I Have No Words | Worship Drummer Reacts to "Lingus" by Snarky Puppy

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @sharptrickster
    @sharptrickster 6 месяцев назад +210

    One overlooked thing is: Shaun Martin is the guy who's laughing and giving up comically in sheer awe of how good Cory Henry is, and he (Shaun) have SEVEN grammys to his name. That's... concerning... for us mere mortals, lol.

    • @bodhibeats8257
      @bodhibeats8257 6 месяцев назад +14

      He’s also the guy who plays the talkbox on “Sleeper”, which I am going hard for as your next one. 😁

    • @jonathanpope5703
      @jonathanpope5703 6 месяцев назад +14

      And chances are as a worship drummer you’ve heard of him and didn’t know it since he’s Kirk Franklins keyboardist and producer.

    • @socialparadigma
      @socialparadigma 5 месяцев назад +11

      Remember this name...Cory Henry....i think in 20 years we're gonna look at him as one of the greats, up there with Herbie, Thelonius or Tyner (one of my personal favs). Cory is on another level...Look at what he did with purple rain at the north sea jazz festival in Rotterdam. OH. MY. GOD!!!

    • @andrewtregoning
      @andrewtregoning 4 месяца назад +18

      RIP an incredible talent.

    • @pastense
      @pastense 3 месяца назад +10

      @@andrewtregoning yeah, RIP Shaun Martin. Such a huge loss 😢

  • @HowieStephens
    @HowieStephens 5 месяцев назад +94

    6:20 "ooh who's this drummer?"
    Oh man you're in for a treat

  • @benjaminblaze7811
    @benjaminblaze7811 4 месяца назад +27


  • @richardlyons7582
    @richardlyons7582 6 месяцев назад +123

    Matt Larnell Lewis is a beast, I think he worked out all the drum part for this session on a flight the night before also should listen to the YT channel Drumeo in which he listened to the Metallica song "Enter Sandman" for the first time, then played the drum part of the entire song after having heard it just once. The bass player is Michael League who is the band leader for Snarky puppy. Corey Henry is the piano player.

    • @BERSERKR212
      @BERSERKR212 6 месяцев назад +13

      Yep, he did work out the drum parts during the flight to The Netherlands where this concert was. He told that on an interview on tv.
      I saw that Enter Sandman video too. Indeed a beast of a drummer.

    • @mtelewicz
      @mtelewicz 5 месяцев назад +4

      Also be sure to check out his Zildjian live performance which is absolutely incredible. Watch for him hitting the cymbal nuts (not a drummer not sure of the name lol) clean during his solo

    • @cmatte82
      @cmatte82 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@BERSERKR212yeah it’s talked about in the documentary about making the album. Basically the band went to Europe. To tour and record an album live in the studio. Right before the recording their drummer quit. Somehow they knew of Larnell and called him up. I believe he was in Canada. They sent him what they had and he listened on the plane over. Showed up the morning of the recording. Went through some of the songs. And then did this later that day.

    • @cmatte82
      @cmatte82 5 месяцев назад +2

      Also the bass player formed the band. They started at UNT in Denton. Which is a big music college. Basically you have to try out for your classes every year. He didn’t get in one semester and started the band so he had something to do.

    • @ForminaSage402
      @ForminaSage402 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@cmatte82Sput didn’t quit lmao he had issues with his passport which prevented him from flying overseas to the session.

  • @johncampbell756
    @johncampbell756 6 месяцев назад +78

    Red headphones =
    Silver headphones = audience
    This is how they recorded the album. 8 sets of songs , 2 sets a day for four days. They choose the best take. Drummer Larnell only knew two songs prior to the recording. When regular drummer Sput couldn't fly to Europe, Michael League (bass/songwriter/band leader) called Larnell. He sent him MP3s of the demos with the percussionist simply keeping time. He learned the songs on the plane. Due to delays. He arrived 2 hours before the first recording session.
    Corey Henry - synth solo would've played drums if Larnell was unavailable. He's that good. He switched to organ for the final few bars and somehow ended up after all thst perfection, the only one who didn't stop on the dime.
    The bass drum beat started at the beginning of the synth solo only stops for the one second before the back starts back up.
    This is a recording studio. "Kytopia Studios in Utrecht, Netherlands from October 7-10, 2013." Their first trip to Europe. Most of the band members met at North Texas University Music Program. The string section isn't really a part of the band.
    "Lingus" is track 8, the closer. "Shofukan" is track one and features the strings. "What About Me?" is a fun guitar and drums song. "Sleeper" features Shawn Martin on the talk box synth. "Tio Macaco" adds two more percussionists and is pure joy with a Latin (I think) beat.
    They have two Family Dinner albums where they take songs written by friend or people they want to record with and rearrange the music for their band and have the singer play on their version. Also recorded live. One was a charity album for a children's music school and several perform on the album as well. Letitia Hathaway's "Something" won then an RnB Grammy. She does something with her voice that made the percussionist walk off like Martin during Corey's solo.

    • @pastense
      @pastense 3 месяца назад

      They’ve been doing the silent-disco headphones thing since the late 2000s on the Tell Your Friends project when I first discovered them. Such a cool concept, wish they’d do concerts like this!
      And as monstrous a drummer Larnell is, I much preferred Sput’s style. He had a more dirty, raw, gritty, “riskier” style. But I get see why Snarky stuck with Larnell for that more polished sound. If I want more of that dirty funk, we got Ghost Note.

    • @jakobfalthammar8357
      @jakobfalthammar8357 3 месяца назад

      SPOILERS! Hathaway sings multiple notes at once in that recording. That's what they react to.

    • @pastense
      @pastense 3 месяца назад

      @@jakobfalthammar8357 aww….you ruined the surprise! lol

    • @jakobfalthammar8357
      @jakobfalthammar8357 3 месяца назад

      @@pastense Sorry... 😉

  • @BenGreen1980
    @BenGreen1980 5 месяцев назад +38

    That whole album is absolutely phenomenal. You could react to every single song on it and not regret it. There's a documentary also called "We Like it Here" that is about this whole tour and gets into the fact that before this show, the drummer HAD NEVER PLAYED WITH THEM BEFORE, and learned all of the songs on the plane by listening to recordings of their rehearsal the night before. He came directly from the airport to the show.

    • @jonathanbormann5077
      @jonathanbormann5077 5 месяцев назад +1

      Larnell Lewis is his name (drummer) and he is on a whole different level.

  • @SergeantFunkDan
    @SergeantFunkDan 6 месяцев назад +65

    the Corey Henry keys solo in Lingus is considered to be on the pantheon of timeless solos. Glad to see you on their train now

    • @spiderbass65
      @spiderbass65 5 месяцев назад +2

      Love his little nod to Chick Corea’s “Spain”

  • @MikeKobb
    @MikeKobb 6 месяцев назад +37

    The mind-blowing story that's always told about this session is this: Larnell Lewis, the drummer, was not scheduled to play the session. Sput Searight was supposed to play the session, but at the last minute, he was unable to travel. So they called Larnell at the last minute to come fill in. He knew some of the songs for the session, because he's played with them before, but Lingus was a new track. He learned it on the plane.
    As for what to do next from Snarky, you've done one Jacob Collier track. Let me suggest the Snarky Puppy / Jacob Collier collaboration track "Don't You Know". Composed by Jacob. Arranged by Michael League and Jacob for the bigger Snarky band. You'll get to see both Sput and Larnell on that track. You'll get to see Jacob use the custom-designed harmonizer that he uses in live performance -- he sings into a microphone and plays chords on a keyboard and it allows him to harmonize himself. Combined with some truly top-notch backup singers, the vocals on that track are mind blowing. Plus you'll get to check out Jacob's piano chops.

    • @gliebzeit
      @gliebzeit 6 месяцев назад +4

      Right on! 'Don't You Know' with Jacob Collier would be a good next taste for Matt.

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  6 месяцев назад +3

      That's actually insane.

    • @megatryn
      @megatryn 6 месяцев назад +1

      Oh, coming from this, you've gotta check out Nord Live Sessions: DOMi & JD Beck - Sniff

    • @melrupinski88
      @melrupinski88 5 месяцев назад

      Lingus was actually written on the flight over. League named it Lingus because they were flying Air Lingus.

    • @mikew4646
      @mikew4646 23 часа назад +1

      True story confirmed by Larnell on a podcast interview. What a remarkable musician.

  • @scottzimmermann9431
    @scottzimmermann9431 6 месяцев назад +15

    So - I paused at 8:16, just as Cory is getting ready to shred. I love this part, knowing what's coming and knowing you don't. I'll revel in the next 5 minutes of mastery and your certain astonishment. Now - unpause...

    • @TheMartinBishop
      @TheMartinBishop 5 месяцев назад +1

      EVERY SINGLE REACTION VIDEO I do the same thing!

  • @TheAsphyx666
    @TheAsphyx666 5 месяцев назад +6

    To me, this piece is the litmus test of musical sensibility. If you have any kind of understanding of, ear for, or even emotional responsiveness to great music(ality), this will totally blow you away. And you don't even have to be a Jazz fan.
    Snarky Puppy are more of a collective than a proper band. There's a circle of people who will rotate in and out of the band according to availability, since most of them have their own things going on. If they ever tour around your area, definitely go - they are amazing.
    The fact that drummer Larnell Lewis was a last minute replacement and reportedly learned the whole set on a plane ride is inconceivable to me. What a legend.

  • @nobeliefisok9174
    @nobeliefisok9174 5 месяцев назад +9

    I have never seen your channel before, but I had to watch a first-time hearing snarky puppy reaction.

  • @caspianx67
    @caspianx67 5 месяцев назад +5

    10 years of watching reaction videos for this track, and it NEVER gets old. It's so much fun watching someone else discover Lingus and Snarky Puppy for the first time. Generally speaking, jazz ain't my jam, but these guys are SO GOOD I've had to put this album on rotation in my playlist. Cory Henry on the monster keys solo. Larnell Lewis on drums was a stand-in for the original drummer who couldn't make it at the last minute, and he learned his parts on the flight over and went directly to the studio to start recording. Shaun Martin is the other keys player with multiple Grammys on his shelf. Michael League on bass had "written" most of the parts meaning there were ideas for the band that they had ahead of time, but only barely. They basically wrote their parts in the couple weeks leading up to recording. I daresay most bands would need to rehearse for a year to get this tight, but they pulled it off in something between a dozen days and a few hours. Finding that out then rewatching turned my initial amazement into absolute shock and awe!

  • @soccerwizard975
    @soccerwizard975 3 месяца назад +5

    I love that musicians know "that" face. You know everything is going to be so wild.

  • @Robert_Herring
    @Robert_Herring 6 месяцев назад +36

    This is pretty much what you get with Snarky Puppy. They are this tight live. Michael League steers the ship, but he just gets the best people and let's them do their thing. When performing live, the soloists won't know who will be soloing until Michael gives them the nod a few bars ahead, keeps it exciting. When I saw them for the first time, they would sell the download to the concert you just witnessed. The sound guys put it together while traveling, and I downloaded it the next day. Studio quality. Cory Henry no longer regularly plays with Snarky, but focuses on his own project, Cory Henry and the Funk Apostles. Lot of gospel influences with his stuff as well. To hear Shaun Martin use his talk box, check out "Sleeper" from the same session.

  • @randyo.6138
    @randyo.6138 6 месяцев назад +29

    Every song off of "We like it here" is brilliant! You might want to react to Shofucan next.

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  6 месяцев назад +2

      Will do!

    • @jamieosborn
      @jamieosborn 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@teckreactions What About Me from the same performance is really good, especially for a drummer.

    • @mrcooper7027
      @mrcooper7027 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@teckreactionsYou're a drummer What about me should be your next reaction.

    • @stevenmonte7397
      @stevenmonte7397 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@jamieosborn Yes! This one!

    • @craigchapman8220
      @craigchapman8220 6 месяцев назад

      @@mrcooper7027 No doubt!

  • @Hoyerman
    @Hoyerman 6 месяцев назад +21

    This performance was their album recording - they usually do this live in front of an audience. The keyboard player is Cory Henry. If you want to go deeper into the Snarky rabbit hole, then “The Curtain” from their epic album Sylva (with the Metropole Orkest) - and “Sing to the Moon” from their Family Dinner 2 album with Laura Mvula and “Molino Molero” with Charlie Hunter and Susana Baca from the same album are all wonderful… They’re an epic live band to see!!!

    • @scottbrewer9676
      @scottbrewer9676 6 месяцев назад +1

      Charlie Hunter is mystifying to watch, love his stuff.

  • @VerdantBBX
    @VerdantBBX 6 месяцев назад +8

    Michael League is the bassist and composer and director.
    To be honest, i feel like hes the sole reason for bringing this amazing artistry together.

  • @gradypatterson1948
    @gradypatterson1948 5 месяцев назад +2

    I love the irony of naming an instrumental tour-de-force like this ... "Tongue" (the literal translation of "Lingus")! Reminds me of the quote attributed to St. Francis - "Go into the world and preach the Gospel - and if you must, use words!"
    Cory Henry's keys/synth solo has clear Herbie Hancock influences, but I hear hints of Chick Corea, also ... absolute brilliance in execution!

  • @grysqrl
    @grysqrl 6 месяцев назад +13

    This is their album recording session. Other folks have told you about who some of the players are. The truly bananas bit is about Larnell Lewis, the drummer. Here's my general understanding of the timeline:
    -Thursday: the band arrives in Europe (Amsterdam, I think?) and *starts* writing the album; realize that their drummer has passport issues and won't be able to join them.
    Michael League (the guy on bass, who leads the band) calls up Larnell (who has sat in on drums a few times) to see if he can do it. The band continues writing the album without drums (the percussionist does his best to give them a heartbeat to play along with).
    -Sunday: Larnell flies from Canada armed with some really rough versions of the songs that he listens to during the flight
    -Monday morning: Larnell lands, has a bad time getting from the airport to the studio, they do a four-hour rehearsal and then start recording the album in front of a live audience (red headphones are in the band; grey headphones are the crowd). I think their thing was to do 3-4 takes of each song and then move on to the next one.
    Larnell's ability to memorize, learn on the fly, and particularly to listen to everyone else in the band is just astounding. I love this whole album.

  • @RedAquarian
    @RedAquarian 5 месяцев назад +5

    One of THE greatest jazz keyboard solos of all-time!!! Period!!!❤

  • @Daddyfallza
    @Daddyfallza 6 месяцев назад +7

    Larnell learned the songs for this album on a flight after their drummer couldn't make it. Corey's solo was improvised. They also have no charts! I wish I could listen to this song for the first time over and over again.
    Edit: the people who are sitting there are also part of the band, but took a breather for this one track.

  • @Lacainam
    @Lacainam 6 месяцев назад +9

    At last a snarky puppy video!

  • @clarissagafoor5222
    @clarissagafoor5222 5 месяцев назад +1

    Loving that pull back - this whole thing makes my heart smile!

  • @rodneyhearne3405
    @rodneyhearne3405 6 месяцев назад +2

    Wonderful reaction to Snarky Puppy and this great track Lingus. I saw them perform last fall at the Mondavi Center at UC Davis, what a delight. Jackson Hall is a real treat acoustically. They are a must-see experience. More of Snarky Puppy, please!

  • @AlexAmez
    @AlexAmez 6 месяцев назад +10

    My only reaction when you said "who's this drummer" was "oh honey... you have no idea"

  • @travis7086
    @travis7086 3 месяца назад +1

    Ngl probably the best song ever performed live
    Drummer learned this song in less than 24 hours. These are the best musicians of our age just chilling and killing it

  • @loopmasta5104
    @loopmasta5104 5 месяцев назад +7

    Michael League is the composer, producer and bass player of Snarky Puppy

  • @1984Musicforever
    @1984Musicforever 5 месяцев назад +3

    Larnell is my favorite and in my opinion the best drummer in the world. He can play anything and he is like a human metronome while flipping the beat, throwing in insane syncopation and crazy polys.

  • @Trapper50cal
    @Trapper50cal 4 дня назад

    It's so fun to watch people experience this for the first time.

  • @CribNotes
    @CribNotes 5 месяцев назад +10

    That keyboard solo from Cory Henry has been transcribed, dissected, and digested by jazz fusion keyboard players around the world for over ten years. He first started playing organ in the church when he was just three years old!!!

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  5 месяцев назад +1

      That’s crazy

    • @bobaganush
      @bobaganush 5 месяцев назад

      @@teckreactions Cory Henry just released a great gospel album called "Church", I highly recommend checking it out.

  • @aditsu
    @aditsu 6 месяцев назад +6

    Yay you finally did it!! 😃
    Michael League is the bass player and he's the leader. He usually makes those awesome stank faces 😂
    The band has a lot of members and they change from time to time, plus they do various collabs. I think Larnell Lewis was filling in for their regular drummer and learned the songs on the way. The guy who shook his head and stood up is Shaun Martin, who has a bunch of Grammy awards and does gospel music too.
    Maybe check out their collab with Jacob Collier next - "Don't You Know"

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the consistent recommendation!

  • @jh4freedom2
    @jh4freedom2 6 месяцев назад +7

    Snarky Puppy is a TEXAS-origin band! Michael League formed a ten piece band at The University of North Texas in their Fine Arts-Jazz Studies program in 2004. Today they call themselves a "collective" as opposed to a band. The players alternate based on availability between 19 and 23 musicians. They've now won five Grammy awards, the latest coming in 2023 for "Empire Central" their most recent recording. There are live recording You Tube videos for the songs on Empire Central.

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  6 месяцев назад +1

      That makes sense. That's one of the best programs in the country!

  • @TheLEEC
    @TheLEEC 6 месяцев назад +2

    "We Like It Here" is pure gold... Shofukan, What About Me...
    Just the fact that they gathered Cory Henry, Larnell(!!) Lewis, Susanne Rosmolen and all the other legends into the same room for this recording.
    Madness. Genius.

  • @thomasbutleriii9748
    @thomasbutleriii9748 6 месяцев назад +4

    Welcome sir to the deep hole that is Snarky Puppy. I arrived 4 years ago and my jaw still hasn't closed yet from listen to what they create. Sleeper is the song you want to listen to, from this album, centered around the voice encoder. This entire album is ridiculous. What about me, outlier, shofukun, are all ridiculous. Their latest album, empire central, won a Grammy. Almost every song on it is a must listen. They also have 2 documentaries, along with several shorts showing their creative process. I found them fascinating. Bonus song, Bad kids to the back. You will thank me later😂
    Welcome, cant wait to see your reaction to what i hope is going to be a long series of Snarky Puppy videos.

  • @LuDux
    @LuDux 2 месяца назад

    There's Snarky Puppy Shreds video where guitarist 3:03 plays "Happy birthday to you in 4/5 or 5/4

  • @stevenmonte7397
    @stevenmonte7397 6 месяцев назад +2

    Larnell Lewis is a KILLER drummer. The City Lights Solo is a Moby Dick level solo. His musical IQ is off the charts.

  • @GloamingMoon
    @GloamingMoon Месяц назад

    You mentioned the album mixing, which was definitely an amazing job, but the unsung hero whoever mastered this album. I'm always amazed by what someone that has a gift for mastering can do for any album, let alone a live recording like this.

  • @ghafford750
    @ghafford750 6 месяцев назад +3

    Great reaction! Hope you listen to more Snarky Puppy! It's all so so good, so whatever you choose to listen to will be awesome, but one of my favorites from their most recent album is "Trinity."

  • @JohnnyLocke
    @JohnnyLocke 5 месяцев назад +1

    Welcome to the club, friend

  • @spdcrzy
    @spdcrzy 6 месяцев назад +2

    This song does an amazing trick in demonstrating something we all learned in band class: louder doesn't mean faster, and faster doesn't mean louder. Louder means LOUDER, and faster means FASTER. The entire second half does an illusion of seeming to get faster AND louder without actually being either one. Each added layer on top of the ostinato increases the complexity of the beat, but the overall volume of the notes themselves (either in the drums or the keyboard) gives the listener that impression.

  • @kennethminer7812
    @kennethminer7812 6 месяцев назад +2

    Heres another rabbit hole for you larnell lewis!! If you are familiar with Zildjian Live , this drummer for snarky puppy is featured on it , this guy is mind blowing on everything he does with the kit!! He also has his own drum clinic videos showcasing his reaction as well as his on own tracks !! Brother you’ve been missing out ,but now that you know…..lol.

  • @davemilnes1147
    @davemilnes1147 5 месяцев назад +1

    The studio is in Utrecht, and the studio owner flashes up briefly in one of the shots. The invited audience is listening to a mix via a Silent Disco set up; also seated is a small string section who play on some of the other tracks (but not this one). Welcome to Snarky Puppy, you are in for one hell of a ride!

  • @elinolasco1019
    @elinolasco1019 5 месяцев назад +1

    My church band leader sat the entire team down and had us listens to Lingus & The Curtain from their Sylva album. It was amazing seeing how tight their band is even with over a dozen musicians.

  • @maruad7577
    @maruad7577 6 месяцев назад +3

    Everything on the album is great. It was recorded live in the Nederlands.There is a song featuring the vocoder. You will have to find it.

  • @kennethminer7812
    @kennethminer7812 6 месяцев назад +1

    Snarky puppy have won Grammy on top of grammy awards , as matter of fact 5 ! Since their you tube arrival I think 2008-09 which is about the same time Dirty loops RUclips arrival as well ! And they are both still popular as ever on social media platforms!!

  • @ingefiddle
    @ingefiddle 6 месяцев назад +4

    I have no words either, other than Insanity!
    Have been following Cory Henry and Larnell Lewis ever since hearing this track for the first time, and am catapulted into a different universe every time I listen to them 🪐

  • @keithowens2554
    @keithowens2554 5 месяцев назад +1

    It was recorded I believe in a studio in Holland. The drummer, Darnell Lewis is actually a substitute. He learned the songs on the plane ride

  • @WhisperingPeace
    @WhisperingPeace 3 месяца назад

    Absolutely awesome reaction video to this mindblowing performance. 😊👍😊

  • @SergeantFunkDan
    @SergeantFunkDan 6 месяцев назад +4

    read about Larnell the drummer; he learned the entire set on a plane headed back from Europe, I think, the day before - as a sub. Also a performance for the ages

  • @bodhibeats8257
    @bodhibeats8257 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great reaction, can wait to hear more Snarky!

  • @NattligMelodi
    @NattligMelodi 5 месяцев назад +2

    Bro, what is that obnoxiously tasty riff in your intro? Goddamn that rocks my world.

    • @NattligMelodi
      @NattligMelodi 5 месяцев назад

      Nevermind, you answered my question lol

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  5 месяцев назад +1

      Ha! Glad you found it. Jared writes great music.

  • @KylerBooth-fm8df
    @KylerBooth-fm8df 6 месяцев назад +3

    That voice box or whatever it's called is featured on their track called Sleeper in this same album. It's freaking amazing. That drummer is my favorite drummer ever. My man Larnell Lewis. He said in one interview that playing behind Cory Henry's solo was one of the hardest things he's ever done. He said he had to close his eyes, otherwise he would have fallen apart. To answer your question they're at the studio recording this in front of these guys. I'm like 90% sure they're in a studio

  • @MB-go6uy
    @MB-go6uy 5 месяцев назад +1

    The Bass player is Michael League. He is the brains of almost all of it. Dude writes and arranges almost all of their stuff. You should really watch their original version of The Curtain they did with Metropole Orkest... it will blow your mind.

  • @stevelucero9047
    @stevelucero9047 6 месяцев назад +2

    whats amazing to me is that this is 10 years old... and it's still as fresh as if it was released yesterday...

    • @ikshields
      @ikshields 5 месяцев назад

      Well, ten years ago was pretty much just last week. This is the post-2000 world - there’s just not much difference between the decades now. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @larryknight49
    @larryknight49 4 месяца назад

    Michael League is the bassist, composer, leader and producer of his Band Snarky Puppy

  • @Duh6666666
    @Duh6666666 6 месяцев назад +5

    Snarky Puppy have been around for a long time now and are a bottomless hole to dive into because of all the stuff they have put out, their latest album is Empire Central, and OMG, what an opus.

  • @jusan7585
    @jusan7585 5 месяцев назад +1

    Both the drummer and the keyboard soloist grew up playing in church from a young age, and it’s evident in their playing !

  • @Bobbias
    @Bobbias 6 месяцев назад +5

    One of the most mind blowing songs I've ever been fortunate enough to listen to. Everyone there was absolutely killing it.
    Cory Henry's solo on this is the stuff of legends, and is probably already being cited as a major influence in people's music.
    Larnell Lewis is a monster, and I highly recommend hearing his Zildjian Live Video of you're looking for more of him. I see people recommending his drumeo session where he learns Enter Sandman but honestly, the other season he did learning a song was more interesting than that, and the Zildjian Live session is more fun than both of those.

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  6 месяцев назад

      Will do!

    • @bodhibeats8257
      @bodhibeats8257 6 месяцев назад

      Seconding the Zildjian videos…they’re incredible!

  • @RedPillMode
    @RedPillMode 6 месяцев назад +2

    Go see them live, if possible. Super gigs.

  • @TheBeavadelic
    @TheBeavadelic 5 месяцев назад +1

    First time I heard this was at work on a hot kitchen line. That was about 7 years ago & I've been hooked ever since ❤🤟
    I'd recommend Larnel Lewis on Zildjian Live

  • @annasylvester4516
    @annasylvester4516 6 месяцев назад +5

    I had seen references to Sarky Puppy but this my introduction to their music. Ill be back for more!

  • @richardlyons7582
    @richardlyons7582 6 месяцев назад +3

    Matt another rabbit hole to go down😜

  • @toddg6373
    @toddg6373 5 месяцев назад

    It's been a while since I've seen somebody new react to this!

  • @rientsdijkstra4266
    @rientsdijkstra4266 5 месяцев назад

    This is recorded as a "live studio" recording in the "Kytopia" studios which is a centre for musical improvisation in Utrecht, Netherlands. There is a documentary about this. Larnell Lewis is an absolute giant of drumming. He was flown in last minute, and his arrival had a great influence on everybody.. The bassplayer is Michael League, the bandleader, and main composer of Snarky Puppy. The keyboardist doing the unbelievable solo is Corey Henry,

  • @neuron05
    @neuron05 5 месяцев назад +1

    Flying from Canada to the Netherlands and learning the songs on the way there is ... hmmm... pretty fucking great!

  • @sanfordgfogg
    @sanfordgfogg 5 месяцев назад +1

    There is actually a documentary of about 40 minutes about Micheal League putting this recording session together on RUclips

  • @yoninissan
    @yoninissan 6 месяцев назад +2

    You should also check out Snarky Puppy's "The Sleeper" for some amazing voicebox action.

  • @johnneiberger7311
    @johnneiberger7311 5 месяцев назад

    I love watching people discover Snarky Puppy for the first time, and it's even better when it's this song.

  • @quintinjamieson5265
    @quintinjamieson5265 6 месяцев назад +2

    I love this band. Where do you start and stop praising this display of music brilliance.
    Other recommendations
    Snarky Puppy Outlier - sick beat
    Shaun Martin - Yellow Jacket

  • @jensclarberg6419
    @jensclarberg6419 3 месяца назад +1

    "The look of that bassplayer looks so familiar" - Guy has been watching too much Bundesliga.

    • @teckreactions
      @teckreactions  3 месяца назад

      What is that?

    • @jensclarberg6419
      @jensclarberg6419 3 месяца назад +1

      @@teckreactions Haha it was a joke. It is known that he looks very similar to footballer Thomas Müller. Look him up haha

  • @bodhibeats8257
    @bodhibeats8257 6 месяцев назад +1

    If someone hasn’t already mentioned it: “Sleeper” is incredible and has the vocoder you were excited about (it’s technically a talkbox but similar concept to a a vocoder). It’s one of my favorite because I’m also a sucker for that robot voice. 😁

  • @markdrechsler5660
    @markdrechsler5660 6 месяцев назад +2

    Just the tip of the iceberg. A phenomenal and interesting collective.

  • @WNYretiree
    @WNYretiree 6 месяцев назад +5

    Wow! I can't think of anything intelligent to say so I'll just say WOW! again.

    • @Will-ug5rs
      @Will-ug5rs 6 месяцев назад +2

      Hi G. Wow for sure. I love these guys!

  • @HollowGolem
    @HollowGolem 5 месяцев назад

    Saw them live last year, this was the encore, and it smoked (different personnel at my show, they have a sort of rotating roster as they tour, but it was still amazing, and it made the improvised parts stand out as even more fresh and new).

  • @JakeKanezo
    @JakeKanezo 5 месяцев назад

    WHat about me from the same session is probably the most iconic drum part from this album

  • @CordellWoodworks
    @CordellWoodworks 5 месяцев назад +1

    If you haven't seen Larnell Lewis yet, you have GOT to check his out Drumeo videos! His first time hearing Metallica and writing a part for it without hearing the drum track is great but his work on the Chick's Pain is ridiculous.

  • @comadose25
    @comadose25 5 месяцев назад

    This entire album is amazing, and there's videos like this of the whole thing. Others have already talked about the members, so I'll just say one of my favorites from this set is "Shofukan."

  • @icemancometh74
    @icemancometh74 4 месяца назад

    Cory Henry is an alien life form. This is possibly the greatest keyboard solo in human history. The whole band is insanely talented. I think Larnell Lewis (the drummer) was playing this song for the first time that day.....The mind boggles

  • @jmorourke66
    @jmorourke66 5 месяцев назад

    The best part is that Michael League is probably the most humble and nicest, kindest person alive.

  • @zroter
    @zroter 6 месяцев назад +2

    Known Snarky Puppy for years, all top notch jazz musicians. My feeling is that "We like it here" is their masterpiece, every song is pure gold. I've been disappointed with their most recent albums, they lack the complexity of these earlier works, but it's still worth a listen.

  • @waynerandall9073
    @waynerandall9073 6 месяцев назад +5

    "What About Me" is a good drummer song.

  • @lareunoia
    @lareunoia 5 месяцев назад

    michael league, as you may know by now, is the bass player, writer of most of the music, and producer of almost everything.
    they recorded many of their recordings with a live audience. grammys galore

  • @AmbassadorJenks7086
    @AmbassadorJenks7086 6 месяцев назад +1

    Larnell the drummer and Bass player are locked!!!!!!!!! Check out Zildjian Live With Larnell Lewis and Ghost Note. Will blow your mind Ambassador Jenks

  • @petertoal371
    @petertoal371 6 месяцев назад +1

    This one has been around for a while now. Some serious names on show there. Check the list starting with the drummer, world renowned Larnell Lewis.

  • @jensamensas
    @jensamensas 6 месяцев назад +3

    Welcome to the Snarky universe👍. They have a song that not many reactors have found and according to me it’s their masterpiece. Check out “the curtain” with the metropolitan orchestra ( not the alternative version). If you don’t do it as a reaction, at least listen to it on your own❤

  • @diedzjeeoudshoorn7726
    @diedzjeeoudshoorn7726 6 месяцев назад +2

    Snarky Puppy is a music style in itself. They are amazing. Try out the album "Sylva" that they did with the famous Dutch Metropole orchestra. A Grammy Awards winner.
    The strangest thing is: I love Nightwish, I love Ayreon from Arjen Lucassen. But I also enjoy Snarky Puppy and their spin offs. I suppose good music is good music. When it touches your spine you are at the right spot!!

  • @icu___
    @icu___ 6 месяцев назад +1

    "Who's this drummer?" asking the right questions (then the keyboard solo...)
    Vote for "Something" ft. Layla Hathaway
    Note on drummer LL had like 48 hrs notice to fill in for this session. Learned the songs on the plane ride there.

  • @sinluze
    @sinluze 5 месяцев назад

    "Who's this drummer"" Ili laughed pretty hard. Welcome my friend

  • @Trinodia
    @Trinodia 6 месяцев назад +1

    If you want a more restent insane song of theirs i would check out Trinity. It has a lot going on in it and is soo good!!!

  • @melrupinski88
    @melrupinski88 5 месяцев назад

    This is both a performance and the recording session for the album. The headphones everyone is wearing are tapped directly into the mixing board.
    So, this is simultaneously the live and studio recording 🤯

  • @jeffbaranowski6695
    @jeffbaranowski6695 6 месяцев назад +5

    You need to check out the other songs from this session!

  • @stnhndg
    @stnhndg День назад

    This drummer is not in the pocket.
    He is the pocket.

  • @Ted_Swayinghill
    @Ted_Swayinghill 4 месяца назад

    Firstly RIP Shaun Martin.
    Secondly, what a lot of folks don't realize is a good chunk of Snarky Puppy played for Kirk Franklin, some of them still do.
    Also funny you mention Chris Coleman, my first intro to him was when he played on Isreal Houghton's "Another level" album in the early 2000s.
    Blew my mind

  • @richardgiles5608
    @richardgiles5608 6 месяцев назад +1

    The bass player is Micheal League - kinda the band leader

  • @danielmcbride2375
    @danielmcbride2375 5 месяцев назад +1

    Bro, you have to check out Tortoise. Experimental jazz band from Chicago. The album TNT is a masterpiece. Amazing drum work

  • @KThrace-sg9up
    @KThrace-sg9up 6 месяцев назад +2

    I'd love to see you react to a Louis Cole video sometime. Either solo or something from Knower. Maybe The Abyss?

    • @Bobbias
      @Bobbias 6 месяцев назад +2

      Why not some Clown Core too? We all know it's him at this point.

    • @bodhibeats8257
      @bodhibeats8257 6 месяцев назад

      Seconding Louis Cole!

  • @chriswilliams8849
    @chriswilliams8849 6 месяцев назад +1

    Check out 'what about me' by Snarky Puppy. The drummer, Larnell goes nuts..

  • @real_dave1
    @real_dave1 2 месяца назад

    The only time signature change is when Cory’s solo starts. The beginning half of the song is in 5/4 and the latter half is in 4/4.

  • @amiarafe
    @amiarafe 5 месяцев назад

    "what about me?" from the same album is a must-see

  • @thage7729
    @thage7729 6 месяцев назад +1

    As to the time changes, the verse is a very slow 5/4 and the refrain is twice the tempo. By the author’s own admission, it’s SP’s version of ‘dub step’.
    This is actually being recorded and simultaneously videoed before a small audience (who are all on Silent Disco bluetooth headphones connected to the main mixing board) in a studio in the Netherlands. Each and every member of this band is a monster in their own right.
    Try “What About Me?” from the same album or the song which got them their their first grammy, “Something”(feat. Lalah Hathaway) from the Family Dinner Album Vol. 1 album.