Dudes i've only just seen this, and i thought this scene in the drama was sad, but the bts is even more heart-wrenching! T__T the emotions passing thru shenwei's face, hurt, longing, gah. zhao yunlan is just standing there all stunned. and zhu yilong looks beautiful even when crying T__T i like how this scene affected them too, baiyu said he wanted to thank yilong after they finished their last scene together that day, but somehow because it felt too emotional he couldn't. the chemistry, really. i wish they can work together again, these two great actors.
oh no that's true~ T____T this makes me so sad.. but baiyu said he felt really emotional too, he couldn't even talk to yilong after their last scene, so he thanked him in his speech after the drama ended lol.
seriously, they can actually just have best friend hug here and this scene would be 1000 times more touching, tho it already is...or at least Zhao can also shed tears to make this more bittersweet :" even Guo and Chu had more skinship and hugs than both of them
mandy ramoutar I will wait for all episodes get eng subbed, then I will rewatch back. That way, I might understand more and place myself inside their characters. The ending, the meanings we get were deep though. There were hidden words.
Dudes i've only just seen this, and i thought this scene in the drama was sad, but the bts is even more heart-wrenching! T__T the emotions passing thru shenwei's face, hurt, longing, gah. zhao yunlan is just standing there all stunned. and zhu yilong looks beautiful even when crying T__T i like how this scene affected them too, baiyu said he wanted to thank yilong after they finished their last scene together that day, but somehow because it felt too emotional he couldn't. the chemistry, really. i wish they can work together again, these two great actors.
Jessie Wang 听说他们还会一起演一部剧 但是名字我忘了 希望两个老师在剧里是兄弟 不要是一起抢一个女主(私心还是希望他们可以有对手戏 同台飚戏很带感)
采薇云上 对两个人形象不好? 有捆绑炒作嫌疑? 要是没人往这方面想那这个世界太好了 赵丽颖陈伟霆两人演了多少部戏 有对形象不好 有炒作嫌疑吗 那就看人怎么想 我是有私心 但是我也是希望两位老师可以再合作再出新剧啊 谁不想看好剧 虽然烂剧年年有 但今年太多了 好不容易有几位演技好的老师 不能就这么浪费 但凡有脑子希望自家爱豆好的就不会发什么炒作什么形象不好 你说我说的是不是这个道理
采薇云上 对对对 龙哥是直男中的钢铁 说情话都觉得要起鸡皮疙瘩
Catopia D 不不不 编剧很用心良苦了 不要再说寄刀片了
Zhu yi long staying in the character even after Bai Yu's attack is heart wrenching T~T
oh no that's true~ T____T this makes me so sad.. but baiyu said he felt really emotional too, he couldn't even talk to yilong after their last scene, so he thanked him in his speech after the drama ended lol.
seriously, they can actually just have best friend hug here and this scene would be 1000 times more touching, tho it already is...or at least Zhao can also shed tears to make this more bittersweet :" even Guo and Chu had more skinship and hugs than both of them
Florence Ho 不,本来小说是BE,结果被傻逼编剧给吃了🌚🌚🌚
不不不 你以为编剧想要BE吗 你以为他们就不想要HE吗 你没看到助理他们都哭了吗? 你以为编剧不会哭吗 导演的声音都变小了
什么是 BE HE
James Goh Bad ending 不好的结局 Happy Ending 皆大欢喜的结局
2:22 Zhu Yilong you broke me with this look and teary eyes
謝謝兩位哥哥 這個有你們陪伴的夏天很美好
Hahaha 嗯,不一样的暑假,特别难忘😢
These two are indeed great actors
Actors are so special that can bring so much emotion and make these chatacters come to life 💙
先跑回去看完結局 再跑回來,掛眼淚看著
其實這結局也不錯… 還能掛著念想,還能保有期待…
期待有一天 他們還會再相遇,還能並肩一同走向未來😭😭😭
Oh that makes me feel so sad and makes my want to cry 😭😭😭💔 I miss and love you BaiYu and ZhuYilong too much 😭💙💙💙
This drama is amazing but the ending really hurt me tho. i wanted a happy ending. i still loved it
mandy ramoutar Both of them technically died, that means, yup, I am hurt too. How can I get rid of this depressed feeling. Sigh.
idk i feel the same way
mandy ramoutar I will wait for all episodes get eng subbed, then I will rewatch back. That way, I might understand more and place myself inside their characters. The ending, the meanings we get were deep though. There were hidden words.
thats a good idea and u might enjoy it more the second time watching
mandy ramoutar Yes, I might be able to do that. =) The ending is being 'accepted' slowly now.
I cried like my world has fallen OMG
我哭了 哭了!看多少次还在哭!
Two guys standing a meter apart tearily promising to meet again no matter what it takes but no homo (cause china said it's not.)
The fans called it 'socialist brotherhood' 😂😂😂
Lulu Yao 想寄斩魂刀
Kiwi Ruby 啥 沈巍四十米的镇魂刀是捡来了(我一直以为那是他自带的) 我没看你不要骗我 上哪去捡这么好的刀 我也要去
Kiki 编剧良苦用心看不出来就不要瞎喷
Lulu Yao 不不不 你不觉得留一个更扎心吗 你看 如果留沈巍 那赵云澜死了 他一定会想尽一切办法来把赵云澜复活 就算牺牲自己也在所不惜(痴痴情深) ;如果留赵云澜 那沈巍死了 他一定不会再回到原来的自己了 就不再是那个吊儿郎当的赵处了 他也会一直等着沈巍(痴痴情深);所以说编剧让他们都死不仅保了他们以后的路,为他们以后考虑(因为他们不能只拍这一部,或者这个形象太深 看他们演的别的剧时就会直接代入什么的) 还让他们同年同月同日…… 对吧,不是很好吗 古人云: 不求同年同月同日生,但求………是吧,我说的没错吧
This scene is fuckin sad in the drama... But why is it so funny here hahahahaahahahaha
unsweetened sugar: I didn't find it funny, actually.
Omg! The ending! All the feels😢
Baiyu saved us in the end tho. I can't die in emo.
Its real tears...
Zhu YI long y Bai Yu, en esta escena si que hacen llorar, me encanto esta serie
แบบว่า เพื่อนไม่เจอกันนาน คิดถึงนะ
it's just behind the scene, but I want to cry so bad T______________T
I need season 2 or atleast special episodes. God how I miss Guardian so much
Why I brush of laugh here lol but sad in tears in the drama ~
Thanks for showing us this. What a closure ლ|^~^ლ|
Thank you
Marielle Shihan 不啊😭😭
夏天 嗯嗯嗯 希望导演和编剧考虑一下出个镇魂2 毕竟镇魂里还有好多东西没交代清楚 比如一直困扰我的那个约定到底是啥 还有故事背景 那个故事背景也是醉了
面巍其澜 嘿對~
夏天 我也一直有这个疑问 长城的作用到底是什么? 我都一度怀疑他到底是不是灯芯? 是灯芯为什么他不去 因为这本来就是他该干的 难道不是吗?
说实话这个背景一言难尽 但是两位老师能在这么出戏的背景下演的这么感人 可见两位老师的演技十分高超了
Wowwwww thanks for this omg woww
Uwaaaaaa (T A T)..... I hate sad ending
Hasta suenan pajaritos jajaja
为什么不管是片花 还是正片我怎么都没有哭呢 我一度怀疑我还是是不是镇魂女鬼 是我泪点太高(没有啊) 还是不感人(感人啊) 但是为什么我觉得片花要比正片感人呢(没哭) 大结局没到流星之前 甚至莫名想笑 还有你们谁跟我一样看完就是猝不及防的一脸懵逼
面巍其澜 同感 我感觉可能是包容心太强了 觉得怎样都挺好 撒花🎉 支持
1:20 he gave him a kiss?,!!!! 😳OMG🙈😍😍❤️
Yo how do actors do that
please make an special chapter with a happy ending at least for international fans, we are not gonna banned it ;)
season 2 pleaaaasseeee
Where I can found all of this video with eng sub??????
Youku, pls upload more bts videos😭
Susan Chen 第一次看会很痛,但面对后会释然。他俩的结局戏份不看很可惜,真的很唯美,鼓励你去看吧~不然心一直悬着,也很虐。
黃可欣 嗯,我看之前就很犹豫要不要看,不看的话就一直想着,但看的话又会情绪失控。嘛,最后还是看了虽然还是哭了,但是啊还是很不错的,至少我对镇魂会有个了结。
黃可欣 我的这颗悬着的心也终于放下了☺️
黃可欣 不过有一点我没搞懂,赵处不是作为灯芯消失了吗?为什么会出现在特别调查处,然后到小郭的镜头的时候,小郭在特别调查处。可是我却没看见赵处。这是为什么?
Susan Chen 赵处在大门前和记着见面,那其实是赵处他父亲伪装的,你可以回头看那里的独白,应该是他爸体内共生地星人的天赋本能吧,没想到还能转换形态。为了安抚民众,让民众认为赵处凯旋而归,摆平所有事情,可以好好生活。