Liya Kebede on the biggest problem facing the next generation

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Supermodel / philanthropist Liya Kebede discusses what she thinks is the biggest problem facing the next generation -- maternal health.
    Learn more: www.theliyakebe...

Комментарии • 422

  • @LasandraCordelle
    @LasandraCordelle 13 лет назад

    I think it is admirable that Liya Kebede has put this statement up on RUclips. Certainly the women of the world need and deserve all the support that we can possibly give them.
    Anything that benefits women benefits the whole world.
    This Liya Kebede has good intentions and this video does not deserve all the "dislikes" that it has. There is some kind of organized campaign against this video going on here.

  • @thelastsamana
    @thelastsamana 13 лет назад

    This is what the world is coming to? A beautiful human speaks up for the good of others, and half of you make it seem like you're not even worth the effort to save. Thank You Liya ,,,, your message is appreciated

  • @Calharrisinc
    @Calharrisinc 13 лет назад

    It's amazing that this is STILL an issue with all the advances in medicine and technology. The only thing missing are enough people who care enough to be concerned and do something about it.

  • @oldsk00l
    @oldsk00l 13 лет назад

    "To break the cycle of poverty we need mothers". A person could go onto the 1000 other things that orphaned children are vulnerable to (child soldier stuff, etc) but she epitomized in that sentence. She's also beautiful and articulate, trying to make the world better.

  • @synthmusic
    @synthmusic 13 лет назад

    I do not understand why this video would have any dislikes. Liya is speaking the truth. For the people who dislike the video, are you against basic human rights?

  • @UltimateFashion1
    @UltimateFashion1 13 лет назад +1

    i luv u, Liya! ur so beautiful outside as well inside and so down-to-earth! good luck in ur life!

  • @JoanaJesusLife
    @JoanaJesusLife 13 лет назад

    "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights". Equal money for the basic human needs should be a Human right!!

  • @ingridbloemheuvel
    @ingridbloemheuvel 13 лет назад

    I can't believe my eyes seeing so many people voting this video thumbs down! It is so obviously common sense we all need to take care of the children of the world by taking care of the mothers...

  • @345er342
    @345er342 13 лет назад

    The amount of ignorance I'm reading in the comments is astounding. I can't believe how many people think that people dying isn't a problem. Where is the compassion? Liya Kebede is a very kind, very dedicated philantropist who brings up a good point. It is her opinion, and I applaude her for her efforts to actually make a difference in the world.

  • @mnfreeman
    @mnfreeman 13 лет назад

    in the US, kids coming from poverty are less likely to develop proper reading skills, and 3rd grade reading skill is an indicator of whether the child will go on to graduate high school. This obviously greatly limits the child's ability to succeed.
    With Equal Money we can ensure that the coming generations will equally receive the best education and support in developing practical skills - it will no longer be left to chance based on ones circumstance of birth - that is unacceptable

  • @Rujizzle
    @Rujizzle 13 лет назад

    She is absolutely right, and it is a big problem in our society. Mothers and children must be rightfully taken care of and neglected.

  • @tomwardart
    @tomwardart 13 лет назад

    Yes, absolutely! the best way to improve the lives of men, woman and children all around the globe is giving woman better access to education and reproductive health care. This helps break families out of the cycle of poverty because they don't have to struggle so hard to feed, clothe, and educate large numbers of children. When people have smaller families everyone is better off, especially the mother and children.

  • @Bofta1
    @Bofta1 13 лет назад

    Guys you are all right when you say clean water, maternal health, renewable energy, population control etc etc The bottom line is there is no one magic bullet to development. All the factors you mentioned and more are equally important for a wellbeing of any society/country. If one part is missing out of a whole then the whole is not yet complete!

  • @Bofta1
    @Bofta1 13 лет назад

    Liya is right on spot in identifying the major setback for achieving MDGs. Mothers are at the center of family, hence the world. But, development has to be holistic as there is no single magic bullet. The synergy of improved agriculture, environment, health, nutrition, education, WATSAN, micro-enterprise, renewable energy, roads, ICT and internet access, gender and community development is key.
    Government & CBOs need to raise 120 USD/person/annum & the world will be better place to live!

  • @tourettetruthserum
    @tourettetruthserum 13 лет назад

    Yeah, that's what the world needs - more people.....

  • @DarwinsBeerReviews
    @DarwinsBeerReviews 13 лет назад

    I like how she danced around the real issue: A woman's right to choose. Abortion rights.

  • @gina0675
    @gina0675 13 лет назад

    I clicked on this to see why there were so many dislikes, its because of all the ignorant self centered people commenting. Children from all around the world are our future. Growing up without and in poverty and without a good family structure can lead to more crime, terrorist, disease, prostitution, etc. Stop being so self-centered. Not because its not happening to you, doesn't mean it won't affect you.

  • @Fatmen21
    @Fatmen21 13 лет назад

    why is there so much hate on this issue? shes right about everything she says and the only argument you could have is that the world is becoming overpopukated and so maybe they shouldnt have kids

  • @cronincross
    @cronincross 13 лет назад

    Telling people to stop having kids they can't care for is like telling teenagers not to have sex, it's just not going to happen.

  • @GoodVibesLTD
    @GoodVibesLTD 13 лет назад

    Mothers are the most important!! By far!
    I agree 100%

  • @AdeleCaskey
    @AdeleCaskey 13 лет назад

    The way to make the change we need to support All, where are all given an equal opportunity and a dignified life is with the Equal Money System. This is on its way as a world wide political agenda. Join and Be part of the change!

  • @gitdeefaw
    @gitdeefaw 13 лет назад

    back in the old days people didn't care what supermodels thought about world issues. there is no way this is the biggest problem going into the future. if she is just saying it to create awareness that's one thing, but seriously, NOT the biggest issue.

  • @Pestilence86
    @Pestilence86 13 лет назад

    I think in order to understand the problem, you have to get to know the culture and everyday life of these people. The first question i would like to get an answer to would be: Why are so many soon-to-be mothers choosing to have a child? What are the reasons, and why?

  • @TrevorPatton
    @TrevorPatton 13 лет назад

    @studiousx3 You're right. A simple retitling would eliminate the perceived false dilemma.

  • @TheHeavyassaulter
    @TheHeavyassaulter 13 лет назад

    So many deaths occur each day and still we humans are currently exceeding 7 billion in population. Thus definitely the fact that some women have problems with pregnancy is NOT a problem for the next generations.

  • @a5dr3
    @a5dr3 13 лет назад

    Yes. Let's support mothers.

  • @africaslave211
    @africaslave211 13 лет назад

    Liya is right. We all wouldn't be hear without MOTHER

  • @Rujizzle
    @Rujizzle 13 лет назад

    Are you kidding me? There are more dislikes on this video than likes? None of us would've been here today if a woman/mother did not carry us. Women's issues must be taken seriously as well, in order to make the world a better place.

  • @opaluni
    @opaluni 13 лет назад

    I think Ms. Kebede makes a good point mothers are needed. Especially in poorer communities and in 3rd world countries. Even here in America we're pretty shitty when it comes to natal care and just the health and safety of females giving birth over all. Why is that? When we're suppose to be living in a "high tech modern" society where women shouldn't have to die at such large rates giving birth in this day and age. Women need to be taught, respected, and treated with dignity all over the world.

  • @hottoddy08
    @hottoddy08 13 лет назад

    @hottoddy08 I also forgot to mention that she's worked with WHO.

  • @AnimayeIsGaye
    @AnimayeIsGaye 13 лет назад

    Ethiopians have a very unique skin tone. Striking a perfect balance between the Mediterranean and Nubian shades.

  • @KatyBMatey
    @KatyBMatey 13 лет назад

    Yes, this is relavent in certain countries but, I understand why this has many dislikes...Even though them countries are less developted, the technolgy is advancing, and very quickly for that matter. I think that those who disliked this video will either share this view that these deaths will simply not occur with-in the next generation. However those who like this video don't want to seem cruel by disliking it.
    Side-note: We aint gonna be stuck in this financial enviroment forever.

  • @MegaFretboy
    @MegaFretboy 13 лет назад

    its funny how 150 years ago the average life expectancy was below sixty years old, but now ppl are getting scared if they dont live to be 100.

  • @123caseygirl
    @123caseygirl 13 лет назад

    have a heart ppl. she has a damn point now shut up and choose to listen. it may not be the very top priority of humanity but geez get over yourself already or dont leave a f'n comment. grow up and realize there may be greater things than yourself out there. open your eyes to the global suffering happening right now and open your heart to those ppl

  • @Elenaaelena
    @Elenaaelena 13 лет назад

    support mothers for being human being ,not for the care of the baby !!

  • @nativemrv19722
    @nativemrv19722 13 лет назад

    People on this page with negative comments, understand nothing. It's hard to relate to others if you yourself have never had to struggle for any thing as a people. The ruling class looks down on the less fortunate.

  • @Bofta1
    @Bofta1 13 лет назад

    Liya keep up the good work with your beautiful mind and body!!!

  • @Manginess
    @Manginess 13 лет назад

    Definitely an important issue, but it's not the biggest problem facing our generation...

  • @chillmonster
    @chillmonster 13 лет назад

    @drparulsinha Poverty is not due to overpopulation. It may be a factor is some areas, but it isn't the driving force by a very long shot.

  • @brofessionalv
    @brofessionalv 13 лет назад

    @pinoy426 She was chosen for a few reasons.
    First she is considered very popular and public role model, allowing for a greater outreach to a youthful audience more prone to the effect of her cause.
    Second, she represents the World Health Organization for maternal and newborn health, in addition to starting her own philanthropic foundation years ago.
    A silver spoon economics professor from an over indulgent ivy league won't carry a philanthropic cause providing a world view for Americans.

  • @KristinaSalas
    @KristinaSalas 13 лет назад

    Within an Equal Money System we wouldn't need to advocate support for Mothers and the neccesities that are required for proper care during pregnancy and labor. Within an Equal Money System - how much money you have would not determine whether you got care or not because in a System of Equality you WOULD be considered Equal and Life and Deserving of Unconditional Support - as ALL would.

  • @so1zy
    @so1zy 13 лет назад

    He didn't actually mean it, he was just making a point. Re-read it...

  • @Uprising771
    @Uprising771 13 лет назад

    corruption of public officials and corporate greed are the biggest problems facing this generation and all future generations. corruption causes poverty.

  • @keno104
    @keno104 13 лет назад

    okay. i will support mothers.

  • @TheGrasshoppa09
    @TheGrasshoppa09 13 лет назад

    What's also unfortunate is that these people who make our "future sad and dark" don't think that they are a part of the problem or solution. Also, they don't think that corporations, or this government will turn on them, putting them in a similar situation. Oh well...

  • @woodeneye50
    @woodeneye50 13 лет назад

    Alltruth1, This is a tragedy but with all that is happening around the world, this is nowhere near the biggest problem facing the next generation. I wish it was!

  • @MyLarsie
    @MyLarsie 13 лет назад

    Why are you all hating on her?

  • @elotroturco
    @elotroturco 13 лет назад

    @milkyway531 That's why it's called worldview and not US view

  • @alphamonkey54
    @alphamonkey54 13 лет назад

    lack of bass boat is the biggest problem in my generation

  • @Bofta1
    @Bofta1 13 лет назад

    @Chiaert Hello, we are talking about what others less fortune than you Need!

  • @CandyCoated08
    @CandyCoated08 13 лет назад

    the biggest problem? we need to focus on keeping them from getting pregnant. No poor, teenaged mothers means less pregnancy-related deaths. Problem solved.

  • @BlackMaJicHD
    @BlackMaJicHD 13 лет назад

    @TheRealYansii This is true. when a mother breast feeds the baby gets proteins and nutrients from the milk. Also the baby gets some immunities to diseases that the mother has as well.

  • @dmg46664
    @dmg46664 13 лет назад

    @Roacheater I agree with you! I think it would be great if there was as an yet undiscovered way of creating prosperity without inequality.... I think that was like America in the 19th century. But today a successful chicken farmer can sell chickens to the whole country, not just his village (thanx to technology)... and so you get extremes of wealth. However that doesn't mean that poverty hasn't been disappearing also.

  • @meheale
    @meheale 13 лет назад

    Thomas Jefferson said it best: "If Man cannot be trusted with the government of himself, how can he be trusted with the government of others?" If man is evil, government will be evil, and that is precisely what history proves.
    My personal answer is to be found in the Bible (Matt 6:33) and my belief in the Kingdom of God (Rev 21:3 & 4) Many reject that notion. The problem is, they don't have a better answer.

  • @TrevorPatton
    @TrevorPatton 13 лет назад

    This statement presents a false dilemma (false dichotomy): where two (or more) alternative statements are held to be the only possible options, when in reality there are more. To ask a person what the biggest problem facing the next generation is- is just like asking someone what the BEST thing for the next generation would be. There is no one answer, simply because the world doesn't operate under one person's set of standards, government regulations, and for that matter- no one culture.

  • @CaptainSaminoz
    @CaptainSaminoz 13 лет назад

    @wecaan I actually voted this down because I am quite certain that with all the hell that's going on around the world, maternal health is not exactly the biggest threat to our whole generation.

  • @ilaallstar
    @ilaallstar 13 лет назад

    WTH! Why people disliking this video. If it wasn't for women you couldn't have a man....think about it.

  • @morton747
    @morton747 13 лет назад

    @AlekNovy Women actually only live 3 to 8 years longer than men, what study did you get your information?

  • @morbels
    @morbels 13 лет назад

    Very true. Now who will donate money?

  • @nystar1881
    @nystar1881 13 лет назад

    You missed the whole point. Stop having children that one cannot provide:1. shelter
    2. nourishment (emotional and physical) 3. education and joy. A lot of well known persons are getting on here and saying nada, zilch, self importance-am going to get mad and get on here myself. At least I have 40 years of empirical evidence for my opinions,I am open to learning-and there are no experts. Tell your African brothers and sisters to plan their life before having children. Tell them don't tell us.

  • @mnfreeman
    @mnfreeman 13 лет назад

    I did not attack you - that is your reaction. I'm pointing out what is evident in your words. you have not actually placed yourself in the shoes of those in circumstances of extreme poverty - investigated how that circumstance exist, what drives them to have children, and what opportunities are in fact available or not available to them - you instead merely judge them based on assumptions about their behavior

  • @irishheed123
    @irishheed123 13 лет назад

    Not the worst problem facing the next generation at all.

  • @4gs8vh4gs8vh
    @4gs8vh4gs8vh 13 лет назад

    @Silveracity And on the other hand - look at the declining birth rate of the developed countries - so if overpopulation is the problem - help countries develope and prosper and you will find new markets, new technologies and declining birthrates (feel free to disagree - id love to hear your throughts on this)

  • @4gs8vh4gs8vh
    @4gs8vh4gs8vh 13 лет назад

    @Silveracity self sufficiency is the long term goal - i completely agree with you on that!
    But you cant just ignore the symptoms - it would be devestating to just kick them off all funding and knowlege transfers cold turkey - we cant forget that we are talking about living human beeings and not only about the success and welfare of a giant nation (compare rawls welfare function)

  • @Menocidekunt
    @Menocidekunt 13 лет назад

    @ninuxy you think this is economically logical? more rich people just means more poor people.

  • @Asmara2b
    @Asmara2b 13 лет назад

    That's really good question. I can predict so many problems Global warming is one of them. But let's talk first about the biggest problems facing this generation.

  • @4gs8vh4gs8vh
    @4gs8vh4gs8vh 13 лет назад

    @Silveracity fair point, but the solution cant be to deny them help - if you look at this problem closer and not from the save distance of a makro(economic) view - wouldnt you want to save your pregnant sister, especially when the help is quite simple (for western standards blood preassure medics are not that big of a deal) - so who are we to deceide over the destiny of other people that could helped so easily

  • @Vittoria10538
    @Vittoria10538 13 лет назад

    How the hell can anyone "dislike" or insult this? People have become selfish, nasty bastards.

  • @PrinceHassanBee
    @PrinceHassanBee 13 лет назад


  • @bestamerica
    @bestamerica 13 лет назад

    she is so pretty lady on this video,,,
    what is her nationalization,,,
    yes this world need a good female, lady, mother, woman

  • @zero_kelvin_
    @zero_kelvin_ 13 лет назад

    im afraid that is by far not the biggest problem we have my dear

  • @A7Xspazz
    @A7Xspazz 13 лет назад

    @SolomonBliss i completely agree.

  • @camprockroxon
    @camprockroxon 13 лет назад

    Why's everyone hating?

  • @charmmykitty81
    @charmmykitty81 13 лет назад

    @StinkyWizzleTits shes a supermodel

  • @brokecreole
    @brokecreole 13 лет назад

    Poverty is a human issue not simply that of mothers. We have lost the value of life. We all want to live as long as we can but we forget that other humans want the same.We assume that there is a monopoly on the right to live so life has become a commodity on a shelf.Aisle 5 for Indians, Aisle 6 for Africans etc. Then once your value has "expired" we create ways destroy the life. We have mastered the "art" of killing but no one wants to die,

  • @proTanagonist
    @proTanagonist 13 лет назад

    WTF ?! dislikes? wtf shes addressing a REAL issue! wtffffff

  • @dunslapmee
    @dunslapmee 13 лет назад

    she could have simply answered "World peace!"
    I thought the biggest problem facing the next generation is global warming? Or so I've been told. But really - the biggest problem facing the next generation is how to get an iPad.

  • @jobaccamasakado
    @jobaccamasakado 13 лет назад

    overpopulation is the biggest problem.
    anyone who doesn't see this is short-sighted.
    not enough food, not enough resources is because of overpopulation.
    people fighting over resources is because of overpopulation.
    no access to medicine and high child mortality is due to overpopulation. we have medicine, hospitals, and doctors, and everything else. there is just not enough to go around.
    every great problem you can think of comes down to one solution;
    we need less people

  • @jamym42
    @jamym42 13 лет назад

    How is there so much hatred in response to this video? If you truly believe in limiting the world's population growth, then don't have kids. But don't sit back in your material comfort and condemn others to death because they were born in a poor country. The overpopulation crisis is not actually due to too many people, but to overconsumption. WE the first world nations are the ones consuming , but some would blame those who don't even have access to clean water and basic medical supplies. SHAME.

  • @donklue
    @donklue 13 лет назад

    How come when a black person says something there is always a comment about race.
    When a white person does something there is no comment about his race.

  • @titsinkuen
    @titsinkuen 13 лет назад

    to break the cycle of poverty people need to educate and take responsibility for themselves... if your a mother or soon to be one...or want to be one its your responsibility to make sure your child is cared for....not everyone elses its your responsibility...i didn't give birth to your did and if you dont take responsibility for your child....i think thats criminal

  • @TheInvshika
    @TheInvshika 13 лет назад

    Where is she talking about...

  • @movement26
    @movement26 13 лет назад

    Every year 15 MILLION children die of starvation.............It is time humanity got its act together.

  • @LuxeLifestyle
    @LuxeLifestyle 13 лет назад

    @CreativePotion For I Love her and I Know the Reason.

  • @dmg46664
    @dmg46664 13 лет назад

    To break the cycle of poverty, we need Capitalism. Whether it's Hong Kong or Lichtenstein or the USA in the 19th century, no other methods have been so effective at turning poverty into prosperity. Trying to give mothers better care is admirable but has never been the root cause of poverty. Even countries with a lot of government intervention like China and S Korea (20 years) have succeeded when they allowed free trade and protection of property rights.

  • @TheGrasshoppa09
    @TheGrasshoppa09 13 лет назад

    @drparulsinha Rural locations on this earth or not overpopulated, but are still impoverished. Where there is a disadvantage there is someone, or some corporation, or nation that benefits from the drawback.

  • @woodeneye50
    @woodeneye50 13 лет назад

    The biggest problem we face is getting along with others. Sounds simple until you consider how easy it would be to set off a nuclear bomb and then otherwise calm people will be pushing for revenge and it will snowball. Or how about a world wide depression. What if global warming IS true? Would any of these be a tad worse?

  • @Cheezeblade
    @Cheezeblade 13 лет назад

    WTF am I supposed to do about random mothers not getting education or healthcare?? The government needs to stop making CHARITYS for people who are too lazy or stupid to get themselves the help they need. there is nothing that THIS charity or foundation can do to help them. it ALL comes down to the individual seeking help.

  • @KlausHoefler82
    @KlausHoefler82 13 лет назад

    fascinating !
    There are some cool comments about an equal money system which seems as an very practical solution because common sense is that how money is handled by human beings is abusive & definitly unaccaptable thus an equal money is a cool solution which supports everyone equally - no more poor, no more slaves, no more starvation!
    But what do the people here - they spam this comments! For those people devently many thumbs down.
    Get Real Guys and support the world and not your selfish

  • @TheMaggiemcgrath22
    @TheMaggiemcgrath22 13 лет назад

    one of her earlobes is bigger than the other...why does this have so many dislikes?

  • @dmg46664
    @dmg46664 13 лет назад

    @hirofan If there is a statistical case to be made against free markets working, I have never seen it. People rebel against it's harshness: you take the profit or loss of your actions. But if you were to plot poverty on a map of the world, indeed the less free the market the more desperate the people. I live in Cape Town, South Africa. South Africa being the free-est market in Africa also has the least poverty of perhaps any country in Africa. Aids aside.

  • @MrJpmoneypants
    @MrJpmoneypants 13 лет назад

    @ninuxy True, but we and other Western countries enable through attitudes like the one expressed in the video. If we want to help, give someone a loaf of bread in exchange for a vasectomy. I wonder how long it will take? After 100 years can we give up this futile effort? Or will the Bono of the day tug at our heart stings?

  • @JonathanSpringer
    @JonathanSpringer 13 лет назад

    @J801506 How about eliminating the factors of poverty first.

  • @brokecreole
    @brokecreole 13 лет назад

    a mentally and emotionaly healthy person is a rare commodity. we all pretend to be "smart".It is alwas the next person who is stupid. It is Never you.The first sign of a dying mind.

  • @elbob64
    @elbob64 13 лет назад

    @someonefromthisworld Yes.

  • @gina0675
    @gina0675 13 лет назад

    @TheManolakis I'll take it. Be blessed ;)

  • @Ojdaweedmane
    @Ojdaweedmane 13 лет назад

    I like how see says uh alot

  • @hottoddy08
    @hottoddy08 13 лет назад

    @cheneygottagun Um, in case you didn't read the description like an educated person would have, she is not only a supermodel but also a philanthropist. She has also served as an ambassador for Unicef and has helped build at least three hospitals in her home country, Ethopia. If I were you, I would do a little research before carelessly throwing around such vulgar language.

  • @tnguyen318
    @tnguyen318 13 лет назад

    Why do mothers die during childbirth? Is it in the medicine and technology that can eliminate that problem??

  • @ThomasBHofSoCal
    @ThomasBHofSoCal 13 лет назад

    @WheelchairMania Well Put!