A Society Designed to Incentivize Criminal Behavior at the Highest Level

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 443

  • @jabrielwhite17
    @jabrielwhite17 3 года назад +130

    As long as nations are ruled by international finance capital we'll struggle socially. You can't talk about China while the west and most of the world is cascading into a neo-fuedal system.

    • @Linda-zb6zq
      @Linda-zb6zq 3 года назад +1

      Yes we can talk about it. What u are suggesting is we can't because we have less credibility than China? That is just head-in-the-sand and Ass-in-the-air "thinking".

    • @brianhooper8563
      @brianhooper8563 3 года назад +14

      @@Linda-zb6zq well the u.s does have less credibility than china, if your going off of the propaganda machine version of china then maybe there are some questions but if your just going by facts based on evidence then its clear that the u.s is the one lacking!!! its one thing to be consumed in the fantasy world view based in ideology but in the real world a facts based reality is the only way to prevent our own destruction!!! people have to look at the facts and be honest about them to move forward!

    • @r.gronkowski856
      @r.gronkowski856 3 года назад +10

      @@brianhooper8563 i agree, Linda's been watching too much mainstream media which the facts are buried in the sand, matt stoller is pathetic, China is concentrated on roads, bridges & infrastructure, Murica has an offensive weapons budget more than the next 10 countries combined including China & MURICAS allies, over 400 military bases encircling China but yet matt thinks that China is being aggressive and provocation for war, are there any Chinese war ships in the gulf of Mexico, matt is distorting the FACTS, linda needs to wake up, xi jinping made it clear, China welcomes business and opposes war

    • @brianhooper8563
      @brianhooper8563 3 года назад +8

      @@r.gronkowski856 absolutely correct. i will never understand why someone that does not care enough about a subject to research said subject is so often the loudest voice in a conversation about said subject!!

    • @r.gronkowski856
      @r.gronkowski856 3 года назад +7

      @@brianhooper8563 agreed, most people don't bother with research nor do they have time, and mainstream media knows that, so they put out those false narratives and distort the facts (they're the masters of deception), the issue i have with America is they say they're against socialism but only when it is for the working poor, social welfare is acceptable when it's for the billionaire elites (they don't pay any federal taxes, but yet got billions from government, that's welfare for the rich) furthermore government won't tax the rich, so they have to borrow money to pay for government programs, guess who they borrow FROM? you guessed it from the rich and government is paying interest to the borrower bcos they won't tax them, that's pathetic mainstream media won't report it betcha linda has no clue on this either

  • @BobQuigley
    @BobQuigley 3 года назад +54

    Military entanglement with industry in the US continues to undermine both. Boeing being the best example. While China built roads US pushed expensive weapons systems. Where does the non stop addition of 80 million net new humans fit in this discussion? After WW2 we built global institutions then abandoned them, why? Thanks for great discussion...

    • @mtn1793
      @mtn1793 2 года назад +2

      That military industrial economic basis is an empire of evil spawning greed corruption pain and failure across our culture and across our history. It is neither defense nor security. It’s raw bloody criminality on every level. It is a suicidal faith in destruction.

  • @karlwhitehead3057
    @karlwhitehead3057 3 года назад +42

    How many countries have the US invaded in the last two decades alone? Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Somalia. China has invaded how many countries? Let's not be flippant and ignore what has happened and what is happening.

    • @lornadoell
      @lornadoell 3 года назад +11

      This guy thinks the US is a democracy. Pretty hard to listen to the other things he goes on about, when he has something that big, that wrong.

    • @ese3go
      @ese3go 3 года назад +8

      We never voted for that did we. I imagine that most Americans are not aware of the damage we have done and the lives that have been destroyed around the world. We are always demonizing someone. And the country is so tolerant? Jan 6th anyone? As for the pandemic I knew in San Francisco in January 2020 that Covid was in Seattle. I hightailed it home to NC and went on lockdown. Why most people did not get this I'll never know. Oh! Trump! They must have thought Seattle was part of China. Now we have the anti maskers who don't believe that a virus can kill them. Over 600K people could testify if they were alive. The US always needs an enemy. If China did not exist the military would have nothing to do. OMG! The "Wuhan virus" was a plot to destroy the world as we know it, right! Cut the military budget and use the money to pay people's back rent.

    • @axelschroeder6657
      @axelschroeder6657 3 года назад +10

      I am sure the american public isn't fully aware that the US government is having over 600 military
      bases and installations in other countries, all financed with the peoples hard earned tax $$$. That
      money would be better spent on programs againt this drug epidemic. By the way, China has .......one (1)
      foreign base. Any questions ???

    • @nonfictionone
      @nonfictionone 2 года назад

      And that is changing now. A couple of years ago the US became a net energy exporter. No need to police the world to ensure stable energy imports and to combat the USSR. The US is pulling back from world policing. This is really bad news for just about everyone.

  • @georgesais8687
    @georgesais8687 3 года назад +10

    I prefere Chris Hedges description that sadism has taken power in the U S. The sadistic tendencies are there fo all to see. Sanctions, embargoes, invasions (of countries with no defence), turning prisoners into slave labourers, puting whistle blowers into jail, and it must be stressed that the actions on Assange must be the most sadistic act known in modern times! No, for China to match the brutality of the U S it would have to be in another universe. The U S is the most dangerious and arrogant empire that the whole world would love to just fade away.

    • @janeyuin4594
      @janeyuin4594 2 года назад

      US having its many unresolved problems internally n to appease the citizens, US divert the attention outwards and that is China.

  • @cindyyost9699
    @cindyyost9699 3 года назад +33

    We have a democracy?

    • @sylviewalker7560
      @sylviewalker7560 3 года назад +2

      We have a "Constitutional Federal Republic" not a democracy. Caution: both democrats and republicans will both throw "the baby out with the bathwater" 2 party system is not in the US Constitution.

    • @r.gronkowski856
      @r.gronkowski856 3 года назад +2

      That's right cindy we do, government of the wealthy, for the wealthy & by the wealthy, which one are you Cindy? if none of the above then you're shit out of luck, still think Murica's a democracy?

    • @rayoliver9101
      @rayoliver9101 3 года назад +6

      @@r.gronkowski856 Some call it a Corporatocracy.

    • @r.gronkowski856
      @r.gronkowski856 3 года назад

      @@rayoliver9101 they can make up any fancy terms they lIke, at the end of the day, i call it down right ripping off the vast majority of the hard working people of America, it's legalized corruption for the wealthy, it's criminal

    • @visualcomms
      @visualcomms Год назад

      @@r.gronkowski856 You do know what a rhetorical question is?

  • @badomaji
    @badomaji Год назад +4

    The Sackler’s corporation was not the only corporation that profited from the prescribing of prescription drugs for pain - the healthcare companies were more than willing to pay for a prescription rather than take the more costly route of paying for treating the cause of pain.

  • @IntegrationalEdu
    @IntegrationalEdu 3 года назад +99

    Matt has a blind spot regarding China, as so many people do. It is a very, very different culture with different value priorities. If we're ever to have peace on earth WE must do our due diligence to understand and appreciate other cultures, not just blindly to assume our way is the best way. As Matt points out, that position is getting harder to argue given what's on display...

    • @charlottemarceau8062
      @charlottemarceau8062 3 года назад +17

      Completely agree. I was shocked to hear him say that China is such a dangerous actor, for such a thoughtful American man to not even mention the corrolary of US destruction all over the world..
      I much prefer the Jeffery Sach's approach to China, in fairness another American. You can't just eradicate deplorables, you need to rehabilitate yourselves together

    • @charlottemarceau8062
      @charlottemarceau8062 3 года назад +3

      Marxist with 'Chinese characteristics' 😅

    • @charlottemarceau8062
      @charlottemarceau8062 3 года назад +1

      (I think he's pretty good on tech and tax law though, just for balance)

    • @charlottemarceau8062
      @charlottemarceau8062 3 года назад


    • @kaiki8490
      @kaiki8490 3 года назад

      Greed from big pharma
      Please look up
      David E. Martin testifies at the german corona inquiry committe july 9th 2021

  • @1bubbajack2
    @1bubbajack2 2 года назад +5

    I know something about the cultural power of the Neoliberal Ideology, having been a law student at the University of Chicago during the time that the Friedman brand of utilitarianism broke over that institution like a Tsunami. The deep incoherence of that ideology - for example, its arbitrary disconnection of the fundamental ideas of policy and power (ideas which actually presuppose each other) - was, to be sure, hard to put a finger on for the purposes of effective refutation. Geithner, Summers, Obama et al. owed their prominence to their facility with Neoliberal Discourse and so they were unable to depart from it when they found themselves at the peak - because they had nothing else. As you suggest, the Neoliberal Settlement has now fully demonstrated its inadequacy and now we are feeling our way to some new set of abstractions that can replace the Neoliberal set. We don't yet have a discourse that suggests a broadly acceptable policy direction for peacefully dismantling the narrow concentrations of power and wealth that Neoliberalism (i) is either too empirically inadequate and rationally incoherent to elucidate; or (ii) is and has always been a bad faith argument to distract from an intentional program of sheer robbery by elites.

  • @lesliel2843
    @lesliel2843 3 года назад +28

    I stopped listening after this guy referring China to Nazi Germany. He wasn't worthy of my time.

  • @steventan2550
    @steventan2550 3 года назад +7

    In the US you can become very rich if you have powerful connections who can help to pass legislation that favor your agenda. Illegal can become legal, black can become white.

  • @yoyomama2724
    @yoyomama2724 3 года назад +26

    Daaaaamn he totally went brain-rot the moment the word "China" came out of his mouth. It's really stunning to see ...!!

    • @veronicaancrum4871
      @veronicaancrum4871 3 года назад +7

      That’s my issue with him when it comes to China. It really takes away from his credibility.

    • @BobParrIncr
      @BobParrIncr 3 года назад +3

      Yeh, I was enjoying it until he went into his anti China rant. lol

    • @freakinccdevilleiv380
      @freakinccdevilleiv380 3 года назад

      These talking heads are paid and at the moment the China thing is the litmus test.

    • @janeyuin4594
      @janeyuin4594 2 года назад

      ​@@veronicaancrum4871 you are so right

    • @janeyuin4594
      @janeyuin4594 2 года назад

      ​@@BobParrIncr yes exactly

  • @sylviewalker7560
    @sylviewalker7560 3 года назад +31

    Obama: "Yes, we can...but we didn't, should of, could have, might have...but didn't "

    • @szymborska
      @szymborska 3 года назад +3

      "Hope harder next time!" - Obama

    • @r.gronkowski856
      @r.gronkowski856 3 года назад +8

      @@szymborska you mean the "black mascot for Wallstreet" Cornel West gave him the nickname, i think it fits Obama perfectly

    • @joeblow3990
      @joeblow3990 3 года назад +3

      At 13.40 Stoller claims that "Obama did his best". What???? Obama did not even try to do anything. When Obama got elected in 2008 the Democrats controlled the Senate with 57 Democrats versus 43 Republicans.
      Instead of taking advantage, Obama behaved as if he had lost the elections. Seeking bipartisan agreements with a bunch of right wing extremist Republicans aiming to destroy the Obama Presidency.

    • @sylviewalker7560
      @sylviewalker7560 3 года назад

      @@r.gronkowski856 Power Rookie, not sure he realized his position. Mistakes were made. Opportunity squandered.

    • @KevinAlexander
      @KevinAlexander 3 года назад +3

      This isn't just emblematic of Obama. This is our politics now. The politics of controlled opposition. They only do what the donors want and this is from both sides of the aisle. Gridlock, or at least the threat of gridlock, gets repackaged as bipartisanship or nothing else. Nothing of worth for the poor or workers gets passed. It's a cruel facade.

  • @kp6215
    @kp6215 3 года назад +19

    Banks have never been neutral

  • @loneranger4469
    @loneranger4469 3 года назад +18

    He should stick to talking about the sickness of American society. He loses the plot when he goes off on a tangent talking about and blaming China.

  • @hassaanvault
    @hassaanvault 3 года назад +85

    Matt is so right on pretty much everything except China. Calling China, Nazi Germany is just outright wrong.

    • @michelegosse7116
      @michelegosse7116 3 года назад +11

      at this stage, it is criminal too. China will not oppress and destroy neighbouring countries . Korea is an example of criminal colonisation,... by ... ?

    • @Ed-Shibboleth
      @Ed-Shibboleth 3 года назад +7

      He was doing a good job until he drove the convo into a ditch 😃

    • @foxyrollouts
      @foxyrollouts 3 года назад +5

      All opinion and no fact.. i would say US is more like NazI germany. Both at the peak of capitalism

    • @itzenormous
      @itzenormous 3 года назад +3

      And is stupid on Matt's part too.

    • @justice_for_the_damned2807
      @justice_for_the_damned2807 3 года назад +2

      100% agree. He completely lost me there. How someone so seemingly intelligent can be so incredibly stupid is something I cannot quite fathom. Bye bye Stoller - you are no longer relevant.

  • @Ompasikom
    @Ompasikom 3 года назад +25

    The discussion was going so smoothly when they suddenly get derailed :-D

  • @Userkzb20253
    @Userkzb20253 2 года назад +9

    This gent sounds very rationale until it comes to China. He has an irrational fear of China that leverages communism and capitalism to enrich and empower itself. It will be great if iNET will let him explain his deep fears and contempt of China in another episode of interview, comparing US’s hegemonic dominance behaviors and China’s rise.

  • @IshtarNike
    @IshtarNike 3 года назад +6

    Was a good chat until the did the Evil Empire speech 2.0 on China. I'm sorry but it's not a totalitarian state. It's an authoritarian surveillance state sure, but it's citizens have broad latitude to go about their visit as they see fit. Even in its imperialism it has shown more benevolence than the US. And I say that as someone who despises the Chinese state and their incursions into the third world. Listen to Yannis Varoufakis. When he was finance minister of Greece the Chinese had them in a financial choke hold (can't remember the details). He went to them and basically told them they had them in checkmate but please let us renegotiate. The evil totalitarians renegotiated on better terms! Meanwhile, the democratic (!) European Union repeatedly forced Greece into a corner. So what was the sense in that?
    I'm sorry but that was an embarrassing rant. All states undermine each other. The US does this on a daily basis.

    • @kaiki8490
      @kaiki8490 3 года назад

      Agree i used to be brainwashed on china too.
      Look up
      Walk east
      On utube if you are interested in looking into china

    • @kaiki8490
      @kaiki8490 3 года назад +3

      US citizens might still have s lot if hate for china over cco0 vi1d.
      300 of the US contingent stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel. Which is 300m from the Huanan Seafood Market where China’s outbreak was first detected.
      Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
      42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with CO0 VI11D-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
      The American Military Games team trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab was shut down Augu2019 by the CDC.

    • @kaiki8490
      @kaiki8490 3 года назад

      Look up
      Ft detrick
      Mmysterious vappingg illness
      I though it was shocking

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 2 года назад +8

    This finger pointing tactic is the real core strategy of absolute deceit. The abuses of technology may be more significant but the whole political system is basically unchanged to benefit a self selected few.

  • @amydalzell5801
    @amydalzell5801 3 года назад +10

    China is Fascist? This guy is either completely whacked or totally unfamiliar with Con fusion culture - probably both.

    • @feedermonkey7233
      @feedermonkey7233 3 года назад

      Explain, please

    • @amydalzell5801
      @amydalzell5801 3 года назад +3

      @@feedermonkey7233 Confucian culture is based on cooperation and interaction, not individualism and competition. What seems dictatorial to you may not seem so to them. This is something that the West has to recognize in any negotiations with China.

    • @feedermonkey7233
      @feedermonkey7233 3 года назад

      @@amydalzell5801 ok. I thought you were saying something new with the "con fusion " bit you wrote. Was that spellcheck or were you just being funny? I understand the Eastern philosophy.

    • @amydalzell5801
      @amydalzell5801 3 года назад +4

      @@feedermonkey7233 Spell-check, I guess. Talk about miscommunication.

    • @feedermonkey7233
      @feedermonkey7233 3 года назад +2

      @@amydalzell5801 also, thank you for responding 👍very polite of you.

  • @andrewmah5605
    @andrewmah5605 3 года назад +14

    When Writing A Book (Dosier) on American Military Endless Wars ! One has to 'Avoid being Branded Unpatriotic' or risk being in Prison like Robert Dale ! 😎

    • @ellengran6814
      @ellengran6814 3 года назад +2

      Also dont say a critical world about US or you will be sanctioned . When europeans wanted to investigate US war-crimes in The Middle East, they and their families got sanctioned by US.

  • @gavins.7165
    @gavins.7165 3 года назад +5

    How can we possibly stop this engine of evil?

  • @Ed-Shibboleth
    @Ed-Shibboleth 3 года назад +12

    the China bashing “force is strong on this one” :) I was on-board until he said Chinese agressions? Please tell me
    how many countries China invaded?! how many foreign bases they have?

    • @Cpop1919
      @Cpop1919 3 года назад +2

      China bashing people always responded to your such question by saying “well.., but they are killing their own people” as if westerns care the Chinese people more than Chinese government does.

    • @weiskl887
      @weiskl887 3 года назад +4

      @@Cpop1919 Chinese people's life expectancy age is higher than the US today. Even without the Pandemic its just one year behind. Considering the population scale difference its a massive achievement.

    • @lavs8696
      @lavs8696 3 года назад

      They run concentration camps and are a modern day fascist state. Would you be ok with them if they were white, or just because they're non white?

    • @Cpop1919
      @Cpop1919 3 года назад +2

      @@lavs8696 A lie that self repeats 1000 times is still a. L I E. But if you believe that, enjoy yourself and ..have fun. lol.

    • @lavs8696
      @lavs8696 3 года назад

      @@Cpop1919 Not a lie, I support fascism. China is a modern day fascist state. Only thing that's frustrating to me is that leftists like yourself support China but oppose those same policies here in the US because of "racism". Would you support a Chinese model in the US?

  • @leoncioco3305
    @leoncioco3305 3 года назад +9

    The conversation was going swimmingly when d conversation is about Sackler family business n bought n paid for politicians n Matt is making a lots of sense.

  • @100perdido
    @100perdido 3 года назад +8

    It's hard to top the audacity of Insys Corp. hiring an ex stripper as sales manager and arranging lap dances for doctors in exchange for writing prescriptions for their spray on Fentanyl. Sheer marketing genius.

  • @UBJibbs
    @UBJibbs 3 года назад +16

    I don't think' Marx economics' should have been brought up in this conversation, we should look to the mistakes of 'Unregulated Capitalism' since Reagan's trickle down theory .

    • @alexcipriani6003
      @alexcipriani6003 3 года назад +3

      well if you ignore the continuous brain washing of the US media and political class and read some of Marx writings you could find some interesting ideas actually… he devised the first form of business cycle that we use today and the falling rate of profit. There’s a lot he got wrong but also got a lot of things right Karl Pooper wrote about his work praise his insights and also criticize him…also Marx told the French socialist revolutionaries the adopted his work that “I am not a Marxist” disagreeing with their view of his work

    • @zainabbas3635
      @zainabbas3635 2 года назад

      @@alexcipriani6003 what did he get wrong?

  • @shawnosborne163
    @shawnosborne163 3 года назад +8

    Jesus christ its like Matt was walking 🚶‍♀️ calmly with his hands in his pockets and then jumped off a fucking bridge for no apparent reason.

  • @hansrudolf
    @hansrudolf 3 года назад +21

    here we assist at the preparation for the next US wars

    • @doughsquid
      @doughsquid 3 года назад +6

      'Obviously a war would be catastrophic, but...'

    • @puravidadew7031
      @puravidadew7031 3 года назад +4

      @@doughsquid No But’s About it.

    • @patricktravers2813
      @patricktravers2813 2 года назад

      It would appear to any reasonable person that the USA is a criminal enterprise.

  • @vonduus
    @vonduus 2 года назад +2

    Matt is right, his analysis of China not only sounds crazy, it is crazy. His view on US corporate criminality is spot on, though.

  • @lisacollins3304
    @lisacollins3304 3 года назад +23

    MR.Stoller was all over the place.He made strong statements,and then watered them down,and un-did them.Some of the things he said made no sense,stating things that are not accurate.

    • @adamjzimmer
      @adamjzimmer 3 года назад +3

      Agreed. He's trying to play both sides. Either call for revolution, or kiss the ass of the powerful. Do both and no one takes you seriously.

    • @souljastation5463
      @souljastation5463 3 года назад +3

      Yep, he's useless.

    • @lavs8696
      @lavs8696 3 года назад

      @@adamjzimmer "Either call for revolution, or kiss the ass of the powerful" This is why the left will never be taken seriously, to deduce everything down to this is an absolute joke and a sign of an immature person. So cringe.

  • @HanginAndBanginBrother
    @HanginAndBanginBrother 2 года назад +6

    Wonder how he feels 11 months later about the biden admin

  • @kevintruong2693
    @kevintruong2693 3 года назад +8

    Have seen several videos from your channel, all of them was good or educative, but this one started good than got to the worst American thinking. Better bring another guest.

  • @texazwhyte2791
    @texazwhyte2791 2 года назад +4

    I’m not saying I disagree with Matt, but unfortunately where I think we are losing traction is that we can hardly say we have treated many countries with respect or well. And so it just gets difficult listening to an American talk of other countries as dangerous.

  • @VincentTroia
    @VincentTroia 3 года назад +2

    i like yo see a debate between michael hudson and matt. only because i i’ve heard them talk about china in different ways and im curious what they’d say. i don’t know enough about china to tell what’s going on, but my immediate reaction is against the anti china stuff. i don’t think either typically debate though

  • @garyjohnson1466
    @garyjohnson1466 2 года назад +2

    A most interesting and excellent analyzes, much of which I strongly agree with…thank you !

  • @kaiki8490
    @kaiki8490 3 года назад +1

    The factories mostly move from taiwan, korea, thailand to china.

  • @nash984954
    @nash984954 3 года назад +4

    Dean Baker is one of the most underrated Thinkers he and Weisbrot, both are spot on seriously regaarding issues today.

  • @klam77
    @klam77 3 года назад +6

    If the sacklers were people of color......

  • @johncrofeather3430
    @johncrofeather3430 3 года назад +1

    Matt misses the forest for the trees

  • @freakinccdevilleiv380
    @freakinccdevilleiv380 3 года назад +5

    33:38 Ok, just another war mongering mouth piece. Kudos for taking your time before pushing that.
    Funny how you went full Falun Gong mode suddenly lol.

    • @lavs8696
      @lavs8696 3 года назад

      China is a modern day fascist state. Would you be ok with them if they were white, or just because they're non white?

    • @freakinccdevilleiv380
      @freakinccdevilleiv380 3 года назад

      @@lavs8696 Are you on drugs?

  • @aksbeixhev
    @aksbeixhev Год назад +1

    Brilliant discussion. Goliat was an interesting book. Keep up the good work both of you 👍

  • @olubibabalola
    @olubibabalola 3 года назад +9

    ...below the usually high standards of this show

  • @sherwoodweisheit8604
    @sherwoodweisheit8604 3 года назад +3

    When the U.S. became a net importer of food around 2004 we were doomed.

    • @lostkeysnurse
      @lostkeysnurse 3 года назад

      I'd argue to say the world is doomed on a larger scale since then.

  • @ViceCoin
    @ViceCoin 3 года назад +1

    The avg American has 18 pain free days, annually. Obesity places stress on joints and the back.

  • @contextmatters8243
    @contextmatters8243 2 года назад +3

    Everything this speaker talks about Chinese aggression are true for America but he doesn't address that at all.
    The US has been consistently used it's military and economic powers for American hegemony. He needs to speak on that but essentially brushed over it..🤔

  • @marktomasetti8642
    @marktomasetti8642 3 года назад +5

    When capitalism overran democracy (past tense) in the USA, the politics of China no longer mattered. There was more money to be made by locating businesses in China - nothing else mattered. Trump used to say, "When you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country." Well, when you don’t have national objectives (promote democracy), you also don’t have a country. Money isn’t everything.

  • @7swordmary567
    @7swordmary567 3 года назад

    "We DON'T really have a choice" to take back Made In America Manufacturing❓❓❓😡 DIVEST D.C. from Wall Street GOVERN for the Nation NOT Shareholders❗

  • @Eastbayrob
    @Eastbayrob 3 года назад +3

    Matt I think your Obama take is really good and your China take is way off.

    • @lavs8696
      @lavs8696 3 года назад

      China is a modern day fascist state. Would you be ok with them if they were white, or just because they're non white?

  • @takfaazul5408
    @takfaazul5408 3 года назад +4

    I lost you when you started your attack on China.

  • @patbyrneme007
    @patbyrneme007 3 года назад +3

    A great programme until they got on to China. This really discredits the channel.

    • @lavs8696
      @lavs8696 3 года назад

      China is a modern day fascist state. Would you be ok with them if they were white, or just because they're non white?

  • @avisnubia
    @avisnubia 2 года назад +1

    Let's not forget the "1st black president" before Obama....he also ran on charm and collecting money with outside activities, and gave the impression that being president was equalivant to being a rock star versus being a good learned politician

    • @theboyisnotright6312
      @theboyisnotright6312 Год назад

      When Clinton won in 1992 with his corporate democrat policies, the Democratic Party completely turned its back on the New Deal policies, and that is why I can't be a Democrat any more.

  • @larryholman4753
    @larryholman4753 3 года назад +1

    How do we know that helping China will not help the U.S.A.?

  • @McFraneth
    @McFraneth 2 года назад

    Democracy: four, five years to feather your nest. Short-term thinking by those in power. Chinese and Russian models: long-term planning is possible. FOUR years for each term is a JOKE.

  • @drewh3224
    @drewh3224 3 года назад +7

    Right wing war drum!

  • @guytouquet
    @guytouquet 3 года назад +3

    Read Corrupt Authority, available from Amazon, concise overview of corruption among people in high places.

  • @michaelg7520
    @michaelg7520 Год назад

    Hard to believe that Stoller isn't familiar with Professor Antony C. Sutton's work at the Hoover Institute at Stanford.. "At the Hoover Institution, he wrote the study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its beginnings until the then-present year of 1970." Wikipedia..

  • @speedstriker
    @speedstriker 3 года назад +4

    China derangement syndrome is real, and everything this young man says that doesn't have to do with China is extremely poignant and smart. Still gave a "like" because of those things, but man, is his view and comments on China cringe inducing. Watching this video is like eating anchovies pizza. Pizza is good, but picking out all the stinky fish is such a chore!

    • @kaiki8490
      @kaiki8490 3 года назад

      When china has the virus they lock down their entire country by january.
      We are still refusing to wear mask at april
      Look up canadian utuber numuves and his latest vid on china.
      Sorry no link as auto erase

  • @paulwoei6592
    @paulwoei6592 3 года назад

    guiding voice of conscience America

  • @JamieNixx
    @JamieNixx 3 года назад

    It is not like Nazi Germany in China. Whatever is going on, I at least know that much. What are your sources?

  • @ismayilarifoglu6226
    @ismayilarifoglu6226 3 года назад +3

    The whole USA territory was part of Spanish and French empires. So, it has to belong to both Spain and France. Like Greenland belongs to Denmark.

    • @fredtan1506
      @fredtan1506 3 года назад +3

      I think, the land belonged not to Spain nor France but to the indigenous people. Europeans grabbed the land away.

  • @ahagamama
    @ahagamama 2 года назад

    A person can get some things exactly right and other things exactly wrong - at the same time. Check yourself. Because you may know some things, but opinions formed that seem in concert with what you know - well, they are still just opinions.

  • @nash984954
    @nash984954 Год назад

    Matt Stoller for President

  • @tommyboy1653
    @tommyboy1653 Год назад

    It's getting hard to believe people that talk for a living and play the good cop,but with a system that is bought and paid for ,why not control the opposition, of cource they do.

  • @carpediem44
    @carpediem44 2 года назад

    Yes, son, it does sound "cold warry" and "crazy."

  • @chadder7848
    @chadder7848 3 года назад +1

    Attributing to other countries to US contributions and allowing them is...ehh...American Exceptionalism and cocky American spirit! Look into the mirror! European was great before American. China was great many times throughout its 5 thousand years of histories! And, there were many more great civilizations before the US. US is in fact a imperialistic country, and a colonizer too. Blaming other on American problems and corruptions will not make us better, we will continue our path to destruction of our own country while the rest of the world will move on without us.

  • @vladdumitrica849
    @vladdumitrica849 2 года назад

    Countries with parliaments are in fact oligarchies (few lead). In order to be a true democracy, the decisions of the Parliament should be submitted to the approval of the citizens. The democratic aspect is a side effect in societies where economies have a strong competitive aspect, where the interests of those who hold economic power in society are divergent. Thus, those with money, and implicitly with political power in society, are supervising each other so that none of them have undeserved advantages due to politics. Because of this, countries with large mineral resources, like Russia and Venezuela (their share in GDP is large), do not have democratic aspects, because a small group of people can exploit these resources in their own interest. In poor countries, the main resource exploited may even be the state budget, as they have converging interests in benefiting, in their own interest, from this resource. This is what is observed in Romania, Bulgaria, when, no matter which party comes to power, the result is the same. The solution is modern direct democracy in which every citizen can vote, whenever he wants, over the head of the parliamentarian who represents him. He can even dismiss him if most of his constituents consider that their interests are not right represented

  • @LilithLi13
    @LilithLi13 2 года назад

    Your content is very interesting, but your sound is poor. Please invest in a room with some fabric buffering - - it’s extremely inexpensive to set this up in your home office - so that the sound is not an affront to your listeners ears. Cheers and will keep listening. Thank you

  • @evamerritt9308
    @evamerritt9308 2 года назад

    “Offshoring did not begin with Obama. It started in the 70’s.

  • @user-yw5wf6kz5t
    @user-yw5wf6kz5t 2 года назад

    Thanks for sharing this video. Is this video demonetized? What a freedom of speech.

  • @larryholman4753
    @larryholman4753 3 года назад

    How is China's fascism different than the fascism of the U.S.A.?

  • @Allgood33
    @Allgood33 2 года назад +1

    This guest is an expert in some and totally ignorant in many.

  • @strezztechnoid
    @strezztechnoid 3 года назад

    I understand that liberals and progressives are terrible at assessing risk. The optimistic attitude is great in an environment when your environment is stable and established. Once the levels of stability start to oscillate, recognizing the elements of the movements and their root causes is so necessary.

  • @ansa336
    @ansa336 2 года назад

    Who is this young man, has he not heard of Nixon Southern Strategy? I have watched enough, he should go and read American history.

  • @baddudecornpop5226
    @baddudecornpop5226 2 года назад

    I can't believe how delusional he is about democrats. People like neo-liberalism? WHO DOES HE GET THAT FROM? What people? I can't think of ONE.

  • @nash984954
    @nash984954 3 года назад +1

    Manufacturing transfer of companies USa to China is a good thing, but why agree to give labor to Chinese workers in exchange for not just manufacturing methods but the US signed over proprietary rights as well. Why do that? Ultimately it pretty much KILLED what we can even do.

  • @adcaptandumvulgus4252
    @adcaptandumvulgus4252 3 года назад

    I thought the epidemic was fentanyl not heroin.

  • @kevinbyrne3126
    @kevinbyrne3126 2 года назад

    Why is he not pushing back on Matt’s ridiculous analysis of China? This is ignorant

  • @charlottemarceau8062
    @charlottemarceau8062 2 года назад

    Where is China expanding its territory?

  • @dimedoutcomedy
    @dimedoutcomedy 2 года назад

    Matt Stoler, you're totally off base about heroine. The border policy created the heroine problem. The Sackler issue is a totally different causation. Theirs a white collar addiction & a blue collar drug issue with street drugs.
    You're opinions are melodramatic.

  • @GrandmaCathy
    @GrandmaCathy 3 года назад +2

    Just gonna nope on out of here. Waste of time.

  • @Cy5208
    @Cy5208 8 месяцев назад

    Just another red under the bed mentality that was bonkers back then and is as now. Try doing a panel with the opposing view as thias was really terrible. Im surprised that there was no pushback at all.

  • @LiamBaileyMusic
    @LiamBaileyMusic 3 года назад

    This sounds like the Democrats mid terms pitch .

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 Год назад


  • @benjaminrupertodomingo1707
    @benjaminrupertodomingo1707 Год назад

    Marxism is not corrupt or wrong, it deppends on the person perspective. if you claim that marxism is corrupt, then I can claim Capitalism as corrupt and wrong too, even democratic values can be wrong, mob rule isn't always acceptable

  • @kp6215
    @kp6215 3 года назад

    Question everyone!

  • @larryholman4753
    @larryholman4753 3 года назад

    Is China really opposed to democracy or are they opposed to capitalism? Perhaps, if the U.S.A. was a democratic socialist nation, China would become more loin the U.S.A.

    • @eisenyeo
      @eisenyeo 2 года назад +1

      Hi Larry, we Chinese don't care what you are, as long as you are friendly and we can trade with you. We TRADE, look at our history, our Silk road, we have 56 ethnic groups in China. We believe in harmony, good for you , good for me. Yin Yang, balance is important.

  • @luowatson6246
    @luowatson6246 2 года назад

    Well, competition is better than monopoly~

  • @kp6215
    @kp6215 3 года назад

    Me too read China knew the virus 🦠 would arrive November 2019 my dad was a realist!

    • @tecumsehneo2174
      @tecumsehneo2174 3 года назад

      Did you mean the US knew it would arrive at that time while China was clueless until end of December 2019 or early 2020? This English man was already talking about it back in 2010: ruclips.net/video/rw4z-rSwNjY/видео.html

  • @m.e.1367
    @m.e.1367 Год назад

    Ordinary American here: don't have an undergrad degree, grew up in relative poverty. Not brilliant. But I voted for Obama because I liked his rhetoric. He was saying things on the campaign trail that I felt I could relate to. I wanted to see progress on green energy, on green jobs, he talked about that. He seemed to actually care. He won, but then he went and DID things that he had never talked about, at least, I never heard him talk about. Nothing happened on green energy or green jobs. However, he proclaimed the White House for the LGBTQ lobby. Now that lobby has become so powerful, it has become the evil bully that it so successfully stood against for a long time. Now, I'm tolerant. If adults want to have sex with their same sex, that's on them. I'm not going to pretend that I think it's wonderful. Frankly, I don't watch porn or think about the sex that happens between people - not what interests me. And I think the Constitution protects certain liberties in the pursuit of happiness. I do draw the line, however, at pedophilia and zoophilia, because children and animals are innocent and cannot consent to those behaviors, and those I find reprehensible in the extreme, just to let you know where I fall on the sexualities spectrum. But Obama never talked about his plans for that lobby, as far as I know, and suddenly, he's elected and Christians are being taken to court for not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, and people are losing their businesses. The group that supposedly only wanted "tolerance" turned out to want dominance. And it's been downhill from there. They are now trying to get kids to sway to their position in the elementary grades, shoving parents out of the way, fomenting literal confusion. They now want everyone to use particular terms which affirm their self-perception, which is absolute utter nonsense. He opened the door wide for that, and no one except those truly in the know, expected that. I certainly didn't. He seemed to have Muslims and gays as his main priority. Now, I'm not anti-Muslim. Though I don't agree with them on a religious basis, as long as they don't try to force their views on the country, I see them as fellow human beings, and often wonderful human beings (I've only known that type in my personal life), but Obama never talked about that, either, on the campaign trail. So I'm seeing what I call the old "bait and switch." I would NOT vote for him again because of that. I didn't know about everything else he did, I honestly don't have TIME in my day to pore over political moves. But this is why I didn't vote in the following election., either, because I didn't want Obama but I wasn't ready to vote R, either. Hilary I found scary. She seemed determined to continue Obama policies but with much more teeth. I was actually glad when Trump won only BECAUSE it meant no Hilary. I didn't like Trump, either not for purely personal reasons, though there were a few, but because I didn't believe he was who he claimed to be. His business track record showed where his priorities were, which had nothing in common with the people who tended to be fans of his. That is, except for the oil and gas industry. They pegged him correctly. Joe Biden has been so disappointing to me because of his support of transgenderism for children, which I think is appalling. Kids! People who haven't yet reached adulthood, can now be given drugs to halt their natural growth. I am utterly disgusted with what the Democrats have offered for the highest political office. I have never voted Republican, but I am actually - actually - considering doing that for the first time in my life because frankly, some of them actually are making SENSE. I will never agree with them on climate and energy, though, so I may just find myself unable to vote for either again. Just thought you might want to read a very ordinary American's disgusted perspective.

  • @qake2021
    @qake2021 3 года назад +1


  • @scrye-craft9274
    @scrye-craft9274 3 года назад

    14:10 where the building of valid points goes to hell. Biden is ...ok-ish/not bad...????
    Matt, you take the power of doing things differently (personal doctrine) to reach for a justification system to use for his conduct, right when the demands on public policy have become quite grave, calling for character and integrity in leadership, which I don't see ANYWHERE in the political sphere! Nvmd the "public health emergency" aspect = consequences.
    You're not wrong in assigning this cavalier attitude to Biden. It is true. It's just NOT in any way acceptable. His conduct/negligence is as criminal as the others you've mentioned. If you're able to weigh the effects of the plays by the players & their cohort group, where does the same not apply to this joke of a figure? He's not "helping", ok?
    I can't believe how every time I try hearing a new person's ideas...who's saying some key things...ends up sabotaging their own credibility with some obvious contradiction that no serious person would just overlook. oops.
    It was a good start though.
    My thesis is that the problem is...................MONEY.
    Until you're in the shoes of those you speak of a little more consistently, the relative comforts you do enjoy will be 'handicap' with you everywhere you go.

  • @kaiki8490
    @kaiki8490 3 года назад

    Look up the book
    Captalism on a ventilator

  • @andrewmah5605
    @andrewmah5605 3 года назад

    Money for Nothing & Sultans of Swings by the Band DIRE STRAITS. ? 🤡☠️💀😎

  • @geoffreynhill2833
    @geoffreynhill2833 3 года назад

    Robert Johnson = good bloke

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 года назад

      Re. Pill-pushing: The British Empire likewise pacified China with opium.

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 года назад +1

      NB: Via the so-called "East India Trading Corporation". (Buyers Beware!)

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 года назад

      Matt Stoller makes essential viewing.

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 года назад

      Correction: NERO-liberalsim.

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 года назад

      The Chinese just have a long memory, Matt. Who can blame them?

  • @strezztechnoid
    @strezztechnoid 3 года назад

    You got so close on this one, the transition economically around the transfer of the production of goods taking two forms and had a political underpinning conservatives believed would flow from this transfer. What was expected is that China would normalize politically and align with western values to become more open to western influences. China knew that the west was attempting to coral their ambitions by coopting them politically and decided to change course. They pulled back their political alignments, tightened ownership and property rights, and began internalizing their economic activity. Secondly, the liberal polity decided late in the game to go along with this since it was driving a large portion of the financial institutions in which they were aligned, aka Obama/Summers, but primarily as an economic end point, not geo-strategically or as geo-political maneuver.
    In the end, both camps were taken to the cleaners (literally) and the blowback from China's new political strategy, a unipolar structure with themselves at the helm, took hold. Now we have two overarching political challenges, structuring the global hegemony and the thirst for raw power--there is a fairly obnoxious fascist movement globally that is part of the 2nd power struggle, and their intention is to seize not only power, but property. And this movement is largely unseen by the public and misunderstood by those that are supposedly in the know.

  • @erasdrey107
    @erasdrey107 3 года назад +1


    • @lostkeysnurse
      @lostkeysnurse 3 года назад

      Do some more research about China on non neoliberal sites and you might have a different response. But all means, if you like droning innocent people, keep it 100

    • @erasdrey107
      @erasdrey107 3 года назад

      Any website examples you can give me?

    • @lostkeysnurse
      @lostkeysnurse 3 года назад


    • @lostkeysnurse
      @lostkeysnurse 3 года назад


    • @lostkeysnurse
      @lostkeysnurse 3 года назад


  • @totonow6955
    @totonow6955 3 года назад

    Hard for me to believe Matt as he did a RUclips once in a home and a young woman accidently sashayed by half dressed and multiple people in the comments pointed out that he was having an affair, to put it politely. Compromised?

    • @avisnubia
      @avisnubia 2 года назад

      Is this a hit on Matt? You seem like a troll....or a journalist 🙄

    • @totonow6955
      @totonow6955 2 года назад

      @@avisnubia just what I saw on a you tube

  • @nkumu52
    @nkumu52 Год назад

    Lots of good pts, but lots of subjective hyperbole…

  • @DeBeard
    @DeBeard 2 года назад +2

    hahahahaha, 'opium war is a narrative created by Chinese' is…hilarious man (sorry can't help laughing at this conspiracy theories among other crazy thoughts)

  • @blackfreud9048
    @blackfreud9048 3 года назад

    “Fun?” Soooo, Matt thinks the Sackler family is a ‘sitcom?’ Being on the canned laughter! 😠