different tortoises need diff substrate. i know that sand is not good for leopards, they need more wood/soil, and it has to be moist or else they get sick. Also, keeping diff tortoises species together in the same enclosure is not a good idea
Have they been living together sense they were baby’s? Do they do well together? I’ve got to baby sulcatas was thinking about added a leopard or two in with them.
different tortoises need diff substrate. i know that sand is not good for leopards, they need more wood/soil, and it has to be moist or else they get sick. Also, keeping diff tortoises species together in the same enclosure is not a good idea
leopard tortoise need some sand because they are desert species also some grass and topsoil mixed together.
First, they are cute. You should probably add like a small pool. They will be happy.
Ya i was tinking about doing that
Ya i was tinking about doing that
I want to buy a dead pool
Where did you bought the redfoot tortoise
They look great. You raised them since small small? What temp do they live in?
Are they still living well together? I'm going to raise it sulcata with leopard.
Yes there's are newer update videos
Have they been living together sense they were baby’s? Do they do well together? I’ve got to baby sulcatas was thinking about added a leopard or two in with them.
Yes since they were babies I have there unboxing on the channel you'll have to go way back