Wauw!! ..... I'm speechless! .... This is THE most impressive DIY lathe I've ever seen! And with inspiration to make endless jigs to make almost all shapes easier and safer to make. I'm really amazed by this! Thank you SO SO much! ❤ /Pia from Denmark PS: Now more than ever I want to try to "turn wood" for the first time ever, with my own DIY lathe, and with help from a local experienced wood turner. I'm 60 years old, living alone, and want to reduce the risk of making moves that will go wrong - but I also love to learn new skills. And with a limited budget, it seems to be a good idea to buy a few quality cutters and make a sturdy DIY lathe, instead of buying an expensive "plug and turn" lathe and cheap cutters. ❤
An underpowered lathe is probably better when you are learning, because the inevitable mistakes will not be able to fling heavy objects at your face as hard.
Thank you @@davidhawley1132 I didn't think of that, but it sounds right! 👍 And besides watching some "don't do" videos about using a lathe, just as I did before using my table saw, router and skill saw, I'll ask someone with experience to stand next to me and guide me. And point out what I did right as well as wrong, and why! And I'll rather spend an hour with such a person than hours at the hospital, even it's free here in Denmark. ❤ My best wishes /Pia
@@pirakoXX Hvis det kommer til stykket og du ikke har behov for så stor en drejebænk, så har Proxxon nogle små, hobby drejebænke til mindre dele. Jeg har selv den her. DIY værktøj kan være godt, men som med alt andet, skulle uheldet være ude og man får en skade som de danske sygehuse ikke dækker, så tvivler jeg også på at forsikringen dækker når det er DIY værktøj, frem for værktøj af en reel producent. Det ville være ærgerligt at skulle af med flere tusind, når Proxxon har en mini drejebænk til 1500,-. Bare lige en heads-up fra en tidligere møbelsnedkerlærling :) Dorch & Danola har ret meget værktøj til træ. Her er et link til Proxxons lille drejebænk: www.dorchdanola.dk/rol-27020.html
if you make this, one thing to be careful of: Clamp it down SECURELY to a table. If something gets caught, it can cause the drill / workpiece to jump really hard (im telling you this from experience LOL!!)
Welcome to Woodworking Tools - the ultimate destination for carpentry enthusiasts! If you have a passion for woodworking and want to elevate your craft, subscribing to my channel is a game-changer.
Давно не встречал настолько качественного видео. В нём прекрасно всё: и используемая древесина, и идеи, и исполнение. И даже даны чертежи в конце, для тех, кому недостаточно идеи!
I don’t have a lathe because whenever I think of a lathe I picture, you know, a lathe as in big dedicated piece of equipment. I have neither budget nor room in my tiny workshop for another big piece of equipment. But this I can hang on the wall when not using it and clamp it to the edge of my work bench when I do. PERFECT!
Nothing more as to agree to all the praise said. My father loved this kind of lathe work in his twenties and we still have a few pieces he produced. Having little money in the 1960ies, he build a lathe piece by piece from metall rubble with the help of an elder Metal turner and engineer he befriended and who turned out to be very kind. Even so a table circular saw, and we were able to do some nice contributions to a few greater projects of our community. Unfortunately he passed away 1978 in the age of 45 (and my mum unfortunately never coped with his values of work and threw away these tools - hopefully just in an act of mourning) - otherwise he would have pioneered some of this channels as well, at least he would have admired this simplifiers, pioneers and inventors the way I do and tried to pick their information.
@carlcarlssen4299 Heartattac, not recognized by our family doctor whom we visited both together earlier the day. Sad story. But I think my ma wanted to free herself from all things that might recall those sad hours. At least she told me so.
@betteramwthanbmw Sorry to hear. I guess ppl cope with things differently. I wouldve kept all his sentimental valuables and kept up with his craft, not throw it away, but I could understand I guess why she did it. But then again, it's like, why didnt she sell the house then and get rid of all the furniture that your dad used. I dont mean to put your mom on blast. I just feel like that wouldbe hurtful for me if someone did that to my stuff.
@@carlcarlssen4299 I am of the same opinion - but as good ol' Neil used to sing: "The damage is done" ... For some people, it takes a lifetime to learn something - who wants to be the judge, because none of us are perfect. And there were other things to consider. So - what the heck ...
@@carlcarlssen4299 Then - she didn't dispose of all the hand tools and small machines - but the lathe and the wooden material already took up considerable space, and she didn't know what to do with them. I was in a completely different profession, so she probably didn't attach the value to these things that we men do sooner or later. I actually still work with tools that my father used to work with, some of which are now over 50 years old - so it's not a total loss. So at least I can uphold his mental legacy.
Oh my god. Damn! I'm sat here mouth open in awe at how you've taken woodworking (yet again!!!) to a whole new level. I'm about to move into a bungalow which was owned by my late inlaws, he was a retired engineer and had a full size lathe (which he built!) and a drill press (which he built!) and loads of other gear. Unfortunately when he died everything went to charity which is something I was upset about but it was his will. There's no way I can afford to buy a lathe or have the space for one but this is perfect. Thank you so much for showing this.
I love everything you do. This is very much without a doubt one of my most favorite woodworking channels to watch. I appreciate the simplicity of your methods and their effectiveness. I google translated this next portion, so forgive me if there is any bad translation. 専門知識を共有していただきありがとうございます。
В детстве с отцом делали шахматы на самодельном станке. Ну как с отцом, он делал, а я кругами ходил)). Табуретка осталась только фигурная и воспоминания. Ну тоже что-то вытачивал немного. Приятно с деревом работать это точно. Снанок жалко остался у дядьки. Надо тоже сделать, детям поуазать как это делается всё.
Это всего лишь кино. Был похожий станок при совке, назывался "Умелые руки", точило, циркулярка, токарный, но конструкция была надёжнее. Тут токарный патрон нужен, карданный переход от дрели, да и крепеж соответствующий. На саморезах и без центра болванка скорее в лоб засветит. Пробовал я такой, на шурупах, еле увернулся. Ради любопытства, почём дерево Тамо в магазине (шпон от 10.000 за квадрат) и где и сколько стоит вытачить все железки по чертежу в октябре 2023 года.
Год назад+20
Beautiful and relaxing. My grandpa was a carpenter and builder, and there's something about working wood that soothes me. Thanks.
Здравствуйте! Это лучшее что встретил за последнее время, была идея, но теперь, благодаря вашему оригинальному решению вопроса, постараюсь в точности повторить эту конструкцию! Спасибо! 🙋🇺🇦
Ещё вариант на али подобрать двигатель бесщеточный с редуктором и платой регулятора оборотов. И мощности в достатке и регулировка оборотов и надежность приличная.
Simplicity and precision, such eternal Japanese qualities; your results are impressive, thank you. I love the soundtrack; makes you feel like doing it yourself. 🙏🏼
My dear brother in mind. Every movement of you expresses a clear, precise, calm, steady and loving relationship with your surrounding and this wonderful material. Wood. I wish you all the best from Germany. ❤
Brilliant work and the accessories that you build are ever perfect and amazing, I am fascinated by your work, thank you so much for sharing your skills and ideas.
@Ghost_on_the_beach У меня в качестве привода дрель служила. А потом мне надоело её жужжание и я поставил двигатель и ременную передачу. Но это уже совсем другая история.
тут много чего "главного". Я первую табуретку сделал в 6 ом классе в школе где многому чему учили - школа времён СССР. Получил пятёрку. Пятёрки были всегда по урокам Труд. Сейчас смело могу причислить себя к краснодеревщикам и знаю точно, что можно иметь любые инструменты, но без мозгов и рук, которые от плечь растут - ничего путного не сделать.
Великолепный мастер! Каждый раз просмотр ваших видео доставляет удовольствие и вызывает восхищение! Спасибо большое за отличные, сильные идеи!!! 🏋️♀️🤝💯
@@blackwoodground Что значит постоянно, кто то на любительском станке будет пахать по 12 часов в день или что? Если про нагрузку, то по твоей логике и шлифовальные насадки или там кольцевые пилы тоже угробят дрель? ))
@@blackwoodground шуруповерт? в перегрев? от работы? Ну видимо вы не работали с нормальными шуруповертами, у меня Metabo BS 18 LTX BL I я им землю бурил, люди такими лед бурят на рыбалке, поверьте, ему будет плевать
Крутой станок. Особенно радуют легко и свободно покупаемые в России материалы для его изготовления, типа дерева Тамо или вал 10 мм. Они у нас буквально в каждом магазине валяются. Ещё очень большой интерес вызывают крепления держателя резца на два винта. Я не понял что такое завинтили на что так быстро крепится буквальном двумя поворотами трещётки.
2:55 The threaded inserts should ideally be on the backside of the wood, so as you tighten the bolts down, the tension will pull them *into* the wood instead of theoretically pulling them out of the wood.
@@rlopezosorio1975 With that configuration, any pulling force is carried by the threads of the inserts. Drilling through and bolting to the other side of the plank, will transfer the pulling force to the board rather than the threads of the inserts. Its far less likely to fail over time. On a note if you're going to attempt this project: Do check the torque ratings and axial forces of the drill, before using any household drill! A drill is designed to handle the force through the rotation axis, they're often not great against axial forces.
Hello. I had to look up the definitions you mentioned to understand the explanation. The truth is I don't know anything about that and I want to learn. I appreciate your response and time. Thank you.@@seanlambie3425
@@seanlambie3425 I think you mean *transverse* load, not axial load. Axial load is what the drill was designed for. And you are correct, these types of items aren't really good at transverse loading, but these items are so small, that there isn't really that much pressure, and most of that is negated by the bearing.
@@jimthesoundman8641 Whoeps indeed, thank you for the correction! Again, for any applications on that jig, I doubt its going to be a major compromise for most drills. But exposing the drill to those forces It will certainly shorten the lifespan. But I can already picture some individuals with a battery powered 7V IKEA drill attempting to turn it into a lathe. 🤣
Dear Yasuhiro Tv, I congratulate and thank you for this wonderful application. Like your other wonderful and very detailed videos and applications that I have watched, this one is also extraordinarily beautiful. As always, you find great solutions when it comes to auxiliary equipment (such as taper cutting). Thanks again. I'm looking forward to your new productions. Kind regards.
I turned 2 wooden pens back in high school, still have one of them. Been hoping to turn new ones as gifts but don't have a lathe, this will absolutely work for me to do.
Даже хороший шуруповер в таком сценарии долго не проживёт! Если хочется деревянный станок, то работать он должен от электродвигателя с ременной передачей. А вообще, самодельные приборы и станки из дерева, рано или поздно оставят вас без пальцев, рук и глаз!
Nice work. Very thorough. Not overdone. Thanks, but what I liked most was that you showed what you were going to build, first. I don't follow woodworkers who make me wait until the end to see what they are making.
I'm really glad he popped up a screen with the specs for all the parts he built at the end, means I don't have to make it off guesswork like I normally have to for things like this so I can start re-turning pens again.
Belissimo o seu trabalho. És muito inteligente e muito habilidoso , o projeto do seu torno ( Machine ) ficou sensacional. Parabéns ! Aproveitei e me inscrevi no seu canal.
I do love the commitment. This person however has so much equipment that at this point, having a lathe is just another thing. And the apparatus he built is as big as regular lathe.
@@Temulon I believe you are missing the point of my comment, so I will try to better explain myself. I do believe in the utility of the video as demonstrating what one could do. It’s really ingenious and cool. I like it. Point 2 This person (in the video) has many large tools and appliances (we see a table saw, and probably other large woodworking tools). This allow them to precisely machine many wooden parts Point 3 A wooden mechanical part, is necessarily bigger than a metal part, for example A high speed rotating shaft will have to be bigger and stiffer compared to a stainless steel one. Which makes so that the parts, in order to be functioning at high speed, have to be bigger. That’s why LEGO engines are way bigger than anything made of metal, they have to compensate with size and gears for what metal could do. Point 4 Wood has a cost. Even plywood. I don’t know where you are based. But plywood and mdf sheets can be quite pricey and sometimes cannot be cut to shape when you buy them. So you have excess. Moreover, the space required for neatly cut and assembly demands usually a bench. Maybe you have a workshop or a garage, I don’t know. However, it’s a matter of space+material cost+ hours of work- So you see, my comment wasn’t about the quality of craft. Nor the need for it. But as you point out $500 for a small lathe it’s probably worthwhile. I don’t know you, or your workshop situation but the person in the video clearly has thousands of dollars worth of gear he used to produce something “inexpensive” which by definition makes it not inexpensive. I am a guitar maker. And sometimes I build from scratch guitars with wood I have bought years ago. And I always end up saying “oh, I’ve made this with wood from around the house” and I am always reminded how I have paid for that wood, and the tools. So it actually ended up not being free. But it still a negative investment unless I sell it and break even. Do you see what I mean? Regards
I love this channel. I remember watching craftsmen make things at my dads shop and how easy they made it look. Maybe will you do a video with ways that you can fix or avoid mistakes? Thank you.
Found out the other day that the max strength jb weld is now over $20 for the standard size squeeze tube set at my local ace hardware. It used to be like 5 bucks!!
I absolutely LOVE IT when people repurpose tools (that most of us DO have) to do the jobs of tools we DON'T generally have. I'd love to have a complete woodworking workshop with evertything...but if I can make do with what I do have...WOW! Thanks! Always wanted to try turning, but a lathe a big outlay...this is FANTASTIC. Posting from Johannesburg, South Africa. (yes, the country with daily power cuts now, and no end in sight...prob going to become worse....why? corruption, AA, cadre deployment, and lack of maintenance after black gov takeover)
Welcome to Woodworking Tools - the ultimate destination for carpentry enthusiasts! If you have a passion for woodworking and want to elevate your craft, subscribing to my channel is a game-changer.
Very nifty and elegant, do note that corded and cordless drills have a very limited lifetime, rated for about 25mins or so use over lifetime (because the intended use is only a few seconds per screw/hole etc.). But if you can find a loose motor, like from a sewing machine those are rated for longer continuous use.
I think the relevant search term here is "duty cycle" -- how long you can use a product uninterrupted before you have to stop using it for a bit. Often this is due to internal heat buildup, but can be due to other things too. Corded drills are pretty cheap, If you want to spend a little money, there are some really heavy-duty drills, like a masonry drill. Or just take a break every 20 minutes or so.
@@interiot2 duty cycle is also important indeed, but given the intended use, duty cycle is very low, something like 30seconds to a minute. Total lifetime is really about 25min. Obviously, a lot of drills live longer, but as a manufacturer, you want to make sure it at least that, before seeing failures, because else you'll have complaining customers.
@@ismann9148 from being involved in the development of electric hand tools, an orbital sander in fact, those do have a longer design life span. Also, actual life span can be longer, and obviously, design life will be longer for high end tools which the brand I was working for was not (mid range). But where did you get your number from?
This is brilliant! Now I know what to do with that standard electric drill I got as a bonus gift with my Dewalt cordless set... been sitting in a box for the last decade.
As a CNC machinist this video put a smile on my Monday. Thank you
Wauw!! ..... I'm speechless! .... This is THE most impressive DIY lathe I've ever seen! And with inspiration to make endless jigs to make almost all shapes easier and safer to make. I'm really amazed by this! Thank you SO SO much! ❤
/Pia from Denmark
PS: Now more than ever I want to try to "turn wood" for the first time ever, with my own DIY lathe, and with help from a local experienced wood turner. I'm 60 years old, living alone, and want to reduce the risk of making moves that will go wrong - but I also love to learn new skills. And with a limited budget, it seems to be a good idea to buy a few quality cutters and make a sturdy DIY lathe, instead of buying an expensive "plug and turn" lathe and cheap cutters. ❤
Love p
..p⁰p pp p⁰ pp pp
An underpowered lathe is probably better when you are learning, because the inevitable mistakes will not be able to fling heavy objects at your face as hard.
Thank you @@davidhawley1132
I didn't think of that, but it sounds right! 👍
And besides watching some "don't do" videos about using a lathe, just as I did before using my table saw, router and skill saw, I'll ask someone with experience to stand next to me and guide me. And point out what I did right as well as wrong, and why!
And I'll rather spend an hour with such a person than hours at the hospital, even it's free here in Denmark.
❤ My best wishes /Pia
@@pirakoXX Hvis det kommer til stykket og du ikke har behov for så stor en drejebænk, så har Proxxon nogle små, hobby drejebænke til mindre dele. Jeg har selv den her. DIY værktøj kan være godt, men som med alt andet, skulle uheldet være ude og man får en skade som de danske sygehuse ikke dækker, så tvivler jeg også på at forsikringen dækker når det er DIY værktøj, frem for værktøj af en reel producent. Det ville være ærgerligt at skulle af med flere tusind, når Proxxon har en mini drejebænk til 1500,-. Bare lige en heads-up fra en tidligere møbelsnedkerlærling :) Dorch & Danola har ret meget værktøj til træ. Her er et link til Proxxons lille drejebænk:
That is the most amazing home made tool I have ever seen . So functional, accurate, versatile. Thank you for making this video.
When you want to pursue wood turning, but have neither the space nor the money for a full-blown lathe.
Very well done! 👏🏻
Guess I'll put off that trip to my local Woodcraft store.
if you make this, one thing to be careful of: Clamp it down SECURELY to a table. If something gets caught, it can cause the drill / workpiece to jump really hard (im telling you this from experience LOL!!)
У него столько инструмента качественного для того, чтобы сделать этот станок для дерева, что проще сам станок найти будет.
Welcome to Woodworking Tools - the ultimate destination for carpentry enthusiasts! If you have a passion for woodworking and want to elevate your craft, subscribing to my channel is a game-changer.
True! @@user-VladIv
Давно не встречал настолько качественного видео. В нём прекрасно всё: и используемая древесина, и идеи, и исполнение. И даже даны чертежи в конце, для тех, кому недостаточно идеи!
Только один вопрос - Зачем ?)
Если просто занять руки- ок. Но если что-то изготавливать - это УЙМА времени уходит на приспособы.
Нету пустой болтовни, и бешеной музыки.... Молодец японец.
Зачем при этом гробить хороший шуруповерт, мне непонятно. При наличии такой мастерской можно и нормальный станок сделать или купить.
@@Gottom-Согласен с вами, тоже недоумеваю, зачем
@@marselasadov1962он просто показал, как можно сделать, если больше ничего нет. Только сомневаюсь, что это работает на самом деле...
I don’t have a lathe because whenever I think of a lathe I picture, you know, a lathe as in big dedicated piece of equipment. I have neither budget nor room in my tiny workshop for another big piece of equipment.
But this I can hang on the wall when not using it and clamp it to the edge of my work bench when I do. PERFECT!
You can get nice functional lathes that only weight about 20kg and are only 60cm aprox long.
Мастер!!! Моё уважение к вам!!!
Nothing more as to agree to all the praise said.
My father loved this kind of lathe work in his twenties and we still have a few pieces he produced. Having little money in the 1960ies, he build a lathe piece by piece from metall rubble with the help of an elder Metal turner and engineer he befriended and who turned out to be very kind. Even so a table circular saw, and we were able to do some nice contributions to a few greater projects of our community. Unfortunately he passed away 1978 in the age of 45 (and my mum unfortunately never coped with his values of work and threw away these tools - hopefully just in an act of mourning) - otherwise he would have pioneered some of this channels as well, at least he would have admired this simplifiers, pioneers and inventors the way I do and tried to pick their information.
what did he pass away from? its sad that your mom threw out all his stuff. Sounds mean spirited.
Heartattac, not recognized by our family doctor whom we visited both together earlier the day. Sad story.
But I think my ma wanted to free herself from all things that might recall those sad hours. At least she told me so.
@betteramwthanbmw Sorry to hear. I guess ppl cope with things differently. I wouldve kept all his sentimental valuables and kept up with his craft, not throw it away, but I could understand I guess why she did it. But then again, it's like, why didnt she sell the house then and get rid of all the furniture that your dad used. I dont mean to put your mom on blast. I just feel like that wouldbe hurtful for me if someone did that to my stuff.
@@carlcarlssen4299 I am of the same opinion - but as good ol' Neil used to sing: "The damage is done" ... For some people, it takes a lifetime to learn something - who wants to be the judge, because none of us are perfect. And there were other things to consider. So - what the heck ...
@@carlcarlssen4299 Then - she didn't dispose of all the hand tools and small machines - but the lathe and the wooden material already took up considerable space, and she didn't know what to do with them. I was in a completely different profession, so she probably didn't attach the value to these things that we men do sooner or later. I actually still work with tools that my father used to work with, some of which are now over 50 years old - so it's not a total loss. So at least I can uphold his mental legacy.
Wow, amazing lathe you have built there. The wood you were carving is very beautiful too.
Oh my god. Damn! I'm sat here mouth open in awe at how you've taken woodworking (yet again!!!) to a whole new level. I'm about to move into a bungalow which was owned by my late inlaws, he was a retired engineer and had a full size lathe (which he built!) and a drill press (which he built!) and loads of other gear. Unfortunately when he died everything went to charity which is something I was upset about but it was his will. There's no way I can afford to buy a lathe or have the space for one but this is perfect. Thank you so much for showing this.
I love everything you do. This is very much without a doubt one of my most favorite woodworking channels to watch. I appreciate the simplicity of your methods and their effectiveness. I google translated this next portion, so forgive me if there is any bad translation.
В детстве с отцом делали шахматы на самодельном станке. Ну как с отцом, он делал, а я кругами ходил)). Табуретка осталась только фигурная и воспоминания. Ну тоже что-то вытачивал немного. Приятно с деревом работать это точно. Снанок жалко остался у дядьки. Надо тоже сделать, детям поуазать как это делается всё.
I wasn't looking for a new favourite channel, but you win 👏
Шикарна робота майстра професіонала !Браво , МАЕСТРО ! Маєте золоті руки даровані Богом !
Это всего лишь кино.
Был похожий станок при совке, назывался "Умелые руки", точило, циркулярка, токарный, но конструкция была надёжнее.
Тут токарный патрон нужен, карданный переход от дрели, да и крепеж соответствующий. На саморезах и без центра болванка скорее в лоб засветит. Пробовал я такой, на шурупах, еле увернулся.
Ради любопытства, почём дерево Тамо в магазине (шпон от 10.000 за квадрат) и где и сколько стоит вытачить все железки по чертежу в октябре 2023 года.
Beautiful and relaxing. My grandpa was a carpenter and builder, and there's something about working wood that soothes me. Thanks.
Здравствуйте! Это лучшее что встретил за последнее время, была идея, но теперь, благодаря вашему оригинальному решению вопроса,
постараюсь в точности повторить эту конструкцию! Спасибо! 🙋🇺🇦
Павел не применяйте шуруповёрт, враз убьёте, лучше какой нибудь двигатель на 220 вольт, от старых стиралок подойдёт.
@@НиколайВишневский-ц6ж Большое вам спасибо, очень вам благодарен! 🙋
Ещё вариант на али подобрать двигатель бесщеточный с редуктором и платой регулятора оборотов. И мощности в достатке и регулировка оборотов и надежность приличная.
@@sasha4ernyЗдравствуйте! Хороший вариант, обязательно воспользуюсь. Спасибо вам большое! 🙋❄️🌲❄️
Just wow! Thank you for the detailed idea with all the necessary dimensions. You are the best!
Simplicity and precision, such eternal Japanese qualities; your results are impressive, thank you. I love the soundtrack; makes you feel like doing it yourself. 🙏🏼
Мало кто знает, но не каждый смотрит в завтрашний день, а лишь те кто каждый знает про день вчерашний
My dear brother in mind.
Every movement of you expresses a clear, precise, calm, steady and loving relationship with your surrounding and this wonderful material. Wood. I wish you all the best from Germany. ❤
Brilliant work and the accessories that you build are ever perfect and amazing, I am fascinated by your work, thank you so much for sharing your skills and ideas.
Years ago I had a drill powered lathe fairly nice, store bought... This one, in the video, is far superior. Nice work.
Делал такой, и приблуду к нему для точения шаров тоже. Вполне рабочая штука. Тут главное хорошо заточенный инструмент, как в этом видео.
Живучий и мошный гайковёрт тоже лишним не будет, любой шурик тут не потянет
@Ghost_on_the_beach У меня в качестве привода дрель служила. А потом мне надоело её жужжание и я поставил двигатель и
ременную передачу. Но это уже совсем другая история.
Но всё-же задняя бабка бы не помешала :)
@@SeVaKon это уже опционально, когда надо а когда нет. Примастырить её не долго. Я например шары и браслеты точил, так она мне и не нужна была.
тут много чего "главного". Я первую табуретку сделал в 6 ом классе в школе где многому чему учили - школа времён СССР. Получил пятёрку. Пятёрки были всегда по урокам Труд. Сейчас смело могу причислить себя к краснодеревщикам и знаю точно, что можно иметь любые инструменты, но без мозгов и рук, которые от плечь растут - ничего путного не сделать.
Watching this was extremely satisfying and pleasing.
Класс! Полезно для тех, кто занимается перемоткой динамиков. Под любую катушку можно сделать заготовку, не заморачиваясь поиском токаря.
You are _the_ top tier wood crafter on RUclips.
Великолепный мастер! Каждый раз просмотр ваших видео доставляет удовольствие и вызывает восхищение! Спасибо большое за отличные, сильные идеи!!! 🏋️♀️🤝💯
Эти идеи ещё в 90-е в журналах печатали))
А вот исполнение шикарное не поспоришь.
Ага, лучшая блять идея, чтобы угробить дрель\шуруповёрт, такой инструмент быстро уёдёт в перегрев от постоянной работы
@@blackwoodground Что значит постоянно, кто то на любительском станке будет пахать по 12 часов в день или что?
Если про нагрузку, то по твоей логике и шлифовальные насадки или там кольцевые пилы тоже угробят дрель? ))
@@blackwoodground шуруповерт? в перегрев? от работы? Ну видимо вы не работали с нормальными шуруповертами, у меня Metabo BS 18 LTX BL I я им землю бурил, люди такими лед бурят на рыбалке, поверьте, ему будет плевать
@@Servi_Deiс таким шуруповёртом, ещё и помощи попросишь, чтобы выключили)
OMG you have turned my heart. Stunning perfection and mind blowing techniques which you will find no where.. Love from Pakistan.
You always have very nice wood to work with. Awesome design!
You are a lucky man, encouraging others.
Крутой станок. Особенно радуют легко и свободно покупаемые в России материалы для его изготовления, типа дерева Тамо или вал 10 мм. Они у нас буквально в каждом магазине валяются. Ещё очень большой интерес вызывают крепления держателя резца на два винта. Я не понял что такое завинтили на что так быстро крепится буквальном двумя поворотами трещётки.
Вам показали идею. Никто не мешает собрать устройство для тех же целей из доступных материалов с подобными характеристиками.
This is the best diy video Ive seen so far!!!
2:55 The threaded inserts should ideally be on the backside of the wood, so as you tighten the bolts down, the tension will pull them *into* the wood instead of theoretically pulling them out of the wood.
Hello. Could you explain it a little more? I don't know about wood work. Thank you.
With that configuration, any pulling force is carried by the threads of the inserts.
Drilling through and bolting to the other side of the plank, will transfer the pulling force to the board rather than the threads of the inserts. Its far less likely to fail over time.
On a note if you're going to attempt this project: Do check the torque ratings and axial forces of the drill, before using any household drill!
A drill is designed to handle the force through the rotation axis, they're often not great against axial forces.
Hello. I had to look up the definitions you mentioned to understand the explanation. The truth is I don't know anything about that and I want to learn. I appreciate your response and time. Thank you.@@seanlambie3425
@@seanlambie3425 I think you mean *transverse* load, not axial load. Axial load is what the drill was designed for. And you are correct, these types of items aren't really good at transverse loading, but these items are so small, that there isn't really that much pressure, and most of that is negated by the bearing.
@@jimthesoundman8641 Whoeps indeed, thank you for the correction!
Again, for any applications on that jig, I doubt its going to be a major compromise for most drills. But exposing the drill to those forces It will certainly shorten the lifespan.
But I can already picture some individuals with a battery powered 7V IKEA drill attempting to turn it into a lathe. 🤣
Wow your videos never cease to amaze me
Woodworking Skill Level 100. I love it. Thanks for sharing
Its just genious. I bought Japanese double side saw, made shorts about it now and youtube recommended me your video. 😊
Dear Yasuhiro Tv, I congratulate and thank you for this wonderful application. Like your other wonderful and very detailed videos and applications that I have watched, this one is also extraordinarily beautiful. As always, you find great solutions when it comes to auxiliary equipment (such as taper cutting). Thanks again. I'm looking forward to your new productions. Kind regards.
Great Job- a real excellent blend of ancient tech & modern materials & machines
Браво Маэстро, пешка ключевая фигура, здоровья тебе и благополучия !
that is impressive! both the creativity in constructing the lathe and attachments, and the turning skills. nice!
По-моему, тут сам процесс доставляет удовольствие! )))
Beautiful work, thank you for showing all the little details so this can actually be built by somebody just starting out
if there was a Nobel Prize for woodworking, you would be the winning candidate.
Nice! Reminds me of when I was a teenager and I built a lathe from a washing machine motor and steel bed rail. Worked great.
Очень здорово, и просто👍👍👍молодцы, что показали всем интирисующим
Просто?) Ну есл и вам это просто, то захреначьте сразу полноценный токарный станок. Там чуть сложнее)
Действительно, для изготовления этого простого станка, надо иметь ещё кучу других станков.
This channel is perfection.
Сказать что это круто, это ничего не сказать. Мастер своего дела!!!
Excelente trabajo Señor yasuhiro felicitaciones desde Santiago del Estero Argentina
I turned 2 wooden pens back in high school, still have one of them. Been hoping to turn new ones as gifts but don't have a lathe, this will absolutely work for me to do.
You never stop impressing me. Amazing work
Amazing! My new favorite channel.
Спасибо за идеии. Все лаконично, понятно, без лишней воды.
Даже хороший шуруповер в таком сценарии долго не проживёт! Если хочется деревянный станок, то работать он должен от электродвигателя с ременной передачей. А вообще, самодельные приборы и станки из дерева, рано или поздно оставят вас без пальцев, рук и глаз!
Не всегда , иногда после заводской исправляет недоработки.
Благодарю Вас за прекрасные идеи 🤝🏻 💡 очень понравилось все! 😊
I am left with an Awwww, although I don't need a lathe machine right now, but I am really thinking to do this now. Simply genius
Только хотел написать, что хорошего бы названия всех этих деталей, а в описании уже все есть) Браво!
Thank you so much 💓 this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you ❤ 😊 💓
Спасибо большое за отличные, сильные идеи!!! 🏋♀🤝💯💪💪
This man has made a unicorn video. I scrolled down quite a ways and didn't see a single negative comment. 😊 Good job with the lathe! It's inspiring.
Nice work. Very thorough. Not overdone. Thanks, but what I liked most was that you showed what you were going to build, first. I don't follow woodworkers who make me wait until the end to see what they are making.
I'm really glad he popped up a screen with the specs for all the parts he built at the end, means I don't have to make it off guesswork like I normally have to for things like this so I can start re-turning pens again.
You are the god of jigs! I like that you make your jigs with minimal tools: bench drill and miter saw.
Шахматы надо лепить из хлеба. Где то видел прикольные шахматы - заключенные против ментов 🤩
SUPER! This is a video how to make video for youtube.
You are the master not only in woodworking but in video shooting too.
Belissimo o seu trabalho. És muito inteligente e muito habilidoso , o projeto do seu torno ( Machine ) ficou sensacional. Parabéns ! Aproveitei e me inscrevi no seu canal.
Simply and easy with professional lathe cutting tools 😊
ПРОСТОЙ токарный станок, для создания которого нужна куча инструмента, точные размеры и большое количество времени.
Брависсимо 👍
Зачем при этом гробить хороший шуруповерт, мне непонятно. При наличии такой мастерской можно и нормальный станок сделать или купить.
Да еще результат крайне сомнительный, не удобный, не безопасный, единственно для чего он может быть полезен это снять видос и выкинуть потом.
понты очередные,,когда коту нечем заняться он делает такую штуку..
Я делал циркулярку из ручной дисковой пилы.
Там один стол только найти проблема.
Но дешевле станка.
Тут вообще непонятно зачем.
Excelente trabalho , Grato por compartilhar seus conhecimentos
I'm blown away! This is magnificent.
Восхищаюсь простотой решения задачи!!! 👍 Это даже по-русски! Не страшен черт, как его малюют! Но начинать страшновато! Спасибо!!!
I do love the commitment. This person however has so much equipment that at this point, having a lathe is just another thing. And the apparatus he built is as big as regular lathe.
Yeah but a miniature wood lathe can run $500 bucks. It's large but inexpensive
@@Temulon I believe you are missing the point of my comment, so I will try to better explain myself.
I do believe in the utility of the video as demonstrating what one could do. It’s really ingenious and cool. I like it.
Point 2
This person (in the video) has many large tools and appliances (we see a table saw, and probably other large woodworking tools). This allow them to precisely machine many wooden parts
Point 3
A wooden mechanical part, is necessarily bigger than a metal part, for example
A high speed rotating shaft will have to be bigger and stiffer compared to a stainless steel one. Which makes so that the parts, in order to be functioning at high speed, have to be bigger. That’s why LEGO engines are way bigger than anything made of metal, they have to compensate with size and gears for what metal could do.
Point 4
Wood has a cost. Even plywood. I don’t know where you are based. But plywood and mdf sheets can be quite pricey and sometimes cannot be cut to shape when you buy them. So you have excess.
Moreover, the space required for neatly cut and assembly demands usually a bench. Maybe you have a workshop or a garage, I don’t know. However, it’s a matter of space+material cost+ hours of work-
So you see, my comment wasn’t about the quality of craft. Nor the need for it.
But as you point out $500 for a small lathe it’s probably worthwhile.
I don’t know you, or your workshop situation but the person in the video clearly has thousands of dollars worth of gear he used to produce something “inexpensive” which by definition makes it not inexpensive.
I am a guitar maker. And sometimes I build from scratch guitars with wood I have bought years ago. And I always end up saying “oh, I’ve made this with wood from around the house” and I am always reminded how I have paid for that wood, and the tools. So it actually ended up not being free. But it still a negative investment unless I sell it and break even.
Do you see what I mean? Regards
@@artist91fb Yes, thank you for the in-depth reply. You've explained your position with crystal clarity.
Пешка получилась идеальная❤
I'm so glad I found this channel
Спасибо за показ простой идеи
Hermoso trabajo 👏
the simplicity of the lathe is simply... brilliant!
I love this channel. I remember watching craftsmen make things at my dads shop and how easy they made it look. Maybe will you do a video with ways that you can fix or avoid mistakes? Thank you.
As always, your designs are elegant and effective.
0:18 what kind of adhesive had you use in here?
That's JB Weld, 2 part epoxy
Found out the other day that the max strength jb weld is now over $20 for the standard size squeeze tube set at my local ace hardware. It used to be like 5 bucks!!
@dustineberle1735 thanks
Sei un genio. Grazie mille di condividere la tua conoscenza.
Impressionante fantástico
Well done!
This is elegant;
simple and very effective.
Bring the lathe to the job!
Мастерство - красота
I absolutely LOVE IT when people repurpose tools (that most of us DO have) to do the jobs of tools we DON'T generally have. I'd love to have a complete woodworking workshop with evertything...but if I can make do with what I do have...WOW!
Thanks! Always wanted to try turning, but a lathe a big outlay...this is FANTASTIC.
Posting from Johannesburg, South Africa. (yes, the country with daily power cuts now, and no end in sight...prob going to become worse....why? corruption, AA, cadre deployment, and lack of maintenance after black gov takeover)
One of the most satisfying videos of my life! Thank you kind sir!
Недавно заметил что и размеры приложены в конце, как у Gökmen'a (там впервые увидел что-бы размеры давали, это очень крутой ход)
Чертежи, так это называется.
@@USergio28 угу
Holy Cow! Never would have thought to use a drill in this way. Bookmarked! Might have to try this sometime
Como sempre , muito bom seus trabalhos
*Excelente video, pero cuánto tiempo podría durar ese motor de taladro?*
Hope you have a corded drill. If not, you're gonna need about 50 batteries to complete 1 job.
Anyone born should have an electrical drill. Handme down or rental? 💡Of course,there always is the original, treddle style layth.😮
DeWalt has 60 volt batteries that last a lot longer than yours think.
Just broke mine, trying similar experiment. So now I only have battery type.
Welcome to Woodworking Tools - the ultimate destination for carpentry enthusiasts! If you have a passion for woodworking and want to elevate your craft, subscribing to my channel is a game-changer.
It's like a porn. Don't believe.
I love it.
Thank you for your beautiful presentation.
Very nifty and elegant, do note that corded and cordless drills have a very limited lifetime, rated for about 25mins or so use over lifetime (because the intended use is only a few seconds per screw/hole etc.). But if you can find a loose motor, like from a sewing machine those are rated for longer continuous use.
I think the relevant search term here is "duty cycle" -- how long you can use a product uninterrupted before you have to stop using it for a bit. Often this is due to internal heat buildup, but can be due to other things too.
Corded drills are pretty cheap, If you want to spend a little money, there are some really heavy-duty drills, like a masonry drill. Or just take a break every 20 minutes or so.
@@interiot2 duty cycle is also important indeed, but given the intended use, duty cycle is very low, something like 30seconds to a minute. Total lifetime is really about 25min. Obviously, a lot of drills live longer, but as a manufacturer, you want to make sure it at least that, before seeing failures, because else you'll have complaining customers.
@@jarnoverhoeven3118 While this is a bad use case for a drill, they last way more than 25 minutes. Don't know where you got that figure from.
@@ismann9148 from being involved in the development of electric hand tools, an orbital sander in fact, those do have a longer design life span.
Also, actual life span can be longer, and obviously, design life will be longer for high end tools which the brand I was working for was not (mid range).
But where did you get your number from?
Подшипники можно от конькоролика приспособить наверное а если заготовка длининька то можно будет противовес суппорт этакий приспособить так кажется
Might finally have a use for the set of bearings that have been sitting in my car console for 23 years. 😂
This is a simple, incredible, the clean and precise results... just fantastic, thank you
Wow a drum pedal is already made…….! Thank you!!!
I spare my words... man this is awesome DIY lathe
This is brilliant! Now I know what to do with that standard electric drill I got as a bonus gift with my Dewalt cordless set... been sitting in a box for the last decade.