Teaching you Swain - Los Ratones Update

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Runningitsendingit
    @Runningitsendingit Месяц назад +1436

    You look genuinely happy with the LR announcement. I’m so excited to see you on stage again. I hope it reignites your passion for pro play and who knows, maybe we’ll see you in Berlin for 2026

    • @robenriven
      @robenriven Месяц назад +1

      i dont understand, berlin 2026, what is going to happen in berlin

    • @aceredd05
      @aceredd05 Месяц назад +34

      @@robenriven i think 2026 they can buy a spot on lec

    • @robenriven
      @robenriven Месяц назад +1

      @@aceredd05oh i see, thank you

    • @rivera8109
      @rivera8109 Месяц назад +8

      Nah Los Ratones World champs 2025

    • @lilpopadess
      @lilpopadess Месяц назад +1

      bro looked like this 😐 saying the announcement

  • @victorgomez3401
    @victorgomez3401 Месяц назад +288

    "Yes, you heard it right, theBausffs" 0:16

    • @aka636
      @aka636 Месяц назад +18

      baus is really good if he wants to play well, but yeah so far when he was in a team he only did the "on me" calls lol

    • @DelPlays
      @DelPlays Месяц назад +3

      It's actually interesting how people think baus is a bad player because of how aggressively he plays the lane.
      He just takes the limit testing to a completely different level.. The only annoying thing about baus (besides his video thumbnails) is the copycats in soloQ who have absolutely no idea when and why push the minion waves past enemy tower
      He knows perfectly well how to play safe laning phase even on Sion, that being said.. He won't get to play Sion almost at all in Los Ratones, people know him too well

  • @r3h4b45
    @r3h4b45 Месяц назад +392

    I am so happy for you Tim!

  • @trooperscientists2000
    @trooperscientists2000 Месяц назад +257

    Los Ratones goes hard. Very excited for 2025, wishing you guys the best of luck and lots of fun throughout.

  • @guntherrogiers3637
    @guntherrogiers3637 Месяц назад +49

    I have been very sick this week.
    I am in so much pain i can’t even sit in a chair.
    This was the only news this week that genuinely made me smile.
    Good luck to you and the boys!
    I know Caedrell will do anything he can and i see everyone on the team is very exited about this project!

    • @elith6930
      @elith6930 Месяц назад

      Hope ya feel better soon

    • @Kalatakieta
      @Kalatakieta Месяц назад

      Feel better soon fam

  • @DimitarKarapetrofffi
    @DimitarKarapetrofffi Месяц назад +67

    Nice job Neme ! ❤ Good luck with the team 🎉

  • @zedre7633
    @zedre7633 Месяц назад +45

    Love Nemesis' Swain character arc. From "W is the worst ability in the game" to "I love Swain W, you can help your team a lot with it".

    • @MateoBrutto
      @MateoBrutto Месяц назад +1

      lmao man

    • @sedarium5307
      @sedarium5307 Месяц назад +2

      That's called learning the character you're playing lol

    • @NDREI3000
      @NDREI3000 Месяц назад +1

      tbf they did buff him so much in 1 patch

    • @sedarium5307
      @sedarium5307 Месяц назад +1

      @@NDREI3000 W didnt got any changes

    • @eVillAnime-w3f
      @eVillAnime-w3f 24 дня назад

      the swain W definitely does more dmg than before, I remember using it and it felt like a fucking temporary blue ward

  • @khurthuyera2336
    @khurthuyera2336 Месяц назад +76

    I think this is the first time he looked very happy in a video. The difference between this and past announcement/ads is very visible.

  • @kaitetsujin4349
    @kaitetsujin4349 Месяц назад +19

    I'm so happy that Nemesis is finally going back to proplay
    He genuinely looks so happy after saying that announcement

  • @HusumLOL
    @HusumLOL Месяц назад +32

    Love the build 😈

    • @RosfieldCont
      @RosfieldCont Месяц назад +5

      sprint with E

    • @wax5403
      @wax5403 Месяц назад +4

      Spend yo money!! 🗣️🗣️ Demon time 🗣️🗣️🗣️

    • @Kanouken
      @Kanouken 28 дней назад

      Walk with money spend your E

  • @lysander35
    @lysander35 Месяц назад +1

    Hey Neme, i'm so happy for you. This is so cool, congrats 🤩

  • @crispybanana3198
    @crispybanana3198 26 дней назад

    haven't been into league too much recently but i'm happy for you how things are turning out for you over time, good luck on LR

  • @sedarium5307
    @sedarium5307 Месяц назад +1

    So happy that you return to proplay, and in a team that actually does care about you and your well being, i really hope you guys succeed, getting Baus, Nemesis and Rekkles in a competitive is so heartwarming.

  • @scoobydoo5390
    @scoobydoo5390 Месяц назад +7

    I'm so thrilled to see you happy lad, let's go Las Ratones!

  • @arias1610
    @arias1610 Месяц назад +7

    I was SO happy to find out that you’re gonna play professionally again. Only thing that bums me up is that the tag is LR instead of RAT. xdddd I wanted RAT Nemesis and I wanted Coach Caedrel to just come to your meetings and say “OK my RATs, let’s get to this.

  • @adamzenisek2268
    @adamzenisek2268 Месяц назад

    Sooooo happy that you are soo happy about it. Wish you all the best!

  • @aYetiGlove
    @aYetiGlove Месяц назад +2

    Unbelievably hype to see you on the Los Ratones roster!!! Can't wait to watch you and the team play, best of luck for everything ahead mate. You have our support

  • @zerpentinefire
    @zerpentinefire Месяц назад

    Wish you guys all the best! 💪
    It's gonna be so much fun seeing you and Rekkles back at it together as well! 💛

  • @Andrew-vl9uy
    @Andrew-vl9uy Месяц назад

    SOOOO excited to see you play league with the boys!! its gonna be awesome.

  • @xxargonautxx9790
    @xxargonautxx9790 Месяц назад

    I’m so happy you’re coming back! We’ve missed you so much in the pro scene! Let’s GOO!

  • @Bluebuu2k
    @Bluebuu2k Месяц назад

    you can tell nemesis is happy in this one. Los Ratones must be exciting for you. looking forward to seeing you guys

  • @snathyv2679
    @snathyv2679 Месяц назад

    No tienes idea lo mucho que esperaba que volvieras, la mejor de las suertes

  • @matthieupaty5032
    @matthieupaty5032 Месяц назад

    you know you can smile a bit wider :) we are all so happy for you neme LETSGOOO

  • @brecha2343
    @brecha2343 Месяц назад +1

    so happy to see you playing again neme

  • @BalenciagaShoeSize9
    @BalenciagaShoeSize9 Месяц назад +3

    Man im so hyped for Los Ratones, Hyped I get to see You and Reckles on a team again and hyped that you seem happy! Can't wait to cop the merch and support the boys lets go!!!!

  • @dylanconnor9157
    @dylanconnor9157 Месяц назад +2

    Very excited to see your progress with the team and what you'll conquer together. Best of luck!

  • @Gojiradogzillagodzilla
    @Gojiradogzillagodzilla Месяц назад +1

    The fact that Baus is also playing is actually very understandable. Dude has INSANE macro and even his mechanics are top notch; if you've ever seen how well he outspaces people then you know what i'm talking about.

  • @jametsu
    @jametsu Месяц назад

    I am so happy for you guys and I'm super hyped to see you in pro play again Neme. You have such amazing game knowledge but unfortunately a soloqueue environment doesn't allow it to shine through as well but in 5v5 with voice comms it's amazing. You guys and T1 are the teams I am now supporting. Los Ratones for Worlds 2025 anyone?

  • @ababagalamaga
    @ababagalamaga Месяц назад +1

    Nem: 3:05 I'm main character
    Master YI: carry the game

  • @prunejuice9032
    @prunejuice9032 Месяц назад +1

    This is making me so excited to watch league again ❤

  • @roman2579
    @roman2579 Месяц назад

    LETS GOOOOO im super excited for u neme!!!

  • @blancismoments
    @blancismoments Месяц назад +17

    am i trippin. why is it not 60fps

  • @stephen7583
    @stephen7583 Месяц назад

    proud of you boss, cant wait to see you in the stage again!

  • @ultimate1450
    @ultimate1450 Месяц назад

    Holy, that's a good news I didn't expect to hear today :D

  • @zargabaz2198
    @zargabaz2198 Месяц назад +3

    Your streams and videos have really helped me find peace and joy in my life. Watching your videos brings me happiness in this difficult time. Thank you, Nemesis

  • @erin-frost
    @erin-frost Месяц назад +1

    I'm so happy to see you back in proplay. Enjoy it king, GLHF

  • @DsBoyan
    @DsBoyan Месяц назад

    I am really happy for you and the new team that is forming. I for sure will follow you and I hope that you have fun. I am only sad that Azzap is not part of the team.

    • @hatsuhioki9361
      @hatsuhioki9361 Месяц назад

      Than they would need a balkan boy instead of baus on top xd

    • @DsBoyan
      @DsBoyan Месяц назад

      @@hatsuhioki9361 thebaus is great! I would honestly watch this team mainly because of him. Because his playstyle is just fun to watch. It is refreshing.

  • @imJojie
    @imJojie Месяц назад

    Absolutely cannot wait!!

  • @isaakring2573
    @isaakring2573 Месяц назад

    Lets go Neme! We will all be rooting for you

  • @ShelliX7
    @ShelliX7 Месяц назад +3

    Wow super happy for you, looking forward to see you compete ❤️

  • @Sangsal01
    @Sangsal01 Месяц назад +3

    Bro is smiling ear to ear! Best announcement to hear on my birthday haha! Wishing you guys the best!

  • @TheUpstreamer
    @TheUpstreamer Месяц назад

    Nem I used to think you were a whiny little shit and I still think so to an extent but I've grown to love watching you and have all the respect in the world for you and your ability to keep things together even in really rough games.
    Wish you nothing but the best and I will keep watching and supporting with my views. Good luck man!

  • @callmedad4497
    @callmedad4497 Месяц назад +1

    This timing on the last tp, impressive. You are just better.

  • @soyaaa__2377
    @soyaaa__2377 Месяц назад +1

    That one rank game with rekkles might've been a foreshadowing 👀👀

  • @Creek1575
    @Creek1575 Месяц назад

    Alternate Title: Nemesis teaching Humanoid How to use Swain

  • @suekog4090
    @suekog4090 Месяц назад +1

    Congratulations for our midlaner 🎉🎉🎉 were proud for your coming back to competetive play

  • @Achievementsish
    @Achievementsish Месяц назад +1

    I can tell Nemesis saw atleast a clip of Hussum from all the information he absorbed, comparing this to his last Swain game It's night and day, demon time represent.

  • @TheSpaceninjah
    @TheSpaceninjah Месяц назад

    I am so happy for you! You, Baus and Rekkles are my favorite league players. Looking forward to see you play together 😁

  • @caronte9471
    @caronte9471 Месяц назад

    Nemesis you deserve every good career opportunity you get

  • @nowanknows8979
    @nowanknows8979 Месяц назад

    I unironically felt 1000x more hyped for the Los ratones announcement than world's finals

  • @kunalgahlawat9899
    @kunalgahlawat9899 Месяц назад

    @Nemesis that early 3:30 whole incident is super common; I usually assume that I need to just give up my pressure or in other cases accept being dove.

  • @Alex-xn1oo
    @Alex-xn1oo Месяц назад +2

    YEEEEEES, such a hype roster!! Wish you all a fun time and success as a team!

  • @4xjuanmax421
    @4xjuanmax421 Месяц назад +1

    Love to see you playing my main ❤

  • @clintfischer1057
    @clintfischer1057 Месяц назад

    Yes yes yes, finally, nemesis is back in competitive!!!! Lets goooo !!!

  • @TheNapsterable
    @TheNapsterable Месяц назад +6

    9:35 when you see them teleport you can easily get a stack with your W

  • @Spryntss
    @Spryntss Месяц назад


  • @DelPlays
    @DelPlays Месяц назад

    19:50 this was my reaction too when I first played against gwen jungler.
    The W is a bait

  • @zeyadhossam8193
    @zeyadhossam8193 Месяц назад +1

    nemesis returns to pro play , now i can die happily

  • @anastasioschatzitheodorou3865
    @anastasioschatzitheodorou3865 Месяц назад

    ''every split is grind'' yes man this game is your job you have all the time you want

  • @chazsolem3945
    @chazsolem3945 Месяц назад

    so happy for you man!!!!

  • @XIKaMuIX
    @XIKaMuIX Месяц назад

    Even if Los Ratones would not workout i hope this opens more doors for you. You are so good player.

  • @gostreiver8036
    @gostreiver8036 Месяц назад

    With free coaching sessions like this. And LR skrims being streamed, it’s going to be like constant free coaching for LEC. I look forward to see how it effects peoples play 👏

  • @MatthewTheUntitled
    @MatthewTheUntitled Месяц назад +1

    Those not official tournaments seem to be much better for neme, when was the last time you've seen him with that spark of anticipation, it's not forced, you play with homies, no orgs scaming you

  • @jai3242
    @jai3242 Месяц назад

    I am so excited for this! Super happy for you and the other guys! :D Ill definitely be following how this goes

  • @jojowastaken
    @jojowastaken Месяц назад


  • @shemsuhor8763
    @shemsuhor8763 Месяц назад

    we're so UNBELIEVABLY back

  • @ayyylmao6520
    @ayyylmao6520 Месяц назад +2

    hope baus can learn to play different styles and crownie won’t be too toxic

    • @mahino420
      @mahino420 Месяц назад +1

      well the baus can play different styles he just uses that style he uses for stream to entertain people, he understands the game very well and most of the time knows when he is about to die, he is also very mechanically insane which alot of people disregard

  • @kegietcongsan
    @kegietcongsan Месяц назад

    Nemesis looks so energetic since the last time I watched him

  • @kimuny8383
    @kimuny8383 Месяц назад +4

    I was always hoping that you could return to pro scene, playing with rekkles like in 2019-2020.
    Los Ratones is like my dream got all combined.
    finally found a team that I can deeply root for in LEC and am very excited to see you and LR success.
    I wish all the best to you and LR

  • @PrhymeScheme
    @PrhymeScheme Месяц назад +1

    > - Rekkles

  • @w1ndt
    @w1ndt Месяц назад

    Honestly Los Ratones feels like a dream team.

  • @roganjohnston
    @roganjohnston Месяц назад

    I'm so absolutely hyped for Los Ratones.

  • @lowiqplayer1683
    @lowiqplayer1683 Месяц назад


  • @khurthuyera2336
    @khurthuyera2336 Месяц назад +1

    Rekkles and Nemesis in the same team again let's gooooo

  • @petraschmitz7850
    @petraschmitz7850 Месяц назад

    I like low energy nemesis mode already but high energy content goes crazy man

  • @KagurabachiEnjoyer
    @KagurabachiEnjoyer Месяц назад

    I'm just 5 min in and neme was so energetic. let's fking go los ratones!

  • @santiagocoria8652
    @santiagocoria8652 Месяц назад


  • @xtremo1killlercombat
    @xtremo1killlercombat Месяц назад

    Best of luck!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @CyranicalGoated
    @CyranicalGoated Месяц назад

    My boi Neme is using the Husum Swain build without using the conqueror setup, he could have gotten more ult pops.

  • @chevalierachdax
    @chevalierachdax Месяц назад

    the general see the future xd, the real demon😈 ! Nice game and i'm happy for u !

  • @topfhkdbevbbnr
    @topfhkdbevbbnr 28 дней назад

    Thank youuuu @Nemesis ❤❤❤ i m so happy haha :D

  • @benjaminkamp1375
    @benjaminkamp1375 Месяц назад

    I thought the day would never come

  • @summonstormx
    @summonstormx Месяц назад

    T1 vs Los Ratones - Civil War with rekkles possibly? Sign me up!

  • @kiss-shotacerola-orionhear1442
    @kiss-shotacerola-orionhear1442 Месяц назад

    Next year is gonna be lit with LR roster

  • @mrdoriangrey3684
    @mrdoriangrey3684 Месяц назад

    This new team is gonna be the only thing we need to watch

  • @amadeus3216
    @amadeus3216 Месяц назад

    Congrats Neme, and love to see u playing the Grand General, maybe turn him into a competitive pick? Only dreaming XD...

  • @SkiesWRLD
    @SkiesWRLD Месяц назад +1

    I am more surprised about Nemesis not Rekkles haha, I can't believe he is back playing in pro, maybe next year he will be back on a t1 team

  • @LahJoshy
    @LahJoshy Месяц назад

    cant wait to watch

  • @underratedgamer9840
    @underratedgamer9840 Месяц назад

    That qiyana did not look like a one trick

  • @aaronthornton3763
    @aaronthornton3763 Месяц назад

    Another team I can watch instead of just T1! Nemesis about to roll over the young bloods

  • @DelPlays
    @DelPlays Месяц назад

    10:10 Please don't do that to junglers.
    I know that Master Yi wasn't in the right place for a multi kill. But they also can't teleport halfway across the map when they have already decided a play elsewhere.
    But those spam pings will never help you, they will just make your jungler to mute you 100% of the time. And will weaken your team communication for no reason.
    There's nothing more frustrating as a jungler than dead team mate pinging them while they are looking for a play elsewhere or need bit more gold for their item spike.

  • @AlmostM
    @AlmostM Месяц назад +2

    The timing on that teleport at 26:00 was insanely close. Gwen would've had the nexus for sure otherwise.

  • @IRP1804
    @IRP1804 Месяц назад

    what is the name of the playlist playin in the backgroud of the vid?

  • @SolaceV9
    @SolaceV9 Месяц назад

    6:39 bro that was funny as fuck, don't ban the guy

  • @lotar225
    @lotar225 Месяц назад +1

    Is there no 60 FPS or am I tripping?

  • @joemarmaduke6575
    @joemarmaduke6575 Месяц назад


  • @tanrirem4243
    @tanrirem4243 Месяц назад

    1:01 scuttle crab is saying "I want to kill your mom" lol

  • @myrthpike3674
    @myrthpike3674 Месяц назад +1

    NO WAY! I hope you'll have so much fun along with the rest

  • @Cosmxc13
    @Cosmxc13 Месяц назад

    can you tell what language you uses to get your font to look like that please

  • @imnevx
    @imnevx Месяц назад +4

    LR Nemesis