eat box need faster, solders team moving must more skill , 3 stars power very expensive so need to under the diameter of its to team , to verhicle , enemy factory… to maximize its worthy
built 4 terror drone in the beging, you can always deal with any infantry and any vehicle and grab crates. You opponent always catch you, you never built fast many tanks...
It was the best battle I've seen in a long time. Yellow player is pissed me off 😡
eat box need faster, solders team moving must more skill , 3 stars power very expensive so need to under the diameter of its to team , to verhicle , enemy factory… to maximize its worthy
Flak track FTW
built 4 terror drone in the beging, you can always deal with any infantry and any vehicle and grab crates. You opponent always catch you, you never built fast many tanks...
LOL they die easy vs infantry dude and everybody spam GI and bunkers, this map is not for tanks really
no music, no watching
Очень даже заебис