Tauren I don’t know if you’ll ever read this but I am having one of the hardest battles I’ve ever fought in my life and this song- it’s a gift from God in this moment and I’ve found the first real hope I could find for months. And so I just want to thank you. And even if you don’t read this I know God hears my thanks and my prayers of blessing for you. Love your music. Love your light. Everyone- hold on to the hope you can find in the people around you. And when you don’t feel like anyone around you has hope- always look to Jesus. And even when your faith feels thin it’s through the help of people like Tauren that we can find hope. Be strong for you are loved by God. Blessings!
Things happen we dont always understand..but God is waiting for us to hold his hand. He won't leave us. Trust in him warrior and continue to be encouraged.
*My mother is now in stage 4 cancer, please include her in your prayers. I'm crying right now as I type this. But I am hopeful that Lord will heal her. God bless us all!*
I am two and a half years clean from drugs and 3 months sober from alcohol... thank you Jesus for delivering me! Thank you for bringing me out of the trenches!!!
You might be feeling down but let me remind you- God is reaching His hand out to you this very moment. He will. not leave you stranded, reach out to Him, cry out to Him... He will save you. ❤
I'm taking the initiative to start a different project and I want to record videos about the Word of God. With the right to covers and perhaps ministries, and among other things that may arise over time. Subscribe to my channel and stay on top of everything. I believe that through this project many lives will be reached and touched by the power of the Holy Spirit, and will receive a renewal from Heaven. 🙏🏻 #2020 #September #God
This song was my ringtone and i would listen to it everyday. When my house was broken into n i was robbed of my property months later i had the song n i just broke down into tears because my saviour protected me during the break in where i could have been raped or killed but because God is merciful my body and my life was unharmed. Praise to his holy name❤
If there is one thing I know, Tauren has rescued many people from reaching their fate, if you lost a loved one in this pandemic remember God's not done with you. If your jobless don't forget your fully known and in all these things Love is in action. Please help to continue praying for the lost 🙇💌GOD LOVES YOU
He surely helps me dealing with the tragic loss of my husband at such a young age.. Covid became personal this time making me to sometimes feel trapped in the trenches of grief, sorrow and despair
I was going through a very dark time during my divorce while having to fight custody over my daughter, when this song came on air in our radio station, I broke down and asked for God's grace, forgiveness, love & mercy over my life... It's definitely a battle song worth listening to. I indeed got help from my Father upstairs afterwards, won custody and everything was a great new chapter till now.
Man, this song hits hard on Good Friday. I've been going through a storm lately and it's a good reminder that I have a redeemer in the trenches with me.
I couldn't agree more when you wrote ... "a redeemer in the trenches with me" ... as illustrated by the following prayer of complete surrender using caps as emphasis to encourage the disheartened to carry on this journey with JESUS AT THE WHEEL because our contract with survival is brokered with sadness, fragility and anxiety in keeping with the song's lyrics. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors, their families and friends. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners (missing the mark resulting in their weaknesses prevailing causing guilt of wrong doing) because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seek to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movies, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned in order for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their door until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again (repentance manifesting itself in a changed life), I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
Philippians 4:6-7 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I was in certain danger Caught in the crossfire of hope and regret Thought I could be my own savior But I'm sinking, sinking fast 'Cause it's too much to handle Alone in the battle I'm desperate for You, Lord Heart under fire, facing defeat So close to surrender, to my enemies But Love came from heaven, to fight for me When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The trenches with me Faithful from the beginning You felt my pain, You have been where I've been I hear You say 'It is finished' It is written we win in the end Heart under fire, facing defeat So close to surrender, to my enemies But Love came from heaven, to fight for me When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The King of all glory, made Himself low To be my defender, wherever I go My shield and my refuge, protector and friend You're always here with me, You're always here when my... Heart's under fire, I'm facing defeat So close to surrender, to my enemies But Love came from heaven, to fight for me When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The trenches with me With me
If someone is there can you please pray for me as I’ve been hitting rock bottom. This song gave me hope and that’s what I love about music. It gives you hope through the lyrics and sound. God is good 😌
listening to this song brought tears to my eyes..knowing the silent battles I've been fighting sometimes I feel like I can't breath sometimes I wonder how I am goin to make it thru but now I know love came from heaven to fight for me.this song is so beautiful it touches the deepest part of my soul. I hope who ever is out feeling lost and alone right now finds hope in the words of this song and in the love of God.
God's love is so Great...He sent his son to die for people who didn't love him first....... but are now learning to love him.....its times like this that you learn to love him....God bless....
I cannot even put into words how beautifully spectacular this song is!! This video is perfect! He is with us always. Even in the Trenches! Hallelujah! 💖🔥
I'm not sure how many years ago Tuaren brought this song to light , I ❤ it then and ❤ it still. So relevant and powerful, we all need, or must have Jesus in the trenches in the battle. You can hear and see the HolySpirit move in Tauren and all the backup worship singers as they rise up in Christ's triumph we are reminded we have the victory and the battle is the Lords. Glory to God.
Lord Jesus please forgive those who have disliked this beautifully worded song. Grant them the joy of knowing you Heavenly Father, in Your Name King Jesus, Amen.
I love how he sings and worship the LORD,you can see that he sings it with his heart,that's the most important in worship.. Thanks GOD and GOD bless always everyone.
Lyrics🙏🏾: I was in certain danger Caught in the crossfire of hope and regret Thought I could be my own savior But I'm sinking, sinking fast 'Cause it's too much to handle Alone in the battle I'm desperate for You, Lord Heart under fire, facing defeat So close to surrender, to my enemies But Love came from heaven, to fight for me When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The trenches with me Faithful from the beginning You felt my pain, You have been where I've been I hear You say 'It is finished' It is written we win in the end Heart under fire, facing defeat So close to surrender, to my enemies But Love came from heaven, to fight for me When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The King of all glory, made Himself low To be my defender, wherever I go My shield and my refuge, protector and friend You're always here with me, You're always here when my Heart's under fire, I'm facing defeat So close to surrender, to my enemies But Love came from heaven, to fight for me When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The trenches with me With me
This song got me through my mental health crisis in the middle of the pandemic, July 2020. I was hospitalized and was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder after suffering through a manic episode. I thank God He was with me in the trenches, and now I am getting the help I need with medication, therapy and my greater community. To God be the the glory!
Mom, Peggy (hospitalized with knee replacement after a fall) had mild confusion this morning. Dr took her off pain med! Now it's just Tylenol. They also added sodium with her meds. That upturn last time she was confused. So good, our God. Love you❣️ Prayer appreciated.
Facing some uncertainty. My brother sent me this song on a worship playlist. Yess God. When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The Trenches with me💯🙌🏾🙌🏾
While I'm battling through demons and mental disorders, this song came through and the part that "Love came from Heaven to fight for me" is the part I came to know God even more. My pain draw me closer to Jesus and the love he bought from heaven to fight my battle. ✝🕊♥🙏
When I saw the music video for the first time, I always thought about the dark times that I went through the past six years of my life. I was about to give up, but God came and saved my life. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for never giving up on me because you are my rock and salvation of light.
This guy's songs just popped up on my random spotify playing and am honestly embarrassed that I have never heard of him untill today. Am totally in love with your songs brother, the lyrics are so sweet and uplifting. Hallelujah!!!!
It's about being aware of where you are in your life and knowing where the pain comes from but just trusting God as our savior and protector to rescue us.Surely,He will rescue us as our hearts are under fire.
I heard this song on my way to work, hurt , alone, so many problems and facing defeat. I heard this song and it gave me help. God is so good. Thank you Tauren Wells
Everything he sing that's me I'm so close to sink but today I found God again and I can't stop listening to this song thank God for not giving up on me
Lord I'm struggling I am I keep on relapsing but don't want to live this meaningless life without you Lord I need you, I want to live for you and only you. I've said so many times I won't relapse but i did i let myself be a slave of sin and I'm more than this i want to see myself how you see me Lord. I'll need all the strength and prayers to get through this addiction. I'm posting this year to keep myself accountable it's been hard facing you coz I'm ashamed of how this addiction I have no right asking this since I failed you so many times Lord but pls save me from myself I don't want to live for my flesh anymore I want this demon to leave me so badly . I'm sorry pls Forgive me Lord.
No words can describe the the truth and you are my angel because of your courage... You JUST strengthened my all.. I know your testimony was sent straight from Christ Yehshuah to me!!! Ty
❤ this song changed my life, it really did. I was an addict, alcoholic, abused, depressed. I am almost 15 yrs clean, 9 yrs sober all by the Grace of God. I’ve had an extremely difficult year alot of loss and had given up on myself. I listened to this song repeatedly until I could sing along and I got on my knees and surrendered myself to God. This song forever changed my life and now I am my father (GOD’S) daughter. Thank you God for your Devine intervention and Thank you Tauren Wells for such an Inspirational song. May God Bless your Journey
On December 20, 2021, I lost my fiancé/love of my life/father of my 6yo son.. He died suddenly. I’ve been in counseling since January. The past week has been especially hard because Easter was his favorite holiday. My counselor sent this to me this morning and I’ve played it numerous times. I can’t believe I’m just learning of this jewel named Tauren. Jesus!! This song gives me chills. 🥺😭😭🙌🏾❤️
This song was my fight song when I was in the trenches in 2021. To be able to type this today and no longer feeling these lyrics literally, is making me full of joy and ever so grateful to God who dragged me outta those trenches.
Lord Jesus, please protect and continue to use Tauren Wells and the team that he sings and worships with and his family! Keep them strong and in Your loving arms! They are a blessing to my heart and a breathe of fresh air! So full of soul and tender in the choice of words used. Bless them Lord with a deeper relationship with You. Amen! Thank you so much for all the work you do inside and outside of the battle rooms where you worship. I'm sure Satan and his devils hate the work you do. Stay faithful brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus! Read the Word of God and make your heart tender and full of repentance. It's a daily battle and we have to armor up every day.
Trenches I was in certain danger Caught in the crossfire of hope and regret Thought I could be my own savior But I’m sinking, sinking fast ‘Cause it’s too much to handle alone in the battle I’m desperate for You Lord Heart under fire Facing defeat So close to surrender to my enemies But Love came from heaven To fight for me When I am defenseless You climb in the trenches The trenches with me Faithful from the beginning You felt my pain, You have been where I’ve been I hear You say it is finished It is written we win in the end The King of all glory made Himself low To be my defender wherever I go My shield and my refuge Protector and friend You’re always here with me You’re always here when my...
this guy is awsome i tink its heart felt so ya like every sabbath i woud play this song and it would make me feel happy so i subscribed this guy is perfect so god bless you
yes I might feel defenceless ,but you oh Lord Jesus WILL come through for me ,for us ,for South Africa !! ONLY Jesus reigns !! NO ONE else !! Glory to you Father xxxx amen
This is my gospel song of the year 2020! Wow! The message is what is needed right now in this dark phase of the world but also Tauren's voice is on another level - velvety smooth, sonorous with an 8-octave! I get goosebumps all over listening to it every single time!
Dealing with Death, Confusion (God is NOT the Author), and SOOO Much More. Thank You. This is Right On Time. I Am More Than A Conquerer!!! May God Bless His Ministry via you. Through Christ Jesus I Pray. GODSPEED Mr. Tauren.
I'm 11 and I discovered tauren wells at the age of 8. I sang and played some tauren wells songs at church and now I'm part of the praise and worship team, and I've been practicing this song I. the piano (which is what I play at praise and worship as one of the leaders) And I hope I can do this song. Let me get to the chase...WOW WOW WOW THIS IS AN AMAZING SONG
Tauren I don’t know if you’ll ever read this but I am having one of the hardest battles I’ve ever fought in my life and this song- it’s a gift from God in this moment and I’ve found the first real hope I could find for months. And so I just want to thank you. And even if you don’t read this I know God hears my thanks and my prayers of blessing for you. Love your music. Love your light.
Everyone- hold on to the hope you can find in the people around you. And when you don’t feel like anyone around you has hope- always look to Jesus. And even when your faith feels thin it’s through the help of people like Tauren that we can find hope. Be strong for you are loved by God. Blessings!
Yes. My friend in Christ.. hold on to Jesus.. I'm 56 years old.. I know.. I still do..
Things happen we dont always understand..but God is waiting for us to hold his hand. He won't leave us. Trust in him warrior and continue to be encouraged.
Yes brother, God chose us to be his daughters and sons we are hand picked, don't worry I'm praying for you ! :')
@@AngelShru praying also.. in Christ Jesus Name
God is with you, with every battle and he loves you.
Whoever is reading, Trust God, you'll get through It!!!
I know I will. Thank you 💖
Amen. Thank you for this
Thank you ❤
You could’ve been singing for the world, and have riches! With the voice like that! I give God thanks that you’re serving him
He will have riches in heaven! 🙌
👍👍's to that.
Amen to that! I absolutely love this song! Thank you, Tauren, for blessing us with your incredible gift! 🙏
@@Rosie1987. q 11111111¹
True that
*My mother is now in stage 4 cancer, please include her in your prayers. I'm crying right now as I type this. But I am hopeful that Lord will heal her. God bless us all!*
Hope your feeling alright and I hope your mum is doing right she deserves so much better and so do you❤. Hope she well xx
Praying 🙏
We pray that the Almighty will do what we he's known for... A healer. May your mother be healed in Jesus name.❤
In the Name of Jesus 🙏🙏🏾🙏🏻
Hope she well do better I will pray❤❤
I'm a bout to give my heart to Jesus I'm 13
Me also
Give it best decision🎉🎉❤
Praise the Lord! Angels in Heaven will rejoice!!!
Best decision ! Go ahead❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen 🎉 God Bless you. So happy for you!!! God protect and be with you always.
My battle song. Whoever is still listening hang in there. We’ve already got the victory👏🏾👏🏾
Awe... I was Searching for Hope..and found it 🙏🏽.
Thank you 🥺
Amen sister!🙌🏾
Amen! 🙏❤️
I am two and a half years clean from drugs and 3 months sober from alcohol... thank you Jesus for delivering me! Thank you for bringing me out of the trenches!!!
Awesome!! Keep going!!🙏🙌
amen God bless you my friend love came from heaven to fight for u💓 the battle is won.
God bless you 🙏 and keep well
Stay strong! Jesus loves you no matter what, and is stronger than your guilt or shame. Let go and let God. He loves you so so much. Many blessings
This is heavenly singing. Literally moves my soul to the high heavens. Thank you Tauren 🙏🏾
IT IS WRITTEN WE WIN IN THE END, because JESUS already won!! Hallelujah 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Hallelujah! Have you seen this video before? ruclips.net/video/G5dRW2p3Um8/видео.html
Yess amen .
Who is this King of Glory! The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle!
You might be feeling down but let me remind you- God is reaching His hand out to you this very moment. He will. not leave you stranded, reach out to Him, cry out to Him... He will save you. ❤
Hello there, God bless you, and stay safe.
God bless You too mate
God Bless you also
God bless u too
I'm taking the initiative to start a different project and I want to record videos about the Word of God.
With the right to covers and perhaps ministries, and among other things that may arise over time.
Subscribe to my channel and stay on top of everything. I believe that through this project many lives will be reached and touched by the power of the Holy Spirit, and will receive a renewal from Heaven. 🙏🏻
#2020 #September #God
You too
This song was my ringtone and i would listen to it everyday. When my house was broken into n i was robbed of my property months later i had the song n i just broke down into tears because my saviour protected me during the break in where i could have been raped or killed but because God is merciful my body and my life was unharmed. Praise to his holy name❤
Who is listening 2020? Jesus is the reason for the season Amen!
The video was just posted so what year do you expect us to be listening in?
The year it came out 😂😂😂😂
@@josiahlarbi6237 lol, I was laughing at that too.
Okebaram E FRLLL😂🤦🏾♀️ tell him
@@okebaram lol
Whoever reads this: keep trying! God will guide you just be patient!❤️
Thank you 🙏
If there is one thing I know, Tauren has rescued many people from reaching their fate, if you lost a loved one in this pandemic remember God's not done with you. If your jobless don't forget your fully known and in all these things Love is in action. Please help to continue praying for the lost 🙇💌GOD LOVES YOU
Amen sister 🙏🏼❤️
He surely helps me dealing with the tragic loss of my husband at such a young age.. Covid became personal this time making me to sometimes feel trapped in the trenches of grief, sorrow and despair
I was going through a very dark time during my divorce while having to fight custody over my daughter, when this song came on air in our radio station, I broke down and asked for God's grace, forgiveness, love & mercy over my life... It's definitely a battle song worth listening to. I indeed got help from my Father upstairs afterwards, won custody and everything was a great new chapter till now.
One day I'll be able to listen without crying. Until then put it on repeat and let the tears flow! Thank you for such a beautiful worship song 💕
Yes same here.. A very beautiful song .. (Repeat) (tears)
Me Too!🙌
I hear you in that. Just discovered this artist. God bless his talents.
I'm a little late and I knew that I was loved by our Savior a long time ago... every time I see the comments, I live to love 💕😘❤
To anyone reading God is fighting your battles and He's with you even in the trenches
Man, this song hits hard on Good Friday. I've been going through a storm lately and it's a good reminder that I have a redeemer in the trenches with me.
I couldn't agree more when you wrote ... "a redeemer in the trenches with me" ... as illustrated by the following prayer of complete surrender using caps as emphasis to encourage the disheartened to carry on this journey with JESUS AT THE WHEEL because our contract with survival is brokered with sadness, fragility and anxiety in keeping with the song's lyrics.
On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors, their families and friends. 🥰
YOU SAW them as sinners (missing the mark resulting in their weaknesses prevailing causing guilt of wrong doing) because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seek to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movies, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned in order for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾
LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their door until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾
If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again (repentance manifesting itself in a changed life), I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
The king of all Glory made himself Low
To be my defender wherever I go 😭😭
Oh yes! Have you seen this video before? ruclips.net/video/G5dRW2p3Um8/видео.html
😇😇👋🏻god bless he loves you and will never give up on you!✝
I was in certain danger
Caught in the crossfire of hope and regret
Thought I could be my own savior
But I'm sinking, sinking fast
'Cause it's too much to handle
Alone in the battle
I'm desperate for You, Lord
Heart under fire, facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
The trenches with me
Faithful from the beginning
You felt my pain, You have been where I've been
I hear You say 'It is finished'
It is written we win in the end
Heart under fire, facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
The King of all glory, made Himself low
To be my defender, wherever I go
My shield and my refuge, protector and friend
You're always here with me, You're always here when my...
Heart's under fire, I'm facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
The trenches with me
With me
🙂 thanks for these
Yes praised God Almighty 🙌🏼 🙏🏽
Thank you for words. God bless you 💜🙏🏽🙌🏽
Thank you sooo soo much for the lyrics 😭♥️
If someone is there can you please pray for me as I’ve been hitting rock bottom. This song gave me hope and that’s what I love about music. It gives you hope through the lyrics and sound. God is good 😌
Praying for you. I hope things are better now
listening to this song brought tears to my eyes..knowing the silent battles I've been fighting sometimes I feel like I can't breath sometimes I wonder how I am goin to make it thru but now I know love came from heaven to fight for me.this song is so beautiful it touches the deepest part of my soul.
I hope who ever is out feeling lost and alone right now finds hope in the words of this song and in the love of God.
I believe in God no matter what my enemies say or do they will never broke my spirit ❤
Anyone here going through troubles, stick to God, for its written we win in the end, amen.
God's love is so Great...He sent his son to die for people who didn't love him first....... but are now learning to love him.....its times like this that you learn to love him....God bless....
I love how they are having praise and worship in the middle of praise and worship.
"Love came from heaven, to fight for me. When I am defenseless, YOU climb in the trenches with me." 😭❤🙏🏾
I cannot even put into words how beautifully spectacular this song is!! This video is perfect! He is with us always. Even in the Trenches! Hallelujah! 💖🔥
Oh yes! Have you seen this video before? ruclips.net/video/G5dRW2p3Um8/видео.html
Yes God is truly in the Trenches Hallelujah Amen 🙏🏽
I wish I'm in such a room praising and worshiping God all my life
Hello God's children,whoever is looking at the comments know God loves you!!!! God only tells you no when he has a better yes!!🙏💯💙♥️
Wow Tauren Wells is really talented.I really admire how he uses his voice to glorify God😊
His talents😢
The chills I get from this song👌💕👏🤗🙌🙌
Ikr this song just hit different 🙏🙌
I'm not sure how many years ago Tuaren brought this song to light , I ❤ it then and ❤ it still. So relevant and powerful, we all need, or must have Jesus in the trenches in the battle. You can hear and see the HolySpirit move in Tauren and all the backup worship singers as they rise up in Christ's triumph we are reminded we have the victory and the battle is the Lords.
Glory to God.
Beautiful. I'm in the trenches!
He came and pulled me out praise God!
God would not pull you out from the trenches cause it’s a warzone out there
@@justabaritone845 Yes He will and He did a few times.
@@saiyongdawn7756 define trenches
@@saiyongdawn7756 Do you even know what trenches are?
@@justabaritone845 Trenches in a war right?
Lord Jesus please forgive those who have disliked this beautifully worded song. Grant them the joy of knowing you Heavenly Father, in Your Name King Jesus, Amen.
I love how he sings and worship the LORD,you can see that he sings it with his heart,that's the most important in worship..
Thanks GOD and GOD bless always everyone.
God thankyou once again for giving us Tauren Wells. My victory song right here
I was in certain danger
Caught in the crossfire of hope and regret
Thought I could be my own savior
But I'm sinking, sinking fast
'Cause it's too much to handle
Alone in the battle
I'm desperate for You, Lord
Heart under fire, facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
The trenches with me
Faithful from the beginning
You felt my pain, You have been where I've been
I hear You say 'It is finished'
It is written we win in the end
Heart under fire, facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
The King of all glory, made Himself low
To be my defender, wherever I go
My shield and my refuge, protector and friend
You're always here with me, You're always here when my
Heart's under fire, I'm facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches
The trenches with me
With me
Thank you 😌❤️
Love this
Thank you so much 🥰🥰
So beautiful.
If i could sing only one song,
I would sing the never ending praise
for Jesus Christ ❤️
This song got me through my mental health crisis in the middle of the pandemic, July 2020. I was hospitalized and was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder after suffering through a manic episode. I thank God He was with me in the trenches, and now I am getting the help I need with medication, therapy and my greater community. To God be the the glory!
I just forwarded this song to my dad who's battling COVID-19. Thanks for hearing God on this one
Mom, Peggy (hospitalized with knee replacement after a fall) had mild confusion this morning. Dr took her off pain med! Now it's just Tylenol. They also added sodium with her meds. That upturn last time she was confused. So good, our God. Love you❣️
Prayer appreciated.
Tauren Wells is one of the most technically gifted singers I've ever heard.
his songs always hits 😔❤
Facing some uncertainty. My brother sent me this song on a worship playlist. Yess God.
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches The Trenches with me💯🙌🏾🙌🏾
While I'm battling through demons and mental disorders, this song came through and the part that "Love came from Heaven to fight for me" is the part I came to know God even more. My pain draw me closer to Jesus and the love he bought from heaven to fight my battle. ✝🕊♥🙏
Amen🙌🙌🙌🙌 he loves u❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@rafiekatobias7216 Thanks and God bless you 💜
@@isabellevanboven3391 💜
When I saw the music video for the first time, I always thought about the dark times that I went through the past six years of my life. I was about to give up, but God came and saved my life. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for never giving up on me because you are my rock and salvation of light.
This guy's songs just popped up on my random spotify playing and am honestly embarrassed that I have never heard of him untill today. Am totally in love with your songs brother, the lyrics are so sweet and uplifting. Hallelujah!!!!
lost my sister three weeks ago and this song is my only comfort
So Sorry for your loss. I will keep in prayer!🙏
Tauren Wells you have a voice of angels. For everyone that Shed at least one tear. God loves you, God will fight and win our battles.
This is on repeat. I can't stop listening. We are never without defense but sometimes it feels like we are. But he's there. He's shown us that before
Whoever is reading this i pray that god will bless you guys with joy faith and love he gave his life to us to forgive the people for their sins.😌😌✝🙏🏻
It's about being aware of where you are in your life and knowing where the pain comes from but just trusting God as our savior and protector to rescue us.Surely,He will rescue us as our hearts are under fire.
I heard this song on my way to work, hurt , alone, so many problems and facing defeat. I heard this song and it gave me help. God is so good. Thank you Tauren Wells
Man, I think I need to go to church!
Those harmonies, so beautiful!
Jus came here to listen, just buried my mom and this was 1 of her favorite songs 🥹 IK YOU GOT YOUR WINGS MAMA! I LOVE YOU FOREVER 💜💜💜
God changed me and my life I'm now 7 months 20 days clean I love how God gave me a life better than I ever thought possible ❤❤ 2:03 10.18.23
God bless everyone reading this . 🙌🙏
Stay safe guys. 💜
He's our shield 🛡 and our refuge 🏠.
You're not alone
Everything he sing that's me I'm so close to sink but today I found God again and I can't stop listening to this song thank God for not giving up on me
I listen this song over and over until tears flowqen I remember my mom having cancer and can't even recognize😢😢😢 me no more😢😢😢😢
Lord I'm struggling I am I keep on relapsing but don't want to live this meaningless life without you Lord I need you, I want to live for you and only you.
I've said so many times I won't relapse but i did i let myself be a slave of sin and I'm more than this i want to see myself how you see me Lord.
I'll need all the strength and prayers to get through this addiction.
I'm posting this year to keep myself accountable it's been hard facing you coz I'm ashamed of how this addiction I have no right asking this since I failed you so many times Lord but pls save me from myself I don't want to live for my flesh anymore I want this demon to leave me so badly .
I'm sorry pls Forgive me Lord.
No words can describe the the truth and you are my angel because of your courage... You JUST strengthened my all.. I know your testimony was sent straight from Christ Yehshuah to me!!! Ty
Wow, and they say perfection is nonexistent
Continuing to trust in God's mercies and love praying for His healing over my husband.... Lord hear our prayer...
Jesus is the only way to be saved. The name above ALL names ❤✝️
I have been listening to you for years ,you still look young,I am getting old 70and half !
I’d love to see younger adults praising and worshiping God. This song gives praise onto Jesus Christ our Lord, hallelujah.
❤ this song changed my life, it really did. I was an addict, alcoholic, abused, depressed. I am almost 15 yrs clean, 9 yrs sober all by the Grace of God. I’ve had an extremely difficult year alot of loss and had given up on myself. I listened to this song repeatedly until I could sing along and I got on my knees and surrendered myself to God. This song forever changed my life and now I am my father (GOD’S) daughter. Thank you God for your Devine intervention and Thank you Tauren Wells for such an Inspirational song. May God Bless your Journey
On December 20, 2021, I lost my fiancé/love of my life/father of my 6yo son.. He died suddenly. I’ve been in counseling since January. The past week has been especially hard because Easter was his favorite holiday. My counselor sent this to me this morning and I’ve played it numerous times. I can’t believe I’m just learning of this jewel named Tauren. Jesus!! This song gives me chills. 🥺😭😭🙌🏾❤️
My condolences! How are you doing now?
This song was my fight song when I was in the trenches in 2021. To be able to type this today and no longer feeling these lyrics literally, is making me full of joy and ever so grateful to God who dragged me outta those trenches.
I listen to this song so much Being A PASTOR myself it has been A Climb God Bless You All.
Thank you Lord for my son 🥺♥️ 2 weeks old. The love of my life and a true answer to my prayer
I love this song❤❤❤
One night I had an attack a nightmare and this song came into my dream I was rescued.
Wow holy ghost bumps. Tauren gets better and better!!!! Thank you Lord it is finished!!!
I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and this song came on broke me all the way down. What a testimony 🙌🏽🙏🏽 love lifted me 🙏🏽
"Love came from heaven to fight for me" - I am speechless right now, because these words just exploded in my heart. You are a blessing, Tauren Wells
Please pray fro me, idk what wrong with me , I just keep slipping back to my old ways, idk why I can't just stick with God
Such a Timely reminder! Pray for me. God knows I need him now more than ever. I feel so discouraged.
God's Got You ❤️
we played this in my dad's funeral and once i heard it, it made me cry he died when i was 7 but i'm 12 i won so many awards now i dedicate to him
Lord Jesus, please protect and continue to use Tauren Wells and the team that he sings and worships with and his family! Keep them strong and in Your loving arms! They are a blessing to my heart and a breathe of fresh air! So full of soul and tender in the choice of words used. Bless them Lord with a deeper relationship with You. Amen! Thank you so much for all the work you do inside and outside of the battle rooms where you worship. I'm sure Satan and his devils hate the work you do. Stay faithful brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus! Read the Word of God and make your heart tender and full of repentance. It's a daily battle and we have to armor up every day.
I was in certain danger
Caught in the crossfire of hope and regret
Thought I could be my own savior
But I’m sinking, sinking fast
‘Cause it’s too much to handle alone in the battle
I’m desperate for You Lord
Heart under fire
Facing defeat
So close to surrender to my enemies
But Love came from heaven
To fight for me
When I am defenseless
You climb in the trenches
The trenches with me
Faithful from the beginning
You felt my pain, You have been where I’ve been
I hear You say it is finished
It is written we win in the end
The King of all glory made Himself low
To be my defender wherever I go
My shield and my refuge
Protector and friend
You’re always here with me
You’re always here when my...
this guy is awsome i tink its heart felt so ya like every sabbath i woud play this song and it would make me feel happy so i subscribed this guy is perfect so god bless you
Love the finger snapping sound effects!
When nothing else could help. Love lifted me!!!! Thank you Jesus for fighting for me. Glory and honor be unto our our one true living God.
yes I might feel defenceless ,but you oh Lord Jesus WILL come through for me ,for us ,for South Africa !! ONLY Jesus reigns !! NO ONE else !! Glory to you Father xxxx amen
Thank you tauren wells for the love and positivity during this COVID-19 its helped me alot
I love you God. Thank you for always being there for me no matter how stupid and stubborn I've been.
am so overcome with emotion right now .this was me today and God sent me someone with a message ,this song is saying all am feeling.
Today was one of the hardest days, one thing I know God is faithful 🎉🎉
This is my gospel song of the year 2020! Wow! The message is what is needed right now in this dark phase of the world but also Tauren's voice is on another level - velvety smooth, sonorous with an 8-octave! I get goosebumps all over listening to it every single time!
Thank you JESUS, 4 fighting my battles! 2nd Chronicles 20:15-30. I bless Your name 4ever!
I cant stop listening this. Every lyric penetrates my spirit! I love you Jesus!
Amen! Continue to be a blessing!
Girlllll.... I have chills!!
Dealing with Death, Confusion (God is NOT the Author), and SOOO Much More. Thank You. This is Right On Time. I Am More Than A Conquerer!!! May God Bless His Ministry via you. Through Christ Jesus I Pray. GODSPEED Mr. Tauren.
I'm 11 and I discovered tauren wells at the age of 8. I sang and played some tauren wells songs at church and now I'm part of the praise and worship team, and I've been practicing this song I. the piano (which is what I play at praise and worship as one of the leaders) And I hope I can do this song. Let me get to the chase...WOW WOW WOW THIS IS AN AMAZING SONG
I'm 60 yrs old and feel just like you .I love this song,and i've been in the trenches
Will never get tired of this song…..so touching 🥲🫶🏼💗
Tauren's voice is so silky smooth.... gee whiz boy!
This was my story of thinking I could be my own Savior. But LOVE came from heaven to fight for me...when I'm in the trenches of me HALLELUJAH
This just took me all the way out into another realm of worship! Out of nowhere, just listening & ............Done!!! Done!!!!
Thank you God for climbing in the TRENCHES with me when I'm defenseless!!