I am always amazed by how easily he can inhabit the soul of each and every character he portrays, while drawing us into the story he is telling with every fiber of his being. Ayanga’s brilliant display of his acting skills paired with his passionate and powerful voice, shows us more of his unlimited talent and artistic diversity. This spectacular and captivating one man musical performance of “The Metamorphosis,” is absolutely another outstanding accomplishment that should bring him a great sense of pride and satisfaction. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to witness his remarkable talent and creative genius. I hope you keep fulfilling your dreams Ayanga and that you will continue to Stay Safe-Stay Healthy-Stay Happy-Stay Loved Always. 💖👑💖🇺🇸💖
Amazingly Brilliant Performance!! So heart-wrenching...GaGa performs Metamorphosis with such beautiful, jaw-dropping, raw emotion, power and drama, that I am totally drained in the end. So Proud of You GaGa!! Bravo!! 👍👍👏👏
I have been listening to GaGa’s composition :Metamorphosis , he also wrote the lyric this last few days, but nothing could prepared me for seeing and listening to GaGa’s stage performance : A One Man Musical that hit my emotions like a ton of bricks , tears steamed down my face again !! EPIC !!! Ayanga, the judges and audiences were touched by you like we do !! Thank you 💛🌷🐞🌿
Ayanga sharing his One Man Musical 《 Metamorphosis 》with us, what an eyes/ ears opener , this is Music to the Soul - Food to the Soul . Thank you Teacher Ayanga ! That is right : Distinguished Special Teacher of Beijing Dance Academy ⚡️💛
时不时过来看一次。 好震撼!
Ayanga bravo! Opera in Cina ce speranza perché ci sei tu Ayanga 😊🎉
好感动😢 阿云嘎好棒👍
好好听, 太有魅力了,太强了很有含意, 听了好多次一样好好听
感動不已 👍👍 阿云嘎❤️❤️
让人动容! 直击灵魂!
阿雲嘎創作的獨幕音樂劇變形記,雖然反覆聽了多次,但仍然讓我全神貫注,雞皮疙瘩頻頻生起。 全程被他的表演緊緊吸住。 這就是好演員,好作品。 嘎子的創作能力,演唱水準都已爐火純青,不愧為北舞特聘教師,將來定會在中國音樂劇史上佔一席重要地位。
这是灵魂的碰撞!!! 一个阿云嘎,一首歌,一部音乐剧👍👍👍。 虽然不在现场,这场《变形记》和《希拉草原》一样,成为永生难忘。虽然听过专辑,但是嘎嘎的表演和台词功底让我印象深刻,令人拍案叫绝,每一刻都在直击人心,抨击灵魂,全程头皮发麻,嘎嘎在告诉妈妈"我的心依然如出","我知道你还爱我"时的表情,直接让我泪崩;而在宣判"穿过坟墓,我们终将平等的站在天堂门口"时,他那一刻向上的眼神是坚定,是不服,是不放弃,是嘎嘎从一个小小牧羊少年到今天的舞台王者音乐创作人的真实写照。嘎嘎,你太牛🐂!
阿雲嘎用甲虫比喻這生滅的色身與人生,用對母親的呼喚乞求靈魂的救贖,點燃了自性本體那永生不滅的火焰⋯⋯ 這是一埸與造物主的談判,與天地的對話,與靈魂的觸摸,可見阿雲嗄本人的意識早已牵系古魂,穿越在太虛中了🙏。 隨喜讚嘆!期待更多的偉大創作,可以幫助解放人們飛出循规蹈矩的認知櫃架,迊接意識的新世紀!👍
壯觀! 恭喜你!
包揽作词作曲 以及动人心魄Live演唱的才华横溢的阿云嘎,为你而赞!!为你而泣!
阿云嘎是一個神奇的存在 , 他能帶你進入他敘述的情境裡 , 他能把你感動到不行不行 !
好喜歡這首變形記的獨白 歌詞 , 情緒是那麼有層次的堆疊 , 獨白與歌詞又是那麼恰當
的轉換 , 從懷疑 不安 害怕 掙扎 憤怒 悲傷 痛苦 絕望 ... 在這麼多情緒的催化下 , 觀
眾已完全在阿云嘎的聲音中失去自我 ...當你回到現實中你發現你的心在顫抖你的眼迷濛
不知不覺間又回來一次又一次的聽 阿雲嘎的 《變形記》獨角音樂劇,不能自拔,如何是好?
我今天又听了一次 又被震撼到了
齊齊繼續聽,甘心情願的繼續被阿雲嘎演出所震撼吧 。
感谢上传!来为阿云嘎嘎打call, 顺便搬一下之前为这个精彩绝伦的现场表演写下的感想:
隔着屏幕的感受都如此,如果在现场的话一定震撼加倍。难怪视频中的观众或全神贯注,或目瞪口呆,或眼眶湿润,或泪流满面。喜不喜欢先不论,我相信他/她们很难不被触动。现场的投票结果也证明了这一点。嘎嘎不负众望拿到了最多的音符🎶🎶🎶🎉🎉🎉 我嘎威武!
P.S. 很喜欢今天整个舞台的设计,配合着嘎嘎的演绎,营造出一个既具象又抽象的意境。空凳=缺席的家人/失去的爱,坐凳=孤独的痛苦和对爱的渴望,扶凳=世界以痛吻我,我仍报之以温柔的无怨无悔和期盼。这不仅仅是一个人,一首歌,一台戏。这是声台形表完美结合的艺术啊!
@@mayflower6600 谢谢🌹!这个舞台无论看多少次都还是觉得震撼。阿云嘎 rnb!
嘎子 震撼人心的 一人音樂劇❣️
Brilliant musical actor Ayanga, even his narration is very powerful🥰🥰🥰
Well said
对 希望他们继续演下去
Excellent performance from Gazi. Look at the facial expression. OMG
Аянга ! Ты молодец ! Успехов ! 🙏🙏🙏
一個人的音樂劇! 又說又唱又演! 盡顯阿雲嘎的各項功力! 更顯他的全方位魅力! 精彩!期待更多!
《变形计》是阿云嘎的《不朽的·THE ART》音乐剧概念专辑其中的一首歌。这张专辑在2020年完成了一次华语音乐的类别补足--为剧场感音乐开了条新路。两年多来,阿云嘎始终选择背负"音乐剧"这个标签,并不断为此燃烧前行。
Gazi at his Best! Amazing !!❤️🤴
Thank you ZJSTV for sharing our amazing Ayanga’s fantastic performance with everyone. 💖🇺🇸💖
I am always amazed by how easily he can inhabit the soul of each and every character he portrays, while drawing us into the story he is telling with every fiber of his being. Ayanga’s brilliant display of his acting skills paired with his passionate and powerful voice, shows us more of his unlimited talent and artistic diversity. This spectacular and captivating one man musical performance of “The Metamorphosis,” is absolutely another outstanding accomplishment that should bring him a great sense of pride and satisfaction. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to witness his remarkable talent and creative genius. I hope you keep fulfilling your dreams Ayanga and that you will continue to Stay Safe-Stay Healthy-Stay Happy-Stay Loved Always. 💖👑💖🇺🇸💖
Amazingly Brilliant Performance!! So heart-wrenching...GaGa performs Metamorphosis with such beautiful, jaw-dropping, raw emotion, power and drama, that I am totally drained in the end. So Proud of You GaGa!! Bravo!! 👍👍👏👏
👍👍,so well said!
@@mayflower6600 🥰🥰🥰
Another amazing powerful performance from AYG. 🥰🙌🏻😎🙏🏻🍀
Many thanks for posting Ayanga's performance!!
Metamorphosis is my favorite song and GaGa do a perfectly and amazing performance
I have been listening to GaGa’s composition :Metamorphosis , he also wrote the lyric this last few days, but nothing could prepared me for seeing and listening to GaGa’s stage performance : A One Man Musical that hit my emotions like a ton of bricks , tears steamed down my face again !! EPIC !!!
Ayanga, the judges and audiences were touched by you like we do !! Thank you 💛🌷🐞🌿
Wow what a performance breath taking Ayanga, he is so talented luv it 🌟🙏🙏🙏🙏
This is a superb performance from Ayanga!
@ ZJSTV Music
Thank you for posting Ayanga’s Music
Ayanga sharing his One Man Musical 《 Metamorphosis 》with us, what an eyes/ ears opener , this is Music to the Soul - Food to the Soul .
Thank you Teacher Ayanga ! That is right : Distinguished Special Teacher of Beijing Dance Academy ⚡️💛
谢谢 !❤
It’s so touching ❤️❤️❤️