Red Army Choir - Legendary Sevastopol

  • Опубликовано: 14 дек 2016
  • "Legendary Sevastopol" or "Легендарный Севастопольis a Soviet Navy song that celebrates the city of Sevastopol, which is the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet. In the Crimson Dawn Universe, the New USSR's Navy in the Black Sea still uses this song and also utilizes Sevastopol as their headquarters. In the beginning of the Middle Eastern War, it was the site of an epic battle between the New Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Islamic Imperial Fleet. Due to Soviet technological and tactical prowess, and with limited assistance from the Greater Kingdom of Greece, they proved victorious, effectively decimating the majority of the Islamic Empire's navy. Featured is the Flag of the New Soviet Navy: www.deviantart....
    Russian Lyrics (edited by The Universal Army):
    Ты лети, крылатый ветер,
    Над морями, над землёй,
    Расскажи ты всем на свете
    Про любимый город мой.
    Всем на свете ты поведай,
    Как на крымских берегах
    Воевали наши деды
    И прославили в боях
    ПРИПЕВ: (2 раза)
    Легендарный Севастополь,
    Неприступный для врагов.
    Севастополь, Севастополь -
    Гордость русских моряков!
    Здесь на бой, святой и правый,
    Шли за Родину свою,
    И твою былую славу
    Мы умножили в бою.
    Скинув чёрные бушлаты,
    Черноморцы в дни войны
    Здесь на танки шли с гранатой,
    Шли на смерть твои сыны,
    Если из-за океана
    К нам враги придут с мечом,
    Встретим мы гостей незваных
    Истребительным огнём:
    Знает вся страна родная,
    Что не дремлют корабли,
    И надёжно охраняет
    Берега родной земли
    ПРИПЕВ (2 раза)
    English Translation (submitted by Maya Murachowska):
    Fly, you, winged wind,
    Over the seas, above the ground,
    Tell everybody in the world
    About my favorite city.
    Narrate everybody in the world,
    How, on the Crimean shores,
    Our grandfathers fought,
    And glorified in battles
    Legendary Sevastopol
    Inaccessible for enemies.
    Sevastopol, Sevastopol -
    The pride of the Russian sailors!
    Here we went into holy and right battle
    For our homeland,
    And your former glory
    We have multiplied in combat.
    Throwing off the black jackets,
    Black Sea men, your sons,
    Went to the death during the war,
    With a grenade against tanks.
    Legendary Sevastopol
    Inaccessible for enemies.
    Sevastopol, Sevastopol -
    The pride of the Russian sailors!
    If from overseas
    Enemies will come to us with a sword,
    We will meet uninvited guests
    With a destroying fire.
    Our native country knows
    That ships don't sleep
    And reliably protect
    The shores of the native land.
    Legendary Sevastopol
    Inaccessible for enemies.
    Sevastopol, Sevastopol -
    The pride of the Russian sailors!

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