  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 186

  • @bijayk.c.5064
    @bijayk.c.5064 Год назад +8

    आदरणीय लेखमणि त्रितालको On Air with Saaz लाई 2 पटक हेरे । संयोग म अनि लेखमणि ज्युको अष्ट्रेलिया आगमनको समय पनि करिब मिल्न गएछ। मेरो पनि नेपालमा करिब 14 वर्ष एउटै क्षेत्रमा लागेर नेपालको हिसाबले Name,Fame and Money राम्रै जस्तो लागेको थियो तर बाहिर आएर पश्चात्ताप हुन्छ कि भन्ने सोचलाई यस कार्यक्रम र अनुभव सुनेपछि सोच बदलिएर उत्प्रेरित महसुस गरेको छु । सत्य कुरा सुन्दा सुरुमा तितो सुनिन्छ तर पछि बुझेपछि र भोगिरहेको लाई मात्र यथार्थता थाहा हुन्छ । Podcast प्रस्तुत गर्ने प्रस्तोताको मिठो आवाज सहित उठाउन गरिएका विषय अत्यन्तै महत्त्वपूर्ण छन् । निरन्तरता र सफलताको शुभकामना !

  • @bibashghorashaine2916
    @bibashghorashaine2916 Год назад +66

    कलाकार जस्तो मान्छे , एक लेभल को एक्स्पोसर भाको मान्छे को भित्री कथा सुन्दा सारै दुःख लागेर आयो। आखिर केही पनि रहेनछ नेपाल मा जस्तो फिल भयो 😢

  • @OnAirWithSaaz
    @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад +4

    यत्त्ती धेरै माया र साथको लागी तपाई हरु सबैलाई हृदय बाट धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद🙏🏻 कृपया यो माया र साथ आगामी दीनहरुमा पनी दिनू होला। कृपया subscribe my Channel for more similar content in future.
    धेरै धेरै आभार यो अपार माया को लागी🙏🏻

  • @gokulshrestha7491
    @gokulshrestha7491 Год назад +18

    Lekhmani bro spitting fact about Nepal. Nepalese youths always have confusion about living in Nepal or leaving Nepal.. Its very sad to see such a gem leaving country.. Best of luck for your future Lekhmani Trital bro..

  • @digital_adda80
    @digital_adda80 Год назад +1

    मासिक ४ लाखको जागिर छोडेर नेपाल जाने उतै केही गर्ने भन्ने सोच बनाएको लेखमणी भाईको कुराले सोच्न बाध्य बनायो😢
    ... आर्थिक उन्नति भएन होला तर लेखमणी भाईले लाखौं दर्शक र समर्थक चाहिँ कमाएको छौ। पृथ्वीको जुनसुकै गोलार्धमा पुगे पनि आफ्नो प्रतिभा पस्किन सक्छौ जुन अरू थोरैले मात्र गर्न सक्छ। यो पनि ठूलो सम्पती हो। Best wishes for upcoming days. Do well be happy❤

  • @basnetkaji2680
    @basnetkaji2680 Год назад +2

    भाईले कस्ताे मिठाे कुरा गर्नु
    भयाे।sad पनि ला्ग्याे। भाईकाे फ्यान ।

  • @somrai9265
    @somrai9265 Год назад +4

    अत्यन्तै मिठो कुराकानी ।कलाकारहरूको त यस्तो हबिगत हुन्छ।नेपालको सरकारी कार्यलयमा ।हामी सर्बसाधारन को के कहानी भनी साध्य।
    तपाईंको उच्च लक्ष्य को कामन।

  • @bigyanrokaha5444
    @bigyanrokaha5444 Год назад +9

    It was one of the best broadcasts I have ever watched. It feels like watching a movie, the relaty of nepal and at the same time I'm worried 😟 too like what is the future of nepal 🇳🇵. I'm too proud to be a Nepalese and too sad for not being able to work, earn, and live in nepal with friends, family, and relatives.
    I also tried to do something back home, but I failed, and I went through a good amount of financial loss even though I'm still thinking about doing something back home, hoping that the new leadership new generation will show some good signs so that we can return back home and work for overall development of ournation.
    जय नेपाल 🇳🇵

    • @OnAirWithSaaz
      @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад

      Thank you very much for watching and supporting our channel. We will try do even better in future. 🙏🏻

    • @starpun2766
      @starpun2766 Год назад

      खै के मा फिदा भए थाहा भएन सञ्चालिकासँग लेखमनी भाइको कमेडीको ठूलो समर्थक हु
      धेरै सफलता मिलोस भाइलाई ❤

  • @dreamleader9265
    @dreamleader9265 Год назад +1

    नेपालमा केही गरेन हुन गार्हाे छ मावबादि काङ्रेसहरुएमालेहरु पत्तासाफ हुनै पर्छ र नया किसिमकाे केहिगर्न सक्ने वातावरण बनाउन सक्नुपर्छ अन्यथा युवा खाडिमा लाखकाे सपना देख्दै 30 हजारमा चित्त बुझाउन पर्नेछ❤

  • @bijaykrshrestha
    @bijaykrshrestha Год назад

    मलाई सवैभन्दा मन परेको विच चाँही म्यान्ली नै हो । वोन्डाई विच वर्ल्ड फैमस भनेर अलि धेरै हाइप मात्रै हो । त्यहाँ राम्रो भनेको चाँही वोन्डाई टु कुजी विचको कोस्टल वाक हो । त्यो भनेको जति पल्ट वाक गरेपनि चित्त वुझ्दैन । अर्को जति पल्ट गए पनि चित्त नवुझ्ने भनेको वाल्ड हिल या स्टानवेल टप्सवाट देखिने समुद्रको भ्यु । सानो डाँडा पहाड सिधै समुद्रसंग जोडिएको, पर वलङगंगको भ्यु र सि क्लिफ व्रिज । हरेक पल्टको त्यो ट्रिपमा हेलेन्सवर्ग मन्दिर पनि पहिलो स्पट हुन्थ्यो ।

  • @sabeetabhattarai329
    @sabeetabhattarai329 Год назад +4

    So true 🙏🏻
    Everybody feels the same way in todays scenario😒
    Sad reality of Nepal😔

  • @PankajRony007
    @PankajRony007 Год назад +3

    सधै हसाउने रमेश अंकल को छोरोले आज यथार्थ चित्रण गरेर दुखी बनायो। #sadreality
    best of luck

  • @itsblessaruchan
    @itsblessaruchan Год назад +6

    Best podcast. Wholesome and eye opening. 🍀

  • @haritliza4490
    @haritliza4490 Год назад +7

    One of the best podcast. Keep up the good work.

  • @dipeshthapa8998
    @dipeshthapa8998 Год назад

    Lekhmani dai ko video pani sabbai hernay garxu . Lots of love lekhmani dai ❤❤

  • @rabirai2002
    @rabirai2002 Год назад +5

    Best podcast I've ever watched

  • @musicfanatic1213
    @musicfanatic1213 Год назад +1

    Trital bro le nidai nidai podcast sakdiyo! Legend

  • @infotech4327
    @infotech4327 Год назад +3

    Bro le malai pani frastuation garai diyo yar.. nepal lai samjera....best reality podcasts ever i listen.....

    • @OnAirWithSaaz
      @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад +1

      Thank you very much for kind words. Will try our best to provide better podcast in future as well. Please, provide feedback and do subscribe our channel.Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @mrpathak560
    @mrpathak560 Год назад +8

    The Gem is always a Gem wherever you are.. You have already achieved something in your life.. its obvious we all need money for our better life thats what we called success.. huge respect sir

  • @timetraveller7516
    @timetraveller7516 Год назад +3

    Lekhmani's frustration is real.

  • @unknownguy5481
    @unknownguy5481 Год назад +6

    Ramesh uncle ko xoro ra ma matrai hune vaiyo nepalma..😢

  • @ramu-gq9uq
    @ramu-gq9uq Год назад +1

    Bitter truth of Nepal..👍🙏

  • @chajeshdangol
    @chajeshdangol Год назад +2

    What he said is 100% true

  • @roshankhadka3208
    @roshankhadka3208 Год назад +2

    Yaha sakenaxau gayeu
    Taha sakxau gara
    Aauna sakxau aau
    Aauna sakdainau na aau
    Tara respect the roots
    Timle ni kei garenau yetro followers thiye change garna influence garna saktheu hola xoda sakenau gayeu
    Tara desh lai respect gara yei desh ko mato dhito rakhera rin liyera gaya holau
    Rin leko xainau vane taha samma pugna sakne paisa tirera pani yei desh mai baneu

  • @subhampaudel2598
    @subhampaudel2598 Год назад +1

    Deep analysis garye ko raixan mitra ley
    All the best of luck for you lekhmani

  • @foodlenn592
    @foodlenn592 Год назад +1

    Lekhamani love from nepal

  • @rajuthapa5477
    @rajuthapa5477 Год назад +1

    म त लेकमनी दाइ को ठूलो फ्यान ❤
    अब त हजुर्को पनि फ्यान भय ❤❤

  • @amargdl4945
    @amargdl4945 Год назад

    Favorite young comedian❤❤

  • @rawmayesh2275
    @rawmayesh2275 Год назад

    Big fan ❤❤❤ xa mero Ramesh uncle ko xoro❤

  • @mbser9763
    @mbser9763 Год назад

    नेपालिको प्रतिनिधिमुलक पात्र त्रिताल जि को भोगाई !! नेपाली युवाहरुको फरेस्टनको लेभल कति छ यहाँ बाट प्रष्ट हुन्छ ।

  • @priteshmaharjan1
    @priteshmaharjan1 Год назад

    Take your time but don’t stop what u were doing.. you’re are great treasure…

  • @lakpasinghhelmo2003
    @lakpasinghhelmo2003 Год назад

    You are pure gems Dai ❤

  • @zimba1515
    @zimba1515 Год назад +3

    This podcast deserve more view and subscribe in channel.
    Hope you give this type of content in upcoming future..

  • @himbahadur3109
    @himbahadur3109 11 месяцев назад

    Bhnu ma form dang Malai timro podcast khub man parxa

  • @parshumukarungrai
    @parshumukarungrai Год назад +1

    studio setup , coloring dammy lageuu

  • @rawmayesh2275
    @rawmayesh2275 Год назад +1

    Ramesh uncle ko xoro dammmiiii yr

  • @lakpasinghhelmo2003
    @lakpasinghhelmo2003 Год назад

    Di ko channel varima hamro Dai ko video le sab vanda Badi views gain garnu vako raixa that's proof of who he really is ❤

  • @akbartamang3462
    @akbartamang3462 Год назад +1

    हुनेखानेको हलत त यस्तो छ अनि हामी गरिबीले चही के अपेक्षा रख्नु नेपालमा।।।।

  • @Deepak_BhanDari
    @Deepak_BhanDari Год назад +2

    lekhmani dai so talented person

  • @babufiroj
    @babufiroj 8 месяцев назад

    ❤legend 🎉

  • @boharabizzu
    @boharabizzu Год назад

    Yeee!! I got some good stuffs over the internet after long time back ..🎉🎉🎉 keep it up.

  • @rrabinkhatiwada
    @rrabinkhatiwada Год назад +1

    Love you ❤bro From sankhuwasava kharang ❤

  • @bishalsapkota7073
    @bishalsapkota7073 Год назад +3

    अहिले देशको हालत हेर्दा एस्तो लाग्छ कि..
    हाम्रा नेताहरुको पनि हातमा डिग्री भाको भए अहिले Australia, Finland, Canada तिर एप्लाई गर्थे होला l

    • @bijaykrshrestha
      @bijaykrshrestha Год назад

      डिग्री नै भए नि वानी व्यहोराले र भ्रष्टाचारी कर्मले गर्दा ज्यान गए भिसा दिदैन थियो ।

  • @mbser9763
    @mbser9763 Год назад

    ओहो !! डोल्पा कुन ठाउमा हो मित्र , खुसी लाग्यो शुभकामना छ मित्र

  • @sushilrana4077
    @sushilrana4077 Год назад

    Ramesh uncle ko xoro is ❤❤❤❤

  • @asiskatwal7969
    @asiskatwal7969 Год назад +2

    Tiktok ko clip herera ma ta RUclips samma aye herna lai .
    Tho i enjoyed watching and listening this ani ek min pani malai boaring feel vayena while watching it😅❤️

    • @OnAirWithSaaz
      @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад +1

      Much appreciated. Please subscribe our channel for more videos🙏

  • @hpnp9996
    @hpnp9996 Год назад

    Every word he is dropping is a bitter harsh reality of current situation of Nepal. Young talents, intellectuals and skills desperately moving to foreign lands for better future is sad and irrecuperable. Just wishing him the best to come!

  • @Deepak_BhanDari
    @Deepak_BhanDari Год назад +1

    Dont Compare With Other ..Be happy what you are

  • @dinlama6879
    @dinlama6879 Год назад +1

    Yesto Good commedy man australia 🇦🇺

  • @theliveborkanhbr950
    @theliveborkanhbr950 Год назад

    Nice sis you video ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @NirjalGamingOfficial
    @NirjalGamingOfficial Год назад

    One of the best and most honest podcasts ever
    Everything is straightforward and honest.
    Love You @lekhmanitrital Dai ❤❤

  • @fluxxoji7978
    @fluxxoji7978 Год назад +1

    Nice content keep it up❤

  • @nirojpoudel5848
    @nirojpoudel5848 Год назад +1

    UKG Dai ko pani interview chaiyo❤❤❤❤

  • @jharanapunmagar1760
    @jharanapunmagar1760 Год назад

    Omg proud od you man ❤

  • @raiuma5765
    @raiuma5765 Год назад

    Trital ko kura 100 % sahi ho
    From Japan

  • @foodygoody874
    @foodygoody874 Год назад +1

    Nice ❤

  • @chhiskarmaharjan4397
    @chhiskarmaharjan4397 Год назад +1

    lekhmani pasa❤

  • @harrybhujel99
    @harrybhujel99 Год назад +1

    Full episode was very interesting and bitter truth of Ramesh uncle,s son however more interesting was podcaster word Hai hai hai 😂😂😂 and um um um 😂😂😂😂 hait

  • @pritampokharel8562
    @pritampokharel8562 Год назад +2

    Tiktok herera auni jati hajir😊

  • @laxmeechannel9981
    @laxmeechannel9981 Год назад +1

    17:01 KASAILE SHARE GARDAIN HOLA😂he is genuine 😅

  • @CasperSky-r2j
    @CasperSky-r2j Год назад

    Reality hits harder

  • @Tournews_ek4fu
    @Tournews_ek4fu Год назад +1

    Nepal ko reality ho bro ayo.

  • @kalpanajirel9477
    @kalpanajirel9477 Год назад

    Ek lot chai phone ghumauxan😂😂😂 got me😅

  • @tilakpunmagar8670
    @tilakpunmagar8670 Год назад +1

    He is right 👍️❤️💪🇳🇵

  • @SauravAdhikari
    @SauravAdhikari Год назад +1

    Mah ni paila KTM ma huda sabai episode herni garya thiya. Ramesh uncle ko xoro, engineer, ukg, dores, etc etc. they were best before covid. They were the golden days

  • @Deepak_BhanDari
    @Deepak_BhanDari Год назад +1

    katti cute podcast

    • @OnAirWithSaaz
      @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад

      Thank you 🙏🏻 for your support. Please, provide feedbacks so that we will try our best to improve in near future. Please, subscribe our channel🙏🏻.

  • @yeshusilwal8862
    @yeshusilwal8862 Год назад

    Every word is also matching my life too 😮😢 , terrible truth .

    @HBG.MUSIC2 Год назад +1

    Nepali kalakar ko reality 😢

  • @bimalkhatri2308
    @bimalkhatri2308 Год назад +1

    Great podcast Didi lots of love from Nepal pokhara ❤🥰

    • @OnAirWithSaaz
      @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад

      Much appreciated. Please suscribe our channel for more videos🙏

  • @MYCHANNEL-sv6hw
    @MYCHANNEL-sv6hw Год назад +1

    its a real truth

  • @DharmaShrestha-o9e
    @DharmaShrestha-o9e Год назад +2

    Ramesh uncle ko chora❤❤❤❤

  • @sanzogbaba7741
    @sanzogbaba7741 Год назад +1

    I'm sad bro 😢😢😢 love you bro Ramesh uncle ko chora ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @surajadhikari2640
    @surajadhikari2640 Год назад +1

    शेरे केपि र प्रचन्डे भन्ने मान्छे हरु जब सम्म Tv मा फोटो आउँछ तब सम्म यो देश बाट युबा पलाएन हुन छोड्दैन ।।।

  • @suryaneupane4982
    @suryaneupane4982 Год назад

    Big fan

  • @zimba1515
    @zimba1515 Год назад +1

    Bring a Normal Nepali student studying in austrailia to show their Thoughts on foreign student life.

  • @bishnukhadka7143
    @bishnukhadka7143 Год назад

    Mitho podcast keep going mam more success is waiting for you ❤️

  • @mausammajhi7269
    @mausammajhi7269 Год назад +1


  • @freerunnerbikash5332
    @freerunnerbikash5332 Год назад +1


  • @jamunasunar5761
    @jamunasunar5761 Год назад

    Maila pani Sab video here ko xu yakdam ramro lagxa

  • @shresthad1992
    @shresthad1992 Год назад +1

    Bitter Truth…..

  • @bipinnagarkoti0
    @bipinnagarkoti0 Год назад +1

    Ramesh uncle ko xoro is love❤❤

  • @Unfoldex
    @Unfoldex Год назад

    म त यो दिदिलाई पो हेरेको हेरै हुन्छु के भको हो❤

  • @sumanbhandari575
    @sumanbhandari575 Год назад +2

    Truth is bitter. Our reality what Lekhmani is exposing 😢

    • @OnAirWithSaaz
      @OnAirWithSaaz  Год назад

      Thank you very much for understanding. Please, provide feedback and show some love and subscribe our channel.🙏🏻

  • @sabinshrestha7319
    @sabinshrestha7319 Год назад +1

    🥺 this hurts

  • @khagenpun3879
    @khagenpun3879 Год назад

    Trital bro 😎

  • @rahuladhikari5177
    @rahuladhikari5177 Год назад +1

  • @sherpun5927
    @sherpun5927 Год назад

    Yo bro ko kura sunera nepal nai jana mon lagena hou😢

  • @akatrade9251
    @akatrade9251 Год назад +1

    Main video start at 33:18 minute. .......

  • @pramodthapa8167
    @pramodthapa8167 Год назад

    Lost one of the gem❤❤lekhmani trital dai

  • @letssupport26
    @letssupport26 Год назад

    गफ पनि कमेडी जस्तै मिठ्ठो दिने रैछ ब्रो ले।

  • @immortal191
    @immortal191 Год назад +2

    1:39:04 sabbbai hereko xu vaneko haina didi ahile ta content soddai xau ta😂

  • @deepikapoudel9586
    @deepikapoudel9586 Год назад

    Sabai podcast herey anchor chai fully prepared navaye jasto feel vayo 🤔

  • @narayanshrestha3888
    @narayanshrestha3888 Год назад +1


  • @Beecromekaath
    @Beecromekaath Год назад

    He used to live in kirtipur so as per mah guess there was a friend of him who was his college mate too named bijan he is Ramesh uncle ko xoro i think so if u will call him next just make clear about this talk is he named bijan u can ask like dis to him

  • @stutistuti-p8c
    @stutistuti-p8c Год назад

    lekhmani bhayera matra here..kt ko voice man parena ..jo pani podcast ajkal

  • @jeewanshrestha4884
    @jeewanshrestha4884 Год назад +2

    कोरिया बाट हेरे

  • @nareshgiri451
    @nareshgiri451 Год назад +1

    hospital ko bed maa sundai xu really nepal maa yastai x k garnuhamro society yak din hame sabai bides palayan huni xau

  • @laxmirishi-k9j
    @laxmirishi-k9j 19 дней назад

    सीता लाई नि लिनु पर्यो अब

  • @she9479
    @she9479 Год назад

    Hype sunera herna aako, what was the thing that touched you guys? I couldn’t find that

  • @subasagarmalla
    @subasagarmalla Год назад +2

    Guest le boldai garda bichma unneccery comment ra overreact nagardinus, irritating lagyo