The case against Universal Basic Income (UBI)

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @PamHarries
    @PamHarries 2 года назад +1441

    I am an RN of 46yrs in Australia. In July 2021 the WHOLE medical community of Australia was gagged & told do not speak out in a neg manner around the vaccines or we will de-register you. I expressed my concerns about the gag order in a post on facebook. I was reported anonymously to the Medical Board & de-registered in Nov. On Christmas Eve they reminded me I am STILL being investigated. What keeps rolling thru my mind is when I spent time in Cuba in 2008, and argued with our driver that Australia is a true Democracy. Wise soul that the driver was he argued that there is no such thing as Democracy is all an illusion / delusion

    • @mikebar42
      @mikebar42 2 года назад +82

      He wasn't wrong

    • @actionman9357
      @actionman9357 2 года назад +5

      A 'true' Democracy is the People's Constitutional Right To Bear Arms. When the government thugs come for your firearms, it is KILL, OR BE KILLED to fight for YOUR Democracy!

    • @irenejeka8531
      @irenejeka8531 2 года назад +44

      How horrible of people dibing dobing like silly children! Seriously affecting your bread and butter for having an opinion / conscience thought on a public forum! This is an excuse to be rid of all good ,caring and compassionate human beings what TROLLS our society has become!! I feel for you its disgusting behaviour 😔 you are an individual with free will like every human on this planet...some dont like to think , do or be responsible for themselves , cowards, lazy and anti human towards their own demise! Many of us including history are on your side best of hope and well wishes for you and loved ones !😊

    • @bearskyshebearsky
      @bearskyshebearsky 2 года назад +85

      Australia, Canada and NZ are the scariest 😩😩😩

    • @LiftOffLife
      @LiftOffLife 2 года назад +8

      Your "democracy" has been hijacked by Central bankers who rule you by shadow governments.
      Prove me wrong.

  • @GuitarMasterLicks
    @GuitarMasterLicks 2 года назад +1063

    If this is happens and someone dependent on the income lashes out against something unethical the government is doing, the government will always use the "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" argument. Don't ever allow yourself to be dependent on ANYONE, especially government

    • @photonboy999
      @photonboy999 2 года назад +5

      SO... what will you do if there's no job for you because automation has taken over?
      I agree the control issue is a huge problem. But you simply won't have a choice. The USA is already a failing democracy because the rich control the Government (particular the Republicans). People still vote so that's where Fox News comes in to tell you how and why. Perhaps IRONICALLY it's the corrupt Republicans who will end up pushing UBI which is the epitomy of the "Socialism" they rail against.
      And it won't happen all at once. You can't do anything about it now. What would you do? And what about this dynamic would shift to the point you had any control to dictate policy? We can dream of our ideas of Utopia but the sad fact is the future is predictable. (Don't worry too much because a man-made pathogen will likely wipe everybody out. Control of genetic building blocks in the hands of monkeys.)

    • @paolapeci1937
      @paolapeci1937 2 года назад +9

      Thanks for you reply. Indeed

    • @GuitarMasterLicks
      @GuitarMasterLicks 2 года назад +14

      ​@@photonboy999 Thanks for your reply. I do recognize that automation of jobs is a huge problem and I feel there needs to be some sort of balance between human labor and automated machine labor. For example, no one raised issue when automated bank tellers came out in the 1960s but now that we have self-check out lines at the stores and robots doing a lot in manufacturing we are seeing it's a bigger issue. What we need to do is educate people on using the machinery in the new economy and I genuinely believe nothing replaces the value in a good customer service person, clerk, accountant, lawyer, etc. Perhaps we can allow such people to use technology in a way that makes their jobs and lives easier!

    • @fionam3939
      @fionam3939 2 года назад +10

      @@GuitarMasterLicks Yes, and if you have a life-altering accident or disease, you may not be able to be self-sufficient or even work ever again. And we had aging populations all around the world whose children need to think about taking care of them and not just themselves and their own children. Hacking a living out of the wilderness is hard even for the young and abel-bodied. Here's hoping that there will be a balance struck, where the ones that need it most will be taken care of and the rest can still get on and live and still enjoy their freedoms.

    • @infotruther
      @infotruther 2 года назад +12

      @@photonboy999 it's both parties. One bird

  • @adam.3419
    @adam.3419 2 года назад +662

    I'm so happy you mentioned what is happening in Canada! Because it is a great example of how UBI can go wrong

    • @pearlhartney9
      @pearlhartney9 2 года назад +45

      Yes, and actually they are doing it to people who have worked for their money.

    • @stinkertoy4310
      @stinkertoy4310 2 года назад +44

      Money with restrictions is welfare, and you get welfare gaming. UBI is living/working capitol for a capitalist society. food stamps are fine but you can't buy toilet paper or a new charger cable for your iphone with them, fix a flat tire... etc.
      That happening in canada WITHOUT UBI. Yes it can happen, even without UBI.
      With UBI, I wouldn't have got trapped in the welfare system, homeless. I'd have been able to keep my business going in spite of poor health, not lost my house and much of what I owned.

    • @pafu015
      @pafu015 2 года назад +9

      @Querious Lmao are you for real? First off there are no UBI people. It’s a decision every country can make for themselves and they also regulate it themselves. Countries like Japan had population collapses for so long already due to their culture and society.

    • @19grand
      @19grand 2 года назад +1

      What went wrong?

    • @pafu015
      @pafu015 2 года назад +15

      @Querious I don’t see an issue though. In Germany the UBI would be an additional amount of money everyone receives, whether they are work or not. It’s there so nobody has to worry about their existence.

  • @thorveim1174
    @thorveim1174 2 года назад +99

    Something I find ironic about the UBI is they claim it should cover all living expenses.. while minimum wage already fails harder and harder to do just that.

    • @farmercolm8157
      @farmercolm8157 2 года назад +11

      Many state pensions are also close to or below subsistence levels as we shall see this coming winter. Many pensioners will be faced with a choice of eating or heating.

    • @robertprice9052
      @robertprice9052 2 года назад +7

      Minimum wage and UBI is that this is a very large country and the cost of living varies greatly. Consider the "poverty level" or "living wage" or whatever in these terms: if you live in New York city, or LA or if you live in small town Alabama your cost of living varies. Trying to find some magic sum of money to fairly satisfy everyone's needs is impossible.

    • @stevenjbernard
      @stevenjbernard 2 года назад

      Do you mean you don't trust "the usual suspects" of philanthropic do-gooders and plutocrats? Jeff Bezos won't give his employees a bathroom break, but we're expected to believe he really has our best interests at heart? OK, got it. The Founding Fathers knew better than to trust people, so they set up a system of checks and balances \so each branch of government could keep an eye on the other two. Something about how power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    • @craigboden9455
      @craigboden9455 2 года назад +5

      Living expenses under that kind of rule will probably be far lower than they are right now. Unless humanity gets absolutely hammered to the point they are begging for it. Which I can see going on right now actually and so will you if you look up.

    • @SeaSerpentLevi
      @SeaSerpentLevi Год назад +5

      One thing that is said, is that with the growth of automation, the production will rise a lot but since the unemployment (and lol) would also rise the prices would also decrease since the automation essentially reduces costs of production and drastically reduces or even halves cost of labour in a lot of cases. So the context is very different from what we have now, of course that's all in theory and i am always extremely pessimist about governments specially my government, BUT, the explanation i mentioned above made sense to me.
      But im very stupid and still trying to understand this stuff out.

  • @whatwevefound7769
    @whatwevefound7769 2 года назад +457

    Trust the government? Never! Am already working towards being as self sufficient as possible. Got out of the suburbs and onto a rural property and started living as off Grid as possible, and learning new useful skills in the process. I hope more people open their eyes and understand what is going on by stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.
    Good luck to all the free thinking people.
    Be well

    • @lizagarcia2117
      @lizagarcia2117 2 года назад +6

      If the system wants to end self sufficient they will make things difficult. Contaminate water for watering plants, GMO seeds that contaminates natural plants, can get ugly. Stay under the radar.

    • @infotruther
      @infotruther 2 года назад +2

      Gbu both of you

    • @redfruit1993z
      @redfruit1993z 2 года назад +1

      As a communist, my only message for you os :we will find you.

    • @Slikarxxx
      @Slikarxxx 2 года назад +1

      @@redfruit1993z lol

    • @davidheipel2934
      @davidheipel2934 2 года назад +7

      How much tax are you paying how much tax can you pay when will the tax exceed what you can pay you don't own it. Who comes after you?
      Now look at the big picture.

  • @rosetealatte9282
    @rosetealatte9282 2 года назад +135

    My Nana and Popop lived through World War Two and told me stories that I will never forget. They stuck with me and have always been in the back of my mind, leaving me with a survivalist mentality. I have seen disturbing changes over the last decade and do agree something is coming. As a mother of four sons, I have always encouraged them to know how to do things for themselves as knowing how take care of yourself during tough times is a skill that one day might save your life. I feel that as a society we need to realize that its time to go back to many old ways, and live within our means. That includes growing our own food. When seeing your family becomes a luxury you cannot afford because you are always working just to scratch by, you spend all of your money paying for the car that takes you to work, and the food to fuel yourself for that work is so expensive that you cannot afford produce anymore, something is very wrong.

    • @jasonsadliberty1503
      @jasonsadliberty1503 2 года назад +6

      You hit the nail on the head....

    • @finalwarningformankindlove3260
      @finalwarningformankindlove3260 2 года назад +5

      Well said mama.
      Something is definitely wrong.
      It's manipulations

    • @guystudios
      @guystudios 2 года назад +1

      “Something’s coming”… that’s a vague statement if I ever heard one.

    • @roslineloutsios7495
      @roslineloutsios7495 2 года назад

      rosetealatte 9
      You are right. We must step back and learn the basic skills of taking responsibility for ourselves. A healthy survival depends on several levels of needs. Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory is based on motivation. Our actions are motivated by certain physiological and psychological needs ranging from basic to complex. So, the basic needs, such as food, water, breathing, safety, love, homeostasis, and self-esteem must be met before the more complex levels can be reached.
      Unfortunately, today, a really healthy person is difficult to find; toxicity has become widespread just about everywhere, whatever we touch or eat or drink or breathe in. A blatant visual result can be seen daily, everywhere by looking at out-of-shape, fat, or obese people and the grotesque dis-eases, sicknesses, or simply undiagnosable or psychosomatic pain issues as a result. Sadly, this shocking phenomenon has been creeping into every age group, even very young children, absolutely shocking. Our unhealthy lifestyle has rapidly progressed to unacceptable and dangerous health levels of excesses in unnatural and toxic food items, including sugar and chemical-filled drinks, instead of plain water. Sedentary habits have overtaken simple daily required movements to overcome excessive stress. Lack of quality sleep has become a serious health issue. Stress has reached a grossly misunderstood and dangerously neglected phenomenon that can kill you and has done so for the last few decades. We need to go back to common sense and re-analyze our intoxicated behaviour to be able to become totally independent again and HEALTHY IN MIND AND BBODY.

    • @Mysticaltyger
      @Mysticaltyger 2 года назад +9

      @@guystudios It's hard to predict the details. But anyone who opens their eyes can see the agenda for complete centralized control by a very few.

  • @brianv3742
    @brianv3742 2 года назад +301

    I am always amazed by how people do not realize that if someone (ie: the state) "gives" you the floor for you to sleep, they also create the ceiling in which you can grow.

    • @johnnyblue4799
      @johnnyblue4799 2 года назад +10

      I don't get it! You grow on ceilings? I didn't ask for any floor to sleep on. I'd rather sleep under the stars and have no ceiling to limit me from reaching for the sky!

    • @robinmackie2840
      @robinmackie2840 2 года назад +7

      Or a low ceiling to cramp your growth.

    • @DaPhreshestKidd
      @DaPhreshestKidd 2 года назад +8

      Bruh, slavery is required for niggas to seek freedom
      They doing us a favor, you can actually work on your spirituality and life purpose when you are not focused on petty human shit like competition and money! Try to see the positive in all this. The world is changing but you don't have to be afraid. Those that opress us will die, but knowledge is hereditary. We finna win so hard, watch

    • @johnnyblue4799
      @johnnyblue4799 2 года назад +6

      @@DaPhreshestKidd No thanks. I prefer to work on my spirituality while free and doing my work. It is said:
      Psalm 104:23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening.

    • @DaPhreshestKidd
      @DaPhreshestKidd 2 года назад +6

      @@johnnyblue4799 lol you think you free?

  • @OracleechoAutumn
    @OracleechoAutumn 2 года назад +66

    Any time someone give you $ there are strings attached. This work you do is much needed. Grateful for you.

    • @danielvonbose557
      @danielvonbose557 2 года назад +1

      Instead of a wage slave you become a mind slave.

    • @aichico4404
      @aichico4404 Год назад

      @@danielvonbose557 you are not slave in any form, because you are obsolete, just be thankful they are thinking for the poor.

    • @PersonOfBook
      @PersonOfBook Год назад

      What would happen when everything could be done by AI. There won't be enough jobs and you would need UBI for people to survive

  • @janinebeckford1939
    @janinebeckford1939 2 года назад +361

    Sometimes I fear for the younger generations who seem to have no clue about what is really going on. They have no concerns about loss of privacy or freedoms; seem to always choose the easy path over the 'right' path and don't think past today. However, when I see young leaders like yourself raising up and being the strong, wise voice that you are - I have hope for them. Never underestimate the importance of your role in this brave new world we must create. You have a gift for taking the boring and making it fascinating. For inspiring others to think a little deeper, make better decisions and believe in the possibilities for a better future. I live in NZ and have witnessed first hand the power of ordinary people over tyrannical governments. Genuine love, compassion, and concern for humanity will always win over evil. I am more confident than ever that the world that is emerging from the goings on of the past 2-3 years is a much wiser, eyes open and motivated world than it has been for a very long time. There are so many joining together to form self sustaining co-ops; to find a way to live outside the systems being created to enslave us. It is happening and I have no doubt the move will continue to grow. We do have other options. Thank you for your part in this Sorelle.

    • @hankrogacki8356
      @hankrogacki8356 2 года назад

      Sometimes ???

    • @sandwich-breath
      @sandwich-breath 2 года назад +13

      The older generation allowed this to happen, blindly following authority and never questioning anything. It’s the younger generation that is becoming aware of the problems we face moving forward. It’s like the post war generation was happy drowning in unchecked consumerism (like my parents) and never leaving the buffet table… even when people are waiting for a seat at the table. The average age of CEO in Fortune 500 companies is 70+. Talk about stagnation and greed.

    • @Blox117
      @Blox117 2 года назад +3

      um its old people that dont understand shit

    • @Sukitbitch123
      @Sukitbitch123 2 года назад +2

      I definitely agree. When I was in college I had a few classes on sustainable living and it sounds nice at first but then there's the cost of your freedom. As I researched it from a different narrative it terrified me

    • @hip-hoprapstorage4440
      @hip-hoprapstorage4440 2 года назад +2

      Hey I'm 15 ! I try to earn money to buy a land then build a house, but build a house is more expensive than buy a house already build.

  • @whiskeytango9769
    @whiskeytango9769 2 года назад +162

    Growing up in the 70's, one of the things that I loved the most was the ability to do as I please in complete anonymity. I was in my 20's in the 80's and being able to just do as you please with nobody "watching" is something that I miss very much. It was very freeing. Nothing is free in life, and if the governments are pushing this, it's because they see it as benefiting those in power. This is a very bad move, but I am sure the sheep will happily give up their freedom for some free cash.

    • @aaronlingenfelter1055
      @aaronlingenfelter1055 2 года назад

      And it won't take too much---how much nonsense did people believe about COVID because they were given a handout by the government that was delivering the bad news to them? Critical thinking has become a lost skill even in my own, pre-computer, generation (Gen X), and the governments aren't going to push to bring it back unless it's taught in the schools they control.

    • @adanis0197
      @adanis0197 2 года назад +11

      Selling their souls for a packet of peanuts

    • @loop1479
      @loop1479 2 года назад +6

      "but I am sure the sheep will happily give up their freedom for some free cash."
      Done over the past two and a half years. They gave up their free will and stole mine from me in doing so.

    • @dapsolita
      @dapsolita 2 года назад +2

      What freedom??

    • @lucbedard7564
      @lucbedard7564 2 года назад +2

      I'm 100% with you

  • @finalblast3825
    @finalblast3825 2 года назад +181

    The problem is that even when another solution is found the ones mentioned in the video are constantly making sure to silence and destroy anybody who is against their way of doing things.

    • @Chris-jj9hj
      @Chris-jj9hj 2 года назад +6

      So what are you saying? It’s a bit difficult so I’ll just roll over and accept it?

    • @maritzagous1019
      @maritzagous1019 2 года назад +11

      Stop being a servant and be a citizen and become independent of your government and big corp. They can only take away what you 'need' from them. If you dont need them - you've removed the shackles. Make a list of the stuff you require currently from big corp and government, and find replacements in your community. Sounds impossible? It's not.

    • @arianlucatero7649
      @arianlucatero7649 2 года назад +4

      Bitcoin is a solution they cannot stop. We will win! Great times are coming!

    • @seeu3973
      @seeu3973 2 года назад +4

      @@maritzagous1019 agreed, forming and supporting parallel societies are the best ways to fight communist systems and government overreach. Defi > cbdc

    • @sadrien
      @sadrien 2 года назад +1

      @@arianlucatero7649 They already own most of the bitcoin. These people are smart and the market capitalization of bitcoin is minute, an easy buy out to prevent any threat. Further, bitcoin is fundamentally their favor because it has no privacy therefore they can censor the use of bitcoin from individuals they do not like and censor the use of bitcoin to buy goods they do not want purchased. Only privacy tokens can prevent the control of your payments, because no one can tell who is using the money or for what.

  • @scottd52843
    @scottd52843 2 года назад +154

    I think there's also another really big problem with UBI that may not even be addressed. If you earn nothing, want for nothing, you "value" nothing. That could create a catastrophic behavioral imbalance where narcissism and depression are the norm. We already see a rise in both of these things. Take away one's value in themselves, family, money etc. and you have a recipe for disaster. People need a purpose in order to survive.

    • @WhoopDePoopDeScoop
      @WhoopDePoopDeScoop 2 года назад

      Yeah, but purpose needn't come from selling your soul to the capitalist class

    • @konradmoien4734
      @konradmoien4734 2 года назад +15

      And the purpose is avoiding poverty, which leads to the exact same thing: depression. Great analysis. “Depression is bad, so enjoy your starving depression.” Genius.

    • @scottd52843
      @scottd52843 2 года назад +5

      @@konradmoien4734 How does UBI avoid poverty exactly? As she said, nothing is free. Freedom isn't free. And where is it written that one has to stay in poverty?

    • @scottd52843
      @scottd52843 2 года назад +5

      @@WhoopDePoopDeScoop One should always be careful what you wish for. You may end up selling everything for nothing. Capitalism has worked for thousands of years. Where has UBI worked?

    • @darkalman
      @darkalman 2 года назад +16

      One of the ideas I've seen is that UBI should be considered a starting point for all workers.
      You'll always have a percentage of the population that can't or refuse to work, we have that now and that's not going away.
      Eliminate the minimum wage because with UBI it isn't necessary anymore and pay workers what they are worth per hour.
      Since your basic needs (Food, water, shelter, clothing, medical care, education) are theoretically covered, all that money you earn stays in your pocket and can be used to buy luxuries. So even if you make less per hour than you would today, none of that money pays for essentials so it's all used to improve your life.
      Since people don't need to work to survive, employers will have to pay more for stressful and dangerous work because people just won't work those jobs otherwise.
      What's now gone is being forced to keep a job you hate because of the fear of not being able to pay your bills. So the power is now with the workers, not the employers
      So there is still plenty of motivation to work for anyone that wants more than the bare minimum

  • @InnerResearcher
    @InnerResearcher 2 года назад +250

    This is terrifying. The last 3 years alone have shook so much, and it’s scary where everything is headed. I remain hopeful & still have faith in the good of people/world, but….. it’s hard. How are we here. 😔

    • @maxk880
      @maxk880 2 года назад +12

      This is literally the best time to live, in like ever. Even with COVID and wars. There has never been a time more peaceful, with less famine in the history of mankind. People are fearmongering you , it's literally not that bad at all

    • @yark618
      @yark618 2 года назад +8

      Give me liberty or give me death. Fuck comfort

    • @ExpendableRedshirt
      @ExpendableRedshirt 2 года назад +8

      I don't get what is so terrifying?
      So far this is all speculation. As for the control aspect, no doubt some politicians think that will work, but it won't. We have seen it time and again throughout history.
      They will merely stoke resentment, leading to the creation of subversive groups that will grow and grow until there is a revolution.
      People are contrary by nature and will not be herded so tightly forever.

    • @ExpendableRedshirt
      @ExpendableRedshirt 2 года назад +5

      @@yark618 Give me comfort, fuck death.

    • @terencestamp3225
      @terencestamp3225 2 года назад +10

      We're here because we lack discipline. I think the whole underlying message for Trump's mantra of Make America Great Again, was referring back to a time when we were much less dependent on government. More resilient and productive.

  • @ahmadhassan1483
    @ahmadhassan1483 2 года назад +352

    We need more people like you in this world that is fast plunging into darkness.

    • @paolapeci1937
      @paolapeci1937 2 года назад

      Thank you for your kind words

    • @razielvingrimm
      @razielvingrimm 2 года назад

      Do not let the media fool you. The world decieve you. We are the majority.

    • @infotruther
      @infotruther 2 года назад

      @@User_Kernel did you see lately that one guy hated the North Korea and Russia was haked to. We have to Hak the elites.

    • @theodorehaskins3756
      @theodorehaskins3756 2 года назад

      @@infotruther S translate to English please, because what you just said makes absolutely no damn sense to me!

    • @raspberrykissable
      @raspberrykissable 2 года назад +3

      You are that person. Think critically.

  • @TheMagicCrafter
    @TheMagicCrafter 2 года назад +163

    "Give up your freedom, and I will protect you! Defy and die." - quoth the Baron Praxis (from Jak 2, for the non-gamers out there)

    • @dennishuffman785
      @dennishuffman785 2 года назад +1

      Don't believe the dictators.

    • @faithelizabethmusic
      @faithelizabethmusic 2 года назад +3

      Unless I'm my own boss sure, why would I give up my freedom. But what freedom do you have working under someone else??!! 🤣 The Freedom is these rich people finally sharing the wealth, that is ever abundant and will never run out ! Money doesn't run out!! it's a concept , if they start to control us with that to extremes then I'll die , i rather die that way, then die working a shitty job, I've been working shitty jobs my whole life, I'm not going down that way anymore

    • @jerrypeukert5732
      @jerrypeukert5732 2 года назад

      @@faithelizabethmusic Have faith, Elizabeth

    • @flyingturret208thecannon5
      @flyingturret208thecannon5 6 месяцев назад

      @lzrdqveen I’m concerned you’re out of touch with the fundamental truth of economics: goods are priced based on scarcity. If we use a good that has no scarcity, we will wind up like the old German Marks from pre-WW2, where they’re only as useful as fuel to keep warm in the winter. Money must maintain a limited supply in order to retain value. Seizing it from billionaires does nothing, especially with a federal government seizing trillions annually(and putting it to tremendous waste).

    • @kingkoi6542
      @kingkoi6542 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@faithelizabethmusicYour freedom to choose which job you want? Where you want to live? These were not freedoms under Stalins and Pol Pots regime...

  • @cosmicprison9819
    @cosmicprison9819 2 года назад +9

    If it were truly universal, it would indeed be income with no strings attached. Everything else is not universal, but conditional basic income. Conditional on you agreeing with your government.

  • @richardharries3164
    @richardharries3164 2 года назад +137

    100% agree with you. UBI and AI are terrifying. Humanity is walking blindly into a catastrophe.

    • @davidboyd8113
      @davidboyd8113 2 года назад

      They will democide the useless eaters

    • @rogernormanjr4315
      @rogernormanjr4315 2 года назад +7

      Humanity, is now imitating the things that they have been programmed with…
      Most of the dystopian things we saw on the television, now exist in reality…

    • @TheKitMurkit
      @TheKitMurkit 2 года назад +5

      Humanity is a catastrophe, as it is

    • @richardhayling4339
      @richardhayling4339 2 года назад

      More so if to a person who is concerned about having more things bigger things because of an internal need to feel more important than anyone else

    • @nesta38
      @nesta38 2 года назад

      I would say: Humanity is "pushed secretly" into a catastrophe.

  • @kellywalsh9373
    @kellywalsh9373 2 года назад +177

    After seeing what happened in Canada with the trucker strike….I am now against anything “universal”. No thanks to universal healthcare, income. All of it.

    • @denniscosban6145
      @denniscosban6145 2 года назад +1


    • @kenlen8029
      @kenlen8029 2 года назад +4

      Depends on the country and leadership honestly. Also stopping people from cashing out of crypto exchanges via their banks doesn't really have anything to do with it.

    • @victorespino5650
      @victorespino5650 2 года назад +6

      Social security is universal and Medicare is too at a certain age. Lol

    • @sm3675
      @sm3675 2 года назад +3

      Universal Healthcare is universal for all

    • @wayne8418
      @wayne8418 2 года назад

      yes, and universal health care is how they screwed us. They employ all the doctors and told them no ivermectin or they would lose their license!!! Jab only

  • @blueyedevil3479
    @blueyedevil3479 2 года назад +142

    The fact that the world’s richest, most powerful people think this is a great idea, is enough for me to say no thanks. Those are the same folks that will be responsible for the massive loss of jobs to begin with…why in TF would anyone trust them to begin with…

    • @Koevid-IVFPandemieAngstPornoNO
      @Koevid-IVFPandemieAngstPornoNO 2 года назад

      The idea is not the problem. The people that run the show is the problem. Freeing people from their exploitation is more freedom. Get rid of these stupid elites !

    • @RyanJohnson-pz4tb
      @RyanJohnson-pz4tb 2 года назад

      Exactly 👏👏👏👏👏

    • @Mysticaltyger
      @Mysticaltyger 2 года назад

      Yay! Someone who get it.

    • @mikearchibald744
      @mikearchibald744 2 года назад

      LOL, if the most powerful people thought it was a good idea we would have had it LONG ago. Almost EVERY country in the civilized world has some form of welfare.
      What you are literally arguing for is that its better to have a system where local and state governments have to buy food stamps for Amazon workers to live rather than Amazon pay decent wages or taxes.

  • @thesarariman
    @thesarariman 2 года назад +7

    Amazing how a 13 minutes video can make so many ppl think that going back to a hunter-gatherer society is the best thing that can happen to humanity.

  • @ashleygodin4054
    @ashleygodin4054 2 года назад +264

    This is honestly my nightmare, the more crazy stunts they pull the more I want to take my family and run away and live in a self sustainable community with like minded people , we want to exit the matrix and this is what we are working towards personally. The further we get from nature, the closer we get to disease.

    • @susiecam1033
      @susiecam1033 2 года назад +24

      "They" will not let you live that way.

    • @ashleygodin4054
      @ashleygodin4054 2 года назад +15

      @@susiecam1033 "They" don't get that choice to decide, we do

    • @timecrook1003
      @timecrook1003 2 года назад +3

      Atlas Shrugged!

    • @theodorehaskins3756
      @theodorehaskins3756 2 года назад +1

      So exactly who are the they that you referring to?

    • @RaduP3
      @RaduP3 2 года назад +6

      @@theodorehaskins3756 maybe world economic forum, in collaboration with some major corporations (if you need one name - blackrock), that have joined the governments in important positions that would allow them to have this kind of power (ilegally due to conflict of interests but who cares right?). look it up, and if you want a small direction from me - check "awaken with jp" channel and look at the video named "Is schwab the most dangerous person in the world?". it's a satire channel but you can understand why and you can read between the lines. Schwab is also mentioned by Sorelle in this video and I think these guys are kind of big deals in this topic, leading the movement. who knows if there is another level behind them, but if you need a face in order for this to be seen as real, instead of the whole vague governments and etc, my guess is that this direction would be a good one.

  • @chrisj5505
    @chrisj5505 2 года назад +152

    Parallel societies are the answers. Grow food, make useful tools, clothing etc. Make your own arts and literature. Have your own education system. If you want to be free from the system you need to create value outside of the system

    • @Mary-xc2gu
      @Mary-xc2gu 2 года назад +19

      It is inevitable that new ethical communities will be formed and thrive. Won't be easy at first, but there are many awake who will be participating.

    • @flynn4838
      @flynn4838 2 года назад

      @@Mary-xc2gu Non compliance will result in death sentence...... number of the beast..... comply or die.

    • @petewick8627
      @petewick8627 2 года назад +20

      Sounds good but they will never allow that

    • @TheRockyCrowe
      @TheRockyCrowe 2 года назад +14

      Beautiful idea, however, that will only last for so long before the government absolves such a place, the world that is being predicted (thus far) allows little to no room for dissidents or ‘autonomous zones’. Wouldn’t doubt that even local native lands and people like the Amish will be threatened to either convert or face consequences.

    • @jeffjohnson8624
      @jeffjohnson8624 2 года назад

      what are Parrellel societies? is it a book?

  • @maddie2863
    @maddie2863 2 года назад +65

    Coming from a 3rd world, this comes less than the « urgent » issues we face on a daily. Sure, it would affect us to a certain level or even maybe in a really huge catastrophic level, but having UBI seems to be too far ahead from the decade-projected future when our own governments can’t even give anything to their citizens but instead take more and more from ridiculous taxes. People already don’t have jobs, our country’s best assets (e.g. agriculture) are not being supported but wasted, and the government just keeps on being lap dogs for « bigger countries ».
    It takes a long time to keep up in general, but hey, aren’t we also the perfect guinea pigs for so many experiments.

    • @nunanunu297
      @nunanunu297 2 года назад +4

      Agree to certain extent, however look at China who is now using populations in Africa to work in their factories for peanuts
      This might mean 3world will be the actual robots

    • @josephrobi6806
      @josephrobi6806 2 года назад +2

      Africa never been for the industrial people. They are keeping you poor for a reason. Tribes do not help also

    • @BelleLopez312
      @BelleLopez312 2 года назад +6

      3rd World Citizens need to stand up against corruption and put someone who truly cares (easier said than done).

    • @jas_bataille
      @jas_bataille 2 года назад +2

      My friend, you are sadly mistaken.
      The value of data is far, far more than tax money. Magnitudes more than tax money - and if it wasn't the case, none of those people would back it up.
      One of my friends come from an ex-communist country. There are reasons why he fears the government and have his own independent smart-system at home for security and otherwise that he controls 100%.
      Eventually, your government is going to realize that UBI is much smoother, easier and easy solution than to deal with riots in the streets. And it will be backed up by bigger countries, financially. It's that simple.

    • @jas_bataille
      @jas_bataille 2 года назад +1

      @@BelleLopez312 Like we could even do this in the first place tbh

  • @IzzyOnTheMove
    @IzzyOnTheMove Год назад +3

    In elementary school, the teacher asked us to name the human rights. I raised my hand and said "clean water". Apparently that is not a human right. I'm Canadian.

  • @conniegeerts6572
    @conniegeerts6572 2 года назад +79

    You can feel the hand of the WEF behind a lot of government decisions that don't make sense in any other way. I'm Canadian and the latest "Emergency measures" fiasco does not feel like any decision a Canadian government would make without some serious arm twisting going on in the shadows. You can feel this shadow creeping into all of the controlling power structures of the world. Everybody is playing from the same game book.

    • @mickbadgero5457
      @mickbadgero5457 2 года назад

      Trudeau is a great admirer of the Chinese dictatorship. His police and military are behaving like black shirts right now.

    • @formercanadiancitizen4756
      @formercanadiancitizen4756 2 года назад +9

      Well of course, Trudeau, Freeland and many other Canadian politicians are deeply entrenched in the WEF

    • @sandruu
      @sandruu 2 года назад +3

      WEF the invisible hand.

    • @johnnyblue4799
      @johnnyblue4799 2 года назад +2

      @@formercanadiancitizen4756 It's Turdeau, not Trudeau.

  • @AlienRelics
    @AlienRelics 2 года назад +152

    "You'll own nothing, and like it!" is a threat, not a promise.

    • @nylpurfi9896
      @nylpurfi9896 2 года назад

      That’s why I say the capitalists will be better communists than communists. They’ll bring about a 20th century communism with a 21st century twist.

    • @CheriBerry1
      @CheriBerry1 2 года назад

      i hate klaus and the evil WEF

    • @eirikmurito
      @eirikmurito 2 года назад +4

      He doesn't mean you'll own literally nothing if thats what youre scared of. Its not like the government comes to your house and steals your tv and replaces it with a rental one..

    • @AlienRelics
      @AlienRelics 2 года назад +18

      @@eirikmurito Of course. They'll be much slicker than that.

    • @eirikmurito
      @eirikmurito 2 года назад

      @@AlienRelics i get what you're saying its nice to own stuff but we now have a situation where we are divided into two groups: Homeowners and renters. Wouldnt if be nicer if they put us all in government houses and universal basic income instead of this ratrace?

  • @GrumpDog
    @GrumpDog 2 года назад +5

    The issues of UBI and privacy/control are entirely separate issues which should not be connected. Don't even allow bad politicians the chance.
    It's not "universal basic income" and mistakenly calling it that is one factor that which allows bad actors to twist it with false narratives.
    It should always be referred to as UNCONDITIONAL Basic Income, as that is how we can prevent bad politicians from using it as an excuse to gain more control over us. It should almost be seen as a birth-right of being a modern human, in an age of ever increasing automation and wealth. No data-collecting registration or tracking should be allowed, only cash delivered as simply as possible, to everyone.

  • @brb5506
    @brb5506 2 года назад +38

    "Nothing in this world is really free!" Absolutely true. Everything has a price that must be paid by someone. The cost of UBI is freedom.

    • @101448
      @101448 2 года назад +2

      Right spot on.

    • @jet8424
      @jet8424 2 года назад

      No, it's taxes you idiots. High taxes are the costs of UBI.
      Seriously HOW does the UBI make government overreaches more feaseble?

    • @brb5506
      @brb5506 2 года назад +4

      @@jet8424 True: Somebody's gotta pay for it But he who pays the piper calls the tune. UBI creates a dependency. If the government does not like your tune, it threatens to withdraw the money.

    • @jet8424
      @jet8424 2 года назад +4

      Rich folks already have a ridiculous power in politics, but trust me it's not the money they pay in taxes, that gives them that power, it's the money they pay in donations and lobbying.

    • @101448
      @101448 2 года назад +1

      @@jet8424 Total truth there.

  • @ohfft
    @ohfft 2 года назад +9

    I believe in UBI as a basic human right to stop poverty forever. But not as a means of control

    • @dagmarkidwell5212
      @dagmarkidwell5212 2 года назад

      You will be sorry

    • @Mysticaltyger
      @Mysticaltyger 2 года назад +3

      If we wanted to end poverty, it could have happened a long time ago. And it takes more than money to do so.

    • @ohfft
      @ohfft 2 года назад +1

      @@Mysticaltyger please explain how, if you can?

    • @ohfft
      @ohfft 2 года назад +1

      Universal basic rights in a world that has put a monetary system in place that everything revolves around, means money is the simplest tool available to distribute needs for people.
      You idiots who say stupid stuff really are a lost bunch.
      Greed is the self accumulation of anything. Money is just the symbolic power of this. Not being greedy is giving either the money or the reality it is trying so hard to represent. Governments that are in control of the resources, they have the capacity to dish out, or tighten the yoke of tax with. A means tested UBI can surpass enemployment benefits, old age pensions, unfair wages, healthcare, disability, making everyones right equal.

  • @Plaswin
    @Plaswin 2 года назад +166

    You don't have to go into the future to see some of those policies. In Argentina there are provinces where up to 70% of the population receive a check from the state. These people are forced to attend to certain protests and vote for the actual government. If they fail to do that, they take away their money. With these policies Argentina went from a developed country to an undeveloped one in less than 100 years. Universal income is not the answer in my opinion

    • @musicpatron1693
      @musicpatron1693 2 года назад +5

      i get free money form the govvernment for serivng in the's 1200 a month. tax free. no matter what happens, it's secure. with the way our laws and election systems are set up, you can't just reset those spending and take it away from people. i've gone through many many events where it probably should've been taken away, but it hasn't. i think people who are against ubi don't have full awareness of how our constitution is set up and how old it is protects us. trump was close to dismantling it...but it really is a great piece of document. UBI can work in the U.S.

    • @lifeinstyle7951
      @lifeinstyle7951 2 года назад +15

      @@musicpatron1693 the problem is the law can always be change to suit those that lead, and people in control of other people you force they want. There will be a cost of freedom, simply because people need to have self control and governance. Choice is key to our development and so much more. If government officials are paying you they become the boss. If you thought mandated vaccines were not the best: thing of the movie: Giver. The world very quickly would become like Cuba. Where choice doesn’t exist. You have two shirts and one pair of pants for the year. I don’t want to struggle but I would rather continue to struggle than be dictated to in my everyday life. I believe the government will not want to pay people forever. This government payout is not an option for anyone. If you research any current government program you will see the restrictions I know the trap it is already. Please learn from research and personal stories how the system already works. You will conclude that is is not a solution this is a problem in the making.

    • @usnavymustang1997
      @usnavymustang1997 2 года назад +4

      @@musicpatron1693 It's sad that you believe the money you receive, as compensation for your service injuries (or retirement), is free. You earned it and it falls well-outside the scope of Universal Basic Income.

    • @knowahnosenothing4862
      @knowahnosenothing4862 2 года назад +2

      Yes Neo captivity or slavery.

    • @giovannamoro8564
      @giovannamoro8564 2 года назад +1

      Isn't Argentina president a pupil of mr. Schwab?

  • @schecterc1exotic
    @schecterc1exotic 2 года назад +81

    No I don’t trust the government. Freedom above all. I’d be happy to work together to start an independent community where rights and privacy remain intact.

    • @michellehay999
      @michellehay999 2 года назад +3

      A lot of those independent communities are setting up, many been running for a few years. Even neighbourhood groups, we are going to work hard to remain independent

    • @josephrobi6806
      @josephrobi6806 2 года назад

      You think you will get away from dictators lol dream on

    • @commentersname8576
      @commentersname8576 2 года назад +1

      Good luck with that. Every collection of people (no matter how independent) will have a few people in charge of others. To enforce rules and keep order. A community with FREEDOM for all is anarchy. think about it.

  • @marcusmoonstein242
    @marcusmoonstein242 2 года назад +61

    If you think UBI takes away too much of your personal autonomy, just wait until you have UBI plus a Central Bank Digital Currency. There's a reason why China is taking such an interest in CBDC.

    • @NeverGiveup-go7og
      @NeverGiveup-go7og 2 года назад

      That’s gonna suck we will be like slaves with no natural freedom we better start making plans now

    • @ronpearson1912
      @ronpearson1912 2 года назад +1

      The root of this issue is how much autonomy will you have when your laid off from your check to check job that never really allowed you to save much anyways and you cant get another one, let alone an actual good job. Thats why there is support for it, because the "free market" is much worse right now. People with wealth, time and leverage never go for this kind of stuff but 90% of americans are not doing well and 60% are doing very poorly. The bottom line is labor does not have value.

    • @marcusmoonstein242
      @marcusmoonstein242 2 года назад

      @@ronpearson1912 I am actually a huge fan of UBI. It's an elegant way to solve a host of social problems.
      But no system is perfect, it's all about the tradeoffs. The tradeoff for UBI is more dependence upon government, and governments will have a hard time resisting the temptation to abuse that power. This situation would be made worse by the adoption of a CBDC. CBDC's have many positive aspects, but they put more power into the hands of government, with all the problems that entails.

  • @abhishekmukherjee4857
    @abhishekmukherjee4857 2 года назад +132

    With the metaverse being a thing and increasing taxes, I don’t know where we are headed. Your videos are always well presented and on topics that others might not talk about. That takes a lot of guts. Thanks for this Sorelle 👍

    • @Abundantiaco
      @Abundantiaco  2 года назад +26

      Thanks for watching. I'm glad you're getting value - and hopefully, more and more people will see this content.

    • @kamikaze5528
      @kamikaze5528 2 года назад +5

      The metaverse will never catch on. At least I don't think. It looks to me like facebook trying to grasp at straws not to die (or, if you like conspiracies, it's Zuckenberg trying to create the Matrix). People excited by it are the tech enthusiasts disconnected from reality. The common folk don't want to live inside a machine.
      As for raising taxes, I live in a shit third world country that get a new tax every other day. We don't even bat an eye. The black market is always nice

    • @ArgumentumAdHominem
      @ArgumentumAdHominem 2 года назад

      I bet people will actually not use metaverse sufficiently to make it viable, and FB will drop the idea a few years down the line. Hyperinflation, on the other hand sounds quite likely, even if not immediately. All of these overvalued companies, cryptocurrencies, NFT's etc will at some point have to deliver or deflate, and they can't possibly deliver as much as we have currently pumped into them.

    • @michajura3670
      @michajura3670 2 года назад

      @@kamikaze5528 Mraks "metaverse" is one of many and probably will fail. Others will most likely succceed. With lots of celebrities investing in and promoting things like sandbox and decentraland it's a matter of time. Look at how minecraft or world of warcraft got huge and peolpe spend billions of dollars on games every year. Now think what will happen when they'll be able to earn money in-game and spend it in game. I don't think we can avoid it.

    • @kamikaze5528
      @kamikaze5528 2 года назад +1

      @@michajura3670 Not to say it'll not succeed, but it'll not be all encompassing as they're claiming.
      WOW and Minecraft are games, there's the fun factor. Second Life attempted to be a kind of primitive metaverse and it hadn't catch on

  • @dagwoodsystems
    @dagwoodsystems 2 года назад +28

    "There are other solutions like people that don't want to be part of the system--learning to take care of themselves and living in small, self-sustainable communities that don't need government support".
    Count me in.

    • @TropicaljeremiahBiz
      @TropicaljeremiahBiz 2 года назад +4


    • @Dimabuildingadventures
      @Dimabuildingadventures 2 года назад

      Those elite would never allow that. They believe humans are to selfish and carelessness with lead to trash and destruction. In some case it maybe be true amd in other not, but the elites wont allow it.

  • @ruddytje
    @ruddytje 2 года назад +12

    In my opinion, there's a huge difference between Universal Basic Income and Unconditional Basic Income (that can in no circumstances be taken away)

    • @poika22
      @poika22 9 месяцев назад +1

      Universal Basic Income is unconditional. If anyone is proposing "conditional" UBI they're just talking about traditional welfare but trying to make it sound more modern.

  • @edi9892
    @edi9892 2 года назад +80

    I fear that UBI is not the problem, but our increasing ability of ours to automatize things and find patterns and predict actions.
    Even without UBI, I bet that governments want to go away from cash to money that not just allows them to prevent illegal actions, and tax evasion, but allows them to freeze accounts of opposition (Truckers in Canada...), _nudge_ other deviants back on track (social credit), and even force us to pay special tax when they mess up the economy...
    Another aspect is that google-group can see way too much about each individual (search results, movement patterns, mails, contacts...) to the point that they got a good idea about our income, political affiliation and even our 6ual orientation. There are even attempts right now to predict crime and when it comes to predicting crimes from point of where it would be the most rational for a criminal to attack, it would be fine, but what if we pick on individuals that are mentally unstable, but haven't committed a crime yet?
    Lastly, we have the problem that some companies have more money than entire countries and that governments have less and less to say, whereas companies can corrupt most governments...

    • @NeverGiveup-go7og
      @NeverGiveup-go7og 2 года назад +1

      Wow I can’t see that working out very well for very long people would become useless and very unambitious

    • @amyshoemaker5770
      @amyshoemaker5770 2 года назад +2

      @@NeverGiveup-go7og ..what is your concept about " useless " and " unambitious" people. Have you thought about that at some point the government may decide that you are useless. for example???!!!

    • @NeverGiveup-go7og
      @NeverGiveup-go7og 2 года назад +4

      @@amyshoemaker5770 Amy I am a Christian I believe no one is useless as long as they follow the 10 Commandments and don’t harm anyone as for the government I can’t speak for them

    • @sebastianbolt6905
      @sebastianbolt6905 2 года назад +1

      Wow beautifully stated.

    • @edi9892
      @edi9892 2 года назад +1

      @@sebastianbolt6905 Thank you!

  • @michelleobrien6996
    @michelleobrien6996 2 года назад +194

    This content is really getting into the truth of what is happening. Well done Sorelle, although sad that circumstances in the world compel you to do so.

    • @blessedsilavwe7312
      @blessedsilavwe7312 2 года назад +2

      Thanks Sorelle. So so true. thanks for the enligjtenment. We need to be more selfsufficient than dependant.

    • @karlbillinger9945
      @karlbillinger9945 2 года назад +3

      Universal Basic Income, welcome to your prison Cell. The rise of the social credit score.

    • @jet8424
      @jet8424 2 года назад

      @@karlbillinger9945 How are these Ideas even connected?

    • @steadybacon1606
      @steadybacon1606 2 года назад

      @@jet8424 How is UBI a prison cell? Look at generational welfare now and tell me you don't think that UBI will eventually become exactly the same thing. If you could view welfare as a self-made prison cell. Why not UBI? If you think the system is inherently broken, which is the underlying justification for UBI, then UBI is taxation or debt created solely for the purpose of keeping prices inflated, which has the goal of propping up the failed system. You give money to corporations, who give that money back to you to give back to them. Government gets inflated tax collections. Corporations get inflated prices, which minimizes competition. You get trinkets. It's a closed loop. You're feeding the machine that is harming you (eg. You are voluntarily walking into a prison cell made to keep you pacified and compliant with the system). The economy never finds equilibrium since your corporatist government, who under UBI would be bribing you to take part in the system, effectively has its foot on the scale.
      Given all that, it doesn't require much of a stretch of the imagination to believe that the system could end up being corrupted, and your UBI adjusted by your social credit score to keep you compliant with the system.

  • @user-ek1ge7ee4z
    @user-ek1ge7ee4z 2 года назад +66

    I am from Finland and I got to say that there the welfare system works very well and it truly is no strings attached! But Finland also highly prioritises human rights, including the right to privacy and personal data protection.

    • @mongoliannomad4908
      @mongoliannomad4908 2 года назад +35

      As for now, but it will change. Did you know that the prime minister of Finland is Klaus Schwab's pupil? The democracy will turn to technocracy when most of the people won't be working anymore and the money doesn't come from taxes but instead from the rich people and companies. Who pays is the one who dictates. Goodbye democracy and human rights.

    • @roseyk7677
      @roseyk7677 2 года назад +3

      Owned then!!

    • @slrose6557
      @slrose6557 2 года назад +22

      Human rights? Finland not long ago had entry for vaccinated people only

    • @kyleranney
      @kyleranney 2 года назад +4

      @@slrose6557 One person's rights is another person's tyranny.

    • @Crusader1984
      @Crusader1984 2 года назад +10

      Yeah you keep relying on your government lol

  • @antimatter9489
    @antimatter9489 2 года назад +2

    If you have a regular wage or salary earning job, you are already under threat of losing your job for saying the wrong thing. That dystopia is already here.

  • @YourOwnWay
    @YourOwnWay 2 года назад +54

    Swapping freedom for security is the Original Human Struggle. Governments that exist to provide security need to be limited to the extreme and those who exist to promote freedom should be cautiously promoted. Remember, a government is simply a group of people who have convinced others that their way is superior, but in reality usually make life worse for those they rule over (reference WW1, WW2, the Spanish Inquisition, the US DMV).

  • @paolapeci1937
    @paolapeci1937 2 года назад +92

    Dear Sorelle, as usual your videos are very interesting and engaging. I live in Italy, I am pushing 60 and probably you have heard that much of what you say about relinquishing personal freedom into the hands of an untrusted government has already happened in the past two years here, on a different topic. Being part of a very stubborn minority of senior population refusing to accept mandatory medical practices, I understand well what you say about control and removal of personal rights and financial sustenance. Sometimes I feel like living a nightmare I only knew from Sci-fi books, which I have always been very fond of, this situation can not be real, seriously? My answer to a total control of my life without the possibility of a dignified job and a certain "freedom" of choice will always be, as always has been, a very firm NO. A hug and thank you again for your sharp analyses, Paola

    • @joejugashvili3616
      @joejugashvili3616 2 года назад +13

      Paola, Stay stubborn. You have every right to reject mandatory medical procedures (Nuremberg). It is inconceivable that any government, having introduced a UBI system would not, at some point, use it to force compliance for what ever they want. Example: Canada. Resist!

    • @higherresolution4490
      @higherresolution4490 2 года назад +5

      Cia Paola da qui in California. Capisco i tuoi sentimenti riguardo all'autoritarismo globale i cui architetti possono essere trovati a Davos. Ho gli stessi sentimenti. Klaus Schwab, che compirà 84 anni il 30 marzo, potrebbe rappresentare la recrudescenza dei dittatori della Seconda Guerra Mondiale in Italia, Germania, Russia e Cina.
      Poiché ho vissuto vicino alle Dolomiti per un anno, nella città di Conegliano, ho scoperto paesi delle Dolomiti che potrebbero essere buoni posti per evitare una perdita di privacy personale.
      Mi vengono in mente Belluno ed altri paesi sulla strada per Cortina d'empezzo. Anche ci sono parecchi chittà più vicino a Vittorio Veneto, ma nascosto nella parte bassa delle Dolomiti. Una città che ho visitato aveva una lingua completamente diversa che confonde i filologi.

    • @manugrend
      @manugrend 2 года назад +3

      Keep up the good fight! Really good English for being an Italian. 👍👍

    • @giovannamoro8564
      @giovannamoro8564 2 года назад +12

      Hi Paola, i'm almost 60 ,italian,no vax, and like you i say no ! Mi ha colpito trovare un'italiana su questo canale . Io sono Giovanna e abito a Venezia.

    • @higherresolution4490
      @higherresolution4490 2 года назад +1

      @@manugrend Her English is better than many high school and collage-age Americans too! I've taught at both levels. Not a random value judgment. I was impressed too.

  • @pandabossanna
    @pandabossanna 2 года назад +110

    I've been thinking about this (the "new world order" if you will, not just UBI specifically) for a while, pretty much since all the plausible conspiracies came out in the last 18 months or so. It's absolutely terrifying. But what's worse is that so many people are just SO blind to it. If I try to have a conversation with anyone about where the current "health pass" is likely to go, I just get shut down as if I'm a lunatic! :( I want children so badly but there's no way I'm bringing a new life into the dark dark world we're about to head into....

    • @mt6807
      @mt6807 2 года назад +9

      I think I have an explanation for the blind. I'm talking and relating with people who have experianced trauma of any type. It seems that those who have lived through those experiences seem to have a greater awareness of anything especially when it gets to the crux of of it. These are not the blind people but the ones who question for truth. I'm a father and it is a parent's ultimate fear to worry for my children, all children. Be well be safe

    • @purpleotter100
      @purpleotter100 2 года назад +4

      I share your sentiment. I guess all we can do is try to make the best of it, pushing the world in the right direction

    • @meaningfulmax9351
      @meaningfulmax9351 2 года назад +6

      I totally agree.
      I’m so fed up of people ignoring reality because it suits them better. They pretend as if nothing is happening. They don’t want you to destroy their hubris; their lives are built on artifice and false assumptions.
      Saddly, life doesn’t care if you agree with its terms:
      “There is no such thing as “truth” or “lies” in this world; there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world acknowledge only those “facts” that are convenient to them, and take them to be the “truth”. They do so because they know no other way of living. However, for those powerless beings who comprise the majority of this world’s population, inconvenient facts that affirm their very existence, are their only truth.”
      Aizen Sosuke, Bleach
      Again, it pleases me that their are people wise enough to understand the gravity of the situation.
      I would be happy to speak with you further 😎

    • @dodelydoodooo4777
      @dodelydoodooo4777 2 года назад +2

      I understand you, but take children with a good man, you will not regret, I can assure you 😉

    • @WizardVal
      @WizardVal 2 года назад +3

      Do you think in 70s or 80s or 40s was easier or brighter? Still your grannies has maintained this chain. Why not even trying? Do you think your future children will blame you for giving them the gift of life? Well think again

  • @Ryan-zv6xw
    @Ryan-zv6xw 2 года назад +1

    If you are comparing UBI with SNAP, consider this -- you can buy soda with food stamps. Why? Not because poor people demand it. Because Pepsi and Coca Cola make a *lot* of money that way. Remember the money doesn't actually go to the SNAP recipient, it goes to the product supplier. Same with Medicare and Medicaid, the cash actually goes to health care providers, which creates distortions both in that market and in the mindsets of the doctors, nurses, etc. that wind up taking that money.

  • @youtubechannel12371
    @youtubechannel12371 2 года назад +161

    I can’t imagine how any educated person could think that this is outside the realm of almost guaranteed possibility at this point. Say goodbye to freedom or any personal autonomy. Truly terrifying.

    • @zzyzx686
      @zzyzx686 2 года назад +8

      "Educated person"? What you mean is BRAINWASHED person.

    • @infotruther
      @infotruther 2 года назад +5

      @@zzyzx686 lol true

    • @mr.mikesart7111
      @mr.mikesart7111 2 года назад +8

      Its pretty scary. By the time we get to that people will probably consider it normal.
      Just like the Irish didn't consider the idea of owning land during the potatoes famine. Even though there was enough to have fed the nation, but the ruling class preferred to send it overseas for profit.
      People get used to some pretty crazy stuff

    • @derekrank4572
      @derekrank4572 2 года назад +3

      we already have odsp and OW..why dont they just increase those programs a bit with more cash? its still less costly then giving everyone a $2000 a month check.

    • @theodorehaskins3756
      @theodorehaskins3756 2 года назад +3

      @@derekrank4572 So who said it’s going to be $2000 a month?

  • @BNBPhotofr
    @BNBPhotofr 2 года назад +157

    Frankly, this once again proves the point that a real free market, with minimal government and anti-monopoly laws is the way to go.
    History has shown us countless times that power concentrated between the hands of a few always leads to disaster.

    • @freebornaiden7666
      @freebornaiden7666 2 года назад +17

      But hasn't that model led to the situation we now find ourselves in?

    • @marktwain580
      @marktwain580 2 года назад +1

      The present situation is an anomaly. Here in the states anyway. Folks are waking up, young people learning about their foundational freedoms and limited government.

    • @straygameplaywalkthroughps6480
      @straygameplaywalkthroughps6480 2 года назад

      @@marktwain580 no, no they aren't, epigenetic drift & adaptive morphologies have resulted in humans that don't fair well in nature by themselves...
      Solo, yeah, everyone is gonna keep using toilet paper and uh , ya know, be a part of society as little as they can be to maintain gains, basic survival game theory 101

    • @spridgejuice
      @spridgejuice 2 года назад +1

      depends on what you mean by "really" free I think - left to its own devices the "untrammelled" freedom beloved of fundamentalists leads to monopoly, which is paradoxically the space of complete autocratic control... it's the old freedom from vs freedom to thing, freedom from control leads to totalitarian control, freedom to trade on my own terms on the other hand leads to diversity and innovation, all the supposed benefits, but as you say government control - probably world government control, even if "minimal" - is required to protect my freedom from monopolising hegemony
      personally I feel that a form of UBI can be implemented to act as one of the easier guarantors of that freedom - it's a policy that appeals bot to the right and the left, however outmoded that polarity, because it increases freedom while at the same time protecting from poverty

    • @spridgejuice
      @spridgejuice 2 года назад +3

      the social control aspect of the power UBI would give government is of course valid... good governance, of a type that enables as much personal and group freedom as possible, freedom both to and from, is a concept that seems further away than ever at the moment

  • @pandorapillsbury6607
    @pandorapillsbury6607 2 года назад +68

    I've been watching your videos and a lot of the comments in each, Sorelle, as well as other channels across RUclips, etc. You know what....I have still have faith in human beings. Yes, there are absolutely people who want "daddy governments" to hover over them and "take care of things".... to give them that relief. BUT, there is also a, huge number of people who are saying "enough!" As I see it, we have a choice (you are soooo correct)...focus on what we can do ...create.....create, create.... for the world we want to raise our children in. Or give up. I'm 65, was raised without media for the most part, and can think for myself. I've done hospice care...watched people die as I sat with one who dies can take their wealth with them. We come in with nothing and we leave the same way. (And they are so relieved when they drop the human "stuff.") It's the in between that matters and no one can take anything from us unless we give it up. We're eternal. Period. The rest is a head game. The top top percentage know that. On some level anyway. It's played well to keep us distracted and terrified or just plain angry. However, the top "whatever" are outnumbered. Keep people afraid, hostile and hateful to themselves... game over. What if.... What if....this whole crisis on our planet is an identity crises of the human race. What if it is all happening to provoke us so we can grow up spiritually and stop giving away the very best that is in us as humans. Creativity. Choice. Love. Use the combo and the scales will tip in our favor.
    Sorelle, thank you for sharing yourself so freely. I love seeing the "edge pushing" you do. 💫🥰

  • @bogatasuma
    @bogatasuma 2 года назад +1

    Dear Sorelle. Thank you for your sharing. About the future, interesting you mention precious metals. We didn't do that. But we are designing a village for people to join a self-sufficient life. Independent of where food comes from, it comes from our own land. Have our own forest, to heat and cook. Energy is still an open chapter. With time, that will be taken care of. In the meantime, thanks again. Greetings from sunny Bogata Suma Vojnic Croatia.

  • @rosco.p.cotrain
    @rosco.p.cotrain 2 года назад +103

    They are preprogramming everyone to believe there will be no jobs so they can increase your taxes to insane levels. I have worked in the natural resource industry my entire career. Currently with a large fleet of autonomous units. They require just as much or more human attention, monitoring and maintaining them than the manned units. They are more efficient I will say that. As someone of middle age I can look back at all of the futuristic planning and know very little has come true. Look to the past of your own experiences and you will see most of the predictions were incorrect (World Expos and Fairs showcasing the "future"). Can 3rd world nations realistically advance to utopia in 8 years? Don't be fooled or you will own nothing and have no privacy. This a large money grab and they will take it by force, look to the commonwealth nations moving this way.

    • @devinkipp4344
      @devinkipp4344 2 года назад +4

      It depends on the industry. In things like accounting and law computers are significantly faster than their human counterpart. Sure there are predictions that turned out to be wrong but not all. The predictions made today have a pretty good chance of coming true as we can see the technology already.

    • @silverstone312
      @silverstone312 2 года назад +5

      @@devinkipp4344 that's true. Any job that can be done mainly through brain power is replaceable by AI. 90 percent of current jobs will disappear.

    • @krisvibes4501
      @krisvibes4501 2 года назад

      @@silverstone312 Eventually all jobs. Human are smart but not irreproducibly so. We're probably just the species that gives birth to the machines 😅 Hopefully we can build an AI aligned with compassionate human goals tho 🥰

    • @photonboy999
      @photonboy999 2 года назад

      A company wouldn't buy computers or other equipment if they were actually hurting their bottom line. Talking about humans being needed to maintain them obscures the fact that far MORE humans would be needed to do the job these machines are doing. Which you actually say in "They are more efficient I will say that" so I'm not sure what your conclusion is. And those machines will get MORE reliable as time goes on AND we'll have robots that take away the few maintenance jobs that still exist.
      I didn't understand your point. We won't have jobs in the future so... pay more taxes NOW while you still have a job?
      Actually, everything that's been happening HAS been predicted. There might be fine details like "flying cars" that aren't exactly correct but the broad strokes of reduced work weeks, more control shifting to the few at the top etc has been easily predicted several THOUSAND years ago. Just an analysis two thousand years ago of the Roman Empire could make these predictions.

    • @rakeau
      @rakeau 2 года назад

      I would add to this, in order to design, build, operate and maintain even highly automated systems, still requires us feeble humans to know how to do things manually .. the “old fashioned way” if you will. There will always be a need for that knowledge, experience, wisdom and ingenuity that a machine just won’t have.

  • @Yuriosity
    @Yuriosity 2 года назад +30

    People constantly sacrifice their morals and beliefs just to survive.
    Like don't get me wrong, I hear where you're coming from with the control and surveillance, but I don't see why that is only going to happen under a UBI. We're heading in that direction regardless, these are kinda separate issues

    • @garnerchristine4506
      @garnerchristine4506 2 года назад +3

      They are all related issues as they tie in to the Reset, each aspect is dependent on the others succeeding. It is a staging in of the way they want things, nothing from Gov't is unrelated in the countries with WEF members in the Gov't.

    • @mongoliannomad4908
      @mongoliannomad4908 2 года назад +1

      The mandatory vaccinations will also be combined into this system alongside with the digital identity. That's the connection to the control and surveillance. No vaccination, no UBI.

    • @Yuriosity
      @Yuriosity 2 года назад +3

      @@mongoliannomad4908 Okay sure, but that seems like your problem is with mandatory vaccinations, not with a UBI. There are already mechanisms for mandatory vaccinations in place, they're separate issues

    • @roseyk7677
      @roseyk7677 2 года назад

      They're not separate, they all link to re-programming and connect to the 'whole'
      Those that already comply without UBI are simply acquiesceing due to fear, or cognitive dissonance (all Propaganda) UBI is just another 'sum' of that whole system of control which will Influence others and the collective.
      It is all symbiotic for the cause of control!!

    • @ryanmcduffie
      @ryanmcduffie 2 года назад

      @@mongoliannomad4908 In that case it wouldn't be a UBI, which is inherently unconditional.

  • @haroldcruz8550
    @haroldcruz8550 2 года назад +95

    The more frightening about this is that it's not some hidden secret it's actually an open book but it seems most of humanity is just going to go along with it.

    • @nicocas2801
      @nicocas2801 2 года назад +15

      Still billions don't understand and millions attack those who dare to speak the reality

    • @angelaberni8873
      @angelaberni8873 2 года назад +11

      The majority are just so ignorant that they cannot see what is so obvious. That's why " they" get away with it. Everything in life is about timing. If all of this had happened after world war two it wouldn't have worked because in those days men WERE men and had balls. This lot are so watered down in part with shit supermarket food and secondly brainwashed by all the lies the medi a put out. " Their" timing is just perfect !!!

    • @purpose6113
      @purpose6113 2 года назад +6

      @@angelaberni8873 1000%

    • @c.m.granger6870
      @c.m.granger6870 2 года назад +4

      Join the Resistance now

    • @vitaminprotein9669
      @vitaminprotein9669 2 года назад +2

      I mean ..what can we do ? Even is some thousand protest they would be suppressed...most people in Asia ar poor and helpless anyways so they don't care ..we are commoners and all we can do is obey and suffer .. that's how civilization worked for 1000 of year's

  • @NekoJinFel
    @NekoJinFel 8 месяцев назад +1

    Not sure of proposals in other countries, but in the U.S., UBI isn't welfare, a handout or charity.
    In the same way as we don't think of the public library system as welfare even tho its accessible to all people regardless of their financial status.
    Its closer to a common good or right as a citizen - A freedom dividend.
    (Saying a UBI is like receiving a welfare check sounds incredibly derisive in the U.S., tho I recognize that in other western countries "welfare" means a country taking care of it's citizens)
    ["you could have a job on the side"]
    UBI doesnt seek to replace a fulltime job. Everyone with a career will opt to continue in their career.
    UBI wont make much of a difference to someone at the upper end of the pay spectrum, but it represents a safety net that
    no one call fall below. If your rich enough that $1,000/month wont make a difference to your life then use it
    to be generous and donate it to the charity of your choice. For the rest of us it represents the safety net that we should all have in a country that calls itself the richest and most powerful in the world.
    [list of Supporters of UBI]
    You forgot to mention that in the 1960's Martin Luther King Jr was also a supporter of UBI, and that
    Nixon almost passed it under his presidency ( he was holding out for more money from congress).
    [Worries about privacy & control]...
    A potential UBI isn't the problem.
    If your worried about control & personal information abuse, cancel your credit cards,
    delete your facebook account, and stop using Amazon, Google, Siri & Alexa.. your data is already being gathered and used and you've signed
    on to it. You can already join a commune and become self sufficient if you really want too -- it doesnt have to be a future solution.

  • @JanSordid
    @JanSordid 2 года назад +5

    In Germany this kind of thing is discussed under the name "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen" which literally translates to "unconditional basic income". I like that wording a lot more since it contains "unconditional"

    • @mongoliannomad4908
      @mongoliannomad4908 2 года назад

      It's just an empty word. Of course it will be conditional - maybe not right from the start so that people won't get scared. The thing is, it will be mostly paid by rich people and companies, not from taxes because most of the people are not working. If you know anything about rich people then you know that they don't like giving free money and especially for people to sit on their ass and do nothing.
      The price you're going to pay is your freedom. Basically, you will become a labrat for all those InternetOfBodies things to be attached and implanted in you that WEF is preparing already. That way your every move can be tracked in case you won't obey. They will also have control over your capacity to recreate via mandatory vaccines: either you take them or you won't get the money. And why on earth they would want you to recreate (unless you have a super dna, which they of course will examine) because that would mean they need to pay for your children too. Actually, the faster you die, the less they need to pay...
      We are living sad times.

    • @judywaddell6065
      @judywaddell6065 2 года назад

      Jan Sordid - nothing could be further from the truth!. For starters, after they have stripped you of all your assets (house, etc), the ubi will be your ONLY source of income. It will only be enough to cover your very basic needs, and any money left over at the end of the month will be taken back by the Govt. It will also tie into your Social Credit Score (which is coming), and anything the Govt. doesn't like will result in a diminished social credit score(like China has), and possibly a reduction or temporary cessation of you ubi. Unconditional????.

  • @cmilkau
    @cmilkau 2 года назад +70

    Lack of privacy seems completely realistic, as we can literally watch it happen. Even thoughts and dreams are accessible now, which to me is the scariest part. The last bastion of privacy, our own mind, may fall quite soon.

    • @MissFluffies
      @MissFluffies 2 года назад +5

      The battle is for our mind.

    • @peterbelanger4094
      @peterbelanger4094 2 года назад

      That is a violation of the most sacred temple, our own minds, and is grounds for a war that will make ww2 look like a day in the park.

    • @peterbelanger4094
      @peterbelanger4094 2 года назад +4

      They violate the mind... it's gloves off, tear it ALL down!

    • @zibbezabba2491
      @zibbezabba2491 2 года назад

      They will never be able to read our thoughts and dreams. That is a fallacy. They are nowhere nearer to understanding what the mind is or its electro chemical functionality than they were 100 years ago. It's like when they say they will be able to transfer a human mind to computer. It's impossible. The best they can hope for is an AI interpretation of what is being copied.

    • @steveinoz8188
      @steveinoz8188 2 года назад

      Like when you are on welfare.

  • @bushwriter
    @bushwriter 2 года назад +44

    In Canada we have already seen UBI soft implementation with the COVID support programs of the past two years. The result is division between the "essential workers" and the laptop class who nobody missed when they holed up in their ever more-valuable houses. The good news is we can watch clearly the people's preference for freedom. What we are truly asking about the future is life based on reality or a construction of comfort without purpose.
    I choose freedom.

    • @derekrank4572
      @derekrank4572 2 года назад +4

      when a person works a poverty job they are NEVER getting ahead...there is ZERO freedom in that situation as well...people would be better off working their poverty job and then having UBI on the side as well to make sure they have a financial safety net to avoid being homless.

    • @JB-pd3ir
      @JB-pd3ir 2 года назад +1

      ME TOO!

  • @basicprogrammer6147
    @basicprogrammer6147 Год назад +1

    UBI brings happiness.
    THAT is the single most important reason to do it.

  • @JordanTelezino
    @JordanTelezino 2 года назад +49

    cant believe i didnt know the WHO was backing UBI. I really had hopes for that as a system but it has made me come full circle and realise it is just a tool to allow for the people to crutch on the government. This is actually awful. I mean if anything. Why doesn't UBI exist in 3rd world countries already with no jobs?

    • @boothcampforbusiness
      @boothcampforbusiness 2 года назад +9

      They’re not behind a UBi or at least it’s doesn’t originate from the WEF. This ‘bogeyman’ treatment of a serious proposal is pretty unethical. Guy Standing is a British economist - a truly humble chap - who has championing it for 30 years. It needs to be examined more than just one random video from the internet. If it was automated - ie it bypassed government control or oversight (because this also saves on massive bureaucratic costs), then all the concerns raised here evaporate.

    • @sherine7119
      @sherine7119 2 года назад +2

      WHO is B gates

    • @pamarabenton9039
      @pamarabenton9039 2 года назад

      The people in 3rd world countries are not the target to receive UBI. They have to get the masses of people who don't really need it, (middle and upper class people), to take it so they can control them. The poor, and desperate are already easy to control. The covid experiment showed that you can get people to go along with really stupid things easily. They also experimented with UBI by sending out those "stimulus checks".

  • @fgpriceinc
    @fgpriceinc 2 года назад +102

    UBI sounds like the stories about opioids where they were so good for people at first and then some years later you find that their lives turned to hell because of the so called "safe " drug.

    • @rhondasampsel2806
      @rhondasampsel2806 2 года назад +3

      Not to mention cigarettes also 😂 ke with WWI vets and now.Ipuodsyes Big time

    • @Teresa18565
      @Teresa18565 2 года назад +2


    • @yeetusdeleetus4697
      @yeetusdeleetus4697 2 года назад

      Nah it's already been proven by almost every successful financial expert along with almost every social scientist, not the sjw type the ones who study how societies run and function at a core level, that it will be necessary to move into UBI as automation is projected to take over 84% of all human jobs by the year 2035
      This is just a millionaire making a youtube video trying to convince people to vote against their best interests because it'll cost her a few extra thousand dollars in taxes that will quite literally affect her in no way.

    • @fgpriceinc
      @fgpriceinc 2 года назад

      @@yeetusdeleetus4697 And the takeover and control will be complete. I don't believe any so -called expert on something like this. It's a terrible world "they " have planned for us.

    • @yeetusdeleetus4697
      @yeetusdeleetus4697 2 года назад

      @@fgpriceinc Yall are really pessimistic for how little you know about the world. UBI was not suggested by rich people, NOR is it touted by half the people she mentioned, she literally just mentioned evil rich people to make you scared. The only people in the last 20 years touting UBI have been Andrew Yang, a working class family man who attempted to run for president, and Bernie Sanders, who is known to pretty hate everything about modern politics and lobbying and control systems.
      Go read a book and everything wont scare you anymore.

  • @msluvadulttoyreviews7063
    @msluvadulttoyreviews7063 2 года назад +52

    It is absolutely terrifying to think about this. The fact that so many people are just not even seeing don’t even want to see what’s going on is sad

    • @catvisiontv855
      @catvisiontv855 Год назад +3

      We already live in this reality has nothing to do with UBI!

    • @amit4Bihar
      @amit4Bihar Год назад

      What's the obsession with ubi? No wonder, billionaires are supporting UBI. UBI will ensure democracy is ended, it's back to feudalism and Flannery. Ubi is slavery.. Your income is dependant on the whims and fancies of govt. Will ubi keep up with inflation, i bet it won't.
      What is Actually needed is better wealth income distribution, that the productivity gains are distributed to the labour market and not only the billionaires. Unions must become stronger and more representative of public. Labour must become more powerful than capital.
      Keep fooling the masses with ubi.

  • @user-wp9jj2qx7y
    @user-wp9jj2qx7y 2 года назад +6

    I despair when I see the majority using self service checkouts in supermarkets and for instance ATMs for all banking purposes, ushered to them from the queue by one of the few remaining employees with the invitation to show you how so much easier it is. These devices are not there for our convenience, and if they weren't used, they'd be withdrawn. My greatest frustration in life, becoming ever more frequent is the inability to interface with another human to try to resolve matters when systems go wrong.

  • @drmarikabouchon7361
    @drmarikabouchon7361 2 года назад +19

    Good on you for this. What you fear already exists: if you can't earn money, which relies on being able to socialise, you are reduced to pensions, denied medical care, die early and do not have most "human" rights (eg autistics), including a geographic place to live independently as you suggest (lots of people want that, how many can actually do it, can afford the land?) For all: we have lost access to land and WEconF dreams of parking us ALL into cities, toxic to BioLife.
    Note: We are the only animal that has lost the biological "right" to roam the planet, find a decent spot, make a nest, and not have to be reduced to mere survival under extreme pressures, not only ecogical, but from our own species, which excludes and slow-kills anyone that does not fit enough to be "Human Resources". What you envision with dread is making us "Economic Resource", keeping us just barely alive to SPEND and keep "The System" running. From fodder (labour, war, breeding cows), we'd become conduits for money, nothing more.
    It's not just UBI-control or AGI or digital cards surveillance we need to reject; we need to regain the lands. Then anyone can grow some food, share, collaborate, free from the worst pressures, and that can be done without giving up on civilised Advancements. Just using them for Homo Sapiens, not for the self-serving, auto- reinforcing " System" that runs "The World", completely unaware of planet body, wild life (it only knows matter-biology, not the wonders inside the body).

  • @mauriceorayii2964
    @mauriceorayii2964 2 года назад +34

    We lost our privacy with the first online purchase. Hell, anything that runs through Google is allowed to use any communication or image in your phone to customize your experience with various sites and advertising.

    • @suewolmarans6195
      @suewolmarans6195 2 года назад +6

      That's exactly how I feel. They are already doing it. We already don't have privacy because our data gets harvested (for free might I add, at least they want to pay now - ha ha). Most people already mortgage their homes and cars etc (the bank owns that property, rent it from them) and some are rarely EVER lucky enough to pay it off. As for censorship on what you can or cant say... Joe Rogan, need I say more? Its already happened.

    • @keithgarrett4155
      @keithgarrett4155 2 года назад +5

      There are alternatives. The powers that be are working quite hard to prohibit distributed technologies, ipv6, and various encryption protocols.
      Encrypting your communications is actually illegal in some places. I wonder why?

    • @devinkipp4344
      @devinkipp4344 2 года назад +2

      Exactly, we had our chance. Snowden showed the facts that we already knew and what did we do? Nothing. No one cares that some in government breaks our constitutional rights on a day to day basis. I say let it happen if everyone wants to live in a 'utopia' then who am I to argue.

    • @cbounds3265
      @cbounds3265 2 года назад


  • @christopherharmon9336
    @christopherharmon9336 2 года назад +91

    "No strings attached." Unlikely. You will only get UBI after 100% of what you own is stripped from you.

    • @TheH8redd
      @TheH8redd 2 года назад +13

      Exaclty, no strings attached... you won't have anything, not even strings... lol

    • @allthatjazz9000
      @allthatjazz9000 2 года назад +5

      And "you will be happy".

    • @rayvaul3539
      @rayvaul3539 2 года назад +4

      @@allthatjazz9000 And that is an obvious absolute lie. As human beings, we have a moral, God-given right to own things.

    • @andreaerling7614
      @andreaerling7614 2 года назад +1

      All kinds of strings will be attached. Compulsory vaccinations, for instance. Absolutely terrifying.

    • @knossostellel-amarna8502
      @knossostellel-amarna8502 2 года назад +1

      UBI is basically govt redistributing money taken from tax collection, so basically we already have UBI but is being spent on govt bureaucracy which we are being told is to help us

  • @oxfordshirehammer7279
    @oxfordshirehammer7279 2 года назад +3

    You are spot on this needs to stop Or there will no going back

  • @PJHamann1
    @PJHamann1 2 года назад +14

    How can something so basic as "There is no such thing as a free lunch" be controversial?

  • @johnlakey4983
    @johnlakey4983 2 года назад +13

    When I was young, my parents always gave the same to each child so that they weren't chosing favorite. Our government wants us to be jealous of each other and fight each other so we won't realize they're stealing the money

    • @roseyk7677
      @roseyk7677 2 года назад +1

      Yep.. Your parents did that to appear 'fair' when really (right or wrong) they had an agenda, and it was to keep the peace and not have dissent! Same thing as the government..
      Even our parents were conditioned young!
      My parents did the same for a while, until they realised we all had our own character and individual patterns of behaviour that needed nurturing.
      Your parents were not nefarious, just misguided, my parents broke away from that system of treating us the 'same.' not because they preferred one child over the other, but because they knew we were unique and could all learn differently and bring something back to the proverbial table for the collective once we had been challenged, or shaped by outside influences.
      Kids, are shamed today for stepping outside the box, instead of being supported and encouraged to make mistakes and learn to become the best version of themselves.
      I am glad my parents recognised me as a human being (that they didn't own) and didn't treat me like a cyborg who had the same path as my Siblings.
      I remember my mother once saying, that we may have the same blood in our dna, but we each have a light inside us that we have the responsibility to guide ourselves to prosperity, good and humility... I always remember that..
      My light is no different to my Siblings, but some of them sadly allowed theirs to go out or sacrificed it for darkness, mine however has challenged me but keeps me on the path to righteousness.... I will never sell it to the power of evil. I will continue to return it back to love.. Because that my friend is eternal and no amount of UBI can extinguish it!!

  • @trueheartintent
    @trueheartintent 2 года назад +51

    Speaking of the WEF: What I find most interesting about Klaus Schwab is his predecessor, Günther Schwab, who was a former Sturmabteilung (Brownshirt) and a committed member of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) back in 1930. Günther founded the World League for the Protection of Life in 1960 some years after the fall of Nazi Germany. This vision was fueled by social Darwinism, aryan biased eugenics measures, and given the push-back he received- he switched gears into pushing for Nazism ideals by masking his agenda using ecology & a green movement to force radical change to justify the means of his more sinister plans of bringing about the 4th reich.
    Günther died around 2006, but made great headway in bringing about the 4th reich. His spirit lives on today with Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF (World Economic Forum) and leader of the Davos convention. He was the head lead to everything that you see today, from the pandemic, to even the war in Ukraine.

    • @Psykootje71
      @Psykootje71 2 года назад

      Yes that's why we call the EU , the 4th reich .... which it is becoming

    • @nylpurfi9896
      @nylpurfi9896 2 года назад +2


    • @Gajasta
      @Gajasta 2 года назад +1

      Digir (cuneiform) :) ?

    • @mr.jamster8414
      @mr.jamster8414 2 года назад +3

      goddamn they do look similar...

    • @trueheartintent
      @trueheartintent 2 года назад +1

      @@Gajasta, yes. That’s what it used to be. Cuneiform Digir for Anu of course.

  • @robwerth
    @robwerth 2 года назад +2

    Excellent video, thanks. I think however that you are conflating two different matters. UBI solves a definite problem, while whether we get UBI or not, governments and big business want us to lose our privacy. Our governments (which are more or less bought by the rich at this point) will always trend this direction, but that doesn't mean that UBI is a bad idea. We need to take the best ideas and resist the worst and make sure that we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

  • @albirtarsha5370
    @albirtarsha5370 2 года назад +24

    When you see the Russia/Ukraine situation you must realize how powerless we are as individuals. It is a fantasy to think that in the future we will have strong privacy or self-governance.

    • @stefvb2032
      @stefvb2032 2 года назад +1

      Don’t believe the hype…they want it all now..for them we are ‘unuseable’ eaters…nothing more, nothing less…dehumanisation is their wettest dream…

    • @janicesmith8946
      @janicesmith8946 2 года назад


  • @Msfinable
    @Msfinable 2 года назад +35

    I didn’t quite understand how UBI is different from welfare support, when it comes to controlling people through it.
    I live in Finland, which is famous for its good benefits (unemployment benefits, basic pension, paid 9 month maternity leave, we even pay for students who study for free etc). Any of these benefits could, in theory, be used as you described, to control citizens, to force them to vote etc in certain way. But is it? No. For as long as we have true democracy, not the kind they have in the US for example, we, the people, have power.

    • @lushulet
      @lushulet 2 года назад +11

      I find this quote very enlightening: When you know everything about your government that is democracy, but when the government knows everything about you that is tyranny. Need I say more?

    • @LjutaPtica
      @LjutaPtica 2 года назад +3

      Good for you because, for example, Canada is (was?) doing the same as Finland. However, we have seen recently how quick all that beautiful democratic system can fall apart, taking away personal freedom. Don't trust your government. It is led by humans, and humans are by nature corrupted and can change literally overnight.

    • @joeshmoe7967
      @joeshmoe7967 2 года назад +2

      @@LjutaPtica With trudope in the PMO we here in Canada cannot trust a single word said by any government agent. UBI is a scheme to buy your freedom, with the notion of a different freedom.

    • @mongoliannomad4908
      @mongoliannomad4908 2 года назад +1

      Sanna Marin is Klaus Schwab's pupil.

    • @Msfinable
      @Msfinable 2 года назад +6

      Hi @@lushulet !
      I fully agree with the quote, thank you for sharing it! It seems to apply to for example china and North Korea pretty well.
      I do not see it applying to Finland, however. We do have benefits, but those don’t give any more information to our government as, say, our tax reports. From any given benefit local officials can see how much money you make and if you’re a full time student, yes.
      But you can see this from records that, say, the US government has for its own citizens. I see no difference, apart from the fact that sometimes a little monetary help can change your life for the better and benefits during your studies ensure that anyone can afford to get higher education.

  • @Motoboo_Marine
    @Motoboo_Marine 2 года назад +32

    This gets even scarier when you take into account governmental efforts to adopt/invent their own digital currencies, like how you mentioned toward the end. Imagine you get your UBI, but the government only lets you spend it on what they want you to, when they want you to.
    I'm not someone who believes an economy should go entirely unregulated, but the opposite end of the spectrum isn't good either. No entity on earth is competent enough to micromanage a large-scale economy, especially not long-term; there are simply too many variables at play.

    • @HrSamstag
      @HrSamstag 2 года назад

      There is no „entirely unregulated“ only because there is no government, that’s what governments want you to believe.

    • @higreentj
      @higreentj 2 года назад

      A value added tax is likely the only tax we will pay so certain goods will be heavily taxed.

  • @mehradlajevardi7581
    @mehradlajevardi7581 2 года назад +6

    This video really reminds me of 1984 written by George Orwell.
    Same pattern was used in Iranian Revolution.
    I think we all owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves so we can see through it and keep our freedom.

  • @viktoriab4293
    @viktoriab4293 2 года назад +48

    It's crazy to think how changes seemingly insane creep in slowly, almost unnoticed under the guise of something good. Then when you got people hooked slowly you keep pushing your leverage and are like "this is good for you, ofc this was gonna happen". "Stupid people need protection from themselves"

    • @aaronlingenfelter1055
      @aaronlingenfelter1055 2 года назад +4

      Yep. I remember when we were told we had to tolerate some things/lifestyles and that has somehow morphed into we must celebrate those who have lifestyles we may not approve of--and it only took 30 years. Or political correctness which was started in the 70's and laughed at as ridiculous but has morphed into the world of micro-aggressions being a cause for people to get counseling.

    • @themookshit
      @themookshit 2 года назад +1

      kind of like mass surveillance. it was a slow process but now we are fine with a camera/mic being on everyone's phone that is on them at all times.

    • @kerra3699
      @kerra3699 Год назад

      @@themookshit Take a look at what is happening in China. What happened during the lockdowns with computer based surveillance systems. Cameras everywhere, facial recognition and the resulting persecution. The no go zones without government approval, the aged perishing in their homes as children could not come to their aid as they were not cleared to pass a barrier or travel. This so called progress is really bad news.

  • @samanthahardy9903
    @samanthahardy9903 2 года назад +34

    A UBI would be like living on benefits and being paid to not work. However, there are bound to be terms and conditions to get it. There are always terms and conditions, mainly compliance for whatever the government wants them to do.

    • @martinburrows6844
      @martinburrows6844 2 года назад +4

      Get vaksd or lose your ubi

    • @Kenkanruto
      @Kenkanruto 2 года назад +5

      The issue is that the basis of "UBI" is NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Meaning they have no legal authority to be all "You have to do this, or lose the payment". While that could certainly change as time goes by, one must continue to make sure to keep their governments in check. Many countries will (sadly) be unable to do this, like China. But genuine democracies may have an easier time.
      Only time will tell. But time is also running out.

    • @villanelle6973
      @villanelle6973 2 года назад +6

      Samantha Hardy......."COMPLIANCE for WHATEVER the government wants them to do" YEEEEEYEP. SCARY, isn't it.

    • @marktwain580
      @marktwain580 2 года назад

      Do I get to save my ubi or must I spend it? They will compel that you spend it or lose it.

    • @ludacorleone8563
      @ludacorleone8563 2 года назад

      @@marktwain580 i think you will be able to only spend it

  • @Googleuser-sr3en
    @Googleuser-sr3en 2 года назад

    All of us have more power than we think. Meditate, exercise self love/self care and connect with nature. We have always had the answers inside of us. Take our personal power back and stop giving it away to external forces/events we can't control. Self-govern or be governed.

  • @davidleone8087
    @davidleone8087 2 года назад +13

    “If u allow yr enemies to feed u, they have no reason to ever treat u equal”

  • @dc100dc100
    @dc100dc100 2 года назад +35

    1) They’ll have to close the tax loopholes for companies. If they get the benefits from the automation, they should pay into the UBI.
    2) Do you really think hippy communes are the answer to billions unemployed? If so, then who cares if we implement UBI? If you don’t like any rules that come with it, opt out,earn your own money and spend that how you want or check out and grow your own food.
    The real issue is #1 above. The governments will pay the UBI, but corporations will fight tooth and nail to not pay the taxes that it will take to make it work. As long as the tax code is written by and for the rich, the balance will be broken and the working poor will always be begging for scraps.

    • @mohd.saifullahmajid6029
      @mohd.saifullahmajid6029 2 года назад +1

      look what happened to Jack Ma when he defied his authoritarian govt

    • @gregmannheimer286
      @gregmannheimer286 2 года назад +3

      Thank youuuuuuu. All the support for this video is so stupid. This girl has no idea what she’s talking about, and all this talk about WEF is practically irrelevant, since the modern concept of UBI actually predates these sort of institutions; analogous systems to UBI go back ~2000 years (the corn dole in Ancient Rome), and they were actually remarkably successful!

    • @joeshmoe7967
      @joeshmoe7967 2 года назад +2

      There is NO WAY to make it work period.

    • @joeshmoe7967
      @joeshmoe7967 2 года назад +1

      @@gregmannheimer286 Talk of WEF is NOT irrelevant. Those people want to control us, not look out for us. Klaus and his cronies are evil.
      All should be prescribed the little grey pill.......

    • @cmiller7299
      @cmiller7299 2 года назад +4

      Ya not to mention the fact that Sorelle has taken advantage of all those tax loop holes with her own companies. She means well, but I don't think she's able to look at this issue objectively. And the idea that "living a sustainable life" i.e...growing your own food...would help you avoid any real future systems of control is very naïve.

  • @kellymiartisme9727
    @kellymiartisme9727 2 года назад +20

    The “love” of money is the root of ALL evil. The love of it makes people blind to the negative consequences of the UBI.

    • @cookierah3530
      @cookierah3530 2 года назад +1

      And survival - survival makes people pretty desperate and blind

    • @Andreabay90
      @Andreabay90 2 года назад +1

      lmao. give up medicine, internet, food, shelter, it wouldnt exist without money. you'd be bartering random things for other random things living in a hut

    • @higreentj
      @higreentj 2 года назад

      The fiat currency system and value added tax (VAT) are powerful economic tools. Technological advances are deflationary but with fiat currency and VAT we can simulate inflation.

  • @SorieI
    @SorieI 5 месяцев назад

    Back when I was 10 I remember my dad talking about how eventually coorperations and the government would collaborate to provide universal basic income, but he also argued that it would most definitely be a tool to make people more reliant on the government and eventually would play a big role in an upheaval of our current system of government. He also had some choice words on population control, which he said would be guaranteed at a certain point after UBI is implemented. He said that they would likely engineer a disease, and he theorized that a test version would be deployed around 2019. This was in 2012. That being said, he also said he was confident that the military industrial complex would "stage" an alien invasion once we develop the technology to habitate other celestial bodies as a way to spark a type of "earth nationalism" and drum up more financial support for a newly implemented "space force" branch of the military. I don't like how he has been at least 70% accurate so far.

  • @kglistless
    @kglistless 2 года назад +4

    I support the idea of UBI. I'm on disability (in Canada). The money we receive is never adjusted to meet inflation. What we were given in 2016 is the same as today in 2022; meanwhile rents have shot through the roof. It's gotten hard to find jobs that will keep your head above water, even if you're giving upwards of 40 hours per week. Increasing minimum wage did nothing except give an excuse for businesses and landlords to raise prices. If UBI isn't universal, I think that it should apply to the people who need it most. The government already monitors my bank account, and I would happily continue to allow that if it meant I could have a stable roof over my head.

    • @pearladams4817
      @pearladams4817 2 года назад +1

      If you find time to read the book of Revelation, especially chapter 13, you might have a different view of the issue.

    • @Mysticaltyger
      @Mysticaltyger 2 года назад +1

      UBI will be the same. Despite the promises, it won't be enough to live on. Maybe initially, but that won't last long. Haven't you noticed it's always the same story with government programs?

  • @miked2186
    @miked2186 2 года назад +7

    The Market Is about To Crash; I believe the equity markets to be significantly overpriced and feel a severe correction (25% plus) within the next 12-25 months is very plausible. Any sage advice for someone ready to start investing would be greatly appreciated.

    • @theophilusmc2341
      @theophilusmc2341 2 года назад

      I have been hearing about Mrs anna and her genius mind in the crypto market also how good is she ??

    • @paulclifford3455
      @paulclifford3455 2 года назад

      l'd love to reach her please, please how do i get in touch with Mrs anna?

    • @veronicathoms4979
      @veronicathoms4979 2 года назад

      her availability is sure on
      What's apk ⤵️⤵️⤵️

    • @veronicathoms4979
      @veronicathoms4979 2 года назад +2


    • @danielleapache6074
      @danielleapache6074 2 года назад

      I also needed her info too I'll write her thanks.

  • @suy128
    @suy128 2 года назад +15

    Sorelle, thank you so much for what you do. Thank you for using your time and energy to educate people into their own power. You are amazing!! Just thank you!

  • @1977ajax
    @1977ajax 2 года назад

    One of the signs to watch out for, telling you that this obscenity is being pushed seriously, will be the reduction in access to unemployment benefit and welfare surfaces. In most countries it is at best unpleasant already, but in a few years it may well become a degrading bureaucratic nightmare. Many people will be in favour of UBI simply to avoid the horror of trying to deal with the useless, dishonest, and obstructive staff.

  • @AlivkaSlivka
    @AlivkaSlivka 2 года назад +10

    But: If we all receive UBI, we are all able to focus on taking risks in peace and starting a business for example. Doing something so that we wont struggle if someone is to take away the UBI.
    Right now many people do not have the privilige to quit their jobs to start something differnet, something of their own. With a UBI that secures your basic needs it gives you the chance not to be reliant on the UBI. So even if the government is to take it away from you for saying the wrong thing, you wont be in trouble. Or am I missing something?

    • @siskygod44
      @siskygod44 2 года назад +2

      Yes. You're missing the point that to receive UBI you need to be a model citizen, as defined by the government. This will include school educational methodologies, and later, adult behaviours which in and of themselves, would reduce your creativity, and the chance of you becoming the person you could be, if you'd had to struggle with some tough stuff.
      An easy life just makes fat, lazy, unimaginative, compliant drones...who die young.

    • @DMAN590
      @DMAN590 2 года назад +1

      Way to much of the economy is still done by human hand at present. If "we are all able to take risks" and don't need to work, then a SHIT TON of the work that runs our economy and way of life will not be done. This will only work when the need for human labor has truly been replaced by automation which is generations off at the earliest. Most likely in this system of UBI we'd also have digital currency and you could still be cut off from the economy even if you had your own business. As we have seen recently in Canada. The vast majority of people will not have their own buisness's or make a living from their "art" and will be reliant upon the UBI so subject to government decree.

  • @aprilbeardsley
    @aprilbeardsley 2 года назад +11

    I feel trapped, then I am frozen. I feel like it's to big to curve because it's been going on for so long.
    What are we to do? Even in small communities you have to play by their rules or you're kicked out.

    • @Atexequipment
      @Atexequipment 2 года назад +3

      We need to stick together. People of all backgrounds and creeds need urgently to come together to demand a viable future for ourselves and this earth. We must not let any large government, corporation or religious institution divide us.

    • @MarkHicks326
      @MarkHicks326 2 года назад

      Where do you live? Sound paranoid.

  • @danhaywood5696
    @danhaywood5696 2 года назад +13

    I've experienced pretty much all of this already, and I can clearly see it's already inescapable except for primitive living in a huge forest, but that's not possible either anymore with existing laws and increasing ways such as drones and phones to always track or search us out. I've lived in sailboats, and motorhomes, worked completely under the table and was never connected to the grid. Didn't have electricity at all for years sometimes. Now I'm in a shitty apartment with everybody banging on my ceiling and walls and I gotta pay rent for my dog I got off the street as a puppy, and I'm a disabled veteran so I got a low fixed income. Still better than working though. Working was a never ending nightmare of abuse and Everybody treated me as a bum anyway and attacked by calling 911 or getting my landing cut off or my water sources cutoff, or my jobs cutoff. The cops and everybody else would steal my rowboat, steal my bicycle. They'd take my dog out my motorhome window while I was working, they'd run me over and jail me as walked back with groceries. They'd bulldoze beautiful places I boondocked along mountain rivers in my motorhome, and truck in demolition concrete debris and fill the place with giant concrete rubble with rebars sticking out. They cut down an ancient tree with a rope swing over a river. Eventually all I could get was temp agency gigs and so I was back to making minimum wage and investing 12 hours to get paid for 8 not including gasoline. They abused the crap out of me in every conceivable manner. Signing loyalty to Israel contract's in order to work a week long job for minimum wage and taking a drug test, and background check. I could go on and on. Now I'm disability it's great but still not enough money to really live off of. Yeah they got all my info, and they keep getting it. I can't even buy decent transportation. I suppose I could work some, but it's not worth it, even with my disability income. They just don't pay enough for the abuse and stress and dangerous shit. They don't pay enough for me to go out into traffic and drive there. I just can't do it anymore. I have been learning and practicing to live independent alone in the mountains for several years now. FB already dictates to us what to say.
    I feel like a prisoner. I used to feel like a refugee as snuck from shadow to shadow with my gallon of water, hoping my rowboat would be where I had left it. I'm not living the way shown in this video. I won't to it. This is already unacceptable to me, and I won't be friends with anyone anymore anyway, so I don't want to be around people though I'm lonely, it's how it must be. Not like I can afford to go anywhere or do anything ever. Eating any food which I did not prepare myself at home is nearly unthinkable to me. IDK about Thousand pounds in Germany, but a $1000 US in the US would be a joke. You'd be screwed from the start and stay fucked with that money. Fucking employers would probably use it as an excuse to pay even less, and every slumlord and rental company around would jack their prices more than usual as well. I hate all this shit. I must escape or they'll stick me in a torture home someday and I'll die over medicated, being abused by Nurse Ratchet while officials liquidate any thing of value I may somehow have, or accuse me of stealing it and take it. I'm thinking fuck that shit! Better to die alone in the forest, and even falling face down in my own shit would be more dignified than the abuse I'm no doubt in for, if US "healthcare" don't kill me first.

    • @mohd.saifullahmajid6029
      @mohd.saifullahmajid6029 2 года назад +4

      there's a reason why living off-grid must be a community effort. everyone has their tasks. find like-minded people and then build the off-grid community together somewhere high up in the hills with pristine water source

    • @danhaywood5696
      @danhaywood5696 2 года назад +1

      @@mohd.saifullahmajid6029 I will not join others. I know from experiences on ships and really anything so I'll such as school that no community is run equitably regardless the rules. I'm not praising any God and or repeating any mantras or stroking anyone's ego, or being used as a slave. If I need something I will make it or I will trade for it, but I believe I cannot live in any society of any size without getting constantly abused and sacrificed. I just want to get out as much as possible. If I can't put base my own forest to homestead, or they won't allow me to live that way. Then Ireally got little to be afraid of, because I've already faced it. My parents won't like it niether will my sister, or the VA, but I'll bail out to a riverside and build a nice little home that's invisible from a distance and cost nothing because I'll build my stove and oven and everything out of rocks clay, sticks and moss. Design airflow correctly and the wood will burn clean so the smoke won't give me away. I got solar lights and battery packs. The toughest thing is having to make your own light, because soot and fire and it's dim and fuel is expensive and or difficult. So I'll take Lucy Lights with me. I could build rafts to live on and float rivers, just go wherever, but now days they can selectively enforce laws to screw you for not having the address shown on your ID. Life in America is all abuse from any interaction, so I wish to avoid such anyway.we got cops in boats everywhere though. They pop out of our toilets if we wipe other than as prescribed.

    • @joeshmoe7967
      @joeshmoe7967 2 года назад +5

      @@danhaywood5696 Although I agree with much that you have written, I can't help but think you have some issues that were never addressed. I don't see you being happy anywhere at anytime. Your best chance is to go somewhere where winter is warm and make your cabin in the woods.
      I myself would also not live in some off grid community. Every group of humans eventually turns into 'us and them' with 'rules' and rulers. If I were to go off grid it would be on my own terms.
      In the mean time, try to find ways to experience joy. Simple things like the sun on your face, the sound of rain. The sound of silence if you can get far enough into nature, and nature in general. The occasional entertaining youtube video. - Cheers

    • @ladyjade6446
      @ladyjade6446 2 года назад +1

      Write a book!

  • @virginiamoss7045
    @virginiamoss7045 9 месяцев назад +1

    As for governments, they can do whatever they want anyway, even our own, so that's no argument against. My worry is how the economics react; simple inflation comes to mind so that that payment amount is weakened and employers are tempted to pay workers less because of the extra support. All of which negates the value of UBI. Still, I'd like to give it a try to see what happens. In a way the same support can happen simply by taxing the hell out of the rich (as high as 90% like in the last century) and giving qualifying people a level of cash equal to a given basic income for the area they are in. That, of course requires a lot of administration while just giving everyone the same amount is simple, removing all bureaucracy. But that's not entirely fair; people in New York City and in rural south Georgia have extremely different economics to deal with. $1,000 in NYC is pocket change while $1,000 in south Georgia is a huge boost. You need administration to determine how to iron that out.

  • @richardharmer7933
    @richardharmer7933 2 года назад +6

    At almost every stage in history when a huge technological leap forward is realized, people make predictions that mass unemployment will result. And yet here we are, working as we always have.

    • @joeshmoe7967
      @joeshmoe7967 2 года назад

      Yea the robot take over is not going to happen, and UBI won't save us if it does. Anything that comes out of Klaus's mind/mouth cannot possibly be good for us.

  • @finswheels6663
    @finswheels6663 2 года назад +26

    Really informative! I miss my childhood in the 80's 😔

      @ASHEN_ONE_GAMES 2 года назад +3

      Me too

    • @doktorquanton4069
      @doktorquanton4069 Год назад

      Honestly, i wish I was born a few decades earlier would rather go through the Cold War atomic bomb threats then this dilemma.

  • @emilianocamargo5359
    @emilianocamargo5359 2 года назад +14

    The problems is not ubi. I like it because it takes away a lot of bureaucracy away from the government. But like everything, it just depend how is done and with what intentions 🤔. What is very scary is that after this pandemic, the government around the world showed us a really scary aspect of their intentions. What is most scary was to see how many people just followed...

    • @joeshmoe7967
      @joeshmoe7967 2 года назад +1

      UBI is to buy your submission. Freedom is worth way more than any UBI cheque could ever be.

    • @theonlythingihavetosayis9333
      @theonlythingihavetosayis9333 2 года назад

      I agree. Ubi is good in concept. But its socialism and people hate all thing socialism i guess

    • @kingdick8390
      @kingdick8390 2 года назад

      Ubi is the carrot they will dangle in your face to get you to submit to the new world order. Yeah 1000 a month is great and all but what’s the price that comes with that?

    • @theonlythingihavetosayis9333
      @theonlythingihavetosayis9333 2 года назад

      @@kingdick8390 the price is not being forced to live paycheck to paycheck every month just to barely live

  • @HEMIdouglas
    @HEMIdouglas 2 года назад +1

    The most likely answer for independence, is to form communes producing goods which are traded, or bartered in exchange for goods. So each commune would have it's own method of commerce. The series of specialized villages would also reduce need for international commerce.

    • @bonniegaither3994
      @bonniegaither3994 6 месяцев назад

      Yes. And then, it gets larger and larger and the next thing you know, you have a country 🙄

  • @bjoernschumacher5852
    @bjoernschumacher5852 2 года назад +28

    Sorelle, youre the Voice of the voiceless. Youre my voice. You tell the people the things I want to tell them, but can't. thank you.

    • @Abundantiaco
      @Abundantiaco  2 года назад +11

      Thanks for watching. Hopefully, videos like this make a difference.

  • @Dave-ql8tt
    @Dave-ql8tt 2 года назад +16

    Self sufficient communities for sure! It won't be easy, they'll try and stop us but we have power in numbers. Together we can make our towns, even cities more self sufficient by thinking locally and letting go of reliance on governance. There are amazing people throughout all communities, imagine what we can do if we come together 🙏

    • @stitch10925
      @stitch10925 2 года назад

      The problem is, they will have military weapons.

  • @kiirothedriver8714
    @kiirothedriver8714 2 года назад +5

    I highly recommend a circular, decentralized economy. a local town circulates all of the money, has their own local markets with food grown locally, and more or less supplies are less often bought on leading supermarkets on the nearest cities; most if not all are self-sustained water, food, power supply, and tools.

  • @Jeffrey-kn4oz
    @Jeffrey-kn4oz 2 года назад +6

    Social Security for seniors is UBI, and you get penalized (gets reduced) if you make more than what it pays you. Same is with welfare, a ubi. Make over a certain amount and it's taken away. Nothing to stop govt. from penalizing you with UBI.

  • @mr.mikesart7111
    @mr.mikesart7111 2 года назад +21

    UBI means that everyone that has worked hard to rise up, just got a pay cut.
    But automation is absolutely going to kill jobs.
    UBI will also likely lead to them picking where we can live, what we can eat, and where and when we can travel.
    Just like food stamps and section 8 limit what we can buy and where we can live.

  • @davidpoolman4770
    @davidpoolman4770 2 года назад +6

    I feel, very strongly, the only way forward,is through community. I see small, localized communities, a way of the future. For those of us, who choose to reside in the natural world, along with our inherited freedom's, could perhaps set our intentions on community.
    This is my intention, with Love.

    • @rmuro4021
      @rmuro4021 2 года назад +2

      This is in line with my thinking as well. Downsize the home, buy an RV or trailer as a backup residence when the government takes all of our homes away. Problem being, we live in these satellite communities, this could be viewed as non compliance. We could be shipped to disobedience camps much like the China model. In my mind the China model is perfection in the eyes of the WEF and that is the gold standard.

  • @tonyamiller4045
    @tonyamiller4045 2 года назад +6

    My question is, what happens to Canada's income assiatnce program (welfare),? I assume universal income would replace it...which means thousands of provical government jobs ( income assistance caseworkers) lost across the country. Also, i wonder if we would be able to opt out of receiving ubi to maintain your autonomy? Pretty bleak thanks. I would rather work for my money and maintain control over my life....

  • @realjx313
    @realjx313 2 года назад +1

    UBI by definition is unconditional, that's a key differentiator.
    And how functional a society is depends on values and the system's ability to maintain those values - the US is corrupted by individualism, materialism and corporations and UBI would help fix that.
    Lowering economic inequality erodes the power of economic entities while better education empowers the people (UBI allows for much easier access to education).

  • @cmilkau
    @cmilkau 2 года назад +7

    "Where machines take over a lot of the jobs once done by us." I think this is a bit too mildly worded. This has happened before in the first industrial revolution. We just shifted to doing different things with the available labor. But this time, there may be nothing that machines aren't capable of. Nothing at all, not even things we aren't doing yet because we're too busy. This is a huge difference because there may be nowhere to shift that available labor towards.

    • @henrikljungstrand2036
      @henrikljungstrand2036 2 года назад

      Except leaving state/corporate society altogether, sustain ourselves "illegally" in Nature, and start parallel spiritual anarchosyndicalist societies through local communities. This Earth belongs to all of us, and claiming property over something you don't use yourself personally is theft from everyone else, especially when you are buying endless amounts of real estate just so you can deny it to ordinary people.

  • @nziejeremiah4692
    @nziejeremiah4692 2 года назад +27

    It requires money to make money this is the best secret I have ever heard we don’t make money we make multiple money.

    • @theresasidneyy5838
      @theresasidneyy5838 2 года назад +1

      Interesting. I have a lump sum doing absolutely nothing at all in my bank account, I wanna get something started with it, any reasonable ideal?

    • @AustinHilton5.
      @AustinHilton5. 2 года назад +2

      @@theresasidneyy5838 There are platform where you can invest and they trade your money. Then pay you profit either weekly or monthly. That's investing.

    • @randyo.6426
      @randyo.6426 2 года назад +1

    • @leandrogabioneta4923
      @leandrogabioneta4923 2 года назад +1

    • @lunarobinson7147
      @lunarobinson7147 2 года назад +1