2024 SeaWorld Orlando Annual Pass Update

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @dandicristina1389
    @dandicristina1389 26 дней назад +1

    Platinum I am a preimer pass hold at universal

  • @dandicristina1389
    @dandicristina1389 25 дней назад

    So can you bring there people at once on the guest pass witht the platinum one??

  • @pauldavidson293
    @pauldavidson293 2 месяца назад

    If you purchase the Platinum Florida Resident, do you get the additional monthly benefits at the four parks or only at a specific park?

    • @AntontheMove
      @AntontheMove  2 месяца назад +1

      You get the benefits at all of the Florida Parks!

  • @duuckyxp84
    @duuckyxp84 Месяц назад

    Does the free single ride quick que for the platinum pass work only for one ride, or can it be used for all the rides?

    • @AntontheMove
      @AntontheMove  Месяц назад

      @@duuckyxp84 Single use for 1ride.

  • @Bobby05gameplay
    @Bobby05gameplay Месяц назад

    ive been hearing people say u get 3 tickets per month with annual but with premium do u get all 8 tickets right away or is it 3 per month?
    and i hope u reply to because im thinking to buy for my bday annd bringing my friends along to

    • @AntontheMove
      @AntontheMove  Месяц назад

      @Bobby05gameplay They tickets can only be used during specific times of year. According to the SeaWorld website 2 can be used between Jan and May 11th.
      2 more can be used between May 12 and September 26th, and 2 can be used between September 27th and the end of December.

    • @Bobby05gameplay
      @Bobby05gameplay Месяц назад

      @@AntontheMove so once u buy the tickets u get 2 free tickets

    • @AntontheMove
      @AntontheMove  Месяц назад

      @@Bobby05gameplay correct

    • @Bobby05gameplay
      @Bobby05gameplay Месяц назад

      @@AntontheMove alr thank u and also if u buy gold u get 1 free guest ticket soon as u buy it aswell or just just for premium and that is all thank u for helping me

    • @AntontheMove
      @AntontheMove  Месяц назад +1

      @@Bobby05gameplay With each of the passes, you get a minimum of 1 guest ticket that can be used. Now, I have heard some people say it can take a few days for the tickets to show up online, but you can go to the park and get the ticket there, either at a kiosk, or the pass holder can enter the park, go to guest services and have the ticket printed.
      Hope you enjoy SeaWorld!!