The Khazarian Mafia 2.0******************************* The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America. And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
My máme lepších zabavacov možno, ale v čom nám vy nakopavate prdel dlhodobo, tak to je dabing - viď prcičky, Simpsonovci, Rocky/Rambo a x ďalších filmov. V dabingu je len pár výnimiek ako Harry Potter, Dva a pol chlapa, Big Bang Theory, Priatelia kde sme lepší, ale 99 zo 100 filmov a seriálov máte lepšie nadabovanych. Za mňa aj Harry Potter je lepšie nadabovany v CZ, len ten preklad je dementny 😀 my sme vám mohli v dabingu konkurovať len v 90 rokoch keď sme mali hercov ako Vajda, Kroner, Kramár, Landl Danciak atď. Žiaľ títo starí herci sú už dnes skôr v úzadí a noví stoja v porovnaní s tými českými až na pár výnimiek (ako napr Stano Kral, ale aj ten má už okolo 50 rokov) za prd
The Khazarian Mafia 2.0******************************* The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America. And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
The Khazarian Mafia 2.0******************************* The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America. And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
0:02 jak sa Petra tvárila 😂
Peťa je super 😍😍😍
The Khazarian Mafia 2.0*******************************
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America.
And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
Viac ste skvelí
..kdyby i češi uměli udělat srandu jako slováci....ale to bohužel...jen samá ulice..růžovka..drbe kameň cihlu a kde nic tu nic....
Češi mají taky skvělý humor
Aaale aj vy mate paradnych humoristov 😁🇸🇰🇨🇿
Vy máte suprových zabávačov
M.72 Tak si pusť niejaky Slovenský serial
My máme lepších zabavacov možno, ale v čom nám vy nakopavate prdel dlhodobo, tak to je dabing - viď prcičky, Simpsonovci, Rocky/Rambo a x ďalších filmov. V dabingu je len pár výnimiek ako Harry Potter, Dva a pol chlapa, Big Bang Theory, Priatelia kde sme lepší, ale 99 zo 100 filmov a seriálov máte lepšie nadabovanych. Za mňa aj Harry Potter je lepšie nadabovany v CZ, len ten preklad je dementny 😀 my sme vám mohli v dabingu konkurovať len v 90 rokoch keď sme mali hercov ako Vajda, Kroner, Kramár, Landl Danciak atď. Žiaľ títo starí herci sú už dnes skôr v úzadí a noví stoja v porovnaní s tými českými až na pár výnimiek (ako napr Stano Kral, ale aj ten má už okolo 50 rokov) za prd
0:09 0:11 Peti si to ty,čaute!
0:11 Čaute!
Ako sa nahodne stretli
Vyzerá trochu ako Bellatrix Lastrengová 😂
To jsou ty z ČSMT
0:03 XD
Ja vas poznam
si frajer :) teda decko xd
Noemka Čechova to každý
Noemka Čechova a !?
Cuki luki opet v akci.😘👍👍😀😊☺😁😂😃😄😂😁👍👍🐤🐤:-( :-! :-) :-D :-D ;-) :-* :-D :O :-* B-) :'(
Cuky luky
Nie cuki luki
A vieš čo nieje v akcií, tvoja gramatika.😂😂😂
The Khazarian Mafia 2.0*******************************
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America.
And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
erika brbalikova and juraj brbali
Brmbalíková a Brmbalík
The Khazarian Mafia 2.0*******************************
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America.
And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.