This piece makes me feel so many emotions. I am getting older. I am learning more. I am getting older. I am losing more. I am getting older and time doesn’t stop. Life is so beautiful and so heartbreaking. You cannot have one without the other. This piece encapsulates the “good” and “bad” of emotions.
The audience was definitely gifted to be there. I was one of the gifted ones. It all started by a last minute trip from london to vienna because I told my wife and daughter I wanted to watch that concert. And my God, that was an explosion of emotions that I never forget in my life.
It is the Summer Night Concert, in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, with the Vienna philharmonic, it is amazing, over 100.000 people there, such an amazing and unforgettable experience ❤.
Ich hatte eben die Version eines Laienorchesters gehört und da ist mir wieder einmal deutlich geworden, wie deutlich der Unterschied zu einem professionellen Orchester ist. Ganz egal wie gut diese jungen Musiker waren, es liegen Welten zwischen deren Leistung und dem hier dargebotenen Meisterwerk. Wir dürfen allen Menschen dankbar sein, die so viel Zeit und Liebe in die Perfektionierung dieser Kunst investiert haben, dass wir so etwas himmlisches erleben können.
It was a cold autumn day and I was sat by mother's bed holding her hand in her last moments on this earth when in the background this piece of music came on the radio, I was amazed to see the dark clouds through the window part, and rays of sunshine break through .that is the moment that my mother's soul left us and rose to heaven ❤. She was a true Christian I was not, I am now because I truly believe that this piece of music was heaven sent .we will be together soon mummy ♥
I cried , I miss my Mother to this day and as I heard this piece playing and I wrote this , tears are falling . Good - bye Mother , unto we meet again , your Son john .
The Holy spirit gave you a blessing. Obviously, you never forgot this memory. I think you should continue to go and share your story your story with others, and otherwise God Bless. Thank you for sharing!
No es la serenidad que transmite, ni la manera en que habita las partes más heridas del alma hasta sanarlas. Es la manera que tiene de llenar de contenido el silencio mas doloroso por la pérdida de un ser querido lo que hace que la substancia de que esta hecha esta música nos transforme por unos instantes en la propia música. Thank you Mr Barber. Thank you Mr Dudamel por este regalo.
The composer, Samuel Barber, once said that this piece was the soundtrack to a love afair. While I have loved and taught this piece for years, his description has never made sense to me. This seems a tone poem of loss and heartbreak and mourning.
All those thing you say; loss heartbreak and mourning can come from a love affair, if it turns out to be that way. After all, it can take you to the highest heights and the lowest of lows. Happily, not all love affairs do.
Increíble y bello adagio del compositor americano Samuel Barber , Expresa dolor , tristeza todo esto en un gran escenario en Viena y con la dirección a cargo de este gran director G Dudamel Que escenario tan bello y que multitud de gente reunida Que maravilla haberlo oido !
In rehearsal, from the 1st passage few of us can withhold our emotions and we shed tears. Then we remember we're supposed to be professionals and strive to perform with quiet dignity. Hard to to do. JMiller, former member, CSO.
Ive always thought of this piece as if the violins are telling a heart breaking tale of so many unheard voices through out history. Listen as the instruments interact,and you can hear their story.
Esta pieza hace que vuelva atrás en el tiempo,recorra toda mi vida,pasando de los peores a los mejores momentos que viví,sintiendo paz en la tristeza y en la alegría!
Ten utwór można zliczyć to tych które mają potencjał co do myśli o człowieku doskonałym zawsze zmotywuje w osobie do zmiany swojego życia w pewnym obszarze o ile ma taką siłę wewnętrzną. To jest perfekcjonizm autora który miał dar napisania utworu który ma moc w dzisiejszych czasach. 😊
I know nothing about Classical music. But this is the most beautiful interpretation i have ever heard! I don't know how to say it properly in english, but we can feel the emotion that the maestro tansfers to the musicians. I mean it's impossible for these musicians to not play with emotion when you look at a maestro who conduct the orchestra like that. He is so powerful. His emotion is contagious. We ear it and we feel it threw the musicians. Wow! Bravo!
The way Maestro Dudamel conducts this amazing piece of music by Samuel Barber is just one of those things that words can not capture what it does to my heart and mind. Maestro Dudamel will go down as one of the Legendary conductors when his time passes. Bernstein, Barenboim, Karajan, Stokowski, Levine... The list of those true masters is short, but one name will be added at some point: Dudamel.
pleurer, ce n'est pas forcément de tristesse ! me voici à celles qui coulent avec un trop plein de joie, d'éternité .... Merci à l'orchestre et à vous "mon" Maestro Gustavo
❤ Liebe Musikkollegen ❤ ich habe viele Jahre selbst Querflöte gespielt, natürlich nicht auf eurem Niveau 😅. Ich liebe euren einzigartigen Klang wirklich sehr ❤. Dieses Stück hat mich tief bewegt ❤ Herzlichen Dank 🙏. Ich schicke regelmäßig Musikempfehlungen nach Japan zu einem guten Freund der Musik ebensosehr liebt wie ich ❤. Er hat das große Erdbeben 2011 überlebt und diesen Song werde ich ihm am 11. März 2025 senden. Ich bin sicher es wird ihm helfen diesen Tag der Trauer zu ertragen 🙏❤️🙏
I thought about exactly the same thing as you. What it must be like to be stood there right in front of the orchestra and hearing and feeling everything . Every big thing, every little thing, every nuance. Standing there and having that sound wash over you and assault your senses, must be wonderful and addictive .
Hermosa Sinfonía Adagio for strings que gran acierto tuvo OLIVER STONE al incluirla en su obra Maestra PLATOON PELOTON en ESPAÑOL sobre la Guerra de Vietnam la descubrí en 1988 cuando por primera vez vi la película y desde entonces me tiene hechizado hinoptizado conmocionado no puedo siempre que tengo ocasión dejar de escucharla me tiene embelesado GRACIAS ADAGIO
Musica... La Musa infinita dell'arte più bella, nessuna da le emozioni che può donare la musica... Per chi la ascolta e anche per chi la conosce nelle sue note le emozioni sono incredibili... W la musa Euterpe che da le emozioni che nessuno sa dare. Music ... The infinite Muse of the most beautiful art, none of the emotions that music can give ... For those who listen to it and also for those who know it in its notes, the emotions are incredible ... W the Euterpe muse who from the emotions that no one can give.
Cuando estoy harta de la fealdad humana y escucho cosas como ésta, me reconcilio con la idea de que el hombre es capaz de lo.peor, pero también de componer y ejecutar esta belleza, entre muchas otras cosas, claro está. Cómo me emociona escuchar...
This music reminds me when Willem Dafoe is running in the jungle, really hurt and trying to scape from Vietnam soldiers, and at the end, raising her hands and looking the sky, and giving her last breath. It's so touching this scene even more with this music😢
I agree but if you want a more touching scene that will break your heart where this piece was first heard on film may I suggest the saddest true film of the 80s ,The Elephant Man.starring john hurt as the Elephant Man and Anthony Hopkins as the doctor who tried to help him.
L'aspetto melodico pastorale della sua direzione insieme all'aspetto eroico tutto questo è concentrato nell'essere umano e la grande sentita direzione di Gustavo Dudamel ne è intrisa...
This is my first time hearing this piece (at least consciously). Thank you all for sharing your wealth of experiences with it. I have much to look forward to. 🎉
The Lord blessed Barber with the music that transcends time and place! The music raises the spirt and instills hope for the future! May God bless America!
This is deeply dramatic and's even painful... It seems the musical background of a dantesque scene in which the unleashed human baseness vilely violate the dignity of the innocent... Or the painful procession of a hero who has decided to immolate himself for a noble ideal...Touching interpretation...Thank you Barber, Dudamel and Wiener Philharmoniker... Bravi!!!
Entre sombras y valles me encontraba caminando; en zonas donde los errores eran recordados. Caminaba sin rumbo perdido entre las sombras; sin saber que sería de mi a esas horas; horas oscuras sin luz aparente ni una mota de ella podía ser evidente. Mi alma suplicaba desde el fondo de mi corazón por salir de ese mundo en donde me encontraba yo, hasta que de pronto me di cuenta en el presente que el mundo en el que estaba solo estaba en mi mente. Yadiel Fernández
This piece makes me feel so many emotions. I am getting older. I am learning more. I am getting older. I am losing more. I am getting older and time doesn’t stop. Life is so beautiful and so heartbreaking. You cannot have one without the other. This piece encapsulates the “good” and “bad” of emotions.
You are very wise and near the truth. JJC
wow Lilly, thanks for sharing 💓
Beautifully said ❤️
Very Profound.....My Sentiments As Well ....Something You Can Only Know After Living Years Of All That Life Is
Memories to my father, when we were together and i so much love to listen classic tracks with him. I love you daddy, i miss you every single day...
This music brings tears to your eyes.😢
This is the most beautiful song ever created of all time. How lucky we are to be able to listen to it whenever we want
This piece feels like journeying through a drama full of pain and suffering
بحث عن هذه الموسيقى سنين عديدة انا فرح جدا لانني وجدتها.
مقلدين موسيقى مسلسل نبي يوسف ع
Amazing. The audience was gifted to be there.
The audience was definitely gifted to be there. I was one of the gifted ones. It all started by a last minute trip from london to vienna because I told my wife and daughter I wanted to watch that concert. And my God, that was an explosion of emotions that I never forget in my life.
It is the Summer Night Concert, in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, with the Vienna philharmonic, it is amazing, over 100.000 people there, such an amazing and unforgettable experience ❤.
Ich hatte eben die Version eines Laienorchesters gehört und da ist mir wieder einmal deutlich geworden, wie deutlich der Unterschied zu einem professionellen Orchester ist. Ganz egal wie gut diese jungen Musiker waren, es liegen Welten zwischen deren Leistung und dem hier dargebotenen Meisterwerk. Wir dürfen allen Menschen dankbar sein, die so viel Zeit und Liebe in die Perfektionierung dieser Kunst investiert haben, dass wir so etwas himmlisches erleben können.
It was a cold autumn day and I was sat by mother's bed holding her hand in her last moments on this earth when in the background this piece of music came on the radio, I was amazed to see the dark clouds through the window part, and rays of sunshine break through .that is the moment that my mother's soul left us and rose to heaven ❤. She was a true Christian I was not, I am now because I truly believe that this piece of music was heaven sent .we will be together soon mummy ♥
Thanks for sharing your story. Bless you and your mothers heart and soul
@@enriquecrespo2650thank you so much
I cried , I miss my Mother to this day and as I heard this piece playing and I wrote this , tears are falling . Good - bye Mother , unto we meet again , your Son john .
The Holy spirit gave you a blessing. Obviously, you never forgot this memory. I think you should continue to go and share your story your story with others, and otherwise God Bless. Thank you for sharing!
Прекрасная музыка, в ней есть всё, боль и радость, гнев и любовь, падение и подъём
That pause at 06:21 is like you cannot bear the pain anymore, and then you realize you can, and you must go on.
No es la serenidad que transmite, ni la manera en que habita las partes más heridas del alma hasta sanarlas. Es la manera que tiene de llenar de contenido el silencio mas doloroso por la pérdida de un ser querido lo que hace que la substancia de que esta hecha esta música nos transforme por unos instantes en la propia música.
Thank you Mr Barber. Thank you Mr Dudamel por este regalo.
Quite poetic
The composer, Samuel Barber, once said that this piece was the soundtrack to a love afair. While I have loved and taught this piece for years, his description has never made sense to me. This seems a tone poem of loss and heartbreak and mourning.
Para mim faz sentido... O amor, o envolvimento, o ápice da paixão e a perda seguida de uma dor imensurável.
@@katiacristina4025 too much pain.
All those thing you say; loss heartbreak and mourning can come from a love affair, if it turns out to be that way.
After all, it can take you to the highest heights and the lowest of lows.
Happily, not all love affairs do.
Samuel Barber, once said that this piece was the soundtrack to a love afair, unrequited. Therein the hope and sorrow.
It is the depths of despair
Sadness, melancholy and heartbreak put to music.
Increíble y bello adagio del compositor americano Samuel Barber , Expresa dolor , tristeza todo esto en un gran escenario en Viena y con la dirección a cargo de este gran director G Dudamel
Que escenario tan bello y que multitud de gente reunida
Que maravilla haberlo oido !
All the heavens above and God stopped and listened to this with us...
In rehearsal, from the 1st passage few of us can withhold our emotions and we shed tears. Then we remember we're supposed to be professionals and strive to perform with quiet dignity. Hard to to do. JMiller, former member, CSO.
Could not imagine the emotions. It's the most beautiful music I've ever heard.
Ive always thought of this piece as if the violins are telling a heart breaking tale of so many unheard voices through out history. Listen as the instruments interact,and you can hear their story.
Man the beginning when the basses come in 😍 I don’t know what I would do without music
Gift of music itself. Instruments in touch always please don't ever forget this sounding
I truly believe that there are people out there that are just helpless. How can anyone give this gift a thumbs down is beyond me.
Such a person may be the type who thinks that rap is good music.🤢
Esta pieza hace que vuelva atrás en el tiempo,recorra toda mi vida,pasando de los peores a los mejores momentos que viví,sintiendo paz en la tristeza y en la alegría!
Ten utwór można zliczyć to tych które mają potencjał co do myśli o człowieku doskonałym zawsze zmotywuje w osobie do zmiany swojego życia w pewnym obszarze o ile ma taką siłę wewnętrzną. To jest perfekcjonizm autora który miał dar napisania utworu który ma moc w dzisiejszych czasach. 😊
That pause at 6:30 is full of music. How can silence be so touching?
There is where Tiesto starts
Porque o silêncio também é uma resposta. E na maioria das vezes é uma mentira. Aprendi com meu filho.
Silence often speaks more than words.
So beautiful and touching music. Thank you Samuel Barber. Thank you Maestro Dudamel and the Viena Philharmonic Orchestra.
Adagio for strings is beautiful and so is his violín concierto.Thank you Samuel Barber.
Nicely put. I echo your sentiments.
Can’t believe no one in the comments knows who Dudamel is! He’s a Venezuelan National Treasure ❤️🇻🇪💙
Well, in Los Angeles, New York and Vienna they know who he is!!!!
Anche in Italia!!! @@SouloftheTroll
When I go out this is the music I’d like to be listening too. Blissfully peaceful...
This musical piece tears me apart inch by inch...
And it also fills me in with so much joy...
I know nothing about Classical music. But this is the most beautiful interpretation i have ever heard! I don't know how to say it properly in english, but we can feel the emotion that the maestro tansfers to the musicians. I mean it's impossible for these musicians to not play with emotion when you look at a maestro who conduct the orchestra like that. He is so powerful. His emotion is contagious. We ear it and we feel it threw the musicians. Wow! Bravo!
Долго искал этот эпизод концерта, спасибо большое !
The way Maestro Dudamel conducts this amazing piece of music by Samuel Barber is just one of those things that words can not capture what it does to my heart and mind. Maestro Dudamel will go down as one of the Legendary conductors when his time passes. Bernstein, Barenboim, Karajan, Stokowski, Levine... The list of those true masters is short, but one name will be added at some point: Dudamel.
É para ouvir e imaginar-se dentro dos sentimentos do compositor e do regente! Magnífico!!!!!
Mágico... magnífico y grande maestro Dudamel...y ese escenario.... Woow
pleurer, ce n'est pas forcément de tristesse ! me voici à celles qui coulent avec un trop plein de joie, d'éternité .... Merci à l'orchestre et à vous "mon" Maestro Gustavo
У меня слёзы и ком в горле. Такие смешанные чувства…
Eu fico toda arrepiada!!!!!! É esplêndido!!!!!
amazing-- and the intensity of the music and his conducting--absolutely the best.
❤ Liebe Musikkollegen ❤ ich habe viele Jahre selbst Querflöte gespielt, natürlich nicht auf eurem Niveau 😅.
Ich liebe euren einzigartigen Klang wirklich sehr ❤.
Dieses Stück hat mich tief bewegt ❤ Herzlichen Dank 🙏.
Ich schicke regelmäßig Musikempfehlungen nach Japan zu einem guten Freund der Musik ebensosehr liebt wie ich ❤.
Er hat das große Erdbeben 2011 überlebt und diesen Song werde ich ihm am 11. März 2025 senden. Ich bin sicher es wird ihm helfen diesen Tag der Trauer zu ertragen 🙏❤️🙏
The best performance by far that I’ve ever heard of this piece ❤
i fully agree
An immortal piece, which is rare.
Me arrebata por inteira, o céu está na terra neste momento, incrível Gustavo Dudamel, sou fã!
İnsan dinledikçe huzur buluyor. Gözlerini kapatıp bir dağın zirvesinden gün doğumunu izliyorsunuz gibi ❤
I want a recording in surround sound from the Conductor’s podium. It must sound so intense and emotional
I thought about exactly the same thing as you.
What it must be like to be stood there right in front of the orchestra and hearing and feeling everything . Every big thing, every little thing, every nuance.
Standing there and having that sound wash over you and assault your senses, must be wonderful and addictive .
@@Rasscasse Watching G D's expressions says it all!
Hermosa Sinfonía Adagio for strings que gran acierto tuvo OLIVER STONE al incluirla en su obra Maestra PLATOON PELOTON en ESPAÑOL sobre la Guerra de Vietnam la descubrí en 1988 cuando por primera vez vi la película y desde entonces me tiene hechizado hinoptizado conmocionado no puedo siempre que tengo ocasión dejar de escucharla me tiene embelesado GRACIAS ADAGIO
Musica... La Musa infinita dell'arte più bella, nessuna da le emozioni che può donare la musica... Per chi la ascolta e anche per chi la conosce nelle sue note le emozioni sono incredibili... W la musa Euterpe che da le emozioni che nessuno sa dare.
Music ... The infinite Muse of the most beautiful art, none of the emotions that music can give ... For those who listen to it and also for those who know it in its notes, the emotions are incredible ... W the Euterpe muse who from the emotions that no one can give.
Absolutely sublime...
The composer is Samuel Barber. The conductor is Gustavo Dudamel. One wonders why ViennaPhilVEVO doesn't credit the composer...
Because he is so well known throughout the world. He is the DUDE!
Cuando estoy harta de la fealdad humana y escucho cosas como ésta, me reconcilio con la idea de que el hombre es capaz de lo.peor, pero también de componer y ejecutar esta belleza, entre muchas otras cosas, claro está. Cómo me emociona escuchar...
The most sublime piece of classical music, played and conducted wonderfully!
Touched my soul
Amazing performance ,stunning climax! love Dudamel!
Gustavo Dudamel é o melhor regente de todos os tempos!❤
Al cerrar los ojos y escuchar esta música es estar en el cielo. Gracias.
Belíssima canção ♥️
The Most Beautiful, The Most Complex, The Most Expressive & Painful Piece Ever Composed! It Speaks To The Deepest Experience Of Being Human...
So well said!
Magnifique prestation dans un endroit aussi sublime merci
This music reminds me when Willem Dafoe is running in the jungle, really hurt and trying to scape from Vietnam soldiers, and at the end, raising her hands and looking the sky, and giving her last breath. It's so touching this scene even more with this music😢
I agree but if you want a more touching scene that will break your heart where this piece was first heard on film may I suggest the saddest true film of the 80s ,The Elephant Man.starring john hurt as the Elephant Man and Anthony Hopkins as the doctor who tried to help him.
The destruction of Hiigara
Você falou e a cena veio na minha cabeça!!!😢
Very true... In Oliver Stone's PLATOON
Adoraria ir em um concerto! É meu sonho.
Это невыразимо прекрасно!
Oxxyенно..... Потрясающе... Нет нормальных слов.....чтоб выразить
Merci beaucoup de nous faire partager une telle beauté.
Belíssimo concerto!!!
Gostaria de estar lá.
Just amazing,music included so many emotions
Maravillosa y emocionante pieza para el alma. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
perfecto!!! bellisima interpretacion maestro Gustavo Dudamel
L'aspetto melodico pastorale della sua direzione insieme all'aspetto eroico tutto questo è concentrato nell'essere umano e la grande sentita direzione di Gustavo Dudamel ne è intrisa...
Dudamel .. maestro de maestros .. y Barbel que decir .. ❤
Wonderful music! Gustavo Maistro is fantastic!
Oh my god can you feel the love and pain in these sounds too
? In moments, the conductor's heart is about to be ripped out.
Excelente interpretación 🎉🎉🎉
Maravilloso Dudamel., para mi la mejor interpretacion
It's like a cry against the world in 4:49 😢
É mesmo de arrepiar ❤😍
Sou fã incondicional!!!! ❤❤❤
Because your musical hand helps worldwide.
For my brother, the times of sorrow and grieving affected me and the times together are always remembered.
This is my first time hearing this piece (at least consciously). Thank you all for sharing your wealth of experiences with it. I have much to look forward to. 🎉
ah, me hace llorar de lo hermoso que es
Wonderful,Maravilloso. Gracias.
The Lord blessed Barber with the music that transcends time and place! The music raises the spirt and instills hope for the future!
May God bless America!
I feel the same - thanks for walking a similar path
7:25 hermosa toma de la pareja emocionada escuchando esta maravilla de obra.
This is just beautiful 🙏🎻❤️
This is deeply dramatic and's even painful... It seems the musical background of a dantesque scene in which the unleashed human baseness vilely violate the dignity of the innocent... Or the painful procession of a hero who has decided to immolate himself for a noble ideal...Touching interpretation...Thank you Barber, Dudamel and Wiener Philharmoniker... Bravi!!!
Obra comovente so Deus para explicar grande se ntimentos em nossos coracoes SENTIMENTOS EN NOSSOS CORACOES AMEM ISIS RIO DEJANEIRO BRASIL
Bravo ragazzo! Molte grazie Maestro Dudamel, è squisito
It's achingly beautiful.
Uma das músicas mais lindas da história humana... Arrepia a alma...
Intoxicating bass line. Beautiful ❤
This familiar masterpiece is comfortable to the ears and the mind
My worries will fade away
Tokyo of the Land of the Rising Sun 🇯🇵
😍 conmovida con este poema
Beautiful absolutely beautiful!!!
Listening to this,I knew I had heard it before.It was used in the 1986 film Platoon.
Music that speaks to the soul
So wonderful music! Thank you to share with us!😘
Thank you for this beautiful music.❤
What a beautiful piece!!
Just beautiful
Entre sombras y valles me encontraba caminando; en zonas donde los errores eran recordados.
Caminaba sin rumbo perdido entre las sombras; sin saber que sería de mi a esas horas; horas oscuras sin luz aparente ni una mota de ella podía ser evidente.
Mi alma suplicaba desde el fondo de mi corazón por salir de ese mundo en donde me encontraba yo, hasta que de pronto me di cuenta en el presente que el mundo en el que estaba solo estaba en mi mente.
Yadiel Fernández
I think Gustavo Dudamel's conduction is very popular.