Both! I may use a reference for one part of the fox for example and do the rest by memory, or use a reference for the body posture but change it completely later. Sometimes I've used a reference without changing it much because I loved the picture and others I didn't use a reference at all. It really depends on the subject and what needs the design has
So beautiful 😻😻😻On skin and on paper too 😻😻😻
thank you so much gurl!!!
Awesome work 💯
thank you!!
Do you use references when creating the initial piece or are a lot of these from your mental library? This is seriously phenomenal.
Both! I may use a reference for one part of the fox for example and do the rest by memory, or use a reference for the body posture but change it completely later. Sometimes I've used a reference without changing it much because I loved the picture and others I didn't use a reference at all. It really depends on the subject and what needs the design has