I've been riding for 60 years and always wondered why there is a slight difference in wear on one side of my tires on every bike I ever owned.You are the first person to explain it. Thank you.
I've been riding since 1972, and still do not consider myself "an expert". I can always learn from others, and incorporate the best advice to my own riding experience. Very informative video. Thanks.
Not wearing gloves, a riding jacket or proper boots and i'm going to assume your just in a normal pair of jeans. Maybe you should sort those mistakes first.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
metalikapozni, WTF does it matter what is legally mandatory? None of the stuff in the video is legally mandatory either. The video is just random stuff, none of which is really relevant. I really thought you were going to say something about target fixation, front/rear braking or something like that, not kick-starting antiques, pressing too hard while shifting (like a fucking moron), taking several weeks to change up a gear (like a fucking moron), revving the engine when it is cold (like, erm...)
My thoughts exactly. Not wearing gloves or proper motorcycling equipment on a video supposed to help people avoid mistakes is very poor form and detracts from the message that is being put across
meh, his shoes where leather, no ankle support? not really, but they won't cause his foot to look like an angry beaver attacked it after if there's a crash. his hands, some people take that risk, I think its funny how sometimes people will talk about wearing gloves, and they do, but they wear like goat leather gloves with Kevlar covered knuckles. when in any thing past 30mph you better hope your not fingers curled in, or your palms down, cause goat leather sucks. I crashed in low cut converse once, on a day where I decided not to wear my leather boots, mainly my outside ankle got rashed up, and the shoe got destroyed.
Just finished my MTC of california (motorcycle training course) and yes they teach these mistake and address these issue also so if anyone who are already riders or future riders please I highly recommended you take these course to help enhance or start your in the right direction for proper riding. Be safe and good luck.
+shogrran doesnt matter how far you go man, even if its five minutes any car can run you over and the gear would save your life, you always have to assume that car drivers are idiots and be prepared for the worse
MrMonocleGaming And the gloves will save my life if a car does run me over? Look I get how gloves are important. But you still wont find me in full valentino rossi gear when I'm just going to ride 100 meters to a store from home. The gloves might not be the first item I'd drop, but protective gear like boots and protective pants I'll probably not wear when I'm off to the corner store. The only staple thing is the helmet.
You either don't ride or you have a stick up your ass. Gear mostly protects against road rash so unless you're gonna wear a full back protector, neck brace and knee braces wearing gloves or a jacket won't save your life.
Engaging first gear: It used to be that we would "free" the clutch before cold start-up by putting the bike in gear, pulling in the clutch and using the kick-start. Now I do it now is put the bike in gear, pull in the clutch and rock it back-and forth until the clutch "frees". This allows much smoother engagement when the bike is cold. Also, "biipping" the throttle during downshift (as in "double de-clutching") also ensures the clutch is "free". (56 years motorcycling/ 75 years of age and current).
Yeah, That's what I thought too. Where is his gloves? You can always tell a rookie by lack of riding gear. If you've rode long enough to be experienced, it's very likely you've gone down at some point and are well aware of the difference proper gear makes. I live in FL near the beach and there's no helmet law here, so I see idiots in no helmet or gloves, flip-flops (some are even barefoot), board shorts, and no shirt riding full sized bikes like idiots at 80+mph down A1A.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
It isnt a mistake. So you say driving a car in flip flops is a mistake aswell? It isnt perfect and most people will not do it for safety reasons. But i most countries you only have to wear a helmet by law because your head is the most vital part of your body.
Agree 100%. I can't honestly say I've ever spotted these deadly sins on videos before. What I have seen many, many times is idiots not wearing proper safety gear. And now someone supposedly showing us how to avoid mistakes is doing the same.
As a rehab therapist who treats motorcycle accident survivors and also rides a motorcycle, I'd propose that this video breaks the #1 rule of motorcycle riding: not wearing appropriate safety gear. I saw shoes that do not cover ankles, no gloves, torn jeans without knee or shin protection, etc. Were you wearing a jacket or helmet (I couldn't tell)? Lastly, don't adjust your mirrors while riding. A key thing to do on a bike is to walk around the motorcycle before riding. Check tire pressure and adjust levers and mirrors. Great video, but very much lacking in basic safety.
Thanks for the mystery solving when it comes to left side wear of my tires!! :) - could not believe how fast the last season scrubbed my left fron wheel! - thought I'd had some difficulties with the left turns, maybe,.. but you surely got a point there!.. Great work you presents, every time.! thank you! :)
You're welcome. Yes, just like you, i have the same problem with my K1. The difficulties with the left turns is a consequence of the side wear tire. Try to increase the air pressure in the front tire, because it will help. :) Cheers.
Go to a proper riding school, this vid is bollocks. I've been driving for 20 years and thought I'd learn something new (no matter how much experience, there's always something to learn), but this vid is just BS. The first rule before you get on a bike is to protect yourself with proper clothing (helmet, boots, gloves, pants, jacket and ear protection - you can add teeth protectors if they're dear to you) and this guy who's supposed to know it fails rule #1. After that, the rest of the vid is just worthless.
It is very hard to answer your question. But try to watch all my videos about "tips to cafe racers", and i am sure you will find what you are looking for. :) Good luck. Cheers.
Nagisa Furukawa It is true, but only with small bikes with very small wheels. Because with 17 inches wheels, or even bigger wheels, it is impossible turn to the front wheel at high speeds.At high speeds, you will feel the front wheel as being stuck(due to the centrifugal force).
'ya know kickstarter is still a thing on the older motorcycles... not every new rider can buy a fking new piece of £&@!? as you may noticed this is video is not meant for the older, more experienced drivers... or maybe you are just an fuckup who does not know shit about motorcycles. Yeah that's it. grow some balls kid
Thank you my friend. You're right. But i already read some critics about the fact of not using gloves/jacket during the riding clips. Lol. But that's ok. :) Cheers.
Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives. Cheers.
RACER TV Yeah, I figured that was it. I think you should try to speed up the voice though. It's very slow for native speakers, though I'm not sure if this might be a good speed for non-native speakers.
Podes-me dar umas ideias amigo RACER TV . Estou a pensar em comprar uma moto 125 (para andar com carta de carro) para transformar em cafe racer . Que modelos me aconselhas a procurar ? Mais uma vez excelente video !
Earth Smell sso é facil de responder. Nada como uma honda CB 125 twin semelhante à minha. Não são fáceis de encontrar, mas o roncar do motor de 2 cilindros com 15 cavalos é simplesmente delicioso. Se procurares no youtube por "Honda Cb 125 Cafe Racer", irás encontrar vários videos meus sobre isso. Chamo apenas a atenção que algumas hondas Cb 125 twin dos anos 80, têm mais de 15 cavalos(16 ou 17 se não me engano),e por isso não podem ser conduzidas com carta de automóvel. Boa sorte. Um abraço.
RACER TV Já vi esse teu vídeo e andei há procura na net mas essas CB são difíceis de encontrar em bom estado . Mais algum modelo ? Obrigado pela resposta tão rápida ! És o maior !
Earth Smell Obrigado. A Suzuki GT 125 parece-me também uma boa aposta. O unico "senão", é que tem um motor a 2 tempos(Que nem todos gostam), e não sei se tem mais de 15 cavalos. A Suzuki GN 125 tambem poderá ser uma mota interessante.(Recomendo ver o meu video sobre "Small Cafe Racers". Se procuras por motos novas para um projecto, existem algumas interessantes como a Mash 125. Mas fora de Portugal, têm aparecido algumas 125 bastante bonitas, como por exemplo a "orcal astor 125", ou até mesmo a Stallions Centaur 150 que é uma boa réplica da Royal enfield continental GT. Procura também por "Skyteam V - RAPTOR 125 BIG" e a "Skyteam Ace 125". Pode ser que tenha interesse. É tudo uma questão de procurar. :) Um abraço.
+Jdrentarol maybe you should learn mechanics, my friend. as long as the charging system is functioning correctly there's no reason a kickstarter won't start the bike. Just because the battery doesn't have enough volts to run the starter doesn't mean it can't generate the magnetic field in the coils necessary to run the engine. It's exactly the same as push starting a car or bike.
+Jdrentarol which bike doesn't have that? any bike with a battery has a generator of some sort and any bike with electric start would only have a kickstarter in case of a dead battery. what other reason would there be for it.
You're all sort of right. It depends how flat the battery is. Sometimes a kickstarter won't turn over a generator or alternator fast enough to generate enough current for a spark. And Jdrentarol, why do you have to be rude and smart arse and say stupid shit like 'Learn mechanics'. I'm so sick of know-it-alls like you causing arguments on youtube. Just be civil and if someone doesn't understand something, just be polite about it. There's nothing wrong with teaching people, but do it respectfully. TRY TO HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON SOMEONE'S DAY INSTEAD OF A NEGATIVE ONE.
That comment about the left side tire wear! I was debating this the other day with a buddy of mine, coming up with theories about more left turns at the end of the commute, so with warmer tires and all that. Neither of us was really convinced. Never once thought of the slope of the road. This makes perfect sense! Probably very common knowledge for most riders, but well, you gotta hear it once for the first time. Thank you for taking my left side tire wear cherry :D
To be honest, i think the knowledge about the left side tire wear is less common most people think. What you said about debating this issue with other Bikers, is very common. It happened exactly the same with me several years ago. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I'm glad you liked the video. :) Cheers.
Anything that may help new riders is a good thing. I have been riding 37 years so no good to me but i thank you for making this video & taking the time to do it as could be helpful to some people. Thanks.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
RACER TV I wasn't talking about whether it was legal or not. I was just saying that riding without proper gear is a begginer mistake, a mistake you won't do twice once you crashed squid mode and burnt your skin badly. A safety mistake IS a riding mistake. I live in Switzerland and i rarely see a biker without gear. But i understand the N°5 though. Cheers.
Dédé LABINOUZE Yes, i'm aware that in the north of Europe Riders are very concerned about this issues, but when we live in a hot Country, things are very different. I say these things, because i ride bikes for 34 years, and even with some small acidents in my experiance, i still think the same. But i respect your opinion. Cheers.
Dédé LABINOUZE No, only on low speeds and sometimes using gloves. Curiously, i had a small accident 20 days ago hitting in the back of other motorcycle, and my worst injury was the hand fingers(using leather gloves.) It happens.
(please read as a computer generated voice) One tip I would like to give. Is to always ride with riding gloves. Riding gloves are a very important piece of safety gear. If you ride without riding gloves, you may subject yourself to permanent debilitating injuries. Riding gloves are an essential part of your safety gear. As are a sturdy pair of riding boots. Both of which are not being used by the person giving your the advice in this video. I now have sad panda. Sad panda. Sad Panda.
In the US- God that Triumph is beautiful. I have been riding since I was on dirtbikes 40 yrs ago I still watch these videos always learning. Thanks for posting this- it is exactly what we should have more of on the internet vice people using it to goof on others. Thanks to whoever published this.
RACER TV The excuses you give in the video description are pretty weak. If you are going to advise other riders on riding properly you have to expect us to notice the total lack of proper safety gear. This is a significant credibility issue.
Please make more videos like these as this will help a lot of beginners when they are about to embark on a motorcycle first time. I loved the presentation of the information. Thank you
A new technique to me, discovered when researching riding the Bonneville, is preloading the gear change lever along with rev-matching for the upcoming shift to minimize the clunk.
I was thinking the same thing LOL Having been knocked off my bike at 40MPH I walked away with only a couple of blisters on my hand. My kit was totalled (as was my bike :( ) but I was fine. Hate to think of the gravel rash I would have got if I was wearing normal civvy clothing...
+smartroadbiker i saw pictures of a motorcyclecrash of a dude not wearing propper gear. Was like a Horrorfilm. I come from a family where everyone drives motorcycles. The first thing you learn is gear saves your life.
You are welcome my friend. The left side tire wear only happens with certain riders, because of their way of braking.But the main fact that proves that it is a consequence of the road surface angle, is that in countries like Australia, United kingdom or India, the "left side tire wear" exists precisely on the right side of the tire. And this says alot. There are several testimonials in the comments section of this video. Cheers.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
ewooll Well, i Ride motorcycles for more than 30 years, and i never had absolutely no problems about using lace-up shoes. I respect your opinion, but i also think that most people are overreacting about this issue. Cheers.
Thanks. I am interested in this subject, because I can remember, 30 years ago, while preparing to turn right off of a busy A-road, and when I came to a stop in the centre of the road, waiting for the oncoming traffic to clear, I realised my shoe lace had got caught in the gear lever. Luckily I held my balance, but I could easily have topple over, as I couldn't put my left foot down. The traffic going up the inside of me was pretty close, and the incident still plays in my mind. Anyway, thanks for the video, very enjoyable!
How about a video about appropriate riding gear?! It seems too many riders just want to look 'cool' but they'll regret it the first time they hit the bitumen with bare hands...
Well, if you are saying that only because i didn't wear gloves during this video, here's my explanation. In the beginning, i tried to shoot the video with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera. That's why i decided to film without the gloves. Cheers.
I have been riding motorcycles for well over fifty years, so yes I do know quite a lot about riding them and repairing them, however we can't know it all and I am always willing to learn a new trick or two. The intro to this video lead one to believe some new element of control was about to be aired. I'll say it again this is a load of bollox...
One of your best! Very good info, really emphasizing man & machine symbiosis. If I may add to the shifting technique; apply light pressure to the shift lever before shifting. By doing this, the next gear will be selected the instant the clutch lever is pulled, which also allows the clutch lever to be released quicker. This really speeds up the gear change process, and engine speeds won't drop off as quickly. You may also notice fewer gnashing noises from the gearbox.
Thank you my friend for your kind words. And you're right about the light pressure to the shift lever. Sometimes I also do it, almost unconsciously. I think i will keep this tip for a future episode. Thanks for your suggestion. Cheers.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
I agree with you on the part that everyone can decide on their own what safety gear to wear (as far as the law allows it). But still I think one of the worst Mistakes about motorcycling is that so many people ride without proper safety gear and don't even give it a second thought. When I see the locals here riding with nothing but nikes, shorts, a tshirt and a helmet I'm not surprized the motorcycle death figures are so high. And honestly I don't really feel bad for those people. But rather for the people they left back because of their ignorance and stupidity to not wear proper gear. I knew someone who died on his motorcycle. Had he worn a motorcycle jacket on that day, chances he'd still be alive would be very good. People who think that on short trips, putting on your gear isn't worth the effort probably also think the risk of an accident is any lower on a short trip. It just needs one small moment of a car driver being unaware of his surroundings (and you ride too, so you should know there's a hell lot of these moments) and yourself being unconcentrated for that moment and you'll go down. And in any case, whether you've been riding for 3 hours or just went grocery shopping for a 5km trip, you'll be darn happy to have some proper equipment to protect you. I hope you or anyone at least learnt a little bit out of this. I didn't mean to insult you or anyone who has disbelief with what I said and if I did, I'm sorry. Anyhow, ride safe y'all!
Thank you, but Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives. I recognize that i exaggerate the usage of this voice in this video. Try to hear other of my videos, and you will see that everything is much more calm. Cheers.
Muito bem ! Eu vivi em Portugal durante 15 anos, desde 1978 ate 1991, comecei numa Famel Zundapp Z3, sem capacete seguro e carta. Que dias!! Agora com 46 anos tenho uma Yamaha TZR 125 ypvs,. Lindo canal , ganhaste mais um assinante!! Keep biking!!
fridgemagnet Não estava à espera duma resposta em Português. :) Teve sorte em viver nos melhores anos das motorizadas Portuguesas. Essa Zundap era a concorrente directa da Casal Boss, a "casalinha" como costumávamos chamá-la. :) Já agora, e só por curiosidade, onde vives agora?
Ai Ai!! A Casal Boss tinha mais estilo, admito, Mas a Zundapp com o seu motor sempre fiel....... dava 100 kph ( 90kph em realidade.) Ha Ha !. Eu agora sou residente da Ilha de Jersey, no canal da mancha! Temos uma população de 100 mil pessoas, 10 por cento dos quais são de origem Portuguesa!! ( Madeira) Concordo, que vivi nos melhores anos das motorizadas Portuguesas, e, o Portugal de então estava explodindo de creatividade. 'Tive sorte de estar presente na renascença da cultura Portuguesa no palco mundial. Yes mate, I used to watch Herman Jose on telly!!!! Famel Zundapp XF-17 all the way!!!
fridgemagnet Bons tempos. Obrigado. o seu comentário também me fez relembrar muitas coisas dessa altura. Sou um pouco mais novo(42 anos), mas mesmo assim somos da mesma Geração. Muito obrigado amigo pela sua resposta, e tudo de bom para Sí e todos os Portugueses residentes aí na Ilha de Jersey. Grande abraço. :)
I have always argued that gloves are as important as a helmet. In ANY crash, your hands will always hit the floor. If you're doing 80kph there will be little left of your hands and they are quite useful, i find.
I've been riding for forty years and although some of what you said has some truth, simply riding will give you all the basic ideas you've outlined in this video, more time in the saddle and you'll come up with all and more experience in the long run,but nicely done.(beautiful triumph) .
Very misleading to say these are top 5 mistakes about riding motorcycles... I would put road position, being able to break heavily (without ABS), identifying hazards... but hey, getting the right kick start technique is above all this - well well well.. "I had the correct kick start technique, but it didn't stop be losing the whole bike on a corner"... but this is after all the Internet..
As a nine year old my father taught me how to find the top of the compression stroke and how to prevent the dreaded kick back ..which wasn't even mentioned...
No problem. I have one question, i will be buying a Skyteam Dax in the near version (the 50cc variant). Do you have any tips for accelrating fast on a bike with not that much torque?
Meneer Frank Yes, the solution to small engines, is keeping the engine always on high revs, because that's where you find the best torque/power. Cheers.
Thanks, the one problem with that is that I'm told to, for the first 100/200km, play with the revs to "work in" the engine. I hope you understand wat i meant right there, english isnt my first language
I learned all 5 on my own the first few days on my first bike. They all felt natural and seemed the right way to do things. I never drove a stick shift car before then either. I'd forgotten about the tire wear business though and the entire video was good for review.
Definitely should be using a clutch when changing gears. Failure to use the clutch will result in wear on the leading surface of dog teeth on the gear as it engages. Over time this means that the edge will 'round off' and lead to the bike slipping out of gear during riding. The clicking sound you hear when the bike goes into gear without the clutch is the sound of the dog teeth of two different gears smashing to each other at different speeds. By using the clutch it allows the gears to get to a similar speed as each other so there's less wear! As its can take a long time to ruin gears, it is a common misconception that there is no damage :)
Not exactly, here's my perspective about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
Hi. Sorry for that, but sometimes we don't have enough time to do everything properly. But considering that your video is classified in "Creative Commons" section, i didn't saw any problems of using it. But if you want, what kind of credits do you want me to include in the video? Maybe a small sentence "Courtesy of Chewie Meatball" in the left corner of the screen? Is this ok to you?
+RACER TV you dont have the time to comment on the video yer stealing? or send a message to the creator? I don't believe yer apology is sincere at all. claim has been submitted. and you should be crediting the content yer collecting from other youtubers without waiting to see if you get called out on it.
If you had contacted me and asked me. I probably would've let you use it with a credit in the video description. But you weren't courteous enough to do that basic courtesy.
Thanks for the tips man! I'm going to start to get my license for max 34kw and i just bought my Honda CB200 from 1974 and the transformation into a cafe racer is starting, damn i'm so excited to start riding it with my friend. Keep up the great work man!
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
what rubbish! after 35 years safe riding I would say top 5 mistakes are excess speed poor road position poor anticipation of other road users not allowing for change in road surface not wearing correct protection (as in this video)
I believe that this video it's aiming to technical mistakes when it cames to bike riding that can affect the bike life expectancy. I defend that we should always use safety wear. But... pay special attention to the safety wear that you use. It's very common foreign riders faint under the Portuguese summer. Yesterday I saw a British guy dripping sweat riding a Speed Triple, dehydration can be as dangerous as the lack of safety wear. It doesn't rain a lot over here and there are mild temperatures even in the winter that's why we tend to use the bike all the year. In the summer we can go to the beach after work and no one wants to wear heavy clothing.
Thank you my friend for sharing your intelligent perspective. Unfortunately, it seems that only south Europeans understand it. In the beginning, i tried to shoot the video with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera. :) Um abraço.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear. 1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes. 2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet. 3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips. 4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance. 5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them. 6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips. Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not. Cheers.
All good advice,and an interesting change to your normal output. In UK tyres wear more on the RHS because we use the other side of the road. Healing up OK,look forward to getting back on my bike again. Cheers!
Thank you my friend. That's why i said in the video, that "if you ride in the left side of the road". But what you said proves exactly that the real cause of this issue, is in fact the road camber. Thank you for sharing it. Cheers.
Loool. Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives.
+RACER TV and ? it isn't a excuse. in my country too it's legal to drive just with an helmet on, but it's irresponsible. When you pretend to teach something to other riders, the minus is to wear a full stuff.
***** I never was an example about safety issues, and i'm never will be. But about technical riding issues, i think my 34 years of riding experience can help many others. But this has nothing to do with safety.
RACER TV yes it's sure that you give very important technical advises (like I said in my first comment), but I think too that safety issues should be a priority, especially when you get a large audience... You are aware of not being an example of security, and that's honest from you. Your video description is alright too. However the problem (for me) is that you aren't wearing any gear in fact as filming, and it gives a bad example for beginners, even if you don't want to. But I know you aren't the only one on RUclips riding bike with casual jeans etc., and I agree with you: it's a personal choice. So, sorry for the disagreement, I just wish that people care more about gear, because I saw a lot of lethal/heavy accidents which could easily be prevented with a full stuff.
***** Thanks for being polite, unlike many others. I respect your perspective. I'm also aware that most riders in the north of Europe, take these safety issues very serious. But you have to understand that in european south countries, most people think differently. Even most police officers on bikes, don't use any jaket on hot days. The truth is that danger is everywhere. But we can't be always think about it, otherwise we would start to live based on fear. I know that may seem difficult to understand, but the big majority of riders in the South countries think this way. I' hope you can understand me. Cheers.
As along since retired Police advanced rider from the late 1960's when we road Triumph motorcycles. On first starting the bike from cold we were taught to first pull in the clutch and depress the kickstart slowly and repeatedly until all resistance disappeared. This was to get rid of clutch drag, then kick start the bike as normal. Machine sympathy was hammered into on courses i.e. matching revs with gear changes and to prevent unnecessary gear changing the idea being it was cheaper to change brake linings than gear boxes.
Sounds a bit like a computer version of Peter Sallis, who played Norman Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine and did the voice for Wallace in most of the Wallace and Grommit films.
It sounds like the English gent that does the news reports in various Asian news channels (Pattaya and China) in English years ago. I've heard him do reports without the computer splicing.
Excellent points. Most of these mistakes make the ride lack smoothness. Above all, riders should always try to ride smoothly, especially if they are riding fast. Many riders associate rough, jerky riding with fast, aggressive riding, which is incorrect. I have seen riders who are not smooth get away with it on dry pavement, but in the rain, they have problems. I have heard riders of new bikes say that they don't need to warm up the engine because it is fuel injected and runs smoothly when cold. This is true, but the wear on a cold engine still occurs if stressed.
Thank you my friend by your feedback. I wasn't sure if these points in the video could be useful or not. But according to what you said, the lack of technical information among Riders seems worse than i thought. Thank you for sharing it. :) Cheers.
I agree with you, I thought I was gonna learn something new, but I knew all this already, we dont know everything but this video was kinda 99.9% useless for me. maybe some 3 month rider or people who dont work or rebuild their own bikes is who this is aimed for.
I've been riding, maintaining and rebuilding motorcycles for over fifty years, you never can learn it all. Some have their own slant on how to handle a bike, this guy is trying to teach old tricks to an old dog, there is nothing here for me. I had high hopes he may have a few new trick to teach me. Nul points .
Riding Gloves, Riding Pants, Riding Jacket, Teeth Protectors ... I don't know about y'all but wearing all those things when commuting on a sportsbike ( when you won't be going over 80kmph is OTT Nothing wrong in jeans and suede shoes
Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives. Cheers.
I am glad to know from someone else that atleast i was shifting in a right way. Learned about some new things though. Nice video, and the voice over is just amazing. Keep up the good work.
Whoa, thanks man! I'm going to start my driving/riding (car+motorcycle) lessons in 1-2 months and right now I'm riding on 50 ccm moped. I find it very satysfying to change gears smoothly and I knew that's a good way to save gearbox & engine. The most useful tip for me is one with kickstarter. Of course, I have to practise downshifting too :) I hope I'll find more videos like this on your channel! And again: thank you for speaking slowly and clearly, so I can understand every single word. Greetings from Poland! :D
Good video. I no longer use a kickstarter, so that one bit is irrelevant to me, but it is a serious pet peeve of mine as I have seen many many younger bikers do it. The double blip on the throttle on gear changes is something that I was never taught, but it is one that I had leaned to do and yes, it does work. It makes the engine feel a little better too. And as for acceleration when cold. That is one that I have always argued about. Its not just acceleration either, you should not go fast when its cold, not just accelerate. You should really let an engine warm up to a good running temperature before running it too hard. Thats not to say you have to leave it standing... You can ride it very soon after starting it, thats not really an issue, but you need to ride it fairly easily for a short while first. With automatic clutches, it has become harder to gague on many bikes whether the temperature is hogh enough, but I think a good mile or two is a nice marker and I try not to take my bike over say 3000 rpm for the first mile or two. Every engine is different of course and my old single would be doing 90MPG at 3000rpm while my BMW would be doing about 45 so the rpm will be different for every bike.
I cant belive it... This actually helped (ok, only the last one) i got a new harley and i was wondering why sometimes while downshifting it would make that "trac trac trac" sound. Im relieved now that Ive seen it is MY mistake. Thank you mr robot, really, its hard to find something useful while lost in youtube (y) nice video
Watching this channel made me so relaxed, its like I am watching some guided meditation. I like the pace. I like the shots. I like the style. It is unique. Well done
Well, that's one of my intentions. Curiously, this video is probably one of the less peaceful videos of all. :) But thanks for your kind comment. Cheers.
Top 5 mistakes by a 25.000 km/year BMW K1000 LT-P hobby/fun rider: 1: totally underestimate the importance of good gear (motorcycle suit) Often discovered to late. 2: totally underestimate the power of even a light motorcycle 3: totally overestimate their own driving experience and limits 4: ride in a curve the wrong way so they end up at the other side of the road 5: try to sit upright in respect to the road which cause a wider turning circle and for a bonus, number 6: not use the light at all times, in other words; underestimate how other road users see you. All this are more important then any of the ones you mentioned here in this video. And they are not only committed by beginner motorcyclists. I see number 6 often among experienced motorcyclists because " i can see enough, so i don't need the lights" . For fun i ad a number 7: not using the indicators or mount small, hard to see indicators. So dangerous on a motorcycle. A gentle kiss of a car is enough to end you motorcycle adventures forever. Well, now i am typing, let we have number 8: hardly or not at all using the rear view mirrors. The result can be the same as number 7. Again, every motorcycle season i see riders who ride for decades making this mistakes, not realizing the hidden dangers in it. So far, so good.
Saudações caro Racertv, sempre ouvi dizer e sou apologista disso mesmo, que "os pormenores fazem a diferença", caso para dizer que este video faz a diferença para aqueles que são apaixonados pelas suas máquinas e que se preocupam em a preservar... É importante perceber o lado mecânico das bombas que temos! Obrigado pela lição, dá sempre pra aprender convosco... Já agora deixo aqui outro comentário ao video anterior, "Impossible Vmax", para que conste que na minha opinião é a vmax mais LINDA do mundo, excelente trabalho da "itrocksbikes", estão cada vez melhores esses dois compinchas do meu amado porto ;) PARABÉNS... Cumprimentos.
Muito obrigado amigo pelas simpáticas palavras. Vamos ver se esta VMax irá entrar no Top 10 das melhores Cafe Racers deste ano. Sinceramente, e pela minha experiência no canal, tenho quase a certeza que sim. :) Mais uma vez obrigado pelo apoio. :) Um abraço.
De nada, o prazer é meu... Ah pois ;) estará lá de certeza, penso que até é uma séria candidata a vencer, é um trabalho notável... Ninguém diria que já foi uma vmax! lool Apesar de não ser mt a minha onda, gosto mais do estilo "old school" ou o "vintage racer", mas as linhas criadas nesta vmax são impressionantes... Bem estaremos cá pra ver... Um abraço! :)
I've been riding for 60 years and always wondered why there is a slight difference in wear on one side of my tires on every bike I ever owned.You are the first person to explain it. Thank you.
My time machine is nearly complete. Thank you for the tip on the kick starter.
holy jesus toooooo funny
Really funny, that.
+Verbotene Wahrheit Your Supermoto is probably a dirt bike converted for the road then bro ...all modern factory Supermotos have electric start..
+boomerhgt they got 2 of them , for :
-kickstarter for warming up the engine
-electricstarter for already warmed up engine
I've been riding since 1972, and still do not consider myself "an expert". I can always learn from others, and incorporate the best advice to my own riding experience. Very informative video. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad knowing that this video is being very useful for many others. :) Cheers.
The best video ive seen..its been shot like a proper documentary, even the voice feels straiight from National Geographic..Thumbs up! loved it
Thank you my friend for your kind words. :) Cheers.
Not wearing gloves, a riding jacket or proper boots and i'm going to assume your just in a normal pair of jeans. Maybe you should sort those mistakes first.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
metalikapozni, WTF does it matter what is legally mandatory? None of the stuff in the video is legally mandatory either.
The video is just random stuff, none of which is really relevant. I really thought you were going to say something about target fixation, front/rear braking or something like that, not kick-starting antiques, pressing too hard while shifting (like a fucking moron), taking several weeks to change up a gear (like a fucking moron), revving the engine when it is cold (like, erm...)
Andrew Davis I just copied and pasted what was a response of the guy who made the video.
Ungregistered User Boooooooooooooobs
all riding gear is proper if you aren't a pussy about it
Riders six sense is the most important, people who have never ridden, don't understand. But that shitz real!
When you are "in the zone" and DON'T think... you just KNOW.
Also Birds fly in front of me if there is danger ahead... seriously.
Too right mate.
Top 6 mistakes of riding motorcycles. Not wearing gloves and proper shoes.
And 1m25 of intro, get on with it! Still some are spot on, shifting and do not go crazy on a cold engine.
My thoughts exactly. Not wearing gloves or proper motorcycling equipment on a video supposed to help people avoid mistakes is very poor form and detracts from the message that is being put across
Good call. I picked it up straight away!
meh, his shoes where leather, no ankle support? not really, but they won't cause his foot to look like an angry beaver attacked it after if there's a crash. his hands, some people take that risk, I think its funny how sometimes people will talk about wearing gloves, and they do, but they wear like goat leather gloves with Kevlar covered knuckles. when in any thing past 30mph you better hope your not fingers curled in, or your palms down, cause goat leather sucks. I crashed in low cut converse once, on a day where I decided not to wear my leather boots, mainly my outside ankle got rashed up, and the shoe got destroyed.
Please read the video description. Thanks.
been riding for over 20 years and I still learned a lot of basics from this video.. great job
Thank you my friend for your support. :) Cheers.
Just finished my MTC of california (motorcycle training course) and yes they teach these mistake and address these issue also so if anyone who are already riders or future riders please I highly recommended you take these course to help enhance or start your in the right direction for proper riding. Be safe and good luck.
Biggest mistake: NO PROTECTION! What are you trying to teach, riding around with no gloves and suede boots on?!
this needs more attention!
I'm sorry for not wearing my gloves when I'm just going to ride up till the corner store.
+shogrran doesnt matter how far you go man, even if its five minutes any car can run you over and the gear would save your life, you always have to assume that car drivers are idiots and be prepared for the worse
MrMonocleGaming And the gloves will save my life if a car does run me over? Look I get how gloves are important. But you still wont find me in full valentino rossi gear when I'm just going to ride 100 meters to a store from home. The gloves might not be the first item I'd drop, but protective gear like boots and protective pants I'll probably not wear when I'm off to the corner store. The only staple thing is the helmet.
You either don't ride or you have a stick up your ass. Gear mostly protects against road rash so unless you're gonna wear a full back protector, neck brace and knee braces wearing gloves or a jacket won't save your life.
Welcome... to RACER TV. Iconic.
:) Thank you for your kind prespective. Cheers.
The computer's speaking cadence was fucking annoying. Overlaying your own audio isn't that fucking hard.
Do not understand your bloody exasperation, this voice is like a candy for my ears ;)
but so slow.
Raise the speed up to 1.25, much more enjoyable.
For some reason my youtube is stattering when speed is not equal to one. Chrome, good internet connection. I have no idea why.
Fixed it by turning off hardware acceleration
Probably, one of the best channel on RUclips...
Engaging first gear: It used to be that we would "free" the clutch before cold start-up by putting the bike in gear, pulling in the clutch and using the kick-start. Now I do it now is put the bike in gear, pull in the clutch and rock it back-and forth until the clutch "frees". This allows much smoother engagement when the bike is cold. Also, "biipping" the throttle during downshift (as in "double de-clutching") also ensures the clutch is "free". (56 years motorcycling/ 75 years of age and current).
Thank you my friend for sharing your experience. :) Cheers.
Top Mistake Nr 6: No riding gear
riding gear looks fucking gay tho
Who cares. I like my hands and face, I prefer them with skin and bones.
Deutscher Patriot riding gear looks fcking badass
Paris.. my city ! Nice video mate
Thank you my friend. I'm glad you liked. Salute.
Salute - by the way do you have a racer tv email address I would like to share something with you ? cheers
Try to send me a private message using Racer TV Facebook Page. Thanks. Cheers.
thanks I will
Seriously bro? A vid about riding mistakes and you're not even wearing proper gear??
Yeah, That's what I thought too. Where is his gloves? You can always tell a rookie by lack of riding gear. If you've rode long enough to be experienced, it's very likely you've gone down at some point and are well aware of the difference proper gear makes. I live in FL near the beach and there's no helmet law here, so I see idiots in no helmet or gloves, flip-flops (some are even barefoot), board shorts, and no shirt riding full sized bikes like idiots at 80+mph down A1A.
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
Not wearing proper riding equipment is a mistake and again you don't get to choose where or when you have an accident.
It isnt a mistake. So you say driving a car in flip flops is a mistake aswell? It isnt perfect and most people will not do it for safety reasons. But i most countries you only have to wear a helmet by law because your head is the most vital part of your body.
Agree 100%. I can't honestly say I've ever spotted these deadly sins on videos before. What I have seen many, many times is idiots not wearing proper safety gear. And now someone supposedly showing us how to avoid mistakes is doing the same.
As a rehab therapist who treats motorcycle accident survivors and also rides a motorcycle, I'd propose that this video breaks the #1 rule of motorcycle riding: not wearing appropriate safety gear. I saw shoes that do not cover ankles, no gloves, torn jeans without knee or shin protection, etc. Were you wearing a jacket or helmet (I couldn't tell)?
Lastly, don't adjust your mirrors while riding. A key thing to do on a bike is to walk around the motorcycle before riding. Check tire pressure and adjust levers and mirrors.
Great video, but very much lacking in basic safety.
Thanks for the mystery solving when it comes to left side wear of my tires!! :)
- could not believe how fast the last season scrubbed my left fron wheel!
- thought I'd had some difficulties with the left turns, maybe,.. but you surely got a point there!..
Great work you presents, every time.! thank you! :)
You're welcome. Yes, just like you, i have the same problem with my K1. The difficulties with the left turns is a consequence of the side wear tire. Try to increase the air pressure in the front tire, because it will help. :) Cheers.
i dont own a motorcycle and hope to in the future. this video has been very informative. thank you
Go to a proper riding school, this vid is bollocks. I've been driving for 20 years and thought I'd learn something new (no matter how much experience, there's always something to learn), but this vid is just BS. The first rule before you get on a bike is to protect yourself with proper clothing (helmet, boots, gloves, pants, jacket and ear protection - you can add teeth protectors if they're dear to you) and this guy who's supposed to know it fails rule #1. After that, the rest of the vid is just worthless.
It is very hard to answer your question. But try to watch all my videos about "tips to cafe racers", and i am sure you will find what you are looking for. :) Good luck. Cheers.
never turn the front wheel too much while driving at high speed. is it true?
Nagisa Furukawa
It is true, but only with small bikes with very small wheels. Because with 17 inches wheels, or even bigger wheels, it is impossible turn to the front wheel at high speeds.At high speeds, you will feel the front wheel as being stuck(due to the centrifugal force).
RACER TV thank you. that info would save my life.
Is this a 1920s video? Kickstart?
'ya know kickstarter is still a thing on the older motorcycles... not every new rider can buy a fking new piece of £&@!? as you may noticed this is video is not meant for the older, more experienced drivers... or maybe you are just an fuckup who does not know shit about motorcycles. Yeah that's it. grow some balls kid
I am in my 70s "kid"! and you have no idea what you're talking about.
Kickstarter is used at enduro-bikes and older big supermotos (e.g. KTM 640 LC4, Husaberg FS 570, etc.)
Such a pleasure to see that a nice video has 0 dislikes - faith in humanity restored!
Thank you my friend. You're right. But i already read some critics about the fact of not using gloves/jacket during the riding clips. Lol. But that's ok. :) Cheers.
-Why is it a bad idea to make children in public?
-Too many people will be giving you advices and critics!
Been riding bikes for nearly 45 years and I learnt something you never stop learning and that's a good thing that's why we are still around
Thank you for your kind words. :) Cheers.
why is Anonymous doing motorbike vids now?
No man... It's Stephen Hawking!
I was thinking the same thing
Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives. Cheers.
RACER TV Yeah, I figured that was it. I think you should try to speed up the voice though. It's very slow for native speakers, though I'm not sure if this might be a good speed for non-native speakers.
como sempre um excelente video.
Obrigado amigo. Abraço.
Podes-me dar umas ideias amigo RACER TV .
Estou a pensar em comprar uma moto 125 (para andar com carta de carro) para transformar em cafe racer .
Que modelos me aconselhas a procurar ?
Mais uma vez excelente video !
Earth Smell
sso é facil de responder. Nada como uma honda CB 125 twin semelhante à minha. Não são fáceis de encontrar, mas o roncar do motor de 2 cilindros com 15 cavalos é simplesmente delicioso. Se procurares no youtube por "Honda Cb 125 Cafe Racer", irás encontrar vários videos meus sobre isso. Chamo apenas a atenção que algumas hondas Cb 125 twin dos anos 80, têm mais de 15 cavalos(16 ou 17 se não me engano),e por isso não podem ser conduzidas com carta de automóvel. Boa sorte. Um abraço.
Já vi esse teu vídeo e andei há procura na net mas essas CB são difíceis de encontrar em bom estado .
Mais algum modelo ?
Obrigado pela resposta tão rápida ! És o maior !
Earth Smell
Obrigado. A Suzuki GT 125 parece-me também uma boa aposta. O unico "senão", é que tem um motor a 2 tempos(Que nem todos gostam), e não sei se tem mais de 15 cavalos. A Suzuki GN 125 tambem poderá ser uma mota interessante.(Recomendo ver o meu video sobre "Small Cafe Racers".
Se procuras por motos novas para um projecto, existem algumas interessantes como a Mash 125.
Mas fora de Portugal, têm aparecido algumas 125 bastante bonitas, como por exemplo a "orcal astor 125", ou até mesmo a Stallions Centaur 150 que é uma boa réplica da Royal enfield continental GT.
Procura também por "Skyteam V - RAPTOR 125 BIG" e a "Skyteam Ace 125". Pode ser que tenha interesse. É tudo uma questão de procurar. :) Um abraço.
I know huh? Lol
Ya, I think all bikes should have one in case the battery dies on you.
+Jdrentarol maybe you should learn mechanics, my friend. as long as the charging system is functioning correctly there's no reason a kickstarter won't start the bike. Just because the battery doesn't have enough volts to run the starter doesn't mean it can't generate the magnetic field in the coils necessary to run the engine. It's exactly the same as push starting a car or bike.
+Jdrentarol which bike doesn't have that? any bike with a battery has a generator of some sort and any bike with electric start would only have a kickstarter in case of a dead battery. what other reason would there be for it.
You're all sort of right. It depends how flat the battery is. Sometimes a kickstarter won't turn over a generator or alternator fast enough to generate enough current for a spark.
And Jdrentarol, why do you have to be rude and smart arse and say stupid shit like 'Learn mechanics'. I'm so sick of know-it-alls like you causing arguments on youtube. Just be civil and if someone doesn't understand something, just be polite about it. There's nothing wrong with teaching people, but do it respectfully.
That comment about the left side tire wear! I was debating this the other day with a buddy of mine, coming up with theories about more left turns at the end of the commute, so with warmer tires and all that. Neither of us was really convinced. Never once thought of the slope of the road. This makes perfect sense! Probably very common knowledge for most riders, but well, you gotta hear it once for the first time. Thank you for taking my left side tire wear cherry :D
To be honest, i think the knowledge about the left side tire wear is less common most people think. What you said about debating this issue with other Bikers, is very common. It happened exactly the same with me several years ago. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
I'm glad you liked the video. :) Cheers.
Anything that may help new riders is a good thing. I have been riding 37 years so no good to me but i thank you for making this video & taking the time to do it as could be helpful to some people. Thanks.
Thank you my friend for your kind comment. :) Cheers.
Top 5 mistakes about riding motorcycles:
N1: Not wearing gloves.
N2: No wearing motorcycle gear.
N3: ... Haha you get it
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
I wasn't talking about whether it was legal or not.
I was just saying that riding without proper gear is a begginer mistake, a mistake you won't do twice once you crashed squid mode and burnt your skin badly. A safety mistake IS a riding mistake.
I live in Switzerland and i rarely see a biker without gear.
But i understand the N°5 though.
Yes, i'm aware that in the north of Europe Riders are very concerned about this issues, but when we live in a hot Country, things are very different. I say these things, because i ride bikes for 34 years, and even with some small acidents in my experiance, i still think the same. But i respect your opinion. Cheers.
Did you ever fell at high speeds ?
Did you ever fell with gear ?
No, only on low speeds and sometimes using gloves. Curiously, i had a small accident 20 days ago hitting in the back of other motorcycle, and my worst injury was the hand fingers(using leather gloves.) It happens.
Thank you for your Video !
You are welcome my friend. My pleasure. Cheers.
(please read as a computer generated voice)
One tip I would like to give. Is to always ride with riding gloves. Riding gloves are a very important piece of safety gear. If you ride without riding gloves, you may subject yourself to permanent debilitating injuries. Riding gloves are an essential part of your safety gear. As are a sturdy pair of riding boots. Both of which are not being used by the person giving your the advice in this video. I now have sad panda. Sad panda. Sad Panda.
Screw that all gear is important bet hes not even wearing a helmet
I ride without gloves, because I feel the bike more and I handle it better.
Please read the video description. Thanks.
Please read the video description. Thanks.
Perfect music, examples, and your voice and English is very understandable 👍
Thank you. I'm glad you liked my friend. :) Cheers.
In the US- God that Triumph is beautiful. I have been riding since I was on dirtbikes 40 yrs ago I still watch these videos always learning. Thanks for posting this- it is exactly what we should have more of on the internet vice people using it to goof on others. Thanks to whoever published this.
Thank you my friend for sharing your kind perspective. :) I'm glad you liked, especially by someone with such experience with motorcycles.. :) Cheers.
My fave YT channel....RacerTV.
Thank you my friend for your support. :) Cheers.
Marco Nabil
Thank you for your support. :) Cheers.
Go on settings and put speed up to 1.25x
How about riding with some actual bike gear on?
Please read the text description below the video window. Thanks. Cheers.
RACER TV The excuses you give in the video description are pretty weak. If you are going to advise other riders on riding properly you have to expect us to notice the total lack of proper safety gear. This is a significant credibility issue.
Please make more videos like these as this will help a lot of beginners when they are about to embark on a motorcycle first time. I loved the presentation of the information. Thank you
Thank you my friend. I'm glad you liked. I will keep that in mind for a future episode. :) Cheers.
A new technique to me, discovered when researching riding the Bonneville, is preloading the gear change lever along with rev-matching for the upcoming shift to minimize the clunk.
"common riding mistakes" - rides without gloves, proper gear or shoes...
Well done m8t.
I was thinking the same thing LOL Having been knocked off my bike at 40MPH I walked away with only a couple of blisters on my hand. My kit was totalled (as was my bike :( ) but I was fine. Hate to think of the gravel rash I would have got if I was wearing normal civvy clothing...
+smartroadbiker i saw pictures of a motorcyclecrash of a dude not wearing propper gear. Was like a Horrorfilm.
I come from a family where everyone drives motorcycles. The first thing you learn is gear saves your life.
+MyMMC not everyone wears gear or cares anything about gear
Please read the video description. Thanks.
tinyman520 sound like a smart thing to do. have fun in the hospital.
mistakes #6...wear your gloves so you don't fuck it up in a crash lol
What year was this made? It looks like it came from a PBS time capsule?!
Friend, all of your videos are great, but this one is particularly excellent.
Thank you my friend for your support. :) Cheers.
I have been riding since the 70's and I had no idea what cause left side wear. Seems like common sense now that i know. Thank you.
You are welcome my friend. The left side tire wear only happens with certain riders, because of their way of braking.But the main fact that proves that it is a consequence of the road surface angle, is that in countries like Australia, United kingdom or
India, the "left side tire wear" exists precisely on the right side of
the tire. And this says alot. There are several testimonials in the
comments section of this video. Cheers.
Laced boots on a motorcycle are never a good idea. Gloves, jacket, and body armour are good ideas.
Why, coz they might get caught up in the gear lever?
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
Thanks, but you didn't really answer my question.
Well, i Ride motorcycles for more than 30 years, and i never had absolutely no problems about using lace-up shoes. I respect your opinion, but i also think that most people are overreacting about this issue. Cheers.
Thanks. I am interested in this subject, because I can remember, 30 years ago, while preparing to turn right off of a busy A-road, and when I came to a stop in the centre of the road, waiting for the oncoming traffic to clear, I realised my shoe lace had got caught in the gear lever. Luckily I held my balance, but I could easily have topple over, as I couldn't put my left foot down. The traffic going up the inside of me was pretty close, and the incident still plays in my mind. Anyway, thanks for the video, very enjoyable!
How about a video about appropriate riding gear?! It seems too many riders just want to look 'cool' but they'll regret it the first time they hit the bitumen with bare hands...
Well, if you are saying that only because i didn't wear gloves during this video, here's my explanation.
In the beginning, i tried to shoot the video with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera.
That's why i decided to film without the gloves. Cheers.
I have been riding motorcycles for well over fifty years, so yes I do know quite a lot about riding them and repairing them, however we can't know it all and I am always willing to learn a new trick or two. The intro to this video lead one to believe some new element of control was about to be aired. I'll say it again this is a load of bollox...
One of your best! Very good info, really emphasizing man & machine symbiosis.
If I may add to the shifting technique; apply light pressure to the shift lever before shifting. By doing this, the next gear will be selected the instant the clutch lever is pulled, which also allows the clutch lever to be released quicker. This really speeds up the gear change process, and engine speeds won't drop off as quickly. You may also notice fewer gnashing noises from the gearbox.
Thank you my friend for your kind words. And you're right about the light pressure to the shift lever. Sometimes I also do it, almost unconsciously. I think i will keep this tip for a future episode. Thanks for your suggestion. Cheers.
Your video productions are neatly wonderful. Congratulations!!
Thank you my friend for your kind comment. :) Cheers.
Trying to preach about how to ride a motorcycle while squidling it with no gear doesn't really cut it!
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
I agree with you on the part that everyone can decide on their own what safety gear to wear (as far as the law allows it). But still I think one of the worst Mistakes about motorcycling is that so many people ride without proper safety gear and don't even give it a second thought. When I see the locals here riding with nothing but nikes, shorts, a tshirt and a helmet I'm not surprized the motorcycle death figures are so high. And honestly I don't really feel bad for those people. But rather for the people they left back because of their ignorance and stupidity to not wear proper gear.
I knew someone who died on his motorcycle. Had he worn a motorcycle jacket on that day, chances he'd still be alive would be very good.
People who think that on short trips, putting on your gear isn't worth the effort probably also think the risk of an accident is any lower on a short trip. It just needs one small moment of a car driver being unaware of his surroundings (and you ride too, so you should know there's a hell lot of these moments) and yourself being unconcentrated for that moment and you'll go down. And in any case, whether you've been riding for 3 hours or just went grocery shopping for a 5km trip, you'll be darn happy to have some proper equipment to protect you.
I hope you or anyone at least learnt a little bit out of this. I didn't mean to insult you or anyone who has disbelief with what I said and if I did, I'm sorry.
Anyhow, ride safe y'all!
Great advice, Good video, to make it perfect it needs a real narrator!!!
Thank you, but Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use
this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my
bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that
i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of
my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the
robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives.
I recognize that i exaggerate the usage of this voice in this video. Try to hear other of my videos, and you will see that everything is much more calm. Cheers.
Muito bem ! Eu vivi em Portugal durante 15 anos, desde 1978 ate 1991, comecei numa Famel Zundapp Z3, sem capacete seguro e carta. Que dias!! Agora com 46 anos tenho uma Yamaha TZR 125 ypvs,. Lindo canal , ganhaste mais um assinante!! Keep biking!!
Não estava à espera duma resposta em Português. :) Teve sorte em viver nos melhores anos das motorizadas Portuguesas. Essa Zundap era a concorrente directa da Casal Boss, a "casalinha" como costumávamos chamá-la. :) Já agora, e só por curiosidade, onde vives agora?
Ai Ai!! A Casal Boss tinha mais estilo, admito, Mas a Zundapp com o seu motor sempre fiel....... dava 100 kph ( 90kph em realidade.) Ha Ha !. Eu agora sou residente da Ilha de Jersey, no canal da mancha! Temos uma população de 100 mil pessoas, 10 por cento dos quais são de origem Portuguesa!! ( Madeira) Concordo, que vivi nos melhores anos das motorizadas Portuguesas, e, o Portugal de então estava explodindo de creatividade. 'Tive sorte de estar presente na renascença da cultura Portuguesa no palco mundial. Yes mate, I used to watch Herman Jose on telly!!!! Famel Zundapp XF-17 all the way!!!
Bons tempos. Obrigado. o seu comentário também me fez relembrar muitas coisas dessa altura. Sou um pouco mais novo(42 anos), mas mesmo assim somos da mesma Geração. Muito obrigado amigo pela sua resposta, e tudo de bom para Sí e todos os Portugueses residentes aí na Ilha de Jersey. Grande abraço. :)
I would have thought that the biggest tip would to never ride without gloves...
I didn't wear the gloves, because they are black, and i wanted to show the movements of my hands during the changing gears. Cheers.
I have always argued that gloves are as important as a helmet. In ANY crash, your hands will always hit the floor. If you're doing 80kph there will be little left of your hands and they are quite useful, i find.
I've been riding for forty years and although some of what you said has some truth, simply riding will give you all the basic ideas you've outlined in this video, more time in the saddle and you'll come up with all and more experience in the long run,but nicely done.(beautiful triumph) .
Thank you for sharing your comment. Cheers.
Awesome Thumbnail and great video. It made me feel better about my riding techniques.
Thank you my friend. I'm ghlad you liked. :) Cheers.
Very misleading to say these are top 5 mistakes about riding motorcycles... I would put road position, being able to break heavily (without ABS), identifying hazards... but hey, getting the right kick start technique is above all this - well well well.. "I had the correct kick start technique, but it didn't stop be losing the whole bike on a corner"... but this is after all the Internet..
As a nine year old my father taught me how to find the top of the compression stroke and how to prevent the dreaded kick back ..which wasn't even mentioned...
He explains this in the intro that he was going to cover technical/mechanical mistakes regarding how to use the motorcycle itself....
Mistake number 6: riding without gloves!
Here is the biggest mistake the idiot making this video
Nice vid. I'm no much more carefull with my kickstarter.
Thanks. I'm glad you liked. Cheers.
No problem.
I have one question, i will be buying a Skyteam Dax in the near version (the 50cc variant). Do you have any tips for accelrating fast on a bike with not that much torque?
Meneer Frank
Yes, the solution to small engines, is keeping the engine always on high revs, because that's where you find the best torque/power. Cheers.
Thanks, the one problem with that is that I'm told to, for the first 100/200km, play with the revs to "work in" the engine. I hope you understand wat i meant right there, english isnt my first language
Basically drive carfully the first 100 kilometres... really important then you can step it up from there, but only with a warm motor.
Este vídeo foi um dos que mais me ajudou. Como nunca tinha pegado numa moto cometia estes erros básicos. Boa continuação do canal e das dicas
Fico contente por saber que este video lhe foi útil.
Obrigado amigo pelo comentário. :) Um abraço.
I learned all 5 on my own the first few days on my first bike. They all felt natural and seemed the right way to do things. I never drove a stick shift car before then either. I'd forgotten about the tire wear business though and the entire video was good for review.
You don't need the clutch at all for upshifts.
Kinda clunky from 1st to 2nd on my RR but after that its smooth af
omg its M13!
Dude you thought me how to ride !!!
Definitely should be using a clutch when changing gears. Failure to use the clutch will result in wear on the leading surface of dog teeth on the gear as it engages. Over time this means that the edge will 'round off' and lead to the bike slipping out of gear during riding.
The clicking sound you hear when the bike goes into gear without the clutch is the sound of the dog teeth of two different gears smashing to each other at different speeds. By using the clutch it allows the gears to get to a similar speed as each other so there's less wear! As its can take a long time to ruin gears, it is a common misconception that there is no damage :)
But not to spell, sadly.
Another mistake is riding without gloves (like some of the riders on this video).If you've ever laid a bike down, you know why.
Not exactly, here's my perspective about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal
choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and
in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot
these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the
hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's
why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly
normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is
still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right
of using it, or not.
You've used my video footage without even contacting me. or crediting me.
Hi. Sorry for that, but sometimes we don't have enough time to do everything properly. But considering that your video is classified in "Creative Commons" section, i didn't saw any problems of using it. But if you want, what kind of credits do you want me to include in the video?
Maybe a small sentence "Courtesy of Chewie Meatball" in the left corner of the screen?
Is this ok to you?
+RACER TV you dont have the time to comment on the video yer stealing? or send a message to the creator? I don't believe yer apology is sincere at all. claim has been submitted. and you should be crediting the content yer collecting from other youtubers without waiting to see if you get called out on it.
This is not stealing. your video it's in the "Creative Commons" section, which means it can be reused by others. You are aware of this, right?
If you had contacted me and asked me. I probably would've let you use it with a credit in the video description. But you weren't courteous enough to do that basic courtesy.
If you uploaded your video under Creative Commons (CC), then no permission is required. The onus is on you when picking the license.
All of your videos are inspirational.
Thank you my friend for your kind comment. :) Cheers.
Thanks for the tips man! I'm going to start to get my license for max 34kw and i just bought my Honda CB200 from 1974 and the transformation into a cafe racer is starting, damn i'm so excited to start riding it with my friend. Keep up the great work man!
You're welcome. I'm sure you will love your bike as much as i love my Cb 125 B6. :) Cheers.
talking about minor mistakes while making THE biggest mistake in motorcycle riding; put on some gear please to set the good example ;)
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
what rubbish! after 35 years safe riding I would say top 5 mistakes are
excess speed
poor road position
poor anticipation of other road users
not allowing for change in road surface
not wearing correct protection (as in this video)
You left out target fixation
I believe that this video it's aiming to technical mistakes when it cames to bike riding that can affect the bike life expectancy. I defend that we should always use safety wear. But... pay special attention to the safety wear that you use. It's very common foreign riders faint under the Portuguese summer. Yesterday I saw a British guy dripping sweat riding a Speed Triple, dehydration can be as dangerous as the lack of safety wear. It doesn't rain a lot over here and there are mild temperatures even in the winter that's why we tend to use the bike all the year. In the summer we can go to the beach after work and no one wants to wear heavy clothing.
i agree, it's all about personal choice
Thank you my friend for sharing your intelligent perspective. Unfortunately, it seems that only south Europeans understand it.
In the beginning, i tried to shoot the video with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera. :) Um abraço.
before giving lessons on riding a motorcycle.
the first thing to do is to put gloves !!!
Information about the lack of proper riding gear.
1- This is a video about riding mistakes, not about safety mistakes.
2- The only riding gear legally mandatory in my Country, is the helmet.
3- The usage of Gloves, Jacket, or proper boots , is only a personal choice, although very recommendable on long trips.
4- Most riding clips in this video were shooted in a very hot day, and in small trips of no more than 3 Km of distance.
5- I usually use leather gloves, even in hot days. I tried to shoot these videos with my black leather gloves, but the movements of the hands and fingers were almost unnoticeable for the camera, and that's why i didn't wear them.
6- In most south european countries(like Portugal), it's perfectly normal to ride with casual clothing in short distance trips.
Conclusion. The usage of proper riding gear is recommendable, but is still a personal choice(except helmet), and each one of us has the right of using it, or not.
I agree with your comment i was finding it hard to take advice on riding from a guy how had none of the proper gear on bar a helmet
I am basically loyal to direct drive, full electric motorcycles, and I'm going to build a full electric cafe racer. But this video was nice to watch.
All good advice,and an interesting change to your normal output. In UK tyres wear more on the RHS because we use the other side of the road. Healing up OK,look forward to getting back on my bike again.
Thank you my friend. That's why i said in the video, that "if you ride in the left side of the road". But what you said proves exactly that the real cause of this issue, is in fact the road camber. Thank you for sharing it. Cheers.
Are you a cyborg? not judging.
Loool. Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use
this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my
bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that
i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of
my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the
robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives.
I'll do voice-overs for you if you want! (I'm American.)
Max Wilson
Thank you for your kind offer. But as i said, i already tried something similar, and it didn't worked. :) Cheers.
Naw brah... He's just from portland oregon. We all talk like that here!
no gear. no credibility. but your advices are good, that's a shame that you don't wear any protection.
Please read the information about this matter in the video description. Thanks.
+RACER TV and ? it isn't a excuse. in my country too it's legal to drive just with an helmet on, but it's irresponsible. When you pretend to teach something to other riders, the minus is to wear a full stuff.
I never was an example about safety issues, and i'm never will be. But about technical riding issues, i think my 34 years of riding experience can help many others. But this has nothing to do with safety.
RACER TV yes it's sure that you give very important technical advises (like I said in my first comment), but I think too that safety issues should be a priority, especially when you get a large audience... You are aware of not being an example of security, and that's honest from you. Your video description is alright too. However the problem (for me) is that you aren't wearing any gear in fact as filming, and it gives a bad example for beginners, even if you don't want to.
But I know you aren't the only one on RUclips riding bike with casual jeans etc., and I agree with you: it's a personal choice.
So, sorry for the disagreement, I just wish that people care more about gear, because I saw a lot of lethal/heavy accidents which could easily be prevented with a full stuff.
Thanks for being polite, unlike many others.
I respect your perspective. I'm also aware that most riders in the north of Europe, take these safety issues very serious.
But you have to understand that in european south countries, most people think differently.
Even most police officers on bikes, don't use any jaket on hot days.
The truth is that danger is everywhere. But we can't be always think about it, otherwise we would start to live based on fear.
I know that may seem difficult to understand, but the big majority of riders in the South countries think this way. I' hope you can understand me. Cheers.
You're trying to teach people to ride safe but you've got literally no gear on? Not even gloves! Disaster
Please read the video description. Thanks.
As along since retired Police advanced rider from the late 1960's when we road Triumph motorcycles. On first starting the bike from cold we were taught to first pull in the clutch and depress the kickstart slowly and repeatedly until all resistance disappeared. This was to get rid of clutch drag, then kick start the bike as normal. Machine sympathy was hammered into on courses i.e. matching revs with gear changes and to prevent unnecessary gear changing the idea being it was cheaper to change brake linings than gear boxes.
Thank you my friend for sharing your perspective. :) Cheers.
I'm a new subscriber ...... loving this videos
Thank you my friend for your support. :) Cheers.
if you still have no skill after practising these tips..just ride scooter matic very easy n no bother.
who is this narrater I heard his voice on many videos. he's fucking everywhere
Sounds like a computer voice.
computer voice
Sounds a bit like a computer version of Peter Sallis, who played Norman Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine and did the voice for Wallace in most of the Wallace and Grommit films.
It sounds like the English gent that does the news reports in various Asian news channels (Pattaya and China) in English years ago. I've heard him do reports without the computer splicing.
+BeamRider100 Thai visa news
The first mistake is your equipment... No motorbike jacket and other... That's a mistake ! Bad Rider
Excellent points. Most of these mistakes make the ride lack smoothness. Above all, riders should always try to ride smoothly, especially if they are riding fast. Many riders associate rough, jerky riding with fast, aggressive riding, which is incorrect. I have seen riders who are not smooth get away with it on dry pavement, but in the rain, they have problems. I have heard riders of new bikes say that they don't need to warm up the engine because it is fuel injected and runs smoothly when cold. This is true, but the wear on a cold engine still occurs if stressed.
Thank you my friend by your feedback.
I wasn't sure if these points in the video could be useful or not.
But according to what you said, the lack of technical information among Riders seems worse than i thought.
Thank you for sharing it. :) Cheers.
Very cool video . Love all your videos
Thank you my friend for your kind comment. :) Cheers.
What a load of bullshit.... I though I was going to learn something, swiftly moving on....
You're already pro bro
Sorry if you born knowing everything.
Ok... we needed to know that.
I agree with you, I thought I was gonna learn something new, but I knew all this already, we dont know everything but this video was kinda 99.9% useless for me. maybe some 3 month rider or people who dont work or rebuild their own bikes is who this is aimed for.
I've been riding, maintaining and rebuilding motorcycles for over fifty years, you never can learn it all. Some have their own slant on how to handle a bike, this guy is trying to teach old tricks to an old dog, there is nothing here for me. I had high hopes he may have a few new trick to teach me. Nul points .
Riding Gloves, Riding Pants, Riding Jacket, Teeth Protectors ...
I don't know about y'all but wearing all those things when commuting on a sportsbike ( when you won't be going over 80kmph is OTT
Nothing wrong in jeans and suede shoes
I think his voice is fake
It's a voice program, like the speech function in Google Translate.
Unfortunately, things are more complicated than you may think. I use this "robotic" voice created by software, because i'm Portuguese, and my bad english accent (and voice), can ruin the documentary character that i like for my videos. I already tried a real american voice in one of my videos, but things didn't worked as i expected. Curiously, the robotic voice sounds very good for all non english natives. Cheers.
I am glad to know from someone else that atleast i was shifting in a right way. Learned about some new things though. Nice video, and the voice over is just amazing. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for sharing your opinion, and also for your support. :) Cheers.
Whoa, thanks man! I'm going to start my driving/riding (car+motorcycle) lessons in 1-2 months and right now I'm riding on 50 ccm moped. I find it very satysfying to change gears smoothly and I knew that's a good way to save gearbox & engine. The most useful tip for me is one with kickstarter. Of course, I have to practise downshifting too :)
I hope I'll find more videos like this on your channel!
And again: thank you for speaking slowly and clearly, so I can understand every single word. Greetings from Poland! :D
Great video buddy, cheers!
Thank you :) Cheers.
GRANDE video, extremamente util e do melhor que ja tenho visto. Parabens.
Muito obrigado amigo. :) Um abraço.
I own a Royal Enfield bike and what you said about the kick starting is essential for a smooth start...
Thanks. I'm glad this video was helpful. :) Cheers.
Good video.
I no longer use a kickstarter, so that one bit is irrelevant to me, but it is a serious pet peeve of mine as I have seen many many younger bikers do it.
The double blip on the throttle on gear changes is something that I was never taught, but it is one that I had leaned to do and yes, it does work. It makes the engine feel a little better too.
And as for acceleration when cold. That is one that I have always argued about. Its not just acceleration either, you should not go fast when its cold, not just accelerate. You should really let an engine warm up to a good running temperature before running it too hard. Thats not to say you have to leave it standing... You can ride it very soon after starting it, thats not really an issue, but you need to ride it fairly easily for a short while first. With automatic clutches, it has become harder to gague on many bikes whether the temperature is hogh enough, but I think a good mile or two is a nice marker and I try not to take my bike over say 3000 rpm for the first mile or two. Every engine is different of course and my old single would be doing 90MPG at 3000rpm while my BMW would be doing about 45 so the rpm will be different for every bike.
I'm glad this video was helpful to you. :)Thank for sharing yourprespective. Cheers.
Excelente ideia, ótimo video como sempre. Grande abraço
Obrigado amigo pelo comentário. Um abraço.
Thanks alot ! im a new rider and i got my first bike less than a month ago and this really helped me .
You are welcome my friend. My pleasure. Cheers.
Awesome- well done, illustrated; explanation, & greatly crafted video. Keep making them -production A+
Thank you my friend for your kind words. :) Cheers.
Awesome useful information!!! Thanks!
You are welcome my friend. My pleasure. Um abraço.
About 6:40 in the video that's US HWY 101 just South of Yachats Oregon. Nice twisties from Yachats to Florence 😃
I cant belive it... This actually helped (ok, only the last one) i got a new harley and i was wondering why sometimes while downshifting it would make that "trac trac trac" sound. Im relieved now that Ive seen it is MY mistake. Thank you mr robot, really, its hard to find something useful while lost in youtube (y) nice video
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked. Cheers.
Watching this channel made me so relaxed, its like I am watching some guided meditation. I like the pace. I like the shots. I like the style. It is unique. Well done
Lol. Yes, i am always trying to reach a relaxed and nice atmosphere on my videos. Thank you my friend for your kind comment. :) Cheers.
Your video's are so peaceful!
Well, that's one of my intentions. Curiously, this video is probably one of the less peaceful videos of all. :) But thanks for your kind comment. Cheers.
Top 5 mistakes by a 25.000 km/year BMW K1000 LT-P hobby/fun rider:
1: totally underestimate the importance of good gear (motorcycle suit) Often discovered to late.
2: totally underestimate the power of even a light motorcycle
3: totally overestimate their own driving experience and limits
4: ride in a curve the wrong way so they end up at the other side of the road
5: try to sit upright in respect to the road which cause a wider turning circle
and for a bonus, number 6: not use the light at all times, in other words; underestimate how other road users see you.
All this are more important then any of the ones you mentioned here in this video. And they are not only committed by beginner motorcyclists. I see number 6 often among experienced motorcyclists because " i can see enough, so i don't need the lights" .
For fun i ad a number 7: not using the indicators or mount small, hard to see indicators. So dangerous on a motorcycle. A gentle kiss of a car is enough to end you motorcycle adventures forever.
Well, now i am typing, let we have number 8: hardly or not at all using the rear view mirrors. The result can be the same as number 7.
Again, every motorcycle season i see riders who ride for decades making this mistakes, not realizing the hidden dangers in it. So far, so good.
That was a cool video liked it a lot, keep them coming
Thank you my friend for your support. :) Cheers.
This is very helpful to me! Thanks for creating this.
You are welcome my friend. My pleasure. Cheers.
Saudações caro Racertv, sempre ouvi dizer e sou apologista disso mesmo, que "os pormenores fazem a diferença", caso para dizer que este video faz a diferença para aqueles que são apaixonados pelas suas máquinas e que se preocupam em a preservar... É importante perceber o lado mecânico das bombas que temos! Obrigado pela lição, dá sempre pra aprender convosco...
Já agora deixo aqui outro comentário ao video anterior, "Impossible Vmax", para que conste que na minha opinião é a vmax mais LINDA do mundo, excelente trabalho da "itrocksbikes", estão cada vez melhores esses dois compinchas do meu amado porto ;) PARABÉNS...
Muito obrigado amigo pelas simpáticas palavras. Vamos ver se esta VMax irá entrar no Top 10 das melhores Cafe Racers deste ano. Sinceramente, e pela minha experiência no canal, tenho quase a certeza que sim. :) Mais uma vez obrigado pelo apoio. :) Um abraço.
De nada, o prazer é meu...
Ah pois ;) estará lá de certeza, penso que até é uma séria candidata a vencer, é um trabalho notável... Ninguém diria que já foi uma vmax! lool
Apesar de não ser mt a minha onda, gosto mais do estilo "old school" ou o "vintage racer", mas as linhas criadas nesta vmax são impressionantes...
Bem estaremos cá pra ver... Um abraço! :)