Question of the Day: What’s your first step when working denials? ☝ ---------------------------- You can see more of what we do here! 📍 ---------------------------- ❓❓ Do you have a question about the revenue cycle or the business of healthcare? Drop it below!
Hi I’m in externship right now, I’m working for a medical billing office and I’m learning how to scrub claims and I’m working claim denials now and it’s been very interesting.
I LOVE talking claims, follow up and revenue cycle. You gave spot on examples. And those wonderful CO-16, are great ways to learn to research full claims. Great video!
Question of the Day: What’s your first step when working denials? ☝
You can see more of what we do here!
❓❓ Do you have a question about the revenue cycle or the business of healthcare?
Drop it below!
Investing why the denial happened, then check for eligibility and seek out the claim if you can find it
Hi I’m in externship right now, I’m working for a medical billing office and I’m learning how to scrub claims and I’m working claim denials now and it’s been very interesting.
I LOVE talking claims, follow up and revenue cycle. You gave spot on examples. And those wonderful CO-16, are great ways to learn to research full claims. Great video!
Yay, I appreciate you so much for sharing your perspective and interest. What topics would you like us to cover at the moment?
What time is this live every Thursday? I'm in CST (Texas)
Great question! The lives vary a bit, but usually are between 12-2pm EST, so that would be 11am-1pm CST
Thank you!!