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  • @Noetje15
    @Noetje15 Год назад +30

    Thank you for this video! I just started Heartstone few weeks ago and started playing Warrior last week. It's definitely my favorite hero to play so far. Really nice to see you play and see all great cards I can get further into the game.

    • @pepi453
      @pepi453 Год назад

      Warrior is my favorite class too! To me, the most fun deck type was control warrior, but as Kibler mentioned at the start of the video, it's not really a deck that's working these days. Hopefully it can make a comeback soon!

  • @alienstales
    @alienstales Год назад +2

    Wish they added something like "finale: draw a minion" from blackrock to make it lesse "5 mana do nothing and hope you draw a minion next turn"

    • @zom8680
      @zom8680 Год назад

      It should also buff your hand for those matches where you draw all your good shit early

  • @Gavinbelson
    @Gavinbelson Год назад +15

    Maybe they will give warrior a "draw a fire spell" type card in the next mini set.

  • @deix4273
    @deix4273 Год назад +9

    That Naga - Lightshow deck seems pretty fun

  • @Aldrius
    @Aldrius Год назад +54

    I still hate Frost DK, but wow the game feels way more intense and skillful to me this expansion than it has in a *long* time. Not just building up to massive pay off cards.

    • @cinimontoast903
      @cinimontoast903 Год назад +11

      Yes, that last game really showed how skill intensive this meta is. You have to play a naga, and then a spell, and then oh wait a naga again....

    • @Intestine_Ballin-ism
      @Intestine_Ballin-ism Год назад +8

      And Blackrock into Lorthemar is.....?

    • @owlson2527
      @owlson2527 Год назад

      @@Intestine_Ballin-ism and Pre into Coin is…

    • @moonlight2870
      @moonlight2870 Год назад

      Lol. Lmao, even.

    • @Aldrius
      @Aldrius Год назад

      @@Intestine_Ballin-ism a high roll with massive tempo loss.
      I didn't say it was perfect.

  • @sgpiegp4rt831
    @sgpiegp4rt831 Год назад +1

    Return of the deck intro! Excited to see how you handle big stats warrior!

  • @williamalongi5097
    @williamalongi5097 Год назад +11

    I find that ambassador faelin+from the depths+finley is a good package in the deck that can accomplish a lot. Faelin adds minions to your deck that have a high cost and that you can get later super-buffed. Double trenchstalker also good. Double 3-mana weapon fetch dude and two copies of warrior's new weapon I think are necessary, and have synergy with the armor gain the deck naturally wants to run.
    The riffs, I cut. They just don't do enough. The 1 mana riff is still not a good card, and doesn't answer most of the minions that are generally played in the early turns of the game by aggressive decks. It gains some armor which is nice, but the package as a whole (*6 cards*) doesn't do enough to justify taking 6 card slots from your deck. 3 mana draw 1 and buff it a little bit is just... not good enough to run. You can't play it on turn 3 because then you don't put anything on the board in the early turns, you can't play it later because your deck is full of big minions and it's difficult to fit a 3 mana spell in your turns. And finally, 5 mana 7/7 is just not good enough to work in this meta. On later turns, when you can finale out the other riffs it can be a nice board swing, but it's so much setup, and you have to get the cards in the right order, and it doesn't have very much synergy with the rest of your gameplan... It CAN work, but not consistently enough where I think control warrior can use it.
    I also think that running Prince Renathal, while kind of a meme, is also surprisingly good in this deck. Yes, you're less likely to get BRNR on 5. But you put in some card draw (new shield block, forged in flame plus the drumset weapon and Remornia, from the depths+finley) and you can usually find at least one of your great card synergies that you run in the deck. Plus, running Renathal means that you're almost always going to get value from BRNR. Playing it on turn 5 is good, don't get me wrong, but a lot of the time on turn 5 you can't play it anyway, because the deck you're going against is putting up too much pressure.
    In the end, my deck becomes a very controlley, value-y control shell that has some tools to deal with some of the less refined aggro decks in the meta, that with combo disruption cards like spelleater dude and 1 mana dirty rat spell has some game against combo-ey decks and other control decks. I don't feel mega-favored against anyone in particular, but I feel like I have a chance to win against everyone I play.

    • @williamalongi5097
      @williamalongi5097 Год назад

      One thing I forgot to add: Now that black rock and roll, lor'themar, and last stand are all cards that warrior can use... I think the 6 mana 4/8 taunt rush shroud is not only playable, but good. I'd try running it over the 2/5 pirate, so that no matter what you draw with Last Stand, you're getting a huge tempo swing.

    • @jesuslovestoastyaya
      @jesuslovestoastyaya Год назад

      Amazing tips I’m gonna try this! Thanks

    • @williamalongi5097
      @williamalongi5097 Год назад

      @@jesuslovestoastyaya something to consider: Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler of Brian Kibler Gaming uses Igneous Lavagorger. I'm not convinced this is worth lowering the quality of your taunt minions you want to tutor out with Last Stand, but IF you choose to run Igneous, you might honestly want to consider running the 4-mana naga teacher, and the 2 mana spell Warrior has now that draws cards equal to 1+your minion types.
      I haven't tried it yet. It might not be very good. But it has potential, because the deck would probably benefit from a little tiny bit more card draw for finding those synergistic pieces.

    • @sleven8013
      @sleven8013 Год назад

      Some nice ideas here! I did reason the same with the riffs. Even though Kiblers best turns in this vid were the bridge riffs popping off, it still doesn’t justify the 6 card slots and complicates your deck.

    • @sleven8013
      @sleven8013 Год назад

      I think menagerie is better than riffs honestly

  • @CynicalSigtyr
    @CynicalSigtyr Год назад +1

    Anecdotal here, but about halfway through MotLK I put together a Renathal Control Warrior centered on Lor'themar Theron, Remornia, Trenchstalkers, taunts and Last Stand. Basically the exact idea we are seeing now, but obviously didn't have BRnR.
    Long story short, the deck wasn't a metabreaker, but it farmed the heck out of Aggro DKs and Undead Priests, and could stand up to Pure Paladin. So what changed?
    Rotation happened. Warrior lost Rancor, Frozen Buckler + Shield Shatter, Outrider's Axe, Stonemaul Anchorman, Provoke, and the Rokara hero. Control Warrior's ability to contest early boards and draw cards disappeared overnight. So now we have BRnR for a mega-"greedy" win condition, but no way to activate it consistently, or even survive to that point.
    The second Blizzard actually buffs Control Warrior's control tools, Control Warrior will probably shoot straight to tier 2. Unfortunately, that will also mean Tony Warrior becomes a problem, since that deck is held back by the same weaknesses.

  • @Silentfeety
    @Silentfeety Год назад

    I just wait for the news he announces a new family member, a baby! He's looks such an amazing person

  • @elishaya7039
    @elishaya7039 Год назад +8

    If its any consolation, the riffs are amazing in arena

    • @profanemagic5671
      @profanemagic5671 Год назад +2

      I just finished a tripple 5-cost 4x3cost Riff arena run 12-2 :D

  • @kevinm4193
    @kevinm4193 Год назад +1

    Thank you for the deck breakdown, adds a lot to the content

  • @KidVivacious
    @KidVivacious Год назад +5

    I've been really enjoying that new 1 drop, Razorfen Rockstar. I know it's really easy to remove but all the incidental armour gain it can give you works really nicely with the new weapon, Kodohide Drumkit.
    I've also been playing around with Rockmaster Voone to make copies of Trenchstalker, Queen Azshara, Rivendare, Warrider and Ziliax but it's super greedy and very slow.
    I've also tried running Naga Giants after Kibler mentioned another player (BunnyHoppor, I think) was trying them out. The riffs make them quite easy to cast and if you're running Lavagorger you can gain 20 armour on turn 4, which is sometimes really good and always really funny. I should mention that these have all been decks featuring Blackrock and Roll and Lor'themar, purely because the big numbers make me happy. A 0 cost 56/56 is hilarious, dies to removal but hilarious none the less.

    • @tuffilaro1565
      @tuffilaro1565 Год назад +1

      Razorfen Rockstar also works well with the Riffs, sometimes you can play up to 4 Verse Riffs in a turn and gain a surprising amount of armour with it.

    • @christianclark9494
      @christianclark9494 Год назад +1

      basically you tried all the cards in their intended way lol

  • @Icetea-2000
    @Icetea-2000 Год назад +3

    The mana reductions are great and all, but the lack of scaling and constant setbacks by your cheap riff activators becoming the new last riff you played, still makes it feel conceptually bad to me.

  • @YoungClarke
    @YoungClarke Год назад +2

    Started playing a taunt warrior deck the day before the patch went live, and really enjoy it. Though if you just don’t draw blackrock or lor, it is supremely frustrating. Logically I know your pay off cards like fleshshaper don’t necessarily need to have crazy buffed stats to be good, but I can’t help but feel frustrated drawing them without getting one of the buff pieces off first. Especially with the amount of minion removal folks can generate, it feels like you need to have as many of them buffed into serious threats as possible.
    Not to mention the current paladin and frost decks can often have me too far behind by turn 5 to even play blackrock on curve. And it is seriously demoralizing having control priest kill you with your own buffed minions while clearing your board with endlessly generated removal.
    Deck is still super fun, but needs further support to be truly competitive.

    • @E0011
      @E0011 Год назад

      Same experience the power level is ridiculously lacking. Blackrock could cost 4 and draw 2 minions and it would still be ok

    • @YoungClarke
      @YoungClarke Год назад

      @@E0011 totally, with how quickly aggressive decks burn out an opponent, or efficiently reload the board after wipes , it just feels ridiculously difficult to take an entire turn for blackrock.
      Aggro decks are just so hyper efficient, you’re dead before you’ll see any payoff.

  • @pouriamaghoul7965
    @pouriamaghoul7965 Год назад +16

    From the depth is a really necessary card for me , it adds consistensy and reducing the cost of your low tempo high impact cards like lothrimar and what not is really powerful. Also i run the other 6 mana taunt (the one with rush/ immune to spell) instead since it has a much higher impact imo. Essentially i doubled down on the passive early game and balanced it out with more impactful minions like the rush and decimator olgra for a more consistant tempo swing. Lastly i really really dislike last stand it never felt good for me.
    Tl,dr : run from the depths instead of last stand , run more impactful minions like ogra and silverfury stalward instead of fleshshaper

    • @Gavinbelson
      @Gavinbelson Год назад +3

      what rank are you?

    • @elgoblino2247
      @elgoblino2247 Год назад +4

      4 mana do nothing into 5 mama do nothing

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Год назад +3

      from the depths costs 4 mana now. it's pretty bad

    • @manchovieclemmons2380
      @manchovieclemmons2380 Год назад +1

      Ogra isnt a bad option, but she isnt much better than flesh shaper. But from the depths is very anti tempo. When it works well and hits good targets, its good, but sometimes it just feels like it doesnt accomplish anything. So i play nothing on 4, and my opponent puts 6+ more damage onto the board. Maybe if they put it back to 3 mana.

    • @Chiefrocka.
      @Chiefrocka. Год назад +3

      Yea try playing that in diamond you will be dead on turn 6

  • @pkmnswampmaster
    @pkmnswampmaster Год назад +8

    What if Death Knight could only discover cards based on the runes selected when deck building? Unless it's specified like a triple frost deck that somehow generates a Necrotic Mortician which would discover an Unholy Rune card per it's card text.

    • @nikhtzatzi
      @nikhtzatzi Год назад +3

      because then the best triple rune cards will be discovered more easily by building the already good triple decks. and the nerf was targeting dks repeating those 3 rune ice cards

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Год назад +2

      unfortunately, there's no good solution to DK. runes are a really stupid design by their very nature, because they're printing the same amount of cards for this class as for other classes, but this class is actually 27 different classes in one. that wouldn't necessarily be a huge problem, except that hearthstone has progressively increased the prominence of "discover" every year of this game's existence, until almost every deck's game plan is basically to discover as many copies of pushed cards as possible. so this game already revolves around this stupid mechanic. and DK as a class, rune deckbuilding as a concept, is incompatible with that mechanic no matter how you slice it. either 1) discover breaks rune deckbuilding, because it basically gives you an easy and abundant way to violate rune deckbuilding restrictions, or 2) rune deckbuilding breaks discover, because rune deckbuilding restrictions have been applied to the discover pool to fix the former problem, such that DK has a much smaller discover pool than other classes, allowing DK vastly higher consistency on discover effects, or 3) DK's discover pool has arbitrary and nonsensical restrictions, like it has now, that neither prevent DK players from violating rune deckbuilding restrictions NOR give DK the same discover consistency that other classes have. this third solution is really the worst of both worlds, so it's no surprise that's the solution blizzard picked. we're gonna shrink the discover pool, so DK has better consistency. but don't worry, we're only shrinking it by a little bit, since we're just removing 3-rune cards, not out-of-rune cards... so your frost DK is STILL able to roll into a lategame scourge to refill from nothing. but just because that solution is terrible, doesn't mean some other approach would solve the problems with DK. this is gonna be a recurring problem over and over again, it'll follow this game around forever until hearthstone either 1) removes rune restrictions entirely, or 2) starts printing 3x the number of cards for DK that they print for other classes.

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Год назад +3

      by the way, just to clear things up for anyone who was confused. every time I wrote DK in the above paragraph, I didn't mean Death Knight, I actually meant Donkey Kong

    • @Aldrius
      @Aldrius Год назад

      What they did was a good change.

  • @Allskil88
    @Allskil88 Год назад +3

    Ah yes, the Naga buff, because Mage did need to get back on the mana cheat/RNG BS train

  • @andrecrispim3209
    @andrecrispim3209 Год назад

    Kibler makes a video playing a fun deck
    Me: alright, time to play it and get rekt in ranked like a noob 😂

  • @matthewbutner8696
    @matthewbutner8696 Год назад +1

    Would Black Rock and Roll and Lorthamar be too overpowered if they also affected what was in your hand?

    • @andrecrispim3209
      @andrecrispim3209 Год назад +1

      Ye because it would be “instantaneous”

    • @matthewbutner8696
      @matthewbutner8696 Год назад

      @@andrecrispim3209 They still cost 5 or 7 mana and if you wanted to play anything that had even decent impact you would still probably need another 5+ mana so it wouldn't be happening until the next turn still or unless you were at 10 mana. Though I could see how it could be very unfun if from turn 6+ onwards it was just giant bomb followed by giant bomb for the rest of the game.

  • @manchovieclemmons2380
    @manchovieclemmons2380 Год назад +5

    You should try thorei'balore turbo. Run your birb, the epic minion that copies. Low minion count so that your riffs will draw into your birb, run a bunch of fire spells, and the 4 mana neutral pyromancer. Its bad.... but very fun.

    • @theaveragebluejay
      @theaveragebluejay Год назад


    • @christianclark9494
      @christianclark9494 Год назад

      'bad but very fun' is what I love, deck list please? I'm stupid and don't know how to deck build

    • @manchovieclemmons2380
      @manchovieclemmons2380 Год назад

      I use:
      1x sir finley sea guide
      2x slam
      2x verse riff
      2x bash
      2x embers of strength
      2x guard the city
      2x shield block
      2x blade storm
      2x chorus riff
      1x heavy plate
      2x cover artist
      2x light of the Phoenix
      2x pyrotechnician
      2x sunfire smithing
      1x thori'belore
      2x bridge riff
      This leaves 1 slot free which i change every so often. Ive tried zola, forged in flame, brawl, weapons, Voone, whatever you think you need really

    • @manchovieclemmons2380
      @manchovieclemmons2380 Год назад

      @@christianclark9494 honestly, if you put enough draw in there, you could probably use photographer fizzle too

  • @ISO8Legionaire
    @ISO8Legionaire Год назад

    I skipped the last two expansions. is the game fun rn?

  • @marioparini6951
    @marioparini6951 Год назад +1

    Why frost DK still exist?

  • @inquisitroll777
    @inquisitroll777 Год назад

    Amazing as always Kibler

  • @AidanWR
    @AidanWR Год назад +2

    I'm a little surprised that Asvedon isn't in the deck, especially with Last Stand, although it is fairly low impact most of the time. Other than that, I don't know which cards will be that great, because most of them you have tested

    • @krishnachaitanyagv5065
      @krishnachaitanyagv5065 Год назад

      That's because Asvedon sucks. Even if he has a good spell , he's gonna repeat the same spell with the worst targets

  • @akbmfm
    @akbmfm Год назад +3

    Trenchstalker having 8 attack instead of a clean 9 still bothers me

  • @KingOfTheDungle
    @KingOfTheDungle Год назад

    Im running a 40 card version with some menagerie undertones, it has been preforming pretty well. It has way more value generation tho. It beats blood dk and most slower decks.

  • @stephenberntson4666
    @stephenberntson4666 Год назад

    What exactly is the change to the discover function?

    • @pouriamaghoul7965
      @pouriamaghoul7965 Год назад

      Not the function only dk discovers got changed. You cant discover 3 rune cards anymore

  • @LurksQED
    @LurksQED Год назад +1

    My main problem with Warrior's new cards this expansion has been that nothing they got was both interesting and good. That doesn't apply to riffs and styles of menagerie that benefit from Voone after their cost reduction, but Kibler's deck intro really shows how that still applies for Blackrock & Roll. Deck-buffing should be really cool! But Blackrock & Roll is just so hard to find room to use and it's so hard to deckbuild around that it just doesn't work.
    Also, to the question Kibler asked at the end of the intro, I feel like some kind of midrange-y menagerie taunt Warrior might work? Maybe include Armegadillo to keep the buffing theme? But I don't see Blackrock & Roll fitting in that except as a sub-optimal card you include strictly for the possibility of something fun happening, and I don't see anything slower than that working super well with Warrior's current tools.

  • @AndresGonzalez-kz5vt
    @AndresGonzalez-kz5vt Год назад

    I had the same problems when i wanted to make a blackrock deck, so i started to stray away from most spells and just replacining it with a few other packages, tried the mech package with roaring applause, and a taunt/weapon package using sword eater and forged in flame for draw. The bonuses of these changes help get more minions after blackrock with decent/strong stats who can help out before closing it with a trenchstalker or remornia.

  • @MisterDragon
    @MisterDragon Год назад

    Even with the Riffs now actually not being bad cards... I don't think they match the deck. It's really missing I think more minions with good battlecries... But what battlecries fit here?
    Best would be some way to get BRnR more reliably or Lorthemar. Lorthemar is impossible sadly but... I dunno... What about running a bunch of spell discover?
    Actually spell discover could also help the riff package by generating additional riffs.

  • @JorgeGalarza1990
    @JorgeGalarza1990 Год назад +1

    Warrior is so messed up that 6 buffs did nothing to it.

  • @deathnotehell1
    @deathnotehell1 Год назад +1

    I know they've been in the game for a while now but those animated hero portraits like Aurthur's one still look so off to me. They look to much like there from Shadowverse to me I guess.

  • @auxillaryinput
    @auxillaryinput Год назад

    I’ve been having fun with a taunt warrior deck.
    ### Turtle
    # Class: Warrior
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Wolf
    # 2x (1) Last Stand
    # 1x (1) Razorfen Rockstar
    # 2x (2) Bash
    # 2x (2) Frightened Flunky
    # 2x (2) Roaring Applause
    # 2x (2) Shield Block
    # 2x (3) Bronze Gatekeeper
    # 2x (3) Power Slider
    # 1x (3) Rock Master Voone
    # 1x (3) Treasure Guard
    # 2x (4) Igneous Lavagorger
    # 1x (4) Kodohide Drumkit
    # 2x (4) Sword Eater
    # 1x (5) Blackrock 'n' Roll
    # 2x (5) Drum Soloist
    # 1x (5) Zilliax
    # 1x (6) Armagedillo
    # 2x (6) Fleshshaper
    # 1x (7) The One-Amalgam Band
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    Armagedillo is secretly the best card

  • @darkwivent
    @darkwivent Год назад

    Have you tried pyrotechnician in warrior. I've been tinkering with it but would love to someone find a more streamlined deck for it.

  • @samuelkane1717
    @samuelkane1717 Год назад

    BlackRock n' Controll, surely.

  • @natepetit271
    @natepetit271 Год назад

    I love death knight, I love the feel of blood and I honestly feel like the nerfs make it perfectly balanced. That being said SCREW any frost dk players. Frostwyrms should cost 8 or 9, for freezing a board, dealing 5 and getting a 5/5 for no extra corpse’s cost. The new finale minion for frost is also dumb

  • @Ragnarokv187
    @Ragnarokv187 Год назад

    I’ve seen people getting 20 armor off Naga giant, lavagorger maybe play space for that

  • @Brope92
    @Brope92 Год назад

    Brian needs to play priest. I know that shadow isnt as good as it used to be, but they do have some good cards in that class.

  • @vittoriogoretti7608
    @vittoriogoretti7608 Год назад

    But the link has a different deck

  • @Albator102004
    @Albator102004 Год назад

    Maybe with pyrotechnicians for some value ?

  • @HowToMolly
    @HowToMolly Год назад

    Kibler went from Legend 300s to 900s just to make warrior work lol.

  • @Pok3ma3st3r
    @Pok3ma3st3r Год назад

    If only dead mans hand was in this rotation it might make it better

  • @autumngrace7742
    @autumngrace7742 Год назад

    A lot of these games dont feel like playing reactive control, instead just watching the opponent play solitare and hope they dont draw the card that wins them the game.

  • @nathones
    @nathones Год назад

    Can’t ever play the cool legendary against Frost DK. FeelsBadMan

  • @galkanftw
    @galkanftw Год назад

    I tried Warrior and think I know the problem with it.Warrior is not doing anything the first several turns so War is just behind on board all the time.Then Warrior often wants to spend mana that again does NOTHING to the board or challenge the board.Ift is NOT about War being able to close a game the class most certainly can close a game the same way other classes are.
    So there is a way to build War but it needs to NOT be greedy fights for the board so yeah that means CONTROL is not good enough for OBVIOUS reasons.DK has WAY more tools for control like several big target removal AOE removal etc etc heal cards that also kill while War's armor does not kill.Bash does kill a 3 HP minion but so what one target and opp likely already has more dmg than that and will continue to dmg.IMO DK is a MUCH better control class and also imo even mage can do a better job of control than War so it is just a bad choice to go War control.

  • @dannyjaye
    @dannyjaye Год назад +2

    Game had this many buffs and its STILL just Paladin Aggro and toxic Frost DK dominating the meta, same as before. Gg Blizzard… /slowclap

    • @Taskuli12
      @Taskuli12 Год назад +1

      What a Surprise when they did not really even touch dk at all and they forgot paladin somehow in the patch lmao.

    • @imef3735
      @imef3735 Год назад +1

      @@Taskuli12 Pally is quite manageable with control warlock. Defile can wreck them, starfish can wreck them, the shadow naga can kill through divine shields and still be a 3 mana 4/4...

    • @rawbwasab5732
      @rawbwasab5732 Год назад

      @@imef3735 then you lose to everything else lol warlock sucks man

  • @rawbwasab5732
    @rawbwasab5732 Год назад

    it’s funny the comments offering their input as if the tactics that work in their bronze - gold games work in legend lol

  • @stylishsleet3872
    @stylishsleet3872 Год назад

    Riffs being strong? I mean they are at the power level of the game but call them strong outside of arena its a very large amount of copium

  • @jorgecabrera3694
    @jorgecabrera3694 Год назад +8

    I am first. I am the Rock and the Roll

  • @trixmtll1393
    @trixmtll1393 Год назад

    the only warrior decks that arent aggro or tempo that im having some success with, and like piloting, are astalor warrior and Rivendare warrior.
    ### astalor
    # Class: Warrior
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Wolf
    # 2x (1) Call to the Stand
    # 2x (1) Razorfen Rockstar
    # 2x (1) Shield Slam
    # 2x (1) Verse Riff
    # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn
    # 2x (2) Bash
    # 2x (2) Shield Block
    # 2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster
    # 2x (3) Bladestorm
    # 2x (3) Chorus Riff
    # 2x (3) Hookfist-3000
    # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
    # 2x (4) Kodohide Drumkit
    # 2x (4) Sunfire Smithing
    # 2x (4) Sword Eater
    # 2x (5) Disruptive Spellbreaker
    in the baron rivendare version of warrior, it runs the masked reveler and the 9 mana 4/8 that draws and summons a copy of an undead, as its only minions.

  • @andrecrispim3209
    @andrecrispim3209 Год назад

    Frost dk and pure paladin are still a thing. Hate it

  • @arianimation
    @arianimation Год назад

    I'm 8-4 with this Renathal Taunt version, around D5-4:
    ### Riff taunt
    # Class: Warrior
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Wolf
    # 1x (1) Last Stand
    # 2x (1) Shield Slam
    # 2x (1) Verse Riff
    # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn
    # 2x (2) Frightened Flunky
    # 2x (2) Hipster
    # 2x (2) Shield Block
    # 2x (2) Woodcutter's Axe
    # 1x (3) Asvedon, the Grandshield
    # 2x (3) Chorus Riff
    # 2x (3) Hookfist-3000
    # 1x (3) Prince Renathal
    # 1x (3) Rock Master Voone
    # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager
    # 1x (3) Heavy Plate
    # 1x (6) Theotar, the Mad Duke
    # 1x (9) The Sunwell
    # 2x (4) Igneous Lavagorger
    # 2x (4) Sword Eater
    # 1x (5) Blackrock 'n' Roll
    # 2x (5) Brawl
    # 2x (5) Bridge Riff
    # 1x (5) Zilliax
    # 1x (6) Armagedillo
    # 2x (6) Fleshshaper
    # 2x (6) Silverfury Stalwart
    # 1x (7) Lor'themar Theron
    # 1x (7) Nellie, the Great Thresher
    # 1x (7) Remornia, Living Blade

  • @galkanftw
    @galkanftw Год назад

    What is worse is so say you can manage to control a game and get to later stages Druid can just empty their deck give that deck to you and have multiple immune minions on board and get to 10 mana faster than you can.Those RIFF cards seem pointless to me but if maybe going with a FIRE build the whole deck might come together.I also want to add that unless for example a mage Mech deck Zilliax is just an over rated card 2 hp minions are NEVER that good.If you still stubborn then realize PLD can have more powerful minions for LESS cost AND also with DS so PLD plays make Zilliax laughable at 5 cost.On top of that playing a VERY weak 5 cost minion to get 3 health is again laughable.

  • @EpixGaminginc
    @EpixGaminginc Год назад

    Bro if kibler cant make niche control decks work no one can, definitely not liking this buff focused philosophy. Feels like fringe decks just become worse if the buffs miss them.

  • @Intestine_Ballin-ism
    @Intestine_Ballin-ism Год назад

    I like how he Finley'd both his wincons, how bad they are

    • @imef3735
      @imef3735 Год назад +1

      To be fair, they weren't actually his wincons in that match. Surviving is a lot more important than getting value later. It's kinda like mulliganing quest in an aggro matchup.