Fireflies? Bushes? Desert grass? More mob variants? Cactus flowers??? This drop cycle is just jammed full of things the community has been wanting for ages!
@@someguy5085 im not that guy but i personally dont believe the end needs an update, its meant to be a barren wasteland in the end, and the generation of lone islands sorta aids in that idea
@hexar260 can you please explain what you mean I'm not sure if the trial chamber counts, though I can see an argument for the pale garden and I think those are the last 2 updates I guess what do you consider ambience
Now that they have dry grass it would be nice to see them add a transitional "sand dune" biome to the borders between beaches and non-ocean biomes. Think like the jungle edge biome, but the difference from normal beaches is some hillier terrain and lots of dry grass
@fgvcosmic6752 yess!! many dunes next to the sea have grass in them to keep them together! you can search for "coastal/sea dune" to get some idea on what it looks like
@fgvcosmic6752 Yes, sand dunes are very essential towards beaches as the grassroots hold all the sand and can help prevent flooding as they create tall mounds away from the beach.
New chickens look great, though I do find it strange that we now have 3 varieties of egg but still no way to cook and eat them (directly, not as part of cake or pumpkin pie), that'd be a nice food item to add Also the cactus flower from the badlands biome vote years ago is back, that's cool
Omelettes or scrambled eggs would be super fun for new food options. I heard there were rumors (or maybe just wishes?) for cheese items from cows (I’d love it if goats also had that?), so I like the idea of even more food options. Especially since that means they can tie new animals to new food items without adding new meat types or whatever, since Minecraft is trending away from that it seems. And yes, I’m so glad to see the biome vote stuff, I hope we get some more soon, even if not in this update. (Baobab and palm trees, vultures, meerkats, ostriches!)
As long as they're implemented in a useful manner that doesn't just add more versions of potatoes and carrots. When's the last time you've seen anyone grow beetroot for food?
I would kill for a food update (with a not too drastic rework of the hunger system). right now, theres a lot of variety, but no reason to ever have any variety. theres also been added a bunch of stuff which would naturally make good crafting materials for food items (like honey or sweet berries). food just feels forgotten
1:09 sheep, horses and goats i think should also be considered farm animals. but goats only spawn in cold biomes anyway, horses already have variants and sheep already have variation due to their wool color so they probably wont be getting variants. personally i think it would be really cool if bats got variants, but that probably wont happen
Sheep colors would stay but they could make them have thicker wool for the cold variant and make them less woolly for the warmer one They could potentially even affect the colors to make them more vibrant / washed out
@@Gurke9 I feel like variants could also have different skin colors (one could have black skin) while also using wool thickness like you said. And obviously still having dyed wool colors. And maybe the variants could naturally spawn with different weight of wool color, like preferring gray or black instead of white.
This atmospheric stuff wouldnt be possible if Mojang didnt abandon the Big Yearly Update. I cant imagine "seasonal farm animal variants" being something people would be enthoused about waiting months for
Thia is basically like Secret Friday. I remember the days and its getting me those vibes. Im pretty sure _jeb just got into the main room and returned "Secret Friday".
if you think about it, previous drops like The Pale Garden and Bundles could've been apart of this hypothetical update alongside all of these. And maybe the other drop(s) we'll get after this one
There is no reason at all it couldn't be included as part of it. And one of the complaints about those big drops was that it seemed so little for those big drops. And these drops are just demonstrating that with how many extra things they are adding in.
I can guarantee, the atmospheric stuff could have easily been added during the one a year large updates. Most of the changes or so miniscule code/behavior-wise that it wouldn't have taken that long other than the textures depending on how detailed they wanted to go. I've been saying this for years before, and moreso after we got cat variants foolishly expecting dogs to be around rhe corner
I would like it the resin could be combined with other blocks to create new versions. Like with the planks and bricks as it it was a glue between the components of the block.
@@hougen8695 i mean the leaks say otherwise, and they said in an interview that we are probablly goona get annual big updates with 4 smaller ones a year
The new dry bushes are really good in my opinion. I live in Arizona, and the deserts here are most certainly not just sand and cacti, there are lots of dry plants, so the new bushes really help make it feel more realistic
In a long time im actually starting to get excited for a minecraft update, these small changes are such amazing ones, the ambience update is definitely what we were in need of
Hope we can keep the placing leaves on grates. Could make for a nice story telling, filled gutter kind of thing. Clogged gutter leads to water driping over, idk.
Now that they're adding a bunch of these decorative I really hope they add some sort of reeds. They could work like the small dripleaf in the way that they can be partially submerged and it would really make swamps/mangrove biomes look a lot better
I think it makes sense that the leaf litter can be placed on any block but the pink petals/wildflowers. Since the leaf litter is just essentially a pile of leaves being placed down, whereas the flowers would actually have to be planted in soil. That being said, I’d love to see more blocks/textures that can be overlayed introduced like the resin and leaf litter.
Yep, and it would make sense to put them into the farm animal category for that. But adding varients to sheep is tricky because they're dyable, we already have varients of horses, and goats only spawn in cold biomes (not to mention that goats in mc are much more ambient and dont really fit the vibe of the other farm animals, maybe they should make goat milk a thing?)
@@nadavsagir8354 I really hope that finally pushes mojang to make sheep colours data-driven rather than hard-coded like it is now. It's super annoying to try and mod in new dyes for wool currently
9:07 I hope this means no more sheep ravaged lands around areas you spend a lot of time. Having sheep be able to eat grass at a distance where grass can't regrow leads to a pretty bad look outside these areas.
I am LOVING all these additions. It feels like now that Mojang doesn't feel the pressure of putting out one huge update a year, they are able to focus on smaller features, perfect them, and also add a bunch of behind the scenes stuff too, like all the data-driven stuff. Making things data-driven is such a good decision that usually goes unnoticed by the average player, but I'm glad they're putting a focus on it now.
@The1FishFry I originally had an idea for Joshua trees to be a grey-white, but then we got the Pale Gardens :v A grey could still work though, as some sort of inbetween for pale oak and dark oak
That dried grass is amazing, really thought the desert needed something like that Also, a bug that I reported (pigs that spawned in desert villages weren't their warm version) was fixed in this snapshot so that's cool Edit: you said my bug was barely worth mentioning 😦 how dare you
This is the kind of content update minecraft was missing for a long time. A huge update from time to time is cool, but minecraft started like this: randomly adding whatever notch felt like. Instead of adding mobs from time to time that ALWAYS need to be cool and have a use, just add chicken variants, cactus flowers and dry grass. It's not much but small details are also important
I'm a poultry fancier (someone who breeds and exhibits chickens at poultry shows) and I'm perplexed by the breeds they chose. The temperate chicken is likely a Leghorn, which makes sense. It's the standard egg laying breed worldwide and lays white eggs. The "cold" breed isn't based on any single real breed. The only breeds that lay eggs that color are the Aurucana and the Americana, niether of which have head tufts and one of which doesn't have a tail. None of the tufted breads lay pretty eggs. It's probably based on the Silkie, but that's not actually a cold weather breed, even though it's fluffy, and it doesn't lay colored eggs. As for the warm chicken, it could be any of dozens of breeds
It makes sense to me that they would create a fantasy chicken that combines multiple interesting features in one (head tufts, tails, pretty eggs). After all, these models are being added purely for the sake of aesthetics, and "cold biome/warm biome" spawning just brings diversity across the world (driving exploration) in a way that feels real to the average player. So, we got a fluffy "cold" chicken with muted colors because people expect fluffier, less-colorful animals in colder places & an orange, striped "warm" chicken because people expect more vibrant colors & distinctive markings in warmer places. And we got pretty eggs because they needed 3 discrete egg types for the 3 birds, and these 3 birds are basically representing the entire range of real-world chickens, so why not make one of those a more visually-striking egg? They may have also figured it would be more intuitive to most folks that the bird with the blue-green egg (on the cool-color spectrum) is the bird from the cooler biomes.
@@redneckchemistry You can open the new snapshot to test this guys, you know that right? Items do not bounce. I tested this given the same conditions as Xiuma, and the only reason the bouncing seems to appear is when having the game lag from being on a tickrate of 2000. Lowering the tickrate to 200 removes the apparent item bouncing as the game is no longer lagging. Edit for those who don't know: the default random tick speed is 3.
I was kind of expecting the warm variant of the chicken to be inspired by the junglefowl (the ancestor of domestic chickens). It would have been fun to see a tropical version there rather then just a chicken but orange. But I guess that would only make sense for jungle biomes and not the other warm biomes.
4:57 Your cactus flower farm is actually invalid since it has a chance that cactus flower directly grow on the top of first cactus and stop the cactus from growing higher in order to detect by the observer. My solution is using a BUD piston facing downward to break whatever it growth (cactus flower or cactus).
leaf litter placement might actually have been a bug if they just reused flower placement code to get the 4 placements thingy, that way the flower's dirt requirement passed over as well Also sheep would count as a farm animal no?
I really hope People who went "Aaaa the update is too small waa waa waa" like a month ago could finally learn to judge the update size once it actually comes out. Also please i want zombie variants with all the defaults!
Great, they finally added flowering cactus, maybe they can add Tumbleweed, Termites, Meercats, Vultures, Ostriches, Palm trees, Baobabs and Oasises next
tbh, i was kinda hoping the new chicken variants would be a god place to update the chicken model a bit (similar to the cow), like giving it some distinct tail feathers, updating the legs, and/or a comb. idk, i wouldnt want it to change too drastically, but the current chicken model just feels very outdated
Really loving them just accentuating vanilla with all of this variation. New features are good but all of these minor QOL things have been asked for years. I really hope we eventually get more decorative things, perhaps even furniture? 👀
you didn't miss the ambient sounds from the firefly bush, it's new in this snapshot. I was so charmed when I set the time to night and planted a few bushes listening to the sounds.
the leaves on blocks other blocks thing was 100% a bug, because they modeled it on the same mechanism as carpet-flowers (which is just the sea pickle/candle mechanic with the carpet hitbox) so it was literally just leftover code tbh i just appreciate the way you talk about these things cuz like, ~wattl3s~ just CONSTANTLY complains & nitpicks every bug in EVERY SNAPSHOT
Here’s an idea; the warm and cold chicken eggs could be used for different cake variants in a future snapshot or drop. Warm Chichen Egg: Chocolate cake Cold Chicken Egg: Pistachio
if i'm not wrong they said they won't do anything to the cake (or add any other 3D food) because the cake was just a joke (tho is mojang we're talking about, so they probably will do against what they said) but for another point of view, how can a egg change the whole cake flavor?
@ Lol im glad you asked me that question, Minecraft is set in a universe where everything is made of pixelated blocks with the majority of said blocks not being affected by gravity if you remove the surface it is on. So the idea of chicken egg’s colors affecting the cake’s flavor shouldn’t be far fetched.
Yea but tbh they didn’t have a choice but focus and continuing finishing the cave and cliffs update. I felt like if that whole update drop the wild update would’ve look somewhat like this
Dude, this is way worse than the Wild Update. Barely adds any content and is mostly ambience. I prefer content over new looks. I could care less about the new looks
The pink petals and wildflowers will likely not get the change leaf litter did, as their sprite still shows them as full flowers. I do wish you could put a bundle of them in the flower pot, but dunno if they’ll do that.
It's shaping up better and better, but I'd like them to revisit the Leaf Litter. I think it just looks kind of jarring with this fairly uniform brown color on top even more uniform saturated green grass, and it's not helped by fairly uniform leaf distribution and high overall scale. At the very least I think the texture should be more varied and get some desaturated yellow and orange colors added into the mix. Or maybe make grass blocks less grassy and more dry and patchy under trees, though it could be more difficult.
Ok something stupid is that you can place the cactus flower on any block, which is cool, but not in flower pots is ridiculous. I feel like any plant with the word “flower” in it should be able to be placed in the FLOWER pot
So far, I do like these drops of content. The variation is very great. Many biomes/farm mods do thesse and it does make everything more alive. I thought the desert gras was vanilla. ^^
0:53 no, this won't be a thing because doesn't make sense, since wild flowers and pink petals are living plant and leaf litter aren't, this is why was classified as a bug, because doesn't make sense a pile of dead leaf only be able to be placed on dirt like block, since its dead (in my vision at least)
Wildflowers yes, petals no. The petals have fallen off the tree, just like the leaves, and therefore also shouldn't have the placement restriction. The wildflowers however _are_ alive and rooted, so it wouldn't make sense for them to be placeable on any block
@@ClonedGamer001 Apparently if you look at the pink petals on the side, you will see that they ARE actually flowers rather than just fallen petals. So they may be called petals but they're actually flowers in their own right! That's why Bees can also pollinate on them, and why you can use them to breed bees as well!
This update has nothing groundbreaking in terms of gameplay, is just ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ and you know what? THAT'S GREAT!! Making the natural environment look prettier is great for a lot of different kinds of players-not all of them, but many people will appreciate it beyond the obvious building applications Also these new chicken variants clearly show that Mojang forgot that Chickens have 2-pixel eyes just like every other farm animal-pay attention to the color of the pixels around the eyes of the classic Chicken; they have the same derpy eyes as pigs, cows and sheep
Yes, one big complaint I’ve always had with Minecraft is how stiff or dead it felt, without multiplayer I always feel a little spooked. Loving these ambient updates
Please I want new horses. I don't think it's likely because they come in such a wide range of color and pattern variety that maybe it seems unnecessary but I'd like to see chunkier shorter horses in taigas and thinner taller horses in savannahs and desserts
I would consider horses, mules, donkeys, sheep, goats, and rabbits farm animals but most of them either have multible varients already, in case of the sheep dying their wool, or the goat that spawns in one specific place
I love this new update because I've always wanted to make a proper farm, and mojang has listened! Hallelujah! Bedrock players rejoice, we need no minecoins!
Honestly I feel the leaves cluttering the greats are a perfect thing of minecraft to add. It's what they do and it could become an interesting water source stopper or something
This is definitely my favorite snapshot out of the bunch. Seems nice having some more projectiles to play around via command blocks Cactus flower seems pretty nice too.
Ah yes, ofc we needed another 2 variants of a same item, that are pretty pointless and not an inventory upgrade. I do love the farm animal variants and cactus flowers though
Still hoping they add a green version of leaf litter, to generate on the forest floor. Leaves only turn brown once they dry out, as someone with a forest in my backyard I can confirm fallen leaves can be green if they've fallen recently (and tbh the brown leaves look ugly in forest biomes... it only looks good in Dark Forests and Wooded Badlands).
I forgot to mention it but Chicken Jockeys with the new variants should be a thing!
That's chill ig
day whatever of asking for "always pale garden sky" feature on vanilla tweaks
Are they not? The teaser implied the baby zombie would "choose" a ride between 3
Maybe he means it should already be there, but jes not sure
warm variant chicken jockey but it’s a husk ?!
the yellow and pink flowers have roots, make sense that it could only be placed on dirt blocks. Leaf litter on other hand is just dry leaves.
thw pink flowers are petals not like full flowers
@@jayrry they have stems tho
@@jayrry you should try looking at them from the side
@@jayrry They're called petals but they're actually flowers
They literally have flower heads and stems lmao @@jayrry
Fireflies? Bushes? Desert grass? More mob variants? Cactus flowers??? This drop cycle is just jammed full of things the community has been wanting for ages!
Everything except an end update lmao
@@redcatjacki hope minecraft never gets an end update
@@soundbreaker8174 why do you think that? (no disrespect I'm just curious).
Yea it is great drop but people will ignore EVERYTHING and say they want end update 😂
@@someguy5085 im not that guy but i personally dont believe the end needs an update, its meant to be a barren wasteland in the end, and the generation of lone islands sorta aids in that idea
This is shaping up to be a very welcome content drop. I've been asking for more ambience in minecraft for a while now
sir basically all of minecraft updates nowadays are JUST AMBIENCE fym?
@hexar260 real
@hexar260 can you please explain what you mean
I'm not sure if the trial chamber counts, though I can see an argument for the pale garden and I think those are the last 2 updates
I guess what do you consider ambience
Now we just need some birds and the game will finally feel alive
Just hope you can turn off the leaf particles for lag control
Now that they have dry grass it would be nice to see them add a transitional "sand dune" biome to the borders between beaches and non-ocean biomes. Think like the jungle edge biome, but the difference from normal beaches is some hillier terrain and lots of dry grass
I completely agree! Maram grass :)
Ooooooooh! Yes that’s a good idea
As someone who lives nowhere near the ocean, is that realistic?
@fgvcosmic6752 yess!! many dunes next to the sea have grass in them to keep them together! you can search for "coastal/sea dune" to get some idea on what it looks like
@fgvcosmic6752 Yes, sand dunes are very essential towards beaches as the grassroots hold all the sand and can help prevent flooding as they create tall mounds away from the beach.
New chickens look great, though I do find it strange that we now have 3 varieties of egg but still no way to cook and eat them (directly, not as part of cake or pumpkin pie), that'd be a nice food item to add
Also the cactus flower from the badlands biome vote years ago is back, that's cool
Omelettes or scrambled eggs would be super fun for new food options. I heard there were rumors (or maybe just wishes?) for cheese items from cows (I’d love it if goats also had that?), so I like the idea of even more food options. Especially since that means they can tie new animals to new food items without adding new meat types or whatever, since Minecraft is trending away from that it seems.
And yes, I’m so glad to see the biome vote stuff, I hope we get some more soon, even if not in this update. (Baobab and palm trees, vultures, meerkats, ostriches!)
helo semy hiper coob :3
@@the64bitdragondude I'll freak if they give us the palm trees and baobabs. I love acacia!
food really needs its own update. im sick of eating golden carrots and steak/porkchop 24/7
they have egg varietys so you can spawn the specific-biome chickens on survival
I love how the hot and cold variant started as a frog exclusive thing and now they're on most passive mobs
Actually started with Zombies.
@@NicCrimson zombies don’t have a cold variant though…
i never thought Mojang would dare to touch any of these original mobs, and I'm very happy they did
i just hope they don't change the creeper texture, they seem to really want to do that, based on the spin-offs
well i mean they did keep the original ones
@@Freak977 nah give us some variants as well.
@@Freak977We need creeper variations then :D. cuz skeletons, zombies, and spiders already have variations
@@Freak977 why not? I think it would be cool if their colors were based on the environment
The growing roster of foliage is extremely thrilling. Now we just need more crops.
As long as they're implemented in a useful manner that doesn't just add more versions of potatoes and carrots. When's the last time you've seen anyone grow beetroot for food?
I would kill for a food update (with a not too drastic rework of the hunger system). right now, theres a lot of variety, but no reason to ever have any variety. theres also been added a bunch of stuff which would naturally make good crafting materials for food items (like honey or sweet berries). food just feels forgotten
if this drop focuses on the environment, a farming update that also revamps the hunger system would be neat
@@progenitor_amborella I'd be happy with useless crops ONLY if they look cool tbh
@@progenitor_amborellaHungry Hermits
this might be the wild update
Wild Update Part II
more like True Wild Update
cave update part eight
Warm and cold variant mobs? Frostburn update 2!!
The Wild Update but worse
1:09 sheep, horses and goats i think should also be considered farm animals. but goats only spawn in cold biomes anyway, horses already have variants and sheep already have variation due to their wool color so they probably wont be getting variants.
personally i think it would be really cool if bats got variants, but that probably wont happen
Maybe they will make horse variants be affected by temperature, but yeah, I don't think any other animal will be done.
Horse patterns should bias towards certain biomes
Sheep colors would stay but they could make them have thicker wool for the cold variant and make them less woolly for the warmer one
They could potentially even affect the colors to make them more vibrant / washed out
Llamas should also be farm animals but have variation already too
@@Gurke9 I feel like variants could also have different skin colors (one could have black skin) while also using wool thickness like you said. And obviously still having dyed wool colors. And maybe the variants could naturally spawn with different weight of wool color, like preferring gray or black instead of white.
This atmospheric stuff wouldnt be possible if Mojang didnt abandon the Big Yearly Update. I cant imagine "seasonal farm animal variants" being something people would be enthoused about waiting months for
It would obviously just be part of a wider update. Like many are saying, this stuff could've been in the Wild Update.
Thia is basically like Secret Friday. I remember the days and its getting me those vibes. Im pretty sure _jeb just got into the main room and returned "Secret Friday".
if you think about it, previous drops like The Pale Garden and Bundles could've been apart of this hypothetical update alongside all of these. And maybe the other drop(s) we'll get after this one
There is no reason at all it couldn't be included as part of it. And one of the complaints about those big drops was that it seemed so little for those big drops.
And these drops are just demonstrating that with how many extra things they are adding in.
I can guarantee, the atmospheric stuff could have easily been added during the one a year large updates. Most of the changes or so miniscule code/behavior-wise that it wouldn't have taken that long other than the textures depending on how detailed they wanted to go. I've been saying this for years before, and moreso after we got cat variants foolishly expecting dogs to be around rhe corner
I had an idea, resin should be dyeable, and then you could place different coloured pieces
I like that a lot!
imagine that but with resin bricks too
It would be good for a plasticy block
Jellybeans 🤤
I would like it the resin could be combined with other blocks to create new versions.
Like with the planks and bricks as it it was a glue between the components of the block.
This is turning out be an amazing update. Very excited for this
Yep, they're absolutely preparing the desert uptade
I really doupt that. I think we are just gonna get these mini drops till the end of time
@@hougen8695 i mean the leaks say otherwise, and they said in an interview that we are probablly goona get annual big updates with 4 smaller ones a year
Hope so
Probably not.
Does this mean meerkat and oasis from the vote will get added?
The new dry bushes are really good in my opinion. I live in Arizona, and the deserts here are most certainly not just sand and cacti, there are lots of dry plants, so the new bushes really help make it feel more realistic
look at all those chickens!
Bears... they can add Black and Brown bears in different biomes to complement the Polar bears.
In a long time im actually starting to get excited for a minecraft update, these small changes are such amazing ones, the ambience update is definitely what we were in need of
Hope we can keep the placing leaves on grates. Could make for a nice story telling, filled gutter kind of thing. Clogged gutter leads to water driping over, idk.
Yea it is amazing idk why x wants them to change 😅
Now that they're adding a bunch of these decorative I really hope they add some sort of reeds. They could work like the small dripleaf in the way that they can be partially submerged and it would really make swamps/mangrove biomes look a lot better
I think it makes sense that the leaf litter can be placed on any block but the pink petals/wildflowers. Since the leaf litter is just essentially a pile of leaves being placed down, whereas the flowers would actually have to be planted in soil. That being said, I’d love to see more blocks/textures that can be overlayed introduced like the resin and leaf litter.
Fun Fact: Sheep, Horses, Donkeys, Mules, and Goats are all common farm animals!
Yep, and it would make sense to put them into the farm animal category for that. But adding varients to sheep is tricky because they're dyable, we already have varients of horses, and goats only spawn in cold biomes (not to mention that goats in mc are much more ambient and dont really fit the vibe of the other farm animals, maybe they should make goat milk a thing?)
There's horse variants by the way pal.@@nadavsagir8354
I think the goats in the game look more like wild goats than farm goats to me
@@nadavsagir8354 I really hope that finally pushes mojang to make sheep colours data-driven rather than hard-coded like it is now. It's super annoying to try and mod in new dyes for wool currently
9:07 I hope this means no more sheep ravaged lands around areas you spend a lot of time. Having sheep be able to eat grass at a distance where grass can't regrow leads to a pretty bad look outside these areas.
This update is shaping up to be one of my favorites in recent years
It's the beamng map making legend (for anyone curious)!
I am LOVING all these additions. It feels like now that Mojang doesn't feel the pressure of putting out one huge update a year, they are able to focus on smaller features, perfect them, and also add a bunch of behind the scenes stuff too, like all the data-driven stuff. Making things data-driven is such a good decision that usually goes unnoticed by the average player, but I'm glad they're putting a focus on it now.
I hope the desert gets a signature wood type soon too, I’d love to see yuccas in Minecraft
Omg yes!!!
I wonder what colour it would be?? :3
@The1FishFry I originally had an idea for Joshua trees to be a grey-white, but then we got the Pale Gardens :v
A grey could still work though, as some sort of inbetween for pale oak and dark oak
they could bring back the desert biome vote content (please) (please) (please) (please) (please)
Or baobabs
@@thomasfplm that too, I'm just biased towards my idea because I've been to the Mojave Desert recently lmao
That dried grass is amazing, really thought the desert needed something like that
Also, a bug that I reported (pigs that spawned in desert villages weren't their warm version) was fixed in this snapshot so that's cool
Edit: you said my bug was barely worth mentioning 😦 how dare you
This is the kind of content update minecraft was missing for a long time. A huge update from time to time is cool, but minecraft started like this: randomly adding whatever notch felt like. Instead of adding mobs from time to time that ALWAYS need to be cool and have a use, just add chicken variants, cactus flowers and dry grass. It's not much but small details are also important
I'm a poultry fancier (someone who breeds and exhibits chickens at poultry shows) and I'm perplexed by the breeds they chose. The temperate chicken is likely a Leghorn, which makes sense. It's the standard egg laying breed worldwide and lays white eggs. The "cold" breed isn't based on any single real breed. The only breeds that lay eggs that color are the Aurucana and the Americana, niether of which have head tufts and one of which doesn't have a tail. None of the tufted breads lay pretty eggs. It's probably based on the Silkie, but that's not actually a cold weather breed, even though it's fluffy, and it doesn't lay colored eggs. As for the warm chicken, it could be any of dozens of breeds
It makes sense to me that they would create a fantasy chicken that combines multiple interesting features in one (head tufts, tails, pretty eggs). After all, these models are being added purely for the sake of aesthetics, and "cold biome/warm biome" spawning just brings diversity across the world (driving exploration) in a way that feels real to the average player. So, we got a fluffy "cold" chicken with muted colors because people expect fluffier, less-colorful animals in colder places & an orange, striped "warm" chicken because people expect more vibrant colors & distinctive markings in warmer places.
And we got pretty eggs because they needed 3 discrete egg types for the 3 birds, and these 3 birds are basically representing the entire range of real-world chickens, so why not make one of those a more visually-striking egg? They may have also figured it would be more intuitive to most folks that the bird with the blue-green egg (on the cool-color spectrum) is the bird from the cooler biomes.
The cold breed looks a bit like a legbar and they lay eggs of a similar colour to that of the game
Now hold on… 4:53
Item drops *BOUNCE* now. See that little hop the flower does? This is a fascinating change. Very subtle for sure but it adds flavor
I think it was just glitching, you can see some of the cactus items shake back and forth.
You could be right, but it did look pretty consistent with each item drop. Glitch or not, it looks like a fun addition!
I imagine it's trying to not be immediately destroyed by the cactus, otherwise farms would be very inefficient.
They've been bouncy for a couple of snapshots now
@@redneckchemistry You can open the new snapshot to test this guys, you know that right? Items do not bounce. I tested this given the same conditions as Xiuma, and the only reason the bouncing seems to appear is when having the game lag from being on a tickrate of 2000. Lowering the tickrate to 200 removes the apparent item bouncing as the game is no longer lagging.
Edit for those who don't know: the default random tick speed is 3.
I was kind of expecting the warm variant of the chicken to be inspired by the junglefowl (the ancestor of domestic chickens). It would have been fun to see a tropical version there rather then just a chicken but orange. But I guess that would only make sense for jungle biomes and not the other warm biomes.
This is actually very exciting! The ambiance is going to be great!! Awesome content I always look forward to the updates!
Have you never seen the Bee Movie?
@@LordDragox412 Ya like jazz?
I think it would be really neat if we could place the eggs on the ground like turtle eggs. You could make some neat chicken coops or farms.
4:57 Your cactus flower farm is actually invalid since it has a chance that cactus flower directly grow on the top of first cactus and stop the cactus from growing higher in order to detect by the observer. My solution is using a BUD piston facing downward to break whatever it growth (cactus flower or cactus).
leaf litter placement might actually have been a bug if they just reused flower placement code to get the 4 placements thingy, that way the flower's dirt requirement passed over as well
Also sheep would count as a farm animal no?
we already have sheep variants, theyre called coloured
@aetheriox463We could still get texture changes outside of just the wool. Even if small it would be nice.
@@TJ-hg6op ur so right, and by that logic we have exponentially so many other wolf variants too, cause of the colored collar
@@CumuloWinteryou seem to have confused exponents with multiplication
I really hope People who went "Aaaa the update is too small waa waa waa" like a month ago could finally learn to judge the update size once it actually comes out.
Also please i want zombie variants with all the defaults!
That cold variant chicken is my absolute favourite!!! The hair-do is perfect.
Look up the Polish chicken - think that is what has inspired the cold biome chicken
@@laurenbrender3671 holy shit they have INSANE hairdos :D
I like your cut G
Great, they finally added flowering cactus, maybe they can add Tumbleweed, Termites, Meercats, Vultures, Ostriches, Palm trees, Baobabs and Oasises next
tbh, i was kinda hoping the new chicken variants would be a god place to update the chicken model a bit (similar to the cow), like giving it some distinct tail feathers, updating the legs, and/or a comb. idk, i wouldnt want it to change too drastically, but the current chicken model just feels very outdated
They probably don’t wanna change the models too much because of certain fans getting mad when they make changes to the OG mobs.
@@JinxeBlaqtexture pack.
God no
@@PlexityVoid Speak of the devil.
@@JinxeBlaq ohh the fabled texture update 1.13
Really loving them just accentuating vanilla with all of this variation. New features are good but all of these minor QOL things have been asked for years. I really hope we eventually get more decorative things, perhaps even furniture? 👀
you didn't miss the ambient sounds from the firefly bush, it's new in this snapshot. I was so charmed when I set the time to night and planted a few bushes listening to the sounds.
Already started adding leaf liter to my packed mud/rooted dirt paths for transitioning to grass ect 😍 sooo nice
The warm variant chicken is sooo cute
the leaves on blocks other blocks thing was 100% a bug, because they modeled it on the same mechanism as carpet-flowers (which is just the sea pickle/candle mechanic with the carpet hitbox) so it was literally just leftover code
tbh i just appreciate the way you talk about these things cuz like, ~wattl3s~ just CONSTANTLY complains & nitpicks every bug in EVERY SNAPSHOT
If there are no wattles haters then I am dead
wattles clickbaited me once and i now do not like him
3:13 you shouldve put a warning for Silksong fans, it might trigger their PTSD (also timestamp is similar to 1331 so thats a cool coincedence)
Here’s an idea; the warm and cold chicken eggs could be used for different cake variants in a future snapshot or drop.
Warm Chichen Egg: Chocolate cake
Cold Chicken Egg: Pistachio
if i'm not wrong they said they won't do anything to the cake (or add any other 3D food) because the cake was just a joke (tho is mojang we're talking about, so they probably will do against what they said)
but for another point of view, how can a egg change the whole cake flavor?
@ Lol im glad you asked me that question, Minecraft is set in a universe where everything is made of pixelated blocks with the majority of said blocks not being affected by gravity if you remove the surface it is on. So the idea of chicken egg’s colors affecting the cake’s flavor shouldn’t be far fetched.
sweet berries are right there for the cold one lol
@fazbrogaming7776 fair
I like this idea
Been refreshing my feed all day for this!! Thanks for the great content, X!
really hope we get those updated birch forests next, loving this -update- drop so far
This drop is getting better and better! This is the perfect time to add some old mobs from biome votes!
This is what the Wild Update should have been.
Yea but tbh they didn’t have a choice but focus and continuing finishing the cave and cliffs update. I felt like if that whole update drop the wild update would’ve look somewhat like this
Dude, this is way worse than the Wild Update. Barely adds any content and is mostly ambience. I prefer content over new looks. I could care less about the new looks
@@DagHad13 You have to be kidding right? Even so, it's a small update like Buzzy Bees.
@@DagHad13 bro it a sandbox game, it not a RPG survival game it not that deep man.
Yeah, I’m glad that the wild update has been expanded upon, which wasn’t possible with yearly updates
2:19 I like his mullet
this is a wild update 100%
1:15 Sheep are confirmed to be included in this, due to their addition to the Badlands spawns when they added farm animals to it.
Maybe cold sheep will have more fluffy looking wool or ram horns.
The pink petals and wildflowers will likely not get the change leaf litter did, as their sprite still shows them as full flowers. I do wish you could put a bundle of them in the flower pot, but dunno if they’ll do that.
Omg this ‘update’ is shaping up to be really awesome, so glad mojang have started listening to us again!
Crops growing in loaded chunks even if no player is nearby is such a game changer for automated farms!
It's shaping up better and better, but I'd like them to revisit the Leaf Litter.
I think it just looks kind of jarring with this fairly uniform brown color on top even more uniform saturated green grass, and it's not helped by fairly uniform leaf distribution and high overall scale. At the very least I think the texture should be more varied and get some desaturated yellow and orange colors added into the mix.
Or maybe make grass blocks less grassy and more dry and patchy under trees, though it could be more difficult.
cold chicken probably needs a re-do, head looks weird from the front
yeah its too rectangular
Its MC though @@BenjaminGaming87
They actually added accurate easter-egger chickens. As a poultry farmer myself, I'm very impressed
Goats and llamas are farm animals, I work on a farm and we have both. Llamas are used for their wool and goats for their milk/meat.
1:15 I would say that sheep are farm animals… as are bunnies (tho they’re already biome-dependant)
sheep and goats (maybe)
@@BenjaminGaming87 Yeah, probably with the current goats being the cold ones?
@ they should steal the horned sheep from the twilight forest mod
@@avakining I think the goats in game look more like Wild goats to me
Sheep are the only farm animal left so that’s probably next week
I honestly love the direction they are going with these snapshots!!
Ok something stupid is that you can place the cactus flower on any block, which is cool, but not in flower pots is ridiculous. I feel like any plant with the word “flower” in it should be able to be placed in the FLOWER pot
So far, I do like these drops of content. The variation is very great. Many biomes/farm mods do thesse and it does make everything more alive. I thought the desert gras was vanilla. ^^
can't wait to see what the cactus flower will do in a suspicious stew, same with the wild flower
oh the chunk loading changes are HUGE
I’m actually adoring this “drop” so far
no, this won't be a thing because doesn't make sense,
since wild flowers and pink petals are living plant and leaf litter aren't, this is why was classified as a bug, because doesn't make sense a pile of dead leaf only be able to be placed on dirt like block, since its dead
(in my vision at least)
Thats a good point!
You should be able to wax plants and place them on blocks which are not organic
Wildflowers yes, petals no. The petals have fallen off the tree, just like the leaves, and therefore also shouldn't have the placement restriction. The wildflowers however _are_ alive and rooted, so it wouldn't make sense for them to be placeable on any block
@@ClonedGamer001 Apparently if you look at the pink petals on the side, you will see that they ARE actually flowers rather than just fallen petals. So they may be called petals but they're actually flowers in their own right!
That's why Bees can also pollinate on them, and why you can use them to breed bees as well!
@@tempus_excurrens Wtf? Who at Mojang decided to call them petals then???
Im so happy there's now variations on the farm animals. Going to look so cool in farm builds
4:16 20 is the regular Minecraft tickspeed, 3 is the random tickspeed
This update has nothing groundbreaking in terms of gameplay, is just ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ and you know what? THAT'S GREAT!!
Making the natural environment look prettier is great for a lot of different kinds of players-not all of them, but many people will appreciate it beyond the obvious building applications
Also these new chicken variants clearly show that Mojang forgot that Chickens have 2-pixel eyes just like every other farm animal-pay attention to the color of the pixels around the eyes of the classic Chicken; they have the same derpy eyes as pigs, cows and sheep
I hope every biome gets some sort of ambient sounds
Finally Desert Update 🙀🙀🙀🙀
wow, mojang is actually cooking with this one, I'm happy to see that maybe we have the 1.16 mojang back
Yes, one big complaint I’ve always had with Minecraft is how stiff or dead it felt, without multiplayer I always feel a little spooked. Loving these ambient updates
i just now realised how much oasis's would add to deserts
New palm wood type plzzzzzz!
@The1FishFry idk i feel like if they added it they would just reuse jungle which would be pretty lame
The warm variant could have looked more interesting. Give it a comb or a tail at least! Or make it have longer legs.
I really hope this turns into a desert update too at some point
Please I want new horses. I don't think it's likely because they come in such a wide range of color and pattern variety that maybe it seems unnecessary but I'd like to see chunkier shorter horses in taigas and thinner taller horses in savannahs and desserts
I would consider horses, mules, donkeys, sheep, goats, and rabbits farm animals but most of them either have multible varients already, in case of the sheep dying their wool, or the goat that spawns in one specific place
Thanks for all the update news X! It makes my day to see these videos.
The random ticks change is absolutely huge!
Oo, i LOVE placing the leaves on the chains/fences, and i hope they do the flowers too, it lets you make super cool tables and other building hacks
I like they added colored chicken eggs just like in real life
Honestly I like this update, the only change I’d make is give the pigs ears like piglin and update mooshrooms
I love this new update because I've always wanted to make a proper farm, and mojang has listened! Hallelujah! Bedrock players rejoice, we need no minecoins!
Honestly I feel the leaves cluttering the greats are a perfect thing of minecraft to add. It's what they do and it could become an interesting water source stopper or something
peak. This is such a small but feel good addition that were way overdue!
The chickens are very cute! I do like the added detail of the different eggs as well
4:30 I bet that's break every cactus farms ever
it doesnt grow if any of the 4 sides adjacent to it has a block, so it'll work exactly the same in a cactus farm
@@Goomba456thats a relief
I really hope that eventually we get Prickly Pears! The cactus flowers turning into fruit eventually if left on the cactus couldbbe cool
4:14 The game's normal randomTickSpeed is 3, no?
Im pretty sure it is 20
@Spicyboi0 just checked and it's 3 on Java and 1 on Bedrock
I think there's a chance we'll get one more mob, if only because I think it makes sense to bundle one more mob with some cold biome ambiance blocks.
1:17 wtf is this, why does the chicken have netherite helmet
This is definitely my favorite snapshot out of the bunch.
Seems nice having some more projectiles to play around via command blocks
Cactus flower seems pretty nice too.
Ah yes, ofc we needed another 2 variants of a same item, that are pretty pointless and not an inventory upgrade. I do love the farm animal variants and cactus flowers though
I don’t think a typical person needs eggs in their inventory.
It's so you can get the specific chicken variants
also we have bundles now
Still hoping they add a green version of leaf litter, to generate on the forest floor. Leaves only turn brown once they dry out, as someone with a forest in my backyard I can confirm fallen leaves can be green if they've fallen recently (and tbh the brown leaves look ugly in forest biomes... it only looks good in Dark Forests and Wooded Badlands).