticed this too, sometimes R77 just won't wake up... Takes 3 tries and 5 seconds to get it to start locking. Crazy
Same thing happens to the amraam and pl12 from what I’ve noticed
this is a problem with my ping, the problem exist normaly but my ping is an aggravating factor, its harder for me to get consistent locks, dodge missiles, etc. . .
the r-27er is a counter to the early amraam crazy that it has been in the game for so long now
@@BikZom Its not a counter to any fox3 missile... even after they added amraams, some ppl still cant understand that...
@@BikZomlmfao please grab the SU-27S and BVR against my F-15C. I’ll gladly showcase to you how much your R-27ER counters my AIM-120.
I honestly thought the R-77 was gonna beat every other Fox-3. How the turns have tabled lol
I’m mean it’s equivalent to aim120c5 irl but this is game. USSR had a whole year with the r27 so 🤷♂️
@@Likeawormwouldn’t the R-77-1 be the equivalent to the C-5?
@@C0M3T_ 77-1 is to C-7 (110-120 km range)
@@Likeaworm Well, look at aam-4, it should perform equal or better, than C-5, yet in this game it's worse, than 120A...
@@Likeawormare you braindead? the r77-1 is equivalent to the c5 not the regular r77, you posted on a different comment saying the aim120 has a worse range than an aim7m and now you say this, stop embarassing yourself
4:13 There is a trick to avoid losing control of the plane you just have to lightly press W, and the G-forces will cancel out. It's something that, for some reason no one knows about but it's super useful. Seriously, try it
I do this all the time, smoothly
ur so good at dodging missiles
It's hilarious how everyone has to hug the ground now. At least I get to see my favourite jet perform. Favourite until the Su-30SM/MKI that is.
Canards+TVC+true multirole is the best flanker, although the last part wouldn't really be used unless you took it out to ground realistic.
At which point who knows how it would perform compared to everything else that could be added by then.
We can be disappointed, since russian SU-30 do not have container (at least early versions). Indian/indonesian have them
Hugging the ground isn’t a guaranteed way to avoid the missiles. Multipathing is cut down to 60 meters/190 ft.
The su30 would be cool.. but immagine the su35!
Or simulator.
R27s still a Mach 5 missile so if you can survive holding the lock it can still do some work
Keywords "if you survive holding the lock". Bro can just turn away once his missile is active (Assuming he isn't getting greedy, or actually has situational awareness). Once I got Fox-3's I didn't die to an ER once the first couple days. Powercrept into oblivion
Bruh, it can hardly reach mach 5. Also, su-27 has a dogshit radar. It needs stupidly much time just to find target, lock it and launch. Notching is also too OP against bvr missiles but su-27 cant notch while throwing an ER
@@Registered_Simp yeah planes that don’t have fox 3s in top tier are suffering badly
I found myself just trade with fox 3 fast movers, I often kill them first but they always launch one back and you guessed I'm dead with a mad dag aim120
@@shikai1169 How close are these launches? Sub 6km?...
Even the engines show the national profile of this aircraft.😮
Use the IR HMD, it allows you to get a lock further away than the radar HMD. After you get a lock with the IR HMD you can switch to radar with the switch IRST/Radar keybind and fire off radar missiles.
3:42 L GUMPY got the L + Ratio
R-77 are really good at close range
Great gameplay, happy to see SU-27 again 🔥
2:00 how to dodge this AMRAAM?
It's kinda painful to see how many people don't jink when in close range and just fly right into a gun shot
Yes :(
what is jink
@@FiestaKing36 jinking is rolling left or right to reduce visible surface area and flying up or down to make a shot harder to hit
0:12 how do you select weopons like that?
Bind a key to change secondary weapon
The mica is insane I absolutely love this middle under 5 miles you are dead from that missile if you shoot this missle from any aspect under 1 mile no matter the angle you are dead I got my mirage 2k 5f on patch day and since then I’ve racked up 59 kills and only 12 deaths because that missle will spank everyone because in this game everyone fight from the center they are gonna nerf this missile I know it
How did you pump it from the stock?
i miss R27-ER pre nerf, like the first 2 weeks they came out they would go mach 3 right off the rails, was very fun but not realistic
18 minutes ago is crazy
How are your counter measures not broken. For me when I press flare it dumps 30 of them at a time.
They said they fixed it
Do you have some advice to survive the amraams a bit easier ?
make correct decisions in a timely manner, make a notch at the right time, position yourself correctly, otherwise you will be destroyed
When rwr ping like crazy just go 90 degrees
Now only to get it from su 27 and then spade it xD Also - why do you still use both chaff and flares at the same time when defending radar missles, you can use them separately now
I fear ET some times
@@Bad_Karma777yeah ETs are much more of an issue RN, since many people use chaff only in BVR)))
You and Hunter should do a co op video but it would just be silent the whole time because you guys both don’t talk lmao
He must not know who I am, much respect to him :)
🐐 bro
thank you bro!
Ehy Bad Karma, nice kills! How do you have custom burners on not custom skins?
u need to create a template of the cammo and use the afterburner mod on it
Миг 23 был убит
@@incognito6211 Нет
Thank you so much for make this video, im strugling how to play the SU 27SM , even since they add AIM 120 thats makes harder when im using russian jet (skill issue lol). and im learning a lot use this jet from your video
I have vids with j-11a and the su27sm exploring the current state of the planes, I'll be a bit more critical in showing the harsh reality of these aircraft. The problem isn't with you, the Flankers are indeed weak and in need of adjustments
@@Bad_Karma777 i hope they make adjustment very soon, already watch your video and trying to adapt with how your play, i can make at least 2-3 kill, very nice vids, keep it up
Cara, como é bom ver sua gameplay!!!
How do you change the afterburner color? I can't find it even after checking the user skin.
i sent the link in the description
Really good gameplay. Question, why dont you hold the radar lock when using R-77? In like every shot you just use the hmd pd and shoot the missile. Any special reason? Or its just to go defensive insta? Even if the missile get into pitbul does the radar lock increase the chance to hit?
because under 16km r77 use own active radar (ARH)
My understanding is that the launching aircraft's radar doesn't provide any assistance once the ARH's missile's internal radar has gone active (people use the term "goes pitbull" to describe the missile activating its radar). IIRC the pitbull range on the R-77 is 16km. Most of the kills made in this video were made within 10km. At these ranges the missile is "hot off the rail" and makes use of its own internal radar for 100% of its flight, so there is no point in maintaining lock with the host plane's radar. If you were attempting longer ranged locks then the host plane would relay course corrections to the missile via datalink until the missile gets close enough to use its own radar. If you don't maintain lock at long range, the missile instead makes use of inertial guidance where it simply maintains a last known intercept course towards the target and prays that the target didn't change its heading by the time that it wakes up its internal radar set.
How do your afterburners look like that?
its a mod, i sent the link in the description
This is Art
The fact that the f16 and f15 can get all missiles out on data link is crazy while the su27sm can get 2 out on data link at a time
Maybe the russians should have done better then.. Hopefully it stays at 2, russians had the best radar missile in the game for over a year and a half. It's time for them to cope and seethe.
@@Yea.IGetHectic you guys don't care about balance stop pretending to want it
@@ferrous3262 WE do want balance... That's why we asked for the Aim-7P or Aim-7MH so we could have a missile on par with the r-27ER.. We had a sparrow from the vietnam era while russians had an r-27 ER upgrade from the mid 90's that was specifically added to combat aim-120's before we even had aim-120s in the game... People cry and cry about having only 2 Datalink targets but when they had the best radar missile and best IR missile combo in the game you guys werent asking for balance, or asking to have a missile that was as good as the ER added for other nations to balance the game out at all You probably ran around saying "skill issue" to everyone like all the other Russia mains.. Looks like the skill issue is on your part this time :)
@@Yea.IGetHectic mindset of an idiot
How come you take chaff? I barely even started playing like a month ago I’m still trying to figure this game out
Planes that are capable of equipping countermeasures have a modification that they unlock when researching plane upgrades.
Big mistake buying into top tier. You would have been much more proficient working your way through the tree.
Can you show how you use Acq Pd Hdn on radar, i tried to find it myself but couldn't find it
controls > weaponry > radar/irst beyond/within visual range combat
@@Bad_Karma777 But how you use this ACM PD HDN on 100 km scale 0:22, i tried but can't do it. And the TRK PD 0:47 again on 100 km scale .
А откуда такой цвет форсажа? Можно его где-то найти? Очень реалистичный форсаж
sure! here is: live.warthunder.com/post/1103864/en/
Hey bro how did you got these fighter jets did bought it?
I played for 1 year and I got only yak 3😂
I haven't spent money on War Thunder in yearsa and the most I spent was like, 150 usd
@@Bad_Karma777 dang that’s a lot but ngl your vid are damn good
Make more dog war vids ❤️❤️
should i grind sm with the su27 or mig23ml? (no premium)
I feel the mig23 would be better, i had better luck with my f4j than f15a to grind the f15c
MiG-23 as you will be in a better BR for grinding. Your R-27ERs are gonna be worthless in 13.0 matches
Currently on stock, idk if i should GE the modificaion at least for ER
thats what the snail wants. just turn off your brain and watch some videos in another monitor until you get through stock grind.
We need your WT settings!!!!!!!!!!!!
i showed all my graph configs at the end of this video: ruclips.net/video/i8LkyqtxX9c/видео.htmlsi=daK_XHgrSMjBOo0x
im using PostFX too, i posted the settings in my community section :)
R-27ER is still longest range missile in the game and very fast
It's recommended to mix and still carry atleast 2x R-27ER's and some R-77's and R-73's
Idk why but Fox-3's tend to be easily carried on every pylon...
F-16C and MiG-29SMT... they can only carry 2x FOX-1's Aim-7's and R-27ER's but can carry an Aim-120 / R-77 on every single pylon lol
So on 29SMT you can still carry 2x R-27ER with 4x R-77's or 2x 77's but 2x R-73 aswell
yes, i using the exactly same payload, depend on the map too bcs in mountain maps i like to use the 27ET :) im always posting my payloads on the description!
The fox-3 missiles are much lighter and smaller. An R-27ER weighs 350kg while an R-77 weighs something like ~150kg
@@iwyrilja sure... but R-77's are so bad rn that R-27R is just better... not even ER just regular R
And out of all Radar missiles... both Fox 1 and 3... R-27ER outranges everything lol
Salve man poderia fazer umas plays com o Mirage 5F
Author's Power Endures)
I believe the R77 should have a longer range to be more effective
nah r77 is fine, the 120 is needing some balance, thats all
Try Q-5 Early, almost impossible to get a kill with it
What your setup?
RTX 3060 R5 5600x
bro pasame tu cofig de graficos.. porfa un nuevo suscriptor
i showed all my graph configs at the end of this video: ruclips.net/video/i8LkyqtxX9c/видео.htmlsi=daK_XHgrSMjBOo0x
im using PostFX too, i posted the settings in my community section :)
Shit I don't know if I want to continue in the air it's so hard to control and I don't know how to setthings up xd I guess I'll stay on the ground
R27EM when?
idk, maybe on the su35/su30sm release :)
EA not EM and probably never since they have the R-77s now.
@@gtmike916 EA was canceled and EM is different
@@Bad_Karma777 Ehhh the EM is a bit too new. You’d have the Meteor and AIM-260 JTAM around too along with the R-37M. I don’t see it coming for a LONG time.
It's not new, the project dates back to the ending of the 1990s, production is recent, it started in the mid-early 2010s and its full production and full operation began just under 5 years ago, so for the game will arrive soon , analyzing the other medium-range missiles that will come is just a matter of logic for guessers like me and those I talk to
Here me out r37
New av8 pls
Soon! :D
fala mano br aqui kkk, essa aeronave e misseis são quebrados que nem os americanos?
No momento não mesmo, a gaijin sempre escolhe um "Bias" para vender o patch, e dessa vez foi a nação mais hypada (US c/ AIM-120s), eles sempre fazem com que uma nação seja muito forte para farmar dinheiro com ela, como por exemplo quando os mísseis IR de quarta geração chegaram (9M/73), o block 50 foi o escolhido para ser a money printer da gaijin, uma grande att dps foi a vez do Mig-29G... na atualização "Air Superiority" o Gripen e o Flanker foram escolhidos para serem os money printer extremamente OPs, mas que o modo de jogo e o veículos foram sendo balanceados com o tempo, inclusive os outros aviões que eram fracos e careciam de certo desempenho também foram contemplados com este, meu palpite é que quando o Caracol achar que já farmou o suficiente os 120 serão balanceados ao nível de performance dos outros fox3, ou vice-e-versa (apesar de que eu acredite que bufar os outros fox3 é extremamente tóxico para a gameplay) e haverão mecanicas para evitar os fox3 de forma mais tranquila...
@@Bad_Karma777 show manoo, tu poderia ensinar a se defender destes mísseis, tu sai numa maior tranquilidade, e quais caças de ponta falta o game??? Jogo de Russo sempre
@@iagaro Da pra tu botar no youtube "How to avoid fox-3 missles" ou coisa do tipo. Basicamente é usar corretamente chaff e notch.
@@UrubuDoPix001 valeuu
Why enemy player has no name
I removed it, its a option in the game
give bro an Su-27SM his going to get air superiority in Ukraine
Man ily
hmmm, im happy with my spitfire mk2a. no need for this mess.
Finally, America is on top!
At close range R77 better
Finally? OK. Imo they've been on top since the f16c was introduced last year.
america has been at the top since MiG-29SMT so its been over a year don't know what you are talking about
"Finally"? Do you know how long the F-14A terrorized top tier for before the other 4th gens arrived lol