Adorable And you seem to get it. All baby monkeys want is to cling, eat, and play. It was great to see it climb you, found a spot, amd you let it cling
Monkeys don't naturally walk on 2 legs. What these people do to force them to walk upright is torture. Tie there arms together all the time. The Monkeys can't move around with arms tied so soon they are forced to move around on only 2 legs. Sad how they are treated.
He purposely put such a tight top on the monkey because he's a damn animal abuser!! I don't know what's so great about forcing the monkeys to walk on two legs either!! That looks so grotesque and it makes me so indescribably angry!!
So true I've seen that while living in Thailand. Thing is everyone wants them when they're small. When they're grown with hugh k9 teeth, these people release them.
Masaallah tabarakallah semoga anak monnyet nya tetap sehat walafiyat dan semoga kita semua dalam lindungan allah subhanahuwatakla di mana pun kita berada Amin Amin Amin yarabbal alamiiiinnnn
The monkey is bow legged ! Because ur pet is not supposed to walk in #2 feet ! Even our babies are NOT supposed to force to stand on #2 feet ! Urs will have issues walking because of this !
Dimana ada jual maju dan pempes nya masih kasih info linknya..o ya saya baru dapat anak monyet seumuran dgn monyet dalam vidio apa makan ato hunur yg dikasih
Bang...taik nya boleh terkeluar ngak dari pampersnya..saya punya baby monkey..taiknya berciciran di kawasan rumah..apa silap ampersnya kasi ajar saya bang..dan bagaimana cara buat bajunya untuk ajar berjalan
Out of all the people that I seen doing this. I have to say this is a humane way to do it. Once upon a time I would fight with people who did this. But I since have a monkey and he runs around and is very fast. I understand why you do this. My monkey is 8 months old and I am going to teach him how doing this method. Thank you for sharing.
What's in it for you if the monkey walks around on two legs??!! It's torture for him!!! What a disgusting, sneaky animal abuser you are!!!! Just because the guy puts out a video like that doesn't mean it's good!!! Why do you like this method???!!! Do you believe everything you see on the internet or TV???!!! How naive and stupid are you???!!!
Primate knee joints can´t support weight individually Forced bipedal walking causes pain. that´s abuse.2. reason primates cant´t walk upright: connection at hipbones. in early & present humans, anatomy promotes bipedal walking. 3. pieces of evidence attachment of skulls in primates. Primate skulls are attached in back so they see from walking on all fours. If humans feel back pain - can you imagine these poor primates? Primates suffer from walking bipedal or are beaten for non-compliance.
primates are NOT pets. what you are doing is unnatural to them. what if someone decided your child should walk with their arms like a monkey is that okay with you?
This is MK ultra, how do you make a being do something it doesn't want or need to do, for the purpose of creating a slave, through so-called "education"!
This guy does it on purpose!!! Walking on two legs is absolutely excruciating for the monkey!! I can't even describe how angry it always makes me when I see that!!
The point is that people use these helpless baby macaques for entertainment. Viewers love this kind of thing. They can enjoy the sadistic charge or complain but it's all entertainment. They don't care about the monkey's pain. They think it's cute to see a monkey walk like a human no matter how excruciating it is or how much long-term damage to the spine and neck vertebrae. Or they love to scold the owners. Unless they report the abuse, it's all just fun either way.
Poor thang looks like a damn penguin! He’s scared to death of you and I would be to if somebody put a body suit on me that unnaturally deformed me! I-D-I-O-T!!!!!!
Братан,одень себе памперс,встань на четыре конечности и ходи как макашенок.И вот тогда,может быть,твой монпей станет ходить на двух ногах.А если захочешь снять видео об этом,то я с радостью его посмотрю.
Kalau misal sudah terbiasa jalan berdiri. Apa harus tetap pakai treatment yg model tangan selalu diikat gitu ya? Andaikan tidak.. Apakah setelah dia dewasa bisa lupa balik ke awal lagi.. Apa tetap harus sering-sering di treatment model tangan selalu diikat lagi
Kera adalh satu2 nya maqlok bumi yg mmpunyai naluri dan kejiwaan 11_12 dgn mnusia . Cumn kera tidk di takderkan untok berbicara , dan merrka masih terpasang bulu dan ekor. Dan kera saat ini mnjdi trendeng di dunia Maya hingga dunia internasional.
Mantap bg mungkin nti sy mau pelihara klw bisa berjln
Bubur bayi, caranya ada di chanel ini. Sdh lengkap.
Om ms ada gk umur 3mgguan, mhn izin buat oelihara om...dr tjgpinang
Doin the lord’s work
Зачем вы издеваетесь над обезьнкой??!!! Выламываете ей лапы!!!!
No sienten pena de tener a estos animalitos de mascotas ellos por naturaleza no son domesticables
LOVE how u made that restraining his arms. Works so great for feeding.
Aku hadir Bang... dari RIAU...
And you seem to get it. All baby monkeys want is to cling, eat, and play. It was great to see it climb you, found a spot, amd you let it cling
Monkeys don't naturally walk on 2 legs. What these people do to force them to walk upright is torture. Tie there arms together all the time. The Monkeys can't move around with arms tied so soon they are forced to move around on only 2 legs. Sad how they are treated.
Lucu banget bs berjln kk dua
He purposely put such a tight top on the monkey because he's a damn animal abuser!! I don't know what's so great about forcing the monkeys to walk on two legs either!! That looks so grotesque and it makes me so indescribably angry!!
So true I've seen that while living in Thailand. Thing is everyone wants them when they're small. When they're grown with hugh k9 teeth, these people release them.
I do agrre wth your statement...
That looks unbelievably cruel to do to him. They don’t need or wish to walk on their back legs. It doesn’t make them cute or more desirable.
They spend 60% of their lives on 2 legs in the wild.
Kerja sama yang baik, si bos ajari monyet kecil cara berjalan, nanti si monyet kecil ajari si bos cara merangkak
Memakai pengikat tangan agar bisa berdiri apa harus full 1hari di ikat seperti itu bang
Masaallah tabarakallah semoga anak monnyet nya tetap sehat walafiyat dan semoga kita semua dalam lindungan allah subhanahuwatakla di mana pun kita berada Amin Amin Amin yarabbal alamiiiinnnn
Pemilik Monyetnya sangat pinter
MAntapzZ boskuh
Хочу увидеть как этот "умный" хозяин ползает на четвереньках. Животные не созданы для хождения на двух ногах. То что делает этот садист-глупо
The monkey is bow legged ! Because ur pet is not supposed to walk in #2 feet ! Even our babies are NOT supposed to force to stand on #2 feet ! Urs will have issues walking because of this !
Ppl just stupid n monkeys aren't meant to walk . . .
Nope. You're wrong.
Go back to sleep.
Mulai umur brpa bos,untuk melatih jaln berdiri.??aku punya monpai umur 2 bulan blum tega untuk melatih.?
Revendo e observando vc está de PARABÉNS pois sua casa é limpíssima é a única casa limpa em que pessoas cuidam de macacos ❤🎉
Dmn beli bju gtu bg
Thank you..
itu pakai softex perempuan ya?
Ya betul..
Very well disciplined baby
Dimana ada jual maju dan pempes nya masih kasih info linknya..o ya saya baru dapat anak monyet seumuran dgn monyet dalam vidio apa makan ato hunur yg dikasih
Asalamualaikum bang itu kasi apah ya bang
He is wearing a straight jacket!!
Dejte mu za jest raj kot to mucenje vas ni sram da ga tako mucite .
Mantap bang. Kasih makan apa bang umur segitu?
Bubur bayi, caranya ada di chanel ini, sdh lengkap.
bang videonya kok gak ada iklannya apakah membuat konten moyet tidak bisa monet karena salah satu hewan yg di lindungi
Kena dismonet.
Saya gak ngerti caranya..
Теперь понятно,как учат(мучат)ходить на задних лапах!
Monyetnya lucu sekali
Terima kasih telah berbagi video yang menarik
om, usia brp itu...
35 hari
Why has he tied her arms like that stupid man
Horrible man, video and owner reported 4:07
umur brp itu ..jwb y bg
Mas beli alatt nya dmana y
Di sekitar kita semua ada, semua yg di butuhkan caranya ada di chanel ini.
excellent monpai training! so well-behaved and learning bi-pedal, too! maybe time to train topeng monyet? coconut picking??
Jak ona chodzi ??? Już zrobili z niej kalectwo 😢Ona nie potrafi na czterech łapkach chodzić 😭😭😭
Ide kreatif baju karetnya bagus banget.. tdk menyakiti hewan.. Belinya dimanaaaaaa
Itu kaos kaki, cara bikinya cari aja di channel ini, sdh lengkap..
@@bhedeschannelokesipom mhn izin buat sy pelihara om, siap gnti pakan nya om... klu ad usia 3mgguan om, dr tnjgpinang
Bang saya mau adopsi.. itu bisa dibeli dmn
great video
Bang...taik nya boleh terkeluar ngak dari pampersnya..saya punya baby monkey..taiknya berciciran di kawasan rumah..apa silap ampersnya kasi ajar saya bang..dan bagaimana cara buat bajunya untuk ajar berjalan
Kota malang hadir...😁
So cute 👍👍👍
Out of all the people that I seen doing this. I have to say this is a humane way to do it. Once upon a time I would fight with people who did this. But I since have a monkey and he runs around and is very fast. I understand why you do this. My monkey is 8 months old and I am going to teach him how doing this method. Thank you for sharing.
What's in it for you if the monkey walks around on two legs??!! It's torture for him!!! What a disgusting, sneaky animal abuser you are!!!! Just because the guy puts out a video like that doesn't mean it's good!!! Why do you like this method???!!! Do you believe everything you see on the internet or TV???!!! How naive and stupid are you???!!!
Primate knee joints can´t support weight individually Forced bipedal walking causes pain. that´s abuse.2. reason primates cant´t walk upright: connection at hipbones. in early & present humans, anatomy promotes bipedal walking. 3. pieces of evidence attachment of skulls in primates. Primate skulls are attached in back so they see from walking on all fours. If humans feel back pain - can you imagine these poor primates? Primates suffer from walking bipedal or are beaten for non-compliance.
@@suescully2061 Well I know all of this. I decided against it.
@@suescully2061 Love how you look it up and paste shit lol
Good morning
primates are NOT pets. what you are doing is unnatural to them. what if someone decided your child should walk with their arms like a monkey is that okay with you?
This is MK ultra, how do you make a being do something it doesn't want or need to do, for the purpose of creating a slave, through so-called "education"!
Om itu dikasih makan apa
Why bind her arms like that. Poor baby
Lucu baanget😂
Cara bikin bajunya buat ngelatih berjalan
Totally ingenious awesome...
Kalo masih kecil gitu di kasih makan apa om, ko' doyan bgt
Bubur formula utk bayi..
I don't understand what the point Is in wanting them to walk up right n not normal?
This guy does it on purpose!!! Walking on two legs is absolutely excruciating for the monkey!! I can't even describe how angry it always makes me when I see that!!
The point is that people use these helpless baby macaques for entertainment. Viewers love this kind of thing. They can enjoy the sadistic charge or complain but it's all entertainment. They don't care about the monkey's pain. They think it's cute to see a monkey walk like a human no matter how excruciating it is or how much long-term damage to the spine and neck vertebrae. Or they love to scold the owners. Unless they report the abuse, it's all just fun either way.
Cute baby monkey
Poor baby. You are cruel. If you knew about them you would know it hurts them to walk on 2 legs a*****e
Poor thang looks like a damn penguin! He’s scared to death of you and I would be to if somebody put a body suit on me that unnaturally deformed me! I-D-I-O-T!!!!!!
Umur berapa bulan pak 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mau 3 bln
Selamat pagi bosku ayo merapat
Om beli bajunya dimna
Bikin pake kaus kaki, cari di channel ini, sdh lengkap semua..
Qué dulzura de bebé, me inspira mucha ternura
Salam merapat pagi bosku
muy bien ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kereenn....cuman menjaga biar tidak menyentuh listrik....pekalongan hadir,sukses buat "BHEDES ...."
Какои молодец отдрессировал макашу
Sepertinya gak patut ditiru itu Dek. Hewan perlu dibiarkan hidup menurut dunia mereka tidak dituntut menyamai manusia dalam hal apapun. Kasihanlah....
@@nelindahp-vq1uo Setuju
Anak monyet cari di hutan apa beli mas bro?
Mas mau tanya....kalau umur beruknya sudah hampir 1 tahun..apakh masih bisa d ajar jalan
Kl sdh besar susah, kl di buat tp gk bisa permanen, yg tepat itu ketika baru belajar berjalan.
3:40 all of a sudden the nasty rat knows how to stop clinging and stand for food
Mas, kalao monyetnya sudah gede terus diapain ?
Kl sdh gede, gk lucu lagi, sy lepas kembali ke hutan..
@@bhedeschannelokesip at least you're honest.
@@bhedeschannelokesip жалко отпускать такую образованную, умную и послушную обезьяну.
Saya juga pingin pelihara monyet sebenarnya Mas, tapi ya itu, belum punya jawaban : kalau sudah gede terus diapain ?
Maaf bang mau tanya kalau beli yang masih bayi kisaran berapa bang harganya,kok kelihatannya asyik.
Bajux beli di mana mas e?
Pake kaos kaki, caranya ada di chanel ini, sdh lengkap.
So cruel. Why is it always so important monkey's walk on two legs when it's painful for them? Disgusting.
Apakah anda melihat monkey itu tersiksa...?
Ah...the trick is to pull the shoulders back. The sleeves are stretchable.
Mantap saudaraku. Salam kenal
Lucu ya jadi pengen pelihara
Monpay q jg udh bs jln v mls bang. Pngnnya ngerangkak aja. Usia udh 4 bln. Stiap pagi tanggannya sy ikat pakai solasiban biar jln trs. Klu dibuka ikatnnya msh aja ngerangkak.
Mas klw mau beli anakan yg masih di kasih susu di mana mas dan harganya sekitar berapa mas
Biasanya di pasar hewan, atau kl lewat medsos cari di grup pecinta hewan
Bang biar tegap berdiri ekornya dipotong bisa ngak bang....
Jangan dinpotong ,itu pembuluh darahnya
@@amartv5018apa yg akan terjadi kalo ekornya dipotong?
Enak bgt lu kata maen potong2 aja lu pikir tuh buntut terbuat dr plastik kali ya kocak, jari lu coba sini w potong dikit aja Mao ga !!! 😡😡
Potong tititnya aja ,sama kantung makananya disobek
MoyetQ suka kaget bag sama si bayi baru 2 bln, apa emang suka kaget ya
masih bayi emmg suka kaget"an
Monyet itu tempatnya di hutan bro....
Sy suka nonton youtub monyet,ada yg berdiri sambil pegang pantatnya knp tuh mas ? Lucu di lihatnya
Disgusting abuse
Di kasih mkn apa itu om, kok lahap bget makan nya.??
Bubur formula utk bayi..
Aku pengin motong ekor nya mas
Ich dir auch, dass du weisst wie das ist.
Ga update lg
Kena buly terus, jadi males..
You are cruel to make baby monkey monkey walk upright. It's painful for them as they are not meant to do that.
Remember the 18 month old rule it's byebye little monkey 🐵 to the sanctuary you go.
bjuny beli dimn om
Bikin, caranya cari di channel ini.
Om itu beli harga brp
Berapa umur bayi monyet ini ?
35 hari
Beli bajunya dimana bang ?.
Bos baju nya harga berapa bos
Pake kaos kaki, caranya ada di chanel ini,, sdh lengkap.
Assalamualaikum kang, maaf mau tanya, monpay saya usia 2 bulan,apakah boleh dilatih jalan berdiri? Saya coba seperti video abang,tapi ga kuat bangun
Братан,одень себе памперс,встань на четыре конечности и ходи как макашенок.И вот тогда,может быть,твой монпей станет ходить на двух ногах.А если захочешь снять видео об этом,то я с радостью его посмотрю.
Kuncinya kl dia sdh bisa lari merangkak, itu sdh bisa tuh bosku..
Berapa rupiah uang yang dibutuhkan untuk membeli bayi monyet ?
Tergantung dari usia dan jarak tempuh...
Bole tanya ...anak monyet klau malas merangkak dan berjalan mcm mna nk buat ye
Jgn terlalu kekenyangan perut die, buat die tuh mencari sesuatu.
Di kasih makan apa tu bg
Sayur lodeh
temanya kan berjalan ya cpt la lepaskan
Arms are pulled back so he looks and walks like a penguin
Vocês precisam filmar o bebê mais de perto está muito longe Regina Célia
Kalau misal sudah terbiasa jalan berdiri. Apa harus tetap pakai treatment yg model tangan selalu diikat gitu ya?
Andaikan tidak.. Apakah setelah dia dewasa bisa lupa balik ke awal lagi..
Apa tetap harus sering-sering di treatment model tangan selalu diikat lagi
А можно в Украину доставить такую обезьяну???
Bisa mati di jalan..😂
Kera adalh satu2 nya maqlok bumi yg mmpunyai naluri dan kejiwaan 11_12 dgn mnusia . Cumn kera tidk di takderkan untok berbicara , dan merrka masih terpasang bulu dan ekor. Dan kera saat ini mnjdi trendeng di dunia Maya hingga dunia internasional.
Kenapa kera berbulu?
Karena bobonya nggak berselimut juga berekor untuk mengusir serangga pengganggu salah satunya
Kera ekornya dibelakang lha kamu ekornya kok didepan gundek lagi hahaha..... guyon broooo maaaaaaf yaaa🤝🤝🤝🤝