My brother had a mental illness and friends and family kept pressurising us to take him to the synagogue for the water. So I told my mom to be patient while we pray for God's direction. I prayed for months with no response (I now understand that when I pray without a response from God means God has no hand in it). I decided to go anyway, I mean this is a mental illness! Then that night, God visited! I saw myself seated in the synagogue holding placard, suddenly my baby was pressed so I excused myself to assist him. As soon as I stood up, Tb Joshua came around (the same settings like the real life church). So I hurried to catch up before he leaves, "luckily" I caught up but there was a large gulf between us so he couldn't cross over to ourside (please note I left the church to ease my baby). But then I was able to stand facing him and caught his eyes. The regular dark pupil was a thin greyish white pupil looking like a snake. Then I squinted to get a proper view, then he quickly turned away like a quick dash because he knew someone was trying to spy at him in the spirit. Then I woke up and gave glory to God who keeps the feet of his saints, Halleluyah!
Is your brother healed now?Has he been to the hospital?Is his mental problem spiritual? I can recommend a place for you in the Islamic way no fetish stuff can contact me on
Only God will bless you, Aunty Bisola. Two pastors tried to have sex with me but I rebuked them,and they are operating big big churches. If at all I exposed them, people would have insulted me to hell that I am lying. Only God will save us from this scam. Many people will disbelieve you,but few of us know you are saying the truth. May God guide and protect you.
She is not lying, I was member of synagogue church from 1996 to 2006 just a member not a church worker. I bought the so called anointing water for 5k in synagogue and offered free once for newcomers. I was so disappointed when I realised am only coming to business centre, forget all those rice and money he gave to people, just to win the heart of the public.
My girlfriend died with the tv in her hands holding it tightly expecting to be healed when tb j said touch the screen for healing... I still mourn her from 2017..
Most of you saying TB joshua healed u. Need to ask for forgiveness. Jesus christ is your healer and your faith is what healed u. Many of u might have listen to him that turn something in ur spirt that made ur faith to be open. But by your faith you are healed. No man of God heals. True men of God tells u Jesus is who heals him. Truly there is no one cannot use even a drunkard.
What they mean is that God healed them thru TB Joshua. A true child of God stands and fights for the church. Moslims stand for each other but Christian don’t . We are good at believing things like this and using it to condem the church forgetting it is Christ gospel we are focused on In the last days people will have itchy ears. TB Joshua never gossiped people. 1st lie I heard from this lady
I regret ever believing that the name of senior pastor ...It's the painful truth but all glory to God,Bisola you are blessed for giving us the seem to be the sacrificial lamb but am glad God has finally vindicated you.
[Talking to the crowds, Jesus concluded the things he said about John the Baptist:] "To what can I compare this generation? It is like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, 'We played wedding songs, and you didn't dance, so we played funeral songs, and you didn't mourn.' For John didn't spend his time eating and drinking, and you say, 'He's possessed by a demon.' The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by its results." - Matthew 11:16-19 NLT
Mrs. Dora Akinyuli so much believed in anything made in Nigeria. Maybe that was why she fell in for fake prophet TB Joshua trick. Thank God for this genuine woman of God Evangelist Bisola Hephzibah Johnson, for revealing this man of iniquity and darkness TB Joshua. More grace of Christ in protecting you. Amen
@Gabriel you are living in the moon then when Akinyuli went to T.B. Joshua. You aren't on Earth ymthen or in Nigeria. So keep your eyes off this news because you are fake human.
@Gabriel , you are the one in bondage. If you are a Christain, don't you know that you shall worship only God and him only and not worship man like TB Joshua who's deceiving you with his magic of lies in that coven of witches you are caged in? Don't you know those in Christ are new creature. Don't you know that there's no mediator between man and God than only Jesus Christ. When TB Joshua decided to make himself a mediator between you and your God is when he turned to a demon. Leave that synagogue of Satan that you're in there and go home. Jesus said in book of Matthew 6. That you should go home and lock your door and pray to your heavenly father that hears in secret and he would answer you awesomely. TB Joshua should not do the prayer for you but you yourself. This is just a piece of advice for you or except you a collaborating child of hell helping him to engage in deceiving people in that corner of the world.
Check and rechecked with the Holy spirit not believe this accusations. This woman does not have the fear of the Lord...instead she is the mouth of the the proof....God is the witness.....beware!
Beautiful mother of civilization thank you, Continue the exposer. Many meant not like your truth, because of their Stiffnecked. Some black people hate truth. Remember sister don't freak, the most high is with you. More protection and more blessings. Any bad plan against you, will backfire them.
@Gabriel people like you are the reason why people hate Christianity. Why don't you give us the link to the video you and your other brainwashed fellows claim she was confessing. Your insult can't change the fact. I don't even need this woman's confession to belief anything. TB Joshua and all the so called prophets are a bunch of lunatics playing with the psyche of ignorant people like you
Why u write black people that lady is looser ,sucker hypocrite who was a member of the synagogue perhaps eating,drinking, living free schooling free u name the benefits she was getting and "JEALOUSY" star working and burst her heart. May GOD have mercy on u,because u too u are not without sin stop your gossip think about your self and ask yourself this: is God happy with me do i live an unblemish life?u are one of the people who crucify Jesus over and over again.God doesn't need u He doesn't slander his people no SCANDAL never comes from God He has his way to do his work.if u really are a pastor u should what u are doing is not Godly.
I have read a lot about TB Joshua and it seems majority of believers and unbelievers do not understand him, you do not need to believe me or Bisola, TB Joshua is not of God. If you are carried away with the magic acts call miracles, please read this Bible passages below. 2 Corinthians 4:4 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Matthew 24:24 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 7:23 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. "Truth shreds a lie of twenty years in one day" That guy calls TB Joshua had led million to damnation and hell and still active.
This lady knows too many details and has a lot of facts which proves that she is confident that what she is saying is true. Madam I believe you. Thanks for exposing evil. The day of judgement will come upon all the false prophets, if not here on earth it will be in heaven. Don’t worry. Even the Bible warns that we shd test all spirits and also warns against wolves that come in sheep clothing. Matt 24:24 says “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the very elect”. Let us just be careful bc to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Poor jim iyke. He didnt have a clue of what he was walking into. Praise God he made it out alive. They use him as a Gimmick to get more people to put in bondage.
Jim Iyk was delivered. He didn't know. Many nollywood actors were delivered and they appreciated it. LADIES that are slaves under marine kingdom kept raping men of high talents and bring them down. They are celebrity by day and in torture of Satan by night. He was removed and heard the stupid demons try to resist Jesus over his freedom. That it the time of the church to free man kind from manipulation of Satan. If the useless Queen of the coast likes it or not let her send those her infested LADIES around, they will be delivered instead of getting their purpose fulfilled over men of God. Everywhere, you hear pastor raped me, pastor slept with me. This just because there are many spiritually infected LADIES are by queen of the despatched to attack men of God with their infected vagina and they know it. Godly LADIES will prevail and have peace in the it marriages, and their Godly assignments this time around.
Whatever led Jim Iyke to T.B. Joshua shows that our foolishness is beyond repair. That Jim Iyke, who was known to be a stuborn person would go to a scammer and let all his guard and considerable resources down still defies imagination.
You are right but you see TB Joshua mastered the art of scamming, if you want to get celebrities use others, he always paraded even White people were so scammed by him, imagine Presidents of countries.
This woman is not lying because she is telling the truth I feel pity for those who always say this pastor was their spiritual father ,some pastors they must hide themself
Black people stop your wickedness, even Jesus was called Evil. Prophet TB Joshua is a father to the fatherless people, a husband to many widows. He is a genuine man of God
Black people stop your wickedness, even Jesus was called Evil. Prophet TB Joshua is a father to the fatherless people, a husband to many widows. He is a genuine man of God
I remembered my cousin who has leg issues and hasn't been able to walk since birth was taken to TB Joshua, after being prayed for, he walked there in the church but after getting home he couldn't walk again till date. Its well.
@Gabriel You are the paid piper here. Keep your comments to yourself because the wind has already blown and what is thought hidden is already in the open.🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒
Watching Emmanuel tv for 3 years has been my greatest blessing I've ever experience in this world.I've been delivered and set free from spiritual attacks..It is Jesus who heal and delivers people in this Church...Time tells. And finally Jesus is working miracles in the Holy Altar!The Holy mountain of God.T.B Joshua is a vessel used by God to set us free and deliver us.For me i am a living witness of God of SCOAN.Emmanuel.From Kenya.
God bless you sister I'm so disappointed with those fake Christians that can not pray to know who is that man of God but they listing to woman that looks like the devil
Kathy, I feel for you. You only see what is outside. Listen to what this lady who has been part of that TBJ's scam testifies. It's scary.. God will soon destroy those who moke Him.
Please ask God for discernment spirit from now on!! The magicians did the same miracles that moses did! The whole truth is finally out! I saw a red flag when the wizard was delivered and he began singing songs of praise to Tb Joshua instead of praising God!!! No man of God, spirit filled would allow men to put them in the position of God!!!.
Fulfillment of the prophecy! John 15:18-25 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason." They hated the Father, hated the Son, and so must hate the Children. It's all prophecy fulfilled. Many accusations and persecutions have our Prophet TB Joshua faced, but God who is faithful delivers him of them all and he grows from strength to strength. You think you accuse him, but you promote him in God's eyes because he remains unswerving in Christ, glory! Revelation 2:9-10 "I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown." He who is not of the spirit cannot accept the things of the spirit. Let the spirit guide you. God bless you!
If you truly have spiritual understanding of the words of Jesus you have quoted you would have the Holy Spirit who would have revealed the truth to you before now. Head knowledge is different from spiritual discernment and understanding.
..tb joshua is a man of God.a humble and true servant of jesus christ that has only one message of love.i have been following him and his ministry for more than 18 years now.he is my spiritual life is so blessed today because of his prophecies and prayers.i am a living proof of the genuineness of prophet tb joshua ministry. i am a nigerian based in Germany...the enemy and the spirit of Jazebel is too small.God is with us.Emmanuel
«Anointing of God attracts persecution. Anointing of God attracts condemnation. Anointing of God attracts intimidation... This is why we need CHARACTER, because the world will arise against you... I have PHD in school of persecution, in school of intimidation, in school of names callings». Prophet TB Joshua Que Dieu bénisse richement son serviteur TB Joshua.
Since you claim TB JOSHUA is not a real man of God then when you were in synagogue ok we agree.. but now at present he is a real and powerful man of God. God is using him to do a lot of Miracles which I have witnessed. madam evangelist
Aunty go and watch other interview with this woman she made the confession that they are the ones behind the camera,they look for people to testify to fake healings you watched... Pls come outta your delusion... People are been hypnotized... Phyisaclly and spiritually
I just want to remind us the day of Judgement is near watch out what you say because all this stories will be revised in heaven.watchout before you loose your own soul.
@Waithira Johnny Na so them go they tell una true. You people is a stubborn animal. You people won't listen untill you fall into a tall into trap. May God safe your soul.
I saw the clip from 2001 when Bisola went to the SCOAN with a burn on her leg, confessing that she burned the house she was staying in with her husband, did not know the spirit troubling her, and needed help. Secondly, Prophet TB Joshua was traveling before 2008 for crusades Bisola, because he went to Australia in 2006. You are not lying against Prophet Joshua, but against the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, because you have denied the work of the SPIRIT of the LORD and linked HIM to evil.
She is saying the truth I once lived in Agodo where she mentioned. I once interacted with his personal driver. Indeed no healing. Thank God for your deliverance.
Pure manipulation going on there. Ikotun market road is full of mad and frustrated people rejected and abandoned by Joshua. Lot of people are blinded by magic.
I think tb Joshua they are talking against is not the one we know, the one we know has save 1000,000s of lives,that's why we alive today we would have already departed by now, thank you God of prophet tb Joshua praise your name,
Don't be deceived!! open your eyes and see clearly....... These people are using your brain, any man of God that put water for sale or anything in his church all in the name of healing is fake, yes I know he gives out money to people "good" but anybody can give money out to help people. Do not let people deceive you in the name of God, don't allow anybody to use the name of God in vain.
@@stevekig3541 my brother, go and read mark 6:3 to 4,tb Joshua does no sale water,the Bible say you know them by there fruits, see they way he give charity to the venerable and those who are in need,which churches dose, that,healing, I'm true wetness, I want to Nigeria and I was healed without paying any money,that church synagogue you see it's now well known worldwide that is the true church, majority people you see are internation visitor's,even Jesus some did not believed that is the son of God, after death that's when they believed, those how are against tb Joshua are pastors we have them in my country, they are busy deceiving people but what do thy do to the church members just collecting money to the church members, just take time and see,you know the truth, God bless you
More of irresponsible person here now....don't u have the fear of the Lord??? Remember God is not deaf and He is not Blind!..u r one of those liers....the hand of the devil.
so many people are just passing through life without any spiritual grasp of the meaning of life. These are the group of people who will fall for this. This is where the ability to decipher the truth comes in, but unfortunately many are lost. Why haven't those mentioned in the video come out to confirm these story. Know the truth and it shall set you free.
@@eladt.2490 Before talking about 16 years ago, ask when this video was done. TB Joshua's hotel collapsed in 2015. So what do you mean by 16 years ago. You are just a clown
@@moforndong3629 if you watch the video in the link I sent, you will realised that she is inconsistent in what she says and I can describe her as mentally unstable. Before calling me a clown, it is good you watch the video.
@@eladt.2490 Sorry for my choice of words. I did not mean to be abusive. All I was saying was you, said she confessed 16 years ago. And in her assertions we can in no uncertain terms ascertain she made this claim not more than 4 years ago because she talked about the collapsed building. So they is no way you can claim the confession 16 years ago came after her claims in this video. Once again pardon my choice of words
This woman is not destroying Tb Joshua, she is destroying Christianity. For her to preach Tb Joshua does not lead people to God, it only confuse people and bring Christianity down.
You can deceive human being but you cannot deceive God,those evil pastors you people are protecting to not be expose God will pay you all back heavily bcos you people are against almighty God yawah.
@Gabriel Ohia it is clear that you have gone beyond rescue and his charms is very heavy on you,he is growing bcos the government are making the life or the people miserable and the poor innocent people are looking for liberation or help whether is of God or not,can't you reason?the reason of many churches in Nigeria is difficulties of lives,a man can't marry on time bcos of hardship and imbalance of life and the woman he suppose to marry maybe waited and nothing happens so she can be going to such evil center for miracle not just to know God and the same thing to a man going there for prosperity in order to survive and as well those who are sick as they can't find a good medication and physicians to treat them and many other cases like that which is the responsibility of a good government,so can u see why those evils and criminals called themselves pastors are growing not God made it like that,i think that I told people of ur kind to try as much as they can to be civilized so that they can know God and the better way to serve him.
@Gabriel Ohia I'm really fade up on you pastors worshipers,although all the blame is to Britain and as well u people,so bcos he used some part of the money he generated from his deceiving center to some poor people that is what makes him a real man God?it is like his charms is for you people never to acquire knowledge,where did Tb Joshua get the money from?do you know how many innocent people that goes down so that those money can flourish or do you outsider know more than the insider like that woman?he shows you guys of low mentality fake help in order to brain wash you to keep believing in him as you do,pls repent and know almighty God Yahweh and give him real worship.
No man can heal a human being on his own, it is God Almighty that heals. When people put their fate in the hands of man rather than God, they come up with pull him down stories. The people defaming TBJoshua, did they exercise faith in Christ? It is unfortunate that this woman should be saying all these things. Is it for popularity? Personally, I don't know TB Joshua but I feel having worked with him for so long she could pray for him if she noticed that the man of God is fake. Let God judge him and not ridicule him like this. Only Jesus is Lord.
Let look at it this way she said This people were not heal let me agree but the question is who is the healer TB Joshua or Jesus Christ what gives you money, favor, blessings, healing is your genuine willingness plus God's ability when you look for man you will see man when you look for God mercy you will find God mercy TB Joshua use to say am not the healer but I know the healer his name is Jesus Christ
The Guinness woman who had a baby with Gowon was the late Princess Edith (Okongwu) Mark-Odu, but I had no idea she was associated with Synagogue. That child she had with Gowon served a long jail sentence in America.
@@ademolaabolaji9130yes, Gowon recently accepted him as his son after a DNA test. Gowon was inlove with an Igbo lady before the Biafran war, the lady later left him because she felt bad for the way he(Gowo) was killing her people but she was already pregnant with his child.
I'm not surprised,I had diabetic and my husband took me to synagogue,I was arranged to prayer line but there wasn't any healing,even things started going worse financially,I have now returned to the Catholic Church. God save your children
@@jaybluejan6157 you can called Names and distort the truth, in the past there was a man he mentioned that debunk her statement, this is her side, have you heard the sides of those names he mentioned and that of the Church? Please be smart and don't be deceive easily.
A rugby player suffering from cancer Joshua couldn't help from then I started to doubt his healing. When many South Africans died there could not wake them up MY suspicion was confirmed.
Exactly My Point Too.She keeps Reeling out Names of people(most of them still alive ) and Dates And Exact precise Locations.....Haba even me that is as Young as i am maynot have been able to remember this story SO coherently.
Who else is here after watching the BBC documentary on TB Joshua ?😊
To me she dont lie. The way she speaks and others talk while tears are flowing. I believe what they are saying.
I pray for everyone that is under pastors bondage, father deliver them... Amen 🙏
My brother had a mental illness and friends and family kept pressurising us to take him to the synagogue for the water. So I told my mom to be patient while we pray for God's direction. I prayed for months with no response (I now understand that when I pray without a response from God means God has no hand in it). I decided to go anyway, I mean this is a mental illness! Then that night, God visited! I saw myself seated in the synagogue holding placard, suddenly my baby was pressed so I excused myself to assist him.
As soon as I stood up, Tb Joshua came around (the same settings like the real life church). So I hurried to catch up before he leaves, "luckily" I caught up but there was a large gulf between us so he couldn't cross over to ourside (please note I left the church to ease my baby). But then I was able to stand facing him and caught his eyes. The regular dark pupil was a thin greyish white pupil looking like a snake. Then I squinted to get a proper view, then he quickly turned away like a quick dash because he knew someone was trying to spy at him in the spirit. Then I woke up and gave glory to God who keeps the feet of his saints, Halleluyah!
Thank God for saving you brother
Is your brother healed now?Has he been to the hospital?Is his mental problem spiritual?
I can recommend a place for you in the Islamic way no fetish stuff can contact me on
Thank God for deliverance
Praise the Lord Jesus 👏 👏
Praise Jesus. May God open all our eyes.
I love Bisola. She needs her own youtube channel. I would subscribe!!
She has. Bisola Hephzibah Johnson.....
Kkkkkk Bisola you are killing me with laughter! You did it togetherwo! You have washed your hands wo !!
Some foolish people won’t still believe this confession o.
Don't mind them
Only God will bless you, Aunty Bisola.
Two pastors tried to have sex with me but I rebuked them,and they are operating big big churches.
If at all I exposed them, people would have insulted me to hell that I am lying. Only God will save us from this scam. Many people will disbelieve you,but few of us know you are saying the truth. May God guide and protect you.
Mami your words have come to pass.. Thank you for the eye opener
This is stupid confession
@@felixfowowe5255 and this is a stupid comment coming from a grown up person like you
She is not lying, I was member of synagogue church from 1996 to 2006 just a member not a church worker. I bought the so called anointing water for 5k in synagogue and offered free once for newcomers. I was so disappointed when I realised am only coming to business centre, forget all those rice and money he gave to people, just to win the heart of the public.
Landed here after watching “BBC Cult Documentary “
My girlfriend died with the tv in her hands holding it tightly expecting to be healed when tb j said touch the screen for healing... I still mourn her from 2017..
Sorry for your loss but this is funny.
Most of you saying TB joshua healed u. Need to ask for forgiveness. Jesus christ is your healer and your faith is what healed u. Many of u might have listen to him that turn something in ur spirt that made ur faith to be open. But by your faith you are healed. No man of God heals. True men of God tells u Jesus is who heals him. Truly there is no one cannot use even a drunkard.
What they mean is that God healed them thru TB Joshua. A true child of God stands and fights for the church. Moslims stand for each other but Christian don’t . We are good at believing things like this and using it to condem the church forgetting it is Christ gospel we are focused on
In the last days people will have itchy ears. TB Joshua never gossiped people. 1st lie I heard from this lady
@@nouvel3446open your eyes and your mind. Are you so blind??
Even TB Joshua would say Jesus heals you not him 😏listen to him well
@@olayinkatioluwani6207 madam, open your eyes.
@@nouvel3446tb Joshua was never in the body of Christ, he was in the body of the devil
I regret ever believing that the name of senior pastor ...It's the painful truth but all glory to God,Bisola you are blessed for giving us the seem to be the sacrificial lamb but am glad God has finally vindicated you.
We give all the glory to our Lord Jesus for exposing and embarrassing the kingdom of darkness.
[Talking to the crowds, Jesus concluded the things he said about John the Baptist:] "To what can I compare this generation? It is like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends,
'We played wedding songs,
and you didn't dance,
so we played funeral songs,
and you didn't mourn.'
For John didn't spend his time eating and drinking, and you say, 'He's possessed by a demon.' The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by its results."
- Matthew 11:16-19 NLT
Wake up people....this woman knows a lot.and you still don't believe her...
Thank you Bisolaвидео.html
@@mulengamukuka6288 She no nothing her cup is full go and watchвидео.html
This is just a harlot selling a rotten business
Wake up from what?
I enjoy watching this testimony of this woman of God all the time. It never gets old or boring. God grace continue to empower your utterance.
Or you enjoyed watching stories of false men of God...
You need to ask about her from us who knew her in Lagos
People of God Just believe in Jesus christ not human being, is coming soon, God knows the truth
Solange Gomez 🌹
These song change my entire lifeвидео.html
Thank you Bisola. God blessed you. Nigerians and the world should learn and save their lifes.
Mrs. Dora Akinyuli so much believed in anything made in Nigeria. Maybe that was why she fell in for fake prophet TB Joshua trick. Thank God for this genuine woman of God Evangelist Bisola Hephzibah Johnson, for revealing this man of iniquity and darkness TB Joshua. More grace of Christ in protecting you. Amen
@Gabriel you are living in the moon then when Akinyuli went to T.B. Joshua. You aren't on Earth ymthen or in Nigeria. So keep your eyes off this news because you are fake human.
@Gabriel , TB Joshua himself is international witch doctor.. why would he reveal his colleagues who are like Cal witches.?
@Gabriel , you are the one in bondage. If you are a Christain, don't you know that you shall worship only God and him only and not worship man like TB Joshua who's deceiving you with his magic of lies in that coven of witches you are caged in? Don't you know those in Christ are new creature. Don't you know that there's no mediator between man and God than only Jesus Christ. When TB Joshua decided to make himself a mediator between you and your God is when he turned to a demon. Leave that synagogue of Satan that you're in there and go home. Jesus said in book of Matthew 6. That you should go home and lock your door and pray to your heavenly father that hears in secret and he would answer you awesomely. TB Joshua should not do the prayer for you but you yourself. This is just a piece of advice for you or except you a collaborating child of hell helping him to engage in deceiving people in that corner of the world.
Mom u so beautiful and graceful. GOD BLESS u for exposing d evil of that wicked satanist. Everyday for a thief n one day for d master.
D-D.Nashton -Report 🌹
Jim Ike is an Illuminati
Thank you mum for the exposure
This woman really knows s lot and she is not afraid, of talking , Hmmmm
She is a big fat liar...she is an actress from hellвидео.html
Very true but if we ignore her sure we are in big trouble with this devil
Check and rechecked with the Holy spirit not believe this accusations. This woman does not have the fear of the Lord...instead she is the mouth of the the proof....God is the witness.....beware!
Beautiful mother of civilization thank you, Continue the exposer. Many meant not like your truth, because of their Stiffnecked. Some black people hate truth. Remember sister don't freak, the most high is with you. More protection and more blessings. Any bad plan against you, will backfire them.
@Juliery Atim Nockrach ask tb Joshua this question.
@Gabriel people like you are the reason why people hate Christianity. Why don't you give us the link to the video you and your other brainwashed fellows claim she was confessing. Your insult can't change the fact. I don't even need this woman's confession to belief anything. TB Joshua and all the so called prophets are a bunch of lunatics playing with the psyche of ignorant people like you
@Gabriel religion breeds fanatism. So I do not expect you to freak out from this farce you belief in
Pls these changed my lifeвидео.html
Why u write black people that lady is looser ,sucker hypocrite who was a member of the synagogue perhaps eating,drinking, living free schooling free u name the benefits she was getting and "JEALOUSY" star working and burst her heart. May GOD have mercy on u,because u too u are not without sin stop your gossip think about your self and ask yourself this: is God happy with me do i live an unblemish life?u are one of the people who crucify Jesus over and over again.God doesn't need u He doesn't slander his people no SCANDAL never comes from God He has his way to do his work.if u really are a pastor u should what u are doing is not Godly.
this can never be fabrication in a lot of way this is making sense please everyone repentance is all we need ..
Since day 1 i believed this woman Bisola 🎉
You are wise ❤
I have read a lot about TB Joshua and it seems majority of believers and unbelievers do not understand him, you do not need to believe me or Bisola, TB Joshua is not of God. If you are carried away with the magic acts call miracles, please read this Bible passages below.
2 Corinthians 4:4 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Matthew 24:24
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Matthew 7:23
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
"Truth shreds a lie of twenty years in one day"
That guy calls TB Joshua had led million to damnation and hell and still active.
I don't believe bisola or you neither.
Tb joshua is prophet of our time wiether people like it or not😪
Tb joshua is a curse for this generation. A liar who is being exposed and being embarrassed by Jesus Christ himself.
Long live prophet tb joshua 😘
This lady knows too many details and has a lot of facts which proves that she is confident that what she is saying is true. Madam I believe you. Thanks for exposing evil. The day of judgement will come upon all the false prophets, if not here on earth it will be in heaven. Don’t worry.
Even the Bible warns that we shd test all spirits and also warns against wolves that come in sheep clothing. Matt 24:24 says “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the very elect”. Let us just be careful bc to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
U are right
Lack of ignorant is killing many and will equally kill u people if u refused to use Ur brain ...
Poor jim iyke. He didnt have a clue of what he was walking into. Praise God he made it out alive. They use him as a Gimmick to get more people to put in bondage.
Jim Iyk was delivered. He didn't know. Many nollywood actors were delivered and they appreciated it. LADIES that are slaves under marine kingdom kept raping men of high talents and bring them down. They are celebrity by day and in torture of Satan by night. He was removed and heard the stupid demons try to resist Jesus over his freedom. That it the time of the church to free man kind from manipulation of Satan. If the useless Queen of the coast likes it or not let her send those her infested LADIES around, they will be delivered instead of getting their purpose fulfilled over men of God. Everywhere, you hear pastor raped me, pastor slept with me. This just because there are many spiritually infected LADIES are by queen of the despatched to attack men of God with their infected vagina and they know it. Godly LADIES will prevail and have peace in the it marriages, and their Godly assignments this time around.
He knew EXACTLY what he was walking into.
Whatever led Jim Iyke to T.B. Joshua shows that our foolishness is beyond repair. That Jim Iyke, who was known to be a stuborn person would go to a scammer and let all his guard and considerable resources down still defies imagination.
Jim iyke said he only took his mother there but TB Joshua took advantage of him and influenced him. That all that he did wasn't known to him.
You are right but you see TB Joshua mastered the art of scamming, if you want to get celebrities use others, he always paraded even White people were so scammed by him, imagine Presidents of countries.
That Nigerian actor's confession, guys watch outooooo no smoke without fireooooo
Why is she telling us now. Did the pastor rejected her?
@@apostlesundayanigbogu8507apostle of doom
This woman is not lying because she is telling the truth I feel pity for those who always say this pastor was their spiritual father ,some pastors they must hide themself
Amen my wonderful sister.u r free indeed,thank u lord.
If I'm going to die, let me die in peace, rather than being scammed and humiliated by such people.
Black people stop your wickedness, even Jesus was called Evil. Prophet TB Joshua is a father to the fatherless people, a husband to many widows. He is a genuine man of God
@@laughkitchen101 may God have mercy on you because you can not see
God bless you forever.
Now the whole world will listen to u and believe u my sister and ur life is in the hand of God
No body listen to hr she is lying cos things dont favour
Not me she is fake
Her Making Stories is like Cartoon Story hahahaha The one who believe her is the Same like her
You are mad, why can't you go and see what tb his doing
@@oladmejiakogun1263 Get right with God!! Stop looking for miracles. Matthew 6:33
I was there. He didn't healed nobody. I repeat; He didn't healed nobody. It's a scamm.
Black people stop your wickedness, even Jesus was called Evil. Prophet TB Joshua is a father to the fatherless people, a husband to many widows. He is a genuine man of God
@@laughkitchen101grow up
@@laughkitchen101 You are definitely brain wash, that's the problem with black people like you, sheeps, no critical thinking skills 🙄
TB is a scam
I remembered my cousin who has leg issues and hasn't been able to walk since birth was taken to TB Joshua, after being prayed for, he walked there in the church but after getting home he couldn't walk again till date. Its well.
It's all magic
@@mbeesanyang2906 its well o
Woaw she said this yesterday that it can never be permanent
If you are watching this video in 2024 hit like
That Charly Boy part got me cracking. Mr Charly where are you o. 🔉🔉🔉lmao
You are the paid piper here.
Keep your comments to yourself because the wind has already blown and what is thought hidden is already in the open.🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒
Where there’s smoke 💨 there’s fire🔥
Some people will follow false prophets to eternal hell.
10:20-10:44 😂🤣😂🤣😂 🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️
Madam , you are 10000000000 times right...only the gullible ones will continue .
Why are you cursing yourself
Why are you lying to the man of God
We will never listen to you rubbish you are the angel of the devil
Something dey your body.
We knew that already, the woman isn't lying.
I love you my beautiful sister as you confessed these things, your sins are forgiven in Jesus mighty name, Amen
This is a natural speech, not a makeup story.
You are truly child of your ancestors. Just peeking telling all to help order people out of that church.
Watching Emmanuel tv for 3 years has been my greatest blessing I've ever experience in this world.I've been delivered and set free from spiritual attacks..It is Jesus who heal and delivers people in this Church...Time tells. And finally Jesus is working miracles in the Holy Altar!The Holy mountain of God.T.B Joshua is a vessel used by God to set us free and deliver us.For me i am a living witness of God of SCOAN.Emmanuel.From Kenya.
God bless you sister I'm so disappointed with those fake Christians that can not pray to know who is that man of God but they listing to woman that looks like the devil
Kathy, I feel for you. You only see what is outside. Listen to what this lady who has been part of that TBJ's scam testifies. It's scary.. God will soon destroy those who moke Him.
@@normanjackson9341 how do you know it is true? You are so quick to judge but yet you dont know the truth, repent
@@raissagrace9321 Prophet TB Joshua is a true man of God
Please ask God for discernment spirit from now on!! The magicians did the same miracles that moses did! The whole truth is finally out! I saw a red flag when the wizard was delivered and he began singing songs of praise to Tb Joshua instead of praising God!!! No man of God, spirit filled would allow men to put them in the position of God!!!.
Who ever calls on the name of Jesus Christ you shall be saved
Fulfillment of the prophecy!
John 15:18-25 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason."
They hated the Father, hated the Son, and so must hate the Children. It's all prophecy fulfilled.
Many accusations and persecutions have our Prophet TB Joshua faced, but God who is faithful delivers him of them all and he grows from strength to strength. You think you accuse him, but you promote him in God's eyes because he remains unswerving in Christ, glory!
Revelation 2:9-10 "I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown."
He who is not of the spirit cannot accept the things of the spirit. Let the spirit guide you. God bless you!
If you truly have spiritual understanding of the words of Jesus you have quoted you would have the Holy Spirit who would have revealed the truth to you before now. Head knowledge is different from spiritual discernment and understanding.
Wake up
Well done Bisola .God protect you always.I will get your book on Amazon.
Which God?
@Gabriel shut up and stop deceiving yourself with empty threats.
@@wilkistermbago6397 mumu
It is Edith Ike Okongwu had a child for Gowon & worked for Guinness I believe PRO
I really believe you woman. Thanks for the exposure
Check this out. She is a liar and thief:видео.html
you are confused
No amount of falsification can ever permanently mask the truth.
Thanks madam for opening our eyes am from uganda 🇺🇬 and we know kakande is not real at all
..tb joshua is a man of God.a humble and true servant of jesus christ that has only one message of love.i have been following him and his ministry for more than 18 years now.he is my spiritual life is so blessed today because of his prophecies and prayers.i am a living proof of the genuineness of prophet tb joshua ministry. i am a nigerian based in Germany...the enemy and the spirit of Jazebel is too small.God is with us.Emmanuel
Thank you so much. God is with him
«Anointing of God attracts persecution. Anointing of God attracts condemnation. Anointing of God attracts intimidation... This is why we need CHARACTER, because the world will arise against you... I have PHD in school of persecution, in school of intimidation, in school of names callings». Prophet TB Joshua
Que Dieu bénisse richement son serviteur TB Joshua.
Asebe stop interrupting her mtchewww......
It's true nauuuuu
LOL 😂😂😂
Lol hahahaha 😂😂😂😂😁
Since you claim TB JOSHUA is not a real man of God then when you were in synagogue ok we agree.. but now at present he is a real and powerful man of God. God is using him to do a lot of Miracles which I have witnessed. madam evangelist
ivy Aigbegho She tells u that he has juju that works. If the juju u saw helped ppl claim it. Don’t put God in it.
Aunty go and watch other interview with this woman she made the confession that they are the ones behind the camera,they look for people to testify to fake healings you watched... Pls come outta your delusion... People are been hypnotized... Phyisaclly and spiritually
@@olabodeanu7343 so even those who come from around the world are looked for?
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth till kingdom come
Go Bisola go, tell them ccy, luv honesty
😂😂😂😂see jemik 😂😂😂I can't stop laughing thank God am a Moslem Alhamdulillah
You are on the same boat dear 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Am happy for my sister matter tire like soaking Garry ooo
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Why God will not be angry with Nigerians with all this deceit in churches LORD JESUS HAVE MERCY ON US AND FORGIVE US OUR SINS....AMEN.
May God have mercy on u lady ,all this is a lie
I just want to remind us the day of Judgement is near watch out what you say because all this stories will be revised in heaven.watchout before you loose your own soul.
@Waithira Johnny
Na so them go they tell una true. You people is a stubborn animal. You people won't listen untill you fall into a tall into trap. May God safe your soul.
Let God be the judge, Amen
Judgement begins from the house of God, and it is already starting at the synagogue as you can see.
Meaning that the deception must continue and we must do nothing but fall for it?
I saw the clip from 2001 when Bisola went to the SCOAN with a burn on her leg, confessing that she burned the house she was staying in with her husband, did not know the spirit troubling her, and needed help. Secondly, Prophet TB Joshua was traveling before 2008 for crusades Bisola, because he went to Australia in 2006. You are not lying against Prophet Joshua, but against the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, because you have denied the work of the SPIRIT of the LORD and linked HIM to evil.
After BBC documentary are you still of same opinion
😂😂😂touch TV!! This one made my day lol!
She is saying the truth I once lived in Agodo where she mentioned. I once interacted with his personal driver. Indeed no healing. Thank God for your deliverance.
Pure manipulation going on there. Ikotun market road is full of mad and frustrated people rejected and abandoned by Joshua. Lot of people are blinded by magic.
Some friends shouting for deliverance for this lady... deliverance with no truth is devastation
I will also put you in prayers. ... .Thank you.
The kingdom is now beginning to fall and all will follow suit. be blessed mum go ahead.
1Samwel judge no body but the word of God is so clear....!
My uncle died because he was ignored, guys run from TB JOSHUA
It was his time to die and we thank God for his death for the Bible says you came from dusty so you return to dust
For Real ?
I think tb Joshua they are talking against is not the one we know, the one we know has save 1000,000s of lives,that's why we alive today we would have already departed by now, thank you God of prophet tb Joshua praise your name,
Don't be deceived!! open your eyes and see clearly....... These people are using your brain, any man of God that put water for sale or anything in his church all in the name of healing is fake, yes I know he gives out money to people "good" but anybody can give money out to help people. Do not let people deceive you in the name of God, don't allow anybody to use the name of God in vain.
@@stevekig3541 my brother, go and read mark 6:3 to 4,tb Joshua does no sale water,the Bible say you know them by there fruits, see they way he give charity to the venerable and those who are in need,which churches dose, that,healing, I'm true wetness, I want to Nigeria and I was healed without paying any money,that church synagogue you see it's now well known worldwide that is the true church, majority people you see are internation visitor's,even Jesus some did not believed that is the son of God, after death that's when they believed, those how are against tb Joshua are pastors we have them in my country, they are busy deceiving people but what do thy do to the church members just collecting money to the church members, just take time and see,you know the truth, God bless you
Only Jesus Saves.
You are indeed set free in IJN. May God have mercy on his poor ppl.
Guys I went to SCOAN this *woman* isn’t lying T.B. is such a scam!!
More of irresponsible person here now....don't u have the fear of the Lord???
Remember God is not deaf and He is not Blind!..u r one of those liers....the hand of the devil.
why cant people open their eyes and believe this woman.
Katoyima Enriqou P because is talking lies
Edwiin, are you for real?.
Katoyima Enriqou P because they’re also in bondage
She is fake fake fake
Lies everywhere! True or no true, I love Tb Joshua!
You always confess all your life and still go back to your confession. Even when your master was alive you always confess.
You are welcome my trueful sister well done for your reveals
so many people are just passing through life without any spiritual grasp of the meaning of life. These are the group of people who will fall for this. This is where the ability to decipher the truth comes in, but unfortunately many are lost. Why haven't those mentioned in the video come out to confirm these story. Know the truth and it shall set you free.
How To you are very stupid
You are lying you open your mouth and lie about the man of God
If your Nigerian are like this woman you are so so wicked
Why are you like this Nigeria's
If Jim Iyke still doesn't know what happened to him, the man who touched him invoked a lying spirit into him for gigs.
He couldn't know since he was demon possessed.
So she had been talking since
Mummy you're heroine. l love you
Try watching this too before you conclude. This is the same woman 16 years agoвидео.html
@@eladt.2490 Before talking about 16 years ago, ask when this video was done. TB Joshua's hotel collapsed in 2015. So what do you mean by 16 years ago. You are just a clown
@@moforndong3629 if you watch the video in the link I sent, you will realised that she is inconsistent in what she says and I can describe her as mentally unstable.
Before calling me a clown, it is good you watch the video.
She even went to apologise and beg for forgiveness.
Here she is saying nonsense again.
@@eladt.2490 Sorry for my choice of words. I did not mean to be abusive. All I was saying was you, said she confessed 16 years ago. And in her assertions we can in no uncertain terms ascertain she made this claim not more than 4 years ago because she talked about the collapsed building. So they is no way you can claim the confession 16 years ago came after her claims in this video. Once again pardon my choice of words
This woman is not destroying Tb Joshua, she is destroying Christianity. For her to preach Tb Joshua does not lead people to God, it only confuse people and bring Christianity down.
This is nothing but the truth,God bless you
Even my senior brother a pilot was duped after he promised to heal his spinal cord injury.
Please tell me what happen exactly? He go to the church or not? He meet tb.j or not ? I m very interesting
Thank you Bisola. 👍🏼 My special prayer has been answered ✌🏽👏🏽
Me too o...let's continue to pray...видео.html
Sister God bless you, God will carry you through.
This woman is trying to sale her book by distro prophet TB Joshua, God will never forgive her for that
This woman is trying to sale her book by distro prophet TB Joshua, God will never forgive her for that
May God punish the devil
Prophète TB Joshua is a real Man Of God a true God servant
You can deceive human being but you cannot deceive God,those evil pastors you people are protecting to not be expose God will pay you all back heavily bcos you people are against almighty God yawah.
@Gabriel Ohia it is clear that you have gone beyond rescue and his charms is very heavy on you,he is growing bcos the government are making the life or the people miserable and the poor innocent people are looking for liberation or help whether is of God or not,can't you reason?the reason of many churches in Nigeria is difficulties of lives,a man can't marry on time bcos of hardship and imbalance of life and the woman he suppose to marry maybe waited and nothing happens so she can be going to such evil center for miracle not just to know God and the same thing to a man going there for prosperity in order to survive and as well those who are sick as they can't find a good medication and physicians to treat them and many other cases like that which is the responsibility of a good government,so can u see why those evils and criminals called themselves pastors are growing not God made it like that,i think that I told people of ur kind to try as much as they can to be civilized so that they can know God and the better way to serve him.
@Gabriel Ohia I'm really fade up on you pastors worshipers,although all the blame is to Britain and as well u people,so bcos he used some part of the money he generated from his deceiving center to some poor people that is what makes him a real man God?it is like his charms is for you people never to acquire knowledge,where did Tb Joshua get the money from?do you know how many innocent people that goes down so that those money can flourish or do you outsider know more than the insider like that woman?he shows you guys of low mentality fake help in order to brain wash you to keep believing in him as you do,pls repent and know almighty God Yahweh and give him real worship.
No man can heal a human being on his own, it is God Almighty that heals. When people put their fate in the hands of man rather than God, they come up with pull him down stories. The people defaming TBJoshua, did they exercise faith in Christ? It is unfortunate that this woman should be saying all these things. Is it for popularity? Personally, I don't know TB Joshua but I feel having worked with him for so long she could pray for him if she noticed that the man of God is fake. Let God judge him and not ridicule him like this. Only Jesus is Lord.
Patricia so your prophets can condemn people but people can't condemn them right
Am happy for you that you have been delivered from fatai esu
Esu beleke
Some years ago this same woman went to synagogue to apologise and now she is back again. Oh what a corrupt world.
Can you sent the link to the video
the woman can lie
You dummies are just dumb and deaf
I thought someone requested for the link....about this same woman’s confession
At your choice to believe anything
But the LORD should have mercy on us. Am so so scared about the wrath of GOD coming to judge us . Father in wrath remember mercy.
She speaks sense anyway 😕
The goverment MUST abolish his servives.... thank you mum you are really brave
Let look at it this way she said
This people were not heal let me agree but the question is who is the healer TB Joshua or Jesus Christ what gives you money, favor, blessings, healing is your genuine willingness plus God's ability when you look for man you will see man when you look for God mercy you will find God mercy TB Joshua use to say am not the healer but I know the healer his name is Jesus Christ
The Guinness woman who had a baby with Gowon was the late Princess Edith (Okongwu) Mark-Odu, but I had no idea she was associated with Synagogue. That child she had with Gowon served a long jail sentence in America.
Haaa, Really. That's So Sad.
@@ademolaabolaji9130yes, Gowon recently accepted him as his son after a DNA test. Gowon was inlove with an Igbo lady before the Biafran war, the lady later left him because she felt bad for the way he(Gowo) was killing her people but she was already pregnant with his child.
I'm not surprised,I had diabetic and my husband took me to synagogue,I was arranged to prayer line but there wasn't any healing,even things started going worse financially,I have now returned to the Catholic Church. God save your children
With all this, you will still have STUDIED people that will say she's LIEING
God will punished anybody saying this woman is lying.....
How did you know she is not? the bible is even against the witness one person.
If she's lying, she won't be calling names, she has more proves
@@jaybluejan6157 you can called Names and distort the truth, in the past there was a man he mentioned that debunk her statement, this is her side, have you heard the sides of those names he mentioned and that of the Church?
Please be smart and don't be deceive easily.
Buki Precious Ojo she is lying god punish una 2
A rugby player suffering from cancer Joshua couldn't help from then I started to doubt his healing. When many South Africans died there could not wake them up MY suspicion was confirmed.
This woman is not lying, she is very specific.. the details are named and well articulated. She is not vague at all.
Exactly My Point Too.She keeps Reeling out Names of people(most of them still alive ) and Dates And Exact precise Locations.....Haba even me that is as Young as i am maynot have been able to remember this story SO coherently.
She is Lying
@@jacquelinelondon4531 'she is lying' is NOT enough to convince us...give us counterfact facts and claims if possible name names too
@@maxbaba1000 you comprehend
I'm still sitting where i shock
Many popular man of God are still doing the same thing until today