@@dannyroe1697 Was never a big fan of the "flying" in the X games. Love the game and series. On the other side I would love to have all this features in ED. But still I wonder why Egosoft never considered making their game rather like EVE Online (or Astrox Imperium). The "indirect" flying would fit much more into the game and they could stop wasting ressources for ugly charcter models, unnecessary stations, bad voice actors and stuff like that. Especially these games are often far more "timeless" (e.g. "Nexus - The Jupiter Incident" is still an awesome game). It's insane how even the first game from 1999 had better voice acting and presentation. Just started a new game in X4 (base game) and it's hilarious how bad the initial mission is. It's like "ah yeah, fly there and I hope you make it in time, if not I dont care, but don't ask questions. If you do everything great you can have the ship. Bye.". Egosoft really needs to improove in their presentation and UI design. y
@@immatoll4375you miss the point... In X4 you are a person in the universe, and that is the point Also, i like to actually ENGAGE with the simulation i playing not just look from above like like i'm a god.
@efxnews4776 I grabbed foundation on sale earlier in the year and have put 100 hrs into it, yet I'm not sure I 'get' it. I was flying around myself for quite a while but eventually succumbed to having an NPC pilot chauffeur me around. I've only really built the star port that the boron dude got me to build. At the moment I'm thinking this is more like an immersive 'Age of Empires' than an empire building Elite Dangerous, and goal might be to wipe out the xenon? There's a lot I haven't tried yet, like ship boarding. If I think AoE then I'd be building mines, towers, barracks etc all over - should I be doing same in X4 to then build a war fleet to go invade/defend? Ant mentions exploration, which I love in Elite, but it never occurred to me in X4 - once I find all the installations and plant a satellite nearby...what else? Genuinely curious cos so far I'm not seeing a reason to buy any DLC other than 'I can'. I really want the game to 'click' :)
@@immatoll4375 but that initnal mission is for bacly a realgear base game start that bacly alows you to play the game ina sand box like seting so you can decide on what you want to do before you start diong story stuff. also dlc adds better and new stuff for defrent plattrew starts as well. but the entie x seres of games have been like that. but shure x sres of game might not have that good ofa ui but it makes up for far far better gamplay that uses that ui to the best it can be used for.
-_- in what way, your sitting on a highway 90% of the time, combat is truly meh(didnt bother with default scenarios first mission), mining is shoot rock with any weapon and ram the drops. couldnt figure out where to sell whatever i did loot, because 'amazing' ui.
Literally the only thing that always kept me back from really getting into X4 was the flight model. I’m so glad that they’re upgrading it! Will definitely give it a try!
this game is more about being strategy game than space sim. Sure, you are going to fly a lot in beginning until you earn your own factory, get mining operation automated, and start multiplying a fleet. At midgame, you don`t need to enter any spaceship. You can do literally everything from the comfort of your factories, naivaging your fleet like in homeworld or other 3d rts games.
I found out that i actually do almost no flying in X4, either i am looking at the map managing my empire or i have a pilot driving me around. I expected the same to be a sci-fi flight sim but that is the least of the gameplay.
I bought X4 a while back but never really got into it and uninstalled it. Hearing that it has tutorials and a new flight model on the beta, I'll give it another try. Thanks :)
Same! I wanted to love this game but I found it way too confusing and clunky, and without a large community information is scarce. I've tried looking up youtube tutorials when I needed help and to learn, but they never teach what I was doing and the solutions online didn't work for me. Maybe bugs but my first experience was a bad one and was very disappointed. Maybe if it has good changes I'll try it again.
I've been getting the itch for a Space game lately, and I haven't played X4 nearly as much as I should have. This update will be a good excuse to fix that.
I mean, it's a management game, not a space game, just set in space. There is only so much you can do piloting small ships and it would get old real fast.
@@Xero_Kaiser pick up SC in 2 years 😂 thats what I tell most new players who ask me about the Game. Either wait for the next big Update and a month for the patches or wait till its near completion or completed
It can be a lonely game if you played a lot a ED or SC. My youngest introduced me to X4 and the only thing that’s missing is being able to play with him.
that is almost impossible without starting another X game from scratch, maybe X5 some day? maybe they are aleady working on something like that... who knows.
yeah honestly, the flight model base game feels like im driving a space truck at all times. the new flight model feels and looks muchhhhh more smoother.
endeyfire - this is a fair comment but due to newtonian physics, aren't ships going to feel like they have tremendous momentum aka steering a truck? I could imagine rolling a ship would feel quick but actually managing your main direction of thrust would be a different matter?
but the x seres normaly has nuitrauom phisiecs but they just got aornud to adding that part in later in x4 bescue they wher froecing more on geting good content and gamplay all sorted out before bacly adding the good ol x seres of realstic phisics but in x4 being ealry acces they knida put that part of the gameplay on the back burner ofa bit to fosics on geting the game itself moslty sorted out first.
@@endeyfire afraid I haven't played X4 at all and it's been ages since I played X3. You said x4 feels much smoother. Was it jerky or lumpy before? Would have thought improvements to the flight model might help the ships to feel more substantial or something? Having played a handful of space Sims historically including elite, i think ships don't feel like they have any mass. For reference, I've not played star citizen. One of the few games which did feel more 'realistic' was independence war 2 (maybe because you could just carry on accelerating but then you would have to spend time negating your thrust etc, if you didn't have flight assist on)
Yea theres really only so much you can do when you need to convey so so so much information. Theres probably some minor things they can do for the UI, but realistically its very efficient for just how many options and information it needs
@tenryuta I am playing Elite for 9 years and I don't like its UI because it looks like the UI of a game. X4 UI looks like a programmers UI. Utilitarian. Not as if it belongs to a game. And I can completely navigate it via mouse pointer. That's what I love about it. In that way it is more immersive for me.
@@tenryuta What? Elite has a terrible UI for how simplistic it is. Until recently, you couldn't strip a ship without painfully removing each module and watching a dumb animation each time. Can't filter the navigation panel. the galaxy map is a mess to navigate and plot. You literally have to use 3rd party tools to get anything productive done. You can hate the X4 UI, but saying Elite has a good UI is a bizarre take.
@@Sattorinwhat’s so wild is they did a public test that had both Pritchet’s flight model AND master modes’ variable max speeds but then decided to trash his model for the egg shaped speed vectoring. Frankly the Pritchett-MM looks amazing in the few videos from the test that still exist. Heartbreaking they got rid of it.
John Pritchet was the reason I played SC back in the day. The flight model was incredible back in 2.6.3, but they took it out of his hands and kept watering it down until we have the Master Mess we have today. I've been avoiding X4 because it seems like it would just absorb me... but if it feels like old SC then I can't say no.
Okay but which SC flight model? The one pre-MM that had Newtonian physicis, or the post-MM one with the egg-shaped thrust…. Oh SHI THEY GOT JOHN?!?!? Bro I’m buying X4 right now.
They had a newtonian flight model? I'm new to SC and I lament the option of a FA off mode (de coupled mode doesn't cut it for me) and I've been told the engine never was coded to do that... I'm confused RN
@@targard.quantumfrack6854 Yes. Decoupled for a little over 12 years was a true 6DOF Newtonian flight model. To be clear, SC does turn the cryengine base physics off / heavily adjusted, that’s why objects act so strangely, fall through each other, can’t neatly stack without locking, blow up ships, etc. But it did used to have a true 6DOF model complete with bi&tricording w/o artificial thrust and speed limits just because your nose wasn’t pointed in the direction of travel.
I like the new flight model, some don't. I think there are some bugs which result in AI ships struggling with the new flight model with docking or undocking or collisions, which I think is to be expected for a new flight model. There may also be some issues with turret and main guns not being as accurate due to the new ship movement. But overall, it is a step in the right direction, even though it needs some work before it gets out of beta.
I’d love them to add a ship boarding mechanic that actually allows you to grab your rifle, jump into a shuttle and fly over with your many squads of marines and go clearing rooms.
Over the years I have wanted what Star Citizen is offering less and less, and if this works out, X4 will do everything I wanted from it anyway. The X games have always been interesting but a bit of a bear from a UI and flight model perspective, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this plays out. John Pritchett did good work on SC before he left CIG.
X4 is one of the few games in my library I keep going back to. It's one of the best space games I think. All the X games before it though, I just never could really get into. But, X4? I played the hell out of that. I'm looking forward to getting time to play it again... along with Star Citizen, finally. It's been a couple of years now since I've had time to really play ANYTHING at all. Too many things IRL taking priority. :( But, I'll be making time for some game time over winter since it's looking like it's going to be a harsh winter... no outdoor activities for me!
The funny thing is that at core the flight model was already quite newtonian. But the devs added a friction (drag) to the ships in order to make them easier to maneuver. If you remove it the ships keep momentum in any direction and using thrusters can only compensate, so a true space flight model. But not only most of people would have not like, the AI could not handle it. In 7.5 they "fake" this by adding another layer of physics instead of simply removing that drag (friction). If you want to see the core flight model in action, try the mod REM in the nexus.
Yeah I'm not overjoyed with that either, or the sector system where it feels like you're traveling from room to room in a dungeon. I'd prefer something similar to the Elite Dangerous travel system because it feels a lot more like space travel.
Oh man, I can't wait. I invested in some equipment when I started playing SC, but wasn't happy with how it 'worked' with X4, and I've taken a long hiatus from it. I'll have to play again once the update releases.
Pritchet's flight model in SC was great, though I don't think it would have worked with all their different ships and open world - but it was as fun as any space flight game has ever been for me in the Arena Commander mode.
And the best thing with X4 it's not a cult which want all your money for empty promises. No 45k Dollar ships, no "Admirals Club", just a fair beautiful game for nerds.
X4 is almost 7 years old and you can buy all of the DLC for it for less than the price of a small ship in Star Citizen (even less when it's on sale). The DLCs represent "added content" and "added game play" that gives X4 additional depth, vs just another ship in Star Citizen that serves the same purpose as many others and adds no new content or depth to game play.
Joining the Boron and Terran sectors will have the effect that if there is war between Argon and Terrans, the Boron will be able to join directly to help the Argon fight against Terrans. Previously, the Borons were too distant to really help out.
The Boron economy is as bad as the Split or even worse as it is isolated from export goods. A war between them would just feed the Terrans more territory without player intervention even though the latter would be fighting on 2 fronts. I suspect that once the diplomacy update drops the Terrans will be the ultimate map painting nation aside from the unified Paranid.
@@csfelfoldithat's the point though, the Borons are no longer that isolated. Edit : in fact one of the most downloaded mod was basically to open them more gates when Kingdom Ends launched. I've done it and never looked back since then, sunk a lot of hours and I can tell you it's much more pleasant. Happy to see if coming on vanilla
Never really had a problem with the flight model. Small fighters felt like they barely have any inertia, and the heavier something gets, the more heavy and sluggish it starts to feel. I never like it when a Ship weighting multiple tons feels like it has no inertia at all... I feel like a lot of people have problems with it because they fly heavy fighters or Frigates, who should be sluggish in such an invironment. Looking forward to it nonetheless
The flight model was already good; and the fact that its been prioritised is just evidence of a good company making a QoL upgrade to an already good feature. I'm primarily an ED player, but ive been massively impressed with X4. Whilst the UI is a bit odd, the main feature that's thrown me off (which is admittedly a really odd admission) is the overuse of the pause button. When i play it through again, im going to unbind it from all keys/buttons.
I guess there's no way for me to know if this is good or bad without doing a new playthrough. I really hope it doesn't end up like Elite Dangerous where "large" and "small" ships are pretty much indistinguishable in how they fly. My capital ships being big, hulking turret platforms, while small ships are nimble was the whole selling point for me and what lead to me putting hundreds of hours into the game, mostly consisting of big, Star Wars-like setpiece battles against the Xenon.
@efxnews4776 Because Star Citizen is being set as the standard. Star Citizen has had half a dozen flight model overhauls since 2016, each iteration having its own issues and the more recent ones just getting progressively worse.
@@alpha-0874the only reason the flight model got worse was because each ship has to be optimized to operate properly within the new model, and they only optimized like 3-5 ships out of like a hundred... I would imagine they would have a similar issue... balancing and fine tuning will always be rough.
still playing AP here, tried X4 a couple of years ago but I couldn't get into it. I might give it a go after this update, until then X3AP+litcube's is my go to
Last played X2 and ive been casting around for a post ED space game (got tired of grinding those damn blue orange bars) Perun did a great series on X4, worth a look. Now the Ant has me convinced, time to wait for a sale.
The game would be amazing if they simply fixed/added more of a personal captain vibe, such as the player being able to mine/combat/etc correctly with other NPC owned ships in the same sector. Add a Captains Chair for goodness... I want to be Captain Kirk.
Always love the X Games since the very first. It's nice to see the new flight model, however, I don't pilot anything myself after the first hour of a new start unless it's a capital that's in trouble because the AI still sucks with fleet battles. I do love that boost isn't tied to shields anymore though, that's a change that should have happened a long time ago and will definitely change combat.
This is great news. I was a fan of X and played the first couple but fell out of love with it partly due to the flight model. Will be very interested to see how much life this breathes into the game.
The really tragic part is that SC is killing Pritchett's flight model while Pritchett is saving X4 through work on its flight model. I will be extremely cross with CIG if big ships in X4 feel better to fly than small ships in SC.
Yeah, I really like the new cockpit radar, makes a big difference in improved situational awareness. But currently comes at a cost of not being able to know how to orient my ship on the ecliptic plane, hopefully further work on this will help with that.
Did they get rid of “drag in space”? Are they using proper physics now? And object in motion stays in motion. And there is no limit on acceleration except energy?
All I want from X4 is the ability to haul resources from Station A to Station B in a different system on an infinite loop like it's an Anno game. They're way too obsessed with letting the pilot AI do it for you and hope they get it right.
I’m on my first play through as Terran and haven’t gotten to a point where I need to haul anything, so pardon my ignorance, but can you not do this already? Seems like you could just buy some sort of cargo ship and haul whatever to your hearts content.
@@agentmith So it's not too uncommon that a place with tons of resources to mine isn't the place you want to process and sell them at, so it's often better having your refineries in more economically active sectors. At first you can haul yourself but if you want to do anything else you need to buy a 2nd ship and have that do the hauling. The problem? You can't. They can do it with their own AI Trade logic but you have to hope it prefers trading with your stations and it has artificially set ranges on how far away it will do this. You cannot give a direct "take X goods from station A, trade with my station B, fly back and repeat" order and can only give such an order as a standalone one-off.
@@JM_Traslo ah I see. Seems like it would be difficult for an AI to intuitively know where the “best” place to sell would be if it’s outside of the current sector though, like how would it judge what a reasonable distance is? Especially if something dynamically interferes with traveling, like some hazard or potential for combat. There might be mods that address this, but it seems like the compromise to automating the task is taking less profit by selling locally. If you want the big bucks you’d need to do it yourself.
@@JM_Traslo I'm afraid you're mistaken. You absolutely can do that with the Repeat Orders command. Then select the station and tell it to buy this at max price X and sell (select other station) for min price X.
this seems like a very loose connection to Star Citizen. It has a former employee working on an actual real space sim, instead of a scam. No real need to point out Star Citizen, its not really connected to Star Citizen and I consider that to be a good thing.
I was about to start to play and learn X4, but then i got busy and because of the PoE2 EA i thought "ok, X4 is the plan for the weekend". Looks like it just got moved back to wait for the new flight model, because most of the time that was the bad part of the game?
I think it's a fantastic time for Space games atm Elite Dangerous is finally getting the treatment from FDev it deserves X4 is getting some fantastic new updates Star Citizen is getting closer to being actually playable, and has the first star system that isn't Stanton No Man's Sky is basically space minecraft now
I love Egosoft. I still have my X: Beyond the Frontier CD-ROM. I even enjoyed Rebirth. That being said, the only thing holding them back is dedicated server/multiplayer functionality.
Thanks for the update on X4. This is one of these games that has worked its way under my skin and I have to keep coming back in the hope that its got better. Its has so much potential but something annoys me after a few days of play. I suspect the flight controls are part of the problem which ED has mastered with my dual joystick setup. I downloaded the game again last week when I heard about these changes. It is great the way they continue improving the game and full credit to them. I have struggled with the game since the X2 days.
I kinda like the flight model in x4.. i think they need to focus more on story telling then mechanics. If they need to work on something why not land based stuff.
With this Pre MM Flight Model X4 has embarked on the road to becoming the Star Citizen killer app. X4 just needs 64bit precision for open world planets. A griefer free PvE Star Citizen is what the global gaming community wants! Good luck X4!!!!
start the game, land in a station. "Oh look another ship", get in, ship flies, eject on the space far from station, spend 1 hour to float back .... fun game
I feel like X4 is moving into a multiplayer direction, though they haven't stated it yet, I'm here for it though. Even if it's just coop and not an MMO. There is a MASSIVE niche market that has been only partially filled by Star Citizen, and they could pretty easily bring a lot to the table that that community is looking for. The very first step to this is the flight model, I think the next will be networking and multicrew.
The game isn't really tailored around Multiplayer afaik. Tbh, being a sandbox, it does make a lot of sense for it being single player in the first place, since every single universe - even between your own different runs - can be totally different. So what would a Multiplayer version look like? Would it be one sandbox that runs on a server for all? That takes away a lot of the freedom we got in our games so far, regarding the fact that we can make a heavy impact on the relationships betwhen factions, even unifying some or making them declare war on another by simply doing the questlines. That wouldn't really be possible in a SC like universe, where the server is the sandbox instance.
@@FortuneHuntersAnd yet modders with less resources often seem to find a way, despite those engines not being designed for it. It can be tough but it's far from impossible.
I actually dont know why so much ppl say that x4 flight mode is bad. Imo it is arcade enough and fits good to game that more RTS than space-sim. Too much games has such flight mode and now we have just another one. And i barely agree x4 needs it. As i see in comments that they like new mode and now want to play x4 so i suggest that they just never played further than buying m-ship if they want to play the game just cause flight mode now more like elite and star sitizen. I whouldnt say we need it more than fixing AI. But if many ppl who NEVER played x4 glad now, i guess we can wait 1-2 years more. Cause now with new flight mode those ppl can play x4 for 5-10 hours and drop it anyways. I have seen tons of comments about stupid AI and interface and never ppl who really hated game cause flight model. And as i see here comments like "at last, now i can try to play x4" i think it`s not for players who played 50-100-500 hours and hate AI/UI more often. It is for casuals who will buy another one copy of the game and drop it. Unlucky we are getting another space-sim.
The X-franchise is one of the most overlooked in the genre. It has its fault like a bit horrible voice acting at times and always struggle with story bits. But when you are let loose among the stars to build your own empire or forge a path as a mercenary for hire or trading among the factions its brilliant.
If only this could parallelize it's real-time simulation across any number of modern manycore CPUs to reach maximum theoretical performance. Dreaming on.
I bought this game with all the dlc, but I couldn't get into because of how the flying works, I would love to dive deep into x4 it seems like a great game I just couldn't get over the flying and Eva controls
I really don't think there is much of JP's flight model in SC. What we have now is an arcade-ish version, if anything. I really appreciated what he was trying to do in SC, and I welcome him to the X4 side of the house. He can only make a great game even better.
No way......I've had this game for ages now and every time I try to get into it I end up stumped by the counter intuitive flight model, it just goes against what you're used to. I've really wanted to get stuck in for years now, maybe this will be what allows that to happen!
Flight model and UI. Spot on. The UI, while you do get used to it. For newcomers is pure jank. Not sure Egosoft have a UI/UX person. But they need one.
Wow you thought flight model needed fixing... there was nothing wrong with flying places its when yiu get there and can t do the missions or drop through the floor that needs fixing
Just bought x4 after always flinching away due to bad reviews about flight mechanics. If it’s good, I hope others show the studio it was worth the investment
Just remember you need to play the beta for the flight model update atm and also that "Timelines" is not the main game and is more like a challenge mode.
The only thing missing from X4 is on foot combat during ship boarding. Would be so cool. I wish they'd make a game focused on a 50/50 of on foot combat and space combat. They could even have planet landings at specific areas where you do stories and whatnot. I feel like they need to expand on making the sandbox more of a story tool rather than an economy sim. Would make the game so much better. The economy and fleet sim aspects drives so many people away. Also co op desperately needed.
Sounds a bit like that one game by Derek Smart. Pretty controversial one and very old by now, and to my understanding it's a bit of a mess and has an enormous learning curve but technically has all that. I can't remember off hand if it was Battlecruiser 3000AD or if that's the one that shares some of the core mechanics but scaled back some to focus on just spaceship stuff. Edit: Upon a quick googling I believe the game I'm thinking of is Universal Combat. Pretty sure Battlecruiser 3000AD also has at least some if not all of the game mechanics you're describing though.
@@zeph0shade Universal combat does yes. Unfortunately old as hell and not a multiplayer game. Even if it was it'd be dead now lol. A modern version of those would be nice! If I remember correctly BC 3000AD flopped hard.
So that's what closing the map looks like!
if only the game had a "manager" mode with a completely different UI etc so looking at the just the map for 80+ hours is not so meh
@@dannyroe1697 Was never a big fan of the "flying" in the X games. Love the game and series. On the other side I would love to have all this features in ED. But still I wonder why Egosoft never considered making their game rather like EVE Online (or Astrox Imperium). The "indirect" flying would fit much more into the game and they could stop wasting ressources for ugly charcter models, unnecessary stations, bad voice actors and stuff like that. Especially these games are often far more "timeless" (e.g. "Nexus - The Jupiter Incident" is still an awesome game).
It's insane how even the first game from 1999 had better voice acting and presentation. Just started a new game in X4 (base game) and it's hilarious how bad the initial mission is. It's like "ah yeah, fly there and I hope you make it in time, if not I dont care, but don't ask questions. If you do everything great you can have the ship. Bye.". Egosoft really needs to improove in their presentation and UI design. y
@@immatoll4375you miss the point...
In X4 you are a person in the universe, and that is the point
Also, i like to actually ENGAGE with the simulation i playing not just look from above like like i'm a god.
@efxnews4776 I grabbed foundation on sale earlier in the year and have put 100 hrs into it, yet I'm not sure I 'get' it. I was flying around myself for quite a while but eventually succumbed to having an NPC pilot chauffeur me around. I've only really built the star port that the boron dude got me to build. At the moment I'm thinking this is more like an immersive 'Age of Empires' than an empire building Elite Dangerous, and goal might be to wipe out the xenon? There's a lot I haven't tried yet, like ship boarding. If I think AoE then I'd be building mines, towers, barracks etc all over - should I be doing same in X4 to then build a war fleet to go invade/defend? Ant mentions exploration, which I love in Elite, but it never occurred to me in X4 - once I find all the installations and plant a satellite nearby...what else? Genuinely curious cos so far I'm not seeing a reason to buy any DLC other than 'I can'. I really want the game to 'click' :)
@@immatoll4375 but that initnal mission is for bacly a realgear base game start that bacly alows you to play the game ina sand box like seting so you can decide on what you want to do before you start diong story stuff. also dlc adds better and new stuff for defrent plattrew starts as well. but the entie x seres of games have been like that. but shure x sres of game might not have that good ofa ui but it makes up for far far better gamplay that uses that ui to the best it can be used for.
Absolutely love X4! It scratches every itch for a space game.
-_- in what way, your sitting on a highway 90% of the time, combat is truly meh(didnt bother with default scenarios first mission), mining is shoot rock with any weapon and ram the drops. couldnt figure out where to sell whatever i did loot, because 'amazing' ui.
And capitalism
@tenryuta Translated: "I am cr@p at playing the game so the game is cr@p" 🤣
@@tenryuta get gud
Can you pick up hot space chick's
Literally the only thing that always kept me back from really getting into X4 was the flight model. I’m so glad that they’re upgrading it! Will definitely give it a try!
this game is more about being strategy game than space sim. Sure, you are going to fly a lot in beginning until you earn your own factory, get mining operation automated, and start multiplying a fleet. At midgame, you don`t need to enter any spaceship. You can do literally everything from the comfort of your factories, naivaging your fleet like in homeworld or other 3d rts games.
I found out that i actually do almost no flying in X4, either i am looking at the map managing my empire or i have a pilot driving me around. I expected the same to be a sci-fi flight sim but that is the least of the gameplay.
As an Elite I combat junkie I might just give it a try with the new flight model. I wonder if my headquarters still exist after all these years?
I bought X4 a while back but never really got into it and uninstalled it. Hearing that it has tutorials and a new flight model on the beta, I'll give it another try. Thanks :)
That was confusing, the forum post that you end up on is dated 18th December ("I'm opting into the future!") ;D
always had a tutroial with the cadet campaign*boom, too bad it sucks still
Same! I wanted to love this game but I found it way too confusing and clunky, and without a large community information is scarce. I've tried looking up youtube tutorials when I needed help and to learn, but they never teach what I was doing and the solutions online didn't work for me. Maybe bugs but my first experience was a bad one and was very disappointed. Maybe if it has good changes I'll try it again.
I've been getting the itch for a Space game lately, and I haven't played X4 nearly as much as I should have. This update will be a good excuse to fix that.
put the bare minimum into either elite or sc, youll hate yourself less after trying to puke out a refund
I mean, it's a management game, not a space game, just set in space. There is only so much you can do piloting small ships and it would get old real fast.
@@tenryuta I've played all 3 of these games so I'm not sure what you're getting at. I'm sure I'll pick up Elite again someday but SC...? lol no
@@underleft I know it's not a hardcore space-sim and I'm not expecting the new update to turn it into one. I'm okay with that.
@@Xero_Kaiser pick up SC in 2 years 😂 thats what I tell most new players who ask me about the Game. Either wait for the next big Update and a month for the patches or wait till its near completion or completed
I don't need ED or SC multiplayer, but I would love if x4 could be played in co-op mode.This flight model looks promising! 🤞
It can be a lonely game if you played a lot a ED or SC. My youngest introduced me to X4 and the only thing that’s missing is being able to play with him.
that is almost impossible without starting another X game from scratch, maybe X5 some day? maybe they are aleady working on something like that... who knows.
yeah honestly, the flight model base game feels like im driving a space truck at all times.
the new flight model feels and looks muchhhhh more smoother.
You made me aware of it but driving in star trucker feels much like x4, now that I think about it.
endeyfire - this is a fair comment but due to newtonian physics, aren't ships going to feel like they have tremendous momentum aka steering a truck? I could imagine rolling a ship would feel quick but actually managing your main direction of thrust would be a different matter?
@@gazzabazzazza idk how far the changes are along atm. it may be for certian ships. im just testing myself
but the x seres normaly has nuitrauom phisiecs but they just got aornud to adding that part in later in x4 bescue they wher froecing more on geting good content and gamplay all sorted out before bacly adding the good ol x seres of realstic phisics but in x4 being ealry acces they knida put that part of the gameplay on the back burner ofa bit to fosics on geting the game itself moslty sorted out first.
@@endeyfire afraid I haven't played X4 at all and it's been ages since I played X3.
You said x4 feels much smoother.
Was it jerky or lumpy before?
Would have thought improvements to the flight model might help the ships to feel more substantial or something?
Having played a handful of space Sims historically including elite, i think ships don't feel like they have any mass. For reference, I've not played star citizen.
One of the few games which did feel more 'realistic' was independence war 2 (maybe because you could just carry on accelerating but then you would have to spend time negating your thrust etc, if you didn't have flight assist on)
The flight model update is really something that could make me play more often...
I still love the X4 UI though and really don't want it to change. :D
medieval ui say wah, no really, have you not played/watched either elite or star citizen, they are atleast done proper(ie less useless info)
Yea theres really only so much you can do when you need to convey so so so much information. Theres probably some minor things they can do for the UI, but realistically its very efficient for just how many options and information it needs
@tenryuta I am playing Elite for 9 years and I don't like its UI because it looks like the UI of a game.
X4 UI looks like a programmers UI. Utilitarian. Not as if it belongs to a game. And I can completely navigate it via mouse pointer. That's what I love about it. In that way it is more immersive for me.
I love it too, it works great for the complexity. I don't know why everyone always says it sucks.
@@tenryuta What? Elite has a terrible UI for how simplistic it is. Until recently, you couldn't strip a ship without painfully removing each module and watching a dumb animation each time. Can't filter the navigation panel. the galaxy map is a mess to navigate and plot. You literally have to use 3rd party tools to get anything productive done. You can hate the X4 UI, but saying Elite has a good UI is a bizarre take.
John Pritchet is the man for space flight!
Moving away from Pritchet's flight model was Star Citizen's biggest mistake, and they've made some big ones lol
@@Sattorinwhat’s so wild is they did a public test that had both Pritchet’s flight model AND master modes’ variable max speeds but then decided to trash his model for the egg shaped speed vectoring.
Frankly the Pritchett-MM looks amazing in the few videos from the test that still exist. Heartbreaking they got rid of it.
John Pritchet was the reason I played SC back in the day. The flight model was incredible back in 2.6.3, but they took it out of his hands and kept watering it down until we have the Master Mess we have today. I've been avoiding X4 because it seems like it would just absorb me... but if it feels like old SC then I can't say no.
One of the few games that has remained on my "hard drive" for over a decade. Bravo!
Okay but which SC flight model? The one pre-MM that had Newtonian physicis, or the post-MM one with the egg-shaped thrust….
Bro I’m buying X4 right now.
They had a newtonian flight model? I'm new to SC and I lament the option of a FA off mode (de coupled mode doesn't cut it for me) and I've been told the engine never was coded to do that... I'm confused RN
I lament the absense of...
@@targard.quantumfrack6854 Yes. Decoupled for a little over 12 years was a true 6DOF Newtonian flight model.
To be clear, SC does turn the cryengine base physics off / heavily adjusted, that’s why objects act so strangely, fall through each other, can’t neatly stack without locking, blow up ships, etc.
But it did used to have a true 6DOF model complete with bi&tricording w/o artificial thrust and speed limits just because your nose wasn’t pointed in the direction of travel.
the SC flight model used to be cool af
@@piedpiper1172 why would they cancel that?
I thought I wanted Star Citizen until I played X4. Now things just keep getting better.
Na bro this game is so shit compared to star citizen
@@SJ-fj3jp Agree to disagree.
I like the new flight model, some don't. I think there are some bugs which result in AI ships struggling with the new flight model with docking or undocking or collisions, which I think is to be expected for a new flight model. There may also be some issues with turret and main guns not being as accurate due to the new ship movement. But overall, it is a step in the right direction, even though it needs some work before it gets out of beta.
Great, more reasons for the AI to mess up. I bet Fleet AI is even worse now.
I’d love them to add a ship boarding mechanic that actually allows you to grab your rifle, jump into a shuttle and fly over with your many squads of marines and go clearing rooms.
Over the years I have wanted what Star Citizen is offering less and less, and if this works out, X4 will do everything I wanted from it anyway. The X games have always been interesting but a bit of a bear from a UI and flight model perspective, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this plays out. John Pritchett did good work on SC before he left CIG.
Like many 4x games, the ui sadly will always be very complicated
@Centrioless sure, but it could absolutely be better.
X4 is one of the few games in my library I keep going back to. It's one of the best space games I think. All the X games before it though, I just never could really get into. But, X4? I played the hell out of that. I'm looking forward to getting time to play it again... along with Star Citizen, finally. It's been a couple of years now since I've had time to really play ANYTHING at all. Too many things IRL taking priority. :( But, I'll be making time for some game time over winter since it's looking like it's going to be a harsh winter... no outdoor activities for me!
Nothing beats Elite Dangerous!
Yeah, X4 is really a great game.
The funny thing is that at core the flight model was already quite newtonian. But the devs added a friction (drag) to the ships in order to make them easier to maneuver. If you remove it the ships keep momentum in any direction and using thrusters can only compensate, so a true space flight model. But not only most of people would have not like, the AI could not handle it. In 7.5 they "fake" this by adding another layer of physics instead of simply removing that drag (friction). If you want to see the core flight model in action, try the mod REM in the nexus.
Another great thing: DLSS 3.5 and FSR 3.1 support coming in next year!
What’s the problem with the current flight model? It feels like how I remember X3 was, which I also didn’t have a problem with.
Try the new model. Like you i didnt think it needed much fixing, but man, it feels so much better now.
There's no "problem" it just wasn't state of the art / modern.
guess it felt more "stiff" and didnt conveyed the physics like Elite or Citizen does
X4 is such a great game. So well supported by the developer as well. It’s one of my go-to’s.
And, crucially, the Egosoft devs take the feedback from the player base onboard and factor that into future updates. It's a symbiotic relationship :)
My only gripe with x4 is the “space lane” travel system.
Yeah I'm not overjoyed with that either, or the sector system where it feels like you're traveling from room to room in a dungeon. I'd prefer something similar to the Elite Dangerous travel system because it feels a lot more like space travel.
Well, if you use a creative start option you can disable it.
Oh man, I can't wait. I invested in some equipment when I started playing SC, but wasn't happy with how it 'worked' with X4, and I've taken a long hiatus from it. I'll have to play again once the update releases.
Always looking for a new game for my hotas. (Crossing fingers it will be good)
1200 plus hours and change and still enjoying the game. Flight model change is great!
Pritchet's flight model in SC was great, though I don't think it would have worked with all their different ships and open world - but it was as fun as any space flight game has ever been for me in the Arena Commander mode.
And the best thing with X4 it's not a cult which want all your money for empty promises. No 45k Dollar ships, no "Admirals Club", just a fair beautiful game for nerds.
X4 is almost 7 years old and you can buy all of the DLC for it for less than the price of a small ship in Star Citizen (even less when it's on sale). The DLCs represent "added content" and "added game play" that gives X4 additional depth, vs just another ship in Star Citizen that serves the same purpose as many others and adds no new content or depth to game play.
Joining the Boron and Terran sectors will have the effect that if there is war between Argon and Terrans, the Boron will be able to join directly to help the Argon fight against Terrans. Previously, the Borons were too distant to really help out.
The Boron economy is as bad as the Split or even worse as it is isolated from export goods. A war between them would just feed the Terrans more territory without player intervention even though the latter would be fighting on 2 fronts. I suspect that once the diplomacy update drops the Terrans will be the ultimate map painting nation aside from the unified Paranid.
@@csfelfoldithat's the point though, the Borons are no longer that isolated.
Edit : in fact one of the most downloaded mod was basically to open them more gates when Kingdom Ends launched.
I've done it and never looked back since then, sunk a lot of hours and I can tell you it's much more pleasant.
Happy to see if coming on vanilla
Never really had a problem with the flight model. Small fighters felt like they barely have any inertia, and the heavier something gets, the more heavy and sluggish it starts to feel. I never like it when a Ship weighting multiple tons feels like it has no inertia at all... I feel like a lot of people have problems with it because they fly heavy fighters or Frigates, who should be sluggish in such an invironment.
Looking forward to it nonetheless
Phheewww, 5:45 almost made me upchuck. Easy there Ant
The flight model was already good; and the fact that its been prioritised is just evidence of a good company making a QoL upgrade to an already good feature.
I'm primarily an ED player, but ive been massively impressed with X4. Whilst the UI is a bit odd, the main feature that's thrown me off (which is admittedly a really odd admission) is the overuse of the pause button. When i play it through again, im going to unbind it from all keys/buttons.
Not odd at all, the UI is horrible
I guess there's no way for me to know if this is good or bad without doing a new playthrough. I really hope it doesn't end up like Elite Dangerous where "large" and "small" ships are pretty much indistinguishable in how they fly. My capital ships being big, hulking turret platforms, while small ships are nimble was the whole selling point for me and what lead to me putting hundreds of hours into the game, mostly consisting of big, Star Wars-like setpiece battles against the Xenon.
It wasn't like that before, why now with an improved flight model would be worst?
@efxnews4776 Because Star Citizen is being set as the standard. Star Citizen has had half a dozen flight model overhauls since 2016, each iteration having its own issues and the more recent ones just getting progressively worse.
@@alpha-0874the only reason the flight model got worse was because each ship has to be optimized to operate properly within the new model, and they only optimized like 3-5 ships out of like a hundred...
I would imagine they would have a similar issue... balancing and fine tuning will always be rough.
Sounds like fun.
elite is submarines in space
Damn, look nice
Last time I played it was X3 Albion prelude
still playing AP here, tried X4 a couple of years ago but I couldn't get into it. I might give it a go after this update, until then X3AP+litcube's is my go to
'Didn't like the flight model' - never tried the combat thrusters and switching off the flight assist.
Last played X2 and ive been casting around for a post ED space game (got tired of grinding those damn blue orange bars)
Perun did a great series on X4, worth a look. Now the Ant has me convinced, time to wait for a sale.
The game would be amazing if they simply fixed/added more of a personal captain vibe, such as the player being able to mine/combat/etc correctly with other NPC owned ships in the same sector. Add a Captains Chair for goodness... I want to be Captain Kirk.
Always love the X Games since the very first. It's nice to see the new flight model, however, I don't pilot anything myself after the first hour of a new start unless it's a capital that's in trouble because the AI still sucks with fleet battles. I do love that boost isn't tied to shields anymore though, that's a change that should have happened a long time ago and will definitely change combat.
Does this mean my SC two stick setup will be valid in x4 as well?
Always has been. And unlike SC we even managed to drag data out of the game and interface with it.
I'm so glad they're continuing to update and improve this game. I do enjoy this game whenever I play.
This is great news. I was a fan of X and played the first couple but fell out of love with it partly due to the flight model. Will be very interested to see how much life this breathes into the game.
The really tragic part is that SC is killing Pritchett's flight model while Pritchett is saving X4 through work on its flight model. I will be extremely cross with CIG if big ships in X4 feel better to fly than small ships in SC.
I wish they would implement multi monitor support. Triple screen rigs are more and more common these days and a lot of users would enjoy this.
Cant wait till Star Wars Interworlds mod update to this new version and flight model, Dogfighting in TIE fighter or X-wing will be so good .
for sure
You're always going to have an equal mix of people that want arcade, vs those that want sim, and every preference in between.
Looks like they update the cockpit radar as well, very nice if that is the case looking forward to trying that
Yeah, I really like the new cockpit radar, makes a big difference in improved situational awareness. But currently comes at a cost of not being able to know how to orient my ship on the ecliptic plane, hopefully further work on this will help with that.
I think they re calling it gravidar
The UI of X4 Foundations is PERFECT !!!
Better flight model for X4 should be pretty huge, and a UI/UX update after would be ginormous!
Guess I need to try this beta!
Did they get rid of “drag in space”? Are they using proper physics now? And object in motion stays in motion. And there is no limit on acceleration except energy?
I think the UI is pretty good.
All I want from X4 is the ability to haul resources from Station A to Station B in a different system on an infinite loop like it's an Anno game. They're way too obsessed with letting the pilot AI do it for you and hope they get it right.
I’m on my first play through as Terran and haven’t gotten to a point where I need to haul anything, so pardon my ignorance, but can you not do this already? Seems like you could just buy some sort of cargo ship and haul whatever to your hearts content.
@@agentmith So it's not too uncommon that a place with tons of resources to mine isn't the place you want to process and sell them at, so it's often better having your refineries in more economically active sectors. At first you can haul yourself but if you want to do anything else you need to buy a 2nd ship and have that do the hauling.
The problem? You can't. They can do it with their own AI Trade logic but you have to hope it prefers trading with your stations and it has artificially set ranges on how far away it will do this. You cannot give a direct "take X goods from station A, trade with my station B, fly back and repeat" order and can only give such an order as a standalone one-off.
@@JM_Traslo ah I see. Seems like it would be difficult for an AI to intuitively know where the “best” place to sell would be if it’s outside of the current sector though, like how would it judge what a reasonable distance is? Especially if something dynamically interferes with traveling, like some hazard or potential for combat. There might be mods that address this, but it seems like the compromise to automating the task is taking less profit by selling locally. If you want the big bucks you’d need to do it yourself.
@@JM_Traslo I'm afraid you're mistaken. You absolutely can do that with the Repeat Orders command. Then select the station and tell it to buy this at max price X and sell (select other station) for min price X.
lol and they put a star citizen add right at the start of the vid. Timing.
Cool vid, thanks.
this seems like a very loose connection to Star Citizen. It has a former employee working on an actual real space sim, instead of a scam. No real need to point out Star Citizen, its not really connected to Star Citizen and I consider that to be a good thing.
I'm so bummed it's taking so long but damn I'm excited for these changes!
I was about to start to play and learn X4, but then i got busy and because of the PoE2 EA i thought "ok, X4 is the plan for the weekend".
Looks like it just got moved back to wait for the new flight model, because most of the time that was the bad part of the game?
I hope they overhaul combat next and make it a bit more simmy
I think it's a fantastic time for Space games atm
Elite Dangerous is finally getting the treatment from FDev it deserves
X4 is getting some fantastic new updates
Star Citizen is getting closer to being actually playable, and has the first star system that isn't Stanton
No Man's Sky is basically space minecraft now
I love Egosoft. I still have my X: Beyond the Frontier CD-ROM. I even enjoyed Rebirth.
That being said, the only thing holding them back is dedicated server/multiplayer functionality.
Thanks for the update on X4. This is one of these games that has worked its way under my skin and I have to keep coming back in the hope that its got better. Its has so much potential but something annoys me after a few days of play. I suspect the flight controls are part of the problem which ED has mastered with my dual joystick setup. I downloaded the game again last week when I heard about these changes. It is great the way they continue improving the game and full credit to them. I have struggled with the game since the X2 days.
Does it have VR support?
Which of the expansions/DLCs offer the best value or meaningful additions?
I kinda like the flight model in x4.. i think they need to focus more on story telling then mechanics. If they need to work on something why not land based stuff.
With this Pre MM Flight Model X4 has embarked on the road to becoming the Star Citizen killer app.
X4 just needs 64bit precision for open world planets.
A griefer free PvE Star Citizen is what the global gaming community wants!
Good luck X4!!!!
more detailed ship interiors would be cool
I just wish they'd put a delta-v marker on the HUD, for those of us who turn off the assists and fly erratically.
start the game, land in a station. "Oh look another ship", get in, ship flies, eject on the space far from station, spend 1 hour to float back .... fun game
This almost has me thinking of a re-install.
How complex is the wowd in star citizen ?
Are small ships that can dodge viable in X4?
I feel like X4 is moving into a multiplayer direction, though they haven't stated it yet, I'm here for it though. Even if it's just coop and not an MMO. There is a MASSIVE niche market that has been only partially filled by Star Citizen, and they could pretty easily bring a lot to the table that that community is looking for. The very first step to this is the flight model, I think the next will be networking and multicrew.
Multi-player coding is a massive project for something like X4. Egosoft is only a 34 employee team. It's not a scale they could achieve.
The game isn't really tailored around Multiplayer afaik. Tbh, being a sandbox, it does make a lot of sense for it being single player in the first place, since every single universe - even between your own different runs - can be totally different. So what would a Multiplayer version look like? Would it be one sandbox that runs on a server for all? That takes away a lot of the freedom we got in our games so far, regarding the fact that we can make a heavy impact on the relationships betwhen factions, even unifying some or making them declare war on another by simply doing the questlines. That wouldn't really be possible in a SC like universe, where the server is the sandbox instance.
@@FortuneHuntersAnd yet modders with less resources often seem to find a way, despite those engines not being designed for it. It can be tough but it's far from impossible.
Multiplayer will likely be in X5 given what they have been doing with X4
Forget about multiplayer. That's so complex that it's business-wise simply not viable with the current engine and current crew size.
i did buy it once, and deinstalled and returned after half an hour due to the flying feeling really weird. might revisit if they actully change it
Have this game , keep wanting to get into it. , cheers for the Videos and update on all my favourites space games {{ star citizen my main }}
I actually dont know why so much ppl say that x4 flight mode is bad. Imo it is arcade enough and fits good to game that more RTS than space-sim. Too much games has such flight mode and now we have just another one. And i barely agree x4 needs it. As i see in comments that they like new mode and now want to play x4 so i suggest that they just never played further than buying m-ship if they want to play the game just cause flight mode now more like elite and star sitizen.
I whouldnt say we need it more than fixing AI. But if many ppl who NEVER played x4 glad now, i guess we can wait 1-2 years more. Cause now with new flight mode those ppl can play x4 for 5-10 hours and drop it anyways. I have seen tons of comments about stupid AI and interface and never ppl who really hated game cause flight model.
And as i see here comments like "at last, now i can try to play x4" i think it`s not for players who played 50-100-500 hours and hate AI/UI more often. It is for casuals who will buy another one copy of the game and drop it. Unlucky we are getting another space-sim.
The X-franchise is one of the most overlooked in the genre. It has its fault like a bit horrible voice acting at times and always struggle with story bits. But when you are let loose among the stars to build your own empire or forge a path as a mercenary for hire or trading among the factions its brilliant.
It's not really overlooked, it's just niche
Might end up playing this as Star Citizen has shidded all over its own flight model.
If only this could parallelize it's real-time simulation across any number of modern manycore CPUs to reach maximum theoretical performance. Dreaming on.
I bought this game with all the dlc, but I couldn't get into because of how the flying works, I would love to dive deep into x4 it seems like a great game I just couldn't get over the flying and Eva controls
I really don't think there is much of JP's flight model in SC. What we have now is an arcade-ish version, if anything.
I really appreciated what he was trying to do in SC, and I welcome him to the X4 side of the house. He can only make a great game even better.
X4 is the german engineering what we all want :D
i wonder how it will feel with say a hotas or hosas now i know most play with m&k but i perfer the feel of a joystick and throttle in my hand
I might be the only one on earth to say this, but I hope we get the option to use the current flight model after the update
It's a great game, I just wish more could be done with NPCs though like adding more uniform choices for crews.
Wait you can fly a ship yourself in this game?
btw, what happened to seasons? Are those still going on?
Might just have to dust off my copy of X4, sounds like
Does it mean that master modes is coming to x4?
What are your video settings? I don’t know why my game looks kinda blocky in the cockpit view
No way......I've had this game for ages now and every time I try to get into it I end up stumped by the counter intuitive flight model, it just goes against what you're used to. I've really wanted to get stuck in for years now, maybe this will be what allows that to happen!
Does this mean that a CIG developer finally managed to finish something and got it into a fully released title?
Oooooh? Time to check back :D
Flight model and UI. Spot on.
The UI, while you do get used to it. For newcomers is pure jank.
Not sure Egosoft have a UI/UX person. But they need one.
Yes!!!! the UI need to be reworked sometime
Wow you thought flight model needed fixing... there was nothing wrong with flying places its when yiu get there and can t do the missions or drop through the floor that needs fixing
I just I wish I have time to play this game.
I just signed up for the beta. Let's see how it goes.
The UI and controls are hard to use on the steam deck despite it being verified
New here, what is X4?
Just bought x4 after always flinching away due to bad reviews about flight mechanics. If it’s good, I hope others show the studio it was worth the investment
Just remember you need to play the beta for the flight model update atm and also that "Timelines" is not the main game and is more like a challenge mode.
The only thing missing from X4 is on foot combat during ship boarding. Would be so cool.
I wish they'd make a game focused on a 50/50 of on foot combat and space combat. They could even have planet landings at specific areas where you do stories and whatnot. I feel like they need to expand on making the sandbox more of a story tool rather than an economy sim. Would make the game so much better. The economy and fleet sim aspects drives so many people away.
Also co op desperately needed.
I agree on co op. I also agree on more intractability with the world. Combat would be fun. More ship interiors
Sounds a bit like that one game by Derek Smart. Pretty controversial one and very old by now, and to my understanding it's a bit of a mess and has an enormous learning curve but technically has all that. I can't remember off hand if it was Battlecruiser 3000AD or if that's the one that shares some of the core mechanics but scaled back some to focus on just spaceship stuff.
Edit: Upon a quick googling I believe the game I'm thinking of is Universal Combat. Pretty sure Battlecruiser 3000AD also has at least some if not all of the game mechanics you're describing though.
@@zeph0shade Universal combat does yes. Unfortunately old as hell and not a multiplayer game. Even if it was it'd be dead now lol.
A modern version of those would be nice! If I remember correctly BC 3000AD flopped hard.
All fps parts of the game are awful though
@@QuotidianStupidity Then make them good? Lol