Cuphead DLC More Glitches I Found

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 304

  • @Violeto250
    @Violeto250  2 года назад +54

    Hi guys! Many glitches here was patched! I was showing this many days before a update in 6 august!

    • @holaesoydora4158
      @holaesoydora4158 2 года назад +1

      What glitches are still available?

    • @tono6136
      @tono6136 2 года назад +1

      Va wei xdxd

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +5

      @@holaesoydora4158 Yea! Some of those glitches are not patched yet! But there's some glitches was patched

    • @TheCharacterKid2011
      @TheCharacterKid2011 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 But which are the ones that havent been patched then?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      @@TheCharacterKid2011 Maybe the mortimer's not attacking and the fake knockout skip and phase 3 skip. And in the previous episode of the glitches so the esther winchester softlock probably didn't patched

  • @theunknown4847
    @theunknown4847 2 года назад +205

    The Devil is just waiting for King Dice to stop having a seizure so that he could pass the ball

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +31

      Yea! Even glumstone the giant

    • @Randomkid-i4q
      @Randomkid-i4q 5 месяцев назад +3


    • @gimmiekiwi
      @gimmiekiwi 3 месяца назад

      How kind, but maybe they should help him a bit

  • @windowstudios45alt
    @windowstudios45alt 2 года назад +303

    What I’ve learned.
    Charge + Whetsone+ Spread+ Big Ghost is broken

    • @ulforcemegamon3094
      @ulforcemegamon3094 2 года назад +14

      Whetsone is quite useful for speedrunning

    • @wunluvv21
      @wunluvv21 2 года назад +1

      @@ulforcemegamon3094 whetstone*

    • @cjm1923
      @cjm1923 2 года назад


    • @toastie5929
      @toastie5929 2 года назад +4

      ​@@wunluvv21 it's a singular missing letter, nobody cares

    • @TheLocaINerd
      @TheLocaINerd 2 года назад +1

      @@toastie5929 fr

  • @im___fann5063
    @im___fann5063 2 года назад +32

    0:15 atleast we have that sick remix

  • @Tsukun5976
    @Tsukun5976 2 года назад +399

    *The glitch made the fake K.O into the real one*

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +42

      Yup! Double knockout at the same time

    • @greatcyper7001
      @greatcyper7001 2 года назад +12

      Well thats kinda cool

    • @LowTierAppreciator
      @LowTierAppreciator 2 года назад +3


    • @Lucasnoober
      @Lucasnoober 2 года назад +1

      @@Violeto250 how do I do Mortimer glitch

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +4

      @@Lucasnoober I don't know how this works exactly but i guess for 2 options:
      1. I walked inverse to mortimer a one second.
      2. This happened to me another time but i didn't show it and i think this time i hit to ph2 in a specific frame

  • @LunarBear64
    @LunarBear64 10 месяцев назад +9

    During the fake knockout skip glitch, it sounded like the Announcer and the Snail Announcer were saying knockout together harmoniously.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  10 месяцев назад +3

      That's true, lol. Thats even a part of the bug, ig :/

    • @Kids-f7o
      @Kids-f7o 4 месяца назад +1

      Not to me!

  • @afunkingamer2415
    @afunkingamer2415 2 года назад +60

    1:37 imagine if the 2 puppets where2 individual bosses you had to get 1 at a time

  • @StillExeTerror
    @StillExeTerror 2 года назад +40

    I had a glitch where in the devil and Angel fight, they were stuck in the singing position, so if I stayed looking at it while it was stuck, I could defeat it with nothing attacking me.

  • @maysonsworkshop9620
    @maysonsworkshop9620 2 года назад +161

    i had a glitch when i played the root pack when the onion was about to cry, i triggered the 3rd phase, but the onion's crying was still there for some reason. so when i defeated the boss, it made it look like the carrot was crying

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +23

      Yea i know that glitch.

    • @RandomFrenchdude
      @RandomFrenchdude 2 года назад +7


    • @HumbugThe_Gamingmonster
      @HumbugThe_Gamingmonster 2 года назад +2

      That happened to me to XD

    • @ReactiveWolf
      @ReactiveWolf 2 года назад +2

      @King Acacious you have my old pfp

    • @chaos5004
      @chaos5004 2 года назад +3

      I think this happens when you kill it 1 frame before it was about to cry. Thats just a theory, idk

  • @xd_immortaldreyt4477
    @xd_immortaldreyt4477 2 года назад +31

    2:12 sometimes you just gotta stay civil lol

  • @JaviPonce_
    @JaviPonce_ 2 года назад +21

    1:36 RIP Fool Dice's Puppet

  • @Unikitty_124
    @Unikitty_124 2 года назад +21

    4:19 if the fake ko was real

  • @daofficerofthenoodles7504
    @daofficerofthenoodles7504 2 года назад +57

    Plot twist: Mortimer was just a nice guy and didn't wanna fight Cuphead

  • @FamilyStoriesInc
    @FamilyStoriesInc 2 года назад +31

    my friend triggered the invinsible glitch on his first playthrough by complete accident!

  • @Skibidibananalord
    @Skibidibananalord 2 года назад +31

    I got the invincible glitch by accident while playing saltbaker

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +4

      Nice. I hope you know how it works and it's patched :(

  • @cordyceps7531
    @cordyceps7531 Год назад +6

    Mortimer isn’t so bad. He just wanted to have a good laugh.

  • @oofmanoofguy4494
    @oofmanoofguy4494 2 года назад +47

    did you know theres a glitch where if you use ms chalice and shoot the second phase on glumstone with charge and use super 3 and while super 3 is going use spread shot to basically skip the phase in 3 seconds

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +10

      I learned it from a speedrun.
      Someone used it in a speedrun

  • @MachetesAreFun
    @MachetesAreFun 2 года назад +8

    I got that Mortimer glitch on release day on my first attempt at him lol

  • @damiengarcia5140
    @damiengarcia5140 2 года назад +4

    Cuphead: laughs Chef salt baker : laughs louder Cuphead:👁️👄👁️

  • @adlissshelby6618
    @adlissshelby6618 2 года назад +4

    First Glitch: You Can't Defeat Me Saltbaker!
    Second Glitch: Just Beat Up My Puppets And You Win! That's It!
    Third Glitch: I'm tired of fighting. I'll just fly around the arena and do nothing. You win Cuphead!
    Fourth Glitch: Snail: Knockout! Announcer: No! KNOCKOUT FOR REALLLLL (Game Is Over)
    Fifth Glitch: Here! Let me introduce you to our LEADER! (A few seconds later) I'm done. You knock him out, boss.
    Sixth Glitch: SONIC MODE ACTIVATE!

  • @Fireboi_12
    @Fireboi_12 Год назад +2


    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад +1

      Sadly, most of the glitches i have shown here were patched 💀

  • @eeehen
    @eeehen 2 года назад +1

    Best whetstone ad

  • @icenovice
    @icenovice 4 месяца назад

    i love how the way to trigger a majority of these is just “my resolution… air strikes”

  • @greatlake_editz
    @greatlake_editz 2 года назад +3

    I had a glitch where mugman would just walk backwards in tutorial

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Yea i know that glitch i did it too

    • @alexprodash1
      @alexprodash1 5 месяцев назад

      then tell me how

  • @Lost_souls_of_the_night
    @Lost_souls_of_the_night 2 года назад +1

    I accidently froze the donkey in the kings leap and its pretty funny how hes just sitting there stuck

  • @deslmao.
    @deslmao. 2 года назад +4

    Would of been useful if the youtube god's blessed this into recommendations sooner and not right after I s ranked every single boss

  • @megacadgeo9758
    @megacadgeo9758 2 года назад +5

    i had a glitch where i was beating the howling aces with the cursed relic, but the knockout text appeared the same frame I died. my grade was
    Time: 2:0(4?)
    Hp: 0/3
    Parries: 3/3
    Super Meters: 6/6
    It gave me a glitched texture as a grade, but by looking in the code, I got an F.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      I thought that glitch was patched, But ok

    • @megacadgeo9758
      @megacadgeo9758 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 nope

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      @@megacadgeo9758 Interesting. I could try it too. But this way i think it was easier on the old version of the game

  • @Catzarecute167
    @Catzarecute167 10 месяцев назад +1

    I once had a glitch where sally stagplay wasn’t attacking i was just shooting at her for awhile thinking it was a easy win but nothing was happening so i just reset

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  10 месяцев назад

      Ye, i did this. That glitch happens when you have lags, and the lag should hit in a specific moment to make her freeze, in the v1.0 there was a hitbox upwards, but it doesn't exist anymore, so yea, when that happens you cannot do anything

  • @Ms.Chalice-TheLegendary
    @Ms.Chalice-TheLegendary 2 года назад +3

    Everybody: that last glitch is nice
    Me: Poor cuphead got oblidorated

  • @p0tatah
    @p0tatah Год назад +1

    pov: invincible glitch cuphead: nanomachines, son!

  • @faristhefrenchfriez
    @faristhefrenchfriez 2 года назад +2

    6:08 they see me rollin'

  • @tono6136
    @tono6136 2 года назад +3

    4:21 No More Trolling...

    • @tono6136
      @tono6136 2 года назад +1

      What things, the snail talks on the real Knockout screen and the commentator talks on the fake xd

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      @@tono6136 Lol (X

    • @constellationmaker145
      @constellationmaker145 2 года назад +1

      @@tono6136 well, it makes sense if you LISTEN to it.

    • @tono6136
      @tono6136 2 года назад +1

      @@constellationmaker145 tru tío xdxd

  • @jedinoah5370
    @jedinoah5370 2 года назад +4

    It physically hurt me seeing you miss that ex 4:12

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1


    • @ScoopOfButter
      @ScoopOfButter 2 года назад

      Why do you think that? It doesn't look like the EX missed to me.

  • @antonioballadino2577
    @antonioballadino2577 8 месяцев назад

    On dr kahls robot ( i know its not from the dlc) i turned my switch off while he was doing the intro animation but when i turned my switch on he wasnt attacking and his hitbox was gone

  • @haloferrol1812
    @haloferrol1812 2 месяца назад

    2:05 that’s actually how I beat Mortimer the first time

  • @ellierose4081
    @ellierose4081 2 года назад +1

    me when my crush tells a joke:

  • @realpride1555
    @realpride1555 Год назад +1

    The moonshine mob + other glitches can be used to s rank bosses

  • @Toochinator2449
    @Toochinator2449 5 месяцев назад

    One time I was playing saltbaker and everytime the screen was supposed to go wallop the entire screen turned white. This happened every time I restarted the fight until I restarted the game.

  • @Aqalad2781
    @Aqalad2781 2 года назад +3

    sadly, the first invincible glitch is broken, so i can't get easy S ranks anymore :(... well... Not that I needed the easy S ranks since I already S ranked all the bosses in 3 days

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      I was showing a video that i was S ranking all bosses

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Nice job!

  • @lucakiami8988
    @lucakiami8988 2 года назад

    This is admittedly a very minor one, but there was an instance last month where I was facing Saltbaker, and when he was blowing away the sugar cubes, his voice could not be heard.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад

      Oh really? Sorry for answering late :P

  • @arcadeleon6077
    @arcadeleon6077 2 года назад +1

    One i was in moonshine mob and i jumped (at the start of ph 3) and did my super art 1, during it player 2 (chalice) did her super art 1 then i paused the game for a sec and mugman (me), i couldnt take any damage, was mid jump, still shooting and no mater what i did i coudnt stop, thats how i beat moonshine mob for the first time

  • @muertemuertapalmabaquera3238
    @muertemuertapalmabaquera3238 Год назад

    4:23 That's happens because you did it the double damaged in the tongue and trunk at the same time

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад

      I know, That wasn't accident, Bascially someone teached me

  • @schaffs2
    @schaffs2 2 года назад +1

    There’s a glitch I found on my own where if you die at a certain frame of the 3rd phase of Moonshine Mob then the Anteater thing’s pupils in its eyes will disappear and it’s creepy
    Also one glitch idk how it happened but I got those exploding balloon things from the first phase to stay until the 3rd phase and it doesn’t have a hitbox at all

    • @iggykoopa9904
      @iggykoopa9904 2 года назад

      I got that anteater glitch too when I was playing the DLC for the second time and I found it by accident I reacted to it like how someone would react to a jumpscare

    • @economictunic1110
      @economictunic1110 2 года назад

      I got this one too lol

    • @jiovek
      @jiovek 2 года назад

      I always get this one, I hate it

  • @Dudeisnoob
    @Dudeisnoob 9 месяцев назад

    Just a fact but i also found a glitch during the secret bossfight where the demon did its fire wall and i did my super, the demon got freezed and couldnt attack

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  9 месяцев назад

      I know it, i already made it multiple times

  • @Justanormalguy618
    @Justanormalguy618 2 года назад +1

    The Mortimer not attacking glitch is one I found myself

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад


    • @atsuoverfan
      @atsuoverfan 2 года назад

      How you do it?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      @@atsuoverfan I think you need to take him to the next phase in a specific frame!
      This explanation is what i think i did the last time this happened to me, Not this one!
      And on this one i think i walked inverse to him a one second and he's have got locked

  • @SuperlongassusernamedudehereXD
    @SuperlongassusernamedudehereXD 2 года назад

    Oh Mortimer’s on patch word on the P there is a mouse ???

  • @GunGuntheking
    @GunGuntheking 2 года назад +1

    2:01 can you actually *SHOW OR TELL US* HOW YOU PULLED THAT ONE OF?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Hmm! I don't know how it works exactly but i wondering if it's works because i walked inverse to mortimer a one second or i just pulled something that makes mortimer to freeze! I don't know about it so much! This happened to me another time but the last time he transformed to ph2 at the end! Idk

  • @hagridisbeautiful1781
    @hagridisbeautiful1781 2 года назад +1

    If you ask me, the Moonshine Mob Phase 3 skip is more of an exploit. Like Rumor Honeybottoms

  • @bonzo_beanz8087
    @bonzo_beanz8087 Год назад

    Im sorry let me repeat but *Glumtone Freeze?*

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад +2

      Aww, shit! I spelled it wrong :P

  • @FishMan12349
    @FishMan12349 2 года назад

    Does this invincible work with uhhhh I forgor his name but the big giant guy with all his gnomes when entering his 3th phase? Edit: ok his name is glumstone now I know thanks to the freeze glitch also the Mortimer freeze not attacking works with le birb boss in isle 2 I encountered it on accident

  • @r_redjk7
    @r_redjk7 2 года назад +3

    the first one likely happens because saltbaker phase 1 to 2 tranisition cancels out you losing your inviniability

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      In the ph2 transformation animation so he's not leting you to use supers

  • @Ratulous
    @Ratulous 2 года назад +1

    Do you got any tips for the third chess fight, I am stuck on it.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      I don't have so much tips! I was winning the game without tips! I'm just practicing and i might get better! In other games so tips are not always helping me! Maybe you should give it shot! If you cannot beat it so i'll think

  • @Yayo30007
    @Yayo30007 2 года назад +1

    Anyways time to go s rank salt baker

  • @Obedthian-UK
    @Obedthian-UK Год назад

    The first glitch is op

  • @constellationmaker145
    @constellationmaker145 2 года назад +5

    Those Moonshine Mob ones are gonna be USEFUL for when I’m gonna try to S-Rank it.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Of course! Speedrunners i love was using those two skips in moonshine mob

    • @awsomema50n79
      @awsomema50n79 2 года назад

      Me who already Is ranked all bosses including DLC (WITHOUT GLITCHES)

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      @@awsomema50n79 I am

    • @awsomema50n79
      @awsomema50n79 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 ?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      @@awsomema50n79 I beat all bosses S rank without glitches

  • @ishaycohen
    @ishaycohen 2 года назад

    Wow so much cool stuff

  • @dogedoge5596
    @dogedoge5596 2 года назад

    Is any of these patched now? Especially moonshine skip phase 3

  • @ilikemoney2404
    @ilikemoney2404 2 года назад

    is it just me or am i the one who loves those pepper shakers dancing

  • @acejay21
    @acejay21 2 года назад

    Can you please give an explanation on how to do these next time? Even just text at the bottom would help!!!

  • @BumbIBee
    @BumbIBee 2 года назад +2

    So basically, whetstone breaks the game

  • @corrin813
    @corrin813 2 года назад +1

    How do you glitch out Mortimer

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Probably you need to walk inverse to mortimer freeze when he's about to transform to ph2!
      And the previous time it's happened to me so i killed phase 1 in a specific frame somehow, But this time i didn't get knockout! He transformed to ph2 at the end. Idk how it works exactly. Maybe one of the two options i gave is correct

  • @johnnymags8436
    @johnnymags8436 2 года назад

    I have done the skip pause three glitch in moonshine mob it wasn’t hard it took a few try’s

  • @red-man7017
    @red-man7017 2 года назад

    I encountered this exact glitch on the xbox version

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      By an accident?

    • @red-man7017
      @red-man7017 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 yes.
      Basically i had hit the snail with a charge blast

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      @@red-man7017 The last time this happened to me but i didn't show it i did the skip by an accident

  • @GigaNugget
    @GigaNugget 2 года назад +4

    I found a glitch and it was when the platform glumstone the giant snaps in half didn’t snap and you get hurt

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Mmm. Interesting but i didn't get it yet

  • @itzelrmzsosa6710
    @itzelrmzsosa6710 2 года назад

    Yesterday, King dice stop attacking me (i dont know how i do that) i first before he start attack me i do the first super and i start to parry and in the end the cards was stop, and wen the second hand… doesn’t attack me with cards!!

  • @Momma-bomber
    @Momma-bomber 2 года назад

    The invincible glitch will help me with Esther Winchester

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Hilarious! It's even patched! The only thing to do it is you need to download the first version of the DLC

    • @Momma-bomber
      @Momma-bomber 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 yeah

  • @Violeto250
    @Violeto250  2 года назад

    Actually All The Glitches I Was Showing Are Not Patched XD

  • @Catrunop
    @Catrunop 2 года назад

    Do you need like only 1 version to do this or can any version of cuphead do the glitch?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      What glitch?

    • @Catrunop
      @Catrunop 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 the glitches found in this video

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      @@Catrunop I've played at the V1.3.3 Update! I think the update is now is V1.3.5 and they're have patched some glitches here

  • @RedStar116
    @RedStar116 3 месяца назад

    super art III is so broken lol
    It slows down them making it prone for speedrunners

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  3 месяца назад

      Thats exactly what speedrunners do, they can even bug the game with this, like skipping phases and more stuff like that

    • @RedStar116
      @RedStar116 3 месяца назад

      @@Violeto250 and I want it so the snail in the phase 3 intro should have s to prevent it from being broken, and when the bosses are at their last hps, they will have s only to super art III

  • @DaBigWun
    @DaBigWun 2 года назад

    Howd you do the Mortimer glitch?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Ah! Everybody asking that! I explained it many times in other comments! If you can't find it so i'll explain it

  • @CezarTED
    @CezarTED 3 месяца назад

    I had a glitch where sally stageplay freeze at 1st phase

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  3 месяца назад

      Ye, it works with lags, when she does the teleport attack you need lags and then she will do the animation of the attack and freeze, and its a softlock

    • @CezarTED
      @CezarTED 3 месяца назад

      @@Violeto250 ye, but after falls at me she's freeze then I just attacking her and i died but she's not taking damage

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  3 месяца назад

      @@CezarTED Yea, they did that she wouldn't take damage at all until phase 2 starts

  • @mrgold99COOL
    @mrgold99COOL 2 года назад

    There is a glitch where in 2 player mode player the Spike gnomes don't come out

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Yes i know that glitch! I found it when i wanted to duplicate player but not the video i shared at last! One time before

  • @johnnymags8436
    @johnnymags8436 2 года назад

    I know how to do mortimer freeze glitch I have never done it but you have to kill all the snow guys before his next attack

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Yea! In the previous update so mortimer was stuck all the time! But in that version it's patched but it's still working for a little. I mean he will not attack and be on freeze many spins and then he's transforming to ph2

  • @reoventour7717
    @reoventour7717 2 года назад

    What are you useng axe charm
    bec I don,t

  • @GioTGM
    @GioTGM 2 года назад +1

    Umm actually they did patch the invincible glitch in V1.3.3 Patch fix.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Yea??? I tried it after i uploaded that video and that glitch still worked.
      Maybe our versions are problay diffrents

    • @GioTGM
      @GioTGM 2 года назад +1

      @@Violeto250 Did you updated your game to a newer version?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      @@GioTGM Yesterday so i opened the game and i heard something diffrent with the sound effects so maybe

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Hey! I think you're right! I tried it right now and it's didn't work! The Super II Just stopped when he grabed me! Okay

    • @WM_Nonsense
      @WM_Nonsense 2 года назад +1

      @@Violeto250 yeah

  • @doom333
    @doom333 Год назад

    New form unlocked for cuphead ultra instinct

  • @Hyperjryn3000
    @Hyperjryn3000 4 месяца назад

    I got invincible glitch but i wasnt yellow cuphead

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  4 месяца назад

      @@Hyperjryn3000 ye, there's a version of this glitch when you look normal, but how did you get it? It was patched as of v1.3.3

  • @mrgold99COOL
    @mrgold99COOL 2 года назад

    Glum stone freeze ???

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Yup! Didn't you was wondering what was happening if you skip his ph2 before it's starts?

  • @erikamaniwayway8080
    @erikamaniwayway8080 Год назад

    In a mobile game of cuphead somehow the flower boss wasn't moving and attacks were not coming

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад

      This is a legacy ver1.0 bug. There's no way this glitch is alive now

    • @erikamaniwayway8080
      @erikamaniwayway8080 Год назад

      @@Violeto250 its just in the mobile game of cuphead

    • @Dreidelium
      @Dreidelium 5 месяцев назад +1

      what does bro mean by mobile game

  • @ThatCrazyCoconut
    @ThatCrazyCoconut 8 месяцев назад

    Invincible glitch still not patched?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  8 месяцев назад

      Nah, its patched :/

  • @spectrekid943
    @spectrekid943 2 года назад

    at the end he just become sonic lol

  • @someanimedweebiamsure7071
    @someanimedweebiamsure7071 11 месяцев назад

    I don’t think the Mob phase 3 skip is a glitch, just an oversight.

  • @GB-sr9kv
    @GB-sr9kv 2 года назад +1

    the phase 3 skip in moon shine mob is not a glitch, you just did a lot of damage

  • @N3ptuneh
    @N3ptuneh 2 года назад

    wait so for the invincible glitch you have to be invincible when your going to next phase?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Exactly! But it's patched

    • @N3ptuneh
      @N3ptuneh 2 года назад +1

      @@Violeto250 oh

  • @basmattiejagdeo7705
    @basmattiejagdeo7705 2 года назад

    0:10 golden cup head

  • @Lunarcreeper
    @Lunarcreeper 2 года назад +1

    probably intentional, i always wondered what happened if u did this

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Nothing. Youre just skipping that phase

  • @Oddly589
    @Oddly589 2 года назад

    Bro u can literally get all A's with these glitches XD

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад

      Too late. But earlier than this comment i defeated all bosses s rank without glitches, Lol

  • @newsupernessgo4
    @newsupernessgo4 2 года назад

    Let's try it now...

  • @markducassetobeyvang9527
    @markducassetobeyvang9527 2 года назад

    I did the invincible one by complete accident

  • @Oddly589
    @Oddly589 2 года назад

    U can literally get all A's with these glitches XD

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      Probably! But not always because some of these are patched

  • @sethariustelos4896
    @sethariustelos4896 Год назад

    132k views how?! also suddently on my fyp

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад

      I absolutely don't know how it has so much views, it's just lucky.

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Год назад

      Imagine this: It has this amount of views, and still less than 1000 subs 💀💀💀
      But this was my early channel, i stopped videogaming, idk why. Im just tired of this

  • @alexalmanzar2514
    @alexalmanzar2514 2 месяца назад +1


    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 месяца назад +1

      @@alexalmanzar2514 huh?

    • @alexalmanzar2514
      @alexalmanzar2514 2 месяца назад +1

      That was not my

    • @alexalmanzar2514
      @alexalmanzar2514 2 месяца назад +1

      I did not tipe yes but I did tipe that was not my by accident

  • @Charles-up8ml
    @Charles-up8ml Месяц назад

    Does the first still good or no

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  Месяц назад

      @@Charles-up8ml Nah unfortunately it was patched already

    • @Charles-up8ml
      @Charles-up8ml Месяц назад

      @@Violeto250 which one is still good or all of them are patched

    • @Charles-up8ml
      @Charles-up8ml Месяц назад

      If yeah do a chef salt baker boss on regular loaf out and boss I’m stuck on it

    • @Charles-up8ml
      @Charles-up8ml Месяц назад

      I only have super one

    • @Charles-up8ml
      @Charles-up8ml Месяц назад

      I only have super art onr

  • @nhuytran581
    @nhuytran581 2 года назад +2

    Let me ruin your day
    The anteater's tongue comes out of its nose

  • @Muffinthedog_
    @Muffinthedog_ 2 года назад +1

    I dont understand the mortimer freeze one- explain please

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      I'm not sure and i think it's patched! I think this happens when he's supposed to transform to ph2 you need to go inverse to mortimer even less than 5 seconds! And he'll continue to be stuck

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад +1

      Watch here:

  • @NA-ch3qk
    @NA-ch3qk 2 года назад

    Is the phase 3 skip patched

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад


    • @NA-ch3qk
      @NA-ch3qk 2 года назад


    • @NA-ch3qk
      @NA-ch3qk 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 oh also I realized that the mouse is visible if your using obs to record then in the settings there is a way to make your mouse not visible

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  2 года назад

      @@NA-ch3qk That's right! I didn't thought that people mind it! But ok

    • @NA-ch3qk
      @NA-ch3qk 2 года назад

      @@Violeto250 also you have E P I C content keep it up

  • @Fire_Animates_
    @Fire_Animates_ 2 года назад

    The view counter says exactly 1000 views.. that has never happened to me ever

  • @pr3ps
    @pr3ps 6 месяцев назад

    i accidentaly got mortimer not attacking and passed it lol

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  6 месяцев назад

      Wait, so this glitch still existing?

    • @pr3ps
      @pr3ps 6 месяцев назад

      @@Violeto250 yes

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  6 месяцев назад

      @@pr3ps cool

  • @ThatCrazyCoconut
    @ThatCrazyCoconut 8 месяцев назад

    can you update it?

    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  8 месяцев назад

      Most of the glitches out there are already patched, besides skipping glitches

    • @ThatCrazyCoconut
      @ThatCrazyCoconut 8 месяцев назад

      @@Violeto250 what about the Fake Knockout sign turns in the real one is that one patches i like doing it

    • @ThatCrazyCoconut
      @ThatCrazyCoconut 8 месяцев назад


    • @Violeto250
      @Violeto250  8 месяцев назад

      @@ThatCrazyCoconut Im not sure, but i think it is not patched, because to do the fake knockout you need to deal double damage for it, (fun fact the double damage is not a cheat, its something specific that was built by the way i shot at him)

  • @robertoflorestiradogp6462
    @robertoflorestiradogp6462 2 года назад

    I'm using that