we FINALLY watched GREMLINS (1984) | Movie Reaction *First Time Watching*

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 215

  • @RennyBQUEEN
    @RennyBQUEEN Год назад +15

    Context to the WWII comment. Gremlins was the generic reason pilots would give for issues with their plains when stuff would just stop working or fuck up until the problem was diagnosed and fixed. Kind of a sarcasm thing

  • @wampa25
    @wampa25 Год назад +91

    Gremlins 2 is a wild ride. It's both a sequel and a spoof of the first film.
    And no, it is not a Christmas movie. Feel free to watch it any time.

  • @WayneQuashie-qe7xd
    @WayneQuashie-qe7xd Год назад +5

    Three basic rules for taking care of a mogwai:
    1- No bright light- blinds it, kills it.
    2- No getting it wet, it'll multiply.
    3- No feeding it after midnight!!!!!

  • @toodlescae
    @toodlescae Год назад +70

    Parents had been complaining about the content in PG movies for years but Indiana Jones & Temple Of Doom (May 8) and Gremlins (June 8) caused a major uproar in '84. By August 10, 1984 PG13 had been created and Red Dawn was the first PG13 movie in theaters.

    • @johnfredericks4376
      @johnfredericks4376 Год назад +8

      I remember that time period. I saw this in the movies when I was a kid. I couldn't understand why my mom was so upset after the movie. My nephew and I were excited afterwards. Talked about it all the way home. My mom was quiet and clearly pissed. Looking now as an adult, I understand.

    • @DeRockMedia
      @DeRockMedia Год назад +1

      i hope they see this, i throw this little fact out there sometimes

    • @John_Locke_108
      @John_Locke_108 Год назад +1

      I remembered seeing Red Dawn in the theater. I was afraid we were going to kicked out because I was 7 and my sister, who took me, was 11.

    • @candicelynnH
      @candicelynnH 8 месяцев назад +1

      As a parent now it does crack me up how parental guidance was never clear enough for parents of the past. Parents watch it first before you decide if it's suitable for your child 🤣

    • @beanstheclown
      @beanstheclown 4 месяца назад +1

      That was back when you could still catch nudity in a PG film on occasion. Parental Guidance was supposed to mean don't let your kids watch it unless you've watched it first and feel your kids are good for it, but even back then you had the irresponsible parents that wanted to blame anyone but themselves...

  • @d4mdcykey
    @d4mdcykey Год назад +65

    Bridgette's intense affection for Gizmo was both adorable and hilarious.

    • @elijahbaker781
      @elijahbaker781 Год назад +1

      I mean gizmo is so cute so can you blame her?

    • @RandyReviews1990
      @RandyReviews1990 8 месяцев назад

      @@elijahbaker781 right she really broken down!

  • @chrispruett81
    @chrispruett81 Год назад +9

    "WTF Is a Zenith?" lol.. When he said "I told you we should have gotten a Zenith" He was talking about a Brand of TV :)

    • @RandyReviews1990
      @RandyReviews1990 8 месяцев назад

      they were a brand of tv back in the day!

  • @KumaTorey
    @KumaTorey 9 месяцев назад +3

    random little context: what the drunk dude was saying about "gremlins in the war". In WWII it became slang to refer mechanical malfunctions with planes as being done by gremlins, this might have originated by pilots when in the air and all could maybe see blurriness and imagine it's small creatures digging into a plane.

  • @Chrysalis-uu5ec
    @Chrysalis-uu5ec 11 месяцев назад +2

    "What's a Zenith" *cries in 70s/80s child who had a Zenith* Back when things were built to last, we had a Zenith that lasted close to 30 years including being shipped from our home in PR to the states & then 6 subsequent homes. And by shipped I mean in a container on a boat 😂 this is one of my favorite movies.

  • @Subjectivity13
    @Subjectivity13 Год назад +10

    Gremlins 2 is what happens when the director of the first movie says, “I don’t want to make a sequel. It shouldn’t have a sequel.” then the studio pressures him into it and offers an unlimited budget, until he finally says, “Fine. You asked for this.” American pilots in WW2 blamed the malfunctions of their planes on “gremlins” which were supposed to be little monsters the Japanese used to sabotage them. That’s what the neighbor was talking about. I’m not sure how serious the pilots were about this explanation, but I know soldiers get some weird superstitions during war.

    • @My-Name-Isnt-Important
      @My-Name-Isnt-Important Год назад

      Gremlins are from the European theater of WWII. RAF pilots claimed Luftwaffe aircraft had issues due to Gremlins, which these claims were used as a morale boosting myth. American pilots also used this myth to blame malfunctions of their own aircraft on Gremlins. There are even a few "Looney Toons" cartoons making reference to Gremlins, with Bugs Bunny combating a Gremlin destroying the plane he is on.

  • @scoobysnacks
    @scoobysnacks Год назад +4

    A gremlin was a fictional creature that always caused mischief, especially with aircraft. Whenever there was a malfunction it was blamed on gremlins in the machinery. Gremlins were notoriously causing airplanes to malfunction during the war. There was also a TV show called the Twilight Zone which had an episode of a gremlin trying to make an airplane crash. So that's where they got the name for these creatures in the movie. Zenith was a very popular brand back then. They manufactured tvs and other electronics, like Panasonic, which was one of their competitors.

  • @Tiredartist9552
    @Tiredartist9552 Год назад +3

    If you’re this confused on what’s happening boy you are going to have a trip watching Gremlins 2, it only gets more chaotic from here
    I’ll never not love these chaotic creatures!

  • @babygoblingamer
    @babygoblingamer 5 месяцев назад +1

    if you thought the first one was crazy the second one is even more chaotic and yes there are stuffed animals of gizmo and stripe

  • @thedrewsephYT
    @thedrewsephYT 10 месяцев назад +1

    As someone who grew up playing Gremlins on the NES, you need to watch Gremlins 2!!! It’s a blast watching your reactions. You both are super hilarious.

  • @michaelschwartz8730
    @michaelschwartz8730 Год назад +1

    Morgan Freeman voice: It turned out the gummies worked quite well

  • @DeRockMedia
    @DeRockMedia Год назад +23

    GREMLINS 2 IS A MUST NOW!! my favorite movie i can put on repeat and still find new things each viewing!

    • @leftofpunk
      @leftofpunk Год назад +3

      Absolute fever dream of a movie. It's damn near perfect

  • @kimbervoss3753
    @kimbervoss3753 Год назад +19

    The fact that many Gen X people watched movies like this at an early age, might explain some things about our sense of humor and other things..lol one of my favorites xo

    • @DeRockMedia
      @DeRockMedia Год назад +3

      this and also Red & Stimpy, my gross sense of humor is based on that show i feel

    • @RennyBQUEEN
      @RennyBQUEEN Год назад +1

      The 90s too. I watched this before I was 4 😂 same for the first 3 nightmare on elm street, all of the good Jason’s, and phantasm.

  • @mscolli3
    @mscolli3 Год назад +2

    Zenith was a brand of TV.

  • @Arthezius
    @Arthezius Год назад +16

    "It's PG, don't think they'll go that hardcore". Being a kid in the 80's, everything was hardcore.

  • @peterkoester7358
    @peterkoester7358 Год назад +1

    "This should be PG-13."
    It was because of this movie and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (both released in 1984) that the PG-13 rating exists!

  • @sebastianandres8781
    @sebastianandres8781 Год назад +15

    Please react to the sequel :
    *Gremlins 2: The New Batch* (1990)
    Also i reocmmend you react to :
    ★ *The 'Burbs* (1989) /starring *Tom Hanks* , *Corey Feldman* & *Carrie Fisher*
    ★ *Small Soldiers* (1998) /starring *Kirsten Dunst* & *Tommy Lee Jones* (voice)
    Both movies Directed by *Joe Dante* (Gremlins Saga)

    • @Griebss
      @Griebss Год назад +3

      Small soldiers for sure!

  • @johnfredericks4376
    @johnfredericks4376 Год назад +9

    "What the f*** is a Zenith?"..... At that moment i realized how old i actually am. Like when people ask why the national anthem and TV going station going to static at the beginning of the movie Poltergeist.

  • @fointnikfraudulant
    @fointnikfraudulant Год назад +10

    28:26 that’s hilarious that you said that. This was one of the movies that lead to the creation of the “pg-13” rating.

    • @DavidB-2268
      @DavidB-2268 Год назад +2

      The other being Temple of Doom.

  • @thiagothi4480
    @thiagothi4480 Год назад +1

    You guys gota watch " shadow in the clouds", you will understand the thing about gremlins, planes and the war.

  • @andymccurdy5029
    @andymccurdy5029 11 месяцев назад +1

    mothers in the 80s were just build differently

  • @chynne33
    @chynne33 2 месяца назад

    This came out when I was 7. Some parts scared me back then (especially the one at the end with Stripe's jumpscare.) But I still loved it. I had a shirt that had a picture on the back of Gizmo in a backpack, so it looked like I was carrying him around. Also had the full set of these books with read-a-long records that Hardees gave out with their kids meals.

  • @DaddyDoom
    @DaddyDoom Год назад +1

    "We were born in the early 90s" lol
    I was starting college at that time...😂
    This is one of those perfect films that could have only been done in the 80s.

  • @WayneQuashie-qe7xd
    @WayneQuashie-qe7xd Год назад +1

    Chris Columbus directed the first 2 Home Alone movies, the first 2 Harry Potter movies, and 2010's Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief!!!!😁

  • @AndreMoore1978
    @AndreMoore1978 11 месяцев назад +1

    When that Gummy Short Term Memory Loss kicks in! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @senatorsheev6743
    @senatorsheev6743 Год назад +2

    Gremlins is only a primer for the masterpiece that is Gremlins 2: The New Batch.

  • @darreylhenderson702
    @darreylhenderson702 3 месяца назад

    30:44 what's funny is that the actor who plays Billy was told specifically not to break the candy sign because it was expensive, and he did it anyway. 😂

  • @teatime4eva
    @teatime4eva 6 месяцев назад +1

    When are y’all going to do Gremlins2??? It’s literally the best movie of all time

  • @RamblingRose08
    @RamblingRose08 Год назад +2

    Awesome! Looking forward to Gremlins 2.

  • @williamweber9390
    @williamweber9390 Год назад +2

    This movie was me of the main reasons pg13 was created. Also I see all the scream mask. Billy’s mom was also Dewey and tatums mom in scream.

  • @chrispipes5451
    @chrispipes5451 Год назад +9

    Howie Mandel was the voice of Gizmo! Y'all gotta watch Little Monsters with him and Fred Savage, if you haven't seen it. Imagine live action Monster's, Inc. with more peepeepoopoo jokes.

  • @Watcher3223
    @Watcher3223 5 месяцев назад +1

    PG-13 didn't exist when this movie was made ... and this movie, along with movies like "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and "Tank," were reasons why the PG-13 rating was created.
    There had to be something in between PG and R.

  • @Trucador15
    @Trucador15 9 месяцев назад

    Actually, Furby was a Gizmo imitation. This toy sold even more than Furby in the 80s and 90s.

  • @katwebbxo
    @katwebbxo Год назад +1

    I still remember watching this and the sequel as a small child for the first time. Always loved Gizmo. 💕

  • @williamweber9390
    @williamweber9390 Год назад +2

    And yes that’s mike from breaking bad

  • @StarShipGray
    @StarShipGray Год назад

    You can find Chris Columbus’s original screenplay online. GREMLINS was originally written as a hard R horror movie. They eat Billy’s mom, tear out his little friend’s throat and kill everyone in the town but Billy, his girlfriend and his dad. Gizmo is also evil and leader of the Gremlins in the original.

  • @holdencaulfield8429
    @holdencaulfield8429 10 месяцев назад +1

    Sooo... you want me to pay you to watch Gremlins? Your folks must be so proud.

    • @thomasn3882
      @thomasn3882 9 месяцев назад

      Are you new to RUclips?

  • @michaelschwartz8730
    @michaelschwartz8730 Год назад +11

    Mrs. Peltzer defending her kitchen is one of the best scenes in all of cinema, full stop

  • @zelgkopitar8799
    @zelgkopitar8799 Год назад +2

    Welcome to 80's PG movies, where death and murder are a common occurrence.

  • @DaddyDoom
    @DaddyDoom Год назад +1

    What people dont realize is that Billys mom was actually the great grandmother of Ripley from Alien.
    She a badass.

  • @MultiGreenG
    @MultiGreenG Год назад +1

    Gremlins part 2 is bat shit crazy. Definitely watch that one aswell.

  • @mscolli3
    @mscolli3 Год назад

    Yes, Deputy Brent was played by Jonathan Banks.

  • @bio-phobia3895
    @bio-phobia3895 13 дней назад

    This is my childhood Christmas movie, We watch it like a tradition and stripe is my favorite character, Originally this movie was gonna be R rated

  • @briannalillard439
    @briannalillard439 Год назад

    I always considered this as one of my classic movies to watch during the holidays. Loved watching up growing up.

  • @candicelynnH
    @candicelynnH 8 месяцев назад

    I'm so glad I found you guys! I'm just bingeing your content.

  • @youyeedyourlasthaw
    @youyeedyourlasthaw Год назад +1

    this was the first horror movie i watched and it terrified me at the time

  • @shadowdivided
    @shadowdivided Год назад

    Love the review, although you straight terminated me when you asked what is a Zenith.(t.v. brand came out in the 40s and lasted til early 2000s when they became LG) and now I feel ancient LOL!

  • @davida7153
    @davida7153 8 месяцев назад

    If you think "Gremlins" is nuts wait to see the sequel....pure madness

  • @to0muchtoan
    @to0muchtoan Год назад +6

    Bridgette's Gizmo reactions are the best!

  • @jimtatro6550
    @jimtatro6550 Год назад +6

    I worked at a theater as an usher when this came out, , I lost count of how many traumatized children came out, crying from either the violence they saw, or the Santa Claus is not real speech.😂

  • @claudetteq.4402
    @claudetteq.4402 Год назад +13

    Thanks for watching & reacting to Gremlins! Absolutely love it!❤ Merry Christmas!😊🎄🎅

  • @onikaze8445
    @onikaze8445 Год назад +11

    so, yeah. unexpected mechanical problems in the war were jokingly said to be caused by "gremlins" There are a few bugs bunny cartoons where he is fighting a gremlin trying to sabotage a plane.
    throw "bugs bunny gremlin cartoon" or the title, "Falling Hare" into RUclips search. the entire short is on here. Also this and Temple of Doom were the two PG movies that pushed the rating far enough to inspire the Ratings board to make the PG-13 rating.

  • @hippusmaximus9319
    @hippusmaximus9319 Год назад

    The PG-13 rating did not come into existence until July 1, 1984.
    "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" was released on May 23, 1984.
    "Gremlins" was released in June 8, 1984. (not Christmas!)
    PG-13 was created as a middle ground between the PG and R rating due to criticism of the darker themes of both films, both associated with Spielberg.

    • @ZavaXavier
      @ZavaXavier 11 месяцев назад

      Definitely disagree with your opinion it is a Christmas movie.

    • @thomasn3882
      @thomasn3882 9 месяцев назад

      @@ZavaXavier No, it isn't. Taking place on December 25th doesn't make it a Christmas movie.

  • @DaddyDoom
    @DaddyDoom Год назад

    Theres actually a band called Mogwai and its great.

  • @phycomel
    @phycomel Месяц назад

    The original furby came out after the movie, and people freaked out because they looked like them. I had 3

  • @CharmedPhoenix3
    @CharmedPhoenix3 Год назад +8

    One of my Christmas traditions is to watch this film! It's the perfect mix of nostalgia comedy and horror 😂😂😂.
    Great to watch with you guys! And a very merry Christmas to both of you and your family xxx

  • @sharonellis8776
    @sharonellis8776 Год назад

    Glad you enjoyed this classic. Now watch part 2 which is wilder and funnier. xx

  • @jackbatchelor3980
    @jackbatchelor3980 Год назад

    My mom thought Gremlins was family friendly, yeah safe to say it took a while to convince her to let me watch it again. (P.S can you watch the Iron Claw?)

  • @ZachParks21
    @ZachParks21 11 месяцев назад

    Some ideas:
    Road Trip
    American Pie(1,2,3, Band Camp, Reunion)
    National Lampoons Van Wilder
    My Boss's Daughter
    National Lampoons Going The Distance
    The Girl Next Door
    National Lampoons Barely Legal
    National Lampoons Dorm Daze
    Varsity Blues
    Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

  • @AlexSadof
    @AlexSadof Год назад +4

    You have no idea how well the animatronics worked on the public in 1984. This sh*t looked REAL to us. That kitchen scene was freaky as hell.

  • @lukebarton5075
    @lukebarton5075 Год назад +9

    Don’t wait as long to watch the sequel. It’s proper bonkers!

  • @elliebelliewatermellie155
    @elliebelliewatermellie155 Год назад

    I’m so excited!!

  • @thenativeexplores
    @thenativeexplores Год назад +4

    You guys can totally watch Gremlin's 2 anytime. This is and has been my Christmas movie since I was 5 haha. Oh the 80's, it was a different time. Glad we were born in the 90's buddum cha

  • @dannyrodriguez3614
    @dannyrodriguez3614 9 месяцев назад

    Walmart has gizmo plush

  • @IggyStardust1967
    @IggyStardust1967 Год назад +1

    Not even CLOSE to sorry... but the FUNNIEST line in this Reaction was....
    "Do you think they'll start KILLING people?!"
    "No.... it's PG."
    "I think this movie should be rated PG-13!"
    Guess what..... this movie, and the second Indiana Jones movie are the reasons why there **IS** a PG-13 rating!

  • @DougdeAmbrosia
    @DougdeAmbrosia 11 месяцев назад

    Hey my dears.yo7 two have so much style LOL❤

  • @seans.8803
    @seans.8803 4 месяца назад

    Remember the rules. Heat will make them evil. Salt will make them multiply. They are attracted to love, and hate Christmas. Holy water returns them to good, but a rainbow will make them more evil than the first time!

  • @brianyaniro4797
    @brianyaniro4797 27 дней назад

    Howie Mandel at his finest. Except for Bobby's World.

  • @bozjidar1720
    @bozjidar1720 Год назад

    Why hollywood , don't remake gremlins???

  • @brianyaniro4797
    @brianyaniro4797 Месяц назад

    Isn't feeding him at any point after midnight?

  • @denestasinalis
    @denestasinalis Год назад +4

    28:26 This movie is actually one that triggered the creation of the PG 13 rating. It didn't exist when this movie was made.

  • @rashadwalker8218
    @rashadwalker8218 Год назад +5

    The gremlin in the microwave was the most gruesome

  • @beanstheclown
    @beanstheclown 4 месяца назад

    When you all doin gremlins 2?

  • @alice-lp4gr
    @alice-lp4gr Год назад +1

    jizzmo LMAOAMO

  • @NorthernHandle
    @NorthernHandle 11 месяцев назад

    *comment that says you must watch the sequel.*

  • @CarterBaker-nm1dq
    @CarterBaker-nm1dq 7 месяцев назад +1

    people who watch this movie 👇

  • @Leylandbain
    @Leylandbain Год назад

    Hi could you ever do like a video on you playing fortnite if not its ok

  • @AndreMoore1978
    @AndreMoore1978 11 месяцев назад

    [PG-13] didn't exist yet. LOL!!

  • @TheOtterBear61
    @TheOtterBear61 Год назад +2

    I got to finish it! The first time it was taken down when I was about halfway through. The Gremlins theme song is so catchy. I love it. I used to have a plush Gizmo years ago.

  • @cupofcait
    @cupofcait Год назад +3

    They made a Gizmo Furby in the 90s! To this day I still want one 😂

  • @ashleyf423
    @ashleyf423 Год назад +3

    Great reaction. It was Bridgette's face for me. Gizmo cuteness overload 😂

  • @RandyReviews1990
    @RandyReviews1990 8 месяцев назад

    i was born in 1990 and have heard of these films but never saw them, i just never like creature films such as these!

  • @otisroseboro5613
    @otisroseboro5613 Год назад +2

    Merry Christmas ⛄ Everyone & Great Reaction To One Of My All Time Favorite Movie's

  • @whitecompany18
    @whitecompany18 Год назад +2

    Anybody notice this is just the 'back to the future ' set, the bank Billy works in is the cafe Marty meets his dad and you can see the clock tower, the cinema is the same one Marty crashed into at the end👍

  • @gagekuhn4307
    @gagekuhn4307 Год назад +1

    Merry Christmas y’all ! Keep up the amazing work!

  • @midianmtd
    @midianmtd Год назад +2

    I was 12 when this came out. I wanted the stuffed (Yes Bridgette, they used to have life sized plush Mogwai's back in the 80's) one but I only got a smaller plastic one. Like an action figure size.

  • @rashadwalker8218
    @rashadwalker8218 Год назад +1

    The lady flying up the steps was hilarious....the actress played on a tv show back in the late 70s called alice then got her own spinoff named Flo

  • @landonsims8758
    @landonsims8758 Год назад +2

    Y’all need to watch Gremlins 2!!! Like you should watch it before February

  • @JWFas
    @JWFas Год назад +1

    Fun little tidbit: The word mogwai is Cantonese for "monster" or "demon".

  • @richardkarram3122
    @richardkarram3122 Год назад +1

    Zenith was a brand of televisions Cody LOL

  • @Juliem00
    @Juliem00 Год назад +2

    Fun fact Howie Mandel voiced gizmo

  • @jamin7474
    @jamin7474 Год назад +1

    I always questioned rule 3...don't feed after midnight well when was the end of rule 3 supposed to be and gizmo could eat again...2am, 6am, after sunrise?

    • @ooO0VicariouS0Ooo
      @ooO0VicariouS0Ooo Год назад

      I'm 53, watched this movie maybe 20, 30 times or even more, and I never asked myself that question !!! (My only thought was: "midnight, ok, but where in the world?")

  • @buzzardbeatniks
    @buzzardbeatniks Год назад

    7:05 LOL, he absolutely was getting ready to poop on the floor!

  • @phantombrakeman4983
    @phantombrakeman4983 Год назад +1

    A Zenith was a brand of TV set. At 22: 48 you said you love this music. The Gremlin theme is first heard in the 1983 WB "Twilight Zone" movie, (which is free on RUclips) In story number 4 - "Terror at 20,000 Feet", a larger and different looking gremlin is on the wing of a passenger jet and is trying to crash it. Anytime there are gremlins on WB, you will hear the gremlin theme. In "Loony Toons Back in Action, Branden Fraser has to drive his old car and the gremlin music starts because it is an AMC Gremlin.

  • @arodz21
    @arodz21 Год назад +1

    Ok a few notes on your commentary. 1st. Zenith was a very popular television model back then. 2nd. There was no PG-13 rating when this film was released. Back in those days, you could actual have a boob shot and still be PG. 3rd. The word Gremlin has been around for almost a century. It was created in folklore as a mischievous creature to explain away technical problems with aircraft at the start of the 20th Century. It was really used during WW II to amusingly explain malfunctions with pilots.
    And if you decide to watch Gremlins 2: The New Batch, just know that it's a flat out comedy. There are really no horror elements at all in part 2. It's just batshit insane. For that, some people love and some people hate it.

  • @michaellee2652
    @michaellee2652 11 месяцев назад

    I am so happy that you folks recognize this as a Christmas movie!!

  • @linc131313
    @linc131313 Год назад +1

    Funny, you should mention Gizmo looking like a Ferby, since there was a lawsuit filed by WB, suing Hasbro over them looking so similar.