Dragon Valor (PSX) - Route 3 Final Boss and Ending

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024
  • Time to kill the big dragon baddy.
    To reach this ending, you must not save the princess in Chapter 1 with Clovis by not opening the door in Raxis Castle, and must also not save the pirate princess in Chapter 2 with Kodel by again not opening the door in Clovis' Fortress.
    Well, first we gotta get through Krassel. He's an annoying bugger who keeps jumping on the floating pillars, and is only vulnerable if you destroy the pillar while he's standing on it. He'll fall down and you can smack him with your sword. He can throw fireballs that explode with an AOE, raise skeleton knights that can't be killed (only stunned until he raises them again), and summon more pillars once a bunch of them are destroyed. Pillars get more hit points the more you destroy them so don't dandle.
    Next is the true final boss. Azi Dahaka's first form likes to attack with a sweeping bite at close range and sweep with his tail if you're behind him, fly in the air and shoot fireballs with explosions that cause AOE, and uses an attack that summons energy pillars that will momentarily suck you to their position and leave you stuck while he keeps doing whatever he wants. When he touches the ground after flying he can produce a blue shockwave that hurts. There's also purple smoke fumes coming out from the ground in certain points that do minimal damage and will slow you down for a bit, more if you don't have the Bracelet item.
    You can very very easily loop this form by doing normal jumping R2 attacks over and over on its wings - it'll stagger backwards and just do another bite attack, rinse and repeat.
    The second form he gets bigger, and will have a more expanded repertoire of attacks: now at close range he can swipe with his claws with a flame effect that has a very large range at the front, and swipe his tail for much increased range from the back; can shoot fireballs with even more AOE range both from the ground and in the air; touching the ground causes a much greater shockwave; and he can launch a massive energy beam. He can also roar to cause a shockwave.
    The overall strategy is to try and stick close to him, because moving away will prompt him to do his breath attacks which are more annoying to dodge. Hitting him in the back can prompt him to loop the tail sweep attack over and over. Fire magic at Lv3 can decimate the boss, if you time it right and it hits more of his body parts, but not every character can get it. Stealth magic is cheesy because you're invincible from attacks for a decent while. If things get dicey, use healing magic to heal back, but Heal 3 consumes a ton of MP so be careful.
    Once you deplete his entire lifebar, you MUST finish him off with a powerful strike to the head: double jump R2 ground stomp, charged Square whirling attack and even the desperation move (Square + Cross) should do it, but be careful to hit the head and not his neck. If you take too long or fail to do so, he'll regenerate a portion of life back and you'll need to do it again.
    The final boss is the same for all routes. With Anita I decided to cheese it with Stealth magic. Just pop it in and let it rip. Easy peasy.
    Beating the game on all routes will change the ending message.
    Dragon Valor
    1999/2000, Now Production / Namco
    All rights reserved to their respective creators.

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