Brat Down Under: Laneway Lineup 2025

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
  • We take a sneak peak at 2025's Laneway Festival lineup, featuring #charlixcx and a #Brat summer.

Комментарии • 2

  • @shiv-9390
    @shiv-9390 2 месяца назад

    1:38 EXCUSE ME?👁👄👁
    I know everyone's entitled to their own opinions [varing], but you didn't have to call Djo's Live Performance "shit" is a derogatory term for an amazing artist out there [my opinion]. Even though my feelings got hurt by those statements that you guys made about Djo's End of the beginning live performance being "kaka." Even though music is subjective and varies from individuals to others. Please try to respect their respective creativity and the principal they hold on their music. DJOS probably on the most underrated artists out there. 💜

    • @78amped
      @78amped  2 месяца назад

      I guess we'll have to wait to Laneway Fest to see if he can prove us wrong. We'll be stoked if he can!