How to Style Dr Martens Polley | 10 Outfit Ideas for Docs

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 129

  • @inthewanderyears
    @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +23

    Hey Pals! Decided to go no voice over for this one to keep is short and sweet! All the outfit info is in the description though! But here are some comments I was gonna say: outfit 6 is a big mum energy. 😛 Let me know what outfit you would wear!

  • @Fiona_Co
    @Fiona_Co 4 года назад +53

    I have different doc marten Mary Janes, but I’m totally gonna use some of these ideas to style them!

  • @hollyrosewood1038
    @hollyrosewood1038 4 года назад +4

    these outfits were soo awesome, I love how you layer long sleeves underneath everything- t-shirts, dresses, overalls. also your hair in this video looks amazing.

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Thank you so much!! Glad you like them! Haha Australia is only just cold enough to wear a long sleeve.

    • @hollyrosewood1038
      @hollyrosewood1038 4 года назад

      @@inthewanderyears yeah at least in Queensland, in Melbourne its cold enough for flannelete sheets and lots of blankets a night. an da winter coat and winter clothes during the day. today is 14 degrees and cloudy.

  • @anabellegononsky3151
    @anabellegononsky3151 4 года назад +25

    omg im obsessed with this. I've had the polleys for a while and it been really difficult to style them, also this was really helpful.

  • @JustEmJay
    @JustEmJay 4 года назад +5

    your docs videos have to be some of my absolute favourites omg

  • @natalia-pu9gb
    @natalia-pu9gb 4 года назад +27

    These are soooo cute! Editing on point as well x

  • @Adrinananoodle
    @Adrinananoodle 4 года назад +5

    Ahhh I loved all the outfits!! But that monochromatic pink outfit with the sweater and pink pants AHHH 🌸 it looks so good with your pink hair!!

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much!! Glad you like that one, honestly almost cut it out of the video... I swear every time you pals like the outfits that im not sure about so I should always leave them in!

  • @oliviadp4437
    @oliviadp4437 4 года назад +13

    I just ordered these today. This was so helpful and I love your style! Can't wait till I get them so I get to style them :)

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +1

      So glad it was helpful!! Thanks Olivia! Hope you love them!

  • @xricebunix
    @xricebunix 4 года назад +13

    Basically... wear them with everything!! I just ordered these, but the slip resistant version. I'm really excited~ ♡

  • @potatoflop1137
    @potatoflop1137 4 года назад +2

    this video is everythingggg! it was straight to the point and the fits are cuuuute

  • @Sara-ey8ph
    @Sara-ey8ph 4 года назад +3

    Omg your style is adorable! It suits you so well! I’ve been trying to branch out from my usual black boots, and you’ve helped me visualize how to style these for myself. Ty!!!

  • @halbaer7871
    @halbaer7871 4 года назад +4

    i absolutely love the red jacket in outfit nine !! it's stunning
    i found a secondhand pair of forest green 1461s on depop last week, they arrived and bet that i can style them like some of these outfits, i love the palette of the outfits so much

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +1

      Thanks Hannah! Yeah they would look epic with these outfits!

  • @swanee12
    @swanee12 4 года назад +9

    hey! this is really great! I have been wanting to get bangs for a while, and i think i' m going to do it soon! love your videos

  • @gabygotay5640
    @gabygotay5640 3 года назад +2

    All of this outfits were amazing! I don’t even own those shoes but I was watching for my Dr martens 1461 Bex platforms!

  • @OGGenX65
    @OGGenX65 8 месяцев назад +1

    How is the leather on your polleys holding up? Are they creased and cracking?

  • @Beachbby850
    @Beachbby850 4 года назад +2

    Not sure how I ended up here but I’m sure glad I did . Not only was I about to buy the White Mary Janes... but then I saw how cute you were and your style is SO FUN , I thought 🤨maybe I need them in black too haha ! Thanks, stay sweet 💕

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +1

      Glad you stumble upon me! Omg white ones would be so cute! Thanks lovely!

  • @Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2 года назад +1

    Omg the polly outfits are just sooo cute 😩😩 . I have to get them

  • @gabi6772
    @gabi6772 3 года назад +1

    Just wanted to say you’re an icon. Thanks for the inspo!!

  • @krisdepp890
    @krisdepp890 4 года назад +31

    I would wear all of them!!! this definitely will help me style my 8065 mary janes! and if I could just say your bod is gorgeous!!!! 😭♥️

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +10

      Amazing!! Glad you liked them! Aww this made my day, not been feeling my usual self recently and getting a little out of shape so this has really boosted my confidence, thanks again for your kind words!

  • @snortingstarbursts6688
    @snortingstarbursts6688 4 года назад +1

    I love the giant flowers on your closet they are so cute

  • @mollymatthews2158
    @mollymatthews2158 4 года назад +4

    I bought a pair of the Mary Janes and I have trouble styling them in ways where I don’t look like a school girl all the time (although sometimes that’s the look I’m going for)

  • @Rosalia533
    @Rosalia533 4 года назад +10

    Love how you aren’t scared to mix patterns 🤩

  • @melodyofpsalm9468
    @melodyofpsalm9468 3 года назад

    Outfits 7 and 11 are prime! Love both of these looks!

  • @karinasuarez1353
    @karinasuarez1353 4 года назад +1

    So cute! That’s it, I’m convinced. I’m going on Depop and purchasing a pair of Polley docs

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +1

      Good choice! Hope you find some!

    • @karinasuarez1353
      @karinasuarez1353 4 года назад

      In the Wander Years Thank you, I did! I’m so excited! 😎

  • @hadleymarshall5356
    @hadleymarshall5356 4 года назад +2

    Does dr martens still make this specific style? I know they still make Mary Janes, but this specific shoe is kind of what I’m insinuating. I look on their website and I didn’t find it anywhere, they could just be sold out though. Loved the video though!

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Hey! I think they do. It's called the Polley. I see them sometimes on depop or reselling sites too. Thanks Hadley! They also have Bethan's which have a bigger sole.

  • @dannin4490
    @dannin4490 3 года назад

    Sold me on getting a pair. Thanks for all the inspo looks!

  • @RowanITP
    @RowanITP 4 года назад

    Omg I'm in love with all of thosee! But 8 was mu favourite lol.. I have so much more ideas now, really thank you so much❤

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Thanks! Glad you like them! 8 is literally what I wear anytime i leave the house!

  • @aliviastienen
    @aliviastienen 4 года назад +2

    Love these docs! I also love your hair! Cheerss x

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +2

      Thanks so much!! These docs are probably my most comfy!

  • @anahlupic4491
    @anahlupic4491 4 года назад +1

    And one question where did you get the sunflowers on your door

  • @khymuchan101899
    @khymuchan101899 4 года назад +2

    You’re amazinggg sadly i dont have any clothes other than tshirt and pants mostly black

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Thank you! Still cool, you can definitely make that into a rad outfit!

  • @Roe-hj2lx
    @Roe-hj2lx 4 года назад +1

    I bought my first Mary janes and your outfit ideas inspired me a lot.(btw I live in India and I didn't get much inspo)

  • @cozyboinate623
    @cozyboinate623 3 года назад

    Outfit 6 hits different 😩

  • @mihihirundininae5069
    @mihihirundininae5069 2 года назад

    This was so helpful, thank you!!

  • @Hi-br4wt
    @Hi-br4wt 4 года назад +2

    after a year of saving up I finally ordered them (I did have the money for a long time I just wanted to save up a bit more so I won't be completely broke afterwards)

  • @Abiiiss_s
    @Abiiiss_s 3 года назад

    Ur room is so cute omg

  • @saffronvlogz490
    @saffronvlogz490 4 года назад +1

    I just got Mary Janes and am confused if youre supposed to unbuckle them I always just shove my foot in

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Whatever works for you! I unbuckle most of the time!

  • @mimi1288
    @mimi1288 4 года назад

    do they dye the socks yellow? Please😊
    (When you wear them with white socks)

  • @ximenalopera9074
    @ximenalopera9074 4 года назад +1

    Acabo de comprar las 1461 gracias a ti y ahora quiero las Polley 😑❤🇨🇴

  • @blackraveness
    @blackraveness 3 года назад

    How are you all keeping the T-strap of Dr. Martens Mary Janes from sliding outwards? I have some 8065 Mary Janes and it drives me bananas. Tried some rubber band around the strap as a stop but it havn't worked.

  • @aniccadance13
    @aniccadance13 4 года назад

    Are they true to size? I'm a uk5 not sure if i should get size 4 as i read people saying they run large.. Love your videos❤️

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Hmm 🤔 hard to say, I’m normally an 8-9 is shoes and I went with a UK 6 (8) and they fit perfectly. Thanks 🙏

  • @amityhackemer5966
    @amityhackemer5966 3 года назад

    LOVE outfit 7!!!!

  • @AnneTiaristi
    @AnneTiaristi 3 года назад

    What size did u wear for that dr martens polley mary jane? I got confused when i want to buy this dr martens model :(
    I need ur advice🙏🏻

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  3 года назад +1

      Hello! I wear the same as my other Dr Martens which is a UK 6. I'm usually a 8.5-9 US womens and size down because my feet are narrow! Do you have any other docs?

    • @AnneTiaristi
      @AnneTiaristi 3 года назад

      Ahh i see…
      i don’t have any other docs, i want to buy my first dr martens serie low but i got confused with the size because someone told me when she bought a low martens, she choose to size down for her normal size.

    • @AnneTiaristi
      @AnneTiaristi 3 года назад

      btw, is it okay that low dr martens series is not too loose to wear? I mean is it okay if too tight? 😅

  • @ieros
    @ieros 3 года назад

    omg so cuteeeeee, what's the song's name pleaaaase ?

  • @lisaduj
    @lisaduj Год назад

    Where do you find all you socks ?

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  Год назад

      Hey! I get them from many places, Urban Outfitters usually has good ones and I grab them when they are on sale, cotton on, typo, the "duck" off ones are from dollskill many years ago and kmart etc!

  • @doristelerepe2060
    @doristelerepe2060 2 года назад

    I love your style

  • @AlsoMegan
    @AlsoMegan 3 года назад

    Soooo basically just change the colour of the socks hhehehe so cuuuuuute

  • @adrianaz.7867
    @adrianaz.7867 3 года назад

    Thanks for the ideas :3

  • @megankelly4065
    @megankelly4065 3 года назад

    what’s the first song called?

  • @charlwtte_2712
    @charlwtte_2712 4 года назад

    hiiii u are so pretty !!!

  • @twinklebullet5528
    @twinklebullet5528 4 года назад

    I love the outfit 7&10. Cute 😘

  • @anahlupic4491
    @anahlupic4491 4 года назад

    Omgg your style and your room I want your life

  • @deestrip6848
    @deestrip6848 4 года назад

    OMG I wish I had you're whole woredrove ❤️🌼🌼

  • @brenda1273
    @brenda1273 4 года назад

    Más outfits con Chelsea boots 💛💛 , i love you Style

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Thanks Brenda! I'll do a chelsea boots outfit eventually!

  • @baudelaire5533
    @baudelaire5533 3 года назад +2

    Can men wear these? I've seen my favorite artist wear this

  • @luluphoria
    @luluphoria 4 года назад


  • @samanthabravo784
    @samanthabravo784 4 года назад

    I think you got the caption wrong, I think u meant, “how to create stranger things outfits” -BECAUSE THESE OUTFITS ARE SO CUTE!!! 😭🥺♥️🥰

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +1

      Haha I guess they do look kinda like stranger things! I love that! Thanks Samantha 😍

  • @sramdogara8621
    @sramdogara8621 4 года назад +1

    I wish I had them but they're freaking expensive so my parents wont but me them 😞

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад

      Hopefully one day you can get them!

    • @Galloway278
      @Galloway278 4 года назад

      My mom wouldn’t either and then gave me a pair when I graduated high school. That was 30 years ago!!! and I still wear them all the time. You’ll get a pair one day and when you do- you’ll rock them!

  • @niexautomatic
    @niexautomatic 4 года назад +1

    can a boy wear that polley?

    • @mikasauchiha6785
      @mikasauchiha6785 10 месяцев назад

      Yup... I think, I saw a guy who wears a pair of polley. He looks like Chris Brown.

  • @agnieszkak9236
    @agnieszkak9236 2 года назад

    My foot steel bleeding when i have this shoes more than 2 hourse

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  2 года назад

      Oh no! I hope that stops happening!

    • @agnieszkak9236
      @agnieszkak9236 2 года назад

      @@inthewanderyears i hope so too because i love this shoes

  • @katherinedelacruz9876
    @katherinedelacruz9876 3 года назад +1

    I feel like I’m the only person with white Mary Janes 😭💀

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  3 года назад

      They are soooo cute! I’d have some if I could find them

  • @elsielinstrom
    @elsielinstrom 4 года назад


  • @natsunof7744
    @natsunof7744 4 года назад


  • @huimin5093
    @huimin5093 4 года назад

    I love it but it's not my style I prefer 1461 lollllllllllll

    • @inthewanderyears
      @inthewanderyears  4 года назад +2

      Well good news, these outfits could be done with 1461s!

    • @huimin5093
      @huimin5093 4 года назад

      @@inthewanderyears I'm so excited for it because I recently brought the 1461