My Misophonia Story

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • My story about living with Misophonia and my everyday struggles. Feel free to comment!!

Комментарии • 54

  • @davidmcneely7314
    @davidmcneely7314 11 лет назад +4

    I just discovered misophonia today and realized that this is what I have. There is an uncontrollable rage that comes with certain noises that family members make when eating/chewing gum. They say what your parents said "just get over it" or "you can control it." But I can't. I think only people with misophonia understand that it's not something that can be controlled. Thanks for the post.

  • @kittywatson1241
    @kittywatson1241 10 лет назад +8

    We need to make people understand this is real

  • @Kayjchdjchsj
    @Kayjchdjchsj 8 лет назад +3

    I felt like I was watching myself in this video... I can relate sooo much to all of this!!! Believe me, you're NOT alone with this. Thank you for being brave enough to put this video up and tell your story!!! Also try to ignore the rude/ dumb comments that I can see here, those people don't know the very real torture that is Misophonia...
    Stay strong, friend!!!

  • @inspire123lovex
    @inspire123lovex 10 лет назад +3

    it's crazy how many people are now coming out and realizing they have it--i always thought there was something very wrong with me. I'm glad to know we are not alone :)

  • @anniedavid3296
    @anniedavid3296 7 лет назад +2

    Thanks Emma! I absolutely feel you. Well said!

  • @louisercross
    @louisercross 10 лет назад +4

    Pen clicking, nail tapping, loud DIY and my stepmum in particular eating all drive me insane. So insane that I end up rubbing my face, frowning, and probably in most cases crying. I want a cure

  • @gaminglegendx1284
    @gaminglegendx1284 7 лет назад +1

    People need to understand this is a real thing. I have this, i cant spend time with my friends or family, it triggers you most with the ones you love the most.

  • @keithmpire
    @keithmpire 11 лет назад

    Hi Emma -- I just recently learned about misophonia, so I've been looking up information on youtube. I don't have it a severely as most people who suffer from it, but it's really comforting to know that this condition has a name, and that I'm not the only one. Thanks for posting your video, and good luck!

  • @llaurita2
    @llaurita2 2 года назад

    I’m 56 and it started for me when I was 9 or 10. Bad news is it doesn’t go away. My wife and kids understand and are supportive, which helps a lot. Besides putting in headphones, the one action I find that helps is to become engrossed in conversation. At restaurants, if I’m triggered, I ask my wife to start asking me questions about something - anything to get me engrossed. It’s a good distraction technique. I will say when the trigger person gets up and leaves, it’s the most wonderful feeling 😀. Hope you’re managing well.

  • @enchantedclan7990
    @enchantedclan7990 5 лет назад +1

    I’m almost positive I have this and it’s hard to get through thanks for sharing this

  • @Sunscorched
    @Sunscorched 9 лет назад

    I have it, too. My triggers are whispering, keys on a mechanical keyboard, white noise, pops on a cinema movie reel, and people breathing.
    There's also one noise from which I can't escape from, and that is the quiet click made right before and after I move the controller on my powered wheelchair. I've been almost a hermit since I got that chair, because that click makes my skin physically itch and crawl, and it's just absolutely horridhorridhorrid.
    There's been so many times where I've found myself mimicking the noises that are slowly wearing down my last nerve, and I've literally scratched my skin to the point of drawing blood sometimes.
    Miso is a ruddy nightmare, it really is.

  • @freyakirk1028
    @freyakirk1028 7 лет назад

    I am really pleased that my school understands my condition as if my classroom had a chalkboard I am excused, also I now don't go tap dancing classes as the feet, AAAGGGHHH!!!!!!!! Luv this vid ❤

  • @stevis12
    @stevis12 10 лет назад

    Hi Emma - I can relate to so many of the things you said. I HATE long car rides as well, they're awful. I use the avoidance theory as well when I hear the trigger sounds and feel anxiety building up. I don't know if it helps in the long run, but for the time being it eases the anxiety I feel. I hope things get better for you over time.

  • @piuthar1
    @piuthar1 10 лет назад

    my sister told me last night about Misophonia, I honestly thought she was making fun. She has it too, as my mother and my daughter do too. I had no idea it existed. I have the side effects of bells's palsey, it has caused more sensitivity with sound, light and taste. When watching this, it really help lift me and knwo I am not so crazy. I do use ear plugs, I used to set my daughter to a table next to us when eating out, put pillows between me and my spouse when he was sleeping. I had no idea. This has been going on ever since I was a child with the irritating noises.

  • @bedmal1
    @bedmal1 9 лет назад

    Discovering misophonia is a recognised thing has literally transformed my life. I really thought I was just an awkward person, but have longed suffered with this. Keyboard typing, mouse clicking, flips-flops, crisp-packets, the sound when people scrape the bowl of a mcflurry, knife and forks to name just a few. These sounds send me into a rage, but not being a violent person I just beat myself up inside, with my toes strenuously trying to touch my ankles. It really is painful to put up with this and my family have always dissed me for this; it can even make me need to shake things off similar to the twitches I've noticed in tourettes suffers. Knowing other people have it too makes me feel a lot better. Where I seem to be slightly differently, is I don't even like the sounds when I do them, however they're are slightly more tolerable. I really believe it could be linked to OCD. Not in a socks must be aligned and in colour order, kind of way, but I'm an absolute perfectionist, a believer in good design and etiquette. It seems that all the sounds that bother me have more efficient ways of going about such tasks. For example if not all mice make a horrible clicking sound, why do people still use the ones that do. Not all shoes make a horrible flip-flop sound so why use them, crisp packets rustle yet eating them out of a bowl doesn't. Similarly there is no need to screech a fork across a plate, it is just lackadaisical behaviour.
    Misophonia clearly has different levels, but at its extremes it is really not a nice thing to have and I urge those who believe it to be made up to try and sympathise. Ignoring others pleas is incredibly damaging (only yesterday I found myself having to leave the room because a family member refused to eat his crisps from a bowl rather than the packet- not only did I miss out on the occasion, I had to go on a long walk to calm myself - over something so small). Imagine misophonia also means not even being able to go in a restaurant, before first ensuring the music is loud enough and in my case, even checking that the knife and forks don't look like the type to make excessive noise. Not many people would even have had that cross their minds in life.

    • @vageryvegan5558
      @vageryvegan5558 6 лет назад

      Growing up my little sister would scrap her fork on her front teeth when pulling it out and clink her spoon on her lower going in. Every. Fucking. Time. My older sister jaw got fucked because of braces which left her with a jaw that clicks when she chews. Everyone got use to it but me. My mum would make groning, moaning sounds while eating anything and what sounds to me like juicy gulping sounds when she drank anything. My dad would eat thoes tiny portion packet chips, a million a dad and was a loud cruncher, oh and peanuts, I couldn't be near peanuts until about 25yrs of age lol. It all grossed me out.
      I'm going through the worst of it now after 15yrs of dealing with it and not knowing, along with a head ache 24/7 to match. Everything can affect me. Smoking cannabis is the only helping with triggers.

  • @nathalei224
    @nathalei224 10 лет назад +1

    thanks for sharing your story!

  • @j.j.733
    @j.j.733 8 лет назад

    I am sorry you have to live with this also, I remember mine from a younger age and my "triggers" seem to be quite a bit of yours.. it's not easy to be in public.. not many people will respect the illness simply because they either think you're just being bossy or over dramatic or something or they simply don't believe you.. or you're just crazy lol . The best thing is to have people who understand and a support group that you can hang with.. people that are compassionate and understanding will most likely listen and be considerate around you.. makes life much easier. For me, I control my environment.. but currently living in a apartment and hearing the guy next door be too loud with his voice or play music and the tv .. hearing it muffled through the walls drives me nuts lol.. For me, the misophonia builds up a rage and a reaction that actually causes pain and hatred all in one. Just keep strong and know you're not alone.

    • @infiniteeprospecting2749
      @infiniteeprospecting2749 5 лет назад

      Jj Har oh ya distorted music or tv threw a wall is the absolute worst and base added is ultimate

  • @witchofthewildwood1111
    @witchofthewildwood1111 10 лет назад +2

    I hate my misophonia especially at lunch time at school everybody chews insanely annoyingly and it makes me want to claw and rip my ears off. one time I was sitting at the dinner table and my sister was chewing and it started to be the only thing I could hear. I left my place ran upstairs and cried and dragged my nails down my face..........for me its mainly sounds people make with their face such as smacking, chewing, crunching, sniffling, and one sound that I can't describe but I had thought about going to her house with wire cutters and clipping out her expander.....

    • @sarahloveheuges7241
      @sarahloveheuges7241 9 лет назад

      I have to wear earplugs at school everyday and it is humiliating

  • @smarklecalumxx1414
    @smarklecalumxx1414 9 лет назад +1

    Smacking lips, most chewing noises and slurping make me extremely angry or start crying in rage. It's really hard at school, my friend smacks her lips together everytime she eats and it makes me angry just thinking about it.

  • @zeusbark
    @zeusbark 11 лет назад

    I've had it since I'm 6, just let him be and don't bug him about it... just makes it worse

  • @kayleejoy1063
    @kayleejoy1063 7 лет назад

    my main problems are BREATHING, eating, small whispers, bags crumpling, people singing really quiet, seing people in the corner of my eye when there eating.

  • @infiniteeprospecting2749
    @infiniteeprospecting2749 5 лет назад

    Your not alone !

  • @quietxny4341
    @quietxny4341 9 лет назад +2

    mines trigger most when people smack gum and crunch food and slurp once my sister was smacking so loud I freaking flipped out

  • @liatber6771
    @liatber6771 11 лет назад

    I'm misophonic too. I liked your video. Earplugs totally are life savior, but I tried once put only one during class because on one of my sides sat heavy breather, but it bothered me hearing the teacher so I can't understand how are you dealing with two earplugs. I put ear warmer usually and it muffles the little noises, and it's good though it can't help chewing gum, for example. I hoped that your parents understood. I didn't tell mine yet that it is a disorder.

  • @thehealingzone8869
    @thehealingzone8869 6 лет назад

    I’m really sorry you are going through this I also have a really hard time with this as well. I’m hearing supplement might help like fish oil.

  • @hannah_est
    @hannah_est 7 лет назад

    I also have Misophonia. It sucks

  • @geot4647
    @geot4647 9 лет назад +3

    The humming in the background of this video is annoying to me.

  • @gladystaylor9895
    @gladystaylor9895 7 лет назад

    I can totally relate to this :-(

  • @sarahloveheuges7241
    @sarahloveheuges7241 9 лет назад

    I'm only 10 years old and I have misophonia. I am going to post a video on my channel. I hope that people like me with misophonia know that they are not alone

    • @sarahloveheuges7241
      @sarahloveheuges7241 9 лет назад

      People blame it on me that it is my problem. I didn't choose to have this.

    • @milicamarkovic4807
      @milicamarkovic4807 8 лет назад

      NO ONE CAN HELP ME :'(

  • @leahjxnew
    @leahjxnew 10 лет назад

    okay i dont think i have this but this happens so much when my brother eats or makes stupid repeating sounds and its even worse when my boyfriend does this also and when he taps on things repeatedly or murmers words repeatedly...and his SNORING IS THE WORST urrghh i really dont think i have this but why do i get annoyed at these things i go mad at them

  • @gamingsplatcrew6845
    @gamingsplatcrew6845 9 лет назад +1

    Im same as alejandra
    Help me 😭

  • @dmjsmith100
    @dmjsmith100 11 лет назад

    My son nathan has it hes 12 its food that triggers him off .wete not sure what to do to help him .

  • @JeebsTheBlackGod
    @JeebsTheBlackGod 10 лет назад

    Go to it's this man named Tom dozier and he has a way that is supposedly helping people with misophonia. I haven't tried it yet but as soon as possible I'm setting up a meeting with him through Skype. I would recommend checking it out because it cant hurt.

  • @maymorgan7483
    @maymorgan7483 9 лет назад

    the weirdest trigger i have is the word shhh

  • @ActionMediaProductions
    @ActionMediaProductions 9 лет назад +3

    Hi, I watched your video and have lived with this for over 40 years...I'm a filmmaker and I'm interested in making a film about Misophonia...would you be interested in talking or emailing? I'm pretty sure you can message me from going to my channel. thanks. Jeff

    • @anniedavid3296
      @anniedavid3296 7 лет назад

      Interested as well! I could be a classic example.

    • @emmyleigh96
      @emmyleigh96  6 лет назад

      I posted this video a several years ago and never looked at the comments because I didn’t wan to see them. I am now, several years later, looking at all of them. If you ever need info or help or anything, just let me know. I know this is 3 years later 😂 but just wanted to reach out and let you know that I just never read the comments..

  • @squidseas8724
    @squidseas8724 9 лет назад

    Snoring triggers me