Dear Father: Since you talked about the Mission of Father Abraham (阿羅本), I want to tell you something interesting: the Emperors of the Tang Dynasty were influenced by the Gospel: one famous Emperor, 唐朝李隆基, who had two 年號:開元 天寶。The former represents Creation in Genesis, which is the Old Testament, the second one represents the Treasure of Heaven: the Priceless Pearl, which represents Jesus. This Second Period represents the Gospel of the New Testament.
water◽light◽ life🤩
thank you❤Fr Giovanni Giampietro✝️
Good morning Father Yan. Thank you for your sermon, service, love and care. May God take good care of you.
Dear Father: Since you talked about the Mission of Father Abraham (阿羅本), I want to tell you something interesting: the Emperors of the Tang Dynasty were influenced by the Gospel: one famous Emperor, 唐朝李隆基, who had two 年號:開元 天寶。The former represents Creation in Genesis, which is the Old Testament, the second one represents the Treasure of Heaven: the Priceless Pearl, which represents Jesus. This Second Period represents the Gospel of the New Testament.