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He’s definitely a PSP type person
Everyone that played playstatino was a PSP person
@@key0777that's why they are PSP persons
so is tecca
I let da k pop ho I’m goin black pink
@@kyoto6441 .
that song too hard
hardest line on the album
PSP just built different
vita better. he knows that. that’s why they copped some
@@Thevamp1rekingwell duh it’s literally the updated version of the original
Wouldn’t mind getting a modern day portable console from Sony. (No the PlayStation Portal doesn’t count)
@@Thevamp1reking never had a vita grew up on psp
psp was def a childhood grail
I’m not the only one who still occasionally adds modern music to an old psp just cus it sounds dope 🤧🔥🔥
I seriously used my PSP almost exclusively for music and movies. Only ever owned 2 games for it lol
@@vp_wrldong i only ever had assassins creed on it rest was movies and music
bro has great taste in his own music 😭😭😭 faken**as top 3 on no stylist
Turninup gotta be top 3 aswell
@@bigchiliboyturnin up is not top 3 on that album ☠️
@@Got1tt u ain't listening hard enough
@@bigchiliboy real shit
Vtmntscoat top 1
The psp was way too ahead of its time ts was deadass too fire
his smile so beautiful
A destroy lonely psp doesn’t sound bad
PSP was and still is fire 🐐
his smile is so pretty i love lone sm🤍🤍
One of the greatest handheld system of all time
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's still in love with their PS Vita but I wanted a PSP GO so bad since I was young
The PSP Go was so much dogshit it singlehandly killed the PSP.
@@samueljones3668 I never owned one so idk what it was like, I just have a thing for handheld/pocket consoles and it looked interesting to me when I was younger, same with the gameboy micro just because it was the smallest lol
My goodness. This masterpiece was too ahead of its time
Dawg PSP are still goated
PSP sales after this 📈 if there still being made that is
Sadly they aren't being made anymore
i’m getting a vita
@@Thevamp1reking same. did u get yours?
Ofc they’re not being made anymore dummy
@@ArredondoJairobro I had 3 psp and my dumb ass sister took them from me 1 of them being a ps vita
PSP 🔥🔥🔥🔥 had one from 2017 until 2020. It's LEGENDARY!!
actually matches the aesthetic too well
That’s the best song on there
Knowing fakenggas is one of his favourite songs from that album is good. I listen the hell out of it, but can't help but feel that it's underrated.
PSP ❤️🔥❤️
Fake fellas is 🔥
Fake fellas is sick 🎃🎃
Bro said fake fellas lmaoooo I appreciate you gango
@@ZayMeisters idk what else i was supposed to say without being racist 😂
@@Ceetuu0-0 Not racist bro that's the name of the song. 😭
Fake black gentlemen goes hard 🔥
destroy with the vita gang
That’s crazy that was my favorite track on no stylist as well
Damn I miss the psp days and the psp go before phones took over
the sith lord lonely
I would so much love to have matching vitas with my broLone is living the dream
hopefully he lyin when he said that’s his fav song
PSP all day
The psp was too lit
That’s so cool
We got no stylist on the psp before gta 6
we are matching our fav song
😂happy 2 year anniversary to no stylist
The intro 😂
THEY HAVE PS VITAAAS!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
PSP was my first console, shi so tuff I gotta get one
Ngl it sounds the same no hate I love lone😂😂
My favorite song too
Latterly just nodded my vita and it’s amazing
No wake up no stylist
I used to listen to get rich or die trying on that shit
Now you can listen to get rich or die in that shit
I still play Midnight Club on mine.
Shi hard bro
Bro was boutta sing bad romance ?
I didn't know they still made psp i had one of those when I was 16 im in my late 20s now
Wake up no stylist
That’s hard
I ain’t know fakenggas was lones favorite song
I too would’ve played FAKENGGAS first as well
Wait me n lone got the same fav song off that album thats dope
Only used those for music and movies 😂
crazy thats my favorite song
Still got my psp Spider-Man edition
Fakenggas is the best on the album. Even he knows it bru
I do this all the time...
that was “FAKENGAS” not nostylist😭
what song did he play
Ts my fav too
If psp made a new model right now they would probably out sale Nintendo switches
That's facts
I’m thinking bout getting a vita off Amazon jus cus🤷♀️
Might as well
PSP is so good ngl i might buy me a vita
I copped one it’s fye you won’t regret it
PSP > PS Vita
Vitas are lit on bro
No cap
what kind of hoodie?
i'm finna get the vita soon
Psp hell yea 😊
What song was it?
What song was that
That ain't even no stylist bruhh
What song
U didn’t listen to the album
he fucks with the vita too? damn. now we can relate
didn’t bro just get accused of some crazy shit?
🔥🔥🔥sound crazy on mute fr
Jesus loves you
Somebody mod his psp
I’m on da oxy and mf codeine
Is the song a nintendo ds diss?
PSP >>>>>>>>> PSVita
No stylish Bruh literally played Destroy Lonely - FakeN!ggas
Who tf is this lil tarzan kid bro
Destroy lonely bruh hes the future
Yet not one fuckin person knows who you are
Lost brain cells watching this
Mod dem shits
How’d he do that
W 😂
steam deck >>>
shout out ps vitas
I wish I would listen 🎶 to that crap u just played! that was wack homeboy.
You going out sad old head
@@DopamineClips28 You just don't know!!
lone betta unc
Don Toliver?
Funny he thinks thats the best song on no stylist because i used to think the same until i listened to vtmntscoat
My vita is broken
He’s definitely a PSP type person
Everyone that played playstatino was a PSP person
@@key0777that's why they are PSP persons
so is tecca
I let da k pop ho I’m goin black pink
@@kyoto6441 .
that song too hard
hardest line on the album
PSP just built different
vita better. he knows that. that’s why they copped some
@@Thevamp1rekingwell duh it’s literally the updated version of the original
Wouldn’t mind getting a modern day portable console from Sony. (No the PlayStation Portal doesn’t count)
@@Thevamp1reking never had a vita grew up on psp
psp was def a childhood grail
I’m not the only one who still occasionally adds modern music to an old psp just cus it sounds dope 🤧🔥🔥
I seriously used my PSP almost exclusively for music and movies. Only ever owned 2 games for it lol
@@vp_wrldong i only ever had assassins creed on it rest was movies and music
bro has great taste in his own music 😭😭😭 faken**as top 3 on no stylist
Turninup gotta be top 3 aswell
@@bigchiliboyturnin up is not top 3 on that album ☠️
@@Got1tt u ain't listening hard enough
@@bigchiliboy real shit
Vtmntscoat top 1
The psp was way too ahead of its time ts was deadass too fire
his smile so beautiful
A destroy lonely psp doesn’t sound bad
PSP was and still is fire 🐐
his smile is so pretty i love lone sm🤍🤍
One of the greatest handheld system of all time
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's still in love with their PS Vita but I wanted a PSP GO so bad since I was young
The PSP Go was so much dogshit it singlehandly killed the PSP.
@@samueljones3668 I never owned one so idk what it was like, I just have a thing for handheld/pocket consoles and it looked interesting to me when I was younger, same with the gameboy micro just because it was the smallest lol
My goodness. This masterpiece was too ahead of its time
Dawg PSP are still goated
PSP sales after this 📈 if there still being made that is
Sadly they aren't being made anymore
i’m getting a vita
@@Thevamp1reking same. did u get yours?
Ofc they’re not being made anymore dummy
@@ArredondoJairobro I had 3 psp and my dumb ass sister took them from me 1 of them being a ps vita
PSP 🔥🔥🔥🔥 had one from 2017 until 2020. It's LEGENDARY!!
actually matches the aesthetic too well
That’s the best song on there
Knowing fakenggas is one of his favourite songs from that album is good. I listen the hell out of it, but can't help but feel that it's underrated.
PSP ❤️🔥❤️
Fake fellas is 🔥
Fake fellas is sick 🎃🎃
Bro said fake fellas lmaoooo I appreciate you gango
@@ZayMeisters idk what else i was supposed to say without being racist 😂
@@Ceetuu0-0 Not racist bro that's the name of the song. 😭
Fake black gentlemen goes hard 🔥
destroy with the vita gang
That’s crazy that was my favorite track on no stylist as well
Damn I miss the psp days and the psp go before phones took over
the sith lord lonely
I would so much love to have matching vitas with my bro
Lone is living the dream
hopefully he lyin when he said that’s his fav song
PSP all day
The psp was too lit
That’s so cool
We got no stylist on the psp before gta 6
we are matching our fav song
😂happy 2 year anniversary to no stylist
The intro 😂
THEY HAVE PS VITAAAS!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
PSP was my first console, shi so tuff I gotta get one
Ngl it sounds the same no hate I love lone😂😂
My favorite song too
Latterly just nodded my vita and it’s amazing
No wake up no stylist
I used to listen to get rich or die trying on that shit
Now you can listen to get rich or die in that shit
I still play Midnight Club on mine.
Shi hard bro
Bro was boutta sing bad romance ?
I didn't know they still made psp i had one of those when I was 16 im in my late 20s now
Wake up no stylist
That’s hard
I ain’t know fakenggas was lones favorite song
I too would’ve played FAKENGGAS first as well
Wait me n lone got the same fav song off that album thats dope
Only used those for music and movies 😂
crazy thats my favorite song
Still got my psp Spider-Man edition
Fakenggas is the best on the album. Even he knows it bru
I do this all the time...
that was “FAKENGAS” not nostylist😭
what song did he play
Ts my fav too
If psp made a new model right now they would probably out sale Nintendo switches
That's facts
I’m thinking bout getting a vita off Amazon jus cus🤷♀️
Might as well
PSP is so good ngl i might buy me a vita
I copped one it’s fye you won’t regret it
PSP > PS Vita
Vitas are lit on bro
No cap
what kind of hoodie?
i'm finna get the vita soon
Psp hell yea 😊
What song was it?
What song was that
That ain't even no stylist bruhh
What song
U didn’t listen to the album
he fucks with the vita too? damn. now we can relate
didn’t bro just get accused of some crazy shit?
🔥🔥🔥sound crazy on mute fr
Jesus loves you
Somebody mod his psp
I’m on da oxy and mf codeine
Is the song a nintendo ds diss?
PSP >>>>>>>>> PSVita
No stylish Bruh literally played Destroy Lonely - FakeN!ggas
Who tf is this lil tarzan kid bro
Destroy lonely bruh hes the future
Yet not one fuckin person knows who you are
Lost brain cells watching this
Mod dem shits
How’d he do that
W 😂
steam deck >>>
shout out ps vitas
I wish I would listen 🎶 to that crap u just played! that was wack homeboy.
You going out sad old head
@@DopamineClips28 You just don't know!!
lone betta unc
Don Toliver?
Funny he thinks thats the best song on no stylist because i used to think the same until i listened to vtmntscoat
My vita is broken