Urantia Book paper 1 pt 1

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • Urantia Book paper 1 pt 1 in a series that will bring the entirer book to people that want to hear this.

Комментарии • 170

  • @NassimHarameinVedas
    @NassimHarameinVedas 15 лет назад +4

    Urantia book. This book is amazing to say the least. Received entirely through channeling with a highly enlightened astral being. All the statements regarding the nature of the universe and God in this book are completely in harmony with the Vedas & Puranas and also with today's cutting edge scientific minds like Nassim Haramein - Unified Field Theory.
    Truth backs up Truth, beautiful and sublime to be affirmed through these things.
    ∞Hare Krsna∞

    @STEFJANY 11 лет назад +3

    Beginning its ascent through a myriad of energetic currents, my soul soared through purplish and yellow-white lights expanding in light-streams. An invisible angelic guardian of great holy sanctity handed me a very large book with perhaps 2,000 pages. Inside it were magnificent portrayals of angels, ministering spirits and heavenly hosts, and beyond this . . . how shall I say it . . . the mysteries of God's holy kingdoms enraptured in picturesque dramatizations....

  • @jlstruyde
    @jlstruyde 4 года назад +1

    I have gotten into teachings of Neville Goddard and his interpretation of the bible. He is from the early 1900s. My sister talks about this book so I'm here to listen to this...

  • @5jerry1
    @5jerry1 13 лет назад +1

    The best was to guarantee people won't read a book is to make it so thick, with so many pages people won't want to bother.

  • @1polymath
    @1polymath 15 лет назад +1

    But the Book is so deep its hard to fathom that one person could write about so many profound topics pertaining to everything from science to faith and write it in a deeply expressible fashion. One person did not write this 2000 page book! This cannot be the product of a human mind! You people have to think and stop being faithless!

    @STEFJANY 11 лет назад +4

    When I looked upon these pages, my soul was alit with eternal knowledge, inexplicable in its nature. Although all I have ever experienced has truly been profoundly difficult to encapsulate into words, none could fathom the depth of the wordlessness of this moment. And yet, it had only begun. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of angelic hosts, and their many individual and group missions were described to me in pictures; legions of angels created for every "purpose known and unknown to mankind."

  • @1polymath
    @1polymath 15 лет назад +2

    I read the stuff about Yahshua(Jesus). There are a few things that I have not been revealed yet but everything else was delightful and full of inspiration. It is good to just read the book, but if you are secure in what you believe in than it is best to not leave a negative report about the book. It is written with an equal and deep inspiration as the Bible, but it reveal things that hasn't been revealed or known as of yet. It is a literary classic whether fact or fiction! Read it!

  • @marcsofianat
    @marcsofianat 12 лет назад +1

    The Holy Spirit was given to all mankind so that it would guide us to find God within. The writings of the Bible and the Urantia Book are secondary to the Holy Spirit's influence. Through this influence we are able to recognize Truth. We are all bonded as one through the Holy Spirit. Truth in any form can be recognized. Therefore to claim the Bible as the only way to God is to negate the supernal influence of Holy Spirit which was given to all on the day of Pentacost. Jesus did not give us the

  • @edithmills2137
    @edithmills2137 12 лет назад +2

    Dave Vegas. Do you see those 39,176 views above? 176 of those, at least, are mine, as I've listened to this clip night-after-night, when unable to sleep. Is there a link to your more extensive recordings from the Urantia Book? Sleepless in NY ... Edie.

    • @bratbabyp9370
      @bratbabyp9370 4 года назад

      Hey Ed this is part 1 of a long book this vid is a playlist now

  • @DestinyLabMusic
    @DestinyLabMusic 16 лет назад

    Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

  • @BryanChance
    @BryanChance 4 года назад +5

    Interesing content. There's also a book called "The Law of One" that presents another view.

  • @FriendofJesus1989
    @FriendofJesus1989 11 лет назад +4

    "before abraham was, I AM".
    Jesus was the Source.

    • @selmir369
      @selmir369 3 года назад

      Jesus=45666=27=2+7=9 = High Consciousness!, JE mean IS in many languages) IS S US ......... GOD Is Universe, .we live in GOD........

    • @MukiBlalock
      @MukiBlalock Месяц назад +1

      You're absolutely right. Plus this B.S. BOOK SAYS GOD THE FATHER NEVER DECLARED HIS NAME, BUT HE DID - THE GREAT "I AM"!

  • @MarkGreer
    @MarkGreer 15 лет назад +1

    God is a living friend, a loving father, a divine presence - the UB

  • @davevegas03
    @davevegas03  15 лет назад +1

    It is well worth finishing and the last part (Life of Jesus) is the best part.

  • @Fastlan3
    @Fastlan3 16 лет назад

    How life got here is an understanding that is irrelevant, for odds are, life is energy and has always existed, and does not end.

  • @Jig1515
    @Jig1515 15 лет назад +1

    "`Come now and let us reason together,' says the Lord, `though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like the crimson, they shall be as wool.'"

  • @Fastlan3
    @Fastlan3 16 лет назад

    The true guidance comes from within, for we are nature itself. We are all brother and sister and we are symbiotically related to all other life forms in the most literal and profound ways. We are God. Period.

  • @DigitalLoveMovement
    @DigitalLoveMovement 12 лет назад +1

    What do you mean? UFO's in general are a hoax or their involvement with our current planetary situation is a hoax?

  • @TheJoshuaBoyles
    @TheJoshuaBoyles 13 лет назад

    It takes more strength to believe in what is there that can not be seen, then it does to dismiss what we can not see, touch, taste, or perceive to feel. Insulting those who are privileged enough to be aware of something someone else is not, comes from fear. The aggressor fearing they are in fact wrong. So they lash out. It is easier to think ones self superior then it is to accept that perhaps instead of the believer being wrong, perhaps the doubter is.

  • @xblade2099
    @xblade2099 13 лет назад +1

    @coolboysoldier1 The book was not written by God himself, nor does it claim to have been. It actually agrees with many things that are written in The Holy Bible. You should educate yourself and then you'll be free to believe whatever you choose to believe rather than having no choice but to believe the only thing you've ever been taught.

  • @raumana
    @raumana 11 лет назад

    Tis wise to be humble. The spirit needn't seek out anyone at all. We are all energy. The spirit is aetheric energy, which all things are comprised of. Since all that exists are energy, we can neither be created or destroyed (as a soul/spirit/light being). Many here on Earth do not realize their eternal nature, not their true abilities or connection to all that is. Many have lost touch and follow meaningless idols and ideals. It is sad, but all learn as they are intended to. We all learn and grow

  • @lighttolightIam
    @lighttolightIam 11 лет назад +3

    continued: If you see God as a true and loving Father as Jesus taught, you cannot keep believing that God is an offended monarch, a stern and all-powerful ruler whose chief delight is to detect his subjects in wrongdoing and to see that they are adequately punished unless someone dies as a sacrifice. Yes Jesus sacrificed His LIFE with His LIFE. He did not die to appease an angry God. That is primitive belief which grew out of paganism.

  • @raumana
    @raumana 11 лет назад

    Much truth lay within your words brother. Adonai :)

  • @Fastlan3
    @Fastlan3 16 лет назад

    What we do in life through understanding life's processes is the true philosophy and the faster people stop looking to some invisible power that doesn't exist for guidance, judgement and afterlife, the faster "heaven" will dawn on the planet earth.

  • @Jig1515
    @Jig1515 15 лет назад

    Happy are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. If you are sons, then have you been born of the Spirit of God, and you have life everlasting.
    Whatsoever God does, it shall be forever. He is resplendant in majesty and glory, and His mercy endures forever. God is love. Did you not understand how great a salvation has come upon you?

  • @Nature_Quixote
    @Nature_Quixote 17 лет назад

    Way to go Davevegas03! Keep posting!!

  • @thorpe55
    @thorpe55 13 лет назад +1

    @5jerry1 - I believe that the thickness of the book ensures that only those who are truly seeking Truth will bother reading it. And this is true for me that if I had not had the desire within would I also have been turned off by its bulk.

  • @WolfWould
    @WolfWould 4 года назад

    I am the 1000th subscriber.

  • @ultimategoobah
    @ultimategoobah 16 лет назад

    well sure..but how do you know that is not an innate human flaw? after all, it is innate to believe what u r told, correct? becoz of this automatic sort of behavior separation is almost guaranteed. seems pretty innate and inevitable to me.

  • @robertcombs4177
    @robertcombs4177 11 лет назад

    Great Post!!

  • @FriendofJesus1989
    @FriendofJesus1989 11 лет назад +1

    being angry with wicked people, yes.
    no, i am not confused, you deny Christ and why He came if you believe God is not angry with sinner's, for Christ suffered the Father's wrath in place of the sinner.
    God Bless u.

  • @atuuaolcom
    @atuuaolcom 13 лет назад

    This has been in another forum, further validation of how little we know. How much we must keep on trying . There is always room at the top . We must decide and choose wisely .

  • @marcsofianat
    @marcsofianat 12 лет назад

    Give us the Bible, He gave us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. The Urantia Book is a restatement of the Teachings of Jesus, along with a cosmological perspective that integrates science and history so that we may fill in the gaps left by the Bible. The goal is eternal life through the comprehension of Truth, beauty and goodness - the attributes of God.

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 11 лет назад +1

    and typical for the urantia book...they quote half verses..."The Urantia Book also says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life"
    but your book left out "and nobody comes to The Father but by ME!"

  • @DestinyLabMusic
    @DestinyLabMusic 16 лет назад

    Romans 1:20-21-2
    20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

  • @X11HGseeker
    @X11HGseeker 13 лет назад

    There is powerful!

  • @gregoryz3
    @gregoryz3 13 лет назад

    This Book is the Truth.

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 Well for my part, I have read the Urantia Book for a couple of years now. It has become part of my thinking and has replaced many of my former concepts of how the universe works and it's purpose and our place in it. I have grown quite attached to it's detailed descriptions some of the highest concepts man has ever struggled with. As to proof, I am someone who reads critically because anything that purports to be the truth, especially profound truth, must stand up to scrutiny.

  • @truemanlivescheibe1425
    @truemanlivescheibe1425 6 лет назад +3

    We should talk if you would like further information.

  • @mannyo2909
    @mannyo2909 6 лет назад

    This book is mind melting and insane, no way someone made this shit up.

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад +1

    @larbo1616 Hello, I am pleased to discuss this with you. So far I have not correlated such lines of research with the UB but... the short answer is yes. The UB details several energies which permeate and circulate throughout all creation. Off the top of my head, I would direct you to paper 42 which offers detailed descriptons and classifications. I don't know if it's possible to PM me with a link but I would be intersted in reading the material which prompted your question. Take care.

    @YOSEFIMAGINATION 13 лет назад


  • @atuuaolcom
    @atuuaolcom 13 лет назад

    1polymath, well said . However and having had this as study material for 25+ years . For many that is just not in the cards, according to, Urantia .

  • @DestinyLabMusic
    @DestinyLabMusic 16 лет назад

    Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceitfulness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. - II Thes. 2:9-10
    For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. - II Cor. 11:13

  • @DestinyLabMusic
    @DestinyLabMusic 16 лет назад

    Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God - Exodus 20

  • @Lulu4Him
    @Lulu4Him 15 лет назад

    You are right when you say that Urantia is a religion, but it's not the worship of God, instead, it's a worship of satan. oh, I know, I know, you think I don't know what I'm talking about, but I assure you I do. You see, I was an avid Urantia reader for many years, went to the conferences, Father was the president of north eastern division, even met Christie a few times before she died. My whole family was involved with the book; it kinda draws you in like a hypnotic drug . . . from satan!

  • @davevegas03
    @davevegas03  16 лет назад

    The book was written in the 30's and has been proven on several facts. Sincentist have proved alot of the things that the book has said. Such as plate tatonics and others.

    • @colski3333
      @colski3333 4 года назад

      David. Did u narrate this audios?

  • @ohcomeon777
    @ohcomeon777 12 лет назад +1

    jesus said to search the scriptures... the new testament was not written yet. so he was referencing to the old testament.

  • @ljiljanakopernitzky1569
    @ljiljanakopernitzky1569 4 года назад

    Hvala David Ballard

  • @admin1054
    @admin1054 7 лет назад +1

    I believed in the Bible but not 100% why? It is because the Bible is not one book but a collection of several independent books written by different authors and these writings can be colored by their own opinions and beliefs.
    Never be mistaken to say in absolute surety that the apostles are guided by the Spirit of God so whatever they say are infallible and are not subject to ERRORS. Peter the Apostles denied Jesus three times which clearly shows they are still human and can be influenced by their human tendencies such as in case of Peter who is overcame by fear instead of courage at that moment. Same with the words of the Apostles and these words were written.
    The Bible contain truths yes of course but not 100% of them are all truths.
    The Urantia Book on the other hand has shown stunning accuracy with subject matters that even the Bible cannot answer satisfactorily,
    Plus..the Bible contains a lot of inconsistencies and conflicting statements as well as atrocities perpetrated but that are not expected of the so called professed men of God.
    And why can't God or his ministering spirits (angels call them whatever) able to provide us with new updated revelations anytime such as this - The Urantia Book?
    The Bible can be compared to a newspaper issued yesterday while the Urantia Book is the current newspaper delivered this morning.

    • @Zeupater
      @Zeupater 5 лет назад

      @Admin Most biblical scholars, both Christian and not, agree that we have no idea who wrote the gospels. They were anonymous until the 2nd century when somebody attributed names to them, and then not even necessarily the names of apostles. My thoughts on this are that they were revised, rewritten and elaborated on over the decades by different people. The earliest gospel, eventually called Mark, is quite simple. There aren’t a lot of “miracles”, as we call them now, and there isn’t even a resurrection. Then whoever wrote what came to be called Matthew and Luke add to Mark’s text, writing more fanciful stories, then the writer of what comes to be called John writes an even more fantastical story. A classic fish story.

  • @1971SuperLead
    @1971SuperLead 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 Hey! Fancy meeting you here! I was going to send this to you! ha ha! You beat me here! I love "By the sons of God were the universes made" POW! Right there we have our responsibility for the entire universe! We made it! The entire frikkin universe is ours! Now let's fight over it! lol That's not really too funny for it's what we've been doing for so long. Fighting over dust. "My dust! Mine,mine, mine!"

  • @lighttolightIam
    @lighttolightIam 11 лет назад

    How do you know what Jesus actually said? The words recorded in the Bible we're not written 2000 years ago.... The words I quoted are from The UB but the truth of what was said can also be found in the Bible... Get a hold on what is Truth and you will see it everywhere, not just the Bible

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 11 лет назад

    The Good news though...is that it is never too late to turn from false doctrine, and turn back to The True and Living God! The God of The Bible

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 Also, if you investigate the source materials as they were used, you'll find that the wording was used but that the content was changed... or corrected. The jury is still out on whether the 'corrections' are correct. There are instances where the UB makes statements of flat fact which contradict the science of the times... but modern science has come into line with the UB. That is a fact but, it does not constitute proof. The search goes on and I am still looking.

  • @saintmann6759
    @saintmann6759 7 лет назад

    share did these papers come from

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 I also look for evidence which would prove or disprove the authenticity of the UB. I have found neither but there are many correlations between what the UB said in 1955 ( or earlier ) and discoveries made long since then. The UB contradicted settled science and was considered to be in error on many points. More and more, science is discovering that the UB was correct and the science of the time in which it was written was in error. It's really quite compelling.

  • @all4loveandlove4all
    @all4loveandlove4all 16 лет назад

    I was glad to hear that they basically say that it doesn't matter what you call God, it's knowing "God" that is of importance. However, even though I know that the narrator's use of the word Father and He isn't implying that God is male, I still feel that our society tends to use the masculine over the feminine which seems to have some confused. I know many people who actually think that GOd is a man. shake this misconception, listen to it again but replace the word father/he with mother/her

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 Yes, I've read that before and I looked over some of the source materials along with comparisons to the way those materials were incorporated into the UB. My first impression was that it greatly damaged the authenticity of the UB and I can certainly understand how that would give anyone, especially new readers cause for concern. Page 1109 makes it clear that the revelators are limited to "the co-ordination and sorting of present-day knowledge" . Sorry... must be continued....

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 11 лет назад

    there are a great many warnngs in The Bible about anybody who dares add to, or take away from the words of The Bible.

  • @khole15
    @khole15 16 лет назад +1


  • @christiansoldier2181
    @christiansoldier2181 5 лет назад

    I don't have the heart to tell everyone that we are all wrong.

  • @MukiBlalock
    @MukiBlalock Месяц назад

    Correction. GOD the FATHER did declare HIMSELF by Name. The GREAT " I AM"!

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 You can read it for free online, or even listen to it recited if you like.
    urantiabook (dot) org/newbook/index (dot) html
    There are other sites too if that one is a problem for some reason.

    @STEFJANY 11 лет назад +1

    Why are different dates for Easter time from Catholics versus Orthodox. Why so many churches like The 7 days Adventists, Pentecostals, Bahai, Evangelists, Baptists so on and so forth. Why they all have just a piece of the pie and ONLY Mormons are true. At least this is what they say.
    Also why if Mormon Church is “the truest” and the priesthood was “restored” on Earth in the last days by the prophet Joseph Smith and how God can give a commandment like polygamy and then retract it?

    • @Cryptosifu
      @Cryptosifu 7 лет назад

      STEFAN BADARA Joseph Smith was a con-man. Brigham Young was a murdering piece of shit.

  • @Trev612
    @Trev612 2 года назад

    If the creator doesn't wish to manipulate the submission of men and doesn't Force man to worship him then why is there a concept of hell if you choose not to worship Him

  • @raumana
    @raumana 11 лет назад +1

    And you trust yet another book written by man and re-translated numerous times by numerous individuals? Translating anything alternates the initial meaning of the doctrine; nonetheless, the Catholic church (whom comprised the Bible from a collection of books/journals) was established over 300 years after the assumed "death" of "Jesus." Yet because a highly corrupted religion claims that their comprised book is the only book of truth? The Shumerians had writings long before the time of "Jesus."

    • @indy_go_blue6048
      @indy_go_blue6048 5 лет назад

      Always those who wish to sound wise that end up sounding like ignorant children.

  • @axblack
    @axblack 17 лет назад +1


  • @blsohlden
    @blsohlden 11 лет назад

    I take back all the negative things I said about this book!

    @RVJEDI 4 месяца назад

    Does anyone else think Jesus was added to the Urantia book by that group from Chicago?

  • @MrDuffy81
    @MrDuffy81 14 лет назад

    @grey167 It's ALWAYS nice to have a hard copy... : ) PEACE

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 12 лет назад

    im not afraid of anything...I have The True and Living God. The God of The Bible. His word is the same yesterday, today and forever. Im not mistaken as you say. Why would I want to try to change something that cannot be changed? The Holy Spirit speaks to me all the time...guides me, teaches me, corrects me when needed. Anyone who claims to have a new message from God is lying! or deceived. There is no new message, He gave us The Bible.

  • @5jerry1
    @5jerry1 13 лет назад

    I know a guy who goes on all the time about this book, so I checked it out. I guess I am not too serious about it. I like to read, even wrote a book, but this is overwhelming, just on the page count alone.

  • @ManuHernz
    @ManuHernz 10 лет назад

    I think that the UPHOLDERS of the UB should release the original papers in the original material as the notes were taken. You people should scan those papers and have them in exhibition in your MUSEUM also in PDF Files in your own webpage, in Facebook, in RUclips and in Goggle Images. Obviously I respect the book and can I see its importance, but I don't like to hear the same fake story as the MORMON PLATES and its disappearance, because that's a childish excuse, which make everything doubtful regarding the "Mormon Conspiracy". RELEASE of the original handwriting of the PAPERS is A MUST! Thanks if.

    @STEFJANY 11 лет назад

    If you believe in Christ as our redeemer…I am wondering why is His opinion about the many religions and denominations in the World today and the division in Christianity. Why are human so divided on the dogma when in fact is one Christ, God and one truth. I have never reconciled to this idea in my mind.
    Why it is that way on planet Earth so much hatred and religion wars and I am wondering who is benefitting from this division.

  • @kirkeous
    @kirkeous 15 лет назад


  • @letsgetinshape9456
    @letsgetinshape9456 13 лет назад

    Hmmmm... I don't know. This could have been kept to 10 seconds. Keeps repeating itself with different words same meaning. Geeez!

  • @theclaiye
    @theclaiye 13 лет назад

    love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love..(((((( ♥ ))))) Carole..

  • @lady-LumenChristi
    @lady-LumenChristi 3 месяца назад

    ty ✨🫲🏼💗🪷💖🫱🏼✨

  • @Fastlan3
    @Fastlan3 16 лет назад

    Also, the idea that the human race needs religion to be "moral" is absolutely absurd. We are not simply "guilty" or have perpetual "Sin" as certain religions would like you to believe. We are perfect. The reason the world is such a disaster is not because of some innate human flaw.

  • @raumana
    @raumana 11 лет назад

    The prime creator is consciousness/thought. Which includes all consciousness, including you and I. Jesus was a lightworker, he was attempting to teach others how to be lightworkers by following his way of life. The only sources you hold your belief systems on are those of theorized observations from others, not from Jesus himself. None of the books presented within the Bible are of his own doing. I know him personally in which most mortals only dream or read about.

  • @FriendofJesus1989
    @FriendofJesus1989 11 лет назад

    well then u deny Christ, His mission and why He came to earth, to die in place of sinners.
    "by His stripes we are healed" - Isaiah.
    if God is not angry against evil, who will be ?....evil will abound.
    God Bless.

  • @Trev612
    @Trev612 2 года назад

    If you die an unnatural death you reincarnate reason being was your life was incomplete and therefore you need to come back to complete this life and lessons here in this life you can only cut this life short but you're coming right back

  • @picayunems
    @picayunems 16 лет назад

    I dont know what to believe anymore. However I hope the Urantia book is true because it means all of us will see each other again in a much better place. I tend to believe this "The King James Version Bible" was altered and written by King James in his version which doesnt seem to be all true. Im not knocking the bible in anyway I am just seeking the truth. I dont think anyone know what the truth is.

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 11 лет назад

    that might be a quote from your urantia book...but Jesus never said that. The Words of Christ were recorded in The Bible, not in a book written 2000 years later in Chicago.

  • @Lulu4Him
    @Lulu4Him 15 лет назад

    Urantia is spiritualism. Anything claiming to be of God, but goes against God's Word, the Bible, is not of God, but of His adversary Satan.

  • @raumana
    @raumana 11 лет назад

    The Shumerian records are by far older than the Biblical records you speak of. The Mentinah records are also to be considered; however, Earth is not the homeworld of the Human species, but another location to which they have moved to. There is no God, for all are gods and are eternal. Our astral being is our true self, our own personal God. The existence/initial thought that created all that is would be the "God" that religions speak of, but it is not an individual or single entity. Adonai.

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 11 лет назад

    Here is how we can comment on it...we were warned of anyone who would come after The Bible was written with a different gospel or doctrtine...
    "If we or even an angel from heaven preach a different gospel to you than you have already received let them be cursed"
    But since you guys only pay attention to "The Red Print" I know you will discard what I just quoted. Because Jesus never said that right?
    You have been lied to my friend...the urantia book is false doctrine

  • @ultimategoobah
    @ultimategoobah 16 лет назад

    whoever said I believed that? i am merely pointing out that language is confusing to pretty much everyone. we don't understand each other immediately no one does. it takes time.

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 12 лет назад

    God's word (The Bible) is complete, and needs nothing added to it or taken from it.
    Galatians 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
    The Bible sais many many times that it is complete, let nobody add to it or take from it. I was mixed up in false doctrine for a long time my friend and even used to teach others...but Jesus is the way...and the ONLY way...there is no new message from God.

  • @grady1610
    @grady1610 12 лет назад

    I wonder if satan were going to twist and change the bible if he would write in it not to believe anything else. I've even heard people say KJV is the only one. How ridiculous is that? It's just one translation of many. What about all the other languages?

  • @FriendofJesus1989
    @FriendofJesus1989 11 лет назад

    God is not angry if people accept Jesus as Savior, then God loves unconditional, God is angry with sinners, scripture says so, God has to be angry with sinners or He wouldn't' be Righteous, believe in Jesus and He loves u like His child, believe not, and His wrath abides in u.
    stay in God's Word and not doctrines of demons,
    the devil would have u believe God is not angry if u commit sin.
    satanist philosophy is do what thou wilt.
    commit all sorts of wickedness and get away with it, thats not God.

  • @kirkeous
    @kirkeous 15 лет назад

    What exactly is a "fucktard"? I checked the Don King's Dictionary not it there!

  • @argent2020
    @argent2020 15 лет назад

    See?, this is one of the lessons I learned in life: "The peacemakers". Christians take this attribute as if only, but only such belongs to "only Christians". Wrong!. A peacemaker can even be an atheist.
    Christians at large aren't peacemakers, but all the contrary.
    Jesus was a peacemaker, just like others (IE. Buddha).

  • @FriendofJesus1989
    @FriendofJesus1989 11 лет назад

    "I Am the Way, the truth and the Life" - Jesus..
    this is what i believe, when i started to believe it, i was shown amazing things...
    there is a Prime Creator who made All things and in whom all things exist, and that is the Word, who was "made flesh and dwelt among us".
    the great deception is coming, were mankind will be led 2 believe they are there own gods..
    Enoch is 1 of the oldest books we know of, and that speaks of who the true Lord is.
    u are believing the lies of lucifer and the fallen.

    • @stacienoonan
      @stacienoonan 6 лет назад

      It's not that they are to become their own Gods. Everyone is given a thought adjuster and that is an actual fragment of God and actually it chooses you upon your first moral choice usually around 5 1/2 years old. It's the still small voice always guiding you in the right direction. When you go against that voice is how your life becomes screwed up. It's your pilot back to God and when you divest yourself of your body after death you come face to face with it for the first time it's your divine mate your soulmate. Then you are fused together given a job and renamed . What it brings to you is divinity and what you bring to it is personality and so when fused together you complete each other. There is nothing in all the universe that will fill your satisfaction as much as your thought adjuster.

  • @nowheretoday
    @nowheretoday 10 лет назад +7

    This video has only 48k views while Gangnam style has 2,023,072,758 views, humanity is lost.

    • @TheNeonRabbit
      @TheNeonRabbit 10 лет назад +2

      Not all of it

    • @tomjohns5146
      @tomjohns5146 9 лет назад

      nowheretoday gangnam style is more real than this stupid shit

    • @colski3333
      @colski3333 6 лет назад

      It’s not for everyone but if it is this is the most exquisite revelation of u can feel it

  • @ProdigalChild1
    @ProdigalChild1 12 лет назад

    sorry...there are no holes left in The Bible. And eternal life is attained by the blood of Jesus, not comprehension of truth. The only thing that gives eternal life to us is the price paid by Jesus when he hung on that tree and died a humiliating death in order to reconsile us to The Father.

  • @Golgafrinchamdent
    @Golgafrinchamdent 14 лет назад

    @larbo1616 This + other similar excerpts can be taken as a blatant excuse for plagerism and mistakes... no argument. They make it clear that they prefer to use the highest concepts which have already found human expression. But as I have grown in my understanding of the UB's big picture, I have come to doubt it could be done any other way. When one day this world is "settled in light and life", our decendents will look back on the long road and realize it was an entirely human journey.

  • @raumana
    @raumana 11 лет назад

    Cont: Most Earth Humans still believe that there is a Heaven and Hell or that there is only one life to live. These are all lies developed by the shadow groups who created religions to kept Mankind under control. To hold them back from their own evolution. Irregardless of what any religious being claims, I have a purpose hear that has been told to me directly. Still today Christians believe Jesus never married, that is also a lie. You must learn true history to understand the past. Adonai.

  • @spartanperformance
    @spartanperformance 14 лет назад +1

    It is sad to see that the true book of cretion the Holy Bible has been diluted and translated into English. Unfortunatly English was chosen as the main world language and not Greek. Why? Because the Ancient Greek language conatins knowlege and History. If you want to know the life of Jesus read the Bible in Ancient Greek or have a spiritual Orthodox father guide you through it.
    Otherwise you are reading from the wrong source. If you want real answers I will be happy to help. Ask and you shall.

  • @FriendofJesus1989
    @FriendofJesus1989 12 лет назад

    dont believe the doctrines of demons of the endtimes,
    stay with the Holy scriptures, thats all you need, Jesus Died for Us, this book says He didnt.