yes agree on that. tilapia fish itself cannot sustain an hydroponic vege economically. Normally it relies on additional A/B fertilisers (chemical) or dump more poop (organic) into the sump tank for bacteria to digest them. Additionally, with high concentration of fish in small SQFT fish tank, fish death rates are high and unhealthy for fish.
It depends usually for agriculture if you are involved in normal ministry or lembaga will assist you or you didn't get in touch. Of course every business there is a risk involved. Need to know n explore. I am from agriculture too but lot labour incentive. If can use automation then it is great
If follow the laws and regulation, no issue… but many want to take short cut… This is not bumi or non bumi issue… many non bumi plantation company also get a lot of land. Please Don’t relate everything with skin color…
@@chiawaixiang482 this is why gov play a big role, they need to promote and assist farmer how to setup and provide a low interest loa, else we will just backward
food is necesity, like pork, chicken, but we need to go for industrial automotion system, like china and sg. but all this thing really need gov to sponsor, low interest loan rate, and need them support, else very hard
Yeap agree. Govt need to play a role, and start it from a grassroot level. You can't apply a top-down approach and expect everything to flow smoothly. (Jin)
@@ZFounderClub i say just copy china pig farming system and if pork cannot sold out, can do can food, there is no waste. why not you do a crowdfunding and look for youngster which has this knowledge, and can look for investor and gov to support, is a very good market prospect
It is very high risk to make fertilizer, first you need sourcing from good quality petrochem. A high concentration fertilizer also can make bomb, so the risk of making fertiliser is very high.
Very generate comment on the agriculture industry. Thank you for that. Love a lot of video from z founder. Good effort. However there is still a lot of hidden factor that didn't discuss. In conclusion with my 10 year experiences in this industry, agriculture in malaysia is not as good as this video think. For those that are interested to hoop in this industry. Please try to can get more data on the ground which justify more on your decision as there is a lot of hidden risk that you may not know.
if you go explore more on how holland do on agriculture, u will amaze, all is indoor and machinery, their tomata almost 1/3 export to worldwide. u only need people to monitor.
Commenting as i listen to the podcast, so everything is base on the timeline vege cannot sell due to climate change. vege need to grow in cool weather otherwise will not grow properly. this is the inner detail why vege is declining. also grant is give base on stages. every stage need to be reported and verified to enable for the next disbursement. Hydroponics and Aquaponics also has its issue small / large scale. in small scale, hobby level ok, large scale, it still goes down to human maintenance and cost of fertilizer, equipment. After that, vege under hydroponic, aquaponic still require human to upkeep and maintain. In short introducing this tech is good idea, but it also invites additional expertise to maintain it. compared to natural sunlight, pesticide, and rain water. Mothernature has the upper cost advantage. Human labor wise, it is about currency exchange. Australia can have tech due to export and good curruency exchange. Malaysia labor is cheap. Urbanisation is one of the issue to the decline, capital, land and labour prices all are adjusted according how populated the area is. this leaves the cheapest areas are far away from urban areas. and this incurs transportation cost. unless this logistics is being solved, it will still be an issue to deliver from farm to fork supply chain.
I think agriculture graduates are not appreciated by gov and local council . They are not given any opportunity to use their knowledge to help in agriculture sector or mayb they juz aim to enter Felda . If this group of ppl involve in the food supply chain esp in private sectors , they can explore deeper on the core issue of M'sia agriculture and can give direct advice to the farmers as well as act as channel to talk with ministers. Plantation in large scale nit local council support, there are some states facing problems of difficulty on application on land. N bsides the land issue, there are issue of price control + how much profit margin does the middleman earn in the supply chain ? is there any governance? Aquaponic has problem of variation of vege offered + water pollution. I seriously doubt is it ok to consume too much of it.
should change the title to ' In Malaysia, fertilizer business can be very profitable' instead of growing vege in Malaysia. whole episode is non related to vege and malaysia food supply chain.
This episode's discussion is merely to highlight how much more market opportunity there is for food supply chain/ vegetables plantations. For a country with ample land, it's shocking that we are only meeting 30% of the food needed. Our plantations in 油棕/ 橡胶 are well recognised globally. Why can't we do the same with other commodities? Overall the episode is just to spark different discussion. If you're looking for a discussion heavily into the prices of veges, profit margin of veges etc., then we're so sorry that we didn't cover that part in the video.
@@ZFounderClub exactly… as the title of the video suggested… might as well change to fertilizer related, not growing vege… Just my opinion.. cause we spent 30min to go through the video but non related to vege when the title itself suggested vege and attracted us to click in. Anyway.. good sharing and hope to Hear more stuffs related to our country food security and agri related stories. Cheers
@@tansmurf Thank you for your comment and we will look into this matter for future content. Happy that you enjoyed the sharing albeit wasn't really what you were really looking forward to.
look at the veg price, you think you can really profit from it? The real profit folks are the middle man! I can tell you, a lot of rice farmers don't earn a lot.
We understand and we agree. But that can only mean that industry practices in the agriculture scene is still up for improvements. Agriculture itself is profitable, what's not profitable is the undercut practices by middlemen and other players within the supply chain.
Land price is an issue, infra cost is too high for any agri R&D to propagate. As long as Indonesia land is still cheap, no way Malaysia agri can be self sustain. You guys need to look beyond easy money topics.
原来那么多人喜欢看关于农业的课题!谢谢大家!但是这里我们也在事后发现到了一个小小的错误。7:59 那里应该是 63.65 billion 和 75.71 billion.
yes agree on that. tilapia fish itself cannot sustain an hydroponic vege economically.
Normally it relies on additional A/B fertilisers (chemical) or dump more poop (organic) into the sump tank for bacteria to digest them.
Additionally, with high concentration of fish in small SQFT fish tank, fish death rates are high and unhealthy for fish.
1. 鱼菜共生鱼,菜和系统,三者之间的关系是紧密的,养多少条鱼,种多少颗菜,比例都需要经过计算,系统的设计也很多需要非常多的考量,设施设备方面如何选择,出水量排水量,水位高度等等还有很多。
2. 鱼菜共生初期投入很大,如果一开始就要做大商业化,除了资金是其中一个问题,也必须拥有了一组优秀的技术团队维持系统运作,观察水,鱼和菜的状况。
3. 再来就是如何销售种出来的菜,要跟本地农药市场竞争已是不可能的,售价的考量很重要,太贵没人买,太低难回本。
哇!谢谢分享!你的系统有 test run 过吗?是否能成事?
@@ZFounderClub 有,没有问题
@@mr.modeller6173 哇,弄到我也想去看看
It depends usually for agriculture if you are involved in normal ministry or lembaga will assist you or you didn't get in touch. Of course every business there is a risk involved. Need to know n explore. I am from agriculture too but lot labour incentive. If can use automation then it is great
油棕行业提到的人工问题,其实如果有仔细了解的话,一直以来我国的几个巨头的一直在尝试技术创新在割油棕果上,期间有研发出不少的机器企图来代替人工收割,但是效果都不如人工收割快及没。其实割油棕也是一种技巧 把果割下来后 还需要修油棕树叶 这些都是机器暂时代替不了的😂
Aquaponics 其实这个东西已经很多很多很多年前也是很多人大流行去玩,后来老一辈的人不玩后就新一代没人接手。
如果要产生新生小孩多接触大自然,比如蔬菜之类,我脑海现在有一个想法,就是Educated 那些新的project Property 里, 让 Resident 推动回馈农业,了解农业,然后在Lanscape 里种植这些农业,从小开始Training ,到他毕业后,自然有更好的天赋去做更新。
Agriculture 里有一个很大的问题就是,回本太慢,没人要做,而且很多地都是卖的太贵,已经不是那种能买的起的价钱,加上政府各种限制性(比如在多少年后必须把这块地给回政府之类)等。
我之前有想到种辣椒和tomota 之类,或是种植比较短的,后者就是收入太小了,花费时间一开始比较大,除非真的拿来娱乐玩,还可以,但是以企业家来做,完全100%,不要求多,够吃就好,别说赚钱,至少3个月才有成果。而且是solo,不请人。
所以,很多这些都是比较上游的东西,如果不是经过三代,都不敢玩,Test and Error 这个动作,除非后台说,敢敢去,那么就不怕。(怕晒,怕下雨的人大部分人都不怕,只是怕穷而已)
Aquaponic 和 Hydroponic 比较的话,还是相对有很多控制不到的元素。如果要降低冒险性,Hydroponic 是比较好的选择。
原因是貪污问题 non bumi can't get land. 租地而且分分鐘收回所以不下重本投资。貪污在每个行业变成投资者不願投资。
Hard to own land, but still can rent either directly from them or other owner.
If follow the laws and regulation, no issue… but many want to take short cut…
This is not bumi or non bumi issue… many non bumi plantation company also get a lot of land.
Please Don’t relate everything with skin color…
@@ZFounderClub 很多故事。政府口头说支持food security 都只是客套话,一直以来对农业政策都不友善哪来得到argitech的进步,你要有黑白想通,白的是负责通过你的liscense 他们抽油水给atas的人,中间人抽油水。黑- 黑社会妳不给他们搞妳农作物下毒毒妳鱼池, 还有邻国某个大亨垄断了东南亚市场,你要是对他们有竞争威胁 他们会dump price 或者控制原材料来搞死你,
其实马来西亚农业是绝对够供应给本地市场的,除了某些种植不了的菜就需要靠进口,然后政府并没有帮助本地农民全部是靠自己经验,你可以注意市场的价格每年都会上好几次新闻 金马伦蔬菜过剩拿去丢,而且本地还有能力出口蔬菜到国外Singapore ,香港,台湾,泰国,文莱,dubai ,可能这点你不大了解
@@chiawaixiang482 this is why gov play a big role, they need to promote and assist farmer how to setup and provide a low interest loa, else we will just backward
@chiawaixiang482 还有这个设备一旦买了,还要增加security的cost. 整个东西做起来是另外一个level的,所以普通农民搞不了。
a very informative channel, keep up the good work
Much appreciated! Thank you for such kind comment!
農業是知本家的遊戲,菜有價農民還可以活,菜沒有價採收的工錢都不夠,黃瓜批發價可以從rm0.3-rm3都有,天氣不好大家沒有產量價錢就高,天氣好菜價低有時算一算棚架錢肥料錢工錢零零總總加起來賺沒有多少 。做農業還要面對全軍覆沒風險
非常赞同你的说法 种到辛辛苦苦去到中间人手中又是以烂价收购 分分钟钟都是亏本 农材料也是疯狂起价但是农民卖出去的价钱没有改变 辛苦的永远是农民
感觉可能因为农名 to 市场 ( 中间太多中间商 ) ? 所以苦的是他们,赚的都是转了一手的人。Personal POV ( Jin )
要开始绝对没有那么容易, aquaponic 还是hydroponic 都好, 要scale up 赚到钱 绝对需要很大笔启动资金, 有多少这个专业的·大学毕业生有那么笔钱去开始, disease control 分分钟·让你颗粒无收。 虽然想法很好,可是执行上绝对没有那么容易
当然当然。还是需要 meticulous planning and proper execution.
跟政府租地没有保障,而且太多人需要settle, 没有办法。我们还是把投资重心放到其它地方,例如泰国和越南。农业产业一旦投入金钱,就必须获得相应保障,要不然真的是怎样赔了都不知道,尤其栽在马来西亚政府手里。我觉得如果要创业可以试一下,如果要投入资金就一定要绕过马来西亚,这是2024的肺腑之言
food is necesity, like pork, chicken, but we need to go for industrial automotion system, like china and sg. but all this thing really need gov to sponsor, low interest loan rate, and need them support, else very hard
Yeap agree. Govt need to play a role, and start it from a grassroot level. You can't apply a top-down approach and expect everything to flow smoothly. (Jin)
@@ZFounderClub i say just copy china pig farming system and if pork cannot sold out, can do can food, there is no waste. why not you do a crowdfunding and look for youngster which has this knowledge, and can look for investor and gov to support, is a very good market prospect
Will do in the future haha. For now focusing on building ZFounderclub first
It is very high risk to make fertilizer, first you need sourcing from good quality petrochem. A high concentration fertilizer also can make bomb, so the risk of making fertiliser is very high.
I see, thanks for sharing!
You need good r n d department to assist
谢谢你分享这些 insider info 给我们知道。那你认为这个问题应该从哪里开始处理呢?
@@ZFounderClub 小农民应该很难,主应该需要农民公会,团体(但应该很多农民也不活跃)反应给政府,政府再进一步协助。但年轻人越来越不要做农业是真的。台湾也一样,他们有农业险(稳赚不赔,发生天灾病虫害造成损失,可以claim保险),但依然没有人做。
Kementerian Ekonomi 的 IPR INTAN 是一个很好的例子。现代农业不须要很大的土地,可是科技很重要。
可以在每年70 billion 的进口市场分一杯羹。加油👏
谢谢分享! 我们会去看看!感恩!
Very generate comment on the agriculture industry. Thank you for that. Love a lot of video from z founder. Good effort. However there is still a lot of hidden factor that didn't discuss. In conclusion with my 10 year experiences in this industry, agriculture in malaysia is not as good as this video think. For those that are interested to hoop in this industry. Please try to can get more data on the ground which justify more on your decision as there is a lot of hidden risk that you may not know.
Thank you Haw Siang for your kind comments. We will strive to improve our videos in the future both in depth and quality.
2)他们把大部分的 agriculture budget都放在felda,都进了油棕的领域。除了你说的,还有他们不愿意重视非法土地问题,农民都上新闻表达了困境,政府方面静静的。是有听到政府说要重视粮食安全问题,但还没说中央愿意和州政府斡旋。
3)已经听说政府要买drone施肥,但是针对什么农作物就不清楚了。比起农民,感觉大学生更不被政府重视。之前看到中国的新闻,农民可以找地方政府寻找农地产量不佳的解决方案,地方政府会委派大学的研究生(们)到该农地做研究,这些都是不需要农民给任何费用。对双方都是win win situation
if you go explore more on how holland do on agriculture, u will amaze, all is indoor and machinery, their tomata almost 1/3 export to worldwide. u only need people to monitor.
Majority VC in Malaysia don't even want to touch agro stuff . In Malaysia history we got no VC that have made a huge hit with agro company/ startup .
We will be having a VC on the show soon haha, maybe I can ask him about this.
@@ZFounderClub during that time Kl20 event I met many agro tech people , they are the one who told me about this .
There are vc investing in least I know 2.
@@mygoldpublishing That's cool! What's the name of the VC if you don't mind sharing.
大部分农业地都是租的 农业地租金大部分也不会贵 一些1年才几千块
@@ZFounderClub 我指的是说哦,你是讨论就不相干了,行行出状元,但有多少人失败而造就了今天的王者?1+1等于2,很多人认为是应该这样,但你去上网找1+1会是多少,你会发现另外一个世界
感恩分享🎉又是收获满满 🎉 好怕以后会有粮食问题
虽然好赚,但是后面也提到门槛没有想象的低。可能可以先研发自己的肥料,出了点成绩后,再 approach 其他园主 (Jin)
Commenting as i listen to the podcast, so everything is base on the timeline
vege cannot sell due to climate change. vege need to grow in cool weather otherwise will not grow properly. this is the inner detail why vege is declining.
also grant is give base on stages. every stage need to be reported and verified to enable for the next disbursement.
Hydroponics and Aquaponics also has its issue small / large scale.
in small scale, hobby level ok, large scale, it still goes down to human maintenance and cost of fertilizer, equipment.
After that, vege under hydroponic, aquaponic still require human to upkeep and maintain.
In short introducing this tech is good idea, but it also invites additional expertise to maintain it. compared to natural sunlight, pesticide, and rain water. Mothernature has the upper cost advantage.
Human labor wise, it is about currency exchange. Australia can have tech due to export and good curruency exchange. Malaysia labor is cheap.
Urbanisation is one of the issue to the decline, capital, land and labour prices all are adjusted according how populated the area is. this leaves the cheapest areas are far away from urban areas. and this incurs transportation cost. unless this logistics is being solved, it will still be an issue to deliver from farm to fork supply chain.
I think agriculture graduates are not appreciated by gov and local council . They are not given any opportunity to use their knowledge to help in agriculture sector or mayb they juz aim to enter Felda .
If this group of ppl involve in the food supply chain esp in private sectors , they can explore deeper on the core issue of M'sia agriculture and can give direct advice to the farmers as well as act as channel to talk with ministers.
Plantation in large scale nit local council support, there are some states facing problems of difficulty on application on land. N bsides the land issue, there are issue of price control + how much profit margin does the middleman earn in the supply chain ? is there any governance?
Aquaponic has problem of variation of vege offered + water pollution. I seriously doubt is it ok to consume too much of it.
Thank you for your commentaries! I'm pretty sure lots of other viewers will find it useful!
615million的sales (肥料)和 80million 的进口食物, 你不觉得数据有问题吗?
只能说明了油棕/橡胶比种菜更好赚,开发商/政府宁愿进口食物,也不浪费土地在 consumables plantations。 但是这是其他国家还肯出口给你的情况,以后有什么样的变动我们应该怎样?
not only fertilizer, pesticide should be a big portion in sales, look deeply so you would not show the wrong picture to your audiences
should change the title to ' In Malaysia, fertilizer business can be very profitable' instead of growing vege in Malaysia. whole episode is non related to vege and malaysia food supply chain.
This episode's discussion is merely to highlight how much more market opportunity there is for food supply chain/ vegetables plantations. For a country with ample land, it's shocking that we are only meeting 30% of the food needed.
Our plantations in 油棕/ 橡胶 are well recognised globally. Why can't we do the same with other commodities? Overall the episode is just to spark different discussion. If you're looking for a discussion heavily into the prices of veges, profit margin of veges etc., then we're so sorry that we didn't cover that part in the video.
@@ZFounderClub exactly… as the title of the video suggested… might as well change to fertilizer related, not growing vege…
Just my opinion.. cause we spent 30min to go through the video but non related to vege when the title itself suggested vege and attracted us to click in.
Anyway.. good sharing and hope to Hear more stuffs related to our country food security and agri related stories. Cheers
@@tansmurf Thank you for your comment and we will look into this matter for future content.
Happy that you enjoyed the sharing albeit wasn't really what you were really looking forward to.
@@ZFounderClub Because for the same land area, Rubber and Palm Oil is much more profitable. And much more resiliant to climate change.
@@moodswingcafeYeap yeap
Hydroponic 对吧?看到很多小伙伴分享了这个方法
@@ZFounderClub Hydroponic 商业模式需要整个配套智能化管理/太阳能与大规模才能够赚钱..个人比较看好的是小型战法比如1 arce 地的生态玩法-比如种玉米🌽养面包虫养鸡法..养出来的鸡有鸡味也卖得到价钱
没有接触过的人没办法想象农业的风险多大...... 天坑你地坑你肥料商和批发商也坑你........到处都是坑
明白。只能说很多 undertable risk 吧。
后面说了啊?我们有说 to be fair, agriculture 门槛也不低。
aquaponic 真的就是一个坑 😮💨
Hydroponic 比较适合哈哈哈。
目前前景 ok 吗?
look at the veg price, you think you can really profit from it? The real profit folks are the middle man! I can tell you, a lot of rice farmers don't earn a lot.
We understand and we agree. But that can only mean that industry practices in the agriculture scene is still up for improvements.
Agriculture itself is profitable, what's not profitable is the undercut practices by middlemen and other players within the supply chain.
种菜不好赚的。除非你是大卡。小农夫还不如grab rider赚的多,你说年轻人要做吗?
可能那些大型 big scale 的比较辛苦吧。我是有听过朋友种辣椒,pineapple 这些其实还可以。但我只是听说。
@@ZFounderClub 辣椒也是面对自己的问题,当辣椒价钱升高时,政府开放进口辣椒降低价钱,搞得农民只高兴几天。除非,农夫本人懂销售,不然也是被中间人压着。
我突然间想到。。。如果本地辣椒也能培育成文冬姜的 level。那就有自己的定位了,分分钟外国的餐厅还来给你订单。
稻米统制零售价格上限在 RM26 / 10Kg,更不要讲厂商收购批发价,基本上都算亏本卖了,赔钱生意没人做,更何况还要投入更多成本来研发创新,根本就痴人说梦。
Hope you could do a more complete research before doing such podcast.
Will do (:
新加坡也没农业 但是人民吃得饱饱的
这里也吃的饱饱啦。只是想说,明明可以自足,何必 import.
@@ZFounderClub 金马伦那里不是是有农民土地纷争?
2024 了大哥,很多其他方法的。网上都时常传 small scale farming, 可以看看。
@@kongshanlieren 某些地方是需要颜色力量。
是需要时间,个人认为不一定要亲自下田去种等收成,做agriculture-related 的industry 也可以啊(Marcus)
这样讲会害死很多马来西亚农民, 马来西亚的农民这两年几乎都在亏钱,请不要误导民众
这个影片有很大的bias. 看不到真实的一面
好的 👍
讲到那么容易? 来做做看,看你会亏多少,看你有多少钱来亏
1 area land rm250000.
sell it turn it usd 5.5%
@@ZFounderClub 1 area land now rm350000 Turn into USD fixed deposit 5.5%
@@ZFounderClub one acre lah
Land price is an issue, infra cost is too high for any agri R&D to propagate. As long as Indonesia land is still cheap, no way Malaysia agri can be self sustain. You guys need to look beyond easy money topics.