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  • @brunogiambroni1422
    @brunogiambroni1422 3 года назад +21

    Tim is so humble, informative and insightful. An inspiration, honestly

  • @angelatravieso147
    @angelatravieso147 2 года назад +12

    I'm so thankful to God for finding Tim Mackie and the Bible Project. I always thought Western Christianity to be quite closed minded, legalistic and based more on fear than love. I believe I am truly learning who Jesus is and his true teachings of love through Tim's podcasts and reading scripture in a new light.

  • @thomasstokes9412
    @thomasstokes9412 4 года назад +40

    For those of you who find the podcast hosts interruptions annoying, here is a paraphrase of what Tim Mackie says in the podcast:
    6:43-12:07 How did you stumble into some of the work that you’re doing?
    I grew up here in Portland. Skateboarding and skateboard culture is a huge part of my life. I became a Christian when I was 19, almost 20 through a ministry outreach to skateboarders.There’s a Christian college across the street from the skate park. So I signed up for classes there. I didn’t come at it with a lot of baggage.Then I went to the University of Wisconsin which has a really great Jewish studies department. For seven years I was in that program. That’s what shaped my whole approach to the Bible, I’m reading this because of Jesus, I’m reading this because this is how he said I know him more.
    13:03 A huge problem in certainly western approaches to the Bible is that we often read the Hebrew Bible as a standalone thing.
    16:00-17:12 Where has western society gone wrong in regards to Bible interpretation?
    Western churchianity approached the Bible as if it’s this divine behaviour manual, and it’s from God (it’s the word of God). That’s a very biblical idea, Jesus would be on board with that 100%. Then there’s been built up this narrative of assumptions about what this must mean. What the Bible is. How it came into existence. What I’m supposed to do with it. Most of those assumptions are derived from the Bible itself, they’re derived from a set of preconceptions for what it means for a book to be called the word of God.
    17:42-23:39 What’s the general perception when people hear this is God’s book (God wrote this)?
    I think at the root Christians have lost a really, really important category for how God works in the world. Jesus is human, he’s divine, he’s not one at the expense of the other. Jesus was born through God’s spirit working through normal human processes. He came on the scene addressing the issues of his time and place which he believed has implications for every human on the planet. That is the framework for how we ought to be thinking about the Bible.The Biblical authors wrote many times out of normal social, historical circumstances. Those people were under the guidance of God’s spirit. So that what they wrote is what God wants his people to hear.
    24:50 In the Bible humans become more human when God is at work through them.
    29:28 What we get [from Exodus 17:14, 24:4] is that the Bible is a story, it’s a narrative about what God’s doing to save and redeem his people. God invites these people to live in a covenant relationship with himself, so that they can live as new and different kinds of humans.
    34:08-38:56 How much unlearning have you done or seen people do?
    Every time I learn a new fact that I didn’t have room for currently, that’s a moment of vulnerability. What were the years of the disciples like with Jesus? It was constant deconstruction of their worldviews, and what they held to be important. Jesus is anything but convenient for my current views of the world. The Bible is to. Not to doubt forever, but I think that’s a posture that you have to take if you’re a follower of Jesus. Being a Christian puts you in a perpetual state of open mindedness, not directionlessness. It doesn’t mean you have no convictions. Any fact I come up with, I take it to Jesus and sort it through his teachings. I also need to recognise that I’ve misunderstood things about Jesus. So I need to be ready to relearn that too.
    39:06 My worldview and my faith isn’t built on my ability to find coherence in the world. It’s based on my trust in Jesus.
    39:57-47:50 Where do you start? What resources do you recommend?
    You start with Jesus. The Hebrew Bible is not intended to be understood by anyone on the first blush. As a Christian why would I read the Old Testament? Because I’m a follower of Jesus. Read the stories about him, there’s going to be a lot of stuff you don’t understand. Who he is, and what he’s about shines. Jesus constantly quotes from the Hebrew Bible and says really challenging things about sexual integrity and money and what it means to be truly human. Jesus isn’t actually convenient for me, how I understand him is seeing him in the context of this whole narrative called the Bible. Then you’re ready to turn to page 1. Resources: The Bible Project, The NIV compact Bible commentary.
    48:04-52:09 Do you think the authors of the Bible knew they were writing the Bible?
    In its final shape I think the Hebrew Bible was intentionally collected and put together and designed as a unified whole and presents itself as a divine and human word. Same for the authors of the New Testament. If I’m trying to defend a view of the Bible that isn’t actually true to how the Bible came into existence then I have created more problems than I’m solving.
    53:37-55:50 Could you give a suggestion for those who are going through a crisis of faith?
    There is not one doubt or question that hasn’t been wondered and thought through by 10,000 people before you. You’re not alone. You need to find resources and people who you can sought through the problems with. You have to be patient. Likely you will be changed.

    • @YrretsJ
      @YrretsJ 3 года назад

      @Thomas Stokes: Thank you!

    • @RockSmithStudio
      @RockSmithStudio 3 года назад

      You the Real MVP

    • @discernment7471
      @discernment7471 3 года назад

      Nicely done without judgement. Thank you!

    • @rolandovelasquez135
      @rolandovelasquez135 3 года назад +3

      Thanks so much Thomas. I know that the hosts mean well but so many interruptions and laughter is extremely annoying. Not only that but, makes the whole interview seem kinda frivolous, when Tim's intention is quite the contrary. And thanks Tim. 👌🏼

    • @gwenlucas4200
      @gwenlucas4200 3 года назад +1

      Thank you for sharing this! I have issues and I could not finish the podcast!!!

  • @guidedbyelohim103
    @guidedbyelohim103 3 года назад +7

    I love how authentically excited these guys were to have Tim on. I can relate to their excitement on many levels. So i can't judge them nor should I. This is thier show that they share with us by choice, they did not get pad for this. So I cant understand why we cant just share in the moment, get the message and spread it. The devil will have us focus on the wrong things and distract others with out need to speak on everything even if its not necessary for teaching. I did enjoy this interview even more so the enthusiasm these guys showed. I know Tim must be filled with gratitude to know that his blessings are appreciated and are being shared and used by like minded brothers and sisters in Christ.

    • @puppymax7751
      @puppymax7751 3 года назад

      AMEN. To friends I say that I believe that the devil has more tools to keep people away from Jesus than God has to bring people to Jesus. All you have to do is look around you and see what's happening in the world on all level of human society.

    • @guidedbyelohim103
      @guidedbyelohim103 3 года назад

      @@puppymax7751 we are hard pressed on every side. Its our sin nature, the devil and is minions and the things of this world. We were born in opposition to God and all thats Good. That is why being righteous is such a struggle because we crave unrighteousness naturally. So i do agree the devil have many devices and that's is why the road is so narrow and only who have ears to har and eyes to see will get the chnace to make it in to be with our King. This is why we have to submit ourself and our fleshy desires to Jesus. Its impossible for us to do it without him.

  • @kcmiles9832
    @kcmiles9832 4 года назад +29

    Tim Mackie is so cool! He is my second pastor even though I live in Southern California cause I watch Bible Project most days. Good stuff.

    • @keithswafford2348
      @keithswafford2348 3 года назад

      Where do you go to church in southern California? I'm looking for. new church and would love to go a church that teaches along the lines of bible proejct.

    • @curiousson9072
      @curiousson9072 3 года назад

      Keith Swafford did you end up finding a church?

    • @kswafford
      @kswafford 3 года назад

      @@curiousson9072 I haven’t! Just starting listening to podcast and follow social accounts to get a feel for churches as things are opening up. Considering Garden Church in LB and Vineyard Fullerton. Haven’t visited either yet.
      I’m in Whittier, so looking forward church in either east / south la county or north Orange County.

    • @artdanks4846
      @artdanks4846 3 года назад

      @@kswafford Hi there Keith! I just read your post from 2 months ago. Don't know how your church hunt is going, but thought I would add my 2 cents, in case it might be of help. (I just discovered Tim Mackey and the Bible Project only about a week ago, and have REALLY been impressed, and am learning sooo much!)
      What I've really been fascinated with is the fact that approximately 95% of what he teaches is right in line with what the Eastern Orthodox Church has always taught! I was really encouraged to hear him on this podcast makes such a positive comment on how the Orthodox Church views Scripture as being completely from God AS WELL as completely human! In fact the central theme in Tim's ministry seems to parallel the teachings of the Orthodox Church, in that the goal is for fallen man to be re-united with God, and that God's design is to govern this world through re-made humanity, restored thru Christ's resurrection. This is how, as Tim states here (and the Orthodox Church says as well), that we become "truly human", through Christ.
      I found it particularly interesting that this podcast seems to imply that it is "Western" Christianity that has missed the original Bible story. But since the Orthodox Church primarily is more of an Eastern expression of Christianity, it has remained in tact.
      You might want to look into the Orthodox Church and it's teachings. I believe there is one in Whittier named Saint Michael Church.
      Hope this helps, brother! God bless!

  • @TheNutritionCoach1
    @TheNutritionCoach1 6 лет назад +10

    Man I'm definitely going to show this podcast to my Christian home group from church, you guys have nailed it with this podcast! I loved the points you made about how the Bible cannot be categorised and also when you discussed about the problem with humility in Western society, thanks again!

  • @mbulemaisela346
    @mbulemaisela346 Год назад

    Love your angle of talk- no debates where people get so emotional. Let the truth continue to be told in peace.

  • @PipePhilosophy1377
    @PipePhilosophy1377 6 лет назад +22

    You know, between the mid 1800s to early 1900s AD there was a restoration. I believe there is a new one on the horizon. The restoration was about getting back to being the church of the first century and what the Bible taught , what Jesus taught, and doing things and living our lives with Christ at the center. Going back to what the Bible teaches what it means to become a Christian. Man have brought a lot of habits and traditions into being a people of Christ or Christians. I like what is happening here! We need a restoration ! A new learning that that will lead us to the truth, that’s been with us all along

    • @damianramirez6704
      @damianramirez6704 5 лет назад +1

      CHRIS LONG MUSIC Amen Brother! When we look at the first centuries before Roman Catholicism came into play, the Early Church brought the Fire of God! We need to return to the traditions of the disciples of disciples that wrote the Bible and walked with Jesus.

  • @Andromedon777
    @Andromedon777 3 года назад +20

    "Aewwrrrgh dude"

  • @reksubbn3961
    @reksubbn3961 2 года назад +1

    Tim is certainly has a teaching gift and is remarkable in his understanding. What is disturbing is so few Preachers have taken time to study the Bible in this detail. This information has been available for all who seek it. I am frequently wondering what is being shared from the pulpit. So much is so shallow. Thank you Tim.

  • @richardcalf8337
    @richardcalf8337 4 года назад +7

    Tim Mackie is an amazing follower of the King.

  • @goatsmiserable555
    @goatsmiserable555 3 года назад +7

    They fanboyed pretty hard on this one. They’ve already been critiqued in the comments so I won’t go any further.
    I enjoyed what you had to say Tim, thanks!

  • @PipePhilosophy1377
    @PipePhilosophy1377 6 лет назад +4

    I think what else is interesting, is that a lot of the things he talks about, some are commonly known among students of biblical studies on a college level or someone like myself who is in the middle of gaining a biblical studies degree, but a lot of average “ church goers “ don’t know the things

  • @michaeln615
    @michaeln615 6 лет назад +84

    Hey guys. Couldn't finish the video with you talking over him and laughing like crazy. Please let your guest speak his thought in entirety before you interject. Not trying to put you down just constructive criticism

    • @lyric2go
      @lyric2go 4 года назад +5

      I agree! (Although this is archived by Tim I believe, so the original hosts may not see this message). I pushed through it and MAN did it change my life! Looking for more to guide me through this season

    • @rubynash
      @rubynash 4 года назад +2

      Agreed, so annoying.

    • @shannamathias4176
      @shannamathias4176 3 года назад +3

      They were so excited.

    • @electrictim
      @electrictim 3 года назад +1


    • @gwenlucas4200
      @gwenlucas4200 3 года назад

      I couldn't finish it either!!

  • @PipePhilosophy1377
    @PipePhilosophy1377 6 лет назад +2

    That’s why I like how Mackie makes the point of saying it’s a story

  • @Samuel-bu7xr
    @Samuel-bu7xr 3 года назад +15

    Hosts always interjecting with 'yes' 'oh my gosh' 'thats right' 'gosh man's is honestly enough of a put-off to bail on what should be a fantastic listen. Thankfully there's enough Time Mackie elsewhere

    • @TheLuckySmith
      @TheLuckySmith 2 года назад

      I'm glad I can ignore those.

    • @Dwelleronthethreshold89
      @Dwelleronthethreshold89 2 года назад

      @@TheLuckySmith me too 😅 it’s surely a comment that speaks.

    • @Bayers2020
      @Bayers2020 2 года назад +1

      I do agree with this.
      I have to ask father for grace all the time when I listen to some podcasts

    • @Samuel-bu7xr
      @Samuel-bu7xr 2 года назад

      @@Dwelleronthethreshold89 ?

  • @azurephoenix9546
    @azurephoenix9546 2 года назад +2

    I totally get where he's coming from on not having the baggage of poorly formed theology. I didn't have one, so the Bible had to inform me of its own theology. Honestly I treated it like I would any other ancient theological text, it informs me of their belief system and what was important to them, the nature of their deities, the relationship with their deities and their spiritual beliefs, etc.
    I'm grateful for that because I gotta tell you, I meet A LOT of protestants who just love Luther, but don't realize that he was very devoted to transubstantiation and the virgin Mary, the things they proclaim that he was absolutely against, because they're TOLD one thing and they accept it without questioning it or doing their own research on this and they credit with "getting it right".
    It's the same with the Bible. Something like only 5% of Christians have read the entire Bible, one time through, and That includes clergy.
    Why am I, some random know-nothing kind of agnostic person reading the Bible 100 times, while people who proclaim themselves to be Christians and who hang their eternity on this story haven't even bothered to read it once?
    Just read it for what It is and don't try to cram a square peg into a round hole. If you're losing your faith because the Bible says something different than what you were told, then you were told wrong about the Bible. That should not corrupt your faith, it should correct your faith.

  • @squidstmartin6629
    @squidstmartin6629 6 лет назад +1

    I appreciate this podcast, and hope for a new reconstructed future!

  • @matthewwillis7776
    @matthewwillis7776 5 лет назад +5

    Wow. As usual Tim brought the knowledge hammer and phrased everything in a way that soothes my brain. I really enjoyed listening to him, really did NOT enjoy the annoying laughter drowning out the conversation. "THAT IS SO GOOD! YES!" does not need to be screamed over your guest's voice!

    • @rubynash
      @rubynash 4 года назад

      Seriously annoying.

  • @bddogcatball
    @bddogcatball 3 года назад +4

    Tim Mackie starts at 5:55

  • @vernekelley9356
    @vernekelley9356 5 лет назад +12

    Gentlemen: I am an avid student of the teaching of Dr. Mackie. I tuned in to your podcast for the first time to hear Dr. Mackie speak. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, something I very much share, may I gently remind you of the Bible's admonitions to be SLOW to SPEAK and QUICK to LISTEN? It was very distracting to hear you frequently "nod out loud", if you will. Thank you for your work and your love for helping the world, especially the western culture, deconstruct what they thought they knew that has turned them from Jesus and reconstruct the truth about Jesus. But, if I may, please, in the future when you have a guest ------- SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for this wonderful podcast.

  • @OneHighwayWalker
    @OneHighwayWalker 4 года назад +4

    I have been listening to Tim for awhile now, and have been looking for his understanding of God's commandments. This podcast contains his explanation that he is not an Israelite so the commandments don't apply to him. If he has read Romans, which I know he has from the Bible Project, then he knows that as a professing believer, he is grafted into Israel, and thus IS an Israelite. God's commandments are repeatedly stated as eternal. Jesus even said to not even think that He came to abolish them; not the smallest letter or the tiniest stroke would be done away with until heaven and earth were done away with - both of which are still here. Yes, salvation is a gift. When we join God's family, we are then to act like His set-apart, special people. The world won't like that because it shines the light on their sinfulness.

    • @Isabella-me4uk
      @Isabella-me4uk 3 года назад

      i agree with what you say that Jesus did not come to contradict God’s existing word. he even says however that he came to accomplish the purpose of these laws. he didn’t come so that we have to follow every law by the dot, but so that we can understand why these laws were put in place in the first place, and so that with that understanding and context, we can learn to apply them to our lives. I don’t think Tim is saying that because we’re not living in ancient Israel, the law doesn’t apply to us, but he is saying that THROUGH the teachings of Jesus, we can understand the purpose of these ancient laws and apply them, even if it’s not a literal application, to our lives that are so culturally different.

    • @OneHighwayWalker
      @OneHighwayWalker 3 года назад +1

      @@Isabella-me4uk "To accomplish the purpose of these laws" is a misunderstanding of the language. He came to fully preach, that is why murder and adultery are more than just the physical act. Culture is never an excuse for disobedience. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

    • @Isabella-me4uk
      @Isabella-me4uk 3 года назад +2

      @@OneHighwayWalker I 100% agree that culture is not an excuse for disobedience, and that Gods word stands eternally true. I don’t know what you mean when you say “a misunderstanding of the language” though, can you elaborate? My point in the previous comment is that I don’t think Tim Mackie is saying that because where we’re not born in the times of ancient Israel, the law doesn’t apply to us but that in order to apply the eternal laws of God, we have to understand the context at which they were first given. And once we do that and understand the purpose for those laws (which Jesus describes in many of his teachings) we can really apply it to our lives today

    • @OneHighwayWalker
      @OneHighwayWalker 3 года назад +1

      @@Isabella-me4uk When Jesus says that He did not come to abolish but to fulfill, the word translated fulfill means to cram full. That is why I gave His examples re adultery and murder. He put a further explanation to the commandment. He didn't die so that some things aren't applicable anymore; He died to pay a price we could never pay. Everything that is possible to do in God's instructions should be done. Unfortunately, Christianity has eliminated a lot over the centuries (and added some things), and in our day, much more is going by the wayside. I hope this answers your question. Shalom!

    • @Isabella-me4uk
      @Isabella-me4uk 3 года назад

      @@OneHighwayWalker Yeah that makes sense, thank you. what do you think is an example of something that Christians have eliminated but should still be following today? or rather somethings that have been “added”.

  • @misseli1
    @misseli1 6 лет назад +7

    I wasn't exactly taught that the human authors went into a trance whenever they wrote Scripture. But I used to have the vague notion that that was the case. Now I realize they had much more agency. And as you read the different books, you realize the different authors had different writing styles

  • @faustasofia308
    @faustasofia308 2 года назад +4

    A little too agressive with the fanboying, i understand and appreciate the enthusiasm, but people are people, and all people should be treated the same: no pedestals. No idolatry
    I appreciate Tim a lot as well, but it could be a great disservice to him as a christian, prone to sinnning as is everyone else, and an insult to the Holy spirit, to praise a man this much. It is even disrespectful to talk to any man, treating him as almost non-human.
    Both praise and judgement dehumanize, and are both ends of the same stick.
    But i know God loves you and will bless your initiative and project anyway, and you will learn from your mistakes. And i wish you strength to look at them with both humility and peace, seeing them as lessons

  • @PipePhilosophy1377
    @PipePhilosophy1377 6 лет назад +4

    Christ’s Church is perfect! It is full of imperfect people though, and we often act like foolish humans. Acting upon greed, pride, foolish talking , gossiping , etc. Agree or disagree ? We have to become one church, because Christ only established one church.

    • @aprilhale4113
      @aprilhale4113 5 лет назад +1

      Chris Long people don’t want to know this, because most Christians got the attitude, “ I’ve arrived.

  • @co6297
    @co6297 2 года назад +1

    I really loved the interview but idk why the hosts kept interrupting

  • @stacyw3250
    @stacyw3250 6 лет назад +7

    Tim Mackie is amazing!

  • @ImprovforGodsglory
    @ImprovforGodsglory 2 года назад

    I thought this was Remnant Radio… my mistake. Someone once taught me that only your friends care enough about you to criticize you ;-)

  • @imageinkdesign
    @imageinkdesign 6 лет назад +30

    Hearing from Tim, wonderful. Enduring the host nearly unbearable. Inappropriate and jarring immature ‘commentary’ and endless frustrating interruptions.

    • @sophiebarbe3660
      @sophiebarbe3660 5 лет назад +4

      Try not to talk hatefully 😊 I know that is not you, you were made as more than that. The other guy is very enthousiastic! Which I can imagine; Hearing about Christ is always such an amazing thing 😊

    • @goatsmiserable555
      @goatsmiserable555 3 года назад

      @@sophiebarbe3660 it’s not hateful, it’s honest critique. They run a podcast not for themselves but for us ...the customers. We don’t like hearing screams and laughter, it’s annoying.

  • @rosstemple7617
    @rosstemple7617 2 года назад

    Now I understand how where Tim seems so Jewish. I thought he grew up Jewish and was a Christian convert. Great testimony

  • @jeffmortononline
    @jeffmortononline 4 года назад +9

    If the King James Version was good enough for John the Baptist it's good enough for me! lol!!!!!!!

    • @swtcarmel1
      @swtcarmel1 3 года назад


    • @jackp492
      @jackp492 3 года назад

      Just started the video and that made me laugh, looking forward to seeing what your on about

    • @jackp492
      @jackp492 3 года назад

      Just started the video and that made me laugh, looking forward to seeing what your on about

    • @artdanks4846
      @artdanks4846 3 года назад +1

      And here all this time I thought KJV stood for "King JESUS Version"!! LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  • @PipePhilosophy1377
    @PipePhilosophy1377 6 лет назад +1

    A living story we are part of

  • @CAInandAIbel
    @CAInandAIbel 5 лет назад

    Can't find this podcast on podcast addict. Is this podcast closed or something?

  • @gregbarron9450
    @gregbarron9450 5 лет назад +12

    The guys doing the interview seem more like ''fans'' or ''groupies'' than mature hosts that can be objective and be prepared toagree or disagree with Tim. I think they relish when Tim or anyone else finds fault with the traditional/established church.Maybe they need to ''deconstruct'' their maybe too enthusiastic desire to be critical of what is gone before them.

    • @Epicookiez
      @Epicookiez 5 лет назад

      They are excited and looking in the right place. I don’t think there’s any room for critique on them when they are looking for the same thing as Dr. Mackie.

    • @ryanjosephlock
      @ryanjosephlock 5 лет назад +2

      Yeah agree, I don't particularly subscribe to the traditional view that they're deconstructing or the more human view that they're reconstructing, but the constant interjecting of verbal high fives prevents me from even starting to care.
      What they're excited about just seems to be a slightly different coloured version of what they're rallying against, and the overacting just confirms that it's all they have to bring to the table. Ends up sounding shallow and confirms why I don't find church interesting anymore.

    • @goatsmiserable555
      @goatsmiserable555 3 года назад +2

      @@Epicookiez they can absolutely be critiqued lol

  • @joe2850
    @joe2850 3 года назад

    Thank you!

  • @kerryncolin-thome2343
    @kerryncolin-thome2343 3 года назад +3

    I wanted to share this with my group and my family because Tim is great, however, the podcast host who talked in the intro about peeing in his pants sullied it for me. That was unnecessary.

  • @rs6588
    @rs6588 3 года назад +3

    Tim was talking, the host is better to be quiet.

  • @Conmezzo
    @Conmezzo 6 лет назад +3

    This is interesting. I recently started researching the Western (Catholic and Protestant) Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches which also include the Egyptian Coptic and Ethiopian Church.

    • @rh82828
      @rh82828 2 года назад

      Me too. And now I don't know where to go, even after having prayed for the Lord's direction for a long time. I don't know where to find such beautiful reverence in the Church. The Coptics actually hold a cross in their hands when they speak of Christ. But then there's the split with the Eastern, and yet there's claim on both to be the true Church. It's so hard. Protestants barely acknowledge the history beyond the Reformation. And the Evangelicals have such loud worship now, it doesn't even feel like Church anymore. Not all who have stopped attending Church have wanted to. My heart literally aches to know where to go.

  • @SpotterVideo
    @SpotterVideo 3 года назад

    Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.

  • @jamesoncross19
    @jamesoncross19 2 года назад

    Was Jesus deconstructing faith or religion? This is not a critique. This is a question for open discussion.

  • @yelenaprimavera2720
    @yelenaprimavera2720 3 года назад +2

    Had trouble enjoying and focusing on what Tim was saying due ti the constant silly laughing and interrupted commenting from the other person.
    Some things I didn’t agree with you Tim bot others were pretty good. Will pray fir YAH to give you and ne both Clarity on some topics you mentioned. Kind regards Frin Australia

  • @philipperez1686
    @philipperez1686 5 лет назад +18

    quit laughing so loud can't hear Tim --- very distracting

  • @rosstemple7617
    @rosstemple7617 2 года назад +1

    It’s unfortunate that we have put off Judaism. We could really learn a lot of wisdom from our brothers. I’m a little late to studies in Judaism but in the church we have lost the importance of putting a emphasis on becoming wise and walking upright in the Lord. Take the Passover plate. Prime example, minus the boiled egg. None of the Jews I talked to know where that came from. I believe it’s out of Babylon like most problems, but the bitter herbs on the sater plate it’s all abought Jesus Christ but also teaches us the walk of God. We grow in the bitter times. In Christianity we only have sweet and that is over emphasized. Too much sweet makes one sick. And I believe makes God sick as well with a half measure.

  • @lynnmoore4101
    @lynnmoore4101 6 лет назад +16

    WHAT is so FUNNY??!!
    I listened to this pod cast, but it wasn’t easy. The hosts act like 7th graders. Laughing inappropriately, talking over guest with nonsensical comments. RUDE! I wonder if at any point Tim Mackie was as annoyed?

  • @rosstemple7617
    @rosstemple7617 2 года назад

    NIV? Oh No! Wescot and Hort text is trash. Man was so with this interview till NIV. The sixteen omitted verses from the NIV
    (1) Matthew 17:21.
    (2) Matthew 18:11.
    (3) Matthew 23:14.
    (4) Mark 7:16.
    (5 & 6) Mark 9:44 & 9:46.
    (7) Mark 11:26.
    (8) Mark 15:28.
    (9) Luke 17:36.
    (10) John 5:3-4

  • @ImprovforGodsglory
    @ImprovforGodsglory 2 года назад

    Duuuude... relax don’t wet your pants. Enthusiasm for God‘s word is one thing, but Tim probably would prefer that you don’t treat him like a celebrity. I don’t mean to be rude… I’ve listened to a bunch of your podcasts, but when you carry on like this it makes it hard to listen. Be slow to speak, quick to listen… I talk too much myself which is why that verse is so important to me. I often pray, “please dear Lord, give me Your words AND Your silence.“ Now, if you’ll excuse me… I’ve got to work on getting this beam out of my eye and pray once again that the Lord clean my mind of sinful judgmental thoughts. You have a wonderful ministry… that, in my opinion, doesn’t require you to be cool or shouting all the time. BTW, get people like Chris Date… Conditional immortality is supported with overwhelming evidence… The word must get out so that we stop slandering our Father in heaven by saying He’s capable of the evil known as ECT.
    In His grace,
    Your brother in Christ… (and grumpy old man),

  • @nalcon1
    @nalcon1 2 года назад +1

    I thought the main topic was going to be the cross of Christ. I guess you prefer talking about you.

  • @kylepetruzziello3321
    @kylepetruzziello3321 2 года назад

    Someone needs to make an edit of this podcast that cuts out the hosts screaming at him over and over. Obviously just trying to piggy back off of Tim's fame to get some more engagement with their podcast....which is basically a cheap version of what Tim is trying to do haha

  • @tyn3496
    @tyn3496 2 года назад

    Seriously, I love Tim and highly respect him, but this podcast is a bit annoying.

  • @mysticmouse7261
    @mysticmouse7261 3 года назад

    Totally disagree that Jesus came to teach how to be a good person. That idea is not new . That was already accomplished by the Mosaic covenant. Also the old covenant is continuous with the new. Jesus quotes the Tanach.

  • @moses8536
    @moses8536 5 лет назад +1

    30:21 , 36:13

  • @JoshuaDanha
    @JoshuaDanha 6 лет назад +22

    Between 1 min and 2 mins the speaker says Dr Tim's voice is not going to be sexy..... I don't know other people's views or maybe its my own upbringing that makes me view this as inappropriate given that this is a Christian podcast.

    • @kesuskim6072
      @kesuskim6072 6 лет назад +8

      Joshua Danha even though that phrase is just for figure of speech, yeap I agree with your view. We should be careful for what we are saying, especially if that can be heard publicly.

    • @jonathanlokangaka1387
      @jonathanlokangaka1387 6 лет назад +9

      He was talking about sound quality.....

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 6 лет назад +2

      He's trying to be cool & relevant, which in itself is not bad, but when it crosses a line--as this barely does--it's not good.

    • @the_SoundWorld
      @the_SoundWorld 6 лет назад +7

      Im a open minded, beauty loving aesthete, residing in culturally relevant (?) Nyc. Having said that, I cringed at that comment because it overtly nods to, assumes, endorses worldly value that what immediately appeals to carnal senses are preferred by all, as the world likes to say - sex sells. Webster dictionary definition of sexy is someone or something pleasing in sexual context or sexually stimulating way. Of course the casual way he said it or majority of people throw it around means Cool, nice, hip. Still we as believer are to be set apart from the world, love the people but not their value system. What apostle Paul did in Athens in Acts or in his epistles were calling out idols in culture ingrained in their (our) hearts that we are unaware of. Yes, it's a casual, 'cool', harmless sounding adjective we hear all the time but the fundamental lurking values underneath is a worshiping of our carnal sense. Also aestheticcally, it serves as an inappropriate tonic that belittles Tim's message. Dont mean to put out a dos & donts list but if you are saturated in His words, connected to Him in your daily walk, holy spirit will be your censor & gps. God let thursty Israelites drink the bitter water which made them violently throw up after the exodus from Egypt to first get the Egypt out of them, detoxify so to speak. We want to apeal to majority but let's not be the mere indicator, thermometer of culture & time we live in, but the Thermostats that dictate/reshape the culture. And it starts with little like this before talking about theology

    • @franuche
      @franuche 6 лет назад +7

      It’s a harmless figure of speech, nothing more. What is inappropriate about using the word ‘sexy’? Read Solomon’s Song of Songs in the Bible, sexy is good.

  • @1409david
    @1409david 6 лет назад +7

    "Harry Potter fans"?
    Why would Christians compromise with a movie that endorses witch craft.. ?

    • @1409david
      @1409david 6 лет назад +1

      Brittney Lamar I appreciate your comment, I'm not posting a comment for a discussion or argument. I understand where you come from but that doesn't work in this case.. we are told that witch craft is an abomination by the Lord. Deuteronomy 18:9-14. God bless you sister :)

  • @randrewsmith0906
    @randrewsmith0906 3 года назад


  • @JimChaffin
    @JimChaffin 2 года назад

    By far the two most obnoxious podcast host I’ve ever heard! I wish I could edit them out and just listen to Tim. I know it’s subjective, but good grieve that was hard to listen to.

  • @ImprovforGodsglory
    @ImprovforGodsglory 2 года назад

    The host is too annoying… I’m out of here. God bless you Tim, sorry you had to endure such childish fanboy nonsense. I’ll pray for them.

  • @FRN2013
    @FRN2013 6 лет назад +3

    "Do We Got It All Wrong?"
    Please replace Got with Get.

    • @ChaplainDeanna
      @ChaplainDeanna 6 лет назад +2

      Almost right. If you replace Got with Get, you also need to replace Do with Did. --- an old editor with nothing better to do than this today

    • @jerrybear3081
      @jerrybear3081 6 лет назад +1

      "have we got it all wrong" maybe

  • @kimberlysollenberger1552
    @kimberlysollenberger1552 2 года назад

    The host was so annoying you couldn't even even enjoy it. Plus all the woke talk. Seriously

  • @kingdomcitizenship5613
    @kingdomcitizenship5613 4 года назад +1

    The three little bears is a story. Humpty dumpty is a story. The bible, Tim, is not a story.

    • @reeragan5707
      @reeragan5707 4 года назад +8

      True stories exist.

    • @artdanks4846
      @artdanks4846 3 года назад +2

      It certainly IS a story! It'd the story of God's relationship with His Creation, particularly man), man's utter failure in that relationship, and then God's becoming human in Jesus Christ for the Redemption of fallen humanity. It's a PERFECT and TRUE story.

    • @crabbymagnolia6035
      @crabbymagnolia6035 2 года назад +1

      @@artdanks4846 Well said.