Virtue and Invincible Ignorance by Bishop Sanborn (Traditional Catholic Sermon)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Virtue and Invincible Ignorance by Bishop Sanborn (Traditional Catholic Sermon)

Комментарии • 71

  • @comethalley3185
    @comethalley3185 8 лет назад +6

    thank you for sharing this
    it really help me to understand the holy faith.

  • @christthekingd6240
    @christthekingd6240 Год назад

    Thank you for your wisdom and quest for the salvation of ours souls.

  • @Veritas21000
    @Veritas21000 7 лет назад +9

    Few go straight to Heaven from this life. This is why through God's mercy Purgatory exists. You must be in Christ's Church the Holy Roman Catholic Church in order to be in Christ. You can know of Christ from false teachers and religions but you will still be lost if you reject his Church.

  • @TheNarrowGate101
    @TheNarrowGate101 Год назад

    Clearly spoken. Thank you Bishop Sanborn .

  • @psychedelicpython
    @psychedelicpython 9 лет назад +2

    This is kind of cool. I found The Restoration Radio Network on my iPad in Podcasts. I'm listening to Bishop Sanborn right now. .

    • @tallonconwell8255
      @tallonconwell8255 8 лет назад

      what else did you find along these lines? just getting into it myself

  • @dandavis5718
    @dandavis5718 10 лет назад +17

    Good sermon. Heavy sigh, though. Miley Cyrus, "Wrecking Ball": 590 MILLION views. This sermon: 70 views. Pathetic statement about where we are as a world.

    • @tallonconwell8255
      @tallonconwell8255 8 лет назад +1

      dont be so pessimistic. we have to destroy before we create

  • @10WiseVirgins
    @10WiseVirgins 10 лет назад +3

    Absolutely GENIUS!
    thank you very much!

  • @endtimescrucialinfo
    @endtimescrucialinfo 2 года назад +2

    Pope Pius IX, Syllabus of Modern Errors, Dec. 8, 1846 - Prop. 16: "Man may, in the observance of any religion whatever, find the way of eternal salvation, and arrive at eternal salvation." - Condemned.
    I don't think when Pope Pius IX spoke about invincible ignorance, he meant that man may find eternal salvation in the observance of any religion whatever. When people assert that he did, they literally assert that Pope Pius IX condemned himself.

    • @ingridlinbohm7682
      @ingridlinbohm7682 Год назад

      The syllabus of errors is condemning the error that "Man may, in the observance of any religion whatever, find the way of eternal salvation and arrive at eternal salvation." This was a condemnation of the error that we can be indifferent to finding the true religion.

  • @paullasmith4975
    @paullasmith4975 2 года назад +3

    A Little boy made a business card with his scissors and crayons. "I don't want to learn about Catechism" he told his mother. "Do you want to remain stupid" asked the mom? "Yes" answered the boy. "I made a 'get into heaven free' card. Here mom, look, I'll just hand this to St Peter when I get to heaven"---The card read “I’m an invincible ignoramus”.

  • @gracianomendoza8671
    @gracianomendoza8671 5 лет назад

    Give me a good reason why I have to listen to you sir. You feel you know more than God. Respect the church, respect God.

    • @robert112uk
      @robert112uk 5 лет назад +5

      You should listen because he speaks the age old Catholic unadulterated Truth. Those who love the Truth know he speaks the Truth. If you refuse to listen it is because you prefer modernism and are a modernist. Modernism leads people to Hell.

    • @gracianomendoza8671
      @gracianomendoza8671 5 лет назад

      @@robert112ukNo I won't coz he although claims to be a bishop is not in the authority. That means you question the guidance of Jesus and The Holy Spirit of Peter's successor. He defiles the promise given to the pope and that is damaging. You call that heretical and it will cause a schism.

    • @gracianomendoza8671
      @gracianomendoza8671 5 лет назад

      @@robert112uk he should peaceable confer with Pope Francis to learn the wisdom of such changes and not go around the social media disrespecting the pope, Vatican II and its instigators. Whereby causing division in the church. That they may be one brother, Jesus' prayer remember

    • @holyfacemission4465
      @holyfacemission4465 3 года назад +3

      At least you are able to accuse him of secret faults without having even met him. You are the one pretending to be God.
      He is adhering to the teachings of the Catholic faith. Refusing to be dragged into heresy is not a failing, but a good. Maybe you should turn your insight into the hearts of others towards the heretics in the Vatican and the diocese who have abandoned Catholicism.

    • @gracianomendoza8671
      @gracianomendoza8671 3 года назад

      @@holyfacemission4465 I will just pray all of you. All of us that somehow after all of these God will surely tell us all what we have done wrong. I just abhor the misuse of social media which will affect the whole adversely than the use of the prescribed manner found in Matthew 18, thar of correcting faults. God have pity on our souls.

  • @maryloudascoli
    @maryloudascoli 6 лет назад +1

    "Spiritual Electric Chair"

  • @tallonconwell8255
    @tallonconwell8255 8 лет назад

    no new uploads?

  • @Catholic710
    @Catholic710 9 лет назад +5

    This man has stated Jews and pagans can be saved.
    Consequently, the ignorant are formally part of the Church, while being materially separated.
    The notion of a formally united Church seeking material unity is the Sanborn= Vatican II ecclesiology. He condemns what he embraces, stay away.

    • @Catholic710
      @Catholic710 8 лет назад +1

      St Augustine, St. Prosper, St. Jerome, St Gregory the Great, St Francis Xavier....... the men these days speaking as if they were Catholic are nothing but Pelagian spirits speaking through them.
      To assert that throughout the ages God’s will concerning the salvation of the human race and its call to the knowledge of the truth is universal and equal for all, in the sense that it never passed over any individual, is to trespass on the unfathomable depths of God’s judgements.

    • @seank2397
      @seank2397 7 лет назад +4

      That is true, Sanborn has expressed that Christ rejecting Jews can be saved. Sanborn is not a Catholic!

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 6 лет назад +3

      Catholic710 You guys corrupt a holy Priest of God's words. the church has always taught baptism of Desire, and blood. And yes invincible ignorance is another thing that the church has taught, and can't be refuted. Do legitimate research on the history of what the church has actually taught and believes.

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 5 лет назад

      Eli Rivera you believe the Bible is infallible correct? You are simply confused because of the Feenites that have been whispering into your ear, I know cuz when I first discovered the traditional faith that's where I arrived. You cannot be saved without a baptism, which is why there is baptism of blood and baptism of Desire, which are legitimate things the church teaches. I assume you do believe in the infallibility of Holy Scripture, so when Jesus says to the "good thief" on the cross next to him, "today you will be with me in Paradise". So this man is a canonized Saint of the Catholic Church, his name is Saint Dismas, canonization of a saint is infallible. And we have words from Jesus himself that this man is in heaven, straight from God's holy word the Bible. Saint dismas was not baptized through Water by Jesus, nor did he die a martyr for the faith which is baptism of blood, but he died as a thief being punished, this man had baptism of desire which is what the church teaches, and Jesus tells us.
      Another point of view would be that no person can be canonized if they are a heretical, schismatic, or an apostate. So there are many canonized saints who believed in baptism of blood and baptism of Desire, if the church did not believe in baptism of blood and baptism of desire as well, these saints would be heretics, and never would have been infallibly canonized. Because the devil's advocate, would have found that dirt on them, and they never would have been canonized.
      Church Doctor St. Robert Bellarmine - in accordance with St. Thomas’s definition of the same - as follows:
      Perfect conversion and penitence is rightly called baptism of desire, and in necessity at least, it supplies for the baptism of water. It is to be noted that any conversion whatsoever cannot be called baptism of desire; but only perfect conversion, which includes true contrition and charity, and at the same time a desire or vowed intention of baptism (De Sacramento Baptismi, Liber I cap. VI).
      St. Alphonsus Ligouri defines the baptism of blood (sanguinis) as:
      The baptism of blood is the shedding of blood, or death suffered for the faith or for some other Christian virtue... this baptism... remits the fault and the punishment due sin (Theologia Moralis, Tomus III, Tract II, author’s translation).
      And many many other saints taught this.
      Popes cannot error on matters of faith and morals, infallibly taught by the "only" Vatican Council.
      Pope Innocent III, the first pope to define the dogma of Salvation as only in the Church, also taught that desire for baptism supplies for the effects of baptism, in the case that water baptism cannot be received - due to impossibility, not neglect or contempt (cf. Augustine, On Baptism, Bk. IV, Ch. 22). Hence in his decree about a Jew who, in danger of death, attempted to baptize himself, since those around his death bed refused to baptize him, he decrees:
      We respond that, since there should be a distinction between the one baptizing and the one baptized, as is clearly gathered from the words of the Lord, when He says to the Apostles: "Go, baptize all nations in the name etc.," the Jew mentioned must be baptized again by another, that it may be shown that he who is baptized is one person, and he who baptizes another ... If, however, such a one had died immediately, he would have rushed to his heavenly home without delay because of the faith of the sacrament, although not because of the sacrament of faith (Dz. 413, emphasis added).
      Pope Innocent II taught the same with regard to a priest, when after his death it was found that he had not been baptized. He writes:
      Read (brother) in the eighth book of Augustine’s City of God where, among other things it is written, "Baptism is ministered invisibly to one whom not contempt of religion but death excludes." Read again the book also of the blessed Ambrose concerning the death of Valentinian where he says the same thing. Therefore, to questions concerning the dead, you should hold the opinions of the learned Fathers, and in your church you should join in prayers and you should have sacrifices offered to God for the priest mentioned(Innocent II, Letter Apostolicam Sedem, Dz. 388, emphasis added).
      Plus you have the Baltimore catechism which was sanctioned by the Pope, and teaches on the legitimacy of baptism of desire, and baptism of blood. Plus if you listen to a great video, by (Bishop Dolan on baptism of blood and baptism of Desire), he mentions some other Saints who are canonized in the church, and were even in parts of the liturgy. he makes a lot of other really great points as well, it's like a 10 minute video I highly recommend it.

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 5 лет назад +3

      Eli Rivera Pope Pius IX in his dogmatic letter of 1863:
      Quanto Conficiamur Moerore, 1863: “There are, of course, those who are struggling with invincible ignorance about our most holy religion. Sincerely observing the natural law and its precepts inscribed by God on all hearts and ready to obey God, they live honest lives and are able to attain eternal life by the efficacious virtue of divine light and grace. Because God knows, searches and clearly understands the minds, hearts, thoughts, and nature of all, his supreme kindness and clemency do not permit anyone at all who is not guilty of deliberate sin to suffer eternal punishments.”
      Singulari Quadam, December 9, 1854: "For, it must be held by faith that outside the Apostolic Roman Church, no one can be saved; that this is the only ark of salvation; that he who shall not have entered therein will perish in the flood; but, on the other hand, it is necessary to hold for certain that they who labor in ignorance of the true religion, if this ignorance is invincible, are not stained by any guilt in this matter in the eyes of God."
      Council of Trent (16th century): Decree on Justification, Session VI, Chapter 4: "And this translation, since the promulgation of the Gospel, cannot be effected, without the laver of regeneration, or the desire thereof, as it is written; unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."
      Session VII, Concerning the Sacraments in General, Canon 4 (Denz 847): "If anyone shall say that the sacraments of the New Law are not necessary for salvation, but are superfluous, and that, although all are not necessary for every individual, without them or without the desire of them, through faith alone men obtain from God the grace of justification; let him be anathema."
      Catechism of the Council of Trent (16th century): The Sacraments, Baptism: "...should any unforeseen accident make it impossible for adults to be washed in the salutary waters, their intention and determination to receive Baptism and their repentance for past sins, will avail them to grace and righteousness."
      Canon Law (1917): Canon 737: “Baptism, the door and foundation of the Sacraments, in fact or at least in desire necessary unto salvation for all, is not validly conferred except through the ablution of true and natural water with the prescribed form of words.”
      Canon 1239: “Those who have died without baptism are not to be given ecclesiastical burial. Catechumens who die without baptism through no fault of their own are to be counted among the baptized.”
      God Bless

  • @10WiseVirgins
    @10WiseVirgins 10 лет назад +1

    doesn't canon law say in 10 days there should be election of the pope once declared Sede Vacante?

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 6 лет назад +1

      5WiseVirgins it would not surprise me if it does. But when the fox runs the hen house, there isn't any reasoning to be had.

  • @psychedelicpython
    @psychedelicpython 9 лет назад +4

    What does he mean that faith can happen outside the Catholic Church? There is no salvation outside of the Catholic faith, ignorant or not.

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 6 лет назад +2

      Isabella A Rossellini When he says outside the Church he means not yet baptized in water. listen to baptism of water and desire by Bishop Dolan. He goes over how the church has always taught this, we have saints who were never baptized in water because they were martyred before they could be. and this would have been very common in the early church when Christians were killed left and right, and also today in more persecuted countries than our own. it's irrefutable once you to listen to his talk, the Church has always taught it, and believed it. what Bishop Sanborn is saying is that they haven't visually made an entrance into the church but have spiritually, if not then Millions and millions of martyrs Souls would be lost.

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 5 лет назад +3

      Nathan Wilson
      One is not a Christian if one hasn't been baptized, but those who die with baptism of blood or desire can be saved and have been baptized. Saint Emerentiana foster sister to St Agnes, was stoned to death before she was able to be baptized with water, her feast day is in January, she had baptism of blood through her martyrdom. There are several canonized saints in the book of martyrology of the church, the book of saints. The Lord Jesus said If any man lay down his life for me he should find it. How many people have died for the faith before they could be baptized in water, oftentimes dying from very gruesome, and painful torture. St Emerentiana was killed by a mob of pagans while she was praying at Saint Agnes's tomb a week after she had died.
      Peace be with you
      baptism of blood and desire Bp Dolan-видео.html

    • @nathanbyrnes2189
      @nathanbyrnes2189 5 лет назад

      Nathan Wilson your welcome

    • @catarinegould9780
      @catarinegould9780 3 года назад

      You can read visions of pulgatory by Ann Catarine Emmerich
      or Maria of the Cross
      saying that there are some protestants in this place ( so then they go to heven ) but their pulgatory is much more painful because they don't get any help from the Catholic church

    • @giseleademers
      @giseleademers 3 года назад +1

      What do catechists do? They study the faith...they are not yet baptised... they are not yet members of the Church physically... only members of the soul of the Church....until they are baptised.... as for the salvation outside of the Catholic Church you are correct... however, God in his mercy and righteousness will not condemn someone who, through no fault of his own is invincibly ignorant of the faith... and has no way of learning it... As long as the person lives his life in accordance with divine and natural law.

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 8 месяцев назад

    INVINCIBLE ????????????????????

  • @martinfrancis6807
    @martinfrancis6807 5 лет назад +4

    Sanborn is a heretic who says that pagans can be saved.
    Athanasian Creed "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic faith;
    Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt, he shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance..."
    This dogmatic creed defines that one must hold the Catholic Faith to be saved which has the dogmas of the Trinity and the Incarnation at the forefront. Sanborn does not believe this! He says that people can go to heaven without believing in the Trinity and the Incarnation and the other essential dogmas! That makes him a heretic and thus not a Catholic!

    • @giseleademers
      @giseleademers 3 года назад +1

      Can you please give me some quotes and references to what you are affirming Martin Francis... I have never heard this coming from him... I listen to his teachings on a daily basis since 2013....

  • @harveyge1
    @harveyge1 9 лет назад +1

    The problem with this man is that he is not humble. You can tell it in his tone, harsh and confident. He is a warrior, not a warrior-servant. In the world you can be a warrior, but in religion you must be a warrior-servant or you are lost.

    • @delvecchia
      @delvecchia 7 лет назад +12

      Baloney. Criticize the delivery and ignore the message! You even stoop so low as to insinuate that he is a hypocrite, not a true Christian, and is destined for hell ("...or you are lost").
      There are saints and saints-to-be with all kinds of personalities and deliveries. Your comment is nothing but an ad hominem attack against Bp. Sanborn devoid of any substance. Pathetic.

    • @mrman2415
      @mrman2415 6 лет назад +8

      An excellent bishop explains things with clarity and you attack him because of your interpretation of what the tone of his voice indicates. Shameful.

    • @patschultz7436
      @patschultz7436 5 лет назад +2

      People who do not have an ear for Truth - absolutely despise a confident, logical message. Why do you think they killed Jesus Christ?

    • @giseleademers
      @giseleademers 3 года назад +1

      Who are you to judge?... He is firm in the faith....I don't sense any pride in his voice....He is a theologian... a defender of the apologetic... I have heard very few bishops who can explain the faith like he does....