AEROX 155 Longterm OWNERSHIP REVIEW - Buy or Not Buy

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 424

  • @BuluBiker
    @BuluBiker  2 года назад +17

    All the Advantages and Disadvantages are mentioned in this video.
    Follow my journey LIVE at Instagram

    • @MrSukhwinder22
      @MrSukhwinder22 Год назад

      Bro do look for a rear disc... and a double piston front caliper... brakes will be more effective at highspeeds...
      Nice videos... ride safe 😊👍👍

    • @wanhb9387
      @wanhb9387 3 месяца назад

      Oo you already visited my place Sohra meghalaya 😮😮 nice, bro u r so rich u have different types of car n bike👍👍👍

  • @govindsharma8846
    @govindsharma8846 2 года назад +38

    The only reason to love scooter is, your trouser and shoes doesn't get dirty in rainy season

  • @cksajeevkumar
    @cksajeevkumar 2 года назад +91

    Using my Aerox for the past five months. Bulu, whatever you said about this scooter, I agree with you. Waiting for your videos on the new suspension set up. Cheers.

    • @harshrohatgi4368
      @harshrohatgi4368 2 года назад +1


    • @suryanarayanpanda5914
      @suryanarayanpanda5914 2 года назад +1

      In my Aerox top speed with pillion rider that I checked was showing 97kmph. (I am 70kg and pillion rider weighs 80kgs). So I was disappointed.
      I never checked top speed in solo riding.
      Can you please tell me with pillion rider what is your top speed?

    • @cksajeevkumar
      @cksajeevkumar 2 года назад +4

      @@suryanarayanpanda5914 , It touches 100 easily, and gives you the impression that it has plenty more left in its armor, though I haven't tried it. There are a number of videos here in You tube, do have look.

    • @dileepdevadanam3041
      @dileepdevadanam3041 2 года назад +1

      Bro I need Yamaha aerox original parts please help me??

    • @cksajeevkumar
      @cksajeevkumar 2 года назад +2

      @@dileepdevadanam3041, You will get them from the Yamaha dealers only. You will have to order and wait for them to arrive, I heard.

  • @ShivajiMitra
    @ShivajiMitra 2 года назад +16

    I do agree with all your points. It's an excellent performance driven Scooter. I found one major issue with this Scooter regarding Fuel Tank Fillup. That is, you can not fill up a Tank full or can not make the scooter goes extremely low in fuel. During the ride, it will jerk, and the scooter will stop till you pull out at least a Liter of Petrol. As a result, I keep an injector in my scooter in case I have to throw out a few litres of petrol if the Fuel tank is full.
    Anyone having this issue?

  • @shonith91
    @shonith91 2 года назад +17

    You are right about certain bikes/scooters made for enthusiast, often times we tend to get carried away by the norms and not think if the changes could offer something different.

  • @nayandas4470
    @nayandas4470 2 года назад +60

    The major problem that I have faced in my aerox is the rear suspension and the absence of front windshield. Although its available in Indonesia, Thailand etc. It should be available in India soon. It would definitely change the look of the scooter into a proper adventure scooter.

    • @godfather3377
      @godfather3377 2 года назад +2

      if u drive alone should rear suspension will be a problem?

    • @nayandas4470
      @nayandas4470 2 года назад

      Not much if u ignore it..but its very stiff as its a track oriented scooter.. suspension upgrades are available from ohlins and other brands

    • @godfather3377
      @godfather3377 2 года назад

      ​@@nayandas4470 do you know how much will that cost?

    • @nayandas4470
      @nayandas4470 2 года назад

      @@godfather3377 ohlins i guess 18k

    • @AmazingWondersTV
      @AmazingWondersTV Год назад +3

      Bhai you can ask Rahul Gandhi to get the windshield from Thailand, he visits that country frequently.

  • @aswinvysakhj1783
    @aswinvysakhj1783 2 года назад +113

    The first priority for any vehicle in indian roads should be suspension .This vehicle fails in that part...Go and learn suspension tuning from TVS...How well they are tuning their suspension that too good quality ones...Test drove friends aerox for almost 30kms in different mixed roads and finally avoided the scooter ...Injury to backbone is sure if you use this scooter in village roads..

    • @Chinemeni
      @Chinemeni 2 года назад +5

      Not suspension
      Ground clearance

    • @Chinemeni
      @Chinemeni 2 года назад +1

      @Mohamad bin Hamza kuch bhi lele 125cc ki saare scooty same hai
      Jo showroom pass pade uska vehicle lo

    • @Chinemeni
      @Chinemeni 2 года назад

      @Mohamad bin Hamza bhai 125 kaa Activa bs5 uska 45 hai average
      Mere scooty kyaa
      Aapki scooty zayada old hogi

    • @Chinemeni
      @Chinemeni 2 года назад +1

      @Mohamad bin Hamza bhai honda ki quality best hai suzuki yaar baaki dekhlo aapke uper hai
      Agar 125cc main powerful chahiye toh
      Fast pic up ntorq kaa hai
      Beshak Google karlo

    • @Meshopindia
      @Meshopindia 2 года назад +2

      One of the excellent scooter I have ever ridden. Poor in potholes. Excellent on highways.

  • @manishrout1
    @manishrout1 2 года назад +1

    Bhaina aap bahut mehanga gadi rakha hai,humko to genral scooter lena wo bhi itna mehnga ho gaya hai ki pichhle ek der sal se sirf soch he raha hu,achcha laga aap ko dekh ke.

  • @aatishr9908
    @aatishr9908 2 года назад

    Bahut badhia review mo odiya bhai..bahut badhia maintain kariki rakhicha!!! Bahut badhia clear and detailed review!!

  • @raviutkarshkujur9
    @raviutkarshkujur9 2 года назад +7

    I hope someday we will have mass market 250cc maxi scooters,
    using burgman I cruise @ 85~90kmph all day long, with 250cc engine it will be breeze !!

  • @onelifedeevlogs
    @onelifedeevlogs Год назад

    🔴 what about ground clearance... it's just 145mm ..

  • @saradbratamishra6948
    @saradbratamishra6948 2 года назад +1

    1st like and 1st comment comees from here bulu bhai, likes from odisha..

  • @vaibhavdlv
    @vaibhavdlv 2 года назад +16

    The suspension stopped me from buying this scooter. Good news is Yamaha is going to bring better suspension in next version - probably model year 2023 - as per news. I'm going to wait for that. Can't afford 17000/- shocker upgrade - as the use is not going to be hardcore touring. Mostly 200-300 km trips around the district.

    • @jibroni555
      @jibroni555 2 года назад +17

      whats the point of waiting..if you wait till 2023 the scooter will cost atleast 20-25 k more...

    • @virajchoudhary6761
      @virajchoudhary6761 2 года назад

      @@jibroni555 vahi to🤦‍♂️😂

    • @iamjayprakash
      @iamjayprakash 2 года назад

      @@jibroni555 there will be better overall performance

    • @iamjayprakash
      @iamjayprakash 2 года назад

      @@jibroni555 they gonna change light ,seat and tank size too. And if they charge 20-30 k i dont mind.

    • @jibroni555
      @jibroni555 2 года назад

      @@iamjayprakash how did you find out?

  • @parthaghosh2673
    @parthaghosh2673 2 года назад +6

    I agreed most of the part what you said. but one thing i want add, my one is aprilia 160 sr, I have done over 300 kilometers in one day. I have faced 0 trouble. no engine hitting issue at all. I hve travelled in winter,as well as summer also.
    Never faced any hitting or performance issue.

    • @joydas3074
      @joydas3074 2 года назад

      I have done in Ntorque

    • @pavandkbose
      @pavandkbose 2 года назад

      bro im cofused btw Aprilla 160sr and Aerox which one do you prefer?

    • @gaanja2829
      @gaanja2829 2 года назад

      @@pavandkbose aerox is better

    • @debotoshchakraborty8865
      @debotoshchakraborty8865 Год назад

      Don't compare Arox with Aprilia SR150 in terms of convenience quality suspension.

    • @sandeepghosh7664
      @sandeepghosh7664 Год назад

      Honestly speaking CC doesn't matter,if u want to do any ride. I recently did 3k+ ride on my 125cc Honda Grazia, solo from Pune to Shillong (northeast) in 6 days.. approximately 500km each day (No night riding) start early and stop by dawn. No engine heating issues....U just need to have it in u!! U should enjoy ur ride!

  • @SentimentsofHinduism
    @SentimentsofHinduism Год назад

    Bhaiya kya exhaust bend pipe dalke change kar sakte hey kya mileage or warranty tho void hoga

  • @LalitMohanSinghNegi-jl4qx
    @LalitMohanSinghNegi-jl4qx 4 месяца назад

    I m fan of your fan of honest reviews.

  • @alphymathew9970
    @alphymathew9970 Год назад +2

    This guy really puts his heart into it.

  • @mihir_jena
    @mihir_jena 2 года назад +1

    Access 125 ko maine countinue 140km chalaya tha 70/80 k speed main maine koi hitting issue face nahi kia tha

  • @MenaceSpeaks07
    @MenaceSpeaks07 Год назад

    Bhai bohut informative video ta heichi. Dhanyabad!

  • @aryamantyagi7412
    @aryamantyagi7412 2 года назад +6

    bro even i have an aerox ....i actually test a lot of 2 wheelers so ill give u a rough idea to improve your PURCHASE DECISION
    if u want a day to day scooty with comfort: Activa/jupiter
    day to day scooty with speed: ntorq
    day to day scooty with comfort speed and a big size : burgman
    a sports bike in a body of a scooty for highways and smooth roads: aerox
    i wont reccomend aprrilia scooters as they are overpriced and underperforming
    also i would say if u are spending above 1.2 lakhs on a scooty then pls just buy a bike like apache rtr 1604v or depending upon your needs

  • @sauravsalve1464
    @sauravsalve1464 2 года назад

    Touring life the first RUclips Moto blogger

  • @oestintech
    @oestintech 2 года назад +2

    I live in Nainital full with valleys and mountains and want to buy it please suggest should I?

  • @donvikro
    @donvikro 3 часа назад

    Where I can upgrade my front suspension, please guide me

  • @jithin4764
    @jithin4764 Год назад +2

    It's not the suspension. It's the bloody service of Yamaha. Even to remove rear tyre , stupid dealership assistance is required

  • @MayukhSarkar1991
    @MayukhSarkar1991 2 года назад +12

    Suzuki Burgman is the best. You only have to change the rear tyre (fix 120/90-10), then it will perform like a beast. Mileage is also better than aerox.

    • @prajeeth7797
      @prajeeth7797 2 года назад

      What's the OEM size?

    • @Sekumaku420
      @Sekumaku420 2 года назад +2

      Using Burgman for last 3 months. Extreeeemly comfortable. Suspension is WOW. Smooooth engine. 50+ kmpl. You can ride this scooter whole day long @ 75 kmph. Combi brake (left hand) is superb.
      Of course you cannot compare performance with aerox.

    • @roadsridesrelax9568
      @roadsridesrelax9568 2 года назад

      Best upsize tyre combination for Burgman Street 125-
      Front - MRF 100/80*12 (ntorq front tyre)
      Rear - MRF 120/70*10 (vespa tyre)
      Both are MRF zapper series
      Excellent combo, seat height/ground clearance like default set, good road grip, nice riding dynamics, improved suspension effect, importantly both upsize tyres are direct fit , without any modifications on usual setup. No noticeable pickup decrease, negligible mileage drop, but with excellent off-road/wet grip & stability.
      Highly recommended one..
      Cost approx - ₹3500 (for both tyres) (Tamilnadu)

    • @MayukhSarkar1991
      @MayukhSarkar1991 2 года назад +1

      Have you tried maxxis. MRF can't even match the 50% standard of maxxis.

    • @roadsridesrelax9568
      @roadsridesrelax9568 2 года назад

      @@MayukhSarkar1991 ya I heard maxxis works better in this case but haven't tried. May be I have plans to try during the next tyre change period 👍

  • @sarathymelodies
    @sarathymelodies 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for the Honest review.

  • @LalatenduPradhan94
    @LalatenduPradhan94 10 месяцев назад

    i need help.. my aerox battery is demanding a replacement but cannot find the battery of same size . what to do ?? please help ..

  • @naveenkumar-tv5tk
    @naveenkumar-tv5tk Год назад +1

    Hi bro what's difference between in aerox moto GP and standard addition..

  • @srijithbrothers
    @srijithbrothers 3 месяца назад

    Can i attach a side handle for hanging carry bags like other bike/ scooter..?

  • @sun-jb2fs
    @sun-jb2fs 2 года назад +4

    After buying this scooter for 1.72 do you expect one can spend 19 k for extra lights, 18k for rear suspension, perhaps 20k for front suspension set up. It goes to 56 k. So better to buy good bike at this cost if you want performance. Of you expect to ride only on smooth roads then why not activa.

    • @akshaykaalia2434
      @akshaykaalia2434 2 года назад +2

      Jab scooty chhaiye toh bike kyun le🙄
      Bike waale kaam bike kar sakti hai scooty nahi
      Or scooty waale kaam bike nahi karsakti dono 2 wheeler hai but same nahi

  • @Zackking109
    @Zackking109 2 года назад +20

    I'm planning to buy a scooty , and when i saw aerox I'm in love with this maxi scooter .. but after hearing about its shock absorber being hard and company not changing it with good one Nd giving it as an accessory it confuse me alot 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @mayravishnu
      @mayravishnu 2 года назад

      tvs ntorq is winner till now if you don have metal body requiremnt bro

    • @MayukhSarkar1991
      @MayukhSarkar1991 2 года назад +5

      @@mayravishnu burgman is better than ntorq.

    • @aryamantyagi7412
      @aryamantyagi7412 2 года назад +15

      bro even i have an aerox ....i actually test a lot of 2 wheelers so ill give u a rough idea to improve your PURCHASE DECISION
      if u want a day to day scooty with comfort: Activa/jupiter
      day to day scooty with speed: ntorq
      day to day scooty with comfort speed and a big size : burgman
      a sports bike in a body of a scooty for highways and smooth roads: aerox
      i wont reccomend aprrilia scooters as they are overpriced and underperforming
      also i would say if u are spending above 1.2 lakhs on a scooty then pls just buy a bike like apache rtr 1604v or depending upon your needs

    • @pinkulnath9593
      @pinkulnath9593 Год назад +4

      @@mayravishnu ntorq petrol nhi khun pita hai 🤣

    • @arpitkumar2981
      @arpitkumar2981 Год назад +1

      ​@@mayravishnu ntorq is cringe

  • @itsgodzagain
    @itsgodzagain 2 года назад +1

    Alag maza hai is scooter ka. More of a bike feel than scooty. Bad bits? 1. Hard af rear suspension 2.Worst pillion comfort 3. Bad rear brakes. (front is good) But the peppy performance always hides the flaws.

  • @biswaruppahari1218
    @biswaruppahari1218 2 года назад +2

    from where i get accessories like shock absorber and fuel tank. are you planning for installing rear disc brake?

  • @kingmotorhead
    @kingmotorhead 2 года назад

    Mere paas bhi hai main kya karun suspensions kaa? KYB ULTIMATE toh sirf rear mein hi kaam aa raha hai bas…abb aagay kay suspension kaa kya karein, aur iski seat change karnay kaa option bhi hai kya..burgman jaisi comfortable seat for example!

  • @mrbiswa2001
    @mrbiswa2001 2 года назад +1

    Osm review bhai 👍

  • @kumaranragunandan3168
    @kumaranragunandan3168 2 года назад +8

    Bro i just took this scooter last week. One main disadvantage i noticed is that it doesn't have brake lock like other scooters. Because of that i was not able to park in slopes 😔 saw few after market accessories for it but i don't see them available in India...

    • @mohitonutube
      @mohitonutube 2 года назад +4

      Im keeping one rock or brick under tyre on incline. LOLZ

    • @akshaykaalia2434
      @akshaykaalia2434 2 года назад

      Main issue iska mujhe ground clearance laga hai🥲
      Kisi family members yaa friends ko bitha kar mujhe lambe rout lene padte hai varna neeche takraa jayega

    • @pinkulnath9593
      @pinkulnath9593 Год назад

      Bhai kaisa hai ye gari please sach batana mai bhi lene wala hoon suspension se koi problem nhai hai performance aur maintainance kaisa hua parts mil jata hai kia asank se

  • @sureshpatel6224
    @sureshpatel6224 Год назад +1

    Ek bat sahi bole bhai ki compny wale bechne k bad service nahi dete

  • @noplansnomaps
    @noplansnomaps 3 месяца назад

    @BuluBiker bhai planing on buying one, should I wait for any new launch or go for aerox

  • @abdulashraf7061
    @abdulashraf7061 10 месяцев назад

    Sir fog light u mention about price 19000, which company product and from were to buy for my Aprilia sxr 160.

  • @prathameshmehendale
    @prathameshmehendale 3 месяца назад

    that front seat is very nicely customized.... any reco on dimensions, content of foam, how to modify that etc. ?

  • @himanshudash2479
    @himanshudash2479 2 года назад +2

    Bulu bhai burgman 125 review karantu please

  • @snopcatdeveloper653
    @snopcatdeveloper653 Год назад +1

    Love from Bhubaneswar jay Jagannath ❤

  • @gamingdoesmatters
    @gamingdoesmatters 2 года назад

    Bulu bhaiya rear suspension ka kitna para?
    Or kaha mil sakta hai?

  • @rsyiem942
    @rsyiem942 2 года назад

    Hello bulu, sir, which is the best scooter, aerox or aprillia please tell me because I want to buy one of them

  • @TravelWithDeb
    @TravelWithDeb 2 года назад

    Nilu bhai which showroom you recommend to buy this scooter. It seems HSR showroom is asking higher price.

  • @makarands830
    @makarands830 Месяц назад

    I really Love these maxi scooters.. Power scooters.. somehow very less choices in our country..really don't understand why people here have not realised there value here..they are much better..than motor bikes.. gears..I wish more maxi scooters are launched

  • @nimbarkhirenkumar1226
    @nimbarkhirenkumar1226 Год назад

    Good review all points covered.

  • @prasantkumar6737
    @prasantkumar6737 2 года назад

    Battery problems. It drains with in two days. Replacement will take around a month in bhubaneswar, Odisha.

  • @RanjitK
    @RanjitK 2 года назад +4

    I am using Blue Aerox...the Mileage its giving 45-50 kmpl in Highway & inside City its giving 38-40 Kmpl

    • @chocoAbe.
      @chocoAbe. Год назад

      Not possible.

    • @RanjitK
      @RanjitK Год назад +1

      @@chocoAbe. Bhai riding it since last 1.5 years you know better than me?

    • @chocoAbe.
      @chocoAbe. Год назад

      @@RanjitK How many kms have you covered so far?

    • @RanjitK
      @RanjitK Год назад +1

      @@chocoAbe. 12000 kms

    • @chocoAbe.
      @chocoAbe. Год назад +1

      @@RanjitK At present I am riding Aprilia SR 150 so the mileage is not good in it. Can't get more than 30,32 in city and 35,36 in highway. But fun to ride, high speed stability , design and ride nd handling , exhaust sound makes me not feel like replacing it.I was thinking to take Aerox but it is not available here and have to go 400,500 km for service, so I quit the decision to buy it.

  • @ayankhanpathan1993
    @ayankhanpathan1993 Год назад

    Bhai aapnai suspension and seat aur baki sari cheeze kaha se lagvaya hai ??

  • @itsgodzagain
    @itsgodzagain 2 года назад +1

    With the kyb suspension can I soften rear suspension? Stock too hard

  • @singh.manpreet13
    @singh.manpreet13 2 года назад +6

    Thanks for the review Bulu Bhai. Could you please share your experience in terms of the riding stance. Does it offer a nice upright (and not slouchy) riding stance? Thanking you in advance 👍

  • @sameerpednekars
    @sameerpednekars 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for the suspension update I have lower back issues so I was looking to buy this but now I change my mind .. thanks 👍

    • @hamzatijoriwala2599
      @hamzatijoriwala2599 8 месяцев назад +1

      Plz mat lena agar lower back issue hai toh, bohot zyada jatke lagte hai back pe

    • @sameerpednekars
      @sameerpednekars 8 месяцев назад

      @@hamzatijoriwala2599 thanks

  • @omprakashyadav9272
    @omprakashyadav9272 2 года назад

    For long drive which type of light should be used in scooter

  • @manishkonar2174
    @manishkonar2174 2 года назад

    After washing my aerox showing engine check light and sometimes power loss is there, any solution.

  • @sachinhindwal7780
    @sachinhindwal7780 2 года назад

    Bhuut hi accha review ❤️❤️👍👍

  • @kriyasheeli
    @kriyasheeli Год назад +1

    hi Bulu
    is that seat factory fitting or custom made?
    it seems a good back support .

    • @oldbot64
      @oldbot64 Год назад

      I think he just removed some of the foam

  • @lifesportraits
    @lifesportraits 2 года назад

    Pls talk about the front suspension too. What modification ur going to do and how's it's performance

  • @truebiker90
    @truebiker90 Год назад

    If we change fork oil to 20 grade for front fork.
    Will it make a difference in suspension feel.

  • @rohitrathod1821
    @rohitrathod1821 2 года назад +2

    Hi ! Sir from where can i buy those Red Suspension from which is being recently installed in your Aerox ??

    • @BuluBiker
      @BuluBiker  2 года назад +3

      Brother in India not available but same brand suspension available at Yamaha India u can order it from their website

    • @souhardamukhopadhyay8307
      @souhardamukhopadhyay8307 2 года назад +2

      Dada if possible could u please share the link and type of suspensions we should go for

    • @printstanza7792
      @printstanza7792 2 года назад +1

      Follow Dismotech for aerox mods

  • @shoubhiksahu8041
    @shoubhiksahu8041 2 года назад

    Bulu Bhai can you suggest a good service centre for 150cc segment Bikes?

  • @ak93
    @ak93 2 года назад +4

    Does anybody have any idea about rear monoshock suspension for Aerox? I've seen a lot of videos from Phillipines, but unable to find purchase links and how useful they're for Aerox in longer run.

  • @sayyadameer8418
    @sayyadameer8418 Год назад

    Bullu Bhai iska suspension kaisa hai comparing to other scooters?

    • @BuluBiker
      @BuluBiker  Год назад

      Brother stock suspension thoda sa stiff hai compared to otger scooters, as its a sporty scooter... But slowly u get used to it

    • @sayyadameer8418
      @sayyadameer8418 Год назад

      @@BuluBiker acha. Kyu ki ye mere dad k liye khareedneka soch raha tha and unko body me disk ka pain hai...

    • @BuluBiker
      @BuluBiker  Год назад

      @@sayyadameer8418 bro in that case u can plan for slightly soft suspension scooter, may be Jupiter or activa kind of. They r much comfortable than Aerox

  • @qqa0zoxx775
    @qqa0zoxx775 2 года назад +20

    Mono shock suspension dena chahiye tha piche wheel main, jo Philippines modification ho raha hain aerox pe. Bhaiya suspension ka video alag bataye plzz 💗 from Bengal 💗

    • @printstanza7792
      @printstanza7792 2 года назад +1

      India me bhi vo modification available hai Dismotech ko follow karo instagram me

    • @qqa0zoxx775
      @qqa0zoxx775 2 года назад

      Thanks Bhaiya information dene ke lia 💗 💗

    • @abhishektripathi4171
      @abhishektripathi4171 2 года назад +1

      Haa aur 1000cc engine aur minimum 200bhp ki power deni chahiye thi yrr

    • @Northeastindianchinki
      @Northeastindianchinki Год назад

      Tum log vo gutter ke suar ho jinko McDonald's kfc ya kisi maharaja 5 star hotel kaa 7 course meal do fir bhi khaana tumhe gue 💩 hi hai

    • @Northeastindianchinki
      @Northeastindianchinki Год назад

      @@abhishektripathi4171 200bhp bhai maximum hotaa hai bikes main

  • @viralwierdo7660
    @viralwierdo7660 2 года назад +2

    Patnaik Sir, Everything that u have said in this video is True. we also getting the same advantages & disadvantages everywhere.
    Please upload the Accessory installing videos ASAP....
    Waiting for it.

  • @ashishgorkha8111
    @ashishgorkha8111 2 года назад

    Bulu bhaiya honda adv160 kab launched hoga

  • @shaswatrama6499
    @shaswatrama6499 2 года назад

    Can please tell me which suspension you have installed

  • @anirbanjana2914
    @anirbanjana2914 2 года назад +1

    Aprilia also 95 to 105km/hr continues 180 km cover

  • @Kmnd-b7s
    @Kmnd-b7s 7 месяцев назад

    Sir, suspensions Ka price bhi Kara bataiye

  • @biplabpalit1813
    @biplabpalit1813 2 года назад

    After all modification near about costs 3laks is it justified.
    Yamaha need to thinking all about.

  • @shreyaskhemu3070
    @shreyaskhemu3070 2 месяца назад

    Bro can anyone suggest me how to make a good sear for my aerox 155 in mumbai

  • @gauravprabhakar1311
    @gauravprabhakar1311 2 года назад

    After sales service kaisi hai yamaha ki delhi mai toh available hi nhi ye

  • @travelamaze
    @travelamaze 2 года назад

    Please let me know which showroom offers price 1.72 lakhs for this two wheeler as I intend to purchase soon.

  • @KOAPM
    @KOAPM 2 года назад

    Good review, sometimes the video is out of focus thus kindly keep checking the camera angle and focus.

  • @anjandasgupta1283
    @anjandasgupta1283 10 месяцев назад

    I have been watching your channel for last one year. Recently I took a test ride of Aerox and experienced vibration at handlebar at standstill position and it disappeared while it gained speed. My question is that, is it normal or may be because it was a test ride vehicle? Another question is that is it smoother than activa. I am asking this as Honda's two wheelers are supposed to be the smoothest .

  • @bharathkupur3447
    @bharathkupur3447 2 года назад +1

    Bulu bhai where can I get that kyb suspension??? Should I buy from showroom accessories? Which is 17k

    • @sunilarkt
      @sunilarkt Год назад

      If someone coming from Phillipines, Malasia or Thailand get it from there

  • @mohitonutube
    @mohitonutube 2 года назад

    Youre brilliant Bulu Bhai. Where did you do the BAJA LIGHTS install and switch wiring etc?

  • @arshadmehmood8454
    @arshadmehmood8454 Год назад

    Kia yeh Pakistan main available nahe ager hai to please inform ker dain

  • @Knpharmaceutical
    @Knpharmaceutical 4 месяца назад

    I am confused betweem xpulse 200 and aerox. Which one i should buy?

    • @mainkyubatau
      @mainkyubatau Месяц назад +1

      There is no comparison between the two

    • @thakursahub3769
      @thakursahub3769 Месяц назад

      Bhai app ke use per hai kis per app comfortable ho

  • @chinmayamalik9661
    @chinmayamalik9661 Год назад

    Bhai oil tanker modify karila ki??

  • @hiteshbhuriya5432
    @hiteshbhuriya5432 2 года назад

    plz review fz fi or suggest best 150 cc segment bike@bulu patnaik

  • @mankiratsingh548
    @mankiratsingh548 Год назад +2

    Why people compare this scooty with bikes. 😂😂 And also suspension. Brother TVs is an Indian brand they know about Indian roads. That's the major reason they are good at suspension cause they know about it. Yamaha is basically from Japan. But still I say it has good suspension. According to its body weight ratio. ONE IMP THING ALSO aerox have r15 engine - it gives you power with good mileage 😂😂. Which every Indian guy need

  • @ratheesh129
    @ratheesh129 2 года назад +1

    whats the difference in teflon and ppf coating

  • @naveennautiyal8002
    @naveennautiyal8002 Год назад

    Ground clearance issue hai kya?

  • @amitchadda8442
    @amitchadda8442 Месяц назад

    I own 2 Activas old Activa & Activa 3G worst scooters ever built Activa skids on uneven concrete roads, on gravel on sand. Combi braking is nothing great, Activa did blunder by giving bigger front wheel, lower size rear wheel, no centre of gravity & stability.
    I wud say dump Activa go for Indian Companies, whats point of Activa ENGINE if you get wounded or die on roads, Subbu Sir is Aerox safe on sand gravel uneven concrete roads?

  • @Cārvākā80
    @Cārvākā80 2 года назад

    I bought Aerox but no accessories available.. went to highlander as well .. they don’t have any support for aerox.

  • @krgkrjan
    @krgkrjan Год назад

    Wrong terrain, you should buy adv160 or cb150x, here in indonesia honda no.1 brand but for build quality really kinda worst. I have previous gen aerox155R for daily use and gsxs-150 for weekend fun ride. Ride safe brother🙏

  • @nabanitghosal4668
    @nabanitghosal4668 2 года назад

    Very nice video Bulu bhai am too enjoying my ride, really a beast 💪💪👌👌👍👍

  • @oela.suriname
    @oela.suriname 2 года назад

    For this road conditions better buy a Honda Adv 750. The NVX or Aerox 155 is not build for offroad.

  • @abhishakemoo1271
    @abhishakemoo1271 2 года назад

    You have legacy now, we will follow you with out any doubt.

  • @Goagoodbefore
    @Goagoodbefore 2 года назад

    My Aerox stops accelerating at 108 kilometres per hour. Does not go to 120. Is anyone else facing this issue?

  • @EkAdivasiraj
    @EkAdivasiraj 2 года назад

    First Like Bhai

  • @gautamsuthar2470
    @gautamsuthar2470 2 года назад +1

    17:24 also honda x adv series scooter india ma launch kar de to 👍
    Honda x adv 750 looks 🔥👌

  • @parthmajumdar9019
    @parthmajumdar9019 2 года назад

    Bulu bhai this video reminds me a movie scene (Sholay) Jahan Jai, Basanti ke liye Veeru ka rishta lekar Mausi ke pass aata hai.....! 😜

  • @abisheka355
    @abisheka355 4 месяца назад

    Should I buy Ntorq or aerox

  • @ss23670551
    @ss23670551 2 года назад

    Safe guard accessories kese lagti hai es pr

  • @thestone3849
    @thestone3849 2 года назад +3

    There is no back rest for the pillion. While making video on accessories please highlight on Backrest and additional storage provision like panniers or soft bag fitment possibility

  • @alexmawrie4274
    @alexmawrie4274 2 года назад

    Can you please help me get a rear suspension for my aerox couldn't find any here in northeast..I've been struggling with this stock suspension..If you could help me in this that will be really appreciate.. Thanks

  • @motorfabricartadrenaline7432
    @motorfabricartadrenaline7432 2 года назад +8

    Karthi is the one who took care of my unicorn 160 when I bought at tansi in 2015...But later when he moved to highlander he mentioned that they will not service lower cc bikes. So, Karthi when I come there hereafter you have to service my unicorn. Also Vespa and access, since Bulus scooter is the proof :)

    • @Parashar92
      @Parashar92 20 дней назад

      Hii sir, Can i go for unicorn. i want comfortable family bike with weekend short tours

  • @shashank_risk8492
    @shashank_risk8492 2 года назад

    Indicator bhi change karao led wale sir