Mission: Impossible (1996) - Close Call Scene (5/9) | Movieclips

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 981

  • @shlokgaur4030
    @shlokgaur4030 3 года назад +672

    Can't believe Tom Cruise started MI at age 34 and still there are 7 MI movies and he is still doing it at almost 60..

    • @TheArcher101
      @TheArcher101 3 года назад +54

      While breaking ankles to get the perfect shot 😅

    • @Teacher-Thayse
      @Teacher-Thayse Год назад +21

      Thank God he is still around making incredible action movie scenes.

    • @blue1133
      @blue1133 Год назад +7

      The Scientology church taught him the secret of eternal youth

    • @Tgogators
      @Tgogators Год назад +1

      Nah, aging is 60 percent your genetics.

    • @wokchefjosh2
      @wokchefjosh2 12 дней назад


    @PAGO4EVER 10 лет назад +2072

    I love there's no music in this scene, because it might of dull the moment, just only hearing the minor things.

    • @TechnologicallyTechnical
      @TechnologicallyTechnical 8 лет назад +21

      might HAVE*

    • @Irshu
      @Irshu 8 лет назад +27

      This and the water turbine scene in the latest M:I were the best in the series.

    • @Pheonix8877
      @Pheonix8877 6 лет назад +15

      Exactly. This was the way great film was done back in the day. Just pure silence to let the scene speak for itself.

    • @leonardobraynen1524
      @leonardobraynen1524 6 лет назад +3

      hot damn man. that rat almost blew the mission tho.

  • @PuppetierMaster
    @PuppetierMaster 7 лет назад +5506

    the most realistic reenactment of the floor is lava

  • @tylernolan5188
    @tylernolan5188 7 лет назад +6634

    When it's in the middle of the night and you want to quietly get a piece of cake but it's in a plastic container.

    • @barrywheels4329
      @barrywheels4329 6 лет назад +28

      Gay comment

    • @indydd
      @indydd 6 лет назад +54

      sht up

    • @RickyRegal.
      @RickyRegal. 6 лет назад +66

      And its like those lock and lock containers

    • @Agent1W
      @Agent1W 5 лет назад +28

      Tyler Nolan But your dad has to come into the kitchen first to get what he wants before you can move in.

    • @bartosh2865
      @bartosh2865 4 года назад +5


  • @delegendy1627
    @delegendy1627 3 года назад +600

    The part of the movie where no one dares to move and eat their popcorn.

    • @observantmagic4156
      @observantmagic4156 3 года назад +27

      There’s always that one kid who starts crying, and then the parents start leaving and block the view.

    • @PokemonBoy-de4jd
      @PokemonBoy-de4jd 3 года назад +3

      @@observantmagic4156 they would be more lucky with kid me who saw a PG-13 movie in theaters as a kid and was dead silent and not terrified of any extreme moments like a scene were a guy got his skin blow off by a explosion and his charred skeleton was all that remains on screen.

    • @universalrandomizer405
      @universalrandomizer405 3 года назад +1

      I wish that were the case

  • @EGRJ
    @EGRJ 11 лет назад +4581

    According to IMDB, Cruise's head kept hitting the floor, until he had the idea to put coins in his shoes for balance.

  • @rashta5817
    @rashta5817 4 года назад +795

    It was such a close call that the glasses start sweating

    • @rcb3921
      @rcb3921 3 года назад +39

      Glasses are always sweating tho. They have such focus.

    • @topwargear
      @topwargear 3 года назад +4


    • @magentapurpleyap5566
      @magentapurpleyap5566 2 года назад +2

      No, it was thirsty and drank water. Its very hot you know!

    • @barnacleboi2595
      @barnacleboi2595 2 года назад

      I mean in that situation, it wouldnt be that hard to imagine he would be so nervous that he would be drenched in sweat.

  • @Wglass90
    @Wglass90 8 лет назад +4633

    Words can't describe how difficult this was in the video game.

    • @JonKelley802
      @JonKelley802 7 лет назад +128

      Wglass90 fuckkkk i remember the game on Playstation.

    • @Bruna65091
      @Bruna65091 7 лет назад +308

      the game was an impossible mission.

    • @latifalatrach537
      @latifalatrach537 7 лет назад +6

      +Tiffiany Harris ن

    • @DoctorVirtualMedia
      @DoctorVirtualMedia 6 лет назад +31

      I thinked i singed my hair

    • @pa-ikollo1851
      @pa-ikollo1851 5 лет назад +38

      It was a nightmare, worst controls ever.

  • @HouseOfJamo
    @HouseOfJamo 2 года назад +177

    This scene could have been its own standalone short film with no context and still been amazing

  • @reichspropagandaministerfu8476
    @reichspropagandaministerfu8476 10 лет назад +4504

    This is exactly how careful I am before I text a girl I like.

    • @darthglobe4285
      @darthglobe4285 7 лет назад +20


    • @alexaguilar8546
      @alexaguilar8546 6 лет назад +24

      Reichspropagandaminister Führer Guzman pretty much the same feeling bro 😂

    • @anushkasenclub3784
      @anushkasenclub3784 6 лет назад +5


    • @llaverick7739
      @llaverick7739 6 лет назад +57

      Stalking a crush on Instagram but trying not to like an old picture.

    • @hammerbro1947
      @hammerbro1947 5 лет назад +6

      Hehe. I can relate. Stop, think before you click 👆

  • @danielquiroz718
    @danielquiroz718 6 лет назад +258

    One of the most tense scenes in film history. Leave it to Cruise.

    • @mikewonnacott1546
      @mikewonnacott1546 2 года назад +11

      Really has to do more with DePalma's direction than cruise's acting....

    • @Mike-h8m
      @Mike-h8m 7 месяцев назад

      Tom Cruise is the GOAT

  • @ZachValkyrie
    @ZachValkyrie 11 лет назад +899

    Remember when that computer was state of the art?

    • @gianlozano102
      @gianlozano102 5 лет назад +27

      ZachValkyrie go back in time and see if it runs Cyberpunk 2077 😂😂😂

    • @diezeeshoodie
      @diezeeshoodie 4 года назад +10

      @@gianlozano102 It could run the cyberpunk 2077 until Keanu shows up!

    • @astrotrain21
      @astrotrain21 4 года назад +5

      What are you on? What was on the screen was not sophisticated by '96 standards. It just looked like a fairly basic GUI.

    • @richardwicks4190
      @richardwicks4190 3 года назад +1

      There was never a high security computer that ever existed without a screen saver with a password lock ever created.

    • @topwargear
      @topwargear 3 года назад

      @@gianlozano102 lololol

  • @Downsmooth
    @Downsmooth 11 лет назад +3251

    Way back in '96, I remember the theater was dead silent in this scene. Until I realized I was holding my breathe and started giggling uncontrollably. Lol! Yeah, that was me that you heard.

    • @ch1dori
      @ch1dori 5 лет назад +39


    • @manio_e
      @manio_e 4 года назад +18

      Kookie Monster Liar.

    • @NormalGuy-r3o
      @NormalGuy-r3o 4 года назад +48

      Dont remember a single person who asked tho

    • @takeru51
      @takeru51 4 года назад +9

      Pants on fire 🔥

    • @gullucan6374
      @gullucan6374 4 года назад +3


  • @MeneTekelUpharsin
    @MeneTekelUpharsin 10 лет назад +1814

    Was the rat part of the security system?

    • @rolsonDotcom
      @rolsonDotcom 9 лет назад +174

      Mene Tekel That's a very good point. They go through all the trouble of sneaking in there and then a rat waltzes in there like it owns the place. Gaping hole in the plot

    • @akab211
      @akab211 9 лет назад +15

      Randy Olson The rat is small?

    • @WorldNo1398
      @WorldNo1398 7 лет назад +2

      Mene Tekel

    • @snoopymochi562
      @snoopymochi562 5 лет назад +46

      The rat is FBI.

    • @iknowyoubetter2028
      @iknowyoubetter2028 4 года назад +6

      🐁 no just hungry

  • @eddiejones9991
    @eddiejones9991 Год назад +39

    First mission impossible is my favorite. I'd put it up there as one of the best spy movies I've seen. Love the tone and espionage vibe. The tension here in this scene is unreal.

  • @ForJustice-bl6rs
    @ForJustice-bl6rs 7 лет назад +355

    Tom Cruise must've had fun working on this scene.

    • @shadowling77777
      @shadowling77777 3 года назад +21

      He kept hitting his head so he had to put coins in his shoes to balance it
      Big brain

  • @rocketlabcosplayprops
    @rocketlabcosplayprops 4 года назад +643

    As iconic as this scene is, just never understood why a place that could afford the most state of the art security couldn't at least have the most basic motion sensor inside that would have just prevented this whole thing lol.

    • @criztu
      @criztu 3 года назад +134

      it didn't occur to them that Tom Cruise would raid their mainframe

    • @Tigerman1138
      @Tigerman1138 2 года назад +24

      Didn’t need them…not with everything else they had. ;

    • @caiholroyd178
      @caiholroyd178 2 года назад +50

      Or like... a camera

    • @laisensei6984
      @laisensei6984 2 года назад +107

      I mean everything in that room is literally the top secret of top secret, and its content can only be known by a handful of people. Having a camera to record stuff in there would mean that there's a video recording somewhere that can be stolen for people to know what information is available in that room and what kind of requirements are there to access information in that room. The camera would simply astronomically increase the chance of success in break-ins.
      As for motion sensors, there's a laser grid at the top of the room. They probably anticipate anyone to break through that part alone. Plus having temperature sensor, voice sensor, and weight sensor all there in the same room seems more than enough to serve as a valid replacement of motion sensor. I mean how can you make a move without making a sound or an increase in temperature?
      To sum it up, this room alone is already wrapped inside layers and layers of security, and to pass them is already a task that's near-impossible to be done. And stealing information from that room is even more impossible. This is practically no different from shooting torpedoes into that two-meter radius thermal exhaust port on the Death Star where, unless you have some unkown magical force to aid you, it is impossible to be done.

    • @MythicFox
      @MythicFox 2 года назад +26

      What gets me is that you could make a case for an amount of overconfidence such that adding even a cheap motion sensor to the security system would feel like overkill, sure. But you know what always drove me nuts is that you'd think it would be possible to have the system set off an alarm if someone, I dunno, *actually uses the computer while there isn't an authorized technician in the room.*

  • @CedricYarishVideo
    @CedricYarishVideo 11 лет назад +891

    Tom Cruise kind of looks like steve jobs here

    • @ameliawhiteman259
      @ameliawhiteman259 6 лет назад +2

      Cedric Yarish -h

    • @missbirdie05
      @missbirdie05 6 лет назад +10

      Yeah, seriously, he looks like a nerd

    • @rekisrax7344
      @rekisrax7344 6 лет назад +2

      Cedric Yarish m

    • @orkutfinance
      @orkutfinance 6 лет назад +7

      Probably a good reenactment how he stole everything for apple

    • @tan_tama1354
      @tan_tama1354 5 лет назад +4

      He looks nerd here, but I like his glasses. Where can I get that now?

  • @supermarioworldE
    @supermarioworldE 13 лет назад +156

    My heart stops everytime I watch this scene and see Hunt drop to the floor. Brian De Palma is such an amazing director.

  • @Irshu
    @Irshu 9 лет назад +1304

    there is no way to catch that sweat drop

    • @akaMouse
      @akaMouse 9 лет назад +294

      +Irshu LX There is no way a professional would freak out and starting panicking and gagging because a little rat walked by. That would be right upfront in the questionaire - Do you have any insane phobias that could possibly come up and compromise the mission endangering everyone?

    • @rfrakctured
      @rfrakctured 9 лет назад +93

      +A Mouse The rat could have made him sneeze, or fallen into the room and tripped the alarm, It had to go.

    • @keyvenxp
      @keyvenxp 9 лет назад +74

      +Irshu LX agree with this - the level he was off the ground completely does not correspond with the angle of his hand. He was too close to the ground to have that amount of flexibility, even if he was a Russian gymnast.

    • @TechnologicallyTechnical
      @TechnologicallyTechnical 8 лет назад +86

      Well, he is part of the Impossible Mission Force...

    • @ajaypal5986
      @ajaypal5986 7 лет назад +2

      +Matt Ward gg

  • @MIkeDaBBoy
    @MIkeDaBBoy 3 года назад +56

    This scene is truly iconic.

  • @GreatGrandmasterWang
    @GreatGrandmasterWang 3 года назад +42

    This iconic scene has been parodied like a million times.

  • @firehawk7934
    @firehawk7934 5 лет назад +86

    0:50 how many times did he fall on his face while filming this 😂

    • @Snowballthefox
      @Snowballthefox 4 года назад +35

      A lot of times, apparently they put coins in his shoes to balance himself better

    • @Dd-bd5zs
      @Dd-bd5zs 3 года назад +2

      That a** on him though

  • @bannanahead27
    @bannanahead27 6 лет назад +215

    The most tense filling scene in action movie history

  • @LuckyRabbit234
    @LuckyRabbit234 10 месяцев назад +5

    0:17 “I’m just a rat, just a rattin’ around.” Dunno why, but the little guy just hobbling in always puts a smile on my face. Such a cutie~

  • @palmerlp
    @palmerlp Год назад +9

    The fact that Jean Reno was in this and Ronin playing the same basic role, and DeNiro was in Ronin and Heat also playing the same role, always made it feel like a shared universe to me.

  • @aisaisbaby4733
    @aisaisbaby4733 9 лет назад +502

    it would hav been mission impposible for me, i hav a big tummy

    • @uneazypolarb7691
      @uneazypolarb7691 6 лет назад +8

      aisais baby lol

    • @SharatS
      @SharatS 4 года назад +9

      Not to mention the core strength required lol

    • @ОрландоМосковиш
      @ОрландоМосковиш 3 года назад

      для нас всегда все поссибл, токо для тебя импоссибл, рукожоп и нуб.

  • @UBRambo56
    @UBRambo56 6 лет назад +29

    I know this is supposed to be intense but I always laugh at when Ethan is waving his arms around trying to avoid the floor

    • @astrotrain21
      @astrotrain21 4 года назад

      I know. It didn't look like he was balancing, just looked forced.

  • @ded3624
    @ded3624 6 лет назад +84

    When its 3AM and ur trying to sneak a midnight snack

  • @barryallen7283
    @barryallen7283 6 лет назад +35

    I'm using this scene in a project on how music can change the emotion of a scene, and how different types (or lack thereof) of music in a movie can completely alter what the audience feels. Thanks!

    @MrBLUMSON 2 года назад +29

    For the love of god. Give this man an Oscar for something..

  • @thecrowrains
    @thecrowrains 12 лет назад +51

    ....I still am perplexed that Brian De Palma NEVER directed the subsequent Mission Impossible sequels.

    • @randomguy6679
      @randomguy6679 6 лет назад +5

      thecrowrains he really didn't get along with the producers apparently

    • @streettacohunter3706
      @streettacohunter3706 4 года назад +6

      @@randomguy6679 also, IIRC, Cruise wanted other Directors/producers to take other subsequent films, and give their interpretation of the MI series. Hence why each film is different, MI:2 with John Woo, JJ Abrams, Brad Bird. The exception were the last two, with Chris McQuarrie. Pretty good idea, me thinks...

    • @geometrydashiuppiter6910
      @geometrydashiuppiter6910 3 года назад +2

      @@streettacohunter3706 Yeah, McQuarrie really knows how to direct action and give us an exciting story. Rogue Nation and Fallout are my favorite along with the original. Ghost Protocol was also lots of fun but maybe a little too silly for my taste.

  • @king_has_no_clothskul8635
    @king_has_no_clothskul8635 3 года назад +11

    still one of the best movie stunt scenes ever!

  • @neeltjeschmidt
    @neeltjeschmidt 5 лет назад +23

    Do you have any idea how STRONG you have to be to hold yourself like that? That is insane!

  • @jordanhendrix8921
    @jordanhendrix8921 4 года назад +15

    This is exactly how me and my brother were when we tried to sneak back upstairs after grabbing a snack at 4am

  • @KingKsEDC
    @KingKsEDC 2 года назад +1

    I love the sound the gloves make.

  • @puterboy2
    @puterboy2 8 лет назад +269

    I understand this is being adapted into Lego Dimensions.

    • @theQuestion626
      @theQuestion626 6 лет назад +1

      I also believe the actor Henry czerny who plays kittridge also makes an appearance

    • @amnafarrukh4326
      @amnafarrukh4326 6 лет назад

      Jake Rutigliano anGan

    • @mcdude9578
      @mcdude9578 4 года назад +3

      we need a lego mission impossible game.

  • @Amanda-1985
    @Amanda-1985 11 лет назад +91

    Keep your upper arm where it is, bend your lower arm, twist your hand...Catch the sweat. There was room for his hand by the looks of it lol

    • @Amanda-1985
      @Amanda-1985 9 лет назад +2

      .....Or he should of done a Rambo and put cloth over his head. :D

    • @ch1dori
      @ch1dori 5 лет назад

      @@Amanda-1985 Hi.

    • @Amanda-1985
      @Amanda-1985 5 лет назад

      @@ch1dori *hides cookies* ........hi.

    • @ch1dori
      @ch1dori 5 лет назад +2

      @@Amanda-1985 I want my kookiessss!!!!!! 🍘 I am surprised that u responded tho. 5 years ago u commented.

  • @itsali64xx16
    @itsali64xx16 6 лет назад +43

    That's intense as hell

  • @7-baustinanthonydsouza143
    @7-baustinanthonydsouza143 3 года назад +9

    Fun fact : Tom cruise put coins in his shoes to balance him self and not touch the floor

  • @assholus228
    @assholus228 10 лет назад +49

    "Copying Progress Window".. legit

  • @Agent1W
    @Agent1W 5 лет назад +12

    0:28 That rat is awfully brave to tread close to a human being, especially a professional killer.

    • @Lusiorange
      @Lusiorange Год назад

      Or maybe the rat doesn’t know what’s going on?

  • @kingocookies
    @kingocookies 3 года назад +4

    Me and the bois playing the floor is lava

  • @lunacyseven8863
    @lunacyseven8863 Месяц назад +1

    We all comeback here for one reason

  • @religood
    @religood Год назад +7

    Just watched Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning, MI series has come so far and was able keep surprising all audiences. No movie series can top MI series. The whole crew itself is writing the Impossible Script

  • @Gkm-
    @Gkm- 28 дней назад

    Top-notch entry of the Mission Impossible series filled with thrills , twists , turns and lots of action

  • @pizzatc0165
    @pizzatc0165 3 года назад +7

    Writes: So how much anxiety should we put
    Director: Yes

  • @jessemorrisseau8019
    @jessemorrisseau8019 4 года назад +2

    Ethan’s biceps 💪🏽 were absolutely PUMPED throughout this entire HEIST. Ethan PUMPED!

  • @santiagofranco91952
    @santiagofranco91952 6 лет назад +5

    0:00 The school test starts
    0:39 You answer the easy questions
    0:51 The question you didn't study for
    1:10 You don't know what to answer
    1:26 The professor is watching you
    1:58 You got only 5 minutes
    2:04 You think about an answer
    2:09 You write the answer and the ring bells

  • @jbmaillet
    @jbmaillet 11 месяцев назад +1

    I work in cybersecurity. This is what my family and friends think I'm doing. Then, at 5 p.m., I take the bus and go home.

  • @Publiclighthouse
    @Publiclighthouse 6 лет назад +13

    Kids who are now teenagers are probably asking what that square thing Tom Cruise is putting in the computer.

    • @eddie3492
      @eddie3492 5 лет назад

      L.Pasteur people who talk like “back in my day” probably use stereotypes to describe kids.

    • @Assimandeli
      @Assimandeli 4 года назад +2

      It was an illegal copy of Doom he wanted to secretly install on his dad's computer because his dad doesn't want him playing violent video games.

    • @astrotrain21
      @astrotrain21 4 года назад

      @@Assimandeli 😂😂🤣

  • @hey_ayrton
    @hey_ayrton Год назад +1

    i love his glasses

  • @eshelmen
    @eshelmen 3 года назад +7

    Always wondered how he had enough room to maneuver to catch that drop. It would have put him off balance with how he was holding on.

  • @haloklawsedwin934
    @haloklawsedwin934 3 года назад +1

    every body gansta until the rat steps in

  • @nathanchong7731
    @nathanchong7731 4 года назад +3

    Best movie scene of all time....

  • @rshajahan72
    @rshajahan72 3 года назад +1

    Perfect making with perfect Hero.

  • @kenesesue4638
    @kenesesue4638 6 лет назад +6

    When you try sneak into the kitchen at night to grab the food and take it into your room.

  • @UrvineSpiegel
    @UrvineSpiegel 2 года назад +1

    0:45 " You remember that time I had to punch a rat dead for the mission?"

  • @geomodelrailroader
    @geomodelrailroader 7 лет назад +44

    that was close. If Ethan makes a noise, steps on the floor, touches the web, or razes the room temperature the alarm will automatically go off causing the room to be flooded with hylon and Ethan getting caught.

    • @Assimandeli
      @Assimandeli 4 года назад

      Ever noticed how loud that rat was, though?

    • @Xingmey
      @Xingmey 4 года назад +8

      nice, you have watched the movie too?

    • @khakipeach2128
      @khakipeach2128 3 года назад +1

      @@Xingmey i’m glad he said that because i didn’t know what was happening, stop being an a@s

    • @bub777
      @bub777 2 года назад


  • @Mrvwcc11
    @Mrvwcc11 Год назад +1

    This is probably the most iconic scene that anybody knows of any mission impossible movie not to mention my favorite scene and sadly I did not get to watch mission impossible through whatever which one we are up to now in the theater but I have watched them on TV but I’m sure it didn’t do them justice but I am still a movie theater type guy despitethe craziness in this world yes, I still go to the movie theater

  • @curlygurl8377
    @curlygurl8377 4 года назад +3

    This has to be the best MI movie of all time!

  • @davidjoe3368
    @davidjoe3368 Год назад +1

    You know it s a stressful situation when your glasses are sweating! 👓

  • @chloeedwards5681
    @chloeedwards5681 4 года назад +9

    we need a scene like this in mi7

  • @mangatnexus7985
    @mangatnexus7985 Год назад +1

    Tom cruise really love shrek 2 that's why he perform this stunt

  • @mattdp910
    @mattdp910 4 года назад +7

    1:00 how i walk when my parents are asleep

  • @Fvckdatsht123
    @Fvckdatsht123 4 года назад +2

    The most iconic scene

  • @radioheadtv3131
    @radioheadtv3131 5 лет назад +3

    Tom almost touching the floor that’s how little my patience is 😂

  • @delrey874
    @delrey874 2 года назад +1

    I rewatched this film today after a long time and enjoyed it enough to watch it now.

  • @alexmotts
    @alexmotts 4 года назад +5

    Back when disc drives were a thing lol

  • @sean5hmendes88
    @sean5hmendes88 Год назад +1

    So a rat almost jeopardized this mission and In Avengers Endgame a rat brings Scott Lang back from the Quantum Realm

  • @scottyuwainat3899
    @scottyuwainat3899 4 года назад +5

    In May 2021 1996 Mission Impossible Will Celebrate it's 25th Anniversary

  • @itzheraldo
    @itzheraldo Год назад +1

    The iconic scene

  • @abdullahlatif2925
    @abdullahlatif2925 6 лет назад +7

    When Hunt dropped near the floor, the air pressure under his body would've triggered the alarm because it was shown earlier that a drop of water triggered the alarm.

  • @apt43210
    @apt43210 3 года назад +2


  • @Sefyou9554
    @Sefyou9554 6 лет назад +3

    This scene was so intense to watch .

  • @STFU255
    @STFU255 Год назад

    Was 11 years old when this came out... Crazy they are still making movies

  • @bray8949
    @bray8949 5 лет назад +6

    when hacking ment inserting a cd xD

  • @lexywauran
    @lexywauran 3 года назад +1

    Wow the floppy disc icon 😂😂😂
    Time flies so fast.

  • @joseluismontanomarin5415
    @joseluismontanomarin5415 4 года назад +12

    El comienzo de una saga espectacular y magnífica.

    • @mostafaknik
      @mostafaknik 2 года назад

      سلام اسم فیلم رو میدونید

  • @liamholmes9169
    @liamholmes9169 4 года назад +1

    one of the best franchises. Tom Cruise is my favourite actor.

  • @MRJK87.
    @MRJK87. 2 года назад +3

    He falls and gets saved but I'm just going to let him hang there right above the floor for a couple of minutes and not pull him up. That part never made sense.

  • @bananian
    @bananian Год назад +1

    Omg, the day when floppy was peak technology

  • @edicus1899
    @edicus1899 6 лет назад +5

    0:51 whew,that was too close!

  • @warrenmccormackjnr4813
    @warrenmccormackjnr4813 3 года назад

    glad to see the dvd still works in your computer

  • @vegetasolo1221
    @vegetasolo1221 9 лет назад +46


  • @boredkidwatchingyoutube6154
    @boredkidwatchingyoutube6154 3 года назад +2

    Pov: You are secretly trying to open your computer in middle of the night without making your mom notice you😂😂

  • @dinodidic3837
    @dinodidic3837 7 лет назад +54

    The best MI... one and only ORIGINAL.😎

    • @randomguy6679
      @randomguy6679 6 лет назад +1

      Dino Didic it was inconsistent at best, so many plot holes and the film basically took a nose dive after the restaraunt scene

    • @BK-sh2pn
      @BK-sh2pn 6 лет назад +8

      Dino Didic No it’s not! The 4th one, the 5th one, and the 6th one have beaten it

    • @clasifi1
      @clasifi1 6 лет назад +6

      Maybe not. It has a lot of strong points though. MI2 was def the worst one of the series imo.

    • @leonardobraynen1524
      @leonardobraynen1524 6 лет назад +1

      I wonder, have u watched *FALLOUT* yet? if so, thoughts?

    • @BK-sh2pn
      @BK-sh2pn 6 лет назад +1

      Leonardo Braynen I think it’s the best one

  • @Jake-sb8qu
    @Jake-sb8qu 3 года назад +1

    Just close your eyes and listen to the entire video.

  • @delphineauxmustardwater9464
    @delphineauxmustardwater9464 7 лет назад +34

    1:03 what happened to the rat? he somehow killed it and then grabbed the rope? lol

    • @andresruiz6033
      @andresruiz6033 6 лет назад

      He bit it with his mouth.

    • @drasticgamerstv1025
      @drasticgamerstv1025 5 лет назад +3

      They showed the knife in his hand after the kill but still, they should've shown the kill else it is useless.....or they should've shown him slipping the rope accidentally n catching it again without the rat involved bcoz in that tight security neat n clean system there won't be any rats which make noise

    • @Deep_Armageddon
      @Deep_Armageddon 5 лет назад +3

      Haha. Ever since I saw this in theaters back in 96 I have ALWAYS wondered that same thing.

    • @JbLentolome
      @JbLentolome 4 года назад

      he's having a nap...

    • @gghc
      @gghc 2 года назад

      asked the same question so i came here to check, i thought it was a cut scene or something, but to put it all together I'm guessing that's why leon had a knife in his hand and dropped it after sliding to get the NOC list

  • @mathilda-fk4ls
    @mathilda-fk4ls 6 лет назад +2

    One of the Best scenes! And the best break-in movie scene!

  • @moxyblackfiddler
    @moxyblackfiddler 3 года назад +3

    The MI films understand how action drives the narrative. It's not gratuitous

  • @holly6435
    @holly6435 2 года назад +1


  • @cetinmetin9193
    @cetinmetin9193 4 года назад +7

    This scene reminds me of the 2001: A Space Odyssey movie.

  • @FlorisYoung
    @FlorisYoung 5 лет назад +2

    best scene of the series, mission impossible 1 is also my favourite movie of the series

  • @tbonemulcs6085
    @tbonemulcs6085 7 лет назад +8

    Jesus Washington inventing the first ever computer 500 B.C. (Colorized)

  • @aqeel3700
    @aqeel3700 5 лет назад +1

    Back when i was not even born

  • @ericstern8447
    @ericstern8447 12 лет назад +4

    Honestly, the guy is like an inch away from the floor. How the hell did he catch that with room to spare????

    • @fabicfranco
      @fabicfranco 5 лет назад

      You mean when he grabbed the sweat drop

  • @AckzaTV
    @AckzaTV 2 года назад +1

    That computer is so old no wonder he could hack it so fast

  • @BadassBobY
    @BadassBobY 4 года назад +4

    1:25 Spiderman

  • @MythicFox
    @MythicFox 2 года назад +2

    It's weird to go back and see this as the 'big' scene in a franchise where these days Tom casually defies death in two or three big action sequences per movie.