@@TheCharacterKid2011 Maybe the mortimer's not attacking and the fake knockout skip and phase 3 skip. And in the previous episode of the glitches so the esther winchester softlock probably didn't patched
@@Lucasnoober I don't know how this works exactly but i guess for 2 options: 1. I walked inverse to mortimer a one second. 2. This happened to me another time but i didn't show it and i think this time i hit to ph2 in a specific frame
I had a glitch where in the devil and Angel fight, they were stuck in the singing position, so if I stayed looking at it while it was stuck, I could defeat it with nothing attacking me.
i had a glitch when i played the root pack when the onion was about to cry, i triggered the 3rd phase, but the onion's crying was still there for some reason. so when i defeated the boss, it made it look like the carrot was crying
did you know theres a glitch where if you use ms chalice and shoot the second phase on glumstone with charge and use super 3 and while super 3 is going use spread shot to basically skip the phase in 3 seconds
First Glitch: You Can't Defeat Me Saltbaker! Second Glitch: Just Beat Up My Puppets And You Win! That's It! Third Glitch: I'm tired of fighting. I'll just fly around the arena and do nothing. You win Cuphead! Fourth Glitch: Snail: Knockout! Announcer: No! KNOCKOUT FOR REALLLLL (Game Is Over) Fifth Glitch: Here! Let me introduce you to our LEADER! (A few seconds later) I'm done. You knock him out, boss. Sixth Glitch: SONIC MODE ACTIVATE!
i had a glitch where i was beating the howling aces with the cursed relic, but the knockout text appeared the same frame I died. my grade was Time: 2:0(4?) Hp: 0/3 Parries: 3/3 Super Meters: 6/6 It gave me a glitched texture as a grade, but by looking in the code, I got an F.
I once had a glitch where sally stagplay wasn’t attacking i was just shooting at her for awhile thinking it was a easy win but nothing was happening so i just reset
Ye, i did this. That glitch happens when you have lags, and the lag should hit in a specific moment to make her freeze, in the v1.0 there was a hitbox upwards, but it doesn't exist anymore, so yea, when that happens you cannot do anything
On dr kahls robot ( i know its not from the dlc) i turned my switch off while he was doing the intro animation but when i turned my switch on he wasnt attacking and his hitbox was gone
One time I was playing saltbaker and everytime the screen was supposed to go wallop the entire screen turned white. This happened every time I restarted the fight until I restarted the game.
sadly, the first invincible glitch is broken, so i can't get easy S ranks anymore :(... well... Not that I needed the easy S ranks since I already S ranked all the bosses in 3 days
This is admittedly a very minor one, but there was an instance last month where I was facing Saltbaker, and when he was blowing away the sugar cubes, his voice could not be heard.
One i was in moonshine mob and i jumped (at the start of ph 3) and did my super art 1, during it player 2 (chalice) did her super art 1 then i paused the game for a sec and mugman (me), i couldnt take any damage, was mid jump, still shooting and no mater what i did i coudnt stop, thats how i beat moonshine mob for the first time
There’s a glitch I found on my own where if you die at a certain frame of the 3rd phase of Moonshine Mob then the Anteater thing’s pupils in its eyes will disappear and it’s creepy Also one glitch idk how it happened but I got those exploding balloon things from the first phase to stay until the 3rd phase and it doesn’t have a hitbox at all
I got that anteater glitch too when I was playing the DLC for the second time and I found it by accident I reacted to it like how someone would react to a jumpscare
Just a fact but i also found a glitch during the secret bossfight where the demon did its fire wall and i did my super, the demon got freezed and couldnt attack
@@atsuoverfan I think you need to take him to the next phase in a specific frame! This explanation is what i think i did the last time this happened to me, Not this one! And on this one i think i walked inverse to him a one second and he's have got locked
Hmm! I don't know how it works exactly but i wondering if it's works because i walked inverse to mortimer a one second or i just pulled something that makes mortimer to freeze! I don't know about it so much! This happened to me another time but the last time he transformed to ph2 at the end! Idk
Does this invincible work with uhhhh I forgor his name but the big giant guy with all his gnomes when entering his 3th phase? Edit: ok his name is glumstone now I know thanks to the freeze glitch also the Mortimer freeze not attacking works with le birb boss in isle 2 I encountered it on accident
I don't have so much tips! I was winning the game without tips! I'm just practicing and i might get better! In other games so tips are not always helping me! Maybe you should give it shot! If you cannot beat it so i'll think
Probably you need to walk inverse to mortimer freeze when he's about to transform to ph2! And the previous time it's happened to me so i killed phase 1 in a specific frame somehow, But this time i didn't get knockout! He transformed to ph2 at the end. Idk how it works exactly. Maybe one of the two options i gave is correct
Yesterday, King dice stop attacking me (i dont know how i do that) i first before he start attack me i do the first super and i start to parry and in the end the cards was stop, and wen the second hand… doesn’t attack me with cards!!
@@Violeto250 and I want it so the snail in the phase 3 intro should have s to prevent it from being broken, and when the bosses are at their last hps, they will have s only to super art III
Ye, it works with lags, when she does the teleport attack you need lags and then she will do the animation of the attack and freeze, and its a softlock
Yea! In the previous update so mortimer was stuck all the time! But in that version it's patched but it's still working for a little. I mean he will not attack and be on freeze many spins and then he's transforming to ph2
Imagine this: It has this amount of views, and still less than 1000 subs 💀💀💀 But this was my early channel, i stopped videogaming, idk why. Im just tired of this
I'm not sure and i think it's patched! I think this happens when he's supposed to transform to ph2 you need to go inverse to mortimer even less than 5 seconds! And he'll continue to be stuck
@@Violeto250 oh also I realized that the mouse is visible if your using obs to record then in the settings there is a way to make your mouse not visible
@@ThatCrazyCoconut Im not sure, but i think it is not patched, because to do the fake knockout you need to deal double damage for it, (fun fact the double damage is not a cheat, its something specific that was built by the way i shot at him)
Hi guys! Many glitches here was patched! I was showing this many days before a update in 6 august!
What glitches are still available?
Va wei xdxd
@@holaesoydora4158 Yea! Some of those glitches are not patched yet! But there's some glitches was patched
@@Violeto250 But which are the ones that havent been patched then?
@@TheCharacterKid2011 Maybe the mortimer's not attacking and the fake knockout skip and phase 3 skip. And in the previous episode of the glitches so the esther winchester softlock probably didn't patched
The Devil is just waiting for King Dice to stop having a seizure so that he could pass the ball
Yea! Even glumstone the giant
How kind, but maybe they should help him a bit
What I’ve learned.
Charge + Whetsone+ Spread+ Big Ghost is broken
Whetsone is quite useful for speedrunning
@@ulforcemegamon3094 whetstone*
@@wunluvv21 it's a singular missing letter, nobody cares
@@toastie5929 fr
0:15 atleast we have that sick remix
*The glitch made the fake K.O into the real one*
Yup! Double knockout at the same time
Well thats kinda cool
@@Violeto250 how do I do Mortimer glitch
@@Lucasnoober I don't know how this works exactly but i guess for 2 options:
1. I walked inverse to mortimer a one second.
2. This happened to me another time but i didn't show it and i think this time i hit to ph2 in a specific frame
During the fake knockout skip glitch, it sounded like the Announcer and the Snail Announcer were saying knockout together harmoniously.
That's true, lol. Thats even a part of the bug, ig :/
Not to me!
1:37 imagine if the 2 puppets where2 individual bosses you had to get 1 at a time
Honestly that would’ve been cool
@@maxbarnes2009 painful tho
I had a glitch where in the devil and Angel fight, they were stuck in the singing position, so if I stayed looking at it while it was stuck, I could defeat it with nothing attacking me.
i had a glitch when i played the root pack when the onion was about to cry, i triggered the 3rd phase, but the onion's crying was still there for some reason. so when i defeated the boss, it made it look like the carrot was crying
Yea i know that glitch.
That happened to me to XD
@King Acacious you have my old pfp
I think this happens when you kill it 1 frame before it was about to cry. Thats just a theory, idk
2:12 sometimes you just gotta stay civil lol
1:36 RIP Fool Dice's Puppet
2b2t spawn
4:19 if the fake ko was real
Plot twist: Mortimer was just a nice guy and didn't wanna fight Cuphead
He’s a cult leader
@@demonking3673 but maybe no a cup killer owo
The crowd: woah Mortimer's moving!
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
my friend triggered the invinsible glitch on his first playthrough by complete accident!
Ah Nice!
I got the invincible glitch by accident while playing saltbaker
Nice. I hope you know how it works and it's patched :(
Mortimer isn’t so bad. He just wanted to have a good laugh.
did you know theres a glitch where if you use ms chalice and shoot the second phase on glumstone with charge and use super 3 and while super 3 is going use spread shot to basically skip the phase in 3 seconds
I learned it from a speedrun.
Someone used it in a speedrun
I got that Mortimer glitch on release day on my first attempt at him lol
Cuphead: laughs Chef salt baker : laughs louder Cuphead:👁️👄👁️
First Glitch: You Can't Defeat Me Saltbaker!
Second Glitch: Just Beat Up My Puppets And You Win! That's It!
Third Glitch: I'm tired of fighting. I'll just fly around the arena and do nothing. You win Cuphead!
Fourth Glitch: Snail: Knockout! Announcer: No! KNOCKOUT FOR REALLLLL (Game Is Over)
Fifth Glitch: Here! Let me introduce you to our LEADER! (A few seconds later) I'm done. You knock him out, boss.
Sadly, most of the glitches i have shown here were patched 💀
Best whetstone ad
i love how the way to trigger a majority of these is just “my resolution… air strikes”
I had a glitch where mugman would just walk backwards in tutorial
Yea i know that glitch i did it too
then tell me how
I accidently froze the donkey in the kings leap and its pretty funny how hes just sitting there stuck
Would of been useful if the youtube god's blessed this into recommendations sooner and not right after I s ranked every single boss
i had a glitch where i was beating the howling aces with the cursed relic, but the knockout text appeared the same frame I died. my grade was
Time: 2:0(4?)
Hp: 0/3
Parries: 3/3
Super Meters: 6/6
It gave me a glitched texture as a grade, but by looking in the code, I got an F.
I thought that glitch was patched, But ok
@@Violeto250 nope
@@megacadgeo9758 Interesting. I could try it too. But this way i think it was easier on the old version of the game
I once had a glitch where sally stagplay wasn’t attacking i was just shooting at her for awhile thinking it was a easy win but nothing was happening so i just reset
Ye, i did this. That glitch happens when you have lags, and the lag should hit in a specific moment to make her freeze, in the v1.0 there was a hitbox upwards, but it doesn't exist anymore, so yea, when that happens you cannot do anything
Everybody: that last glitch is nice
Me: Poor cuphead got oblidorated
pov: invincible glitch cuphead: nanomachines, son!
6:08 they see me rollin'
They hating!
4:21 No More Trolling...
What things, the snail talks on the real Knockout screen and the commentator talks on the fake xd
@@tono6136 Lol (X
@@tono6136 well, it makes sense if you LISTEN to it.
@@constellationmaker145 tru tío xdxd
It physically hurt me seeing you miss that ex 4:12
Why do you think that? It doesn't look like the EX missed to me.
On dr kahls robot ( i know its not from the dlc) i turned my switch off while he was doing the intro animation but when i turned my switch on he wasnt attacking and his hitbox was gone
2:05 that’s actually how I beat Mortimer the first time
me when my crush tells a joke:
The moonshine mob + other glitches can be used to s rank bosses
One time I was playing saltbaker and everytime the screen was supposed to go wallop the entire screen turned white. This happened every time I restarted the fight until I restarted the game.
sadly, the first invincible glitch is broken, so i can't get easy S ranks anymore :(... well... Not that I needed the easy S ranks since I already S ranked all the bosses in 3 days
I was showing a video that i was S ranking all bosses
Nice job!
This is admittedly a very minor one, but there was an instance last month where I was facing Saltbaker, and when he was blowing away the sugar cubes, his voice could not be heard.
Oh really? Sorry for answering late :P
One i was in moonshine mob and i jumped (at the start of ph 3) and did my super art 1, during it player 2 (chalice) did her super art 1 then i paused the game for a sec and mugman (me), i couldnt take any damage, was mid jump, still shooting and no mater what i did i coudnt stop, thats how i beat moonshine mob for the first time
😏 Cool bro!
4:23 That's happens because you did it the double damaged in the tongue and trunk at the same time
I know, That wasn't accident, Bascially someone teached me
There’s a glitch I found on my own where if you die at a certain frame of the 3rd phase of Moonshine Mob then the Anteater thing’s pupils in its eyes will disappear and it’s creepy
Also one glitch idk how it happened but I got those exploding balloon things from the first phase to stay until the 3rd phase and it doesn’t have a hitbox at all
I got that anteater glitch too when I was playing the DLC for the second time and I found it by accident I reacted to it like how someone would react to a jumpscare
I got this one too lol
I always get this one, I hate it
Just a fact but i also found a glitch during the secret bossfight where the demon did its fire wall and i did my super, the demon got freezed and couldnt attack
I know it, i already made it multiple times
The Mortimer not attacking glitch is one I found myself
How you do it?
@@atsuoverfan I think you need to take him to the next phase in a specific frame!
This explanation is what i think i did the last time this happened to me, Not this one!
And on this one i think i walked inverse to him a one second and he's have got locked
Oh Mortimer’s on patch word on the P there is a mouse ???
2:01 can you actually *SHOW OR TELL US* HOW YOU PULLED THAT ONE OF?
Hmm! I don't know how it works exactly but i wondering if it's works because i walked inverse to mortimer a one second or i just pulled something that makes mortimer to freeze! I don't know about it so much! This happened to me another time but the last time he transformed to ph2 at the end! Idk
If you ask me, the Moonshine Mob Phase 3 skip is more of an exploit. Like Rumor Honeybottoms
Im sorry let me repeat but *Glumtone Freeze?*
Aww, shit! I spelled it wrong :P
Does this invincible work with uhhhh I forgor his name but the big giant guy with all his gnomes when entering his 3th phase? Edit: ok his name is glumstone now I know thanks to the freeze glitch also the Mortimer freeze not attacking works with le birb boss in isle 2 I encountered it on accident
the first one likely happens because saltbaker phase 1 to 2 tranisition cancels out you losing your inviniability
In the ph2 transformation animation so he's not leting you to use supers
Do you got any tips for the third chess fight, I am stuck on it.
I don't have so much tips! I was winning the game without tips! I'm just practicing and i might get better! In other games so tips are not always helping me! Maybe you should give it shot! If you cannot beat it so i'll think
Anyways time to go s rank salt baker
The first glitch is op
Those Moonshine Mob ones are gonna be USEFUL for when I’m gonna try to S-Rank it.
Of course! Speedrunners i love was using those two skips in moonshine mob
Me who already Is ranked all bosses including DLC (WITHOUT GLITCHES)
@@awsomema50n79 I am
@@Violeto250 ?
@@awsomema50n79 I beat all bosses S rank without glitches
Wow so much cool stuff
Is any of these patched now? Especially moonshine skip phase 3
is it just me or am i the one who loves those pepper shakers dancing
Well Sheriff Winchester’s Can form is also dancing too.
Can you please give an explanation on how to do these next time? Even just text at the bottom would help!!!
So basically, whetstone breaks the game
How do you glitch out Mortimer
Probably you need to walk inverse to mortimer freeze when he's about to transform to ph2!
And the previous time it's happened to me so i killed phase 1 in a specific frame somehow, But this time i didn't get knockout! He transformed to ph2 at the end. Idk how it works exactly. Maybe one of the two options i gave is correct
I have done the skip pause three glitch in moonshine mob it wasn’t hard it took a few try’s
You mean "Phase 3"?
I encountered this exact glitch on the xbox version
By an accident?
@@Violeto250 yes.
Basically i had hit the snail with a charge blast
@@red-man7017 The last time this happened to me but i didn't show it i did the skip by an accident
I found a glitch and it was when the platform glumstone the giant snaps in half didn’t snap and you get hurt
Mmm. Interesting but i didn't get it yet
Yesterday, King dice stop attacking me (i dont know how i do that) i first before he start attack me i do the first super and i start to parry and in the end the cards was stop, and wen the second hand… doesn’t attack me with cards!!
This is how it works!
The invincible glitch will help me with Esther Winchester
Hilarious! It's even patched! The only thing to do it is you need to download the first version of the DLC
@@Violeto250 yeah
Actually All The Glitches I Was Showing Are Not Patched XD
Do you need like only 1 version to do this or can any version of cuphead do the glitch?
What glitch?
@@Violeto250 the glitches found in this video
@@Catrunop I've played at the V1.3.3 Update! I think the update is now is V1.3.5 and they're have patched some glitches here
super art III is so broken lol
It slows down them making it prone for speedrunners
Thats exactly what speedrunners do, they can even bug the game with this, like skipping phases and more stuff like that
@@Violeto250 and I want it so the snail in the phase 3 intro should have s to prevent it from being broken, and when the bosses are at their last hps, they will have s only to super art III
Howd you do the Mortimer glitch?
Ah! Everybody asking that! I explained it many times in other comments! If you can't find it so i'll explain it
I had a glitch where sally stageplay freeze at 1st phase
Ye, it works with lags, when she does the teleport attack you need lags and then she will do the animation of the attack and freeze, and its a softlock
@@Violeto250 ye, but after falls at me she's freeze then I just attacking her and i died but she's not taking damage
@@CezarTED Yea, they did that she wouldn't take damage at all until phase 2 starts
There is a glitch where in 2 player mode player the Spike gnomes don't come out
Yes i know that glitch! I found it when i wanted to duplicate player but not the video i shared at last! One time before
I know how to do mortimer freeze glitch I have never done it but you have to kill all the snow guys before his next attack
Yea! In the previous update so mortimer was stuck all the time! But in that version it's patched but it's still working for a little. I mean he will not attack and be on freeze many spins and then he's transforming to ph2
What are you useng axe charm
bec I don,t
Umm actually they did patch the invincible glitch in V1.3.3 Patch fix.
Yea??? I tried it after i uploaded that video and that glitch still worked.
Maybe our versions are problay diffrents
@@Violeto250 Did you updated your game to a newer version?
@@GioTGM Yesterday so i opened the game and i heard something diffrent with the sound effects so maybe
Hey! I think you're right! I tried it right now and it's didn't work! The Super II Just stopped when he grabed me! Okay
@@Violeto250 yeah
New form unlocked for cuphead ultra instinct
I got invincible glitch but i wasnt yellow cuphead
@@Hyperjryn3000 ye, there's a version of this glitch when you look normal, but how did you get it? It was patched as of v1.3.3
Glum stone freeze ???
Yup! Didn't you was wondering what was happening if you skip his ph2 before it's starts?
In a mobile game of cuphead somehow the flower boss wasn't moving and attacks were not coming
This is a legacy ver1.0 bug. There's no way this glitch is alive now
@@Violeto250 its just in the mobile game of cuphead
what does bro mean by mobile game
Invincible glitch still not patched?
Nah, its patched :/
at the end he just become sonic lol
I don’t think the Mob phase 3 skip is a glitch, just an oversight.
Yea, ik, but i still wanted to count it as a glitch :/
@@Violeto250 fair ‘nough.
the phase 3 skip in moon shine mob is not a glitch, you just did a lot of damage
Yea! I knew it
@@Violeto250 oh nice
wait so for the invincible glitch you have to be invincible when your going to next phase?
Exactly! But it's patched
@@Violeto250 oh
0:10 golden cup head
probably intentional, i always wondered what happened if u did this
Nothing. Youre just skipping that phase
Bro u can literally get all A's with these glitches XD
Too late. But earlier than this comment i defeated all bosses s rank without glitches, Lol
Let's try it now...
I did the invincible one by complete accident
Nice! But it's patched
U can literally get all A's with these glitches XD
Probably! But not always because some of these are patched
132k views how?! also suddently on my fyp
I absolutely don't know how it has so much views, it's just lucky.
Imagine this: It has this amount of views, and still less than 1000 subs 💀💀💀
But this was my early channel, i stopped videogaming, idk why. Im just tired of this
@@alexalmanzar2514 huh?
That was not my
I did not tipe yes but I did tipe that was not my by accident
Does the first still good or no
@@Charles-up8ml Nah unfortunately it was patched already
@@Violeto250 which one is still good or all of them are patched
If yeah do a chef salt baker boss on regular loaf out and boss I’m stuck on it
I only have super one
I only have super art onr
Let me ruin your day
The anteater's tongue comes out of its nose
I dont understand the mortimer freeze one- explain please
I'm not sure and i think it's patched! I think this happens when he's supposed to transform to ph2 you need to go inverse to mortimer even less than 5 seconds! And he'll continue to be stuck
Watch here:
Is the phase 3 skip patched
@@Violeto250 oh also I realized that the mouse is visible if your using obs to record then in the settings there is a way to make your mouse not visible
@@NA-ch3qk That's right! I didn't thought that people mind it! But ok
@@Violeto250 also you have E P I C content keep it up
The view counter says exactly 1000 views.. that has never happened to me ever
i accidentaly got mortimer not attacking and passed it lol
Wait, so this glitch still existing?
@@Violeto250 yes
@@pr3ps cool
can you update it?
Most of the glitches out there are already patched, besides skipping glitches
@@Violeto250 what about the Fake Knockout sign turns in the real one is that one patches i like doing it
@@ThatCrazyCoconut Im not sure, but i think it is not patched, because to do the fake knockout you need to deal double damage for it, (fun fact the double damage is not a cheat, its something specific that was built by the way i shot at him)
I'm using that