I've been informally putting my thoughts into this matter, or something along this line. I would love to see more researches related to this. I checked your paper on arxiv. Is there more papers or books you could refer me to?
I gathered an explanation of these kinds of methods in the MIT 18.337 lecture notes: github.com/mitmath/18337 . These reference a lot of different primary literature throughout as well. However, I don't know of a book to refer to. If there's any book that's useful, it would be Griewank's Automatic Differentiation tome, but indeed that doesn't cover the scientific aspects like PDEs.
Hello Chris, wild idea here. What if this procedure can be used to extend the SIR model for pandemics? Maybe learning future parameters for better modeling the next illness-19. Please contact me if you are interested, I'm currently studying my masters' degree.
Great idea Chris
Great video. Thank you.
Another awesome video! Thanks Chris!
Thanks for this talk :). Are the slides publicly available?
Yes, a version of the slides are up at figshare.com/articles/presentation/Universal_Differential_Equations_for_Scientific_Machine_Learning/12751937
I've been informally putting my thoughts into this matter, or something along this line. I would love to see more researches related to this. I checked your paper on arxiv. Is there more papers or books you could refer me to?
I gathered an explanation of these kinds of methods in the MIT 18.337 lecture notes: github.com/mitmath/18337 . These reference a lot of different primary literature throughout as well. However, I don't know of a book to refer to. If there's any book that's useful, it would be Griewank's Automatic Differentiation tome, but indeed that doesn't cover the scientific aspects like PDEs.
Thanks Christopher
Hello Chris, wild idea here. What if this procedure can be used to extend the SIR model for pandemics? Maybe learning future parameters for better modeling the next illness-19. Please contact me if you are interested, I'm currently studying my masters' degree.
See covid19ml.org/ and www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.03.20052084v1