When I was completing my B.A., one of my favorite professors asked me what I learned in my 4 year honors program. I told him that when I started, I felt like I knew everything and when I finished, I felt like I knew very little. He said "that's good, we've done our job". Even though I learned so much in my four years, I realized just how complex things were and that I really knew very little of it. I am much more cautious in stating that I "know" something to be true. One thing I can state is absolutely true is that I never heard of a Solar Analemma before. You have removed another small part of my ignorance, thanks Bob.
As a swede I can attest to a stick being a very useful item. It can be used in all sorts of inventive ways, from the: purely philosophical - "is it better to bend or resist and risk breaking", via the; scientifical - "how many of these sticks does it take to messure the distance to the out house" (as no self-respecting swede lives more than twenty sticks away from peace and quite), to the more free-spirited - "where can I suggest someone to put this, where there is not already a stick present". ;-)
What? 23.5 degrees are the distance from the tropics to the equator. There is zero proof of an axial tilt let alone a moving earth. Sry sir you are spitting out nonsense. The sun moves 15 degrees per hour from tropic to tropic. The sun moves in a farther larger circut at the tropic of capricorn during northern hemisphere winter solstice and on a closer circut on the tropic of cancer during northern hemisphere summer solstice. What are you smoking bro? 😂
@@bodan1196 -- When I was a kid I heard about the "Swede's compass". If I recall, if you get lost in the forest and want to walk in a straight line, cut s long straight sapling and drag it behind you.
When I was in elementary school and saw a globe, it was like a door opened. And the crazy thing in the Pacific Ocean was fascinating! No one, teacher, mom or dad could tell me what it was. It was suggested that it was an old way of navigating! I'm now my grandfathers age, and finally- it makes sense. I knew bits and pieces of what it was but how and why was a mystery until now. Thank you for posting. Even thought it's 4 years old, i stumbled across this today, just 1 day from winter solstice.
If it hadn't been for the flat earth clowns I would have never had seen this great video, so thanks flerfers for igniting my interest in earth science and how we know our planet is a sphere.
Yes, on one hand we have to be thankful to the flatties. Information like the one Bob is posting certainly helps people refreshing known stuff or learn something new but most importantly prepares not to step into a flatty trap.
In the same way that Trump has mobilized an entire generation of apolitical millenial drop-outs, the FE dipshittery has reignited an interest in both the physical and esoteric sciences. I'm having a great time learning all sorts of new stuff, as well as revisiting subjects I hadn't touched upon since high school. Thanks bob.
@@RobertEmery I would think that is a step too far Robert. As there are also RUclips science sites that just follow the science, ignoring the flat earth lot, I prefer to think we would get there anyway. Have a look at Curious Droid for instance.
Hi Bob. Thanks for re-awakening the Analemma. I'd forgotten all about it. Watching these kind of videos is like a fast track refresher course of stuff I learned over the course of many years.
At 10:28, the question isn't really WHERE on Earth we would see it, but rather WHEN on Earth It won't happen in your lifetime, but it has happened in the past, and will happen in the future. That would happen when the axis of Earth's aphelion/perihelion is perpendicular to the axis of its rotation. In otherwords, the apses dates in early January and July, would have to occur in March and September. It will eventually happen because of axial precession and orbital precession. The perihelion and aphelion dates coincided with the solstices in the year 1246, (773 years ago). They will coincide with the equinoxes in the year 6430. Mars has a similar-ish axial tilt to Earth. Its aphelion and perihelion are closer to its equinoxes than its solstices, which is why it has the bean-shaped analemma instead of a figure 8.
The university of Tasmania (Australia) has a sundial made with an analema pattern, that was the first place I'd ever seen it in action. It gives accurate time and date all year.
I have always admired people who can take a very complicated subject and distill the explanation down to one that can be understood even by a Neanderthal. Love the video
Keep on educating Bob. Some of us take a real interest in what you have to teach and explain. You have a great following here. Keep it up. The more you post the more i tune in
Thank you. I thought I understood this but I was wrong on quite a few little details. I've never seen it explained so clearly and directly before. Thank you again for straightening me out.
Thank you for this great video. I had no idea what an analemma even was, so I’m glad to have another piece of the astronomical puzzle fixed firmly in place in my mind. 🙌
That was awesome 👏 I have seen the Analemma traced out from a picture taken every day at the same time, but I have never seen one like that, that camera got a hell of a workout taking a picture every 60 seconds. Thanks for sharing, I will have to check out the original video. Keep up the great work Dr. Bob
Hey Bob, what an amazing way to promote science! This is just neat. I have to thank all FEs out there, their ignorance and incredulity have triggered a fresh wave of responses from people like you. THANK YOU Bob!
It's interesting to see this because I've been arguing with a flat earther about this very subject for a few weeks! She claims only flat Earth can account for it and not the globe. 🤦♂️
Yes, Facepalm! The Analemma is completely explained on a rotating spherical Earth orbiting the Sun on an elliptical orbit. The flat narrative just can't begin to do that.
Draw a circle ("flat" Earth), draw a smaller circle with the same center (FE equator) and ask your friend to explain how that could possibly form a figure 8. Don't be afraid to facepalm your friend.
Fun fact too, you can use the elevation data from the analemma to calculate your latitude. Sadly though, for a certain imbecilic demographic, it only works on a globe. 👍
Yeah. That's the double dare FE stance: they don't know a thing about the phenomenon but instead of shutting up they go "it's a proof the earth is flat". The most common example of that is the flat horizon. A signature of a round earth but, of course, a proof that it's flat for 3D geometry challenged individuals.
This was a fantastic detailed explanation. I have seen photos of this from waaay back when film was a thing, and somewhat familiar with it, but Bob you laid out a very easy to comprehend explanation of all of the pieces of the puzzle. Definitely a video to reference if I get into a yak with a flatty. The different views from different locations absolutely prove the globe.
Crazy that this was uploaded today: I just made my dad a wood and copper sundial, calibrated for his home, for his birthday and he just got it this morning. I put a graph of an analemma in the inside of the lid with markers for the first of each month as a way to have a chart on hand to account for the Equation of Time. This video will be extremely helpful in explaining why the graph looks like it does. Thanks! 😎 👍
I have seen lots of analemmas but had never seen a movie of one. Astounding piece of work. Incidentally the correction for the Sun running fast and slow is also known as the 'Equation of Time' and is proof the Earth moves.
I’ve known since littlegirldom that the analemma had to do with sun position, thanks to my second grade teacher, Miss Kraft, but the details were lacking. And I’ve never known it would be so different from different earthly positions. Thanks for filling in the blanks! You’re now right up there with Miss Kraft!💋
Thanks Bob, this was useful. I saw how Brian 22 misused the analemma to account for Mt. Rainier shadow falling on the clouds, even though the Figure 8 pattern actually kills the geocentric model.
I made a sun dial using a 1" mirror on a window sill. The reflected light spot on the ceiling hit time markers every fifteen minutes. Over the course of some months the marks all traced out analemmas, indicating the day as well.
Great video, very helpful for me. I loosely understood some of the basics of the Analemma but wasn't sure on some things. This video did a great job of explaining it very clearly. Thank you very much Bob!
I remember Sky and Telescope had the picture on the cover. It was sometime in the 70's. You have given an easy to understand explanation. I am sorry I never had you as a professor.
Bob the Science Guy (space comma) , Love your videos. You're "no nonsense" and simply explain reality that anyone in elementary school can understand. Love your destruction vids of youtube flat earthers too. My background?.... I have a degree in organic chemistry and now I'm an IT director. Always love learning new things. I hope many people learn from your easily understood videos. Cheers!
Bob the Science Guy No. Just wanted to thank you for the information. I went to the original video and made a link so that I can later incorporate it into my science curriculum. You also gave me an idea for a solar calendar project that I could do with my students. Thank you and keep up the great work.
another great project would be to do a scale solar system. Yoga ball on one goal line, marble on the other, Do it to scale over about 3 miles. Then point out the nearest star, by that scale, would be 15,000 miles away. From Michigan to India by way of Perth.
Bob the Science Guy A while back, I made a spreadsheet that would allow the user to enter the scaled diameter of the sun (in meters) and it would give the sizes of each planet, distance from sun, distance to nearest star, and diameter of the Milkyway. This year, we’re starting up a science club. We plan on having the students calculate the scaled proportions to make the solar system fit on the football field. Also, a scale model between our sun to the closest star. In class, I have a globe and a wide variety of balls of various diameters. They select which ball they think is the appropriate sized ball for the moon and place where they think is the distance of the moon’s orbital radius. They then crunch the numbers and are always amazed by how far off they were. For fun, I also have them determine the milliliter of salt and fresh water are on the scaled globe. We later use the scale models to show how seasons, moon phases, and solar and lunar eclipses occur. Again, thank you for your hard work and keep the lessons coming.
Another great video. This is another of those things flat earthers stay well away from because some small part of their mind clearly does realise their model (not that you can really claim they even have one) just does not work. There are so many things anyone can do to start creating a model of the earth with no need to believe any established source. Flat earthers won't do this though as the results are always the same - the only model that can reconcile ever observation into a single model is the globe.
I made a solar clock once by putting a 1" mirror in a southern window. I marked its reflection every half hour on the ceiling from about 9AM to 3PM. It also tracked the days of the year as the spot cycled around the figure eights. I could be lying on the couch and tell the time to within about five minutes by looking at the ceiling.
Yet another thing I missed on my trip to Sweden. Oh well, you can't see everything on this world, and Vasa was fantastic. Thanks Bob. ps I just looked that Swedish site up on Wikipedia. Your explanation of the "ships" makes a lot more sense than the simplistic logic behind them expressed there.
yes, I made it clear for most of the examples that we were talking N. Hemisphere unless specified. There were a couple specifically from the S. Hemisphere.
Trying to get flat earthers to understand the basics of sunsets and moonphases, this would be overload with them. But it is easily explained keep up your awesome videos! 🌎😎
i saw the first analemma in the medieval part of the city of Bergamo 50 km east of Milano in Italy, in the old square under the medieval town hall there is a marking on the floor with the analemma and there still the target hole to form the sun spot, this is at about 45.4 N latitude. Thanks Bob, i just would have liked a bit more explanation on the reasons why a changing orbital speed causes the shifting of the sun position if taken at the same reference noon time. I know the explanation, but i bet many people are not aware of the difference between sidereal day and solar day
Actually, that is one of the things I planned to cover in part two, relating it to local and mean solar time and sidereal time. They all sort of fall together and I want to address them together.
Thanks for the video. I had heard flat earthers using their misunderstanding of the analemma to prove their own scientific illiteracy. This video is a wonderful and easy to understand demonstration of what it really is and how it can be used. I will link it if I run across another flat earther who doesn't understand how the analemma works..
You played quite a trick on my brain that I wont fall into it anymore with that Mars analemma. I paused the video and for a couple of minutes (probably more but I'm kind of embarrassed to tell the real time) I tried to solve that question of your's. I of course wasn't thinking outside the earth (not that I'd figure it out if I wasn't) but when I couldn't find a place on earth of course (cos there is where I was looking) where that form of analemma would be created, I gave up and continued to play the video and when you said "Mars" I was there went x amount of time I'll never get back . At least I felt that I made enough brain exercise for today. Nice video (and since we live in a world full of crazy people with even crazier conspiracies) nice to see that you started to look at some others than the flat earth ,and if you do so the day where you get to 100 k subs and more wont be as far as you might think. You have everything (most important the knowledge and patience) to succeed in this field of busting crazy conspiracies (and there is no lack of those , you bust one three others spring to life). have a nice month ( cos I usually comment once per month so ..) by.
I love dyslexia, I did read it as "Understanding the anal enema Part 1" at first time, so I'm glad that I have the habit to read a line twice :-D And I had no idea what "Analemma" was, so thank you for the information and the education.
@@BobtheScienceGuy on the grass... ex: there is one circle with location marker pin being the centre (bottom left). there are multiple circular patterns on the grass like this. even on the forest (top right of the screen)
Nice work as always, sir! Another simple observation clearly explained. Are you going to cover the Lunar libration too? I've been using it in discussions with disc defenders for over 30 years. (Yes, I've been debunking them since the mid-80's.) and it appears to make them suffer from a "404 Error".
What a pleasant presentation, thanks good sir. Judging by the architecture, I estimate the pictures of the northern hemisphere being taken in the area of former east Germany.
@@BobtheScienceGuy Thank you for that information. Guessing the latitude was just a matter of practice. Since Flat earthers, I have become more aware of my surroundings. I developed a solid mental image of my position in the universe and the things around me. It's quite satisfying to understand what I look at.
@@BobtheScienceGuy Ah, you got me, I believed you when you said Holland. But I did check the source because the sun didn't seem low enough. And the photos where taken in Switzerland.
I love the analemma from Mars! Would be cool if you just added what the analemma would look like at a flat un-moving Earth, for reference, and then you could even show what an analemma would look like if we added even more movements to Earth, besides the tilt and the spin. Would be just cool to see, since I'm having a hard time envisioning different analemmas in my head!
Sometimes being a “stick in the mud” is all you need to be accurate about the Sun and Earth’s physical correlation; facts, evidence and some footage to mop up any doubters. Must admit I’d not seen this feature presented in such a novel and interesting way, thanks Bob.
I have called religitards blasphemers for rejecting the use of the mind their "God" gave them. To really make someone mad: Try this with a preacher... one who believes himself to be a minister.
As an introductory to the subject this was informative, well presented both visually and orally and above all understandable. I genuinely learned something interesting here. What a comparison to scammers like Oakley, aka Mr duping delight, screaming "stupid retard" into a mic. while his kids cry in the background.
A wonderful video. I just wanted to know how to pronounce it, and you mercifully started pronouncing it very early in the video. But I watched the whole thing because it's very interesting and you presented it so well.
Phuket Word: "Hmmm, that really makes sense. I guess i was mistaken after all." Thrive and survive: "Wow, i never took that into consideration. So i was totally wrong about the shape of the earth and the heliocentric model. I better hurry and tell my family and kids about it, so they won't run into trouble in school because of the false info i gave them over the last years" xD
Note that the perihelion/aphelion are actually about two weeks off from their respective solstices. If it were exact, it would be a rather extraordinary coincidence, especially considering the precession of the axial tilt.
This one of my main talking points when crushing flerfers in conversation. Another is to ask them why we can see the constellation of Orion in our night sky during certain months of the year, yet we can't during the other months of the year, and then ask them to explain HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE IF EARTH IS FLAT ??? Thank you, Astronomy.
Also ask how constellations( or other objects) photographed from any where in Earth are so identical that they can be stacked to create a more detailed image. I just saw an image of the Andromeda Galaxy stacked from images from all over the world at different times. Combined exposure equivalent to 1000 hours. If the stars etc were close like some flatheads say, the images would never align. Speaking of Orion, it is coming here at 114w 51n. Preceded by pleides which is now up around 2 am. Just got some tracking gear and hope to get some good images of Orion. Probably later in the fall, to have it in a better position.
The analemma has always confused me but this video helped a lot. The "movie" of the analemma over the course of a year also confused me until I realized that the images are not shown in actual progression through the year but the entire year is being shown as it progresses hour by hour. I still don't understand why a specific analemma is put on the globe since it varies by latitude and time of day.
Excellent point. No it does not. It is ALWAYS centered on the equator and extends 23.4 deg n/s. To find the center of the analemma from your location in the n hemisphere subtract your latitude from 90 and that will be the mid point to the south. Let me know if that helps if not we can skype and I’ll explain it on the globe. It will specifically be covered in the next video
@@BobtheScienceGuy OK, I think I understand now. The analemma stays the same shape and size but moves north and south with latitude and rotates as you look east or west. I will wait for the next video to better understand. In any event, I really appreciate your time spent explaining all these interesting facts and properties of the solar system.
I thought I understood this, until I starting thinking about it, which is always dangerous. If I understand it correctly, the analemma marks the varying position of the sun in the sky, as seen from a given location, at the same time (usually 12 noon) in *mean solar time* for that location. Now that is intelligible when the observer has some way of accurately determining mean solar time, independently of the actual position of the sun. But I don't think mean solar time could be accurately measured before the availability of modern clocks, from about 1700 AD. So could the analemma be observed before this date, and if so how? (A possible answer occurs to me, that mean solar time could be determined by reference to sidereal time, which is not affected by the earth's orbit around the sun. But there is still the problem of measuring time to an accuracy of a few minutes within the day.)
Sidereal time isn't ideal, since it's one day off after one year, which means it can be 12 hours off at some time of the year... Now some trivia: the Italian word for hour glass is clessidra, which is, to some extents, a misnomer... since it derives from ancient greek clepsydra. You may recognise the stems of two words, which you can still encounter in English too, in kleptomania and hydraulic (or hydrogen). They mean 'to steal' and 'water', respectively. It was the name of ancient water clocks. And there you have it, water clocks and later hourglasses were wildly used before modern mechanical clocks. You need accurate time keeping for precise seafaring, something they were doing way before 1700 AD. For latitude you can use the angular position of the sun at noon, but for longitude you need to keep track of Greenwich time (or whatever reference time you use). Basicly knowing what's the time in Greenwich when it's noon at your place, gives you your longitude.
@@poopytowncat so the question doesn't really relate to the sun but to timekeeping? The difference between mean solar noon and apparent solar noon. Mean solar noon can be determined from longitude, but that doesn't tell us how the ancients did it. Let me do some research.
This was a lovely science lesson. I do like learning. I thought the photo of the Martian analemma was interesting. It's always good to learn something new. Just more evidence that the earth isn't flat. I really love science. Science is awesome. I will always be a nerd. Amen! I can't wait for the next video on this topic. Great video, keep up the good work. God bless. Have a nice day/night. -------------------------------------- with love from a nerdy Christian.
As soon as I saw, and you started with the perfect circels, I understood. I never realised, until now, tho. Thank you; I learned something new. You can calculate tilt, orbit as well as your location on earth with one figure. How would FEs debunk this ? Would be hilarious to see their 'creative' minds, trying.
So, if I live in Australia, and apparent solar noon is when the sun is due south of me, is this approximately the same thing as midnight? You did say that if I live on the earth it would be south at apparent solar noon.
No you really dont. Listen to yourself at 4:11. "If you are on a location on the earth and you look up. When the sun is at its highest point during the day it will be directly due south of you and that will be called apparent noon."
Sorry to give you a hard time. I do believe that what you do is good. You explain things as opposed to the majority who mostly just poke fun at flat earthers, anti evolutionists, etc. It does mean that I hold you to a slightly higher standard though.
Very interesting theory about Anundshög, especially as I have lived just a kilometer away from it and been there many times. However, I can't see how any natural measurement from the sun would cast a shadow in that pattern. For example the sun sets in the northeast in the summer, not the southeast. It might fit for a specific time of day in the afternoon, for example 15.00, but there was no clocks at the time that it was built. What am I missing?
@@elvidaskraucevicius604 Yes, but that will form a shape that is completely different from where the stones are. It would be more than 90 degrees wide, not the 10 degrees that the stone formation is.
@@goranandersson3544 it could be just depiction of real annalema,cos to make it that big on the ground the reference point should be large as well,i think they just expresed there knowledge
@@BobtheScienceGuy In that case, never mind. My concern was simply to make you aware, so you can choose what to do, or not to do about it. The topics are related, so I understand why that slip of tongue happened.
When I was completing my B.A., one of my favorite professors asked me what I learned in my 4 year honors program. I told him that when I started, I felt like I knew everything and when I finished, I felt like I knew very little. He said "that's good, we've done our job". Even though I learned so much in my four years, I realized just how complex things were and that I really knew very little of it. I am much more cautious in stating that I "know" something to be true. One thing I can state is absolutely true is that I never heard of a Solar Analemma before. You have removed another small part of my ignorance, thanks Bob.
William Walker the more you know, the more you realise how much you don't know! I learned this in 1988 after I went back to college.
In this video we see why Bob has earned the right to have the moniker: "the science guy". Well done.
Wait.. So the Swedes in the dark ages could have figured out the earth is not flat using a stick. Listen up flat earthers...
those Swedes are just that 'high speed'.
As a swede I can attest to a stick being a very useful item. It can be used in all sorts of inventive ways, from the:
purely philosophical - "is it better to bend or resist and risk breaking",
via the; scientifical - "how many of these sticks does it take to messure the distance to the out house"
(as no self-respecting swede lives more than twenty sticks away from peace and quite),
to the more free-spirited - "where can I suggest someone to put this, where there is not already a stick present". ;-)
What? 23.5 degrees are the distance from the tropics to the equator. There is zero proof of an axial tilt let alone a moving earth. Sry sir you are spitting out nonsense. The sun moves 15 degrees per hour from tropic to tropic. The sun moves in a farther larger circut at the tropic of capricorn during northern hemisphere winter solstice and on a closer circut on the tropic of cancer during northern hemisphere summer solstice. What are you smoking bro? 😂
@@bodan1196 -- When I was a kid I heard about the "Swede's compass". If I recall, if you get lost in the forest and want to walk in a straight line, cut s long straight sapling and drag it behind you.
I am going to look into how the ancients did it without a clock.
When I was in elementary school and saw a globe, it was like a door opened. And the crazy thing in the Pacific Ocean was fascinating! No one, teacher, mom or dad could tell me what it was. It was suggested that it was an old way of navigating! I'm now my grandfathers age, and finally- it makes sense. I knew bits and pieces of what it was but how and why was a mystery until now.
Thank you for posting. Even thought it's 4 years old, i stumbled across this today, just 1 day from winter solstice.
If it hadn't been for the flat earth clowns I would have never had seen this great video, so thanks flerfers for igniting my interest in earth science and how we know our planet is a sphere.
Yes, on one hand we have to be thankful to the flatties.
Information like the one Bob is posting certainly helps people refreshing known stuff or learn something new but most importantly prepares not to step into a flatty trap.
That is one positive thing for me from them I guess. Hehehe
I have learned so much from making them.
Me too. Bob rules ok.
Agreed: I’ve learnt so much science thinking about the flerf nonsense.. it’s been great, so thank you flatards!
Do not ever stop bob, i really wish i had you as a teacher back in 2000.
In the same way that Trump has mobilized an entire generation of apolitical millenial drop-outs, the FE dipshittery has reignited an interest in both the physical and esoteric sciences. I'm having a great time learning all sorts of new stuff, as well as revisiting subjects I hadn't touched upon since high school. Thanks bob.
Seems like you should be thanking Mark Sargent and Eric Dubay 😉
@@RobertEmery I would think that is a step too far Robert.
As there are also RUclips science sites that just follow the science, ignoring the flat earth lot, I prefer to think we would get there anyway. Have a look at Curious Droid for instance.
Bob, thank you for showing the Anundshög analemma standing stones. I will add it to my holiday wish list!
Hi Bob. Thanks for re-awakening the Analemma. I'd forgotten all about it. Watching these kind of videos is like a fast track refresher course of stuff I learned over the course of many years.
Thanks for explaining all this and showing what it looks like on Mars (never even thought about what that would look like).
At 10:28, the question isn't really WHERE on Earth we would see it, but rather WHEN on Earth It won't happen in your lifetime, but it has happened in the past, and will happen in the future. That would happen when the axis of Earth's aphelion/perihelion is perpendicular to the axis of its rotation. In otherwords, the apses dates in early January and July, would have to occur in March and September. It will eventually happen because of axial precession and orbital precession.
The perihelion and aphelion dates coincided with the solstices in the year 1246, (773 years ago). They will coincide with the equinoxes in the year 6430.
Mars has a similar-ish axial tilt to Earth. Its aphelion and perihelion are closer to its equinoxes than its solstices, which is why it has the bean-shaped analemma instead of a figure 8.
The university of Tasmania (Australia) has a sundial made with an analema pattern, that was the first place I'd ever seen it in action. It gives accurate time and date all year.
Thanks so much for a refresher on the Analemma. The wow factor is still there after 40 years! Excellent.
I have always admired people who can take a very complicated subject and distill the explanation down to one that can be understood even by a Neanderthal. Love the video
Keep on educating Bob. Some of us take a real interest in what you have to teach and explain. You have a great following here. Keep it up. The more you post the more i tune in
Thanks Bob I'm learning so much from your channel, educational and interesting. 😊🇭🇲
Thank you. I thought I understood this but I was wrong on quite a few little details. I've never seen it explained so clearly and directly before. Thank you again for straightening me out.
Thank you for this great video. I had no idea what an analemma even was, so I’m glad to have another piece of the astronomical puzzle fixed firmly in place in my mind. 🙌
Most complete explanation of that phenomenon that I have ever seen!
That was awesome 👏 I have seen the Analemma traced out from a picture taken every day at the same time, but I have never seen one like that, that camera got a hell of a workout taking a picture every 60 seconds.
Thanks for sharing, I will have to check out the original video.
Keep up the great work Dr. Bob
Hey Bob, what an amazing way to promote science! This is just neat. I have to thank all FEs out there, their ignorance and incredulity have triggered a fresh wave of responses from people like you. THANK YOU Bob!
It's interesting to see this because I've been arguing with a flat earther about this very subject for a few weeks!
She claims only flat Earth can account for it and not the globe. 🤦♂️
Yes, Facepalm! The Analemma is completely explained on a rotating spherical Earth orbiting the Sun on an elliptical orbit. The flat narrative just can't begin to do that.
Draw a circle ("flat" Earth), draw a smaller circle with the same center (FE equator) and ask your friend to explain how that could possibly form a figure 8. Don't be afraid to facepalm your friend.
Fun fact too, you can use the elevation data from the analemma to calculate your latitude.
Sadly though, for a certain imbecilic demographic, it only works on a globe. 👍
Yeah. That's the double dare FE stance: they don't know a thing about the phenomenon but instead of shutting up they go "it's a proof the earth is flat".
The most common example of that is the flat horizon. A signature of a round earth but, of course, a proof that it's flat for 3D geometry challenged individuals.
This was a fantastic detailed explanation. I have seen photos of this from waaay back when film was a thing, and somewhat familiar with it, but Bob you laid out a very easy to comprehend explanation of all of the pieces of the puzzle. Definitely a video to reference if I get into a yak with a flatty. The different views from different locations absolutely prove the globe.
Thanks there will be a part two but I have more research to do
Crazy that this was uploaded today: I just made my dad a wood and copper sundial, calibrated for his home, for his birthday and he just got it this morning. I put a graph of an analemma in the inside of the lid with markers for the first of each month as a way to have a chart on hand to account for the Equation of Time. This video will be extremely helpful in explaining why the graph looks like it does. Thanks! 😎 👍
do you have any photos? dr.bob.420.mmj @ g mail dot com
I have seen lots of analemmas but had never seen a movie of one. Astounding piece of work.
Incidentally the correction for the Sun running fast and slow is also known as the 'Equation of Time' and is proof the Earth moves.
yes, the Equation of Time is the term used. I decided to use a different term to better visualize it.
@@BobtheScienceGuy People can google 'Equation of Time' and find out all about it on Wiki and other sites. :-)
Leon Moon lol they could have googled analemma too but there goes my presentation
@@BobtheScienceGuy Yeah sorry Bob. Not trying to deflect people away from your excellent channel. Looking forward to Part 2. :-)
me too, when will you have it out? lol
I’ve known since littlegirldom that the analemma had to do with sun position, thanks to my second grade teacher, Miss Kraft, but the details were lacking. And I’ve never known it would be so different from different earthly positions. Thanks for filling in the blanks! You’re now right up there with Miss Kraft!💋
Thank you. Please keep doing more of this. Loved every minute learning something that I was not (or forgot) from school.
we have lunar eclipses this week
@@BobtheScienceGuy cant wait. I am from Canada and was working during the last eclipse.
Perfectly explained. Thank you for this video.
I loved those pictures of the sun's path over a year. Thanks.
Thanks Bob, this was useful. I saw how Brian 22 misused the analemma to account for Mt. Rainier shadow falling on the clouds, even though the Figure 8 pattern actually kills the geocentric model.
I made a sun dial using a 1" mirror on a window sill. The reflected light spot on the ceiling hit time markers every fifteen minutes. Over the course of some months the marks all traced out analemmas, indicating the day as well.
Interesting and informative as always.
Great video, very helpful for me. I loosely understood some of the basics of the Analemma but wasn't sure on some things. This video did a great job of explaining it very clearly. Thank you very much Bob!
Well, it was worth getting up this morning. I learned something over my first cup of coffee. I had never seen, heard of, this figure 8. Thanks.
I loved this. I adore analemmas, and got every location right! Thanks Bob!
That Analemma from Mars, by itself, utterly nuke the arguments from those who still deny that we sent probes to Mars.
That was a great video Bob! .... Looking forward to the next one 😊
I remember Sky and Telescope had the picture on the cover. It was sometime in the 70's. You have given an easy to understand explanation. I am sorry I never had you as a professor.
Bob the Science Guy (space comma) , Love your videos. You're "no nonsense" and simply explain reality that anyone in elementary school can understand. Love your destruction vids of youtube flat earthers too. My background?.... I have a degree in organic chemistry and now I'm an IT director. Always love learning new things. I hope many people learn from your easily understood videos. Cheers!
thanks man. I got a space comma!
That was a great presentation! I’m getting so much new teaching material for my classroom from your videos. Thank you for your hard work.
do you have a request?
Bob the Science Guy No. Just wanted to thank you for the information. I went to the original video and made a link so that I can later incorporate it into my science curriculum. You also gave me an idea for a solar calendar project that I could do with my students. Thank you and keep up the great work.
another great project would be to do a scale solar system. Yoga ball on one goal line, marble on the other, Do it to scale over about 3 miles. Then point out the nearest star, by that scale, would be 15,000 miles away. From Michigan to India by way of Perth.
Bob the Science Guy A while back, I made a spreadsheet that would allow the user to enter the scaled diameter of the sun (in meters) and it would give the sizes of each planet, distance from sun, distance to nearest star, and diameter of the Milkyway.
This year, we’re starting up a science club. We plan on having the students calculate the scaled proportions to make the solar system fit on the football field. Also, a scale model between our sun to the closest star.
In class, I have a globe and a wide variety of balls of various diameters. They select which ball they think is the appropriate sized ball for the moon and place where they think is the distance of the moon’s orbital radius. They then crunch the numbers and are always amazed by how far off they were. For fun, I also have them determine the milliliter of salt and fresh water are on the scaled globe. We later use the scale models to show how seasons, moon phases, and solar and lunar eclipses occur.
Again, thank you for your hard work and keep the lessons coming.
Another great video. This is another of those things flat earthers stay well away from because some small part of their mind clearly does realise their model (not that you can really claim they even have one) just does not work. There are so many things anyone can do to start creating a model of the earth with no need to believe any established source. Flat earthers won't do this though as the results are always the same - the only model that can reconcile ever observation into a single model is the globe.
I made a solar clock once by putting a 1" mirror in a southern window. I marked its reflection every half hour on the ceiling from about 9AM to 3PM. It also tracked the days of the year as the spot cycled around the figure eights. I could be lying on the couch and tell the time to within about five minutes by looking at the ceiling.
Wow. Analemmas. Brilliant. I just learned something new. Fantastic vid, Bob. Thank you.
Yet another thing I missed on my trip to Sweden. Oh well, you can't see everything on this world, and Vasa was fantastic.
Thanks Bob.
ps I just looked that Swedish site up on Wikipedia. Your explanation of the "ships" makes a lot more sense than the simplistic logic behind them expressed there.
@4:20 "...it will be directly south of you..." if you are at a northern latitude... right?
yes, I made it clear for most of the examples that we were talking N. Hemisphere unless specified. There were a couple specifically from the S. Hemisphere.
Wonderful explanation
This was tremendously interesting and I'd love to hear more about things we can observe and record in the sky.
That time laps is amazing!
Ah Astronomy 101 how I did miss you! Thank You for the great refresher Bob! Peace
Trying to get flat earthers to understand the basics of sunsets and moonphases, this would be overload with them. But it is easily explained keep up your awesome videos! 🌎😎
Most of them struggle to understand how the sun and moon can both be visible at the same time.
you learn something new everyday
A big thank you from sweden for again a great video
i saw the first analemma in the medieval part of the city of Bergamo 50 km east of Milano in Italy, in the old square under the medieval town hall there is a marking on the floor with the analemma and there still the target hole to form the sun spot, this is at about 45.4 N latitude. Thanks Bob, i just would have liked a bit more explanation on the reasons why a changing orbital speed causes the shifting of the sun position if taken at the same reference noon time. I know the explanation, but i bet many people are not aware of the difference between sidereal day and solar day
Actually, that is one of the things I planned to cover in part two, relating it to local and mean solar time and sidereal time. They all sort of fall together and I want to address them together.
Thanks for the video. I had heard flat earthers using their misunderstanding of the analemma to prove their own scientific illiteracy. This video is a wonderful and easy to understand demonstration of what it really is and how it can be used. I will link it if I run across another flat earther who doesn't understand how the analemma works..
You played quite a trick on my brain that I wont fall into it anymore with that Mars analemma. I paused the video and for a couple of minutes (probably more but I'm kind of embarrassed to tell the real time) I tried to solve that question of your's. I of course wasn't thinking outside the earth (not that I'd figure it out if I wasn't) but when I couldn't find a place on earth of course (cos there is where I was looking) where that form of analemma would be created, I gave up and continued to play the video and when you said "Mars" I was there went x amount of time I'll never get back . At least I felt that I made enough brain exercise for today.
Nice video (and since we live in a world full of crazy people with even crazier conspiracies) nice to see that you started to look at some others than the flat earth ,and if you do so the day where you get to 100 k subs and more wont be as far as you might think.
You have everything (most important the knowledge and patience) to succeed in this field of busting crazy conspiracies (and there is no lack of those , you bust one three others spring to life). have a nice month ( cos I usually comment once per month so ..) by.
Thanks! and by the way, the analemma of the moon has that same bean shape, for now...
That was very informative, thanks Bob!
Excellent video, Bob! Very useful info sir!
I love dyslexia, I did read it as "Understanding the anal enema Part 1" at first time, so I'm glad that I have the habit to read a line twice :-D
And I had no idea what "Analemma" was, so thank you for the information and the education.
Yet another thing learned. Thanks Bob.
Fabulous video, possibly your best one. Everything fits perfectly to the heliocentric system, take note flatties.
I am going to have to do a bit of work to be able to visualize this in my mind's eye. I'm sure with a bit of concentration it'll come to me.
This is another great video! I like to learn. Merci!
You make it easy and very understandable.
Wonderful video!
Thanks. Very clear.
Ok brillant. I wonder how the flat earth model will explain the analemma!
They don't explain it. They just claim it as their own.
Thanks Bob. I learned something today!
11:21 has anyone noticed the perfect circular patterns? what is it?
perfect circular patterns?
@@BobtheScienceGuy on the grass... ex: there is one circle with location marker pin being the centre (bottom left). there are multiple circular patterns on the grass like this. even on the forest (top right of the screen)
no idea
That was was beautiful Bob. Little gems like this always catch my attention. A nice change from bent Flerf mind shite.
Nice work as always, sir! Another simple observation clearly explained.
Are you going to cover the Lunar libration too? I've been using it in discussions with disc defenders for over 30 years. (Yes, I've been debunking them since the mid-80's.) and it appears to make them suffer from a "404 Error".
I'll look into it but it sounds like a good addition to this series along with part 2
@@BobtheScienceGuy You already covered tidal locking in one of your videos, it would make a good follow up to that too.
Love it Bob from Ireland
Wow that movie is absolutely amazing! Thanks Bob
What a pleasant presentation, thanks good sir.
Judging by the architecture, I estimate the pictures of the northern hemisphere being taken in the area of former east Germany.
The video is from Holland as I recall so you are in the right range of latitude. Nicely done.
@@BobtheScienceGuy Thank you for that information. Guessing the latitude was just a matter of practice. Since Flat earthers, I have become more aware of my surroundings. I developed a solid mental image of my position in the universe and the things around me. It's quite satisfying to understand what I look at.
@@BobtheScienceGuy Ah, you got me, I believed you when you said Holland. But I did check the source because the sun didn't seem low enough. And the photos where taken in Switzerland.
Arno nümuss ah thought it was Holland
@@BobtheScienceGuy I don't mind, It's quite enjoyable not to fall into the same traps as Flerfs and believe everything without checking.
Gah, I was looking for Part II already before realizing you just posted this haha. Great vid, Bob, you would be an excellent teacher.
thank you. I enjoy it.
I hope Gary Wybenga sees this video. He’s very confused about analemmas, but then he’s confused about pretty much everything.
drop it on his channel
@Bob the Science Guy - I posted it on his last video, still no comments from Gary.
I love the analemma from Mars! Would be cool if you just added what the analemma would look like at a flat un-moving Earth, for reference, and then you could even show what an analemma would look like if we added even more movements to Earth, besides the tilt and the spin. Would be just cool to see, since I'm having a hard time envisioning different analemmas in my head!
there will be a part 2 one of these days. That question is on my list to cover.
Sometimes being a “stick in the mud” is all you need to be accurate about the Sun and Earth’s physical correlation; facts, evidence and some footage to mop up any doubters. Must admit I’d not seen this feature presented in such a novel and interesting way, thanks Bob.
Thanks for the explanation.
If God wanted us to use logic and math He would give us brains!
I have called religitards blasphemers for rejecting the use of the mind their "God" gave them.
To really make someone mad: Try this with a preacher... one who believes himself to be a minister.
@@its1110 I was lucky. I had religion teachers who did not deny science.
Good job.
Another nail in the coffin of the Flat Earth. Bob great explanations in this video keep up the good work.
As an introductory to the subject this was informative, well presented both visually and orally and above all understandable. I genuinely learned something interesting here. What a comparison to scammers like Oakley, aka Mr duping delight, screaming "stupid retard" into a mic. while his kids cry in the background.
Beautifully explained. Keep up the good works.
A wonderful video. I just wanted to know how to pronounce it, and you mercifully started pronouncing it very early in the video. But I watched the whole thing because it's very interesting and you presented it so well.
Thanks for taking the time to explain this.
Phuket Word: "Hmmm, that really makes sense. I guess i was mistaken after all."
Thrive and survive: "Wow, i never took that into consideration. So i was totally wrong about the shape of the earth and the heliocentric model. I better hurry and tell my family and kids about it, so they won't run into trouble in school because of the false info i gave them over the last years"
Now that's a parallel universe that's even less likely than one with a flat Earth :)
Note that the perihelion/aphelion are actually about two weeks off from their respective solstices. If it were exact, it would be a rather extraordinary coincidence, especially considering the precession of the axial tilt.
Yes, and that is why the analemma is slightly tilted off center.
Good one. Showing the offspring this for sure!
This one of my main talking points when crushing flerfers in conversation. Another is to ask them why we can see the constellation of Orion in our night sky during certain months of the year, yet we can't during the other months of the year, and then ask them to explain HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE IF EARTH IS FLAT ??? Thank you, Astronomy.
Also ask how constellations( or other objects) photographed from any where in Earth are so identical that they can be stacked to create a more detailed image. I just saw an image of the Andromeda Galaxy stacked from images from all over the world at different times. Combined exposure equivalent to 1000 hours. If the stars etc were close like some flatheads say, the images would never align.
Speaking of Orion, it is coming here at 114w 51n. Preceded by pleides which is now up around 2 am. Just got some tracking gear and hope to get some good images of Orion. Probably later in the fall, to have it in a better position.
14k getting there Bob.
The analemma has always confused me but this video helped a lot. The "movie" of the analemma over the course of a year also confused me until I realized that the images are not shown in actual progression through the year but the entire year is being shown as it progresses hour by hour. I still don't understand why a specific analemma is put on the globe since it varies by latitude and time of day.
Excellent point. No it does not. It is ALWAYS centered on the equator and extends 23.4 deg n/s.
To find the center of the analemma from your location in the n hemisphere subtract your latitude from 90 and that will be the mid point to the south.
Let me know if that helps if not we can skype and I’ll explain it on the globe. It will specifically be covered in the next video
@@BobtheScienceGuy OK, I think I understand now. The analemma stays the same shape and size but moves north and south with latitude and rotates as you look east or west. I will wait for the next video to better understand. In any event, I really appreciate your time spent explaining all these interesting facts and properties of the solar system.
36736fps not quite but you are getting there
I thought I understood this, until I starting thinking about it, which is always dangerous. If I understand it correctly, the analemma marks the varying position of the sun in the sky, as seen from a given location, at the same time (usually 12 noon) in *mean solar time* for that location. Now that is intelligible when the observer has some way of accurately determining mean solar time, independently of the actual position of the sun. But I don't think mean solar time could be accurately measured before the availability of modern clocks, from about 1700 AD. So could the analemma be observed before this date, and if so how? (A possible answer occurs to me, that mean solar time could be determined by reference to sidereal time, which is not affected by the earth's orbit around the sun. But there is still the problem of measuring time to an accuracy of a few minutes within the day.)
A stick and a shadow don't know what mean solar time is. The key would be tracing the shadow over an hour at mid day. Find the zenith and plot that.
Good question. Looks like the ancients had this figured out but how?
Sidereal time isn't ideal, since it's one day off after one year, which means it can be 12 hours off at some time of the year...
Now some trivia: the Italian word for hour glass is clessidra, which is, to some extents, a misnomer... since it derives from ancient greek clepsydra. You may recognise the stems of two words, which you can still encounter in English too, in kleptomania and hydraulic (or hydrogen). They mean 'to steal' and 'water', respectively. It was the name of ancient water clocks.
And there you have it, water clocks and later hourglasses were wildly used before modern mechanical clocks. You need accurate time keeping for precise seafaring, something they were doing way before 1700 AD. For latitude you can use the angular position of the sun at noon, but for longitude you need to keep track of Greenwich time (or whatever reference time you use). Basicly knowing what's the time in Greenwich when it's noon at your place, gives you your longitude.
@@BobtheScienceGuy -- "The key would be tracing the shadow over an hour at mid day." I don't see how that would help. Zenith is always due south.
@@poopytowncat so the question doesn't really relate to the sun but to timekeeping? The difference between mean solar noon and apparent solar noon. Mean solar noon can be determined from longitude, but that doesn't tell us how the ancients did it. Let me do some research.
This was a lovely science lesson. I do like learning. I thought the photo of the Martian analemma was interesting. It's always good to learn something new. Just more evidence that the earth isn't flat. I really love science. Science is awesome. I will always be a nerd. Amen!
I can't wait for the next video on this topic.
Great video, keep up the good work. God bless.
Have a nice day/night.
-------------------------------------- with love from a nerdy Christian.
As soon as I saw, and you started with the perfect circels, I understood.
I never realised, until now, tho. Thank you; I learned something new.
You can calculate tilt, orbit as well as your location on earth with one figure.
How would FEs debunk this ? Would be hilarious to see their 'creative' minds, trying.
Thank you for a really great explanation of analemmas (or should it be analemmae?).
So, if I live in Australia, and apparent solar noon is when the sun is due south of me, is this approximately the same thing as midnight? You did say that if I live on the earth it would be south at apparent solar noon.
Solar noon is when the sun is directly North of you in the S. Hemisphere. I made it pretty clear I was discussing the Northern Hemisphere.
No you really dont. Listen to yourself at 4:11. "If you are on a location on the earth and you look up. When the sun is at its highest point during the day it will be directly due south of you and that will be called apparent noon."
Sorry to give you a hard time. I do believe that what you do is good. You explain things as opposed to the majority who mostly just poke fun at flat earthers, anti evolutionists, etc. It does mean that I hold you to a slightly higher standard though.
For most of Australia (except the Northern parts above 23.4 S) I can't think of a time the sun would be due south of you.
Me either, that is why I suggested midnight as the best bet. I don't actually live in Australia by the way, I live in Guatemala.
Would the analemma change orientation on a flat erf?
i don't know. Every flat earth map I've seen doesn't have it on there. I think that by next week they will have one though.
The analemma would be a vertical line going from solstice to solstice.
Thinks you should send to Phuket Word I think his brain may explode !
That was a fascinating talk
Nick will just say this, "Whatever"
Very interesting theory about Anundshög, especially as I have lived just a kilometer away from it and been there many times. However, I can't see how any natural measurement from the sun would cast a shadow in that pattern. For example the sun sets in the northeast in the summer, not the southeast. It might fit for a specific time of day in the afternoon, for example 15.00, but there was no clocks at the time that it was built. What am I missing?
It is the sun at its highest point in the sky,then you know it is midday,take your measurements and mark the shadow.
@@elvidaskraucevicius604 Wouldn't that put the shadow to the north of the hill rather than to the east?
@@goranandersson3544 you can mark the point with the last rays of sun and it will make analema
@@elvidaskraucevicius604 Yes, but that will form a shape that is completely different from where the stones are. It would be more than 90 degrees wide, not the 10 degrees that the stone formation is.
@@goranandersson3544 it could be just depiction of real annalema,cos to make it that big on the ground the reference point should be large as well,i think they just expresed there knowledge
I really enjoyed that. thank you.
3:19 I'm sure you meant elliptical.
I'm sure you are right! Notice I corrected, it was just a slip of the tongue.
@@BobtheScienceGuy In that case, never mind.
My concern was simply to make you aware, so you can choose what to do, or not to do about it. The topics are related, so I understand why that slip of tongue happened.