North Korea Truth & Lies: Challenging the Propaganda, w/ Ju-Hyun Park

  • Опубликовано: 11 окт 2024
  • Full episode on Patreon: / 82862054
    In the U.S. we’re taught that North Korea is a horrible backwards dictatorship where every person is captive to an evil regime run by a mad man who has an inexplicable hatred of the U.S., freedom and democracy - and is always on the edge of launching a nuclear missile to destroy the world. This, we’re told, is the reason we have to isolate the country and occupy South Korea with thousands of U.S. soldiers. The purpose of such a simplistic narrative is to prevent Americans from getting curious about what’s really happening there. Why is North Korea so closed off? What's the relevant history of that region? Why did the U.S. go to war there in the 1950s? What were the consequences? Why is Korea split into two? And is the country really as evil as the mainstream portrays?
    To help break it all down, Rania Khalek was joined by Ju-Hyun Park, a member of Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, an anti-imperialist organization of Koreans in the U.S. struggling for Korean reunification and national liberation. They are also engagement editor at The Real News.

Комментарии • 559

  • @lordbao6678
    @lordbao6678 Год назад +343

    As a Vietnamese, the fact that the total number of Korean casualties within 3 years was closely equal to Vietnamese losses in our 20 years fighting against the same foe is really terrifying.

    • @huwpatt3817
      @huwpatt3817 Год назад +12

      I grieve 4 u

    • @jamesmurphy9426
      @jamesmurphy9426 Год назад +20

      That's why in American history books its called the forgotten war
      Korean War wasn't that the Japanese or Vietnamese

    • @Truthorfib
      @Truthorfib Год назад +9

      Mylai Massacre. Do the Vietnamese still remember this?

    • @lordbao6678
      @lordbao6678 Год назад +18

      @@Truthorfib Yes, that and the multiple mass killing by South Korean troops remained clear in the mind of many here.

    • @Huy-G-Le
      @Huy-G-Le Год назад +10

      ​@@Truthorfib My Lai massacre is one among the thousand of operations the USA and their allies carry out across Vietnam, mostly in the conquest territories that was South Vietnam. The lies about one man going berserk and kill all villager are also a lies, the truth was, retold by ex-servicemen, that the operations was "Kill Anything That Moves".

  • @dolphineachonga555
    @dolphineachonga555 Год назад +405

    I thought North Korea's hypervigilance was just crazy. But reading and hearing about what was done to them by the USA and its allies, I get why.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад +9

      South Korea's allegations of forced labor and comfort women are lies and there is no evidence.
      “Can the South Korean media and public present evidence of coercive recruitment by the Japanese military? Why are there no eyewitnesses? Please introduce a Japanese-Korean mixed-race child who was born at that time. Although 200,000 people were taken away, can you explain the reality that there are only a few comfort women witnesses and that there are no children of mixed race?”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      “Survivors in the Vietnam War 1964-1972 testify as follows.
      ‘South Korean soldiers gathered crying women, children and old people in one place and shoot machine guns to kill them all.
      South Korean soldiers grabbed the crying children's legs and tore their bodies in two. South Korean soldiers cut off the legs of children, and threw away them into fire. South Korean soldiers stomped and crushed the belly of pregnant women until the fetus were pushed out of the belly. South Korean soldiers raped many women, and cut off the breast and genitals after rape, and abandoned them into Mekong River.’
      Despite the vast amount of evidence records and photos of the US military, the very cunning and despicable South Korean government denies these horrible war crimes, and never officially apologizes even now.
      Try to watch the photos of the title ‘Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât massacre’ on Wikipedia. You will be shocked.”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      From February 12, 1966 to March 17, 1966, during the Vietnam War in Tay Son District, Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam, killing, robbery, rape, torture, and destruction of land and private property of unarmed Vietnamese civilians were committed by South Korean Forces alone.
      The massacre was carried out by South Korean troops alone for three weeks, and between 1,004 and 1,200 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mostly women, children, the elderly and infants were massacred.
      Korean propaganda is a method of creating a hypothetical enemy, instilling false consciousness based on false information in readers and audiences.
      South Korea's attempts to spread propaganda and disinformation emphasize speed over quality.
      Nobel prize, scientists:
      25 Japanese,
      2 Taiwanese,
      3 Chinese,
      0 Koreans.
      한국이 주장하는 징용공과 위안부는 거짓말이며 증거는 존재하지 않는다.
      한국의 선전은 허구의 적을 만들어 독자 또는 청중에게 잘못된 정보와 잘못된 의식을 심어주는 방법이다.
      “한국 언론과 대중이 일본군의 강제 징집 증거를 제시할 수 있는가? 목격자가 없는 이유는 무엇입니까? 당시 태어난 한일 혼혈아를 소개해주세요. 20만 명이 끌려갔지만 위안부 목격자는 소수에 불과하고 혼혈아동도 없는 현실을 설명할 수 있느냐?”
      -일본인의 코멘트
      “1964-1972년 베트남 전쟁의 생존자들은 다음과 같이 증언합니다.
      '남한군은 우는 여자, 아이, 노인들을 한곳에 모아 기관총을 쏘아 죽였다.
      국군은 우는 아이들의 다리를 잡고 몸을 둘로 찢었다. 한국군은 아이들의 다리를 잘라 불 속에 던져 버렸다. 한국군은 태아가 배 밖으로 밀려날 때까지 임산부의 배를 짓밟았다. 한국군은 많은 여성을 성폭행하고 성폭행 후 가슴과 성기를 잘라 메콩강에 버렸다.'
      미군에 대한 방대한 증거기록과 사진에도 불구하고 매우 교활하고 비열한 남한 정부는 이러한 끔찍한 전쟁범죄를 부인하고 있으며, 지금도 공식적으로 사과하지 않고 있다.
      Wikipedia에서 'Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât 대학살'이라는 제목의 사진을보십시오. 당신은 충격을받을 것입니다.”
      - 일본인의 코멘트
      1966년 2월 12일부터 1966년 3월 17일까지 남 베트남, 빈딘성의 타이슨 지구에서 베트남 전쟁 중, 한국군만에 의한 비무장 베트남 민간인의 살해, 강도, 강간, 고문, 토지와 사유 재산의 파괴가 이루어졌다.
      학살은 3주간에 걸쳐 한국군만에 의해 행해졌고, 1004명부터 1200명의 비무장 베트남 민간인, 주로 여성, 어린이, 노인, 유아가 학살되었다.
      한국에 의한 선전과 가짜 정보를 전파하려는 시도는 품질보다 속도를 강조하고 있다.
      노벨상, 과학자:
      일본 25명,
      대만 2명,
      중국 3명,
      한국 0명.
      虐殺は 3 週間にわたり韓国軍のみにより行われ、1004人から1200人の非武装のベトナム民間人、主に女性、子供、老人、幼児が虐殺された。
      日本 25人、
      台湾 2人、
      中国 3人、
      韓国 0人。

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China and Russia support North Korea and help develop nuclear weapons. In September 2017, The New York Times reported that US intelligence agencies discovered that North Korean rocket fuel was coming from China and Russia. To develop long-range missiles capable of hitting Guam and the US mainland, North Korea needs a rocket fuel known as asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), which China and Russia provide to North Korea.
      China and Russia are selling arms to military ruled Myanmar.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      January 5, 2022, President of Taiwan: "Taiwan's democracy and freedom must win."
      Taiwan is one country and not part of China. 台湾是一个国家,不是中国的一部分。台湾是一个国家,不属于中国。
      The Chinese government has no diplomatic options anymore. US military officials believe China
      will invade Taiwan between now and 2027. It can be assumed that Japan will also have a military clash with China in five years.
      Anti-Separation Law of People's Republic of China
      (Enforced on March 14, 2015)
      Article 8
      "If the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces act under any pretext or means to cause the separation of Taiwan from China, or if a serious incident occurs in connection with the separation of Taiwan from China, or if the possibility of peaceful reunification is completely lost, the state shall take non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
      Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Syria, Pakistan and Ethiopia support Anti-Separation Law.
      AUKUS's (Australia, UK, US) strategy to produce nuclear submarines for Australia can integrate Taiwan into the larger Indo-Pacific Union. Together also with Japan strategically, we provide mutual cooperation on defense capabilities.
      In China, (1) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to carry out military activities in their respective countries (National Defense Mobilization Law, effective in 2010); (2) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to do spy activities in their respective countries. (National Intelligence Law, effective 2017). Chinese citizens who do not follow the instructions and orders of the Chinese government will be arrested and have no option to decline.
      Together, these two laws create the most dangerous security situation for every country.
      There are at any time 25,000 Chinese spies in Japan.
      In 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, China leaders ordered to kill thousands of student democracy demonstrators.
      Chinese agents contacted a Chinese democratic activist living in the US repeatedly warning they were tracking her every movement. They threatened to kill her and harm her family in China if she didn’t stop criticizing China’s leaders.
      Ignoring international law and the sovereignty of other countries, the CCP has established its own police bases, called "Overseas Police Service Centers," in 102 locations in 53 countries, including the United States, Europe, Africa, South America, and Japan. These are being used as bases to hunt down pro-democracy activists who have fled abroad. Between April 2021 and July 2022, more than 200,000 overseas Chinese pro-democracy activists were forcibly returned to China by the Overseas Police Service Center to face criminal charges. The Overseas Police Service Center's tactics include harassing and intimidating the target’s family members.
      The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is China's intelligence and security agency, responsible for counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. It has broad powers to conduct espionage domestically and abroad.
      The MSS, Ministry of National Security of the People's Republic of China , benefits from close ties between the State and Chinese tech giants like Baidu and Alibaba and Tencent, all of which have the ability to mine personal data. Other government departments are required to cooperate with the MSS and provide support for its activities.
      A senior MSS officer was arrested in Belgium and handed over to the U.S. in 2018 on charges of conspiring to steal trade secrets from top 80 aviation companies. This spy for China’s government had been brought to America to face charges.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      In January 2023, several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China has cameras everywhere, a full-fledged cell phone tracking system, and people are monitored by a government surveillance system.
      In China if you want to track a specific person, you can. When someone goes missing, the relevant information can be hidden by the Chinese Communist government so that the person cannot be found.
      In recent years, many underage students have gone missing. It is rarely reported in official Chinese media. In November 2022, the disappearance of a young boy in Wuhan caused great concern among Chinese people.
      In the West, waiting for a suitable organ takes a long time. However, many Chinese transplant hospitals only take a week to a month to complete a match and find a suitable donor for a patient. Some even offer emergency transplants, in stark contrast to the long waiting times for donors in other countries. Some organ transplant operations in China have multiple matching organs on standby for each patient.
      Few Chinese voluntarily donate organs because the traditional Chinese culture highly values ​​the integrity of the physical body. China has a long-standing culture of believing that the body is a gift from parents and heaven, and that the soul needs to be cared for and protected so it can be taken to the next reincarnation. Moreover, in recent decades, the Chinese government has not made a big call for organ donation. However, there are many organs available. Organ crimes in China were first exposed by overseas Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners and dissidents, many of whom were detained in prisons and detention centers, had their blood drawn under the guise of health checks. They soon disappeared. Sources within the CCP system have revealed that many of the organ transplant donors come from these Falun Gong practitioners. Behind this is the organ transplant industry chain; the Chinese Communist Party's police, prosecutors, courts, hospitals, and the Triad of Chinese criminal gangs.
      Such practices have continued for more than 20 years since former party leader Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong in 1999. The organ transplant industry chain has also spread to Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. The Chinese government-led organ transplant industry will use the big data widely collected and generated during the past three years of the Covid pandemic to quickly identify specific organs and make more accurate matches. Matches to transplant recipients can be easily found from vast amounts of genetic data. Those identified have gone missing. There has been an increase in the number of teenagers who have disappeared.
      Evidence has been found to suggest that Falun Gong detainees were mass murdered for their organs. Massive disappearances of young Uyghur men, reports of routine blood tests of Uyghur political prisoners, reports of mysterious deaths of Tibetans and Uyghurs in custody - all of these people are under the control of the Chinese Communist government, are victims of systematic organ harvesting. It’s a crime of the Chinese government, a genocide committed by the Chinese government. Japanese people are also being targeted.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      Several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctios on China as we do on Russia.

    • @enzobuso5933
      @enzobuso5933 Год назад

      How can you say that and not realize how insane and stupid that sounds

    • @FreeAsante
      @FreeAsante Год назад

      @@fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 there is evidence of an escapee and brutal prison camps as well as unfair laws or is that all a lie everyone is lying

  • @akpanekpo6025
    @akpanekpo6025 Год назад +218

    This reaffirms my visceral contempt for official narratives of world events as dutifully parroted by the MSM.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      South Korea's allegations of forced labor and comfort women are lies and there is no evidence.
      “Can the South Korean media and public present evidence of coercive recruitment by the Japanese military? Why are there no eyewitnesses? Please introduce a Japanese-Korean mixed-race child who was born at that time. Although 200,000 people were taken away, can you explain the reality that there are only a few comfort women witnesses and that there are no children of mixed race?”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      “Survivors in the Vietnam War 1964-1972 testify as follows.
      ‘South Korean soldiers gathered crying women, children and old people in one place and shoot machine guns to kill them all.
      South Korean soldiers grabbed the crying children's legs and tore their bodies in two. South Korean soldiers cut off the legs of children, and threw away them into fire. South Korean soldiers stomped and crushed the belly of pregnant women until the fetus were pushed out of the belly. South Korean soldiers raped many women, and cut off the breast and genitals after rape, and abandoned them into Mekong River.’
      Despite the vast amount of evidence records and photos of the US military, the very cunning and despicable South Korean government denies these horrible war crimes, and never officially apologizes even now.
      Try to watch the photos of the title ‘Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât massacre’ on Wikipedia. You will be shocked.”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      From February 12, 1966 to March 17, 1966, during the Vietnam War in Tay Son District, Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam, killing, robbery, rape, torture, and destruction of land and private property of unarmed Vietnamese civilians were committed by South Korean Forces alone.
      The massacre was carried out by South Korean troops alone for three weeks, and between 1,004 and 1,200 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mostly women, children, the elderly and infants were massacred.
      Korean propaganda is a method of creating a hypothetical enemy, instilling false consciousness based on false information in readers and audiences.
      South Korea's attempts to spread propaganda and disinformation emphasize speed over quality.
      Nobel prize, scientists:
      25 Japanese,
      2 Taiwanese,
      3 Chinese,
      0 Koreans.
      한국이 주장하는 징용공과 위안부는 거짓말이며 증거는 존재하지 않는다.
      한국의 선전은 허구의 적을 만들어 독자 또는 청중에게 잘못된 정보와 잘못된 의식을 심어주는 방법이다.
      “한국 언론과 대중이 일본군의 강제 징집 증거를 제시할 수 있는가? 목격자가 없는 이유는 무엇입니까? 당시 태어난 한일 혼혈아를 소개해주세요. 20만 명이 끌려갔지만 위안부 목격자는 소수에 불과하고 혼혈아동도 없는 현실을 설명할 수 있느냐?”
      -일본인의 코멘트
      “1964-1972년 베트남 전쟁의 생존자들은 다음과 같이 증언합니다.
      '남한군은 우는 여자, 아이, 노인들을 한곳에 모아 기관총을 쏘아 죽였다.
      국군은 우는 아이들의 다리를 잡고 몸을 둘로 찢었다. 한국군은 아이들의 다리를 잘라 불 속에 던져 버렸다. 한국군은 태아가 배 밖으로 밀려날 때까지 임산부의 배를 짓밟았다. 한국군은 많은 여성을 성폭행하고 성폭행 후 가슴과 성기를 잘라 메콩강에 버렸다.'
      미군에 대한 방대한 증거기록과 사진에도 불구하고 매우 교활하고 비열한 남한 정부는 이러한 끔찍한 전쟁범죄를 부인하고 있으며, 지금도 공식적으로 사과하지 않고 있다.
      Wikipedia에서 'Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât 대학살'이라는 제목의 사진을보십시오. 당신은 충격을받을 것입니다.”
      - 일본인의 코멘트
      1966년 2월 12일부터 1966년 3월 17일까지 남 베트남, 빈딘성의 타이슨 지구에서 베트남 전쟁 중, 한국군만에 의한 비무장 베트남 민간인의 살해, 강도, 강간, 고문, 토지와 사유 재산의 파괴가 이루어졌다.
      학살은 3주간에 걸쳐 한국군만에 의해 행해졌고, 1004명부터 1200명의 비무장 베트남 민간인, 주로 여성, 어린이, 노인, 유아가 학살되었다.
      한국에 의한 선전과 가짜 정보를 전파하려는 시도는 품질보다 속도를 강조하고 있다.
      노벨상, 과학자:
      일본 25명,
      대만 2명,
      중국 3명,
      한국 0명.
      虐殺は 3 週間にわたり韓国軍のみにより行われ、1004人から1200人の非武装のベトナム民間人、主に女性、子供、老人、幼児が虐殺された。
      日本 25人、
      台湾 2人、
      中国 3人、
      韓国 0人。

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China and Russia support North Korea and help develop nuclear weapons. In September 2017, The New York Times reported that US intelligence agencies discovered that North Korean rocket fuel was coming from China and Russia. To develop long-range missiles capable of hitting Guam and the US mainland, North Korea needs a rocket fuel known as asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), which China and Russia provide to North Korea.
      China and Russia are selling arms to military ruled Myanmar.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      January 5, 2022, President of Taiwan: "Taiwan's democracy and freedom must win."
      Taiwan is one country and not part of China. 台湾是一个国家,不是中国的一部分。台湾是一个国家,不属于中国。
      The Chinese government has no diplomatic options anymore. US military officials believe China
      will invade Taiwan between now and 2027. It can be assumed that Japan will also have a military clash with China in five years.
      Anti-Separation Law of People's Republic of China
      (Enforced on March 14, 2015)
      Article 8
      "If the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces act under any pretext or means to cause the separation of Taiwan from China, or if a serious incident occurs in connection with the separation of Taiwan from China, or if the possibility of peaceful reunification is completely lost, the state shall take non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
      Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Syria, Pakistan and Ethiopia support Anti-Separation Law.
      AUKUS's (Australia, UK, US) strategy to produce nuclear submarines for Australia can integrate Taiwan into the larger Indo-Pacific Union. Together also with Japan strategically, we provide mutual cooperation on defense capabilities.
      In China, (1) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to carry out military activities in their respective countries (National Defense Mobilization Law, effective in 2010); (2) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to do spy activities in their respective countries. (National Intelligence Law, effective 2017). Chinese citizens who do not follow the instructions and orders of the Chinese government will be arrested and have no option to decline.
      Together, these two laws create the most dangerous security situation for every country.
      There are at any time 25,000 Chinese spies in Japan.
      In 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, China leaders ordered to kill thousands of student democracy demonstrators.
      Chinese agents contacted a Chinese democratic activist living in the US repeatedly warning they were tracking her every movement. They threatened to kill her and harm her family in China if she didn’t stop criticizing China’s leaders.
      Ignoring international law and the sovereignty of other countries, the CCP has established its own police bases, called "Overseas Police Service Centers," in 102 locations in 53 countries, including the United States, Europe, Africa, South America, and Japan. These are being used as bases to hunt down pro-democracy activists who have fled abroad. Between April 2021 and July 2022, more than 200,000 overseas Chinese pro-democracy activists were forcibly returned to China by the Overseas Police Service Center to face criminal charges. The Overseas Police Service Center's tactics include harassing and intimidating the target’s family members.
      The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is China's intelligence and security agency, responsible for counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. It has broad powers to conduct espionage domestically and abroad.
      The MSS, Ministry of National Security of the People's Republic of China , benefits from close ties between the State and Chinese tech giants like Baidu and Alibaba and Tencent, all of which have the ability to mine personal data. Other government departments are required to cooperate with the MSS and provide support for its activities.
      A senior MSS officer was arrested in Belgium and handed over to the U.S. in 2018 on charges of conspiring to steal trade secrets from top 80 aviation companies. This spy for China’s government had been brought to America to face charges.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      In January 2023, several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China has cameras everywhere, a full-fledged cell phone tracking system, and people are monitored by a government surveillance system.
      In China if you want to track a specific person, you can. When someone goes missing, the relevant information can be hidden by the Chinese Communist government so that the person cannot be found.
      In recent years, many underage students have gone missing. It is rarely reported in official Chinese media. In November 2022, the disappearance of a young boy in Wuhan caused great concern among Chinese people.
      In the West, waiting for a suitable organ takes a long time. However, many Chinese transplant hospitals only take a week to a month to complete a match and find a suitable donor for a patient. Some even offer emergency transplants, in stark contrast to the long waiting times for donors in other countries. Some organ transplant operations in China have multiple matching organs on standby for each patient.
      Few Chinese voluntarily donate organs because the traditional Chinese culture highly values ​​the integrity of the physical body. China has a long-standing culture of believing that the body is a gift from parents and heaven, and that the soul needs to be cared for and protected so it can be taken to the next reincarnation. Moreover, in recent decades, the Chinese government has not made a big call for organ donation. However, there are many organs available. Organ crimes in China were first exposed by overseas Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners and dissidents, many of whom were detained in prisons and detention centers, had their blood drawn under the guise of health checks. They soon disappeared. Sources within the CCP system have revealed that many of the organ transplant donors come from these Falun Gong practitioners. Behind this is the organ transplant industry chain; the Chinese Communist Party's police, prosecutors, courts, hospitals, and the Triad of Chinese criminal gangs.
      Such practices have continued for more than 20 years since former party leader Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong in 1999. The organ transplant industry chain has also spread to Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. The Chinese government-led organ transplant industry will use the big data widely collected and generated during the past three years of the Covid pandemic to quickly identify specific organs and make more accurate matches. Matches to transplant recipients can be easily found from vast amounts of genetic data. Those identified have gone missing. There has been an increase in the number of teenagers who have disappeared.
      Evidence has been found to suggest that Falun Gong detainees were mass murdered for their organs. Massive disappearances of young Uyghur men, reports of routine blood tests of Uyghur political prisoners, reports of mysterious deaths of Tibetans and Uyghurs in custody - all of these people are under the control of the Chinese Communist government, are victims of systematic organ harvesting. It’s a crime of the Chinese government, a genocide committed by the Chinese government. Japanese people are also being targeted.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      Several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctios on China as we do on Russia.

    • @francisarinze6928
      @francisarinze6928 Год назад +2

      My brother, I've always viewed with circumspect the official narratives of countries like China and NK, that of China have been completely debunked since after Covid and I just came here for NK.

    • @akpanekpo6025
      @akpanekpo6025 Год назад

      @@francisarinze6928 My cynicism towards the Western media doesn't mean I have to accept what the Chinese and North Koreans as Gospel. There's no contradiction in saying: a plague on all their houses.

  • @pdsnpsnldlqnop3330
    @pdsnpsnldlqnop3330 Год назад +74

    You posted this yesterday! I was hoping for a part two. Excellent guest, too skint for the Patreon, but please can we have more of him?

  • @anantgoswami5630
    @anantgoswami5630 Год назад +122

    The guest is absolutely brilliant! But please, for the sake of socialist pedagogy, release another video of their answer to the Yeonmi Park question. I say this in earnest, I understand you need money to run your show, and by all means, please keep the rest of the show for your partners, but at least the modalities and the mechanisms propaganda network through which people like Yeonmi Park and other news on DPRK are produced must be exposed. Otherwise the whole discussion on DPRK history falls flat. Because the common retort is "oh that's all history now, but currently, NK is a hellhole and SK is all democratic and we must liberate NK", and secondly, you need to expose the propaganda network before you can even get to a sane discussion about Korean history and actual conditions in DPRK first. I am an ardent follower of the show, and I hope you take this request seriously, because ultimately we all have a common goal to reach out to most people in the most effective way possible.

    • @j_j_j_
      @j_j_j_ Год назад

      Another Nodutdol member did an interview about Yeonmi Park and defectors on Danny Haiphong's the Left Lens:
      It's a good episode. Highly recommend!

    • @seemychannel4truth
      @seemychannel4truth Год назад +15

      Yeonmi Phark is a svbhum@n

    • @reggie69.
      @reggie69. Год назад

      It's easy to talk bad about your country when your paid millions for it when north korean refugees get to South korea are left in poverty whatever education they have isn't recognised and they end up in low pay or unemployment but they can make lot of money talking about experiences and they legally can't say any good things about the north in South korea that's why refugees aren't used in scientific papers they have a material interest in saying bad stuffi even making stuff up legally can't say anything good and many escape poverty and make a career just talking bad about North Korea example Yeonmi park is a millionaire because of it
      Another thing is that many of these people when there was a famine happening after the Fall of the Soviet Union North Korea which was depended on importing oil and fertiliser for soil basically was cut off due to American sanctions preventing Russia from continuing and also there is massive floods and lots of people fled North Korea at this time in fact the government's let them because if they went to China and brought food back that helps because the government can't directly do that because sactions.
      And a lot of people always say but America tried to help American help l came with insane conditions on it so they didn't accept and they just continued to ask in the UN who refused to help because America
      Like America literally caused the famine and said we will lift sanctions so that charities can help you but you have to do this north korea didnt even have nuclear at the time and they were ready to literally do exactly what happened in Vietnam and china already done and we're special economic zones but America literally continues because they thought they would collapse and join South korea as a result and then they didn'tвидео.html
      And that link is Jimmy Carter's saying America has done everything to keep north korea poor

    • @Andy1805-y8w
      @Andy1805-y8w Год назад +11

      I do a scintilla of sympathy, the merest sliver of a scintilla of sympathy, for Yeonmi Park insofar as her life has been one of almost constant control by others in pushing their anti-DPRK propaganda; a tool in every essence of the word. In what may be the ultimate irony, Yeonmi Park may well have had more freedom if she had stayed in North Korea, that "crypto-Stalinist hellhole."

    • @user-zv8gd3jl7q
      @user-zv8gd3jl7q 10 месяцев назад +5

      The British did same division in khorason Afghan land where the British gave the southern half to millions of Indian settlers and called it Pakistan in 1947, this is after they divided the Indian Muslims and Indian Seikhs. Western imperialism is global.
      This Ju Hyun is a gem for Korean history !

  • @garfield2742
    @garfield2742 Год назад +49

    If the world want to see Nkorean people flourishing, then end the sanctions.

    • @marcriba7581
      @marcriba7581 Год назад +1

      Fortunatelly enough, the present NATO vs Russia proxy war in Ukraine is showing that countries outside the imperial core aren't willing to follow their sanctions anymore. The empire is declining, time is on NK's side.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 4 месяца назад

      The sanctions are only one problem they face.
      Mind you, I'm also in favor of ending the sanctions, but I've read enough about that country's wretched regime to know how deep and penetrating the cult of personality and corruption is. Getting rid of the sanctions won't do anything to help with that.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 4 месяца назад

      External problems like sanctions aren't the only thing keeping them down. The cult of personality wasn't caused by anything like that.

    • @DarkFawful
      @DarkFawful 2 месяца назад +1

      @@warrioroflight6872 Cult of Personality is good.

    • @muddyhotdog4103
      @muddyhotdog4103 2 месяца назад

      @@warrioroflight6872 yup, sanctions don't help but it's only one piece of the pie

  • @Jimi_Lee
    @Jimi_Lee Год назад +145

    Great show! Here in the US, we've been so deprived of information about the Korean people and their struggle. I think our role there is one of the most despicable things that the US has been involved in, and we've done some pretty horrible stuff.

    • @eccentricaste3232
      @eccentricaste3232 Год назад +4

      The US is more evil than the nazi Germany.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад +4

      South Korea's allegations of forced labor and comfort women are lies and there is no evidence.
      “Can the South Korean media and public present evidence of coercive recruitment by the Japanese military? Why are there no eyewitnesses? Please introduce a Japanese-Korean mixed-race child who was born at that time. Although 200,000 people were taken away, can you explain the reality that there are only a few comfort women witnesses and that there are no children of mixed race?”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      “Survivors in the Vietnam War 1964-1972 testify as follows.
      ‘South Korean soldiers gathered crying women, children and old people in one place and shoot machine guns to kill them all.
      South Korean soldiers grabbed the crying children's legs and tore their bodies in two. South Korean soldiers cut off the legs of children, and threw away them into fire. South Korean soldiers stomped and crushed the belly of pregnant women until the fetus were pushed out of the belly. South Korean soldiers raped many women, and cut off the breast and genitals after rape, and abandoned them into Mekong River.’
      Despite the vast amount of evidence records and photos of the US military, the very cunning and despicable South Korean government denies these horrible war crimes, and never officially apologizes even now.
      Try to watch the photos of the title ‘Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât massacre’ on Wikipedia. You will be shocked.”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      From February 12, 1966 to March 17, 1966, during the Vietnam War in Tay Son District, Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam, killing, robbery, rape, torture, and destruction of land and private property of unarmed Vietnamese civilians were committed by South Korean Forces alone.
      The massacre was carried out by South Korean troops alone for three weeks, and between 1,004 and 1,200 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mostly women, children, the elderly and infants were massacred.
      Korean propaganda is a method of creating a hypothetical enemy, instilling false consciousness based on false information in readers and audiences.
      South Korea's attempts to spread propaganda and disinformation emphasize speed over quality.
      Nobel prize, scientists:
      25 Japanese,
      2 Taiwanese,
      3 Chinese,
      0 Koreans.
      한국이 주장하는 징용공과 위안부는 거짓말이며 증거는 존재하지 않는다.
      한국의 선전은 허구의 적을 만들어 독자 또는 청중에게 잘못된 정보와 잘못된 의식을 심어주는 방법이다.
      “한국 언론과 대중이 일본군의 강제 징집 증거를 제시할 수 있는가? 목격자가 없는 이유는 무엇입니까? 당시 태어난 한일 혼혈아를 소개해주세요. 20만 명이 끌려갔지만 위안부 목격자는 소수에 불과하고 혼혈아동도 없는 현실을 설명할 수 있느냐?”
      -일본인의 코멘트
      “1964-1972년 베트남 전쟁의 생존자들은 다음과 같이 증언합니다.
      '남한군은 우는 여자, 아이, 노인들을 한곳에 모아 기관총을 쏘아 죽였다.
      국군은 우는 아이들의 다리를 잡고 몸을 둘로 찢었다. 한국군은 아이들의 다리를 잘라 불 속에 던져 버렸다. 한국군은 태아가 배 밖으로 밀려날 때까지 임산부의 배를 짓밟았다. 한국군은 많은 여성을 성폭행하고 성폭행 후 가슴과 성기를 잘라 메콩강에 버렸다.'
      미군에 대한 방대한 증거기록과 사진에도 불구하고 매우 교활하고 비열한 남한 정부는 이러한 끔찍한 전쟁범죄를 부인하고 있으며, 지금도 공식적으로 사과하지 않고 있다.
      Wikipedia에서 'Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât 대학살'이라는 제목의 사진을보십시오. 당신은 충격을받을 것입니다.”
      - 일본인의 코멘트
      1966년 2월 12일부터 1966년 3월 17일까지 남 베트남, 빈딘성의 타이슨 지구에서 베트남 전쟁 중, 한국군만에 의한 비무장 베트남 민간인의 살해, 강도, 강간, 고문, 토지와 사유 재산의 파괴가 이루어졌다.
      학살은 3주간에 걸쳐 한국군만에 의해 행해졌고, 1004명부터 1200명의 비무장 베트남 민간인, 주로 여성, 어린이, 노인, 유아가 학살되었다.
      한국에 의한 선전과 가짜 정보를 전파하려는 시도는 품질보다 속도를 강조하고 있다.
      노벨상, 과학자:
      일본 25명,
      대만 2명,
      중국 3명,
      한국 0명.
      虐殺は 3 週間にわたり韓国軍のみにより行われ、1004人から1200人の非武装のベトナム民間人、主に女性、子供、老人、幼児が虐殺された。
      日本 25人、
      台湾 2人、
      中国 3人、
      韓国 0人。

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China and Russia support North Korea and help develop nuclear weapons. In September 2017, The New York Times reported that US intelligence agencies discovered that North Korean rocket fuel was coming from China and Russia. To develop long-range missiles capable of hitting Guam and the US mainland, North Korea needs a rocket fuel known as asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), which China and Russia provide to North Korea.
      China and Russia are selling arms to military ruled Myanmar.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      January 5, 2022, President of Taiwan: "Taiwan's democracy and freedom must win."
      Taiwan is one country and not part of China. 台湾是一个国家,不是中国的一部分。台湾是一个国家,不属于中国。
      The Chinese government has no diplomatic options anymore. US military officials believe China
      will invade Taiwan between now and 2027. It can be assumed that Japan will also have a military clash with China in five years.
      Anti-Separation Law of People's Republic of China
      (Enforced on March 14, 2015)
      Article 8
      "If the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces act under any pretext or means to cause the separation of Taiwan from China, or if a serious incident occurs in connection with the separation of Taiwan from China, or if the possibility of peaceful reunification is completely lost, the state shall take non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
      Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Syria, Pakistan and Ethiopia support Anti-Separation Law.
      AUKUS's (Australia, UK, US) strategy to produce nuclear submarines for Australia can integrate Taiwan into the larger Indo-Pacific Union. Together also with Japan strategically, we provide mutual cooperation on defense capabilities.
      In China, (1) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to carry out military activities in their respective countries (National Defense Mobilization Law, effective in 2010); (2) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to do spy activities in their respective countries. (National Intelligence Law, effective 2017). Chinese citizens who do not follow the instructions and orders of the Chinese government will be arrested and have no option to decline.
      Together, these two laws create the most dangerous security situation for every country.
      There are at any time 25,000 Chinese spies in Japan.
      In 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, China leaders ordered to kill thousands of student democracy demonstrators.
      Chinese agents contacted a Chinese democratic activist living in the US repeatedly warning they were tracking her every movement. They threatened to kill her and harm her family in China if she didn’t stop criticizing China’s leaders.
      Ignoring international law and the sovereignty of other countries, the CCP has established its own police bases, called "Overseas Police Service Centers," in 102 locations in 53 countries, including the United States, Europe, Africa, South America, and Japan. These are being used as bases to hunt down pro-democracy activists who have fled abroad. Between April 2021 and July 2022, more than 200,000 overseas Chinese pro-democracy activists were forcibly returned to China by the Overseas Police Service Center to face criminal charges. The Overseas Police Service Center's tactics include harassing and intimidating the target’s family members.
      The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is China's intelligence and security agency, responsible for counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. It has broad powers to conduct espionage domestically and abroad.
      The MSS, Ministry of National Security of the People's Republic of China , benefits from close ties between the State and Chinese tech giants like Baidu and Alibaba and Tencent, all of which have the ability to mine personal data. Other government departments are required to cooperate with the MSS and provide support for its activities.
      A senior MSS officer was arrested in Belgium and handed over to the U.S. in 2018 on charges of conspiring to steal trade secrets from top 80 aviation companies. This spy for China’s government had been brought to America to face charges.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      In January 2023, several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China has cameras everywhere, a full-fledged cell phone tracking system, and people are monitored by a government surveillance system.
      In China if you want to track a specific person, you can. When someone goes missing, the relevant information can be hidden by the Chinese Communist government so that the person cannot be found.
      In recent years, many underage students have gone missing. It is rarely reported in official Chinese media. In November 2022, the disappearance of a young boy in Wuhan caused great concern among Chinese people.
      In the West, waiting for a suitable organ takes a long time. However, many Chinese transplant hospitals only take a week to a month to complete a match and find a suitable donor for a patient. Some even offer emergency transplants, in stark contrast to the long waiting times for donors in other countries. Some organ transplant operations in China have multiple matching organs on standby for each patient.
      Few Chinese voluntarily donate organs because the traditional Chinese culture highly values ​​the integrity of the physical body. China has a long-standing culture of believing that the body is a gift from parents and heaven, and that the soul needs to be cared for and protected so it can be taken to the next reincarnation. Moreover, in recent decades, the Chinese government has not made a big call for organ donation. However, there are many organs available. Organ crimes in China were first exposed by overseas Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners and dissidents, many of whom were detained in prisons and detention centers, had their blood drawn under the guise of health checks. They soon disappeared. Sources within the CCP system have revealed that many of the organ transplant donors come from these Falun Gong practitioners. Behind this is the organ transplant industry chain; the Chinese Communist Party's police, prosecutors, courts, hospitals, and the Triad of Chinese criminal gangs.
      Such practices have continued for more than 20 years since former party leader Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong in 1999. The organ transplant industry chain has also spread to Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. The Chinese government-led organ transplant industry will use the big data widely collected and generated during the past three years of the Covid pandemic to quickly identify specific organs and make more accurate matches. Matches to transplant recipients can be easily found from vast amounts of genetic data. Those identified have gone missing. There has been an increase in the number of teenagers who have disappeared.
      Evidence has been found to suggest that Falun Gong detainees were mass murdered for their organs. Massive disappearances of young Uyghur men, reports of routine blood tests of Uyghur political prisoners, reports of mysterious deaths of Tibetans and Uyghurs in custody - all of these people are under the control of the Chinese Communist government, are victims of systematic organ harvesting. It’s a crime of the Chinese government, a genocide committed by the Chinese government. Japanese people are also being targeted.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      Several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctios on China as we do on Russia.

    • @philliprobinson8858
      @philliprobinson8858 Год назад

      The atrocities don't end there. Even in present day the islands of Hawaii are being silenced about clear proof of non ownership by U S . Clinton's exec ord states it and the kidnapping of there queen is written . All doctrines are void for violations of sovereign rights. 😏

  • @abeg9715
    @abeg9715 Год назад +120

    This is so timely for me. I've been thinking NK and their brutal suffering under evil sanctions. One of the greatest Koreans, Sejong the Great, would've been against the actions of SK.

    • @Sean-giang
      @Sean-giang Год назад

      No he wouldn't. What king would approve north korea sending children to coalmines instead of school? What king would praise a country that starves its population just to Sabre rattle with missiles? Even Gwangaeto would look down on the kim dynasty

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад +4

      South Korea's allegations of forced labor and comfort women are lies and there is no evidence.
      “Can the South Korean media and public present evidence of coercive recruitment by the Japanese military? Why are there no eyewitnesses? Please introduce a Japanese-Korean mixed-race child who was born at that time. Although 200,000 people were taken away, can you explain the reality that there are only a few comfort women witnesses and that there are no children of mixed race?”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      “Survivors in the Vietnam War 1964-1972 testify as follows.
      ‘South Korean soldiers gathered crying women, children and old people in one place and shoot machine guns to kill them all.
      South Korean soldiers grabbed the crying children's legs and tore their bodies in two. South Korean soldiers cut off the legs of children, and threw away them into fire. South Korean soldiers stomped and crushed the belly of pregnant women until the fetus were pushed out of the belly. South Korean soldiers raped many women, and cut off the breast and genitals after rape, and abandoned them into Mekong River.’
      Despite the vast amount of evidence records and photos of the US military, the very cunning and despicable South Korean government denies these horrible war crimes, and never officially apologizes even now.
      Try to watch the photos of the title ‘Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât massacre’ on Wikipedia. You will be shocked.”
      - A comment by a Japanese person
      From February 12, 1966 to March 17, 1966, during the Vietnam War in Tay Son District, Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam, killing, robbery, rape, torture, and destruction of land and private property of unarmed Vietnamese civilians were committed by South Korean Forces alone.
      The massacre was carried out by South Korean troops alone for three weeks, and between 1,004 and 1,200 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mostly women, children, the elderly and infants were massacred.
      Korean propaganda is a method of creating a hypothetical enemy, instilling false consciousness based on false information in readers and audiences.
      South Korea's attempts to spread propaganda and disinformation emphasize speed over quality.
      Nobel prize, scientists:
      25 Japanese,
      2 Taiwanese,
      3 Chinese,
      0 Koreans.
      한국이 주장하는 징용공과 위안부는 거짓말이며 증거는 존재하지 않는다.
      한국의 선전은 허구의 적을 만들어 독자 또는 청중에게 잘못된 정보와 잘못된 의식을 심어주는 방법이다.
      “한국 언론과 대중이 일본군의 강제 징집 증거를 제시할 수 있는가? 목격자가 없는 이유는 무엇입니까? 당시 태어난 한일 혼혈아를 소개해주세요. 20만 명이 끌려갔지만 위안부 목격자는 소수에 불과하고 혼혈아동도 없는 현실을 설명할 수 있느냐?”
      -일본인의 코멘트
      “1964-1972년 베트남 전쟁의 생존자들은 다음과 같이 증언합니다.
      '남한군은 우는 여자, 아이, 노인들을 한곳에 모아 기관총을 쏘아 죽였다.
      국군은 우는 아이들의 다리를 잡고 몸을 둘로 찢었다. 한국군은 아이들의 다리를 잘라 불 속에 던져 버렸다. 한국군은 태아가 배 밖으로 밀려날 때까지 임산부의 배를 짓밟았다. 한국군은 많은 여성을 성폭행하고 성폭행 후 가슴과 성기를 잘라 메콩강에 버렸다.'
      미군에 대한 방대한 증거기록과 사진에도 불구하고 매우 교활하고 비열한 남한 정부는 이러한 끔찍한 전쟁범죄를 부인하고 있으며, 지금도 공식적으로 사과하지 않고 있다.
      Wikipedia에서 'Phong Nhi and Phong Nhât 대학살'이라는 제목의 사진을보십시오. 당신은 충격을받을 것입니다.”
      - 일본인의 코멘트
      1966년 2월 12일부터 1966년 3월 17일까지 남 베트남, 빈딘성의 타이슨 지구에서 베트남 전쟁 중, 한국군만에 의한 비무장 베트남 민간인의 살해, 강도, 강간, 고문, 토지와 사유 재산의 파괴가 이루어졌다.
      학살은 3주간에 걸쳐 한국군만에 의해 행해졌고, 1004명부터 1200명의 비무장 베트남 민간인, 주로 여성, 어린이, 노인, 유아가 학살되었다.
      한국에 의한 선전과 가짜 정보를 전파하려는 시도는 품질보다 속도를 강조하고 있다.
      노벨상, 과학자:
      일본 25명,
      대만 2명,
      중국 3명,
      한국 0명.
      虐殺は 3 週間にわたり韓国軍のみにより行われ、1004人から1200人の非武装のベトナム民間人、主に女性、子供、老人、幼児が虐殺された。
      日本 25人、
      台湾 2人、
      中国 3人、
      韓国 0人。

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China and Russia support North Korea and help develop nuclear weapons. In September 2017, The New York Times reported that US intelligence agencies discovered that North Korean rocket fuel was coming from China and Russia. To develop long-range missiles capable of hitting Guam and the US mainland, North Korea needs a rocket fuel known as asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), which China and Russia provide to North Korea.
      China and Russia are selling arms to military ruled Myanmar.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      January 5, 2022, President of Taiwan: "Taiwan's democracy and freedom must win."
      Taiwan is one country and not part of China. 台湾是一个国家,不是中国的一部分。台湾是一个国家,不属于中国。
      The Chinese government has no diplomatic options anymore. US military officials believe China
      will invade Taiwan between now and 2027. It can be assumed that Japan will also have a military clash with China in five years.
      Anti-Separation Law of People's Republic of China
      (Enforced on March 14, 2015)
      Article 8
      "If the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces act under any pretext or means to cause the separation of Taiwan from China, or if a serious incident occurs in connection with the separation of Taiwan from China, or if the possibility of peaceful reunification is completely lost, the state shall take non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
      Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Syria, Pakistan and Ethiopia support Anti-Separation Law.
      AUKUS's (Australia, UK, US) strategy to produce nuclear submarines for Australia can integrate Taiwan into the larger Indo-Pacific Union. Together also with Japan strategically, we provide mutual cooperation on defense capabilities.
      In China, (1) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to carry out military activities in their respective countries (National Defense Mobilization Law, effective in 2010); (2) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to do spy activities in their respective countries. (National Intelligence Law, effective 2017). Chinese citizens who do not follow the instructions and orders of the Chinese government will be arrested and have no option to decline.
      Together, these two laws create the most dangerous security situation for every country.
      There are at any time 25,000 Chinese spies in Japan.
      In 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, China leaders ordered to kill thousands of student democracy demonstrators.
      Chinese agents contacted a Chinese democratic activist living in the US repeatedly warning they were tracking her every movement. They threatened to kill her and harm her family in China if she didn’t stop criticizing China’s leaders.
      Ignoring international law and the sovereignty of other countries, the CCP has established its own police bases, called "Overseas Police Service Centers," in 102 locations in 53 countries, including the United States, Europe, Africa, South America, and Japan. These are being used as bases to hunt down pro-democracy activists who have fled abroad. Between April 2021 and July 2022, more than 200,000 overseas Chinese pro-democracy activists were forcibly returned to China by the Overseas Police Service Center to face criminal charges. The Overseas Police Service Center's tactics include harassing and intimidating the target’s family members.
      The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is China's intelligence and security agency, responsible for counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. It has broad powers to conduct espionage domestically and abroad.
      The MSS, Ministry of National Security of the People's Republic of China , benefits from close ties between the State and Chinese tech giants like Baidu and Alibaba and Tencent, all of which have the ability to mine personal data. Other government departments are required to cooperate with the MSS and provide support for its activities.
      A senior MSS officer was arrested in Belgium and handed over to the U.S. in 2018 on charges of conspiring to steal trade secrets from top 80 aviation companies. This spy for China’s government had been brought to America to face charges.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      In January 2023, several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.

    • @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903
      @fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 Год назад

      China has cameras everywhere, a full-fledged cell phone tracking system, and people are monitored by a government surveillance system.
      In China if you want to track a specific person, you can. When someone goes missing, the relevant information can be hidden by the Chinese Communist government so that the person cannot be found.
      In recent years, many underage students have gone missing. It is rarely reported in official Chinese media. In November 2022, the disappearance of a young boy in Wuhan caused great concern among Chinese people.
      In the West, waiting for a suitable organ takes a long time. However, many Chinese transplant hospitals only take a week to a month to complete a match and find a suitable donor for a patient. Some even offer emergency transplants, in stark contrast to the long waiting times for donors in other countries. Some organ transplant operations in China have multiple matching organs on standby for each patient.
      Few Chinese voluntarily donate organs because the traditional Chinese culture highly values ​​the integrity of the physical body. China has a long-standing culture of believing that the body is a gift from parents and heaven, and that the soul needs to be cared for and protected so it can be taken to the next reincarnation. Moreover, in recent decades, the Chinese government has not made a big call for organ donation. However, there are many organs available. Organ crimes in China were first exposed by overseas Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners and dissidents, many of whom were detained in prisons and detention centers, had their blood drawn under the guise of health checks. They soon disappeared. Sources within the CCP system have revealed that many of the organ transplant donors come from these Falun Gong practitioners. Behind this is the organ transplant industry chain; the Chinese Communist Party's police, prosecutors, courts, hospitals, and the Triad of Chinese criminal gangs.
      Such practices have continued for more than 20 years since former party leader Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong in 1999. The organ transplant industry chain has also spread to Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. The Chinese government-led organ transplant industry will use the big data widely collected and generated during the past three years of the Covid pandemic to quickly identify specific organs and make more accurate matches. Matches to transplant recipients can be easily found from vast amounts of genetic data. Those identified have gone missing. There has been an increase in the number of teenagers who have disappeared.
      Evidence has been found to suggest that Falun Gong detainees were mass murdered for their organs. Massive disappearances of young Uyghur men, reports of routine blood tests of Uyghur political prisoners, reports of mysterious deaths of Tibetans and Uyghurs in custody - all of these people are under the control of the Chinese Communist government, are victims of systematic organ harvesting. It’s a crime of the Chinese government, a genocide committed by the Chinese government. Japanese people are also being targeted.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctions on China as we do on Russia.
      Chinese students who
      receive Chinese government’s scholarship must sign agreements with the Chinese government. In Written contracts, these students must promise that ①they won’t engage in activities that harm the interests of Chinese government and that ②they must follow the management of Chinese consulates.
      Several Chinese Students at Lund University in Sweden were found out to have signed these agreements.
      The agreements are between students and the China Scholarship Council or CSC. The agency is under China's Ministy of Education. CSC sends Chinese students to study on scholarships around the world including the United States. The CSC works with many colleges in the U.S. like Harvard, MIT, and UCLA. About 370,000 Chinese students in the U.S. on 2020. One in every 14 Chinese students in America
      are sponsored by CSC.
      The students must swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.
      "Applicants must support the leadership of the Communist Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
      CSC asks students to submit periodic research reports to Chinese consulates.
      The students are being forced to follow the Chinese Communist party's orders, like participating in the Chinese Government’s overseas influence operations, gathering intelligence and stealing intellectual properties. The Chinese Government is exploiting students to steal intellectual property from the West.
      A guarantor of a student has to sign the agreement as well. Under the contract, that guarantor can’t leave China for over three months when the student is studying abroad, and the guarantor needs to pay scholarship payment if the student brakes the signed agreements.
      Two universities in Sweden have stopped working with CSC.
      The world will decouple from China and Russia.
      The world will put the most severe economic sanctios on China as we do on Russia.

    • @KohanKilletz
      @KohanKilletz Год назад

      @@fxzsfgafxvsfg8903 you're a sap

  • @dabadaba5847
    @dabadaba5847 Год назад +35

    watched this on the first upload and i am going through the rest on patreon tonight! very informative, amazing guest

  • @mbapum6363
    @mbapum6363 Год назад +115

    Wow. This is a very clear display of the facts. No Propaganda. No BS. Very rare to see in our times.

    • @tonyfernandes2342
      @tonyfernandes2342 Год назад +1

      You are absolutely right!...

    • @Kingofthehill84
      @Kingofthehill84 Год назад

      He failed to mentioned how the Japanese invasions of Korea was to liberating Korea from Russians invaders and occupation of Korea during Russo - Japanese War.

    • @Kingofthehill84
      @Kingofthehill84 Год назад

      The massacre of 300,000 of Nanjing people by the Japanese soldiers was a lied just the 6,000,000...

    • @Kingofthehill84
      @Kingofthehill84 Год назад

      The whole idea of the Japanese empire was to united all Asia countries as one by getting rid of the Western colonizers from Asia continent which Japanese did successfull achieved mostly on their own for short period of time once the Western alliances regroup and teams up with most of Asia countries to defeated Japanese empire during the Pacific war that's how the USA, Russia, UK, France and Portugal regained control most of the Asia countries until the Vietnam War began..

    • @seafood_hater
      @seafood_hater Год назад +4

      @@Kingofthehill84 Yeah, and the Japanese invasion of China was to liberate China from the Chinese themselves, or that the Japanese invasion of Singapore was to liberate Singapore from British colonizers (fyi, Singapore suffered the worst during the Japanese occupation--we even have a locally made anti-Japanese TV series, feel free to check it out.)

  • @balkanleopard9728
    @balkanleopard9728 Год назад +80

    Rania and Ju-Hyun, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your honest reporting makes life worth living. The atrocitious crimes carried out by Japan and the USA in Korea are so heinous that both countries should bow their heads in shame. We may forgive, but we shall never forget.

    • @bertanelson8062
      @bertanelson8062 Год назад +13

      Except we are forgetting & letting essentially the same thing occur in Ukraine. Forbidding Russian language, wholesale killing back or done directly by USA.

    • @jebbyplaysvr
      @jebbyplaysvr Год назад


    • @balkanleopard9728
      @balkanleopard9728 Год назад +8

      @@jebbyplaysvr I don't know that term. Please let me know what are you trying to say. My view is that the dishonesty in the western historical narrative is so destructive to understanding.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      They were actually highly dishonest in this video. While they didn't technically say anything untrue, they probably lied by omission every step of the way.
      Either that, or they are utterly ignorant of the full story.
      I've read the accounts of a bunch of North Korean defectors and they always explain very extensively just how horrible their country is and how they only realized that fact after they escaped.
      Basically, this video only told half the story and glossed over the rest. Raina and Ju-Hyun almost seem to think that the Korean war was a Saturday morning cartoon with clear sides of good and evil. It was not. Both sides did numerous horrible things every step of the way. Such is the story of war and of history. Humans on all sides regularly commit atrocities to further their own ends.
      Again, everything they said in this video is technically true, I read a book titled "Still Life With Rice" which was written by the granddaughter of a North Korean woman which confirmed all of it, but it's only half the story. If you want to know the other half, then listen to multiple North Korean defectors and note the patterns in their stories. America and South Korea are both flawed countries with flawed histories. But North Korea is far, far worse.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      The Russian military is committing many terrible atrocities too. History is a bloodfest. It's not a long story of clear-cut sides of good and evil.

  • @tertersha8796
    @tertersha8796 Год назад +40

    I was fascinated by this from beginning to end. I knew a little about the Korean war but never heard if from this perspective before. Ju-Hyun did a great job of laying out the history, thanks for inviting such a great guest Rania.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      He didn't lie about the ugly things done by America and South Korea, but he completely omitted all the inconvenient facts about North Korea in the process.
      Yes, America and its allies have committed atrocities, but that doesn't mean that North Korea and its allies have clean hands either. I would expect two adults to already know that.
      I have read a lot about the history of Korea and how it was split into two, and I can attest that North Korea is a horrible abomination of a country as is regularly reported by those lucky enough to escape it.
      I was well aware of everything Ju-Hyun said in this video, but it's important to note that he only told half the story and glossed over the rest.

  • @michael511128
    @michael511128 Год назад +24

    You may search and read the lengthy article: Severe humanitarian disasters caused by US aggressive wars against foreign countries The China Society for Human Rights Studies | Updated: 2021-04-11 19:37
    The United States has always praised itself as "a city upon a hill" that is an example to others in the way it supports "natural human rights" and fulfills "natural responsibilities", and it has repeatedly waged foreign wars under the banner of "humanitarian intervention". During the past 240-plus years after it declared independence on July 4th, 1776, the United States was not involved in any war for merely less than 20 years. According to incomplete statistics, from the end of World War II in 1945 to 2001, among the 248 armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions of the world, 201 were initiated by the United States, accounting for 81 percent of the total number. Most of the wars of aggression waged by the United States have been unilateralist actions, and some of these wars were even opposed by its own allies. These wars not only cost the belligerent parties a large number of military lives but also caused extremely serious civilian casualties and property damage, leading to horrific humanitarian disasters. The selfishness and hypocrisy of the United States have also been fully exposed through these foreign wars.
    1. Major Aggressive Wars Waged by the United States after World War II
    (1) The Korean War. The Korean War, which took place in the early 1950s, did not persist for a long time but it was extremely bloody, leading to more than three million civilian deaths and creating more than three million refugees. According to statistics from the DPRK, the war destroyed about 8,700 factories, 5,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals, and 600,000 households, and more than two million children under the age of 18 were uprooted by the war. During this war, the ROK side lost 41.23 billion won, which was equivalent to 6.9 billion US dollars according to the official exchange rate at that time; and about 600,000 houses, 46.9 percent of railways, 1,656 highways, and 1,453 bridges in the ROK were destroyed. Worse still, the war led to the division of the DPRK and the ROK, causing a large number of family separations. Among the more than 130,000 Koreans registered in the Ministry of Unification in the ROK who have family members cut off by the war, 75,000 have passed away, forever losing the chance to meet their lost family members again. The website of the United States' The Diplomat magazine reported on June 25, 2020, that as of November 2019, the average age of these family separation victims in the ROK had reached 81, and 60 percent of the 133,370 victims registered since 1988 had passed away, and that most of the registered victims never succeeded in meeting their lost family members again.
    (2) The Vietnam War. The Vietnam War which lasted from the 1950s to the 1970s is the longest and most brutal war since the end of World War II. The Vietnamese government estimated that the war killed approximately 1.1 million North Vietnamese soldiers and 300,000 South Vietnamese soldiers, and caused as many as two million civilian deaths. The government also pointed out that some of the deaths were caused by the US troops' planned massacres that were carried out in the name of "combating the Vietnamese Communist Party". …

  • @eightiefiv3
    @eightiefiv3 Год назад +23

    This is a fantastic gift, a generous outpouring of seriously needed knowledge!! Thanks to the both of you and your teams for bringing this to RUclips!!

  • @solanjedere
    @solanjedere Год назад +75

    This channel is an 👀 opening to the world. Thanks for this great job. Hugs from🇧🇷

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      Just because America and South Korea are both flawed countries doesn't mean that North Korea is any better. These two people basically omitted all the inconvenient details that would have damaged their narrative. It's almost as if they think that the world is a childish game with clear-cut sides of good and evil.
      I have read about the Korean war, I am well aware of the evils that these two reported on, but they completely ignored everything done by the other side. North Korea is far, far worse than its Southern neighbor.
      If you want to know the other half of the story that these two omitted, then read or watch the accounts of North Korean defectors. They will constantly attest to the truth of their country's hideous evils.

  • @auntielub
    @auntielub Год назад +20

    @28:38. I wonder if the South Korean people, especially the youths, know about all these US atrocities??? From what I can see, the present day South Korean people are so enamoured with everything from the US!! It’s like the Stockholm Syndrome.

    • @heartsofiron4ever
      @heartsofiron4ever Год назад

      US atrocities? The only atrocities committed were by North Korea, attacking and shelling civilians in Seoul? Waging a war of aggression

  • @nemoaspieman369
    @nemoaspieman369 Год назад +12

    I shared this video yesterday and the link went dead, I hope all is well as even went to website and it wasn't there but happy that it is back. Thanks for all your work.

  • @mistershopen6563
    @mistershopen6563 Год назад +29

    This is a better history lesson than you would get at any 4-year American University program.

    • @kimsim6757
      @kimsim6757 Год назад

      4 year pro US brainwash program plus debt upon graduation 😂

    • @user-zv8gd3jl7q
      @user-zv8gd3jl7q 10 месяцев назад +1

      The British did same division in khorason Afghan land where the British gave the southern half to millions of Indian settlers and called it Pakistan in 1947, this is after they divided the Indian Muslims and Indian Seikhs. Western imperialism is global.
      This Ju Hyun is a gem for Korean history !

    • @maplemiles3381
      @maplemiles3381 Месяц назад

      ​@@kimsim6757those are not facts and if you say they are you are 100% factually in the wrong and you know it

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      He didn't technically lie, but he omitted all the inconvenient facts about North Korea in this video. Just because America and South Korea have done horrible things doesn't mean that North Korea is a good country. Quite the contrary, the North Koreans also committed numerous atrocities during the Korean war and regularly continue to do so to this very day.
      This video is not a good source of information. It only tells one side of the story and completely ignores the rest.

  • @bertanelson8062
    @bertanelson8062 Год назад +17

    This is the most factual discussion of Korea I have ever heard. I watched a documentary of S. Korean woman visiting N Korea, visiting a school, a textile factory, farmers & people all around. It showed how people were devoted to their leader & were encouraged to give to those less fortunate.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      That's a highly romanticized view. I've done my research of the North Korean regime. This guy in the video basically just told half the story, and while none of it was false, it left out all the inconvenient facts that prove that North Korea is an evil, hideous abomination. It's almost as if he thinks that the world is a Saturday morning cartoon-like he thinks that the fact that America and South Korea have done bad things somehow automatically makes North Korea the good guy-completely ignoring the fact that all sides commit atrocities in all conflicts around the world. It's not a binary of good and evil.
      And the things you mentioned in that documentary are well explained by people who have actually escaped from North Korea. The devotion of the North Koreans to their leader is something that I am well aware is mostly genuine. The book titled "The Girl With Seven Names" (written by a North Korean defector) attested to that fact. But the problem is that that genuine love and devotion is only the result of mass brainwashing. North Koreans worship their leader because they are constantly told to. They are told outrageous lies about his benevolence and divinity while never being told the slightest detail about his selfishness and cruelty. Did you know that they are told things like that flowers bloom and snow melts in his presence? Or that he can stand in both the East and West at the same time? Or that he won 100,000 battles against the Japanese?
      They never get any information from the outside world. They only know what the regime tells them, so of course they revere their leader. They don't know any better. What else do you expect them to do?
      And yes, it is also true that they are encouraged to share their property, but of course, that's something that the leader seldom does (unless you count with his pleasure squads). He lives in opulent palaces, is driven around in limousines, has five-star chefs flown in from around the world to make his meals, and has one of the largest movie collections on Earth. Of course, he doesn't share this wealth with his people, most of whom are malnourished and impoverished and can be killed for watching any of the movies he freely indulges himself with.
      Sharing is a rule only for the common people of North Korea.
      And lastly, I don't understand why you think that a documentary of a South Korean woman visiting the North would prove that the North was actually a good place. Obviously they would only show her the "good" things and hide anything they didn't want to be exposed. She didn't live in that country her whole life, so why would she have a knowledge of what it was actually like?
      Read or watch the accounts of North Korean defectors. They will constantly attest to the truth that the guy in this video casually glossed over.

    • @warrioroflight6872
      @warrioroflight6872 Месяц назад

      You do realize that they only love their leader because they are brainwashed since birth to do so, right?
      Also, the encouragement to share is a rule only for the commoners. Their leader certainly doesn't do so with his wealth.

  • @CDTsuiPo
    @CDTsuiPo Год назад +38

    After the Korean War and before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, North Korea has always been higher than its neighbors China and South Korea in terms of economic data and people's feelings because of the help of the Soviet Union. During the same period, while China was threatened by the Soviet Union's nuclear power, it was also defined as a socialist country by Western countries and was subject to economic sanctions.

    • @ritarossi1805
      @ritarossi1805 Год назад

      NK Isn't puppet of America like south korea... south korea Remember the poor american half-blood children.... america gifted to NK 600.000 tons of bombs. And embargoes.....bombs Only hurt those Who receive them and AMERICA Always Is far far away.....but. NK Is still ALIVE 🦋

    • @michaeljames2349
      @michaeljames2349 Год назад +2

      Not true, that only lasted until the 70’s before South Korea became a global power

    • @CDTsuiPo
      @CDTsuiPo Год назад +4

      @ michaeljames2349 In 1970, the South Korean government reported to parliament that the U.S. military in Korea brought in $160 million one year (including the sex trade) to South Korea. (South Korea's annual exports at the time were $835 million.)

    • @michaeljames2349
      @michaeljames2349 Год назад +1

      @@CDTsuiPo Like I said, that’s when the South BEGAN to develop more than the North. The North was getting everything they needed from China and the USSR. The South got surprisingly little from the US and still became vastly richer. Plus it’s a democracy.

    • @dumupad3-da241
      @dumupad3-da241 2 месяца назад +1

      @@michaeljames2349 South Korea only became a democracy in the late 1980s, when they thought communism was already too weak to win. But even now it doesn't have normal freedom of speech and conscience - being 'pro-North Korean' or even just anti-capitalist is illegal. Both Ranya and Ju-Hyun would probably have been imprisoned in South Korea for this video. All of this is in South Korea's National Security Act, which Amnesty International and many other human rights organisations have condemned as a tool of oppression.

  • @Wbliss
    @Wbliss Год назад +67

    The people living in South Korea have been under the U.S. influences for so long after the Korean War & been brainwashed esp, for the younger generation who grew up worshiping the American lifestyles without giving second thoughts to their own & cultural traits & despised the northern people for being underdeveloped, undernourished & warlike mentality in comparison to the southern folks who, supposedly are living in a more civilized world under western domination. Well, the northerners are not dying from starvation, living in caves & sharpening their knives for another war with the south. None of this scenario is ever being the truth but just sheer daily propaganda from the west to keep people in a state of fear & dependency on the U.S. for their so called protection of the democratic south. This strategy has worked well for the western powers to just keep the North and South Korea apart for as long as possible.The two sides of the peninsula know this divide & rule strategy all too well & should work among themselves to break off this chain of perpetual humiliation imposed upon them by foreign powers.! Surely, this is a long road for both sides politically but not impossible to overcome for one final Korean nation.!

    • @mystictraveler8642
      @mystictraveler8642 Год назад

      Having US military there don't influence South Korean culture. It's still very Korean and share influence with each other in some things but it is just modern Korea. Very global mindset.

    • @drewm9903
      @drewm9903 Год назад

      Lol imagine like getting mad at North Korea for warlike mentality while worshiping the United States that lives and breathes war. Hey South Koreans! The US only had lavish lifestyles cause we stole resources from other countries!
      When the USD collapses, you then realize that such lifestyles were outright unsustainable.

    • @drewm9903
      @drewm9903 Год назад

      @@mystictraveler8642 That is patently false. With US Military there, it's an occupation, and boy does the US aim to influence everyone they can around the world. I doubt South Korea is an exception. How much agency SK has I don't know. NK isn't all roses neither and they got some serious issues of their own.

    • @Wbliss
      @Wbliss Год назад +24

      @@mystictraveler8642 that’s interesting when you mentioned that having US military in S Korea doesn’t have any influence on Korean culture in any shape or form since the truce with the north, might be so in the traditional sense but the modern aspects of its society would say otherwise. A nation with foreign troops on its soil for so long, doesn’t reflect a modern society with a global mindset but a Colonial mindset of that society. That’s the difference & it’s time to really wake up from that colonial slumbering.

    • @mystictraveler8642
      @mystictraveler8642 Год назад

      @@Wbliss the military don't influence a country. Other things influence countries like movies and music but not military. Military is Something the society don't really see since it's in the background.

  • @ekkiazure
    @ekkiazure Год назад +23

    Interesting how similar the imperial situation of Korea is to that of the colonies of India Sub-Continent under the East India Company, as highlighted by Utsa and Prabhat Patnaik. I'm still in the very beginning of the video, but I can already notice similar patterns with the question of taxation, demand suppression and reduced calorie intake.

    • @loganlowe3731
      @loganlowe3731 Год назад +1

      Which makes a lot of sense, since those colonial policies were basically an offshoot of Keynes's reduced consumption war-finance policies (profit inflation reducing the real-wage), intended for the UK/US domestic populations to finance the war effort.
      Utsa Patnaik actually wrote a paper on the Bengal famine between 1940-1944 in 2017, noting the connection with Keynesian war-finance policy.

  • @figuringitout796
    @figuringitout796 Год назад +6

    I gotta say, all this information blows my mind. I remember reading a book in middle school called 'A Year of Impossible Goodbyes" which when I searched it up was an autobiography of Sook Nyul Choi which tbh was a book that not only got me learning a lot about the horrors of Japanese occupation during WW2 especially for the women...but also ended by showcasing the Soviets as these brainwashing Nazis or something that had everyone calling each other "comrades" and told young children that if they're parents are talking bad about the government, let them know. It made the Soviet Union look horrific...
    but apparently, the Soviets barely played many parts in the government aside from backing the local unified governments there and Kim Il Sung...

  • @erikeparsels
    @erikeparsels Год назад +35

    The bit where the anti-communist woman from Korea relays her US-sponsored propaganda about Kim Jong Un killing people by locking them in a metal box makes me laugh. That's the scene from the old Alec Guinness war movie Bridge on the River Kwai, where Col. Saito locks Alec Guiness in a metal shed the size of a dog house in the hot sun as a means of torture.

    • @huwpatt3817
      @huwpatt3817 Год назад +3

      Yes - that was a visceral film

  • @BlackuLaLa
    @BlackuLaLa Год назад +6

    Holy shit I like this channel! You were way down on the search list, and I can see why. Can't have this kind of honesty heard by too many people. I'm glad I found you!

  • @mariac2593
    @mariac2593 Год назад +4

    It makes me livid that this info was NEVER spoken about when I was a pupil in Australian schools from Kindergarten to senior high school.😮

  • @clement3718
    @clement3718 Год назад +38

    Wow! It was a great history lesson from Mr. Ju-Hyun Park !!!! The whole were told nothing of the reality of the Korean tragedy ! I shall share this wonderful video with all my friends!

    • @selfreflection2117
      @selfreflection2117 10 месяцев назад +1

      Another good channel to watch is The New Atlas

  • @PikachooUpYou
    @PikachooUpYou Год назад +16

    Now I afore the idea of North Korea’s cyber work as a means to fight back and make progress. They are amazingly resourceful people and I speaks highly again for how successful socialism can be when collectivism is a necessity. If only Cuba wasn’t oceans away from connectivity to their socialist peers who’ve had more luck in their neighbours.

    • @marcriba7581
      @marcriba7581 Год назад +9

      I'm still amazed Cuba even stands to this day, right by the monster, an island under permanent siege.

  • @louiszubieta2073
    @louiszubieta2073 Год назад +41

    Thanks Rania, great work as usual

  • @commentatortea3650
    @commentatortea3650 Год назад +11

    and what shame for SK president today to single-sidedly forgive and compensate its own victims of J4panese brutality, asking for SK corps to pay for it! Absolutely ridiculous. So much for democracy, if he campaigned on this I doubt he would get 1% vote.

    • @marcriba7581
      @marcriba7581 Год назад +1

      Is it the same guy who very democratically tried to push the weekly working hours to almost 70h, just to be contested by furious SK youngsters until public humilliation? Lovely fellow.

  • @tonyfernandes2342
    @tonyfernandes2342 Год назад +9

    This show deserves to have subtitles in every language in the world!

    • @selfreflection2117
      @selfreflection2117 10 месяцев назад

      There are! Click caption. Click auto translate. A list of languages pops up.

  • @ciara5867
    @ciara5867 Год назад +3

    ...'I pushed the train....'😂❤😂😹❤🤭

  • @Black-2024
    @Black-2024 Год назад +8

    I'd not be surprised if this video is Shadow banned in South Korea & in western countries.
    Thank you guys for this amazing true history of Koreans & foreign States who divided them.
    lots of love from Ethiopia 💚💛❤️

    • @johnoestmannmusic
      @johnoestmannmusic Год назад +3

      Thankfully, we can see the video in Australia. Mind blowing from what we’ve been taught

  • @noah5291
    @noah5291 Год назад +34

    Really loving this channel. Thankful for the actual education

  • @Daddydj500
    @Daddydj500 Год назад +6

    Very interesting conversation. Like the historical context very much. It brought to mind the fact that both north and south koreans share this history. In the western world they are always spoken about as two seperat entities. Great conversation

  • @mna7308
    @mna7308 Год назад +7

    The problem is the Asian countries still have to vigorously do more trade using their own currencies and alternatives to SWIFT system and downscale their dependency of the dollar

  • @honzo1078
    @honzo1078 Год назад +2

    I think that the main thing that kept MacArthur from enacting his nuclear atrocity was the Soviet nuclear bomb test, and subsequent developments, from 1949.

  • @JacobShulkinYashkakakashka
    @JacobShulkinYashkakakashka Год назад +11

    Among the best descriptions of the context of the formation of the two Korean states & civil/proxy war. The only other English language content I’ve listened to that goes this deep into how the Korean War actually started and went down is Blowback season 3- which I highly recommend to anyone in the comments here after watching this.

    • @JacobShulkinYashkakakashka
      @JacobShulkinYashkakakashka Год назад +3

      Thanks Ju-Hyun!!

    • @hargydon
      @hargydon Год назад

      I second this recommendation of Blowback S3 for further exploration of Korea, but also their other seasons for Iraq & Cuba!

  • @fallenswan1670
    @fallenswan1670 Год назад +7

    It is always nice to hear about Democratic People's Republic of Korea, since I know that 99% what I know about the nation, is lies by those who want destroy the nation.
    Everyone who I heard to visit in the nation says that it is "pretty normal nation". I think so far best source to hear about the nation was some stream between Daniel Dumbrill and three other person who travelled at least once in the nation, and discussed together about what they saw or experienced in there. One of those four persons (whose names I do not remember) was British woman, who been multiple times there because of her work. When she was asked how she feel about how cities in DPRK looks, when there is no advertisements everywhere, no homeless people in streets, etc etc. She said that actually, every time she come back to London, she kind of miss the Korea, and think why we have to have all these things...
    Edit: Here is the fron Daniel Dumbrill's channel. Same video should be also in channels of three others person.

  • @johnlund2036
    @johnlund2036 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you for providing the different perspectives from what I normally hear/see on a variety of issues and areas.
    I have actually seen Yeonmi Park on RUclips and Patreon.

  • @std882
    @std882 Год назад +17

    I'm glad I came across this video. I had, since 2020 when I discovered what the US can do, always doubt all the narrative about N. Korea. It's no Western style lifestyle but to be so evil? I don't know of another country more evil than the USA.

  • @ivanoleaanimator
    @ivanoleaanimator Год назад +26

    AmaziNg and thank you for your report that blows apart the popular narrative!

  • @adamjohnson286
    @adamjohnson286 Год назад +7

    *So much* good historical information in this interview. Really worth learning about the history of Korea. It's such a classic case of imperialist subjugation....
    I've heard from non-profiteering Korean truth tellers before, so it wasn't entirely new to me, but still I learned quite a bit. Don't believe anything the western media tells you about the world.
    "They have to push the train."
    Makes so much sense.
    Best videos straight out of North Korea- the "Indigo Traveler" series. Worth watching.

  • @JohnSmith-vm8rx
    @JohnSmith-vm8rx Год назад +18

    Love it Rania! Keep up the excellent journalism! 👍

  • @Kaavotibinada
    @Kaavotibinada Год назад

    I’m not sure if it only happened to me but I thought I’d let @breakthroughnews know that when this video was first posted I received a notification about it, but when I went to watch it, RUclips hid this post from me. For the last four months I was trying to find this and it wasn’t available anywhere for me to watch or hear. Glad I am finally able to see this ❤

  • @HaraldinChina
    @HaraldinChina Год назад +7

    very rare topic for anyone to take on. well done

  • @vianniello93
    @vianniello93 Год назад +2

    I FUCKING love that Yeonmi Park edit lol. My brain was broken by Vine.

  • @ciara5867
    @ciara5867 Год назад +6

    Brilliant analysis and history. Thank you all for this fascinating episode.♥️🇮🇪🙏👏👏👏

  • @mystictraveler8642
    @mystictraveler8642 Год назад +17

    Thank you so much for covering this I really appreciate it.

  • @ronburgandy1475
    @ronburgandy1475 Год назад +3

    I love the guests factual base. And not pushing a "I'm right because I think so" like so many people do when speaking about political and economic systems...
    His breakdown was excellent and very accurate from my own historical knowledge. Great interview 👍

  • @spidermann1256
    @spidermann1256 Год назад +5

    A most informative discussion - I hope Mr. Park will get more coverage in the future.
    I'd like to recommend Zoe Discovers who has spent time as a guide pre-covid in NK & she also posts news which are not covered in the mainstream.

  • @nahumflores7182
    @nahumflores7182 Год назад +10

    Amazing explanations, you guys contextualized the present reality of North Corea and reflect a reality the majority of people ignore. Thank you

  • @honzo1078
    @honzo1078 Год назад +2

    My step-grandfather was from a yangban family with land in the North, and naturally an ardent anti-communist. He was, very briefly, a minister in the Rhee regime, but even he recoiled from the corruption and atrocities and resigned. He couldn't let go of his anti-communism, but he was an almost-sane national patriot who wanted to see the country develop for the benefit of the people- just not under communist leadership. He talked about a lot of this history, and was adamant that the outbreak of the full-fledged war between North and South was a false-flag operation engineered by MacArthur to get the US fully involved, with the aim of simply conquering the North. He adopted a 'cousin' of mine because he watched US troops burn down her village with flame throwers, immolating her parents, because her father was a union organizer. According to some other relatives, he was the one who ratted him out to the authorities.
    My own time in the ROK, during the Pak regime, was spent founding a school for orphan girls, during which time I was almost shot by soldiers for taking pictures of the girls on a literal field trip to talk to a local rice farmer. Spy paranoia was being fanned to white-hot levels, and it happened that there was a small military checkpoint out of sight on the other side of a stand of trees. I suspect I'm still on a list there, I haven't been back.

  • @selu3980
    @selu3980 Год назад +17

    A Korean friend described digging holes with spoons to hide from US soldiers. Fortunately, I had an uncle who was a conscientious objector to the Korean war.

    • @tedmusson5179
      @tedmusson5179 Год назад +1

      Not sure why, but I liked and trusted this gentleman before he even spoke.

    • @seemychannel4truth
      @seemychannel4truth Год назад

      your friend must be Yeonmi Phark........ the svbhum@n

    • @selu3980
      @selu3980 Год назад +2

      @@seemychannel4truth my friend lived through the war and is no longer living. Not sure why you would feel it necessary to demean her experiences 🤔

    • @seemychannel4truth
      @seemychannel4truth Год назад

      Se Lu, IF ur friend's name is Yeonmi Phark it deserved to be demean. ..coz it's evi|...look at its plastic face n f0rk tong'e. Qtherwise no.

    • @marcriba7581
      @marcriba7581 Год назад +2

      @@selu3980 He/she didn't even understand what you were saying, acts like a bot that bashes Yeonmi supporters. Well intentioned, but deffinitelly baaad bot.

  • @namesurname8725
    @namesurname8725 Год назад +4

    Just subscribed because of this interview, good job !

  • @francisco-ruidacruzcosta5410
    @francisco-ruidacruzcosta5410 Год назад +4

    It seems fairly clear from where most lies originate, and also that the US public suffers most from that. An Us pilot complained that there only was one building that could be bombed; possibly that is why the North Koreans are careful in opening relations with the humanist democratic world. This reasoning also appears to be shared by many US citizens who have been treated rather badly by the establishment. May I say that I greatly appreciate your program, your guest, Ju-Hyun Park, and your questions. Regarding the other Korean woman who trotted out her thoughts, evidently, she has been denied a visa to visit the country that has had good luck in losing her. May I recommend North Korean musicians?

  • @copetimusmaximus3363
    @copetimusmaximus3363 Год назад +6

    The US has to go and has to be contained to its own territory, their occupational military bases all over the world have to go. Without 'murikas crimes there, Koreas will reunite shortly.

    • @heartsofiron4ever
      @heartsofiron4ever Год назад

      under democracy and freedom unlike the north

    • @copetimusmaximus3363
      @copetimusmaximus3363 Год назад

      @@heartsofiron4ever DPRK's system is much better. It'd absolutely shine if not for sanctions.
      Unlike SK with its abysmal birthrates, almost total body dysmorphic disorder of the population, suicide rates and who knows what else. No thanks. DPRK is much better.

  • @CDTsuiPo
    @CDTsuiPo Год назад +12

    Like in China, in the early days when cars were not so common, in the 70s and 80s, drivers were actually a profession. At that time, to get a driver's license, you had to go to school and learn how to repair cars. After all, cars were not so reliable at that time. not learning how to build a car..

  • @pinnacleenrichments8387
    @pinnacleenrichments8387 Год назад +3

    Rania, thank you for your work and all that you do. I grew up being fed the kind of propaganda that your channel exposes and was viewing other countries and their citizens as enemies. Your videos have shed light to the other side of the story and often set me free from the fear and anger held inside of me all those years. Best wishes; you are a very beautiful and intelligent woman.

  • @WongTinKay
    @WongTinKay Год назад +14

    Very, very educational history ... so much we were not aware of and was hidden. USA's biblical "iniquities" in Africa, Middle East, S.E. Asia, East Asia perhaps has reached its limits and we shall see that shortly.

    • @marcriba7581
      @marcriba7581 Год назад +1

      Well the USA can't even pretend to be the economical hegemon anymore so it's back to geopolitical military bullying... but now against neocolonies that have most of the world's industry. God bless lovely capitalism for being so good at shooting their own feet in the name of greed.

    • @crystaluwu1012
      @crystaluwu1012 Год назад +1

      True, US will receive its karma eventually.

  • @amarcadiacastillo
    @amarcadiacastillo Год назад +2

    Excellent channel, thank your for the great job. Important task is to talk seriously about geopolitics, history and how mass media has interests and don't tell the whole history.

  • @honzo1078
    @honzo1078 Год назад +2

    Every American needs to see this video. Half my ancestors are Korean, and I can confirm almost all of this from their accounts and those of other family members.

    • @maplemiles3381
      @maplemiles3381 Месяц назад

      Why should they this person is nothing but a brain dead whataboutism tankie.
      "He is not a tankie and you don't even know what that is"
      Yes I do and your a uneducated shill

  • @Hsalf904
    @Hsalf904 Год назад +5

    Wow, Korea’s colonial history sounds a lot like Ireland’s and to a degree the Scottish Highlands as well

    • @DroneAndBimmerGyal
      @DroneAndBimmerGyal Год назад

      Slotted a couple of nasty micks in NI during my time in the army. Girls do it better 😊

    • @Hsalf904
      @Hsalf904 Год назад

      @@DroneAndBimmerGyal Tha mi duilich chan eil Beurla agam

  • @jadelightsword
    @jadelightsword Год назад +4

    The history and backgroind presented by the guest was phenomenal, thank you

  • @tylerpurrden
    @tylerpurrden Год назад +13

    This is crucial

  • @mediatoday-nm2hc
    @mediatoday-nm2hc Год назад +10

    Thanks Mr JU and Miss RANIA for this lecture. More please.

  • @obedirect5491
    @obedirect5491 Год назад +2

    Breakthrough News is our Ppl’s History of the World! Thank u for the education and analysis.

  • @BrandonUveges
    @BrandonUveges 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for your work. This is such a massive issue in my mind, and every political, persuasive, ideological essay, debate, or presentation I do in university Is usually about what you covered today. Hoping this common sense history becomes more well known by people in general. The only thing I wanted to add was about the Korean War. There is actually no definitive evidence that either the North or South fired the first shots. the US and the ROK made disingenuous statements with which everyone took at face value. However, I never thought about it in the way you were saying either- so ill have to start using that as well. Thank you

  • @alisonm7119
    @alisonm7119 Год назад +6

    interesting interview! I like how he explains the historical processes of the region.

  • @darrenalevi3006
    @darrenalevi3006 Год назад +4

    Love the Episode you never see this context and History breakdown in Legacy Media

  • @sapho71
    @sapho71 Год назад

    This is absolutely fascinating. I have read a number of books on Korea, including I.F. Stone's history of the Korean War. However, Ju-Hyun Park has given a concise and extremely informative background to the dispute. He not only has a great deal of knowledge about his subject but is able to impart it in such a way that is accessible to everyone.

  • @gabrieltreewolf4618
    @gabrieltreewolf4618 Год назад +6

    Great start history lesson we should have had in school! Convoluted history from the 80s and the cold war.

  • @racerx3669
    @racerx3669 Год назад +2

    SUPERPROPAGANDA: When propaganda went online and social media is attached to everyone all the time.

  • @jansecj9472
    @jansecj9472 2 месяца назад

    just wow... this not a vid, it's a documentary. Absolutely brilliant!

  • @tiberio1352
    @tiberio1352 Год назад +3

    What an EDUCATOR is Mr Park. Thank you.😊

  • @odintheprole6068
    @odintheprole6068 Год назад +15

    Wonderful video! Sharing with my leftist friends ;)

  • @alextann100
    @alextann100 Год назад +10

    Thanks for this video. Have always enjoyed your videos.

  • @katarinakrajna4911
    @katarinakrajna4911 Год назад +2

    Prajem Sever.Korei šťastie úspech a vynikajúcu spoluprácu❤

  • @endcapitalism5274
    @endcapitalism5274 Год назад +6

    Pushing trains is my daily workout.

  • @charshill2978
    @charshill2978 11 месяцев назад +1

    My father was in the Korean war and I never knew anything about it. My father was broken after it.

  • @lindagonzalez5513
    @lindagonzalez5513 Год назад +3

    Great guest ! Extremely eloquent and knowledgeable! Please bring him on back again ! Really enjoyed knowing the truth with all that propaganda and lies circulating on North Korea

  • @JohnSmith-vm8rx
    @JohnSmith-vm8rx Год назад +5

    Love the history in the beginning definitely need to keep revisiting so we don’t forget the past.

  • @PeterSzeto-es6em
    @PeterSzeto-es6em Год назад +7

    North Korea is a good country.

  • @Shining237
    @Shining237 Год назад +5

    We need more truthful accurate information about the DPRK 🇰🇵. In America 🇺🇲 he's made into a monster figure

  • @rtwair
    @rtwair Год назад +5

    I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible insights I gained from this, and prior interviews. I've learned a lot! I genuinely appreciate the time and effort you invest in your chats with your guests and effort in making these chats learning opportunities.

  • @marjendemhare5892
    @marjendemhare5892 Год назад +1

    Excellent history lesson, thank you from South Africa!

  • @howtosober
    @howtosober Год назад +3

    Once you understand how the U.S. empire works, it's all just basic pattern recognition after that. Just follow the flow of money, power, and weapons and there you will always find the answer. It's not hard.

  • @truthtellerfreethinker7311
    @truthtellerfreethinker7311 Год назад +11

    Yeonmi Park is not helping to stop the hate and lies.

    • @Ko0okieeZ
      @Ko0okieeZ Год назад +1

      She’s busy selling out her country to make $$ for her next plastic surgery

  • @hollyw9566
    @hollyw9566 Год назад +3

    I think Rogan was playing with her. It was clear that he didn't believe her; at one point, he asked her if it wouldn't be easier to walk than to push the freakin' train. I can't remember what she said.

  • @jessiejb4684
    @jessiejb4684 Год назад +4

    This one deserves to be heard! Free it from the paywall!

  • @paulleow4238
    @paulleow4238 Год назад +4

    After listening, I'm shocked that 80% of what I knew about Korea is fake & wrong.The narrative is very comprehensive ! Thank for the enlightenment!

    • @MygenteTV
      @MygenteTV Год назад

      Just as anything taught by the US. That's why many still think they liberated Europe when in all reality was russia

    • @MygenteTV
      @MygenteTV Год назад

      And let's not talk about all the bs in Ukraine

  • @dannyboy8850
    @dannyboy8850 Год назад +5

    Thanks for the quick overview of North Korea history. 👍👍👍

  • @Thair837
    @Thair837 Год назад +2

    Rania! you are awesome! Keep going sister! Anyone who has dignity and a mind, stands with you!

  • @youngshilc
    @youngshilc 3 месяца назад

    Extraordinarily smart young man who has a deep understanding about Korean history which I think might be impossible for young Korean generation after long years since Korean war.

  • @abcxyz6606
    @abcxyz6606 Год назад +9

    Love this important historic facts and information Mr Park Presents. Hope everyone share it, it's real History that needs to be kept alive. Dont allow the dirty Actors to WhiteWash Hsitory on the Korean War. Thank you !!🙏🏻🙏🏻👏👏

  • @user-zv8gd3jl7q
    @user-zv8gd3jl7q 10 месяцев назад

    The British did same division in khorason Afghan land where the British gave the southern half to millions of Indian settlers and called it Pakistan in 1947, this is after they divided the Indian Muslims and Indian Seikhs. Western imperialism is global.
    This Ju Hyun is a gem for Korean history !

  • @johnlund2036
    @johnlund2036 11 месяцев назад

    It would be interesting to have you interview Yeonmi Park.

  • @alisonbibra1363
    @alisonbibra1363 2 месяца назад +1

    Guest is brilliant and hope to see more videos with him regarding issues in Korea

  • @rachmondhoward2125
    @rachmondhoward2125 Год назад +2

    It is the first time that I get to understand Korea. The ordinary Japanese people are such wonderful, humble and people of peace and pride but their elite belongs to the west a love for evil…evil…evil…bloodlust and destruction.

  • @mmouser2800
    @mmouser2800 Год назад +1

    His fscial expression wheb listening to to that Park chick is hilarious 😂