Widow Reveals Her Truth || Widow Voice Lines | Shadow Fight Arena | Ft. Tamara Ryan ( VA )

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @harshplayz31882
    @harshplayz31882 27 дней назад +8

    2:37 she is too dominating over men😂

    • @shadowfightfanclub6588
      @shadowfightfanclub6588  27 дней назад

      Yeah. She is a fiesty one.
      Even manipulated wasp to turn against her own Father.

    • @harshplayz31882
      @harshplayz31882 27 дней назад


  • @BeastJoker369
    @BeastJoker369 27 дней назад +1

    Thanks for giving the lines as well👍

  • @meatsweatsland
    @meatsweatsland 20 дней назад

    What is she talking about? Shadow and Sensei resisted her. Let's not even talk about the Prince😂😂

  • @harshplayz31882
    @harshplayz31882 27 дней назад

    I love it❤

  • @OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk
    @OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk 27 дней назад +1

    But still she can't control the chads
    Shadow, Sensei, Butcher, Shogun and Corsair ( Titan's bodyguard who used to rule the area of widow) 🗿😎

    • @theghostofkosmos8998
      @theghostofkosmos8998 26 дней назад

      Corsair was the one who defeated Wasp, not Widow.

    • @OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk
      @OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk 26 дней назад

      @theghostofkosmos8998 yup my bad that was emperor who was sent for widow not Corsair

    • @theghostofkosmos8998
      @theghostofkosmos8998 26 дней назад

      @@OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk Assassin defeated Lynx, Master defeated Hermit, Guru defeated Butcher, Corsair defeated Wasp, and Emperor defeated Shogun. The only one whose fate is unknown is Widow's.

    • @OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk
      @OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk 26 дней назад

      @@theghostofkosmos8998 nah bro Shogun was actually loyal to Titan and he was the first shadow demon he himself decided to serve Titan in order to become strong .

    • @theghostofkosmos8998
      @theghostofkosmos8998 26 дней назад

      @@OptimisticSwingingSphere-dn9sk There's no mention about him being the first Shadow Demon. It's mentioned that all of them were captured together by Titan through the Gates of Shadows and then forcibly turned into Shadow Demons.
      Every Demon fears and hates Titan, they're not exactly loyal to him, but no one is daring enough to directly face him either. Shogun and the other Demons join forces near Interlude act of SF2 to prevent Shadow from opening the Gates. Shogun in particular wants to stop Shadow because if Titan arrived, his empire, which he usurped from the former Prince would be doomed.

  • @ShadowsFate
    @ShadowsFate 26 дней назад

    check your legal mail.

  • @harshplayz31882
    @harshplayz31882 27 дней назад

    My fantasies i cant comment on youtube😂

    @DJ_PIYUSH_RJ 27 дней назад
