Wow, I so brilliant. Sports lady we admire u. She choosing her first admire company. Not wonder she and her friends all are champion 💪🏆🤩 in their sports
Actually is sport lady said the first company she want to go she should be a really sport lady go to the first company she admired. So not sure she will choosing which company. Let see now
Aiyo. If sport lady should show us how muscle 💪🏆🤩 she are. Never show so many bosses want her. Her friends also is sport lady's also can employ her friends if sport bosses want to employ her friends too
Actually beautiful boss if in-charge of pe-attire. Should wearing their brand PE-ATTIRE to the show will be more attractive to the sports applicant girl girl
張紹剛 先生 確實是難得的人才
顏值高 形象好 素質好 有能力掌控局面
應該是 主持大型節目的不二人選
唯一缺點 愛國心太強 適任大學老師 。
Wow, I so brilliant. Sports lady we admire u. She choosing her first admire company. Not wonder she and her friends all are champion 💪🏆🤩 in their sports
人家是顶级运动员,资源和样板优势不是万儿八千的价值吧?! 这社会,净他妈的弄网红,正事干不了了。
Actually is sport lady said the first company she want to go she should be a really sport lady go to the first company she admired. So not sure she will choosing which company. Let see now
Aiyo. If sport lady should show us how muscle 💪🏆🤩 she are. Never show so many bosses want her. Her friends also is sport lady's also can employ her friends if sport bosses want to employ her friends too
Actually beautiful boss if in-charge of pe-attire. Should wearing their brand PE-ATTIRE to the show will be more attractive to the sports applicant girl girl