Warning: triggering topics here Did you know that this song is about a school sho*ting, and a kid who sh*t up a school used to walk around singing this while holding a shotgun. And now the band refuses to play this at concerts due to this even though it's one of their most popular songs.
will you lend me a sharpener please?
me: a knife?
a nao mano, mt boa
vim do face
ficou massa !
The day of damnation comes when a kid gets bullied enough
Eu gosto da parte q ele passa o faca no lápis
Warning: triggering topics here
Did you know that this song is about a school sho*ting, and a kid who sh*t up a school used to walk around singing this while holding a shotgun. And now the band refuses to play this at concerts due to this even though it's one of their most popular songs.
Robert have a quick hand
роберт хаве а биг дик?
elevation worship