How to use Pizza Peel, and how to avoid stick the Pizza ( Massimo Nocerino)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 195

  • @littleponygirl666
    @littleponygirl666 11 месяцев назад +9

    That stretching technique is pretty damn awesome. Fast and clean.

  • @gray_gogy
    @gray_gogy 9 месяцев назад +2

    Amazing video. Most videos are too simple and assume things will be perfect. But you showed perfectly everything that can go wrong. I lost so many pizzas because of getting sauce outside or because of a hole in the pizza. It was a disaster in my small pizza oven. Thank you so much

  • @someblokeoffthestreet5214
    @someblokeoffthestreet5214 2 года назад +12

    Having seen many, this is THE best video on the subject. Clear, precise, and to the point, it covers everything you need to know. Thank you very much.

  • @williamtellez6660
    @williamtellez6660 3 года назад +34

    Massimo, you cover all the problems I am having and then provide a simple solution. You're the Best!

    • @samwdavis
      @samwdavis 2 года назад

      He is a master until he puts the pizza in the oven. But, he's running the oven too hot. The crust is great, but he's not cooking the cheese well. He's all about turning around a maximum number of pizzas in a few minutes, but not about the quality of the cook.

    • @mattyockey9195
      @mattyockey9195 Год назад +3

      ​@@samwdavis hater

  • @christerwerklund6404
    @christerwerklund6404 Год назад +4

    I've seen a lot of pizza pros videos and no one ever show how to use the paddle right. Thanks a lot, from now on my pizzas wont be stuck in the oven...

  • @MrGonzoron
    @MrGonzoron Год назад +9

    Wow! Simple clear examples with demonstrations. This demo blew my mind with it's common sense approach to real world pizza making problems. Super awesome!!

  • @jayc149
    @jayc149 Год назад +30

    I bought a new Ooni Karu 12 and have been struggling with my dough sticking. This was super helpful and gives me confidence to go back in the kitchen and try again! Grazie Massimo!

    • @StMediaNL
      @StMediaNL Год назад

      I'm in an identical boat. Going to try tonight. :) Also getting a perforated peel, seems to work much better. Mine is solid + second hand and dull anyway haha. How did it go for you?
      Thanks Massimo! :)

    • @Scotty_in_Ohio
      @Scotty_in_Ohio Год назад +2

      I had issues with the second pizza I launched (I have the Karu 12 as well) - my issue I think was my dough was still too cold - with the stretch it rebounded too much and I wanted also to avoid too much flour - finally got it in the oven but lost a bit of cheese and a peperoni ;-) Still tasted great!

    • @mariet.2673
      @mariet.2673 Год назад +1

      Great tips! Thank you very much!

    • @jayc149
      @jayc149 Год назад +2

      @@StMediaNL I have progressed now to an intermediate Pizza master. I now have 3 peels. 1 wooden one to "Launch" the pizza. I use semolina flour on the wooden launch peel and it slides right off! I use a small metal peel to turn the pizza in the oven and then a metal perforated one to retrieve the pie.
      Key point: Let your dough sit out 3-6 hours minimum. Its way easier to work with room temp dough. Cold dough won't work!

    • @dejanvitomirovic8923
      @dejanvitomirovic8923 Месяц назад

      Jel ima neke veze kad se pica napravi bogata-teška, sa stavljanjem na lopaticu?

  • @Connor_OConnor
    @Connor_OConnor 3 месяца назад +1

    great information, I have been docking my pizza when using my outdoor oven, and this explains why it is sticking.
    thank you

  • @waltzb7548
    @waltzb7548 Год назад +1

    Bravo! Thank you for yet another outstanding educational video about how to take care of pizza problems. You are the best!

  • @darrenpeel2482
    @darrenpeel2482 3 года назад +2

    Fantastic video again. I have shared the other scooping pizza over 100 times but still there are so many people asking the same question about sticking to the peel it is never ending.. so much bad information being shared and you are the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • @keithpayne8943
    @keithpayne8943 8 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent video. Thanks very much for doing it. You have saved me from frustration when making pizzas.

  • @heinerxxl
    @heinerxxl 7 месяцев назад +1

    These are really valuable hints . Thank you so much for sharing❤

  • @Akhelan
    @Akhelan Год назад +2

    every time you made a hole in the pizza i was like... oh noooo! that pizza is lost forever (its happened to me over and over) and thanksfully you proved me wrong, nice channel you've got here!

  • @Humlegruvan
    @Humlegruvan 4 месяца назад

    Oh wow, very informative, clear and easy instructions. Thanks!

  • @robx1934
    @robx1934 2 месяца назад +3

    You guys really annoy me. You make it look so easy. You are a master, love your work 🤟

  • @rocker83ful
    @rocker83ful 10 месяцев назад +2

    thanks for this video, it will help me a lot, I have a lot of problems with stucking pizza dough on peel while puting to the oven. If I will travel to London for sure I will visit You!

  • @adamg3589
    @adamg3589 2 года назад +2

    I have been over flouring my peel, I am now going to get some Semolina Flour and follow your techniques, Enjoyed your video.
    Thank You!

  • @teslarex
    @teslarex Год назад +1

    You area true professional! That plate trick was awesome! Thank You.

  • @mariet.2673
    @mariet.2673 Год назад +2

    Thank you I didn't know the peel edge should be sharpened to keep a nice flat edge.

  • @markstasik5061
    @markstasik5061 2 года назад +2

    First time I was able to use my pizza peel with no issues. Thank you!

  • @dieterbuchner1214
    @dieterbuchner1214 Год назад +1

    Very well explained, to avoid big mistakes. Perhaps this is the best street pizza. Looks perfect for me, because not to dark. Regards from Germany.

  • @muzzykolip
    @muzzykolip 3 года назад +3

    Good demonstration. Very educational for the beginners Massimo 👍

  • @richardgoff6739
    @richardgoff6739 Год назад +1

    Massimo, this was a great video. It solved a number of problems that i was having. I make a much better pizzas now. Thank you. Will stop by the next time I am in London.

  • @roccosdough
    @roccosdough 3 года назад +1

    Amazing video on how to use Pizza Peel , great tips and thank you Maestro!!!

  • @anaszulkifli3838
    @anaszulkifli3838 9 месяцев назад +1

    That hole fix trick is such a pro tip! Thank you sir, you just save people from tons of wasted pizzas

    • @codeblue2532
      @codeblue2532 Месяц назад

      What does the ‘hole~trick’ accomplish ?. I didn’t get it.

    • @anaszulkifli3838
      @anaszulkifli3838 Месяц назад

      @@codeblue2532 when you already stretched the pizza and prep it onto the peel, but there's a hole on your pizza. the sauce will cause your pizza not to slide nicely into the oven. can be disastrous if you force it causing your oven to be splattered with sauce, dough, and cheese all over. hole trick ensures you can patch it so the pizza can slide nicely into the oven.

    • @codeblue2532
      @codeblue2532 Месяц назад

      @@anaszulkifli3838 ::: but why make the hole in the first place ? If you patch it? I’m not to bright on this and will watch again after your explanation.

    • @xxpowwowbluexx
      @xxpowwowbluexx 19 дней назад +1

      @@codeblue2532, you don’t purposely make a hole. He just showed what to do if your pizza happens to have a hole in it. His didn’t, so he had to make a hole in it for demonstration purposes.

  • @winty2721
    @winty2721 2 года назад +2

    Brilliant information subscribed. Great presentation 🙏

  • @MaxIzBetha
    @MaxIzBetha 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is best freakin video for pizza maker beginners! This helped me so much thanks man!

  • @mrpickens11
    @mrpickens11 5 месяцев назад +2

    Master craftsman at work.

  • @travisguide4516
    @travisguide4516 Год назад +1

    This video was beautiful I learned more in five minutes than i can believe

  • @aniegagnon9652
    @aniegagnon9652 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for all your tricks... Your pizzas look so good!

  • @simongreen525
    @simongreen525 2 года назад +1

    1st video of yours I have seen Massimo.
    You are super likeable and I enjoyed the tips.

  • @stevel118
    @stevel118 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for sharing to the point 🙏

  • @thethumb6401
    @thethumb6401 2 года назад +1

    The man is a genius! Thanks!

  • @brianamberg7589
    @brianamberg7589 2 года назад +1

    If I ever make it to London I’m coming to your shop great video

  • @20111111jorg
    @20111111jorg 5 месяцев назад

    He does something I've always been reluctant to do when I started out, just lard on the semolina. I was always too frugal. But he has a business and can reuse all that flour so not quite the same for home cooks. None the less when I finally doubled up on what I use to, I've never had stuck pizzas. Three more tricks, make it right on the peel (wooden is best), keep shaking it, and work fast. If I were in Italy I'd love to try one of his.

  • @lostmykeysagain
    @lostmykeysagain 11 месяцев назад +1

    Exceptional explanation - you are a pro! Thanks

  • @AnnieUgg
    @AnnieUgg Год назад +1

    Excellent video!

  • @die_hertz
    @die_hertz 18 дней назад +1

    Thank you for the tip of getting a pizza plate in case something goes wrong❤

  • @chucho3796
    @chucho3796 Год назад +1

    Bravo Massimo! Muchas gracias muy bueno el video 👍

  • @tomdumay3885
    @tomdumay3885 Год назад +1

    Excellent video!!! Thank you so much for helping. I've had to trash a couple of pies in the Gozney, but this definitely helps a lot.

  • @dinop6219
    @dinop6219 8 месяцев назад +2

    This guy is a master 👍🏽

  • @pierpaolodesaraca218
    @pierpaolodesaraca218 3 года назад +1

    Maestro, i tuoi video sono delle perle da vedere e rivedere 👍👍👍

  • @PatrickSinder
    @PatrickSinder 2 года назад +1

    Really helpful chef. thank you

  • @gregkaras8099
    @gregkaras8099 2 года назад +1

    Great video full of tips. Thanks!!

  • @Candaluk
    @Candaluk Год назад +1

    Wow great video

  • @robertfarrell3175
    @robertfarrell3175 Год назад +1

    Extremely helpful. Thank you 🍕🍕🍕

  • @DrGaryGreen
    @DrGaryGreen Год назад

    Hello, I thought the noise was a soundtrack you added to your video. I didn't know it was a school close to you. Apologies.
    Thank you very much for this information. I just deformed 2 pizzas with a sticky peel. I shall practice this new skill next weekend. The best to you sir.

  • @sorenweisshartmann
    @sorenweisshartmann Год назад +1

    Really good video. Thanks

  • @jeshvan25
    @jeshvan25 3 года назад +1

    Really great tips!

  • @Amzegal
    @Amzegal 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Massimo, you just answered my questions ! Now let's try that tomorrow. :)

    • @Amzegal
      @Amzegal 3 года назад

      And the result was great ! I had a little hole for the first one and as you said it was the reason why it was stuck. Used your tricks and it went perfectly. Made 4 pizzas tonight thank you so much !
      Next step for me : homemade sourdough starter.
      Baci dalla Francia

  • @awesomeearth4853
    @awesomeearth4853 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much. I needed this video!

  • @estebanfabian8416
    @estebanfabian8416 2 года назад +2

    Hello Massimo love your videos keep up that great work i have a question where did you buy your dough balls box ???

  • @joesphschramm3754
    @joesphschramm3754 6 месяцев назад

    Your crust looks beautiful. May I ask what flour you prefer?

  • @oussamatounsi2344
    @oussamatounsi2344 3 года назад +1

    I watch every viedos of yours ans i do really like your work can you give somme advices to start my own project like you mr massimo thanks for your vidéos

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  3 года назад +1

      thanks so much for the great comment. My advice its to get enough experience before start your own of Luck

  • @frank5angels308
    @frank5angels308 2 года назад +2

    Hi Massimo, grazie for you lesson on not making the pizza stick… it helped me so much but in the process of learning i have had several pizzas stick to my peel and then torn apart when i launched so my pizza oven (Ooni karu 16 wood) is now very black from burned cheese and sauce. I scaped off all the lumps but how i clean the black off??? Francesco

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  2 года назад

      What you mine of black? The cheese or the pizza?

    • @frank5angels308
      @frank5angels308 2 года назад

      I mean my pizza stone now is all black from burned cheese. How do i clean the stone?

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  2 года назад +1

      @@frank5angels308 you need metal brush

  • @NumChokePhrakreuangChannel
    @NumChokePhrakreuangChannel 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Massimo.

  • @zulucharlie5244
    @zulucharlie5244 7 месяцев назад

    Great tips, thanks for posting!

  • @samsurfer3705
    @samsurfer3705 2 года назад +1

    Fantastic. Many thanks.

  • @sergio6134
    @sergio6134 7 месяцев назад +1

    Capo!! Saludos desde 🇨🇱

  • @masterken5926
    @masterken5926 Год назад +1

    Thank you very much sir tomorrow i will buya peel just like yours

  • @MrToast-hj6kp
    @MrToast-hj6kp 2 года назад +2

    Awesome advice as usual. I am going to ask for one of these perforated peels for my birthday as I have a solid peel at moment. What make is the one you use ? Thanks.

  • @jacksguitarplanet
    @jacksguitarplanet 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hello. Thank you for the video. Can you please tell me how many ounces (or grams) of dough should I use for a 14 inch (35 cm) pizza? Thank you.

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  6 месяцев назад +2

      270 gr depends how you like the crust

  • @MattBruce10
    @MattBruce10 3 года назад +1

    Massimo, great video! Where can I buy the disposable plates like you use in this video?

  • @art19533
    @art19533 2 года назад +1

    Great video, I wanted to ask is that Gi metal peel 16 inch?

  • @envt
    @envt 2 года назад +1

    Lovely video. Thank you. What is the pizza peel brand and model?

  • @rashomon2020
    @rashomon2020 2 года назад +2

    Great video!
    I have a question - How do you get a stretched pizza on to a wooden peel … the ones that are quite thick? I don’t have a thin metal peel sadly

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  2 года назад +5

      For wood pizza pell you need pull the pizza by hand on top your pizza pell.that the best option

    • @gr8fruitsprouts440
      @gr8fruitsprouts440 2 года назад

      @@massimonocerino - Thanks. I just got a pizza stone, that came with a bamboo pizza peel.

  • @braddixon3338
    @braddixon3338 3 года назад +1

    these are great tips! I once had one stick super bad, and ended up just having to flip it into the fire.... Your experience helps the rest of us successful, thanks for the info

  • @romuloschasiepen1788
    @romuloschasiepen1788 3 года назад +2

    Massimo thanks for the content you provide, I'm from Brazil and I really enjoy your tips, a suggestion for content and a question are also about your fermentation boxes. thanks.

  • @shawnkay5462
    @shawnkay5462 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wow thats a genius tip haha. Thanks will try this if i mess up

  • @donmiguel1513
    @donmiguel1513 2 года назад +1

    I wanted to say I hope to someday eat your pizza and talk to you in person. Thank you for sharing your craft and love for pizza. Just got a ooni propane pizza oven koda 12 for christmas. Had good success but not made my own dough yet. Please make some dough for us all. Wishing you all the best and following your every move. Where are you at. Keeping sharing with the world. Donmiguel North Texas DFW area

  • @billy4072
    @billy4072 3 года назад +1

    Maestro 👍 I used to watch Vito iocappelli, and the ooni oven mob, but you're more in the real world I reckon 👌

  • @carolliep9374
    @carolliep9374 Год назад +1

    Tell me, please, what wood is the table on which you spread the pizza? In Romania, where I'm from, legislation don't give permission to use wood in this field of activity. I like your videos verry much.

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  Год назад

      I use few different top table pine.bamboo all working ok

    • @carolliep9374
      @carolliep9374 Год назад +1

      @@massimonocerino Thank you, Massimo !
      I wish you a nice holiday in Phuket !!!

  • @fjhaydn6532
    @fjhaydn6532 2 года назад +1


  • @quentinmartin2763
    @quentinmartin2763 2 года назад +1

    Beautiful good job

  • @andrewkoss7971
    @andrewkoss7971 Год назад +1

    get jiggly with it eh, sounds like a good plan,. But his dough is much less sticky looking then mine today, got store dough dough. The main trick is not to have the dough to sticky from the start and if you buy from store, it may be to wet and sticks to metal more then wood peels too , even after adding flower and all. Got to get back to making my own I guess.

  • @adige65abzakh64
    @adige65abzakh64 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much 🙏🏼

  • @makingcookingfixing
    @makingcookingfixing 3 года назад +1

    Nice tips, thank you Massimo. It happened a few times to me, pizza stuck in oven. I have the cheaper pizza peel you showed first. I can never slide the peel under the pizza, it would destroy the pizza. I always put the peel under my table and slide the pizza with my two left and right fingers on the peel. Your second peel is very expensive, I think like 150£ thanks

  • @ronniedees6221
    @ronniedees6221 2 года назад +1

    Appreciate this video it was really helpful

  • @ivanatrujic5568
    @ivanatrujic5568 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much. You are the best ❤

  • @ostpreusichersizilianer7801
    @ostpreusichersizilianer7801 3 года назад +1

    Grazie Massimo 🙏🏼👍🏽

  • @josephsaroce4991
    @josephsaroce4991 2 года назад +1

    Good tricks..thanks

  • @MatinYos
    @MatinYos 3 месяца назад +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤ very useful

  • @Rafa_Alkimin
    @Rafa_Alkimin 2 года назад +1

    Muito obrigado Mestre Massimo! Ganhou um inscrito!

  • @ollieox9181
    @ollieox9181 Год назад

    Sure wish I had seen this video yesterday - before 5 o'clock. My pizza (I'm an amateur) stuck to my peel and was tortured in the Roccbox. What a mess.
    I'll take this to heart next time. Thanks for posting.

  • @0MuhsroomHead
    @0MuhsroomHead 6 месяцев назад

    Should have millions of views.

  • @johnhaines6253
    @johnhaines6253 2 года назад +1

    Thank you, really helpful

  • @kartelclothingart4311
    @kartelclothingart4311 Год назад +1

    What is the weight of the dough and for how many inches you use ? 12 inch or more ?
    Great job i started a new job and thanks of your videos i did a great job by now watching you, so i must say Thank you very much for uploading these videos

  • @Reziac
    @Reziac 3 года назад +1

    That's a good tip. And it still looks so good!

  • @brendanhose1065
    @brendanhose1065 2 года назад +1

    good tip with the plate. will save some pizzas

  • @rizwanhassan4495
    @rizwanhassan4495 2 года назад

    Great info... thank you very much

  • @cindyc9440
    @cindyc9440 2 года назад +1

    Thanks great tips🙂

  • @FlyingSnoopy
    @FlyingSnoopy 5 месяцев назад +1

    Massimo I looked up the pizza peel from GI and was wondering why it’s so expensive?

  • @blockhead3654
    @blockhead3654 3 года назад +1


  • @Scotty_in_Ohio
    @Scotty_in_Ohio Год назад +1

    Remember if you have problems with the launch or sticking in the oven you can always make a "recovery calzone" ;-)

  • @michelenocerino9306
    @michelenocerino9306 3 года назад +1

    Complimenti e un bellissimo video ci piace molto

  • @keithpayne8943
    @keithpayne8943 8 месяцев назад

    One question. Is it ok to prepare your pizza on a granite counter or does it have to be on wood like in your video.

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  8 месяцев назад +2

      No matter

    • @keithpayne8943
      @keithpayne8943 8 месяцев назад

      @@massimonocerino Thanks for the answer. Keep the videos coming.

  • @oldfarmshow
    @oldfarmshow 2 года назад +1


  • @selftaopath
    @selftaopath 6 месяцев назад +1

    Is it a must to have a peel with holes?

    • @massimonocerino
      @massimonocerino  6 месяцев назад +1

      It’s better if you can

    • @selftaopath
      @selftaopath 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@massimonocerino Thanks. Sorry but do you think a metal peel is better than a wooden one?

  • @tauseefahmad1781
    @tauseefahmad1781 3 года назад +1

    Is homemade cheese tastes like commercial cheese?plz answer

  • @samuelgosselin8812
    @samuelgosselin8812 2 года назад +1

    thanks you,very nice!